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1 Resources Crop By the end of the lesson the Explaining and Listening to Our lives chocolate Oral
and farming should be able to writing notes on explanation and today Bk 7 tins question
economic (Cocoa in 1.state at least three factors Black board copying notes Primary map of s
1 activities Ghana) influencing growth of cocoa
2. state three towns which
Asking of
studies pg 7
triangle in
make cocoa triangle in Ghana s
2 Resources Cloves in By the end of the lesson the Explaining of Listening to Our lives Cosmetic Oral
and Tanzania should be able to notes on the explanation today Bk 7 tins question
economic 1.state at least two factors board Answering Primary A map of s
activities influencing growth of cloves Asking of questions social Zanzibar
2. state at least 2 uses of questions studies pg pemba
cloves 6-8
3 Resources Pyrethrum By the end of the lesson the Explaining of Listening and Our lives A map Oral
and in Kenya should be able to notes copying of notes today bk 7 Tins of question
economic 1.sate two factors Asking of Answering of pg 65 insecticides s
activities influencing growth of questions questions S/studies bk
pyrethrum 7 by K.L.B
2. state aat least one use of
4 Resources Pastoral By the end of the lesson the Explanation of Listening and Our lives A map Oral
and farming should be able to notes copying of notes today bk 7 Pictures question
economic 1.define pastoral farming Writing notes on Answering of pg 67 s
activities 2. state two pastoral farming the b/b questions Primary
communities in Africa Asking of s/studies bk
questions 7
5 Resources Benefits By the end of the lesson the Explanation of Listening and Our lives Pictures Oral
and and should be able to state at summary notes copying of notes today bk 7 question
economic problems least 2 problems Writing notes on Answering of pg 69 s
activities experience experienced by pastoral the board questions Primary
d by farming Asking oral s/studies bk
pastoral questions 7
1 Resources Multi By the end of the lesson the Explanation of Listening and Our lives A map Oral
and purpose should be able to sate at summary notes copying of notes today bk 7 Pictures question
economic river least 4 river projects in in Writing notes on Answering of pg 71 s
2 activities projects Africa the board
Asking of
oral questions Primary
s/studies bk
questions 7 s
2 Resources The Aswan By the end of the lesson the Explanation of Listening of Our live A map Oral
and high dam should be able to summary notes explanation today bk 7 Pictures question
economic the rivers and the Writing notes on Answering of pg 71 s
activities country where Aswan high the board questions Primary Written
dam is found. Asking of oral s/studies question
2. state at least 3 reasons for questions bk7 s
establishment of Aswan
high dam
3 Resources The Volta By the end of the lesson the Explanation of Listening of Our lives Pictures Oral
and river should be able to state the summary notes explanation today bk 7 question
economic projects location of river projects Writing notes on Answering of pg 72 s
activities the board questions Primary
Asking of s/studies bk
questions 7
4 Resources River Tana By the end of the lesson the Explanation of Listening and Our live Pictures Oral
and projects should be able to state the summary notes answering of today bk 7 question
economic seven dams of R. Tana Asking of oral questions primary s
activities projects questions s/studies bk
5 Resources Kariba By the end of the lesson the Explanation of Listening and Our live Pictures Oral
and dam should be able to benefits of Kariba answering of today bk 7 question
economic 1. state at least 4 benefits of dam oral questions priamry s
activities Kariba dam Teacher states the s/studies bk
2. state the location of location of kariba 7
Kariba dam dam Africa
Asking of oral
1 Resources Forestry By the end of the lesson the Copying of Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
and pupil should be able to state summary notes in Listening of today s/s bk Pictures question
economic at least 2 areas with Africa explanation 7 primary s
3 activities forests(2) two types of
forests in Africa.
Explanation of
s/studies bk
2 Resources Contributio By the end of the lesson the Explanation of Listening to Our lives A map Oral/
and n of pupil should be able to state notes explanation today bk 7 Pictures written
economic forestry to at least 2 economic Asking of Answering to Primary question
activities the contribution of forests in questions questions s/studies bk s
economy Africa 7
3 Resources Mining By the end of the lesson the Writing of notes Listening to Our lives A map Oral
and (petroleum pupil should be able to state on b/b explanation today bk 7 Pictures question
economic in Nigeria) two uses of oil and two Explanation of Answering to Primary Oil tins s
activities contributions of oil to the notes questions , s/studies bk
economy of Nigeria Asking of copying of notes 7
4 Resources Copper in By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Oral
and Zambia pupil should be able to state on the b/b Listening of today bk 7 Copper question
economic one country which is the Explanation of notes Primary wires s/
activities chief producer of copper and notes Answering of s/studies by (relies) written
2 uses of it Asking of questions KLB
questions Pri s/studies
bk 7
5 Resources Gold in By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Oral
and south pupil should be able to stateon b/b Listening of today bkk7 Maps question
economic Africa 4 gold fields in S.Africa Explanation of explanation pg 85 pri s
activities State 2 uses of gold notes Answering of s/studies bk Written
Asking of questions 7 question
questions s
1 Resources Soda ash in By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
and Kenya pupils should be able to state Explanation on Listening of today bk 7 Pictures question
economic 2 uses of soda ash in Kenya notes explanation Primary s
4 activities Asking of
s/studies by
KLB bk 7
2 Resources Industrial By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Written
and developme pupils should be able to state Explanation on Listening of today bk 7 question
economic nt (rapid at least 3 reasons for rapid notes explanation Primary s
activities industrial industrial development in Asking of Answering s/studies by Oral
developme Kenya questions questions bk 7 question
nt in s
3 Resources Industrial By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Oral
and developme pupils should be able to state Explanation on Listening of today bk 7 pictures
economic nt in south at least 4 reasons of rapid notes explanation Primary
activities Africa growth of industries in Asking of Answering s/studies by
s.Africa questions questions KLB bk 7
Course book
By in signh
4 Resources Problems By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
and of rapid pupils should be able to state
Explanation on Listening of today bk 7 Pictures pictures
economic industraliza at least 3 problems of notes explanation Primary
activities tion industralization Asking of Answering s/studies by
questions questions KLB bk 7
5 Resources Fishing By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives pictures Oral
and pupils should be able to state Explanation on Listening of today bk 7 pictures
economic at least 3 main fishing notes explanation Primary
activities grounds in Africa Asking of Answering s/studies by
2. name at least 3 marine questions questions KLB bk 7
and 3 lake fish Pg 93
1 Resources Methods of By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Oral
5 and
fishing pupils should be able to state on B/B
at least two methods of Explanation of
Listening of
today bk 7
A map pictures

activities fishing notes Answering of s/studies

Asking of questions S/studies bk
questions 7 by KLB
2 Resources Contributio By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Oral
and n of fishing pupils should be able to state on B/B Listening of today bk 7 pictures
economic to the at least 2 contribution of Explanation of explanation Primary
activities economy fishing to the economy notes Answering of s/studies
Asking of questions
3 Resources Trade By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
and pupils should be able to state on B/B Listening of today bk 7 pictures
economic at least 33 economic co Explanation of explanation Primary
activities opera gbn in Africa notes Answering of s/studies
Asking of questions S/studies bk
questions 7
4 Resources Trade By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Written
and (exports pupils should be able to explanation of Listening of today bk 7 A map question
economic and define import and export notes explanation Primary s
activities imports) 2. state at least2 exports and s/studies
imports of each trading bloc S/studies bk
5 Resources Transport By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives pictures Oral
and and pupils should be able to state Explanation of Listening of today bk 7 pictures
economic communica at least 2 advantages of each notes asking of explanation Primary Written
activities tion transport questions Answering of s/studies question
- road 2.state at least 2 questions S/studies bk s
- railway disadvantages of each 7 by KLB
- pipeline transport means
- cable
- air
1 Resources Wildlife By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Oral
and and pupils should be able to state Explanation of Listening to today bk 7 A map pictures
economic tourism 4 tourism attractions in notes explanation Primary Written
6 activities Africa
2. state at least 3
Asking of
Answering of
S/studies bk
importances of tourism 7 by KLB
2 Resources Challenges By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Oral
and facing pupils should be able to state Explanationm of Listening to today bk 7 pictures
economic tourism at least 3 challenges facing notes explanation Primary Written
activities tourism Asking of Answering of s/studies question
questions questions S/studies bk s
7 by KLB
3 Resources Urbanizati By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Re-copying of Our lives A map Oral
and on (major pupils should be able to state Explanationm of notes listening of today bk 7 pictures
economic cities and at least 4 major cities /towns notes explanation Primary Written
activities towns in In Africa Asking of Answering s/studies question
Africa) questions questions Pg 123 s
S/studies bk
7 by KLB
4 Resources Challenges By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Oral
and to African pupils should be able to state Explanationm of in books today bk 7 question
economic economies at least 4 challenges to notes Listening Primary s
activities Africa economies s/studies
Pg 125
S/studies bk
7 by KLB
5 Resources Effects of By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Oral
and challenges pupils should be able to Explanationm of Listening to today bk 7 pictures
economic to African state at least 4 effects of notes explanation Primary Written
activities econonmie African economies Asking of Answering of s/studies question
s questions questions Pg 128 s
S/studies bk
7 by KLB
1 Political Traditional By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Picture Oral
developm forms of pupils should be able to state on b/b in books today bk 7 Maps question
ent and governmen at least 2 political and social Explanation of Listening of S/studies by s
8 system t (the
organization of Khoisan notes
Asking of
Answering of
KLB bk 7
questions questions s/studies Bk s
2 Political The By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Oral
developm kingdom of pupils should be able to state on b/b in books today bk 7 A map question
ent and old Ghana 2 factors that led to the rise Explanation of Listening of Pri s/studies s
system of old hana kingdom notes explanation bk 7
Asking of Answering of Atlas
questions questions
3 Political Scrable for By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Drama Oral
developm and pupils should be able to state on b/b Listening today bk 7 /pupils question
ent and partition of at least 3 reasons for scrable Explanation of Answering S/studies bk A map s
system Africa for and partition of Africa notes questions 7 by KLB Pictures
(reasons Asking of Atlas
for scrable) questions
4 Political Scrable for By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
developm and pupils should be able to state on b/b Listening of today bk 7 Pictures question
ent and partition of at least 5 countries and their Explanation of questions and pg 137 s
system Africa colonial masters notes answering Pri s/studies /written
(countries Asking of bk 7 question
and their questions Atlas s
5 Political African By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives Pictures Oral
developm response to pupils should be able to state on b/b Listening of today bk 7 A map question
ent and the scrable at least 2 ways Africans Explanation of explanation pg 139 s
system and responded to European rule notes Answering of Pri s/studies
partition Asking of questions bk 7
questions Atlas

1 Political Samouri By the end of the lesson theWriting of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
developm Toure’s pupils should be able to state
on B/B Listening of today bk 7 Atlas question
ent and resistace at least 3 reasons why Explanation of explanation pg 141 s
9 system against
Samoure Toure resisted
French rule
Asking of
Answering of
s/studies bk
questions 7
2 Political Collaborati By the end of the lesson the Writing of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map to Oral
developm on pupils should be able to state on B/B Listening of today bk 7 show question
ent and at least 4 collaborations in Explanation of explanation pg 141 Zambia s/
system Africa notes Answering of Primary written
Asking of questions s/studies bk question
questions 7 s
3 Political Colonial By the end of the lesson the Writing of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
developm administrat pupils should be able to on B/B Listening of today bk 7 question
ent and ion in name the leader of Belgium Asking of explanation pg 144 s
system Africa in Congo questions Answering of Primary
2. narrate a simple story of questions s/studies bk
Belgium administration 7
4 Political The French By the end of the lesson the Writing of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
developm colonial pupils should be able to state on B/B Listening of today bk 7 question
ent and administrat at least 5 countries I Africa Explanation of explanation pg 145 - 146 s
system ion which were colonized by notes Answering of Primary
(French in French questions s/studies bk
west 7
5 Political The By the end of the lesson the Writing of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
developm Portuguese pupils should be able to state on B/B Listening of today bk 7 question
ent and in 2 countries colonized by Explanation of explanation pg 147 - 148 s/
system Mozambiq Portuguese in Africa and the notes Answering of Primary written
ue methods they applied. Asking of questions s/studies bk question
questions 7 s
1 Political Effects of By the end of the lesson the Writing of notes Copying of notes Our lives Atlas Oral
developm colonial pupils should be able to state on B/B Listening of today bk 7 A map question
1 ent and rule at least 2 effects of colonial Explanation of explanation pg 149 s/
system rule in Africa both positive notes Answering of Primary written
0 and negative Asking of questions s/studies bk question
questions 7 s

2 Political Struggle By the end of the lesson the Writing of notes Re- copying of Our lives A map Oral
developm for pupils should be able to state on B/B notes today bk 7 question
ent and independen 2 reasons for resistance in Explanation of Listening of pg 151 s/
system ce in Ghana notes explanation Primary written
Ghana 2. state at least 2 leaders in Asking of Answering s/studies bk question
Ghana questions questions 7 s
Pg 156
3 Political Struggle By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
developm for pupils should be able to state on B/B Listening of today bk 7 Atlas question
ent and independen at least 2 reasons for strong Asking of explanation pg 151 s/
system ce in resistance against questions about Answering of Primary written
Mozambiq Portuguese rule Portuguese questions s/studies bk question
ue Asking of 7 s
questions Pg 158
4 Political Mandela’s By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
developm contributio pupils should be able to state Listening of listening to today bk 7 question
ent and n to at least 4 contributions of explanation explanation pg 152 s
system S.Africa Mandela to S. Africa Answering Primary
questions s/studies bk
Pg 164
5 Political Questions By the end of the lesson the Answer questions Copying Our lives Atlas Written
developm pupils should be able to questions today queries
ent and answer 4 questions correctly
1 Political Abdel By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
developm Nasser’s pupils should be able to state on B/B Listening of today bk 7 Atlas question
1 ent and contributio at least 3 contribution of Explanation of explanation pg 156 s
system ns Abdel Nasser. notes Primary
1 Aasking of s/studies bk
questions 7
Pg 165
2 Political Leopold By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Re – copying of Our lives A map Oral
developm sedar pupils should be able to state on B/B notes today bk 7 Atlas question
ent and Senglior at least 3 contribution of Explanation of Listening of pg 157 Pictures s
system contributio Leopold Sedar Senglior to notes explanation Primary
n to the the Congo Aasking of Answering of s/studies bk
Congo questions questions 7

3 Political The system By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Re – copying of Our lives A map Oral
developm of pupils should be able to state on B/B notes today bk 7 Atlas question
ent and governmen at least 3 differences Explanation of Listening of pg 157 Pictures s
system t in between the government of notes explanation Primary
Swaziland Swaziland and Kenya Aasking of Answering of s/studies bk
questions questions 7

4 Political O.A.U By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Re – copying of Our lives A map Oral
developm formation pupils should be able to state on B/B notes today bk 7 Pictures question
ent and of at least 4 functions of O.A.U Explanation of Listening of pg 159 s
system O.A.U(A. 2. state 2 achievement of notes explanation Primary
U) O.A.U Aasking of Answering of s/studies bk
questions questions 7

5 Political The By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Re – copying of Our lives A map Written
developm African pupils should be able to state on B/B notes in books today bk 7 pictures question
ent and union at least 3 reasons for Explanation of Listening to pg 161 s
system (A.U) formation of A.U notes explanaiton Primary
reasons for Aasking of s/studies bk
formation questions 7
of A.U
1 Citizenshi Elements By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Copying of notes Our lives A map Oral
p of good pupils should be able to state on B/B Listening of today Bk 7 Pictures question
1 at least 3 elements of a good Explanation of explanation Primaruy s
2 citizen notes Answering S/studies bk
Asking of questions 7
2 Democrac Responsibi By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Re – copying of Our lives Pictures Oral
y and lities of pupils should be able to state on notes In books today Bk 7 question
human citizens in at least 4 responsibilities of Explanation of Explanation of Primaruy s
rights democracy citizens in democracy notes notes S/studies bk Written
Asking of 7 question
questions s
3 Democrac Thee By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Re – copying of Our lives Pictures Oral
y and benefits of pupils should be able to state Explanation of notes in books today Bk 7 question
human democracy 3 benefits of democracy notes Explanation of Primaruy s
rights notes S/studies bk
4 Democrac Importance By the end of the lesson the Copying of notes Re – copying of Our lives Pictures Oral
y and of pupils should be able to state on B/B notes in books today Bk 7 question
human respecting at least 2 importance of Explanation of Explanation of Pg 168 s
rights human respecting hman rights notes notes Primaruy
rights S/studies bk
5 Democrac questions By the end of the lesson the Writing of Re – copying of Our lives Blackboard Written
y and pupils should be able to questions on B/B questions in today Bk 7 quastionare question
human answer questions correctly Explanation of books Pg 169 s
rights questions Listening of Primaruy
Marking of explanation S/studies bk
questions Answering of 7
1 Law, Causes of By the end of the lessons, Writing of notes Re – copying of Our lives Pictures Oral
Peace and conflicts in pupils should be able to state on B/B notes in books today Bk 7 question
reconciliat a society at least 3 causes of conflicts Explanation of Listening of Pg 170 s
ion in a society notes explanations Primaruy
Asking of S/studies bk
questions 7
2 Law, Ways of By the end of the lessons, Writing of notes Re – copying of Our lives Pictures Oral
Peace and resolving pupils should be able to state on B/B notes in books today Bk 7 question
reconciliat disputes at least 2 ways of resolving Explanation of Listening of Pg 172 s
ion conflicts in a society. notes explanations Primaruy
Asking of S/studies bk
questions 7
3 The The Kenya By the end of the lessons, Writing of notes Re – copying of Our lives Pictures Oral
governme constitutio pupils should be able to on B/B notes in books today Bk 7 question
nt of n (Types state at least 2 ways of Explanation of Listening of Pg 174 - s
Kenya of resolving conflict in a notes explanations 175
governmen society Asking of Primaruy
t) questions S/studies bk
4 The The rights By the end of the lesson Writing of notes Re – copying of Our lives Pictures Oral
governme and pupils should be able to state on B/B notes in books today Bk 7 question
nt of freedom of at least 3 rights and freedom Explanation of Listening of Pg 175 - s/
Kenya individuals of human being notes explanations 176 written
(bill of Asking of Answering of Primaruy question
rights) questions questions S/studies bk s
5 The The By the end of the lessons, Writing of notes Re – copying of Our lives Pictures Oral
governme electoral pupils should be able to on B/B notes in books today Bk 7 question
nt of commissio define the I.E.B.C Explanation of Listening of Pg 177 s
Kenya n of Kenya 2. state at least 3 funcions of notes explanations Primaruy
I.E.B.C Asking of Answering of S/studies bk
questions explanations 7

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