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MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

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22/05/2009 17:27 Ilsa :

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Hands_CleaN MethylMan crank synth from... 12-05-2009, 06:20

old hippie 56 Re: MethylMan crank synth... 12-05-2009, 07:54
Hands_CleaN Re: MethylMan crank synth... 12-05-2009, 20:26
bitmonx Re: MethylMan crank synth... 14-05-2009, 12:57
old hippie 56 Re: MethylMan crank synth... 14-05-2009, 13:05
Amenselah Re: MethylMan crank synth... 15-05-2009, 11:37
bitmonx Re: MethylMan crank synth... 16-05-2009, 02:22
Amenselah Re: MethylMan crank synth 18-05-2009 11:28

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12-05-2009, 06:20 #1

Join Date: 07-01-2009

Location: Christmas Island
Hands_CleaN Posts: 251
Silver Member

MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics)

Swim had about 125ml of p2p squirreled away recently, he says he'd rather have methamphetamine than p2p so here we go, the
ketone looks yellow in the photo but is surprisingly lime green, even after being fractionally vacuum distilled twice...It was lastly
run through a Snyder column at 1 bar, it still remained greenish yellow and unseemingly was totally free from turbidity

1 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

Here is an ounce of aluminum foil balls that we will use for this reaction, you can make it by grinding several grams of foil at a
time in a coffee bean grinder....Manufacturing p2p can be rather boring at times, manually building up and inventory of foil balls
is a good way to pass time IMO....The foil is added to a three neck flat bottom boiling flask of two liter capacity....Added 800mg of
HgCl2 to 750ml of MeOH in beaker, this Hg salt was about half NaCl as swim forgot to wash residual brine from HgO sludge, so in
reality, only about 400mg of HgCl2 was added to the MeOH.....

2 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

20g of p2p was added to container on scale followed by 20g of spectrophotometric grade nitromethane, and finally about 20ml of
MeOH, all will mix easily... this was added to a 60ml sep funnel attached to an outer neck of the reaction vessel, the beaker
containing the HgCl2 dissolved in MeOH is poured into the 2 liter reaction vessel onto the aluminum balls once the HgCl2 is all
dissolved, middle neck was attached a 300mm liebing condenser with cold water flowing through, easily stir while you still can,
about every minute or so until the solution turns very grey and aluminum is obviously tarnishing.....then stir continuous.....

3 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

4 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

Almost ready-

5 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

Once ready the MeNO2/P2P/MeOH mixture is started dripping into the amalgam, a drop per second or so, the addition is
supposed to take 45min, after 5-10 minutes of reaction time the aluminum balls swell, and float, it will not stir....The space
below the sludge layer will stir though, if the stirbar starts struggling add MeOH through top of condenser until stirring is back....

6 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

About the peak of the reaction, vigorous boiling of the MeOH but not enough boiling to form a head....

7 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

8 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

About 15min after all the p2p mixture has been added the remaining aluminum layer will break down and the entire solution will
stir normally again....It looks like this-

9 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

Swim let this go for an additional hour with stirring, it cooled down quite a bit....Swim then added 265g NaOH dissolved in 700ml
of water with stirring, the solution heated up enough to give a short puny boil, or maybe it was hydrogen and/or
methylamine.....The entire mixture turns black, remaining Al flakes float on top....

The mixture was left alone to stir untill the naoh took care of the aluminum for the most part, the mixture was added to a sep
funnrl and extracted with PhMe; 500:250:100-.......At this point you'll learn what methylamine freebase smells like if you don't


10 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum


PhMe extracts were clean/white, extracts washed 2X 600ml saturated bicarb, once with 600ml brine(salt saturated water, put as
much salt in water as possible), and once with 600ml DH2O in same sep funnel...

Toluene extracts were put into a 2L flask on heating mantle with stirring, setup for simple distillation, apply vacuum collect all

11 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

azeotrope from 55*C to BP of pure toluene under full aspirator pressure ca.74....Approx....Wasted little time setting this up,
done in an hour....


Toluene was cooled in freezer in sealed container, set up for gassing, gassed and filtered on buchner with suction
twice...Freebase supply obviously spent-


12 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum



13 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

Lot of the crystals go though the filter paper here, could only get maybe half of them till swim gets a more quantitative filter
paper in the mail.....So final yield is still to be determined.....Sorry...

Filter cakes very difficult to dry with suction, eventually slowly dried in oven 120*C....House filled up with smokey fog, crystals
where not burning, seems they hold on to excess acid or something, paste smokes apparently as it dehydrates.....Not totally sure
at this point, dried to~7g, not counting un-filterables....The obtained product was compressed and seen if one can at least get
something that is not soft/fluffy, compacted product is a little more authentic looking/shiney and is easier to slice up, still
somewhat flakey and soft feel though....

Injection of 200mg swims bells today rang harder than they had ever, in a different, more paralyzing high, strong body effects
IMO....Very shaky later on....Absolute success in other words.....Here is some of the finished product.....About 3.5g....

14 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

Reputation Comments on this post:

nice job ,dude!!!!!
well done!!!!
Very nice pictures SWIM would like to go p2p
Nice one. Please upload the pics to this site, before they dissappear
HC, you are doing a spectacular job. Thank you very much !!!

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chemistry, meth lab, p2p

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15 of 17 2009-05-22 21:49
MethylMan crank synth from P2P(pics) - Drugs Forum

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