Data Model Entities

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Data Model :

The Data Model is the set of data object and information and their relationships. It Consists of entities and field, TypeList
and typekeys. In Gw data is saved in a one big table. IT’s similar like inheritance in Java. All entities are accessed with
super class object with Dot operator. 1) Entity 2) Fields 3)Typelists
Entity: It's nothing but a table. It is group of business objects used in an application. Business objects can be primitive
data type fields or sub group object or typekeys. For an example. ABContact is the Entity It has Name, create time fields
are primitive data, An entity stores data in a database table,
Entity Field: Entity Field is Nothing but a column in a table. IT can be a value or foreign key, reference key
Typelist: A pre defined list of possible values for a field within the application. Ex. State field
Supertype Entities
When multiple entities have a common set of fields then they could be organized into a hierarchy, with supertype
entitie's fields and methods being inherited by subtype entities.
Subtype Entites
Inherits fields from the supertypes. Data from the subtype is stored in its supertypes table.
Guidewire Product Architecture
Data tier(Data Model), Application tier(Gosu and Java Classes) and Presentation tier(PCF Files)
Typecodes: Stored as rows in the typelist table. Typekeys: Stored as foreign key columns in the entity table.
Typefilters: the typelist to display only a subset of the typecodes for that typelist.
ForeignKey: To establish the relationship b/w two entities in the application we specify the foreign key in entity
one-to-one: Element defines a single valued association to another entity that has a one-to-one cardinality. Can be used
in place of ForeignKey column.
many-to-many:Requires an entity of type versionable that represents the many-to-many relationship. Accessed by
adding an Array to one or both entities in the relationship.
<edgeForeignKey> Creates an edge table. Links one entity to another or to self. Ensures the safe ordering of data
insertion and deletion in cases where cyclic references prevent safe ordering.
Locations then Widgets. Screen-> Card or List Detail Panel -> Detail View, List View, or Input set -> Input, Cell or Button.
Widget: Displayable elements of the user interface.
Location: A navigatable place in the application that the user or application can navigate to.
DV: Detail View Used to display detailed information about a single record, providing a comprehensive view of an
individual entity or object.
List View: Organizes information that allows the user to view information about multiple records at the same time.
Input set : A set of atomic widgets grouped together. Could be target with partial page update to Improve UI
performance. CV: Card: A collection of cards with each containing Detail Views or List Views.
List Detail Panel: Top List View & a button view panel that displays data about the selected list item.
Atomic Widget: Atomic widget is used to display piece of information or data on a page, it has only one value on action
Row iterator : Takes a set objects and renders each object as one row of cells.
Popups: Contains a single screen that will navigate the user to its previous location once the pop is executed.
Forwards :Contains logic to execute before navigating to another location.
Exit Points: An exit point points to a URL outside of the Guidewire application.
What are the three types of Gosu Rule?: Pre-Update, Event Fired and Validation
Enhancement: Extend entity functionality using programming logic as entity methods.
Array: A set of values and fixed size of data structure that can hold a collection of elements of the same data type
Array methods :Array Methods get information about the array that get values from the array that match a given
condition. What are the four Array Methods used in Guidewire? hasMatch, countWhere, Where, and firstWhere.
How do you make a Gosu Rule?: You first need to make the Root entity a Delegate, then create a Rule in the RuleSet
package that contains a Root Enity, Name, Condition and Action. The Root Entity is the Input Parameter for the rule.
Pattern Matching
A field-level validation technique implemented in the data model or the UI tier. Guides user input using input mask &
regex to define an abstract pattern.
Validation : validation is general application behavior that prevents a user from saving invalid business data
Getters: Calculate derived values. Values are not stored in the database.
Setters: Set field values that require additional logic. Take data and convert / modify.
Partial Page update
Responds to a user changing business data while it happens and changes the layout of widgets on the screen, using
dynamic properties (visible, editable, available, and required). Post on change, disablePostOnEnter, onchange, target.
Out-Of-Sequence transaction:
Out-of-sequence policy transactions are policy transactions with an effective date is before the effective date of a
previous policy transaction on the same policy.
Out of Sequence is applicable for Policy Change, Cancellation, Rewrite, Reinstatement and Rewrite New Account.
Binding & Issue Policy:
Binding means that the insured and the insurer have agreed to terms and price and a policy is in force. If the insured has
a car accident one hour after the submission is bound, the policy covers the incident even though the insured has not
received official documents.
Issuing means that a submission may be bound, but its policy documents have not yet been issued. Perhaps the insurer
needed to collect or verify additional information so the issuance of the policy occurs after adding the information to the
"Post on Change" is a design pattern or mechanism used to trigger actions or processes automatically after a certain
data change or event occurs in the system. It's about executing logic in response to a change in data state, such as when
a field in a user interface is modified. Ex: Automatically recalculating premiums when coverage details change.
Validating and updating policy data when a relevant field is modified.
Reflection" is a programming concept that allows a program to examine its own structure, metadata, and
behavior at runtime. It enables software to inspect and modify its structure and behavior dynamically
Ex: fullname

Hi This is Thirupathirao Pasupuleti, I am a Guidewire configuration Developer with 3.9 years of experience. In
my current role, I was responsible for configuring Guidewire Policy Center for a AMIG insurance company. I
have experience in configuring aspects of Policy Center, including entities, typelists, relationships, validations
and PCF screens. I am also proficient in using Guidewire Studio

Currently we are working on agile methodology which we have 2 weeks in a sprint 1..We will attend sprint
planning meetings to understand the requirements for the sprint and to estimate the effort required for each
task. 2..we will develop and test the configuration changes in Guidewire Policy Center. 3..we will deploy
configuration changes to the test environment so that they can be tested by users and other stakeholders.
4..we will fix bugs and make enhancements to the configuration changes based on feedback from users and
other stakeholders. 5.. we will attend sprint demos and retrospectives to share the progress that has been
made and to learn from the experience.

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