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Emergency Stop Button Checklist

This checklist will be used to ensure that all emergency stop buttons within the building
are inspected and documented

Building Name:

Date: Select Date

Equipment Number:

Quantity of Buttons:

Yes / No /
Ref Inspection/Task Notes

1 Button installed.

Button is installed within easy

reach for an operative to activate if
working on the corresponding

There is adequate clearance

3 around the Button, and it is not

4 Button is a ‘Mushroom’ Type.

5 Button is ‘Self Latching’

6 Button is Colored ‘Red’.

Button shows molded arrows that

7 are used to note ‘Unlatching
Direction’, for resetting.

Button is installed with/on a

‘Yellow’ background.

1 Emergency Button Checklist

Yes / No /
Ref Inspection/Task Notes

9 Button is ‘Direct Opening’

Button and enclosure have been

10 checked for visible damage with no
issues noted.

Activation of the Button has been

tested, proving it ‘Latches’ and
‘Immediately Activates’ the
shutdown of equipment.

Upon activation ‘Alarms’ for the

12 correct equipment are sent to the
Building Management System.

Equipment can’t be restarted

13 manually after Button has been

Button upon ‘Reset’ does not It should not restart.

restart the Equipment it serves.

Equipment can be restarted

15 manually after Button has been

Name: Signature Company


2 Emergency Button Checklist

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