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5-Day Workout Split Program

5-Day Workout Split Program

Foam Rolling Routine

### Warm-Up Routine (5 minutes)

1. **Quads** (30-60 seconds per leg)

- Start by lying face down with the foam roller under one thigh.

- Roll from just above the knee to the hip.

- Switch legs and repeat.

2. **Hamstrings** (30-60 seconds per leg)

- Sit on the floor with the foam roller under one thigh.

- Roll from just above the knee to the bottom of the glute.

- Switch legs and repeat.

3. **Calves** (30-60 seconds per leg)

- Sit with your legs extended and place the foam roller under one calf.

- Roll from just above the ankle to below the knee.

- Switch legs and repeat.

4. **Glutes** (30-60 seconds per side)

- Sit on the foam roller and cross one ankle over the opposite knee.

- Lean towards the crossed leg and roll your glute.

- Switch sides and repeat.

5. **Upper Back** (30-60 seconds)

- Lie on your back with the foam roller placed just below your shoulder blades.

- Roll from the upper back to mid-back.

- Avoid rolling directly on the lower back.

### Cool Down Routine (5 minutes)

1. **IT Band** (30-60 seconds per leg)

- Lie on your side with the foam roller under the outer thigh.
5-Day Workout Split Program

- Roll from just above the knee to the hip.

- Switch legs and repeat.

2. **Lower Back** (30-60 seconds)

- Lie on your back with the foam roller placed just above the hips.

- Roll gently from the lower back to the mid-back.

- Avoid applying too much pressure.

3. **Lats** (30-60 seconds per side)

- Lie on your side with the foam roller under your armpit.

- Roll from the armpit to the mid-back.

- Switch sides and repeat.

4. **Chest** (30-60 seconds per side)

- Lie face down with the foam roller placed at an angle under one side of the chest.

- Roll gently across the chest.

- Switch sides and repeat.

5. **Triceps** (30-60 seconds per arm)

- Extend one arm and place the foam roller under the triceps.

- Roll from the elbow to the armpit.

- Switch arms and repeat.

### Tips for Foam Rolling

- Move slowly and focus on tight or sore spots.

- Breathe deeply and relax while foam rolling.

- Adjust the intensity by applying more or less pressure.

- If you find a particularly tight spot, hold the position for a few seconds.

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