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The Prime Health Care Plan is a uniquely designed health transformation journey developed by the HCL
Healthcare team. It is designed in such a way that it covers various important tests, online Fitness Sessions,
Doctor and Dietitian consultations with follow ups at regular intervals along with the Exit Tests to capture the
clinical improvements.

• Know Your Providers:

1. Periodic Doctor consultation with the Treating Doctor – General Physician (GP)
2. Periodic Dietitian consultations along with Coaching
3. Online Fitness Sessions

• Journey during this Care Plan:

Prime Health

Month Timeline Services Offered

Initial Tests - Uric acid + Na/K + Homocysteine + ECG & TMT/Echo & Retinoscopy &
Week 1
Vitals + Anthropometry + BCA + GP consult + Dietitian Consult
Month 1
Review Consult with the same GP (if additional tests prescribed by the Doctor) +
Week 2
Dietitian Consult + Online Fitness Sessions
Week 4 Dietitian Consult + Online Fitness Sessions
Week 6 Dietitian Consult + Online Fitness Sessions
Month 2 Vitals + Anthropometry + BCA +
Week 8
GP Consult + Dietitian Consult + Online Fitness Sessions
Week 10 Dietitian Consult + Online Fitness Sessions
Month 3
Week 12 Dietitian Consult + Online Fitness Sessions
Week 14 Dietitian Consult + Online Fitness Sessions

Week 15 Exit Tests - Lipid Profile + HbA1c + FBS

Month 4
Vitals + Anthropometry + BCA +
Week 16
GP Consult + Dietitian Consult + Online Fitness Sessions

• Customer’s Key Responsibilities:

In HCL Healthcare, we are committed to provide you with the best care and be with you in every step of your
health transformation journey. But it is not possible without an equal and proactive participation from your
side. You can make the best out of this Care Plan by taking the following simple yet very effective steps:
1. Self-Monitoring: Our team of expert health professionals will explain you about the key self- monitoring
factors in terms of disease progression monitoring. If your consults are happening via audio medium,

we will require certain values from your side for the best disease control and treatment plan. In the
Prime Health Care Plan, we will require the values / measurements of your height (one time during first
visit), weight (before each consultation with doctor and dietitian), blood pressure and blood sugar as
prescribed by your doctor. We will also explain to you about self-monitoring of heart-risk and pre-
diabetes symptoms.
2. Adherence to the Care Plan: Without 100% adherence to the Care Plan, the best outcome of this Plan
may not be possible. We request you to stay connected with HCL Healthcare team and adhere to the
3. Following prescribed measures: For making a significant change of improvement in your health, it is
very important to take all the prescribed medicines, follow the advised diet, and make the required
lifestyle changes as recommended by your treating doctor and dietitian under this Care Plan. If you
face any difficulty in following any recommendations, you can reach out to the HCL Healthcare team
for support.
4. Providing required health information: We request you to provide required health information such
as height, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, or any other information required by your treating
doctor and dietitian for better management of your health condition. These parameters play a very
crucial role in making treatment decisions and tracking your health journey.

Your health is our responsibility.

• Self-Monitoring Device List:

1. Inch tape (for measurement of waist-to-hip ratio)

2. Weighing machine (for measurement of body weight)
3. BP machine (for measurement of blood pressure)
4. Glucometer (if advised, for measurement of blood sugar)

After going through this document, you can reply to this mail by giving your consent to start with the Prime
Health Care Plan.

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