Cath Lab Team

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Roles and Responsibilities

of the Cath Lab Team
Sandy Watson, BSN, RN
Kenneth A. Gorski, BSN, RN, RCIS


• Determine the primary team roles of the invasive In this chapter, we will outline the general roles of

cardiovascular laboratory (ICVL) team. ­non-physician staff involved in patient care during
Describe the tasks required to set up a cath lab procedures in an invasive cardiovascular labora-

for a patient’s arrival. tory (ICVL). The ICVL is a fast-paced, continually
Understand how to prep a patient’s access site.
evolving medical environment composed of a
Appreciate the wide range of tasks that the
members of a cath lab team must perform multi-­disciplinary team with unique skill sets. The

during an endovascular procedure. non-­physician staffing mix varies between different
Understand how to care for a patient during a institutions and areas of the world, but members of
diagnostic or interventional procedure. the team may include registered nurses, cardiovas-
cular technologists/technicians, radiologic technolo-
gists, emergency medical technicians/­ paramedics,
respiratory therapists, nurse practitioners, p ­ hysician
assistants, nurse anesthetists, and others.
Regardless of their clinical training, all ICVL sup-
port staff members should be certified in basic life
support (BLS), advanced cardiac life support (ACLS),
and pediatric advanced life support (PALS), if pedi-
atric cardiac studies are performed. All members of
the team (cardiologists, nurses, technologists, and
advanced-level practitioners) must understand the
roles of the other members of the team.
There are three broad roles undertaken by staff
in every ICVL: scrub assistant, circulator, and moni-
tor/recorder. Ideally, all team members should be fully
cross-trained to perform the primary functions of each
of these three roles. Professional licensure, local laws,
and institutional guidelines may restrict the scope of
practice or duties that various team members may
carry out.

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98 Chapter 7 Roles and Responsibilities of the Cath Lab Team

Each team member plays a vital role in the safety All events that occur during a catheterization
and well-being of the patient. Everyone should feel procedure are documented in the procedure log. The
comfortable making suggestions, asking questions, recorder, whether a nurse or technologist, is responsi-
and voicing concerns if they do not agree with, or ble for accurate, comprehensive documentation of the
understand, any aspect of a procedure. proceedings; handwritten logs must be legible. Any
All team members, including physicians, need event that may directly affect the present or future care
to be active participants in preprocedure huddles, of the patient must be documented. Examples include
time-outs, and all phases of the procedure as sug- bleeding or hematoma at the access site, changes in
gested by the Joint Commission and other accred- heart rhythm or rate, hemodynamic instability, and
iting organizations. Ultimately, the responsibility medication reactions. All interventions undertaken
of the procedural outcome lies with the attending due to such events should also be documented in the
physician. progress section of the patient’s medical record.
The relevant hemodynamic values, procedural
vital signs, oxygen saturation and Fick measurements,
Monitor/Recorder findings and outcomes of all procedures are recorded
The monitor documents all pertinent data from the pro- on a preprinted progress form, structured report, or
cedure in the cath lab computer database (Figure 7.1). electronic medical record. This form will be com-
This should include, but is not limited to the following: pleted by the attending physician or a designee.
The recorder may also be responsible for docu-
• Patient demographic information menting all billable equipment and procedures. Many
• Date, time, and type of procedure labs use an inventory control system, using a scan-
• Attending and referring physicians, fellows, ner with manufacturer barcodes. As the product is
recorder, and patient scanned, it is added to the patient’s bill and simulta-
• All hemodynamic data neously removed from the cath lab’s inventory for easy
• All medications administered (this information tracking and reordering.
must also be documented on the appropriate Close observation of the patient’s condition dur-
medication sheets) ing the procedure is the monitor’s primary responsi-
• Any changes in patient status bility. There are key moments in the procedure when
• All catheters and other equipment used close attention must be paid to the patient’s vital signs:
• Angiographic views
• During vascular access the patient may develop a
• Preliminary impression of the diagnostic ­procedure
vasovagal reaction due to the needle puncture and
• Complications
manipulation of the vessels. This will manifest as
• IV infusion volume
a profound bradycardia and associated hypoten-
• Contrast dose administered to the patient
sion. Atropine IV, elevation of the patient’s legs, a
• Fluoroscopy time/cumulative patient exposure (if
rapid saline bolus, and oxygen should be imple-
available) for the procedure
mented immediately.
• Disposition of the patient
• During insertion or exchange of any catheter or
guidewire, vessel walls may be traumatized or an
atherosclerotic plaque may be disrupted.
• During each contrast injection, it is important
to observe the ECG and hemodynamics. Watch
especially for bradycardia/dysrhythmias/blocks
when contrast medium is injected into the right
coronary artery (which feeds the sinoatrial and
atrioventricular node branches).
• During high-volume bolus injections, such as for
a left ventriculogram, the large volume of contrast
medium can trigger arrhythmias.
A tool to help increase awareness of the patient’s
condition is the audible ECG signal. Generally, this can
Figure 7.1 ICVL team member working in the monitor be set so it will only be heard within the control room
role. because physicians can find the sound distracting. This
Courtesy of Jay Ryan Opalia. allows the monitor to notice rate and rhythm changes,

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Scrub Assistant 99

even while typing into the procedure log or tracking the equipment that may be used during the procedure
inventory for billing purposes. Although these audible according to manufacturer and hospital protocols
signals are important, the patient is also continuously • Assists the physician with catheter and wire
monitored and assessed by the scout in the lab. exchanges, and placement of interventional devices
Local laws, regulations, and policies may restrict
Scrub Assistant or limit the scrub assistant’s duties. Depending on the
institution, the scrub assistant may be allowed to do
The scrub assistant directly aids the attending physi-
the following:
cian at the sterile trolley and the procedure table during
the procedure (Figure 7.2). They must have a thorough • Give local anesthetic
understanding of proper sterile surgical technique and • Obtain vascular access
the procedures that are being carried out. • Manipulate the fluoroscopic gantry and “pan” the
The scrub assistant dons a lead apron, surgical procedure table
gown, and gloves in the same manner as the physi- • Select the most appropriate imaging program to
cian, following institutional guidelines. Following define the patient’s anatomy
proper aseptic/sterile technique, the scrub assistant • Initiate X-ray
will do the following: • Obtain blood samples
• Preps the patient’s access site(s) with an antiseptic • Initiate cardiac output or hemodynamic measure-
• Drapes the patient appropriately for the planned • Inject contrast medium (manually or with an
automatic injector)
• Sets up the contrast medium and saline delivery • Inject nitroglycerin, heparin, and other medica-
tions through the catheters and introducer sheaths
lines (manifold or automated system)
• Sets up and organizes the sterile instrumentation The scrub assistant should also be responsible for the
table following:
• Prepares the diagnostic catheters, guidewires,
• Properly identify all medications on the table, pref-
interventional devices, and other invasive
erably with a sterile label. When in doubt regard-
ing the identification of a medication, dispose of it.
• Never force equipment into the patient. There
should be little resistance, if any. If resistance is
ever met, stop; evaluate the situation and assess
the patient. Careful progress is paramount.
• Always preflush catheters and store them length-
wise on the table. The manufacturers have gone to
considerable trouble and expense to package and
deliver the catheter in a straight fashion. Coiling the
catheter for an extended period will alter the shape
of the shaft, making it more difficult to manipulate.
• Read manufacturer inserts and ensure that you
are properly trained (by physician, preceptor, or
company representative) with all products used
in the cath lab.
• Never thread a needle over a guidewire because
this may “shave” the outer layer off the guidewire.
• Always prep the manifold or power injector tub-
ing with the lights on; this allows any trapped
bubbles, particularly near the stopcocks and con-
nections, to be more visible.
• While managing catheters within the patient’s
body, always hold syringes with the tip pointed
down. Aspirate a small amount of blood imme-
Figure 7.2 A scrub assistant at work. diately prior to flushing with saline or injecting
Courtesy of Jay Ryan Opalia. contrast medium or medication. Lightly tap the

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100 Chapter 7 Roles and Responsibilities of the Cath Lab Team

syringe so that any bubbles rise, reducing the

chance of injecting air emboli.
• Flush catheters between each contrast medium injec-
tion. Flush indwelling arterial lines every 3 minutes
unless the line is attached to a pressurized drip.
• Make sure each device is compatible with the size
of the access sheath.
• Carefully inspect equipment for damage before
handing it to the physician or inserting it into the
patient. Quality control by the manufacturers may
be excellent; however, one last check is important
because the equipment may have been damaged
during shipping or unpacking.
• Save or retrieve the original packaging if there is
Figure 7.3 A circulator opening a sterile packet for the
equipment failure or if the equipment is defec-
scrub assistant.
tive in some way. This will allow the manufacturer Courtesy of Jay Ryan Opalia.
to track down the source of the problem. If the
defective device causes any harm to the patient,
the device and packaging should be saved for • Assists other team members to transfer the patient
hospital risk management. to the procedure table
• Make sure that the wire is longer than the cath- • Attaches the ECG electrodes
eter. Use exchange-length (260 centimeters or • Attaches a noninvasive blood pressure measure-
greater) wires when the patient has peripheral ment cuff
vessel disease or torturous vessels. • Inserts a peripheral IV line, if the patient has not
• Sheaths, catheters, guidewires, and interven- yet been cannulated
tional devices may sometimes become damaged Interprocedurally, the circulator’s responsibilities include
within the body, leaving fragments that may cause the following:
an infarction, stroke, or pulmonary embolism.
Inspect equipment for damage after it has been • Assists the scrub team by retrieving, opening, and
handing off additional sterile supplies as needed.
removed from the patient’s body.
• When inserting a Swan-Ganz catheter that will be • Receives blood samples for point of care tests (acti-
vated clotting times, whole blood oximetry, etc.)
left in the patient after the procedure, make sure
that a sterile sleeve is in place over the exposed • Receives fluid and tissue samples that must be
properly labeled, identified, and sent to the
section of the catheter to allow for manipulation
appropriate hospital laboratory.
when the patient is in the unit.
• Be familiar with the procedure and anticipate the • Handles all nonsterile equipment such as power
contrast medium injectors, intravascular and
physician’s and patient’s needs.
intracardiac imaging consoles, 3D mapping sys-
• Always maintain aseptic technique.
tems, interventional device consoles, cardiac pac-
• Pay attention to your instincts.
ing systems, cardioversion and defibrillation, and
cardiac assist devices.
Circulator • Verifies any devices requested by showing them to
the operator before opening.
The circulator assists the flow of the procedure • Administers medication as required.
from outside the sterile field, wearing a lead apron • Maintains direct observation of the patient.
and additional personal protective equipment as When procedural/conscious/moderate sedation is
stipulated by their institution (Figure 7.3). They are administered, some institutions require an inde-
responsible for the direct assessment of the patient, pendent sedation nurse, whose only responsible
the administration of procedural sedation and other is to administer medication and document the
medications, and the opening of sterile equipment patient’s response.
for the scrub staff as required. • Talks to the patient periodically, offering reassur-
The circulator is responsible for preparing the ance and answering questions when appropriate.
procedure room before the arrival of the patient. Once • Asks the patient about any discomfort or pain. If
the patient arrives, the circulator does the following: the patient is in pain, the circulator should ask the

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Procedure Preparation 101

patient to rank it on a scale of 0 to 10 (0 being no The procedure schedule for the day should be
pain, 10 being intense pain). reviewed by the team. The physicians should be
• Continually monitors the patient’s oxygen satura- questioned about the procedures they are antic-
tion via pulse oximetry and/or capnography so ipating. This can be done at the start of any list
that appropriate oxygen therapy can be adminis- with a group huddle or safety check. Patients
tered as needed. at high risk should be identified to facilitate a
higher level of care if necessary. Patients who
have a known or suspected contrast medium
Team allergy or renal insufficiency should receive
In some ICVLs, each job (scrub, circulator, moni- preprocedural medication or hydration on the
tor) is quite distinct and is carried out by specific ward as set out in the institution’s protocol. The
team members. In other labs, the roles overlap, and ward staff responsible for patient care should
staff carry out tasks from several roles. It has been be informed of these patients’ likely procedure
shown that the best patient care is given when staff times to ensure adequate patient preparation
members cross-train; they are trained and compe- prior to their arrival at the lab.
tent to work comfortably in each job area in the lab. The procedure table on which the patient
In addition to better patient care, when staff have lies during the procedure should be cleaned
cross-trained within the limits of their specific licen- and prepared as dictated in the institution’s
sure or registry, they can fill in wherever they are protocol. The instrument table used for the
needed in a busy cath lab. Cumulative or overuse sterile procedural equipment is cleaned with
injuries caused by repeatedly using the same group disinfectant at the start of the day and between
of muscles for the same job are diminished when each procedure.
the roles are rotated during the day. For example, Mechanical or power contrast injector must
if scrub staff switch positions with the monitoring be turned on and loaded.
staff during the day, both parties benefit. Getting
away from the computer allows monitors to rest The defibrillator should be tested and left on
their tired eyes; scrub assistants can use different all day while procedures are in progress.
muscles and relax from standing in the same posi- Emergency supplies such as temporary
tion in a lead apron for hours. pacemaker generators and catheters, pericar-
diocentesis trays, and cardiac support devices
Procedure Preparation should be ready for use. Emergency medica-
tions, airway, and intubation supplies must be
Equipment must be prepared before the first proce- checked and available .
dure of the day can begin. This varies between labs, Before entering the procedure room, scrub
but in general, the first steps of the day in an ICVL are assistants should wash their hands for 3–5
as follows: minutes, covering fingers, hands, and arms
Imaging and recording systems are (up to the elbow) in approved surgical scrub
switched on and warmed up. Supporting solution as set out in the institution’s infection
computer systems have to be logged on. If control guidelines. As much water as possible
not completely digital, printer paper supply should be allowed to drain from the arms into
should be checked. Quality assurance pro- the sink before entering the procedure room.
cedures for imaging and all necessary equip- The less water dripped, the lower the likeli-
ment should be performed by appropriate hood of a fall occurring. Waterless surgical
personnel prior to the first patient arriving scrub solutions, generally chlorhexidine or
in procedure room. alcohol based, require less time and are easier
Prior to the first scheduled case, a thorough to use. However, manufacturers often recom-
review of stock levels should be conducted mend a traditional soap and water surgical
and deficiencies restocked. These supplies scrub for the first case of the day.
should be constantly checked throughout the Depending on the institution, gowns can
day and restocked by the circulator or ICVL be disposable or cloth. Gowns should be
staff as time allows, or by a materials manage- donned using standard sterile technique; the
ment assistant, if there is one on the team. outside of the gown should never be touched.

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102 Chapter 7 Roles and Responsibilities of the Cath Lab Team

The gown should be picked up by the inside together. Each piece is flushed, removed from the
of its collar, and each arm is slipped into a package, wiped, and placed on the table.
sleeve. This can be done one arm at a time or To ensure an uncluttered working space, it is best
both arms at the same time. With a disposable to loop all wires three or four times. A wet sterile gauze
gown, scrub assistants hand off the tie holder or lint-free wipe can be placed on each to ensure that
to the circulator and turn around, remove it stays in place until it is used.
the tie from the holder, then tie themselves
up. With a cloth gown, assistants should let
someone hold the tie with a sterile clamp as Patient Preparation
they turn around. Assistants then take the tie
The first exchange between the patient and the
back and secures their gown.
caregiver should involve a greeting and an intro-
Where the sterile gloves are placed and duction. Patients should be properly identified by
opened varies between institutions. In some, checking their wristbands with their documents and
the gloves are opened on a separate table away the name in the procedure room computer system(s).
from the main sterile field, whereas in other During the identification process, patients may be
institutions the gloves are opened on top of asked their name, date of birth, and the reason that
the sterile field. Scrub assistants keep their they have come to the hospital. Patients should be
hands within the gown’s sterile cuffs to don able to describe what procedure will be performed in
their sterile gloves. Once gowned and gloved, their own language. If necessary, a translator should
scrub assistants’ hands should never go below be present from the very beginning of the procedure.
their waist or outside the sterile field. The staff member should ask patients how they
The procedural tray usually comes as a fully slept, when they last ate, and whether they took
disposable, all-in-one, sterile package. Reusable, any medication that morning. The best time to ask
resterilized packs, or combinations of reusable patients if they need to urinate is immediately before
and disposable components are not uncommon, they enter the laboratory.
particularly in electrophysiology and hybrid If the consent form has not yet been signed, it
procedure rooms. The scrub assistant opens the must be done before the patient enters the IVCL and
table set and lays out the contents. This usually prior to any sedation being given.
While the circulator and scrub are preparing the
includes the following: This usually includes the
patient and the lab for the procedure, the monitor
reads through the patient’s notes, paying close atten-
• Two basins, one containing 500 milliliters tion to lab results. Any abnormal values or findings
of saline solution to which heparin is should be discussed with the attending physician and
commonly added other team members before the procedure begins.
• A bowl or cup for local anesthetic As patients are helped onto the procedure table, a
• Surgical skin prep applicator(s) quick description of the X-ray system, the monitors,
• Various syringes and needles the equipment, and the upcoming procedure can help
• Sterile drapes to cover the patient to
 reduce the anxiety some patients may feel. The proce-
maintain a sterile area dure room contains many unfamiliar pieces of equip-
• A #11- or #15-scalpel blade ment, and the experience can be quite overwhelming
• A percutaneous access needle for cannu- for first-time patient.
lating the artery By this stage, the circulator will have developed
• A manifold setup with attached lines a fairly good assessment of the patient’s state of
for pressure, waste, contrast medium, mind. For example, a nervous patient is often very
or mechanical contrast medium man- talkative, and the circulator should listen as much
agement system disposables as time allows. They should also steer the conversa-
• Sheaths and catheters (these will vary and tion back to the matter at hand and try to learn if the
can be added to the table by the circulator patient has any issues that need to be resolved before
once the patient is on the table and draped) the procedure begins.
Circulators should fill the set’s basins as required, and A very anxious patient tends not to talk very
then open the procedural catheters and wires. It is much and may give only the shortest possible answer
not uncommon to have the puncture needle, sheath, to any question. It is important that patients receive
exchange wire, and diagnostic catheters packaged adequate reassurance from the team, both in manner

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Patient Preparation 103

and words. The staff should make sure that anxious patient’s feet a few inches apart. As the patients’ body
patients are informed about their procedure and the is aligned in a neutral pose, the overall result is a
reasons for it, even if they have heard the explana- more relaxed body to work with, a decrease in the
tion before. The team’s behavior should portray both patient’s anxiety level, and reduced need for addi-
competence and confidence, that the procedure is tional sedation or pain medication. Remember that
routine, and that all possible care will be taken. Very patients must lie relatively still on a hard table for
nervous or anxious patients may require additional an extended period of time; an extra bit of comfort
sedation. can make a big difference in how they experience
One of the best elixirs for patient confidence is the procedure. For patients undergoing prolonged
maintaining a friendly, positive atmosphere in the lab. procedures with deep or general anesthesia, pressure
This demonstrates that the personnel are competent points should be cushioned with foam or gel pads to
and that they enjoy taking care of patients, encourag- prevent pressure ulcers. For patients who walk with
ing them to relax and place themselves in the hands of a limp or if their notes state that they have orthope-
the team for the duration of the procedure. dic problems, some form of special support may be
Staff should always try to see the procedure from necessary.
the patients’ perspective. To anxious patients, they The circulator should check that patients have
have just entered a room that looks like something a working IV line. If there is no line because the
out of a science fiction movie. Someone is about to patient has been rushed in as an emergency, the
remove their last article of clothing, shave and disin- circulator or other qualified team member should
fect parts of their body, and start playing around with insert one. See Chapter 8, Nursing Care of the Cardio-
the inside of their heart. It is natural that patients vascular Procedure Patient, for more information on
will be apprehensive. It is important to reassure intravenous line placement. If peripheral access is a
patients in a professional manner. If the procedure problem, the physician may elect to insert a venous
is performed with moderate or conscious sedation, sheath in the groin for IV access. IV fluids are usually
music of the patient’s choice playing quietly in the set at a slow drip to maintain the patient’s hydration
background will also help put most patients at ease unless contraindicated.
and give them something to listen to during a long During the preprocedural evaluation, diabetic
procedure. patients should have their blood glucose level mea-
Generally, the circulator is responsible for posi- sured. If the blood glucose readings are over 200 mg/
tioning the patient on the table. Each table and dL, short-acting insulin should be given as set out in
X-ray setup has a different optimal position for each the institution’s protocol. If hypoglycemia is evident,
patient. Since most tables can be freely moved by an IV infusion of 5% dextrose in water (D5W) may be
the operator, the important thing to check is that warranted. If the patient’s consciousness changes sud-
the patient is centered and close enough to the cra- denly, 50% dextrose in water (D50) should be admin-
nial end of the table to allow filming of the groin istered immediately. If the schedule delays a diabetic
and lower extremities should problems arise during patient’s procedure, their blood glucose level should
sheath insertion. Newer X-ray gantries are designed be repeated shortly before the procedure begins, fol-
to move in several planes and can effectively image lowing the institution’s guidelines and the physician’s
the patient from head to toe. instructions.
The concepts of neutral body alignment and The patient’s medication, and when it was last
positioning are helpful in decreasing patients’ dis- taken, should be reviewed with the patient. If the
comfort from lying on a cold, hard table for an patient has regularly taken anticoagulation or antihy-
extended period of time. Start at the patient’s head. pertensive medication, this should be discussed with
Support the back of the neck with a pillow, and per- the physician prior to the procedure. Depending on
haps place a towel at the nape to support the head, the medication and the last dose taken, the procedure
neck, and shoulders. This will decrease the incidence may need to be delayed or rescheduled.
of shoulder spasms. Then look at the spaces behind Patients should also be asked if they have ever
their knees. If the knee is allowed to hyperflex, the had allergic reactions to anything, particularly con-
stress of this unsupported position will lead to strain trast media. Allergies should always be reviewed with
on the hamstrings, then to the gluteal muscles, then patients, even if it is written in their notes that they
to the lower back. This back pain can be decreased have no allergies.
with the simple addition of a soft towel or blanket Moderate/conscious sedation requires pulse
placed under the back of the knees, separating the oximetry and noninvasive blood pressure

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104 Chapter 7 Roles and Responsibilities of the Cath Lab Team

monitoring during the procedure. However, a transmission) part of the body. In some cases, this
decrease in oxygen saturation is not the earliest sign area will have to be shaved, and in others, it will
of respiratory issues, and many institutions now have to be cleaned to remove dirt or oils to ensure
require the monitoring of end-tidal CO2 with cap- effective electrode adhesion. The electrodes can be
nography for all moderate/conscious sedation pro- safely placed on the calf or thigh muscles, and on the
cedures. shoulders or upper arms.
ICVLs are cold to prevent the X-ray equipment
from overheating. Patients, who are almost naked
on the table, feel this more than the staff. The cir-
culator should have a warming cupboard filled with
blankets to keep patients comfortable during the
procedure if the patient wishes. For prolonged deep
sedation or general anesthesia procedures, warm-
ing blankets are used to help regulate the patient’s
During the preparation time, the scrub assistant
and circulator work together to get patients to the
point at which the procedure can begin. It is a good
time to explain to patients what will be expected of
them during the procedure. They should be told
that during most of the procedure they will have to
keep their hands behind their head. The circulator
should find out if this is problematic for any reason
and provide support for a patient’s arms if required. Figure 7.4 ECG monitor
During the procedure, and particularly during © sudok1/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images.

angiography runs, patients should move as little as

possible. The physician or the scrub assistant will ask Once the ECG is connected and running Figure
patients to breathe in deeply and then hold their 7.4 the circulator should check it before leaving the
breath as an angiography run is filmed. Patient should patient’s side and consider the following questions:
be told that they can breathe normally again when the
angiography run has finished.
• Are the connections good and free of artifact?
In a busy ICVL during a normal shift, staff may
• What is the rhythm and the heart rate?
prepare many patients. Even for the most eager pro-
• Does the patient need comforting or additional
fessional, it may be difficult to approach each patient
with the same enthusiasm, explaining everything as At this point, a baseline recording of the ECG
if it were for the first time. Few things, however, are should be made.
worse than subjecting a patient to a boring, robotic The area around the puncture site is to be
drone of information that has obviously been churned shaved, disinfected, and anesthetized prior to cath-
out the same way for years. That is where rotation eter access as set out in the institution’s protocol. The
of the jobs within the laboratory is important. The circulator and/or scrub assistant should explain these
empathy and compassion that are so useful on the steps to the patient before beginning the p ­ rocedure.
ward are also the foundations of effective communica- The size of the area to be prepped should have
tion in the ICVL. Treat patients as you would like to a radius of at least 5 centimeters from the intended
be treated yourself. point of insertion to ensure antisepsis. A much larger
ECG electrodes are attached to the patient. area is required if the sheath will be covered by a
Although some labs place a full set of 12 ECG leads dressing immediately after the procedure for later
on every patient, this is unnecessary for the major- removal. This will prevent the painful tearing out of
ity of interventions. Unless the electrodes are radio- hair when the dressing is removed. In some labs, the
lucent or (better yet) radiotransparent, they often entire genital area is shaved, from the umbilicus to the
get in the way of a clear X-ray picture. Four limb knees, for femoral access. In most facilities, however,
leads and at least one chest lead should be placed this is usually restricted to high-risk patients who may
on a relatively hairless (for better contact and for need advanced support devices because it adds other-
painless removal) and muscular (for optimal signal wise unnecessary discomfort for the patient.

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Procedure 105

Puncture site disinfection is most often per- (distractions, hurrying, etc.). Scrub assistants should
formed with a chlorhexidine prep, beginning where always be aware of what they are doing, be methodi-
the intended puncture will be and moving outwards. cal, and wear appropriate personal protection.
If a Betadine solution is used, prepping is also per- Most guidewires come packaged in a sterile plas-
formed in a circular fashion, moving outward from tic loop. The wire can be threaded back intro this
the intended access site, but with three preps. The and flushed when appropriate, ready for reuse later
skin should be completely dry prior to placing the in the case.
sterile drapes on the patient to ensure good contact. Extra care is taken with guiding catheters not to
When the puncture site has been prepared, the kink or bend them. Be aware of blood squirting out
scrub assistant takes the sterile drape from the table of a catheter’s side holes when it is being inserted into
and places it over the patient, with the opening in the the sheath. It is good practice to aim the side holes
center of the prepped area. With one hand holding away or cover them with something until they are
the drape in place, the other hand spreads out the rest inside the sheath.
of the drape with circulator’s help. The following must be monitored continuously
The table controls and the lead shield should be during the procedure:
covered with sterile plastic covers. In some labs, the
X-ray tubes are also covered.
• Blood pressure (noninvasive and invasive hemo-
If a blood pressure manifold is used, it is then
plugged in, flushed, and zero calibrated. Manifolds
• ECG (rate, rhythm, ST segment changes)
come in different configurations, most commonly
• Oxygen saturation
with three ports. These have one port for pressure
• Contrast medium volume
measurement, one for contrast medium, and one for
• Heparinized saline volume
heparinized saline. This setup makes it easy to flush
• Patient status
the manifold. Care must be taken that all the air Although the responsibility for the procedure and
bubbles are purged from the lines with saline at the patient ultimately lies with the physician, all these
beginning of the procedure and kept that way. If using observations are the combined responsibility of all
a mechanical contrast injection system, the same care members of the ICVL staff. While most procedures are
must be taken to prime the system and place a sterile routine, there are still risks involved, and unexpected
cover over the console controls. complications are always a possibility. A good team
As the draping continues, the X-ray gantry will will work as a cohesive unit, anticipating changes to
be brought into position. This can be quite intimidat- the patient’s condition before they occur.
ing from the patient perspective, so taking a moment
to explain the need for “close-up” pictures can help Blood Pressure
to decrease any anxiety patients may feel from hav- With a left heart procedure, as soon as the diagnos-
ing such a big piece of machinery hanging above their tic catheter has been placed in the aorta and the
body. proximal end connected to the manifold, a pressure
tracing and digitized values of the aortic systolic,
Procedure diastolic, and mean pressures will appear on the
monitor. This value should immediately be checked
When physicians arrive, they are assisted into their and treated as one would treat any blood pressure
gown and gloves. They make the arterial or venous measurement.
puncture and insert the sheath(s). If it is too low, it may indicate a vasovagal reaction
When a physician removes a wire from the or a technical problem such as a loose connection. Once
patient, it is passed to the scrub assistant, who wipes possible technical sources of the problem have been
it with saline and loops it together. The scrub assistant ruled out, the staff should ask if the patient is feeling
uses a wet gauze or lint-free wipe in the nondomi- faint or nauseated. An injection of atropine, administra-
nant hand, squeezing it around the wire to ensure a tion of IV fluids, or both may be warranted. A low pres-
good wire wipe. Pulling the wire out at a steady pace sure may also be due to the patient being dehydrated. A
using the dominant hand, the scrub assistant then patient who has been fasting since the previous evening
wraps it around on itself three or four times. This and does not come onto the table until the afternoon
should be done carefully and slowly to minimize will most probably be dehydrated, especially if it is a
the potential for spattering blood. Most splashes are warm day. This can be corrected promptly with a rapid
caused by something that could have been prevented saline or glucose and saline infusion.

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106 Chapter 7 Roles and Responsibilities of the Cath Lab Team

If an unusually high blood pressure is seen, ask Faulty connections or old cables can also be
patients what their blood pressure normally is and responsible for a break in the ECG signal. The staff
whether they have taken their medication that morn- should be familiar with troubleshooting the ECG,
ing. Administration of a medication such as nifedipine from the electrodes to the computer monitor, and
or nitroglycerine may be necessary to bring the blood spare leads and connectors should always be on hand.
pressure within the normal range. Hypertension may Invasive cardiovascular procedures cannot be safely
also indicate that the patient is anxious or nervous. carried out without a reliable, continuously moni-
If so, soothing talk may be enough to bring the pres- tored ECG. If a fault cannot be remedied with the staff
sure down. As time is usually of the essence once the and equipment at hand, another ECG monitor, even
patient’s artery has been punctured, some form of that in the defibrillator, can be used until that proce-
sedative may be administered for a quicker and more dure is finished and a technician can repair it.
certain result. A noisy/artifact ECG can be due to the patient
High blood pressure can also be an indicator shivering. If the patient is cold, the circulator can
of pain. If the patient has pain in their groin, more place a warmed blanket over the undraped parts of the
local anesthetic can be injected. For lower back pain, patient. The electrodes can also be placed over muscles
the patient’s position and supports can be adjusted. less susceptible to shivering if it becomes an issue.
If the pain has a cardiac source, it can be dealt with
Another cause of a high or low blood pressure
Contrast Medium
reading is a full bladder. Contrast medium is usually There are two main methods of using the contrast
metabolized efficiently and an IV infusion is running, medium: the open system and the closed system. With
so a patient’s bladder can fill up quite quickly. A bed- the open system, the contrast medium is poured into
pan or bottle can usually be put in place without much a bowl on the sterile table. The scrub assistant fills a
difficulty, and the procedure can continue. If this fails syringe with this liquid and then connects it to the cath-
to work, and the procedure still has quite some time eter, either directly or through a stopcock. The open
to run, a transuretheral (foley) catheter may have to system is rarely used in adult coronary angiography.
be inserted. With the closed system, the bottle of contrast is
A break in the pressure signal usually means that connected to the manifold by an infusion line, and the
the doctor or assistant has disengaged the system, scrub assistant fills the syringe by turning the mani-
probably to inject contrast. It is also possible that fold stopcock. The closed system cuts down on the
a connection in the system has become loose. It is risk of air bubbles and makes it easier to estimate the
important for the staff to be familiar with the system, amount of contrast medium used during a procedure.
from catheter to the computer monitor, to isolate and It is important, though, that the contrast medium
correct any connection problems that arise. bottle is changed before it is empty; otherwise, air will
be drawn into the line and may cause air emboli if
injected into the patient. If air is present in the line,
ECG disconnect the line from the patient and immediately
The ECG should be monitored continuously during the purge it of air.
procedure for changes in rate, rhythm, and ST segments. It is becoming more common for angiography
Extra systolic beats can be expected when a catheter contrast medium injections to be performed using a
makes contact with the heart muscle, especially when mechanical delivery system. This system ensures that
entering the ventricle. Extra systoles occurring without the amount of contrast medium given is of a constant
manual stimulation should be recorded when possible pressure and volume. Every injection is automatically
and brought to the attention of the physician. recorded, and the total contrast volume calculated.
If the ECG suddenly goes flat, there are two possi- To inject larger volumes of contrast medium dur-
ble explanations. First, assess the patient, who may be ing ventriculography and aortography, a mechanical
in asystole. The hemodynamic pressure display should delivery system or power injector is commonly used.
be checked immediately. If the pressure reading is con- The scout prepares the power injector and ensures
tinuing normally and the patient is responsive, then that the syringe and line are completely free of air. A
you can assume that the problem lies within the ECG tap with the knuckles or an instrument on the con-
system. In most cases, it will be due to one or more nection and syringe cylinder while it is held vertically,
of the ECG electrodes or leads becoming disengaged. syringe end upwards, should be enough to reveal and
Each one should be checked and replaced as necessary. dislodge any bubbles. The line should be purged and

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Procedure Completion 107

connected to the patient. A small amount of the con- or feel anything unusual. They should also be asked
trast medium should be released while the line is being general comfort questions such as if they are too hot
connected to the catheter, creating a wet-to-wet con- or cold. In addition to benefiting patients by relieving
nection to minimize the risk of air bubbles forming. any discomfort they may have, this also helps to relax
The circulator should ask the doctor before each them and distract them from the procedure for a few
injection to verify the contrast medium volume, injec- minutes. Talking occasionally to the patient during
tion rate, and maximum injection pressure. the procedure has the added benefit of reminding the
The scrub assistant should make sure the tubing is physician that the patient is actually present and tak-
properly connected to the catheter before angiography is ing an active part in the procedure.
performed. Potentially contaminated contrast medium If the patient preparation has been thorough,
can shower the team and cover a great deal of the lab in there should be little that has to be done for them dur-
a very few seconds if the connection is not tight. ing a procedure of normal duration. If the procedure
Prior to performing ventriculography or aortog- goes longer than expected, the staff will have to check
raphy, the patient should be told that they will be the patient’s well-being more frequently.
experiencing warmth all over their body. The warm,
flush sensation causes some patients to feel as if they
are urinating. Assure the patient that this sensation is Procedure Completion
normal and will pass quickly.
The order in which the procedure is concluded
During injection, the head of the power injec-
depends on which procedures were performed and
tor syringe is positioned downward so that any small
the state of the patient. The goal is to get patients
bubbles that may be present in the syringe will not be
safely into their bed where the sheath can be pulled or
injected. The contrast medium injection should begin
to wait until they are transferred to the ward.
shortly after filming has begun. If the filming stops
Always follow standard precautions; wear gloves
suddenly due to some technical problem, stop the
while packing up the table and the room after each
injection immediately.
Cath lab staff should be familiar with the power
injector settings and operation to make problem solv- • When the procedure has been completed, all
ing more efficient if the injector does not work properly. catheters are removed from the patient’s body,
leaving just the sheath in place.
Heparinized Saline • The X-ray equipment and monitors are moved
away from the patient.
This solution is used throughout the procedure for • The contrast medium lines and the pressure mon-
many purposes. The catheters and the rest of the sys- itoring lines are disconnected.
tem must be periodically flushed with it, gloves and • Depending on the method being used to close the
the working area should be periodically cleaned with puncture site, the sterile drape is carefully taken
it, and the contrast medium must be mixed with it in off the patient.
the inflator to inflate the balloon. It is a simple task to • Patients are helped into their gowns, paying care-
ensure that enough heparinized saline is always avail- ful attention to infusion lines.
able to those working at the table. • Using a transfer board, or with the patient help-
In instances where the patient has, or is suspected ing by grasping the overhead handle on the bed,
of having, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), patients are transferred into the bed, making sure
“clean” normal saline can be safely used. The ICVL that their body and legs remain straight.
team members must be keenly aware of this, and due • The bed is then taken to the recovery area or to
diligence must be taken to ensure that catheters and the patient’s unit.
wires are regularly wiped and flushed. Extra caution
As the patient is being wheeled out of the cath lab,
must also be taken to ensure that contrast medium and
the team is preparing it for the next procedure.
blood do not remain inside catheters.
• Any needles or blades on the equipment table are
carefully transferred to the sharps container.
The Patient • All disposable material is wrapped into the sterile
The circulator should talk to the patient during the drapes and placed in medical trash receptacles.
procedure as appropriate for ongoing assessment. These are emptied before they are full.
Patients should be asked if they have any discomfort • The cath lab is cleaned.

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108 Chapter 7 Roles and Responsibilities of the Cath Lab Team

• The material is prepared for the next procedure, If the sheath is not to be removed immediately fol-
as set out at the start of this chapter. lowing the procedure, the puncture site area should be
• The next patient is then brought into the lab. cleaned with saline, and then dried. Non-vented ster-
The term turnover describes the time between the ile caps should be placed on the sheath’s sidearm and
completion of one procedure and the beginning of the area covered with a sterile dressing. Team mem-
the next. This can be defined in various ways; physi- bers should inform the patient when the sheath will
cians most often prefer “gloves off to gloves on,” but it be removed and, in the meantime, which body parts
sometimes refers to “wheels out to wheels in.” What- can and cannot be moved. Team members must make
ever definition an institution uses, turnover describes sure that the patient knows that it is very important to
the time and process of ending the procedure, break- observe these motion restrictions and should explain
ing down the sterile field and disposable equipment, to the patient what will happen if they are ignored.
removing the patient from the room and transporting The patient can be made responsible for observ-
them to the next area of care, disposing of trash and ing signs of bleeding at the puncture site, such as
linen, disinfecting reusable equipment (procedure wetness or stickiness, and informing a staff member
table, sterile field table, ECG wires, etc.), and receiv- immediately if this occurs.
ing the next patient. In many facilities, turnover is Before patients leave the procedure area, they
a hot button topic related to procedural efficiency. should be told how important it is to rehydrate to help
Turnover is also one of the easiest areas to make great flush the contrast medium out of their body. Patients
improvements. Understanding the three primary roles should drink as much as they can for the rest of the
and responsibilities, team members can standardize day and should urinate as soon as they experience any
and greatly improve turnover times. pressure on the bladder.
Some rules, however, apply in every lab. The scrub Many ICVLs have a dedicated recovery area,
assistant or physician should account for all sharps in whereas others send patients directly to a coronary
the sterile field and dispose of them in the designated care unit or a ward following the procedure. See
container. If they tend to leave needles or blades lying Chapter 8, Nursing Care of the Cardiovascular Procedure
around, they should be told of the danger, and the Patient, for more information on caring for patients
correct form of disposal should be pointed out. post-procedure.
At the end of the procedure, the physician should
inform the patient of the results and display them on
the monitor if this is warranted. The physician should End of the Day
also explain to the patient what to expect for the next The end of each day’s program should include the fol-
24 hours or so. The staff can continue to clean up lowing:
around them while this is going on, but they should
do so in a professional manner that shows respect for • Dispose of all waste.
the discussion. • Thoroughly clean the cath lab and recovery area.
Depending on institutional protocol, arterial • Restock the cath lab and recovery area material.
sheath removal can be performed in the recovery area • Restock the emergency trolley.
adjacent to the cath lab or on the ward following the • Check restricted medication.
procedure. See Chapter 15, Access Site Hemostasis, for • Prepare the cath lab for any emergency proce-
dures that may take place during the night.
information on sheath removal.
• Perform information system backups where

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Wrap -Up 109


The team of non-physician staff that runs a cath and monitor. Each role encompasses a wide range of
lab can be made up of a variety of specialists, each knowledge and skills. A cath lab’s team members work
bringing their own expertise to the table. The three together to ensure that every patient receives optimal
main roles that these team members adopt during care during their time in the cath lab.
the cath lab procedures are scrub assistant, circulator,

Self-Assessment Questions
1. Describe at least five tasks that are performed 7. Give two reasons for a flat ECG signal.
by a cath lab’s scrub assistant. 8. Where should a circulator stand while an
2. Describe at least five tasks that are performed angiography run is being filmed?
by a cath lab’s circulator. 9. How should the puncture site area be treated
3. Describe at least five tasks that are performed at the end of the procedure if the sheath is not
by a cath lab’s monitor. to be removed immediately?
4. Outline the process of donning a sterile gown. 10. Why are patients requested to drink a lot of
5. What is the advantage of using carbon ECG fluids following an angiography or angioplasty
cables? procedure?
6. Why is it important to ensure that there are no
air bubbles in the lines before injecting a bolus
of contrast medium?

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