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AGRICULTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP Peseerecees | Promotion Scheme 3% 2018 =e CER feo. Department of Agriculture \ Meg cise une eau ra Government of Odisha Descriptio Under this scheme, Agricultural development in Odisha will take a leap-frog jump considering significant factors of production like quality inputs, technological services including modern form equipments and marketing assurances can be strategically provided at the farmer's doorstep. In this scenario, a value chain enabler termed as Agri-Entrepreneurs (AE), mostly focusing through skilling of enterprising youths will work at GP level and take the onus for helping farmers by providing missing farm services. This will help smallholders realize cost reduiction, better production, more profit and the service provider AEs, will earn in the range of Rs.2 lakh to 6 lakh per annum. Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment, Government of Odisha is launching this unique scheme where 1000 rural agriculture entrepreneurs (AE) will be systematically groomed in next 3 years and set up enterprises to cotalyze the revival of rural economy. This will be a pilot phase beginning in areas with better social mobilization base. What will the AE do? Each AE will work with 150-250 farmers in a cluster of 3-5 villages and oct as o one-stop resource solution provider for the agricultural needs of small ‘ond marginal farmers. Aés primarily provide four critical functions essential in most of the areas, i.e. providing better quality inputs, providing knowledge and crop advice along with on field support to the formers, providing mechanization services and linking farmers to markets. Additionally some AEs will also provide services for livestock rearing and fisheries where ever possible fo augment farmer's livelihood. ‘Aes will work closely with existing Community based institutions of small holder farmers and build a mutual role for the success of he activity. However AEs will function independently without much control by the FPOs. Government will provide financial assistance and facilitate in setting these ecosystems. However itis visualized that AEs will act as an intermediary between community and market with active support from the Government Who can apply The scheme will be open for candidates having following eligibility criteria * Preference would be given to women candidates. * Preference to thos: Nature of assistance: Implementation phases of grooming AEs AE Support System + Suppor hub thatacts like a master dstibutorfor the ABsthrough FPO/ Master Erirepreneum ‘+ Because of economies of scale, manufacturers / input suppliers will provide qually goods and servicesota compeltive price The AE-Hub can be the place to connect, ask questions ond rote products of diferent supplier fohelp each other Itwil be ICT enabled and a mobile app ofthe AE: Hab willbe developed be cctessed by ll stakeholders itll help AEs to prepare and realise theirbusiness plon * Alarge port of the performance of AEs can be monitored through auto generated reports from theAEsHGb portal ee a FPOs willsupportthe adiviies ofthe AEs and aggregate the need ofthe AEs and linkitwah AEHub Create mechanisms locally for transacting amongst the AEs Take up higher level of activites to support AEs Insome cases existing Mosler entrepreneurin the area willbe linked withthe AEsfor better services | ‘AE Subscribe to AE-Hub with subscription fee Work closely with the FPOs Institutional arrangement: * APICOLwill set up a PMU to design, plan, implement and monitor this scheme. + APICOL will identify the promoting agency with proper selection process that will provide training, create incubation mechanisms, provige hand holding suppor to Aes and setup AE-Hub. Govt will facilitate convergence of existing schemes ond issue of licenses for the qualified AEs. All AEs will have a tab/ mobile based platform to enter the information and there will be a dashboard for on time monitoring and evaluation: . Ghee: will me co-ordination committees at state, district and block level to review, support and guide is projec Benefits: + With an investment of around Rs. 18 crore, it will help AEs and Small holders to earn around Rs.18 crore and Rs. 225 Crore per year on o continuous basis. Rural youths will be motivated to take up such enterprise by staying in their own locale. twill strengthen the broken supply chain. Itwill help the market to reach the doorstep of the farmers. There will be co-ordination committees ot state, district and block level to review, supportand guide this project. Sa ay 49) The Agricultural Promotion and Investment Corporation of Odisha Ltd. Baramunda Bhubaneswar - 751003, Odisha Tel : 91 674 2354125, 2354006 (FAX) Email :, Website :,

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