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Issue: Young people should be encouraged to pass long-term realistic goals, rather than seek

immediate fame and recognition


In the contemporary world, where instant gratification often takes precedence, it is crucial to advocate for the
importance of setting long-term, realistic goals for young people. I firmly believe that the pursuit of immediate
fame and recognition can be fleeting and potentially detrimental, whereas the pursuit of long-term goals
provides a solid foundation for personal growth and success.

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The first reason to encourage young people to set long-term goals is that it fosters patience and
perseverance. For instance, consider a young aspiring musician who dreams of performing at Carnegie Hall.
This dream will not materialize overnight. It requires years of practice, learning, and honing skills. The journey
towards this goal will instill in them the values of hard work, dedication, and resilience, which are invaluable life

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Secondly, long-term goals provide a clear direction and purpose in life. Take the example of a high school
student who aspires to become a doctor. This goal will guide their academic choices and extracurricular
activities, helping them stay focused and motivated even when faced with challenges. This sense of direction is
essential for personal development and can lead to a fulfilling career.

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Thirdly, setting realistic goals can lead to genuine and lasting success. A young entrepreneur aiming to build
a sustainable business will need to plan meticulously, make informed decisions, and adapt to changing market
conditions. This process might take longer, but the success achieved will be more stable and rewarding than
the fleeting fame that comes with viral internet trends.

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Lastly, long-term goals encourage continuous learning and growth. A young writer aiming to publish a novel
will not only improve their writing skills over time but also learn about the publishing industry, marketing, and
audience engagement. This continuous learning journey contributes to their overall personal and professional

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However, it is important to acknowledge that in some cases, seeking immediate fame and recognition can
open doors and provide opportunities. A young artist gaining recognition through a viral social media post
can kickstart their career. But it is essential to remember that such fame is often short-lived and
unpredictable. Therefore, it should not be the primary goal but rather a potential stepping stone towards long-
term, realistic goals.


In conclusion, while the allure of immediate fame and recognition can be tempting, it is the pursuit of long-term,
realistic goals that truly shapes a person’s character, provides a sense of purpose, and leads to lasting
success. Therefore, it is imperative that we encourage our young people to dream big, plan realistically, and
commit to their goals for the long haul.
Another Version:

In today's fast-paced world, the pursuit of immediate fame and recognition often overshadows the importance
of setting long-term, realistic goals, particularly among young people. As society becomes increasingly driven
by instant gratification and the allure of overnight success, the value of patience, perseverance, and strategic
planning tends to diminish. However, I firmly believe that fostering a culture that encourages young individuals
to prioritize long-term, realistic goals over the allure of instant fame is crucial for their personal development
and societal progress. Therefore, I strongly agree that young people should be encouraged to pass long-term
realistic goals, rather than seek immediate fame and recognition.

To begin with, setting long-term, realistic goals provides a sense of direction and purpose that is essential for
personal growth and fulfillment. When individuals have clear objectives that extend beyond the immediate
future, they are more likely to make informed decisions and invest their time and energy wisely. For instance,
consider a young entrepreneur who dreams of launching a successful startup. Instead of chasing fleeting
opportunities for short-term fame, such as viral social media stunts, they focus on developing a viable business
plan, acquiring relevant skills, and building a strong network over time. This example illustrates how prioritizing
long-term goals enables individuals to make meaningful progress towards their aspirations, rather than being
distracted by superficial acclaim.

Moreover, pursuing long-term, realistic goals cultivates resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges
and setbacks. Unlike the ephemeral nature of instant fame, which often relies on external validation and luck,
achieving substantial goals requires dedication, resilience, and the ability to overcome obstacles. For instance,
consider a talented musician who aspires to master their craft and establish a lasting legacy in the industry.
Instead of chasing fleeting moments of viral fame through gimmicks or controversy, they dedicate countless
hours to practice, refine their skills, and navigate the ups and downs of the music industry. This example
highlights how the pursuit of long-term goals fosters resilience and perseverance, enabling individuals to
withstand adversity and emerge stronger in the process.

Furthermore, prioritizing long-term, realistic goals fosters a sense of responsibility and contribution to society.
Unlike the self-centered pursuit of instant fame, which often prioritizes personal gain over collective progress,
striving towards meaningful long-term goals encourages individuals to consider the broader impact of their
actions on others and the world around them. For instance, consider a young environmental activist who is
passionate about combating climate change. Instead of seeking fleeting attention through sensationalist stunts
or viral campaigns, they dedicate themselves to implementing sustainable solutions, raising awareness, and
mobilizing communities for lasting change. This example demonstrates how the pursuit of long-term goals can
inspire individuals to contribute positively to society and leave a meaningful legacy for future generations.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that the allure of immediate fame and recognition can be tempting,
especially in a society that glorifies instant gratification and overnight success. Some may argue that pursuing
short-term acclaim can provide opportunities for visibility and influence, which may ultimately contribute to
long-term goals. While there may be instances where short-term tactics yield temporary benefits, such as
increased visibility or monetary gain, they often lack substance and sustainability in the long run. In contrast,
prioritizing long-term, realistic goals offers a solid foundation for sustained success and personal fulfillment,
even if it requires patience and perseverance.
In conclusion, the importance of encouraging young people to prioritize long-term, realistic goals cannot be
overstated. By fostering a mindset focused on strategic planning, perseverance, and contribution to society, we
empower individuals to make meaningful progress towards their aspirations and create lasting impact. While
the allure of immediate fame and recognition may be tempting, it is the pursuit of substantial long-term goals
that truly defines success and fulfillment in the journey of personal and societal development. Therefore, it is
imperative that we prioritize the cultivation of resilience, responsibility, and purpose among the younger
generation, guiding them towards a future characterized by meaningful achievements and enduring legacies.

Issue: Government shouldn't fund any scientific research whose consequences aren't clear


The role of government in funding scientific research has been a topic of debate for many years. I firmly
disagree with the statement that the government shouldn’t fund any scientific researches whose consequences
aren’t clear. The nature of scientific research is such that the outcomes are often uncertain, but this does not
diminish the potential value of the research.

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Firstly, many significant scientific discoveries have been made when the outcomes were not clear at the outset.
For example, the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming was a result of an unplanned observation. If the
government had not funded research with unclear outcomes, we might not have one of the most critical
antibiotics in medical history.

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Secondly, scientific research often leads to the development of new technologies and innovations. Consider
the research into quantum mechanics, a field with many unknowns. Yet, it has led to the development of
technologies like lasers and MRI scanners. Without government funding for such exploratory research, these
advancements may not have been possible.

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Thirdly, government funding of scientific research with unclear outcomes encourages risk-taking and
innovation. Private entities often shy away from funding research with uncertain outcomes due to the high risk
involved. Government funding can fill this gap and foster an environment where scientists can pursue
groundbreaking research.

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Lastly, not all research is aimed at immediate practical applications. Some research expands our
understanding of the universe, like research in theoretical physics and cosmology. While the practical
applications of such research may not be immediately clear, they contribute to the collective knowledge of
humanity and could have unforeseen benefits in the future.

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However, it is important to acknowledge that government resources are finite, and there is a need for some
level of prioritization in funding decisions. Research proposals should be evaluated based on their scientific
merit, potential for breakthrough, and alignment with national interests. But this should not preclude the
government from funding research with unclear outcomes.


In conclusion, while it is crucial to ensure the effective use of government resources, it is equally important to
recognize the value of funding scientific research with unclear outcomes. Such research has led to significant
discoveries and technological advancements in the past and will continue to drive scientific progress in the

Another Version:
In the ever-evolving landscape of scientific inquiry, the allocation of government funds towards research
initiatives stands as a crucial debate. Advocates argue for a stringent policy wherein government funding is
directed solely towards scientific endeavors with immediate, discernible consequences. Conversely, opponents
advocate for a more liberal approach, emphasizing the intrinsic value of exploration and the potential for
serendipitous discoveries. Firmly situated within the former camp, I assert that the government should abstain
from funding any scientific research whose consequences are not adequately clear. This stance is grounded in
the necessity for responsible resource allocation, ensuring that taxpayer funds are channeled towards
endeavors with tangible and foreseeable benefits.

Key Sentence: Scientific research with ambiguous outcomes risks misappropriating taxpayer funds and
diverting resources from more pressing societal needs.

Example: Consider the hypothetical scenario of a research project exploring the effects of microorganisms on
deep-sea ecosystems. Without clear objectives or potential applications, allocating government funds to such a
venture would be unjustifiable.

Emphasis: The example underscores the importance of clarity in research objectives to safeguard against
wasteful expenditure and prioritize initiatives with demonstrable societal benefits.

Key Sentence: Funding research with uncertain consequences can impede progress by fostering ambiguity
and discouraging accountability.

Example: Take the case of a study investigating the long-term effects of a newly synthesized compound on
plant growth. Without predefined goals or foreseeable outcomes, researchers may lack the necessary impetus
to deliver meaningful results, perpetuating a cycle of uncertainty.

Emphasis: This example illustrates how funding projects without clear consequences can hinder scientific
advancement by fostering complacency and undermining accountability within the research community.

Key Sentence: Investing in research endeavors lacking clear consequences risks undermining public trust in
governmental decision-making and scientific integrity.

Example: Imagine a situation where government funds are allocated to explore the feasibility of a speculative
technology with undefined societal implications. In the absence of transparent objectives and foreseeable
outcomes, taxpayers may question the rationale behind such investments, eroding confidence in governmental
stewardship of public resources.

Emphasis: This example underscores the critical link between transparent research objectives and maintaining
public trust, highlighting the importance of clarity in guiding governmental funding decisions.

Key Sentence: Prioritizing research with clear consequences enables policymakers to address immediate
societal challenges and allocate resources effectively.

Example: Consider a government-funded initiative aimed at developing renewable energy technologies to

mitigate climate change. By focusing on research with clearly defined objectives and foreseeable benefits,
policymakers can direct resources towards addressing pressing global challenges in a targeted and efficient

Emphasis: This example emphasizes the instrumental role of clear research objectives in facilitating effective
resource allocation and addressing urgent societal needs, reinforcing the necessity of prioritizing research with
discernible consequences.

While proponents of funding research with uncertain consequences may argue for the intrinsic value of
exploration and the potential for unforeseen discoveries, it is essential to recognize the pragmatic imperatives
of responsible resource allocation. While serendipitous breakthroughs undoubtedly have their place in scientific
progress, prioritizing research with clear consequences remains paramount in ensuring accountability,
transparency, and effective governance of taxpayer funds.

In conclusion, the government's allocation of funds towards scientific research demands a judicious balance
between exploration and accountability. By prioritizing initiatives with clear and foreseeable consequences,
policymakers can uphold the principles of transparency, accountability, and responsible resource allocation. In
doing so, they not only safeguard taxpayer interests but also ensure that scientific endeavors contribute
meaningfully to addressing pressing societal challenges and advancing human knowledge.

Issue: Knowing about the past, cannot help people to make important decisions today.

The assertion that knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today is one I
respectfully disagree with. I firmly believe that our past, both on a personal and societal level, serves as a
valuable guide for decision-making in the present.

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Firstly, understanding history allows us to learn from past mistakes. For instance, the financial crisis of 2008
serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked speculation and risky financial practices. This
knowledge can guide policymakers and individuals in making informed financial decisions today.

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Secondly, the past provides successful models that can be emulated in the present. Consider the civil rights
movement in the United States. The strategies and tactics used by activists then continue to inspire and guide
social justice movements today.

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Thirdly, knowledge of the past can help us understand and navigate current societal and global issues. Climate
change, for example, can be better understood by studying past patterns and impacts of environmental
changes. This knowledge is crucial in shaping our response to this pressing issue.

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Lastly, on a personal level, our past experiences shape our understanding of the world and influence our
decision-making. A person who has experienced the consequences of unhealthy lifestyle choices in the past
may decide to adopt a healthier lifestyle today.

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However, it is important to acknowledge that while the past can guide us, it should not dictate our decisions.
Each era presents unique challenges and opportunities, and we must be flexible and adaptable. We should
learn from the past but also be open to new ideas and approaches.

In conclusion, while it is essential to adapt to the present and look towards the future, the past remains a
valuable reservoir of lessons and insights. Therefore, knowing about the past can indeed help us make
important decisions today.

Another version:

In a world that relentlessly propels forward, the significance of the past often finds itself relegated to the annals
of history. However, to assert that knowing about the past cannot aid in making crucial decisions today is to
disregard the profound impact historical understanding can have on shaping present actions. I vehemently
disagree with this notion. Understanding history provides invaluable insights, offering a lens through which we
can analyze the consequences of past decisions, discern patterns, and ultimately, navigate the complexities of
the present with greater wisdom and foresight.

One cannot understate the importance of learning from past mistakes. History is rife with examples of
catastrophic errors that resulted from ignorance or disregard for past events. Take, for instance, the Great
Depression of the 1930s, a global economic downturn characterized by widespread unemployment, poverty,
and despair. The failure to address the root causes of the economic collapse led to prolonged suffering and
social unrest. By studying this period, policymakers can identify warning signs and implement measures to
mitigate similar crises in the present. The example of the Great Depression underscores the critical role that
historical knowledge plays in averting future calamities, serving as a potent reminder that the past is not merely
a repository of bygone events but a repository of lessons waiting to be heeded.

Furthermore, history offers invaluable context for understanding contemporary issues and conflicts. Consider
the ongoing tensions in the Middle East, a region fraught with centuries-old rivalries, territorial disputes, and
religious divisions. Without a nuanced understanding of the historical forces at play, efforts to broker peace or
facilitate dialogue are destined to falter. By delving into the region's complex past, one can discern the
underlying motives and grievances of various stakeholders, paving the way for more informed and effective
diplomacy. The example of the Middle East underscores the imperative of historical awareness in navigating
complex geopolitical terrain, highlighting the folly of attempting to address contemporary challenges in isolation
from their historical roots.

Moreover, history provides a wealth of inspiration and guidance from the achievements and triumphs of the
past. Consider the civil rights movement in the United States, a watershed moment in the struggle for racial
equality and social justice. Through acts of courage, resilience, and collective action, ordinary individuals
defied entrenched systems of oppression and catalyzed transformative change. By studying this pivotal
chapter in history, current activists and advocates can draw inspiration from past triumphs, gaining insights into
effective strategies and tactics for advancing social progress. The example of the civil rights movement
underscores the enduring relevance of history as a source of inspiration and guidance, reminding us of the
power of collective action to effect meaningful change.

While some may argue that the past is an antiquated relic with little relevance to the complexities of the
present, such a viewpoint fails to appreciate the interconnectedness of history and contemporary society.
Indeed, to dismiss the lessons of the past is to court disaster, consigning oneself to repeat the mistakes of
bygone eras. However, by embracing the wisdom gleaned from history, we can chart a course towards a more
enlightened and equitable future.

In conclusion, the assertion that knowing about the past cannot aid in making important decisions today is not
only misguided but dangerously shortsighted. History serves as a beacon of wisdom, illuminating the path
forward amidst the tumult of the present. From learning from past mistakes to gaining insights into
contemporary issues and drawing inspiration from past triumphs, the value of historical knowledge is
undeniable. As we navigate the complexities of an ever-changing world, let us heed the lessons of history and
forge a future guided by wisdom, compassion, and foresight

Issue: In this age of intense media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any living
men or woman as a hero.


In the era of pervasive media coverage, it is often argued that it is no longer possible for society to regard any
living man or woman as a hero. I respectfully disagree with this assertion. Despite the intense scrutiny that
comes with media coverage, there are still individuals who rise above the fray and are regarded as heroes in

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Firstly, intense media coverage does not preclude the existence of heroes; it merely changes the way we
perceive them. For instance, healthcare workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic have been widely
recognized as heroes. Despite the relentless media coverage, their selfless service and dedication have
earned them the admiration and respect of society.

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Secondly, the media can amplify the positive impact that a hero can have. Consider Malala Yousafzai, the
youngest Nobel laureate. Her fight for girls’ education in Pakistan gained international attention through the
media, inspiring millions around the world and making her a hero in the eyes of many. Despite the media
scrutiny surrounding her, Malala's courage and unwavering dedication to her cause have earned her
widespread acclaim and admiration.

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Thirdly, heroes are not defined by perfection but by their significant contributions and the values they uphold.
Nelson Mandela, despite his flaws and mistakes highlighted by the media, is regarded as a hero because of
his fight against apartheid and his efforts to foster reconciliation in South Africa.

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Lastly, the media’s role is not just to scrutinize but also to highlight the extraordinary deeds of ordinary
individuals. There are countless stories of individuals performing heroic acts of bravery, kindness, or innovation
that would have remained unknown if not for media coverage.

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However, it is important to acknowledge that intense media coverage can sometimes overshadow the deeds of
a hero. The media’s focus on sensationalism and controversy can distract from an individual’s heroic actions.
But this does not negate the existence of heroes; it merely challenges us to look beyond the headlines.


In conclusion, despite the age of intense media coverage, it is still possible for society to regard living
individuals as heroes. Heroes continue to inspire and make significant contributions to society, and their
stories, amplified by the media, can inspire others to do the same.

Another Version

In an age dominated by the relentless scrutiny of media coverage, the concept of heroism is often called into
question. The deluge of information bombarding society has rendered it increasingly difficult to uphold
individuals as heroes without exposing them to intense scrutiny and critique. Thus, I find myself inclined to
disagree with the assertion that in this era of intense media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to
regard any living man or woman as a hero. While the media undoubtedly shapes our perceptions, there are still
instances where individuals rise above the noise and inspire admiration and respect. Through a careful
examination of historical and contemporary examples, it becomes evident that heroism persists despite the
challenges posed by modern media.

Firstly, it is imperative to acknowledge that heroism transcends the sensationalism of media coverage.
Consider the example of Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani education activist who survived an assassination
attempt by the Taliban and went on to become a global advocate for girls' education. Despite the media
scrutiny surrounding her, Malala's courage and unwavering dedication to her cause have earned her
widespread acclaim and admiration. Her story not only inspires individuals but also serves as a beacon of hope
in the face of adversity. Malala's resilience and determination underscore the enduring nature of heroism,
demonstrating that even in the midst of intense media coverage, genuine acts of bravery and selflessness

Similarly, the heroic actions of frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic provide a poignant example of
contemporary heroism. From healthcare professionals risking their lives to care for the sick to essential
workers ensuring the functioning of society amidst uncertainty, these individuals embody the spirit of heroism in
its purest form. Despite the media spotlight on their sacrifices, these everyday heroes continue to inspire
reverence and gratitude. Their selfless acts serve as a reminder that heroism is not confined to grand gestures
but often manifests in the quiet courage of ordinary people facing extraordinary circumstances. In this light, the
intense media coverage surrounding their efforts only amplifies the significance of their contributions,
reaffirming society's ability to recognize and celebrate heroism in the modern age.

Moreover, it is crucial to recognize that media coverage does not solely dictate societal perceptions of heroism;
rather, it is but one factor among many. Take, for instance, the case of Greta Thunberg, the Swedish
environmental activist whose impassioned advocacy for climate action has galvanized a global movement.
Despite facing criticism and skepticism from some quarters of the media, Greta's unwavering commitment to
addressing the climate crisis has earned her widespread admiration and acclaim. Her ability to mobilize
millions of individuals around the world demonstrates the enduring power of moral courage and conviction in
shaping societal attitudes towards heroism. Greta's story serves as a compelling reminder that while media
coverage may influence public discourse, it ultimately cannot diminish the impact of genuine acts of heroism.

However, it is essential to acknowledge the potential pitfalls of media coverage in shaping perceptions of
heroism. The sensationalism and selective reporting inherent in modern media can distort the public's
understanding of individuals' actions, leading to the idolization of flawed or unworthy figures. Moreover, the
constant scrutiny and exposure to public scrutiny can take a toll on individuals thrust into the spotlight,
subjecting them to intense pressure and scrutiny. While media coverage undoubtedly plays a role in shaping
societal perceptions of heroism, it is crucial to exercise discernment and critical thinking in evaluating the
authenticity and merit of individuals' actions.

In conclusion, while the intense media coverage prevalent in today's society undoubtedly poses challenges to
the perception of heroism, it is by no means insurmountable. Through a nuanced understanding of the
complexities of media influence and a steadfast commitment to recognizing genuine acts of courage and
selflessness, society can continue to uphold individuals as heroes. From historical figures like Malala Yousafzai
to contemporary activists like Greta Thunberg, the examples of heroism abound, serving as a testament to the
enduring resilience of the human spirit. In this age of intense media coverage, the ability to discern true
heroism amidst the noise is not only possible but essential for preserving the values that unite and inspire us
as a society.

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