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For more orders from all types of media click here, I have orders for Hellboy, Avatar, The

MCU, The Witcher, The Cosmere, and more!

Recommended Semi-Chronological Order (some grouped together by theme) [1]

Notes on thematically linked campaigns [2]
Campaign / Scenario Nº [3] Year(s) [4] Civilization(s) Game Pack
Ascent of Egypt 12 c.-8000 to -1457 Egyptians I -
Sargon of Akkad 5 c.-2333 to -2279 Sumerians II ReoR To contact me (for corrections or suggestions) PM

Reign of the Hittites 3 -1700 to -1274 Hittites I DE [5] me to my reddit account u/JulixgMC
Hittite Raids on Babylon
Voices of Babylon 8 -1760 to -612 Babylonians I - (Individual Scenario Order Recommended for these, Read Note) [6]

Glory of Greece 8 -1600 to -334 Greeks I - Check out the "Individual Scenario Order" and the
Age of Mythology sheet in the tabs down below!

Pyrrhus of Epirus 5 -301 to -275 Macedonians II ReoR
The Rise of Rome 5 -290 to -63 Romans I RoR
First Punic War 3 -262 to -255 Carthaginians I DE [8] Hovering over a Campaign, Historical Battle,
Enemies of Rome 4 -218 to 263 Various [9] I RoR The Roman Empire Civilization or Expansion Pack icon shows a link to
(Individual Scenario Order Recommended for these, Read Note) [7]
the corresponding page of the AoE Wiki
Ave Caesar 4 -75 to -48 Romans I RoR
Trajan 5 89 to 117 Romans II ReoR
Imperium Romanum 5 -31 to 374 Romans / Palmyrans I RoR

Cells with little triangles on the top right (like this
Alaric 5 394 to 413 Goths II TF one) have aditional information if you hover your
Fall of the Roman Empire mouse over them [10]
Attila the Hun 6 434 to 452 Huns II TC
Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun 8 -210 to 740 Yamato I -
Bukhara - 557 Persians II TF To use filters, select the whole chart (but not the
Dos Pilas - 648 Mayans II TF header) and then go to "Data" -> "filter views" and

choose "create new temporary filter view"
Tariq ibn Ziyad 5 711 to 732 Berbers II TAK
Umayyad Conquest of Iberia and Gaul
Tours - 732 Franks II TC
Devapala 5 810 to 850 Bengalis II DoI Game / Expansion Pack Legend
York - 865 Vikings II TF Age of Empires
Honfoglalás - 895 Magyars II TF - Base game (1997) [11]
Yodit 5 c.960 [12] Ethiopians II TAK RoR Rise of Rome (1998) [13]
Vinlandsaga - 1000 Vikings II TC DE Definitive Edition (2018) [14]

Rajendra 5 1007 to 1025 Dravidians II DoI
Chola - Khmer Alliance
Suryavarman I 5 1002 to 1050 Khmer II RotR Age of Empires II

Bari 5 871 to 1071 Byzantines II TF - Base game (1999) [15]
Hastings - 1066 Franks II TC TC The Conquerors (2000) [16]
Norman Expansion
The Normans: Conquest 2 1066 to 1069 Normans (English) IV - TF The Forgotten (2013) [17]
The Hautevilles 5 1047 to 1140 "Normans" / Sicilians [18] II LotW TAK The African Kingdoms (2015) [19]
Manzikert - 1071 Turks II TC RotR Rise of the Rajas (2016) [20]
El Cid 6 1072 to 1099 Spanish / Saracens II TC DE Definitive Edition (2019)
The Normans: Possession 3 1105 to 1119 English IV - TLK The Last Khans (2019) [21]
The Normans: The Anarchy 2 1149 to 1153 English IV - LotW Lords of the West (2021)
The Sultans Ascend: Invasion 1 1111 Seljuk Empire (Ayyubids) IV TSA DotD Dawn of the Dukes (2021)

Thoros II 5 1141 to 1169 Armenians II TMR DoI Dynasties of India (2022)
Barbarossa 6 1152 to 1191 Teutons II - Age of Empires II: Return of Rome [22]
European Crusades on the Middle East
Cyprus - 1191 Britons II TF ReoR Return of Rome (2023)
The Sultans Ascend: Saladin 3 1163 to 1187 Saladin (Ayyubids) IV TSA
Saladin 6 1168 to 1191 Saracens II - Age of Empires III
Tamar 5 1185 to 1211 Georgians II TMR - Base game (2005)
Kurikara - 1183 Japanese II TF TWC The WarChiefs (2006) [23]
Prithviraj 5 1178 to 1192 Gurjaras II TF [24] TAD The Asian Dynasties (2007) [25]
Genghis Khan 6 1206 to 1241 Mongols II - DE Definitive Edition (2020)
The Mongol Empire: Shock and Awe 3 1223 to 1215 [26] Mongols IV - TAR The African Royals (2021)

Kotyan Khan 5 1222 to 1242 Cumans II TLK MX Mexico Civilization (2021)
The Rise of Moscow: Fort to City 1 1238 Rus IV - Expansion of the Mongol Empire
The Mongol Empire: Conquest 3 1240 to 1241 Mongols IV - Age of Empires IV
The Mongol Empire: Domination 3 1267 to 1273 Mongols IV - - Base game (2021)
Ivaylo 5 1277 to 1281 Bulgarians II TLK - The Sultans Ascend (2023)
The Sultans Ascend: From Slaves to Sultans 3 1250 to 1291 Mamluk Sultanate (Ayyubids) IV TSA
Sundjata 5 c.1235 [27] Malians II TAK
The Normans: Rebellion 3 1215 to 1217 English IV -
William Wallace
Edward Longshanks
1296 to 1298
1264 to 1307
} First War of Scottish Independence

Gajah Mada 5 1293 to 1357 Malay II RotR

Lake Poyang - 1363 Chinese II TF Consequences of the
Tamerlane 6 1370 to 1402 Tatars II TLK Expansion and Fracturation
The Rise of Moscow: City to State 2 1375 to 1380 Rus IV - of the Mongol Empire

Algirdas and Kestutis 5 1345 to 1382 Lithuanians II DotD
Jogaila, Vytautas and
Jadwiga [28] 6 1383 to 1410 Poles / Lithuanians II DotD
The Teutonic Order
Jan Zizka 6 1405 to 1424 Bohemians II DotD
China 5 1421 to 1422 Chinese III TAD
Le Loi 6 1418 to 1426 Vietnamese II RotR

The Hundred Years' War: Chivalry 2 1351 to 1360 French IV -
The Hundred Years' War: Disorder 2 1364 to 1370 French IV -
Agincourt - 1415 Britons II TC
The Grand Dukes of the West 6 1407 to 1431 Burgundians II LotW Hundred Years' War
The Hundred Years' War: Desperation 2 1429 French IV -
Joan of Arc 6 1429 to 1453 Franks II -
The Hundred Years' War: Ascendancy 2 1448 to 1450 French IV -
The Sultans Ascend: Pirates of the Mediterranean 1 1426 Mamluk Sultanate (Ayyubids) IV TSA
Sforza 5 1426 to 1450 Italians II TF
Pachacuti 5 1410 to 1471 Incas II DE [29]
The Rise of Moscow: State to Empire 3 1382 to 1480 Rus IV -
Dracula 5 1448 to 1477 Turks / Magyars / Slavs II TF
Babur 5 1497 to 1527 Hindustanis / Tatars II DoI
Ismail 5 1499 to 1524 Persians II TMR
Francisco de Almeida 5 1476 to 1509 Portuguese II TAK

Algiers - 1516 Barbary Pirates III DE
Montezuma 6 1517 to 1521 Aztecs II TC
Christopher da Gama's Expedition - 1542 Portuguese III DE European / Ottoman wars for the Mediterranean and
Bayinnaung 5 1538 to 1580 Burmese II RotR Iberian Ultramarine Expansion & Colonization
Blood 8 1565 to 1566 [30] Knights of St. John III -
Lepanto - 1571 Spanish II TC
The Battle of the Three Kings - 1578 Moroccans III TAR
The Rise of Moscow: Empire to Superpower
Chuvash Cape
Raid on the Caribbean
1514 to 1552
} Russian Empire Expansion

Kyoto - 1582 Japanese II TC
Noryang Point - 1598 Koreans II TC End of the Japanese Sengoku period
Japan 5 1598 to 1600 [31] Japanese III TAD

Fort Duquesne - 1754 French III DE
Ice 8 1756 to 1757 [32] John Black's Mercenaries III - George Washington
Fire 8 1775 to 1781 [33] Black Family Estate III TWC
Fall of the Hausa - 1804 Hausa III TAR
The Burning of USS Philadelphia - 1804 United States III MX [34]
Grito de Dolores - 1810 Mexicans III MX
Battle of Queenston Heights - 1812 Canadians III MX [35]
Battle of New Orleans - 1815 United States III DE
Steel 8 1817 to 1818 [36] United States III -
The Era of the Princes - 1855 Ethiopians III TAR
India 5 1857 Indians III TAD
Shadow 7 1866 to 1876 [37] Falcon Company / Lakota III TWC
Tutorials (No Clear Historical Setting) [38]
The Art of War (AoE II) 9 - Various [39] II DE
Tutorial (AoE III) 2 - British III -
The Art of War (AoE III) 10 - Various [40] III DE
Individual Scenario Campaign Chronological Order
Scenario Number Scenario Year [41] Civilization Campaign Game Pack
Ascent of Egypt 1 Hunting c.-8000 Egyptians Ascent of Egypt I -
2 Foraging c.-6500 Egyptians Ascent of Egypt I - Hovering over a Campaign, Historical Battle,
3 Discoveries c.-6200 Egyptians Ascent of Egypt I - Civilization or Expansion Pack icon shows a link to
the corresponding page of the AoE Wiki
4 Advancing to the Next Age c.-6000 Egyptians Ascent of Egypt I -
5 Skirmish c.-3800 Egyptians Ascent of Egypt I -
6 Farming c.-3100 Egyptians Ascent of Egypt I - Cells with little triangles on the top right (like this
7 Trade c.-2700 Egyptians Ascent of Egypt I - one) have aditional information if you hover your
mouse over them [42]
8 Religion c.-2500 Egyptians Ascent of Egypt I -
Sargon of Akkad 1 The Chosen One c.-2334 Sumerians Sargon of Akkad II ReoR
2 Divine Will c.-2334 Sumerians Sargon of Akkad II ReoR To use filters, select the whole chart (but not the
3 The Prophecy c.-2330 Sumerians Sargon of Akkad II ReoR header) and then go to "Data" -> "filter views" and
choose "create new temporary filter view"
4 The Land of Kings c.-2330 Sumerians Sargon of Akkad II ReoR
<End> 5 Subartu c.-2279 Sumerians Sargon of Akkad II ReoR
9 The River Outpost -1878 Egyptians Ascent of Egypt I - Game / Expansion Pack Legend
Voices of Babylon 1 The Holy Man -1760 Babylonians Voices of Babylon I - Age of Empires
2 The Tigris Valley -1755 Babylonians Voices of Babylon I - - Base game (1997) [43]
10 Naval Battle -1720 Egyptians Ascent of Egypt I - RoR Rise of Rome (1998) [44]
Reign of the Hittites 1 Opening Moves -1700 Hittites Reign of the Hittites I DE DE Definitive Edition (2018) [45]
Glory of Greece 1 Claiming Territory -1600 Greeks Glory of Greece I -
2 Raid of Babylon -1596 Hittites Reign of the Hittites I DE Age of Empires II
3 Vengeance -1595 Babylonians Voices of Babylon I - - Base game (1999) [46]
11 A Wonder of the World -1490 Egyptians Ascent of Egypt I - TC The Conquerors (2000) [47]
<End> 12 The Siege in Canaan -1457 Egyptians Ascent of Egypt I - TF The Forgotten (2013) [48]
2 Acropolis -1421 Greeks Glory of Greece I - TAK The African Kingdoms (2015) [49]
3 The Conquest of Crete -1420 Greeks Glory of Greece I - RotR Rise of the Rajas (2016) [50]
<End> 3 The Battle of Kadesh -1274 Hittites Reign of the Hittites I DE DE Definitive Edition (2019)
4 The Trojan War -1194 Greeks Glory of Greece I - TLK The Last Khans (2019) [51]
4 I Shall Return -1155 Babylonians Voices of Babylon I - LotW Lords of the West (2021)
5 The Great Hunt -1120 Babylonians Voices of Babylon I - DotD Dawn of the Dukes (2021)
6 The Caravan -1119 Babylonians Voices of Babylon I - DoI Dynasties of India (2022)
5 Colonization of Iona -1000 Greeks Glory of Greece I - TMR The Mountain Royals (2023)
7 Lord of the Euphrates -734 Babylonians Voices of Babylon I -
<End> 8 The Conquest of Nineveh -612 Babylonians Voices of Babylon I - Age of Empires II: Return of Rome [52]
6 The Siege of Athens -405 Greeks Glory of Greece I - ReoR Return of Rome (2023)
7 Xenophon's March -401 Greeks Glory of Greece I -
<End> 8 Alexander the Great -334 Greeks Glory of Greece I - Age of Empires III
Pyrrhus of Epirus 1 A Second Alexander -301 Macedonians Pyrrhus of Epirus II ReoR - Base game (2005)
2 The Many Kings of Macedon -295 Macedonians Pyrrhus of Epirus II ReoR TWC The WarChiefs (2006) [53]
The Rise of Rome 1 The Birth of Rome -290 Romans The Rise of Rome I RoR TAD The Asian Dynasties (2007) [54]
3 Pyrrhic Victories -280 Macedonians Pyrrhus of Epirus II ReoR DE Definitive Edition (2020)
4 Savior of the Greeks -278 Macedonians Pyrrhus of Epirus II ReoR TAR The African Royals (2021)
<End> 5 Sisyphus -275 Macedonians Pyrrhus of Epirus II ReoR MX Mexico Civilization (2021)
2 Pyrrhus of Epirus -272 Romans The Rise of Rome I RoR
First Punic War 1 The Battle of Agrigentum -262 Carthaginians First Punic War I DE Age of Empires IV
2 The Battle of Mylae -260 Carthaginians First Punic War I DE - Base game (2021)
<End> 3 The Battle of Tunes -255 Carthaginians First Punic War I DE
Enemies of Rome 1 Crossing the Alps -218 Carthaginians Enemies of Rome I RoR
3 The Siege of Syracuse -212 Romans The Rise of Rome I RoR
Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun 1 The Assassins -210 Yamato Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun I -
4 The Battle of Metaurus -207 Romans The Rise of Rome I RoR
5 The Battle of Zama -202 Romans The Rise of Rome I RoR
2 Third Macedonian War -171 Macedonians Enemies of Rome I RoR
Ave Caesar 1 Caesar's Revenge -75 Romans Ave Caesar I RoR
3 The Revolt of Spartacus -71 Romans Enemies of Rome I RoR
<End> 6 Mithridates -63 Romans The Rise of Rome I RoR
2 The Invasion of Britain -54 Romans Ave Caesar I RoR
3 The Siege of Alesia -52 Romans Ave Caesar I RoR
<End> 4 The Battle of Pharsalus -48 Romans Ave Caesar I RoR
Imperium Romanum 1 The Battle of Actium -31 Romans Imperium Romanum I RoR
2 The Year of the Four Emperors 69 Palmyrans Imperium Romanum I RoR
Trajan 1 Legates and Legions 89 Romans Trajan II ReoR
2 Roman Repute 101 Romans Trajan II ReoR
3 Heads Will Roll 106 Romans Trajan II ReoR
4 An Old Enemy 113 Romans Trajan II ReoR
<End> 5 Blood in the Water 117 Romans Trajan II ReoR
2 Island Hopping 178 Yamato Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun I -
3 Capture 180 Yamato Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun I -
3 Ransom at Ctesiphon 262 Romans Imperium Romanum I RoR
<End> 4 Odenathus, Lord of Palmyra 263 Palmyrans Enemies of Rome I RoR
4 Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra 271 Romans Imperium Romanum I RoR
4 The Mountain Temple 300 Yamato Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun I -
<End> 5 The Coming of the Huns 373 Romans Imperium Romanum I RoR
Alaric 1 The Battle of the Frigidus 394 Goths Alaric II TF
2 Razing Hellas 395 Goths Alaric II TF
3 The Belly of the Beast 408 Goths Alaric II TF
4 The Giant Falls 410 Goths Alaric II TF
<End> 5 A Kingdom of Our Own 413 Goths Alaric II TF
Attila the Hun 1 The Scourge of God 434 Huns Attila the Hun II TC
2 The Great Ride 445 Huns Attila the Hun II TC
3 The Walls of Constantinople 447 Huns Attila the Hun II TC
4 A Barbarian Betrothal 451 Huns Attila the Hun II TC
5 The Catalaunian Fields 451 Huns Attila the Hun II TC
<End> 6 The Fall of Rome 452 Huns Attila the Hun II TC
Historical Battle (AoE II) Bukhara 557 Persians Historical Battles II TF
5 The Canyon of Death 587 Yamato Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun I -
6 Coup 645 Yamato Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun I -
Historical Battle (AoE II) Dos Pilas 648 Mayans Historical Battles II TF
7 Jinshin War 672 Yamato Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun I -
Tariq ibn Ziyad 1 The Battle of Guadalete 711 Berbers Tariq Ibn Ziyad II TAK
2 Consolidation and Subjugation 712 Berbers Tariq Ibn Ziyad II TAK
3 Divide and Conquer 713 Berbers Tariq Ibn Ziyad II TAK
4 Crossing the Pyrenees 732 Berbers Tariq Ibn Ziyad II TAK
<End> 5 Razzia 732 Berbers Tariq Ibn Ziyad II TAK
Historical Battle (AoE II) Tours 732 Franks Historical Battles II TC
<End> 8 Fujiwara Revolts 740 Yamato Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun I -
Devapala 1 Disatisfaction 810 Bengalis Devapala II DoI
2 Desire c. 820 Bengalis Devapala II DoI
3 Renunciation c. 830 Bengalis Devapala II DoI
4 Liberation? c. 840 Bengalis Devapala II DoI
<End> 5 Enlightenment 850 Bengalis Devapala II DoI
Historical Battle (AoE II) York 865 Vikings Historical Battles II TF
Bari 1 Arrival at Bari 871 Byzantines Bari II TF
Historical Battle (AoE II) Honfoglalás 895 Magyars Historical Battles II TF
Yodit 1 Path of Exile c.960 [55] Ethiopians Yodit II TAK
2 The Right Partner c.960 [56] Ethiopians Yodit II TAK
3 A Fallen Crown c.960 [57] Ethiopians Yodit II TAK
4 Broken Stelae c.960 [58] Ethiopians Yodit II TAK
<End> 5 Welcome Home c.960 [59] Ethiopians Yodit II TAK
Historical Battle (AoE II) Vinlandsaga 1000 Vikings Historical Battles II TC
Suryavarman I 1 Usurpation 1002 Khmer Suryavarman I II RotR
Rajendra 1 The Succesor 1007 Dravidians Rajendra II DoI
2 Quelling the Rebellion 1010 Khmer Suryavarman I II RotR
2 The Rebellion of Melus 1011 Byzantines Bari II TF
3 A Dangerous Mission 1012 Khmer Suryavarman I II RotR
2 Deeds of the Father 1017 Dravidians Rajendra II DoI
3 Loose Ends 1018 Byzantines Bari II TF
3 Rising Star 1018 Dravidians Rajendra II DoI
4 Sacred Waters 1019 Dravidians Rajendra II DoI
4 The Best Laid Plans 1020 Byzantines Bari II TF
4 Challenging a Thalassocracy 1025 Khmer Suryavarman I II RotR
<End> 5 Slaying the Vritra 1025 Dravidians Rajendra II DoI
The Hautevilles 1 Guiscard Arrives 1047 "Normans" (Sicilians) The Hautevilles II LotW
<End> 5 Nirvanapada 1050 Khmer Suryavarman I II RotR
2 Roger in Sicily 1061 "Normans" (Sicilians) The Hautevilles II LotW
Historical Battle (AoE II) Hastings 1066 Franks Historical Battles II TC
The Normans 1 The Battle of Hastings [60] 1066 Normans The Normans: Conquest IV -
2 The Siege of York 1069 Normans (English) The Normans: Conquest IV -
<End> 5 The Onrushing Tide 1071 Byzantines Bari II TF
Historical Battle (AoE II) Manzikert 1071 Turks Historical Battles II TC
El Cid 1 Brother against Brother 1072 Spanish El Cid II TC
2 The Enemy of my Enemy 1075 Spanish El Cid II TC
3 Bohemond and the Emperor 1081 "Normans" (Sicilians) The Hautevilles II LotW
3 The Exile of the Cid 1082 Saracens El Cid II TC
4 Black Guards 1087 Saracens El Cid II TC
5 King of Valencia 1090 Spanish El Cid II TC
4 Bohemond in the East 1097 "Normans" (Sicilians) The Hautevilles II LotW
<End> 6 Reconquista 1099 Spanish El Cid II TC
3 The Fall of Bayeux 1105 English The Normans: Possession IV -
4 The Battle of Tinchebray 1106 English The Normans: Possession IV -
The Sultans Ascend 1 The Defense of Tyre 1111 Seljuk Empire (Ayyubids) The Sultans Ascend: Invasion IV TSA
5 The Battle of Brémule 1119 English The Normans: Possession IV -
<End> 5 Wonder of the World 1136 Sicilians The Hautevilles II LotW
Thoros II 1 Outlawed 1141 Armenians Thoros II II TMR
6 The First Battle of Lincoln 1149 English The Normans: The Anarchy IV -
2 The Emperor's Revenge 1151 Armenians Thoros II II TMR
Barbarossa 1 Holy Roman Emperor 1152 Teutons Barbarossa II -
7 The Siege of Wallingford 1153 English The Normans: The Anarchy IV -
3 Caught in the Crossfire 1154 Armenians Thoros II II TMR
4 Bloody Crestwaves 1156 Armenians Thoros II II TMR
2 Henry the Lion 1157 Teutons Barbarossa II -
3 Pope and Antipope 1162 Teutons Barbarossa II -
2 Into Egypt 1163 Saladin (Ayyubids) The Sultans Ascend: Saladin IV TSA
Saladin 1 An Arabian Knight 1168 Saracens Saladin II -
<End> 5 Of Turncoats and Traitors 1169 Armenians Thoros II II TMR
4 The Lombard League 1176 Teutons Barbarossa II -
Prithviraj 1 Born of Fire 1178 Gurjaras Prithviraj II TF [61]
Historical Battle (AoE II) Kurikara 1183 Japanese Historical Battles II TF
2 Lord of Arabia 1183 Saracens Saladin II -
3 Raiders of the Sea [62] 1183 Saladin (Ayyubids) The Sultans Ascend: Saladin IV TSA
Tamar 1 Takeover 1185 Georgians Tamar II TMR
3 The Horns of Hattin 1187 Saracens Saladin II -
4 The Horns of Hattin [63] 1187 Saladin (Ayyubids) The Sultans Ascend: Saladin IV TSA
4 The Siege of Jerusalem 1187 Saracens Saladin II -
2 The Digvijaya 1187 Gurjaras Prithviraj II TF [64]
5 Jihad! 1188 Saracens Saladin II -
5 Barbarossa's March 1190 Teutons Barbarossa II -
Historical Battle (AoE II) Cyprus 1191 Britons Historical Battles II TF [65]
<End> 6 The Emperor Sleeping 1191 Teutons Barbarossa II -
<End> 6 The Lion and the Demon 1191 Saracens Saladin II -
2 Yury's Revenge 1191 Georgians Tamar II TMR
3 Hand of a Princess 1191 Gurjaras Prithviraj II TF [66]
4 The Fate of India 1191 Gurjaras Prithviraj II TF [67]
<End> 5 The Legend of Prithviraj 1192 Gurjaras Prithviraj II TF [68]
3 The Protectorate 1195 Georgians Tamar II TMR
4 Tamar the Builder 1204 Georgians Tamar II TMR
Genghis Khan 1 Crucible 1206 Mongols Genghis Khan II -
<End> 5 The Queen in the Panther's Skin 1211 Georgians Tamar II TMR
The Mongol Empire 2 [69] The Great Wall 1213 Mongols The Mongol Empire: Shock and Awe IV -
3 [70] The Battle of Zhongdu 1215 Mongols The Mongol Empire: Shock and Awe IV -
9 [71] The Siege of Rochester 1215 English The Normans: Rebellion IV -
8 The Siege of Dover 1216 English The Normans: Rebellion IV -
<End> 10 The Second Battle of Lincoln 1217 English The Normans: Rebellion IV -
2 A Life of Revenge 1218 Mongols Genghis Khan II -
3 Into China 1219 Mongols Genghis Khan II -
4 The Horde Rides West 1221 Mongols Genghis Khan II -
Kotyan Khan 1 Raising the Banners 1222 Cumans Kotyan Khan II TLK
Mongol Empire 1 The Battle of the Kalka River [72] 1223 Mongols The Mongol Empire: Shock and Awe IV -
2 The Battle at the Kalka River 1223 Cumans Kotyan Khan II TLK
Sundjata 1 Hunted c.1235 [73] Malians Sundjata II TAK
2 The Sting of the Scorpion c.1235 [74] Malians Sundjata II TAK
3 Djeriba Gold c.1235 [75] Malians Sundjata II TAK
4 Blood on the River Bank c.1235 [76] Malians Sundjata II TAK
<End> 5 The Lion's Den c.1235 [77] Malians Sundjata II TAK
3 Saving the Huts 1238 Cumans Kotyan Khan II TLK
The Rise of Moscow 1 Rebuilding Moscow 1238 Rus The Rise of Moscow: Fort to City IV -
4 The Siege of Kiev 1240 Mongols The Mongol Empire: Conquest IV -
5 The Promise 1241 Mongols Genghis Khan II -
5 The Battle of Liegnitz [78] 1241 Mongols The Mongol Empire: Conquest IV -
<End> 6 Pax Mongolica 1241 Mongols Genghis Khan II -
6 The Battle of Mohi [79] 1241 Mongols The Mongol Empire: Conquest IV -
4 Blood for Blood 1241 Cumans Kotyan Khan II TLK
<End> 5 A New Home 1242 Cumans Kotyan Khan II TLK
The Sultans Ascend:
5 The Battle of Mansurah 1250 Mamluk Sultanate (Ayyubids) IV TSA
From Slaves to Sultans
The Sultans Ascend:
6 The Battle of Ayn Jalut 1260 Mamluk Sultanate (Ayyubids) IV TSA
From Slaves to Sultans
Edward Longshanks 1 Vain Ambition 1264 Britons Edward Longshanks II LotW
7 The Song Fortress 1267 Mongols The Mongol Empire: Domination IV -
8 Blockade at Lumen Shan 1268 Mongols The Mongol Empire: Domination IV -
2 A Man of God 1271 Britons Edward Longshanks II LotW
<End> 9 The Fall of Xiangyang 1273 Mongols The Mongol Empire: Domination IV -
3 Of Castles and Kings 1277 Britons Edward Longshanks II LotW
Ivaylo 1 A Most Unlikely Man 1277 Bulgarians Ivaylo II TLK
2 An Unlikely Alliance 1278 Bulgarians Ivaylo II TLK
3 Tsar of the Bulgars 1278 Bulgarians Ivaylo II TLK
4 Echoes of Heroes 1279 Bulgarians Ivaylo II TLK
<End> 5 Where the One-Eyed Man is King 1281 Bulgarians Ivaylo II TLK
The Sultans Ascend:
7 The Siege of Acre 1291 Mamluk Sultanate (Ayyubids) IV TSA
From Slaves to Sultans
Gajah Mada 1 The Story of Our Founders 1293 Malay Gajah Mada II RotR
William Wallace 1 Marching and Fighting 1296 Celts William Wallace II -
2 Feeding the Army 1296 Celts William Wallace II -
3 Training the Troops 1296 Celts William Wallace II -
4 Research and Technology 1296 Celts William Wallace II -
4 Toom Tabard 1296 Britons Edward Longshanks II LotW
5 The Battle of Stirling 1297 Celts William Wallace II -
6 Forge an Alliance 1297 Celts William Wallace II -
<End> 7 The Battle of Falkirk 1298 Celts William Wallace II -
Historical Battle (AoE II) Bapheus 1302 Turks Historical Battles II TF
<End> 5 Hammer of the Scots 1304 Britons Edward Longshanks II LotW
2 Unconditional Loyalty 1319 Malay Gajah Mada II RotR
3 The Oath to Unify Nusantara 1343 Malay Gajah Mada II RotR
Algirdas and Kestutis 1 Family Affairs 1345 Lithuanians Algirdas and Kestutis II DotD
4 Serving the New King 1350 Malay Gajah Mada II RotR
The Hundred Years' War 1 The Combat of the Thirty 1351 French The Hundred Years' War: Chivalry IV -
2 No Man's Land 1356 Lithuanians Algirdas and Kestutis II DotD
<End> 5 The Pasunda Bubat Tragedy 1357 Malay Gajah Mada II RotR
2 The Siege of Paris 1360 French The Hundred Years' War: Chivalry IV -
3 The Tatar Yoke 1362 Lithuanians Algirdas and Kestutis II DotD
Historical Battle (AoE II) Lake Poyang 1363 Chinese Historical Battles II TF
3 France in Chaos 1364 French The Hundred Years' War: Disorder IV -
4 The Battle of Pontvallain 1370 French The Hundred Years' War: Disorder IV -
Tamerlane 1 Amir of Transoxiana 1370 Tatars Tamerlane II TLK
4 A Worthy Opponent 1371 Lithuanians Algirdas and Kestutis II DotD
2 Tribute 1375 Rus The Rise of Moscow: City to State IV -
3 The Battle of Kulikovo 1380 Rus The Rise of Moscow: City to State IV -
<End> 5 In the Shadow of the Throne 1382 Lithuanians Algirdas and Kestutis II DotD
4 Hold Against the Horde 1382 Rus The Rise of Moscow: State to Empire IV -
Jadwiga 1 The Matter of the Crown 1383 Poles Jadwiga II DotD
2 Gurkhan of Persia 1385 Tatars Tamerlane II TLK
2 Star of the Poles 1387 Poles Jadwiga II DotD
3 Duel of the Dukes 1389 Poles Jadwiga II DotD
4 The Siege of Vilnius 1390 Poles Jadwiga II DotD
3 Harbinger of Destruction 1395 Tatars Tamerlane II TLK
5 Vytautas' Crusade 1398 Lithuanians Jadwiga II DotD
4 Sultan of Hindustan 1398 Tatars Tamerlane II TLK
5 Scourge of the Levant 1401 Tatars Tamerlane II TLK
<End> 6 A Titan Amongst Mortals 1402 Tatars Tamerlane II TLK
The Grand Dukes of the West 1 A Kingdom Divided 1407 Burgundians The Grand Dukes of the West II LotW
Jan Zizka 1 The One-Eyed Wanderer 1405 Bohemians Jan Zizka II DotD
<End> 6 The Fruits of Her Labor 1410 Poles Jadwiga II DotD
2 Courage and Coin [80] 1410 Bohemians Jan Zizka II DotD
Pachacuti 1 A New Power Arises 1410 Incas Pachacuti II DE [81]
2 The Wolf and the Lion 1411 Burgundians The Grand Dukes of the West II LotW
Historical Battle (AoE II) Agincourt 1415 Britons Historical Battles II TC
3 The Cleansing of Paris 1418 Burgundians The Grand Dukes of the West II LotW
Le Loi 1 The Dai Viet Uprising 1418 Vietnamese Le Loi II RotR
2 The Mountain Siege 1418 Vietnamese Le Loi II RotR
3 The Iron Lords 1420 Bohemians Jan Zizka II DotD
4 The Golden City 1420 Bohemians Jan Zizka II DotD
China 1 To Finish A Fleet 1421 Chinese The Asian Dynasties III TAD
2 Storming the Beaches 1421 Chinese The Asian Dynasties III TAD
3 Lost Ships 1421 Chinese The Asian Dynasties III TAD
4 A Rescue in the Wilderness 1421 Chinese The Asian Dynasties III TAD
<End> 5 No Empire Lasts Forever 1422 Chinese The Asian Dynasties III TAD
5 The Empreror's Fury 1422 Bohemians Jan Zizka II DotD
3 The Battle at Hanoi 1423 Vietnamese Le Loi II RotR
<End> 6 Warrior of God 1424 Bohemians Jan Zizka II DotD
4 Reaching South 1424 Vietnamese Le Loi II RotR
5 A Three-Pronged Attack 1425 Vietnamese Le Loi II RotR
4 Unholy Marriage 1425 Burgundians The Grand Dukes of the West II LotW
5 The Hook and Cod Wars 1426 Burgundians The Grand Dukes of the West II LotW
The Sultans Ascend:
<End> 8 The Invasion of Cyprus 1426 Mamluk Sultanate (Ayyubids)
Pirates of the Mediterranean

Sforza 1 Mercenaries and Masters 1426 Italians Sforza II TF

<End> 6 The Final Fortress 1426 Vietnamese Le Loi II RotR
Joan of Arc 1 An Unlikely Messiah 1429 Franks Joan of Arc II -
2 The Maid of Orleans 1429 Franks Joan of Arc II -
5 The Siege of Orléans [82] 1429 French The Hundred Years' War: Desperation IV -
3 The Cleansing of the Loire 1429 Franks Joan of Arc II -
6 The Battle of Patay [83] 1429 French The Hundred Years' War: Desperation IV -
4 The Rising 1429 Franks Joan of Arc II -
5 The Siege of Paris 1430 Franks Joan of Arc II -
<End> 6 The Maid Falls 1431 Burgundians The Grand Dukes of the West II LotW
2 His Own Man 1435 Italians Sforza II TF
2 The Field of Blood 1438 Incas Pachacuti II DE [84]
3 War of Brothers 1438 Incas Pachacuti II DE [85]
3 Prodigal Son 1440 Italians Sforza II TF
4 Blood and Betrayal 1447 Italians Sforza II TF
Dracula 1 The Dragon Spreads His Wings 1448 Turks Dracula II TF
7 Retake Normandy 1448 French The Hundred Years' War: Ascendancy IV -
<End> 8 The Battle of Formigny 1450 French The Hundred Years' War: Ascendancy IV -
<End> 5 Viva Sforza! 1450 Italians Sforza II TF
<End> 6 A Perfect Martyr 1453 Franks Joan of Arc II -
2 The Return of the Dragon 1456 Magyars Dracula II TF
3 The Breath of the Dragon 1462 Slavs Dracula II TF
4 The Moon Rises 1462 Slavs Dracula II TF
4 The Falcon's Nest 1463 Incas Pachacuti II DE [86]
<End> 5 Like Father, Like Son 1471 Incas Pachacuti II DE [87]
Francisco de Almeida 1 The Old World 1476 Portuguese Francisco de Almeida II TAK
<End> 5 The Night Falls 1477 Magyars Dracula II TF
5 Fall of the Novgorod Republic 1478 Rus The Rise of Moscow: State to Empire IV -
6 Great Stand on the Ugra River 1480 Rus The Rise of Moscow: State to Empire IV -
2 Lion of Africa 1489 Portuguese Francisco de Almeida II TAK
Babur 1 Pearl of the East 1497 Tatars Babur II DoI
Ismail 1 The Red Hats 1499 Persians Ismail II TMR
2 Road to Royalty 1501 Persians Ismail II TMR
3 Ruins of Empires 1505 Portuguese Francisco de Almeida II TAK
2 The Last Timurids 1506 Hindustanis Babur II DoI
4 Estado da India 1507 Portuguese Francisco de Almeida II TAK
3 Alexander Safavi 1508 Persians Ismail II TMR
<End> 5 A Son's Blood 1509 Portuguese Francisco de Almeida II TAK
4 The Fallen Amir 1510 Persians Ismail II TMR
7 Moscow versus Lithuania 1514 Rus The Rise of Moscow: Empire to Superpower IV -
Historical Battle (AoE III) Algiers 1516 Barbary Pirates Historical Battles III DE
Montezuma 1 Reign of Blood 1517 Aztecs Montezuma II TC
2 The Triple Alliance 1519 Aztecs Montezuma II TC
3 Quetzalcoatl 1519 Aztecs Montezuma II TC
3 Into India 1519 Hindustanis Babur II DoI
4 La Noche Triste 1520 Aztecs Montezuma II TC
5 The Boiling Lake 1520 Aztecs Montezuma II TC
<End> 6 Broken Spears 1521 Aztecs Montezuma II TC
<End> 5 Khata'i 1524 Persians Ismail II TMR
4 The Battle of Panipat 1525 Hindustanis Babur II DoI
<End> 5 The Rajputs 1527 Hindustanis Babur II DoI
Bayinnaung 1 The Burmese Tigers 1538 Burmese Bayinnaung II RotR
Historical Battle (AoE III) Christopher da Gama's Expedition 1542 Portuguese Historical Battles III DE
2 The Mandalay Cobra 1543 Burmese Bayinnaung II RotR
3 The Royal Peacock 1550 Burmese Bayinnaung II RotR
<End> 8 The Siege of Kazan 1552 Rus The Rise of Moscow: Empire to Superpower IV -
4 The White Elephant 1563 Burmese Bayinnaung II RotR
Blood 1 Breakout 1565 Knights of St. John Blood, Ice and Steel III -
2 Into the Caves 1565 Knights of St. John Blood, Ice and Steel III -
3 Pirates! 1566 [88] Knights of St. John Blood, Ice and Steel III -
4 The Ottoman Fort 1566 [89] Knights of St. John Blood, Ice and Steel III -
5 Temple of the Aztecs 1566 [90] Knights of St. John Blood, Ice and Steel III -
6 A Pirate's Help 1566 [91] Knights of St. John Blood, Ice and Steel III -
7 Spanish Treasure Fleet 1566 [92] Knights of St. John Blood, Ice and Steel III -
<End> 8 Fountain of Youth? 1566 [93] Knights of St. John Blood, Ice and Steel III -
Historical Battle (AoE II) Lepanto 1571 Spanish Historical Battles II TC
Historical Battle (AoE III) The Battle of the Three Kings 1578 Moroccans Historical Battles III TAR
<End> 5 The Old Tiger 1580 Burmese Bayinnaung II RotR
Historical Battle (AoE II) Kyoto 1582 Japanese Historical Battles II TC
Historical Battle (AoE III) Chuvash Cape 1582 Russians Historical Battles III DE
Historical Battle (AoE III) Raid on the Caribbean 1586 British Historical Battles III DE
Historical Battle (AoE II) Noryang Point 1598 Koreans Historical Battles II TC
Japan 1 The Siege of Osaka 1598 Japanese The Asian Dynasties III TAD
2 Uprising! 1600 Japanese The Asian Dynasties III TAD
3 Clearing the Road 1600 Japanese The Asian Dynasties III TAD
4 Last Stand at Fushimi 1600 Japanese The Asian Dynasties III TAD
<End> 5 The Battle of Sekigahara 1600 Japanese The Asian Dynasties III TAD
Historical Battle (AoE III) Fort Duquesne 1754 French Historical Battles III DE
Ice 1 Defend the Colony c.1756 [94] John Black's Mercenaries Blood, Ice and Steel III -
2 Strange Alliances c.1756 [95] John Black's Mercenaries Blood, Ice and Steel III -
3 The Rescue c.1756 [96] John Black's Mercenaries Blood, Ice and Steel III -
4 The Seven Years War c.1756 [97] John Black's Mercenaries Blood, Ice and Steel III -
5 The Great Lakes c.1757 [98] John Black's Mercenaries Blood, Ice and Steel III -
6 Respect c.1757 [99] John Black's Mercenaries Blood, Ice and Steel III -
7 Warwick's Fort c.1757 [100] John Black's Mercenaries Blood, Ice and Steel III -
<End> 8 Bring Down the Mountain c.1757 [101] John Black's Mercenaries Blood, Ice and Steel III -
Fire 1 War Ceremony 1775 Black Family Estate Fire and Shadow III TWC
2 The Rescue 1775 Black Family Estate Fire and Shadow III TWC
3 Breed's Hill 1775 Black Family Estate Fire and Shadow III TWC
4 Crossing the Delaware 1776 Black Family Estate Fire and Shadow III TWC
5 Saratoga 1777 Black Family Estate Fire and Shadow III TWC
6 Valley Forge 1777 Black Family Estate Fire and Shadow III TWC
7 The Battle of Morristown 1780 Black Family Estate Fire and Shadow III TWC
<End> 8 The Battle of Yorktown 1781 Black Family Estate Fire and Shadow III TWC
Historical Battle (AoE III) Fall of the Hausa 1804 Hausa Historical Battles III TAR
Historical Battle (AoE III) The Burning of USS Philadelphia 1804 United States Historical Battles III MX [102]
Historical Battle (AoE III) Grito de Dolores 1810 Mexicans Historical Battles III MX
Historical Battle (AoE III) Battle of Queenston Heights 1812 Canadians Historical Battles III MX [103]
Historical Battle (AoE III) Battle of New Orleans 1815 United States Historical Battles III DE
Steel 1 Race for the Rails 1817 [104] United States Blood, Ice and Steel III -
2 Hold the Fort 1817 [105] United States Blood, Ice and Steel III -
3 The Boneguard's Lair 1817 [106] United States Blood, Ice and Steel III -
4 The Lost Spanish Gold 1818 [107] United States Blood, Ice and Steel III -
5 Bolivar's Revolt 1818 [108] United States Blood, Ice and Steel III -
6 Journey Through the Andes 1818 [109] United States Blood, Ice and Steel III -
7 Last City of the Inca 1818 [110] United States Blood, Ice and Steel III -
<End> 8 Last Stand of the Boneguard 1818 [111] United States Blood, Ice and Steel III -
Historical Battle (AoE III) The Era of the Princes 1855 Ethiopians Historical Battles III TAR
India 1 Into the Punjab 1857 Indians The Asian Dynasties III TAD
2 Fires of Calcutta 1857 Indians The Asian Dynasties III TAD
3 Resist! 1857 Indians The Asian Dynasties III TAD
4 Raid in Delhi 1857 Indians The Asian Dynasties III TAD
<End> 5 Company Confrontation 1857 Indians The Asian Dynasties III TAD
Shadow 1 The Bozeman Trail 1866 [112] Falcon Company Fire and Shadow III TWC
2 A Reckoning 1866 [113] Falcon Company Fire and Shadow III TWC
3 Claims 1876 [114] Falcon Company Fire and Shadow III TWC
4 Urgent News 1876 [115] Falcon Company Fire and Shadow III TWC
5 To Stop a War 1876 [116] Lakota Fire and Shadow III TWC
6 Trust 1876 [117] Lakota Fire and Shadow III TWC
<End> 7 Battle of the Greasy Grass 1876 [118] Lakota Fire and Shadow III TWC
Tutorials (No Clear Historical Setting) [119]
The Art of War (AoE II) 1 Early Economy - Byzantines The Art of War (AoE II) II DE
2 Booming - Goths The Art of War (AoE II) II DE
3 Rushing the Enemy - Teutons The Art of War (AoE II) II DE
4 Fast Castle Age - Celts The Art of War (AoE II) II DE
5 Defending Against a Rush - Koreans The Art of War (AoE II) II DE
6 Land Battle - Bulgarians The Art of War (AoE II) II DE
7 Destroying a Castle - Berbers The Art of War (AoE II) II DE
8 Naval Battle - Malay The Art of War (AoE II) II DE
<End> 9 Battle Formations - Italians The Art of War (AoE II) II DE
Tutorial (AoE III) 1 Master the Basics - British Tutorial (Age of Empires III) III -
<End> 2 Try a Game - British Tutorial (Age of Empires III) III -
The Art of War (AoE III) 1 Early Economy - Lakota The Art of War (AoE III) III DE
2 Treasures - Ottomans The Art of War (AoE III) III DE
3 Booming - Spanish The Art of War (AoE III) III DE
4 Build Orders - French The Art of War (AoE III) III DE
5 Home City Shipments - Dutch The Art of War (AoE III) III DE
6 Early Defense - Portuguese The Art of War (AoE III) III DE
7 Early Offense - Germans The Art of War (AoE III) III DE
8 Land Battle - French The Art of War (AoE III) III DE
9 Naval Battle - Indians The Art of War (AoE III) III DE
<End> 10 Artillery - Russians The Art of War (AoE III) III DE
No upcoming campaigns
Recommended Semi-Chronological Order (some grouped together by theme) Incluiding Custom Campaigns [120]
Campaign / Scenario Nº [121]Year(s) [122] Civilization(s) Game Pack
Ascent of Egypt 12 c.-8000 to -1457 Egyptians I -
Sargon of Akkad 5 c.-2333 to -2279 Sumerians II ReoR Campaigns and Scenarios marked in red font depict
Reign of the Hittites 3 -1700 to -1274 Hittites I DE [123] the same event(s) and can be "replaced" with
another scenario (check notes on them)
Voices of Babylon 8 -1760 to -612 Babylonians I -
Glory of Greece 8 -1600 to -334 Greeks I -
Pyrrhus of Epirus 5 -301 to -275 Macedonians II ReoR Cells with little triangles on the top right (like this
The Rise of Rome 5 -290 to -63 Romans I RoR one) have aditional information if you hover your
mouse over them [124]
First Punic War 3 -262 to -255 Carthaginians I DE [125]
Enemies of Rome 4 -218 to 263 Various [126] I RoR
Ave Caesar 4 -75 to -48 Romans I RoR To use filters, select the whole chart (but not the
Trajan 5 89 to 117 Romans II ReoR header) and then go to "Data" -> "filter views" and
choose "create new temporary filter view"
Imperium Romanum 5 -31 to 374 Romans / Palmyrans I RoR
Three Kingdoms - Cao Cao's Ambition [127] - 192 Chinese II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Three Kingdoms II - Red Cliffs [128] - 200 Chinese II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia) Game / Expansion Pack Legend
Three Kingdoms III - Long Divided [129] - 223 Chinese II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia) Age of Empires
Alaric 5 394 to 413 Goths II TF - Base game (1997) [130]
Attila the Hun 6 434 to 452 Huns II TC RoR Rise of Rome (1998) [131]
Vandals: Destroyers of Rome - c.407 to c.455 Goths II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia) DE Definitive Edition (2018) [132]
Last Frontier: The Fall of Roman Britain - 440 Britons II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun 8 -210 to 740 Yamato I - Age of Empires II
Bukhara - 557 Persians II TF - Base game (1999) [133]
Dos Pilas - 648 Mayans II TF TC The Conquerors (2000) [134]
Tariq ibn Ziyad 5 711 to 732 Berbers II TAK TF The Forgotten (2013) [135]
Charles Martel 9 716 to 739 Franks II CUSTOM CatScientist282 TAK The African Kingdoms (2015) [136]
Tours [137] - 732 Franks II TC RotR Rise of the Rajas (2016) [138]
Devapala 5 810 to 850 Bengalis II DoI DE Definitive Edition (2019)
Ragnar's Raids - c.830 to c.865 Vikings II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia) TLK The Last Khans (2019) [139]
York - 865 Vikings II TF LotW Lords of the West (2021)
Ironside: Bjorn's Saga - c.860 Vikings II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia) DotD Dawn of the Dukes (2021)
Finehair: The Conquest of Norway - c.872 Vikings II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia) DoI Dynasties of India (2022)
Last Stand at Orkney - c.875 Celts II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia) TMR The Mountain Royals (2023)
Honfoglalás - 895 Magyars II TF CUSTOM User created campaign or scenario
Tomislav: King of Croatia 6 910 to 969 Croatians [140] II CUSTOM Hainaut183 Age of Empires III
Yodit 5 c.960 [141] Ethiopians II TAK - Base game (2005)
The Jarls of Jelling 3 c.950 to 1000 Vikings II CUSTOM BassiAoC TWC The WarChiefs (2006) [142]
Valhalla's Edge - c.1000 Vikings II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia) TAD The Asian Dynasties (2007) [143]
Vinlandsaga [144] - 1000 Vikings II TC DE Definitive Edition (2020)
Rajendra 5 1007 to 1025 Dravidians II DoI TAR The African Royals (2021)
Suryavarman I [145] 5 1002 to 1050 Khmer II RotR MX Mexico Civilization (2021)
Khmer Kings of Old Cambodia - 802 to 1295 Khmer II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Tenkamenin [146] - 1076 Ethiopians II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia) Age of Empires IV
Bari 5 871 to 1071 Byzantines II TF - Base game (2021)
Hastings - 1066 Franks II TC
The Normans: Conquest 2 1066 to 1069 Normans (English) IV -
The Normans: Possession 3 1105 to 1119 English IV -
The Normans: The Anarchy [147] 2 1149 to 1153 English IV -
The Anarchy of King Stephen - 1131 to 1153 Britons II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Seljuk - Rise of an Empire - 985 to 1099 Tatars II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Manzikert [148] - 1071 Turks II TC
Komnenos: The Byzantine Restoration - 1081 to 1110 Byzantines II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
The Hautevilles 5 1047 to 1140 "Normans" / Sicilians [149] II LotW
El Cid 6 1072 to 1099 Spanish / Saracens II TC
The Sultans Ascend: Invasion 1 1111 Seljuk Empire (Ayyubids) IV TSA
Thoros II 5 1141 to 1169 Armenians II TMR
Barbarossa 6 1152 to 1191 Teutons II -
Cyprus - 1191 Britons II TF
The Sultans Ascend: Saladin 3 1163 to 1187 Saladin (Ayyubids) IV TSA
Saladin 6 1168 to 1191 Saracens II -
Tamar 5 1185 to 1211 Georgians II TMR
Kurikara - 1183 Japanese II TF
Prithviraj 5 1178 to 1192 Gurjaras II TF [150]
Rise of Genghis Khan - 1185 Mongols II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Genghis Khan 6 1206 to 1241 Mongols II -
The Mongol Empire: Shock and Awe 3 1223 to 1215 [151] Mongols IV -
Kotyan Khan 5 1222 to 1242 Cumans II TLK
Fury: The legend of Mstislav the Bold - 1203 Slavs II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
The Rise of Moscow: Fort to City 1 1238 Rus IV -
The Mongol Empire: Conquest 3 1240 to 1241 Mongols IV -
The Golden Horde 3 1236 to 1256 Mongols / Tatars / Cumans II CUSTOM BassiAoC
The Mongol Empire: Domination 3 1267 to 1273 Mongols IV -
Ivaylo 5 1277 to 1281 Bulgarians II TLK
The Sultans Ascend: From Slaves to Sultans 3 1250 to 1291 Mamluk Sultanate (Ayyubids) IV TSA
Sundjata 5 c.1235 [152] Malians II TAK
Dunama [153] - 1240 Berbers II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Omalo [154] - 1260 Malians II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
The Normans: Rebellion 3 1215 to 1217 English IV -
William Wallace 7 1296 to 1298 Celts II -
Edward Longshanks 5 1264 to 1307 Britons II LotW
Bapheus - 1302 Turks II TF
Gajah Mada 5 1293 to 1357 Malay II RotR
Lake Poyang - 1363 Chinese II TF
Musa [155] - 1330 Malians II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
The Rise of Tamerlane 4 1355 to 1370 Tatars II CUSTOM BassiAoC
The Rise of Tamerlane II 3 1372 to 1373 Tatars II CUSTOM BassiAoC
Tamerlane 6 1370 to 1402 Tatars II TLK
The Battle of Sighnaq - 1376 Mongols II CUSTOM BassiAoC
The Rise of Moscow: City to State 2 1375 - 1380 Rus IV -
Algirdas and Kestutis 5 1345 to 1382 Lithuanians II DotD
The Battle of Blue Waters [156] - 1362 Lithuanians II CUSTOM BassiAoC
Jadwiga [157] 6 1383 to 1410 Poles / Lithuanians II DotD
Jan Zizka 6 1405 to 1424 Bohemians II DotD
The Golden Horde II: The Last Khans 3 1417 to 1424 Mongols / Cumans II CUSTOM BassiAoC
China 5 1421 to 1422 Chinese III TAD
Le Loi 6 1418 to 1426 Vietnamese II RotR
The Hundred Years' War: Chivalry 2 1351 to 1360 French IV -
The Hundred Years' War: Disorder 2 1364 to 1370 French IV -
Agincourt - 1415 Britons II TC
The Grand Dukes of the West 6 1407 to 1431 Burgundians II LotW
The Hundred Years' War: Desperation 2 1429 French IV -
Joan of Arc 6 1429 to 1453 Franks II -
The Hundred Years' War: Ascendancy 2 1448 to 1450 French IV -
The Sultans Ascend: Pirates of the Mediterranean 1 1426 Mamluk Sultanate (Ayyubids) IV TSA
Sforza 5 1426 to 1450 Italians II TF
Pachacuti 5 1410 to 1471 Incas II DE [158]
The Rise of Moscow: State to Empire 3 1382 - 1480 Rus IV -
Eware [159] - 1440 Ethiopians II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
The Last Romans - 1453 Byzantines II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Dracula 5 1448 to 1477 Turks / Magyars / Slavs II TF
Runfa [160] - 1463 Ethiopians II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Sunni Ali [161] - 1475 Malians II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Tangella [162] - 1490 Berbers II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Askia [163] - 1492 Malians II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Ismail 5 1499 to 1524 Persians II TMR
Babur 5 1497 to 1527 Hindustanis / Tatars II DoI
Francisco de Almeida 5 1476 to 1509 Portuguese II TAK
Algiers - 1516 Barbary Pirates III DE
Montezuma 6 1517 to 1521 Aztecs II TC
Wreck of the Santa Maria - 1525 Spanish II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Christopher da Gama's Expedition - 1542 Portuguese III DE
Bayinnaung 5 1538 to 1580 Burmese II RotR
Blood 8 1565 to 1566 [164] Knights of St. John III -
Lepanto - 1571 Spanish II TC
The Battle of the Three Kings - 1578 Moroccans III TAR
The Rise of Moscow: Empire to Superpower 2 1514 - 1552 Rus IV -
Chuvash Cape - 1582 Russians III DE
Francis Drake on the Spanish Main - 1572 Britons II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Raid on the Caribbean - 1586 British III DE
Shimazu: Daimyo of the Nine Provinces - 1545 to 1600 Japanese II CUSTOM PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Kyoto - 1582 Japanese II TC
Noryang Point - 1598 Koreans II TC
Japan 5 1598 to 1600 [165] Japanese III TAD
Fort Duquesne - 1754 French III DE
Ice 8 1756 to 1757 [166] John Black's Mercenaries III -
Fire 8 1775 to 1781 [167] Black Family Estate III TWC
Fall of the Hausa - 1804 Hausa III TAR
The Burning of USS Philadelphia - 1804 United States III MX [168]
Grito de Dolores - 1810 Mexicans III MX
Battle of Queenston Heights - 1812 Canadians III MX [169]
Battle of New Orleans - 1815 United States III DE
Steel 8 1817 to 1818 [170] United States III -
The Era of the Princes - 1855 Ethiopians III TAR
India 5 1857 Indians III TAD
Shadow 7 1866 to 1876 [171] Falcon Company / Lakota III TWC
Tutorials (No Clear Historical Setting) [172]
The Art of War (AoE II) 9 - Various [173] II DE
Tutorial (AoE III) 2 - British III -
The Art of War (AoE III) 10 - Various [174] III DE
No upcoming campaigns
Custom Campaigns Only Semi-Chronological Order [175]
Campaign / Scenario Nº [176]Year(s) [177] Civilization(s) Game Author Notes
Three Kingdoms - Cao Cao's Ambition [178] - 192 Chinese II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia) The historically accurate choice is Cao Cao
Three Kingdoms II - Red Cliffs [179] - 200 Chinese II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia) The historically accurate choice is Lui Bei or Sun Quan
Three Kingdoms III - Long Divided [180] - 223 Chinese II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia) The historically accurate choice is Cao Wei
Vandals: Destroyers of Rome - c.407 to c.455 Goths II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Last Frontier: The Fall of Roman Britain - 440 Britons II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Charles Martel 9 716 to 739 Franks II CatScientist282
Ragnar's Raids - c.830 to c.865 Vikings II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Ironside: Bjorn's Saga - c.860 Vikings II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Finehair: The Conquest of Norway - c.872 Vikings II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Last Stand at Orkney - c.875 Celts II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Tomislav: King of Croatia 6 910 to 969 Croatians [181] II Hainaut183 Custom civilization, also requires "Tomislav Supplement" mod
The Jarls of Jelling 3 c.950 to 1000 Vikings II BassiAoC
Valhalla's Edge - c.1000 Vikings II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Khmer Kings of Old Cambodia - 802 to 1295 Khmer II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Tenkamenin [182] - 1076 Ethiopians II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Seljuk - Rise of an Empire - 985 to 1099 Tatars II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Komnenos: The Byzantine Restoration - 1081 to 1110 Byzantines II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
The Anarchy of King Stephen - 1131 to 1153 Britons II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Rise of Genghis Khan - 1185 Mongols II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Fury: The legend of Mstislav the Bold - 1203 Slavs II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
The Golden Horde 3 1236 to 1256 Mongols / Tatars / Cumans II BassiAoC
Dunama [183] - 1240 Berbers II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Omalo [184] - 1260 Malians II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Musa [185] - 1330 Malians II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
The Battle of Blue Waters - 1362 Lithuanians II BassiAoC
The Rise of Tamerlane 4 1355 to 1370 Tatars II BassiAoC
The Rise of Tamerlane II 3 1372 to 1373 Tatars II BassiAoC
The Battle of Sighnaq - 1376 Mongols II BassiAoC
The Golden Horde II: The Last Khans 3 1417 to 1424 Mongols / Cumans II BassiAoC
Eware [186] - 1440 Ethiopians II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Runfa [187] - 1463 Ethiopians II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Sunni Ali [188] - 1475 Malians II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Tangella [189] - 1490 Berbers II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Askia [190] - 1492 Malians II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
The Last Romans - 1453 Byzantines II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Wreck of the Santa Maria - 1525 Spanish II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Francis Drake on the Spanish Main - 1572 Britons II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
Shimazu: Daimyo of the Nine Provinces - 1545 to 1600 Japanese II PhillySouljah (AKA: Filthydelphia)
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
- II
Age of Mythology Campaign Chronological Order
Campaign/Scenario Number Scenario Civilization Major God Pack
The Golden Gift 1 Brokk's Journey Norse Thor DL/EE
2 Eitri's Journey Norse Thor DL/EE Hovering over a Campaign icon, Civilization icon,
3 Fight at the Forge Norse Loki DL/EE Major God icon or Expansion Pack text shows a link
to the corresponding page of the AoE Wiki
<End> 4 Loki's Temples Norse Thor DL/EE
Learn to Play 1 Hunt for a Killer Greeks Zeus -
2 Pleasing the Gods Greeks Poseidon - Expansion Pack Legend
<End> 3 Uninvited Guests Greeks Poseidon - - Base game (2002)
Fall of the Trident, Greeks 1 Omens Greeks Poseidon - Originally a pre-order bonus (2002)
2 Consequences Greeks Poseidon - Included in the Extended Edition (2014)
3 Scratching the Surface Greeks Poseidon - Originally a free download (2002)
4 A Fine Plan Greeks Zeus - Included in the Extended Edition (2014)
5 Just Enough Rope Greeks Zeus - TT The Titans (2003) [191]
6 I Hope This Works Greeks Zeus - TotD Tale of the Dragon (2016)
7 More Bandits Greeks Zeus -
8 Bad News Greeks Zeus -
9 Revelation Greeks Zeus -
10 Strangers Greeks Zeus -
Fall of the Trident, Egyptians 11 The Lost Relic Egyptians Isis -
12 Light Sleeper Egyptians Ra -
13 Tug of War Egyptians Set -
14 Isis, Hear My Plea Egyptians Isis -
15 Let's Go Egyptians Isis -
Good Advice (Map 1) Greeks Zeus -
Good Advice (Map 2) Greeks Hades -
17 The Jackal's Stronghold Egyptians Isis -
18 A Long Way From Home Egyptians Isis -
19 Watch That First Step Egyptians Isis -
20 Where They Belong Egyptians Isis -
21 Old Friends Greeks Zeus -
Fall of the Trident, Norse 22 North Norse Thor -
23 The Dwarven Forge Norse Thor -
24 Not From Around Here Norse Loki -
25 Welcoming Committee Norse Loki -
26 Union Norse Thor -
27 The Well of Urd Norse Odin -
28 Beneath the Surface Norse Thor -
29 Unlikely Heroes Norse Thor -
30 All Is Not Lost Norse Thor -
31 Welcome Back Greeks Zeus -
<End> 32 A Place in My Dreams Greeks Zeus -
Standalone Scenario Close to Home Norse Thor PO/EE
The New Atlantis 1 A Lost People Atlanteans - "Abandoned" TT
2 Atlantis Reborn Atlanteans Oranos TT
3 Greetings from Greece Atlanteans Oranos TT
4 Odin's Tower Atlanteans Kronos TT
5 The Ancient Relics Atlanteans Kronos TT
6 Mount Olympus Atlanteans Kronos TT
7 Betrayal at Sikyos Egyptians Ra TT
8 Cerberus Egyptians Set TT
9 Rampage Norse Thor TT
10 Making Amends Atlanteans Gaia TT
11 Atlantis Betrayed Atlanteans Oranos TT
<End> 12 War of the Titans Atlanteans Gaia TT
Tale of the Dragon 1 Rising Waters Chinese Nü Wa TotD
2 To the West Chinese Nü Wa TotD
3 From Below Chinese Nü Wa TotD
4 Trapped Chinese Fu Xi TotD
5 Confrontation Chinese Nü Wa TotD
6 The Realm of the Dead Chinese Shennong TotD
7 The Water Palace Chinese Fu Xi TotD
8 A Way Out Chinese Nü Wa TotD
<End> 9 Yin and Yang Chinese Fu Xi TotD
Date (Y/M/D) Change(s)
Created changelog tab
Added the civilization emblems to the Sicilians and Burgundians
Changed the Steel campaign to be in 1821-1922, assuming the
2020/12/21 Mexican-American war depicted is fictional (not the one from Minor Feature/Visual Changes: Default
1946) and that the railroad reached there earlier, this is based on Major Feature/Visual Changes: Bold
Major Cooper's description which states that he fought on the war Minor Content Changes/Aditions: Italics
of 1812, and assuming he is in his 30s-40s makes more sense Major Content Changes/Additions: Bold Italics
(changed the notes to reflect that)
Added icons for each AoEII campaign and historical battle and
each AoEIII campaign
Added icons for the remaining scenarios and campaigns, also
added icons for each expansion pack
2020/12/29 Added custom recreated icons for AoE1 and AoERoR
Added custom civilization icons for AoE1 civs, made by
xWHIT3W0LFx from the AoE forums (some might be innacurate)
Added the names of LoTW scenarios, Roughly sortted them into
2021/01/25 the lists and incluided the icons for the expansion and each
2021/01/26 Added dates to "The Hautervilles" campaign
2021/01/28 Added dates to the "Edward Longshanks" campaign
Replaced xWHIT3W0LFx's AoE1 civ emblems with custom ones
2021/02/03 made by myself, I wanted them to be more accurate and more
distinct from AoE2's (they are all squares)
2021/02/28 Added dates to the "Grand Dukes of the West" campaign
2021/06/15 Added what we know so far of Dawn of the Dukes' campaigns
Noted which campaigns can be played in Co-Op for AoE2 (notes
on which are upcoming also applied)
Color-coded the AoM campaigns better (Now civs have each an
individual color)
"Full Campaigns Order" is now the main page
Added more comments and an explanation of how they work
Added a legend box explaining all the games and expansions
Fixed Act 2: Shadow's first 2 scenarios years to reflect the 10 year
timeskip Chayton mentions between them and scenario 3
Added number of scenarios of each campaign to the main sheet
Resized each column consistently across all sheets
Changed brackets font and the way co/op is marked
2021/06/28 Added images to Age of Mythology campaigns
Swapped the order of the Babylonian and Hititte campaigns
Added "c." (circa/around) before the year of the early scenarios of
the Egypt campaign
Co-Op is here! removed the "upcoming" notes from the scenarios
which it has been implemented in
Added notes on which campaigns I recommend using the
Individual Scenario Order over the Full Campaigns one
Added AoE1 Definitive Edition icon, custom made form the
promo image since an official one doesn't exist
Added the Age of Empires III tutorial to the list
Added the Art of War campaigns (for both AoE II and AoE III) to
their own "category"
Moved the upcoming campaigns to their own "category"
Changed the "Pachacuti" campaign to make it clear that it was
added in the Definitive Edition (Also added AoE II:DE to the
games and expansions legend)
Added what's known from the AoE IV campaigns
2021/07/12 Enemies of Rome presented as a full campaign in the main tab
Made clearer on which campaigns I recommend using the
Individual Scenario Order over the Full Campaigns one
Added links to the relevant page of the AoE Wiki for
campaigns/scenarios, civilizations/major gods and
games/packs (Also a tip box that mentions this)
Updated the AoE1 Definitive Edition icon
Added information about the new scenarios of the AoE III
expansion, The African Royals
Added Bohemians and Poles' civ icons and the AoE III Ethiopian
2021/07/24 Added Hausa flag
Added African Royals icon, custom made from the promo image
(Queen Amina's "hat") since an official one doesn't exist
Moved African Royals' Historical Battles to the main section of
the sheets and added all the information about them (Moroccan
flag, scenario icons, accurate dates, etc)
Changed the "various" civilization icons for the respective games'
"random" icon (AoE1 one custom made since an official one
doesn't exist)
2021/08/05 Added names to all Dawn of the Dukes scenarios
Dawn of the Dukes release: added DLC icon and the icons for
each campaign
Added the dates on the "Full Campaign Order" tab and moved
them from the upcoming section to the main list
2021/08/10 Added start and finish dates on the "Individual Scenario Order"
tab and moved them from the upcoming section to the main list
roughly (based on the scenarios with confirmed dates)
Changed Jadwiga's campaign colour slightly to differentiate it
from the other campaigns of the DLC
Added all the Individual Scenario dates for the Algirdas and
Kestutis campaign
The scenario where you play as the Lithuanians in Jadwiga's
campaign is now indicated
Switched order of "Tamerlane" and "Algirdas and Kaestutis"
because of Jadwiga's strong connection with the latter
2021/08/15 Added all the Individual Scenario dates for the Jadwiga campaign
Fixed missing scenarios from the FCO sheet (Kyoto, Chuvash
Cape/Raid on the Caribbean)
Added all the Individual Scenario dates for the Jan Zizka
campaign, and with that completed all the Dawn of the Dukes
2021/08/23 campaigns
Added note about LordBasse's YouTube series about how he
made the Jadwiga campaign
Added two more sheets based around custom campaigns and
scenarios, these are work in progress
Changed the name of the tabs so they fit better on screen
2021/09/01 (removed the redundant word "order" from them)
Removed the Co-Op column from the sheets since I think it's not
that relevant to the point of the list and it's less crowded this way,
this information is still one click away in the wiki anyway
2021/09/07 Moved Sundjata to after Ivalyo instead of before Genghis Khan
Started Adding AoEIV stuff, like the logo (sadly it isn't a hat) and
the Norman campaign
NOTE: I currently don't own AoEIV I'm relying on the wiki and
youtube gameplays to get the information
Added AoEIV campaign and civilation icons
Added all information on AoEIV's Hundred Years' War campaign
2021/11/24 Added all information on AoEIV's Mongol campaign
Added all information on AoEIV's Moscow campaign and
therefore all base AoEIV content
Added icons for the three scenarios of the AoEIII Mexico DLC, also
gave them a unique color and changed the canadian flag to be the
2021/12/08 one used in the scenario
Changed the name of the whole sheet to reflect that we have the
AoEIV content too (Don't know how I missed this earlier 11)
Added what we know so far of Dynasties of India's campaigns
2022/04/14 Removed the WIP from the Custom Campaign tabs but additions
to that will not be reflected in the changelog
Added all Dynasties of India's icons
Added Dynasties of India's campaigns into the lists, Individual
Scenarios still WIP
Changed civilization for Pritviraj and added a note about it
2022/04/30 Moved AoEIII tutorial to the non-historical campaigns
Added all the Individual Scenario dates for the Devapala
campaign, they aren't very precise because there's no consensus
2022/05/05 on when the events took place
Added all the Individual Scenario dates for the Rajendra campaign
Added all the Individual Scenario dates for the Babur campaign,
and with that completed all the Dynasties of India campaigns
2022/10/10 Fixed broken AoK icons
2022/11/25 Added link to my orders hub, check it out!
Changed the Steel campaign to be in 1817-1818, RafaSheep on
2023/02/20 Reddit pointed out that you can see the date of Nathaniel's death
in the Fire campaign and Amelia says it's been 5 years since then
Fixed every icon's transparency! (Finally! Sorry about that)
2023/05/06 Changed my custom AoE1 Icons for the Return of Rome ones
Added all the known info of the Return of Rome Campaigns
Completed all the information of the Return of Rome Campaigns
except for some of the dates of the individual scenarios
Completed adding all the dates of the individual scenarios of the
Return of Rome Campaigns
Completed all the information of The Mountain Royals
2023/11/01 Campaigns except for some of the dates of the individual
Completed adding all the dates of the individual scenarios of the
The Mountain Royals Campaigns
Completed all the information of The Sultans Ascend Campaign
Fixed the Briton and Poles Icon
2024/01/11 Changed the name of the civilization of the Conquest chapter of
the Normans campaign to Normans and added it's flag
Fixed Age of Mythology god Icons

You have found the mighty Ornlu the Wolf!

[1] The campaigns are ordered chronologically except when it's related thematically with a previous one, in
that case it's noted with the brackets on the right, Campaigns that cover a large timespan have been
averaged respecting when most of the campaign takes place and also taking into consideration the
previous point

[2] These are basically explanations on why some campaigns and scenarios aren't strictly chronologically
ordered, they can refer to empires, historical processes and events or even people that are depicted in the
campaigns and scenarios

[3] Number of Scenarios in a Campaign

[4] Negative numbers are b.c.e. (B.C.) and positive numbers are c.e. (A.D.)

[5] Originally included in the demo of Age of Empires 1

[6] I recommend using the individual scenario order for these campaigns, since a some of the scenarios
with related events are in different campaigns

Order would be:

Babylon 1-2
Hittites 1-2
Babylon 3
Hittites 3
Babylon 4-8

[7] I strongly recommend using the individual scenario order for these campaigns, since a some of the
scenarios with related events are in different campaigns

[8] Originally included in the demo of Age of Empires 1: Rise of Rome

[9] Carthaginians / Macedonians / Romans / Palmyrans

[10] Like this one

[11] The campaigns from the base game had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original game

[12] Exact dates unknown

[13] *Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

*The campaigns from this expansion had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original expansion

[14] The two campaigns added by this version were originally demos from the base game and it's

[15] Also called "The Age of Kings"

[16] Included by default on the "HD" version and "Definitive Edition" of the game

[17] *Bundled with and released alongside the "HD" version of the game

*Included by default on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

*The campaigns from this expansion had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names and ammount of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original
"HD" version
[17] *Bundled with and released alongside the "HD" version of the game

*Included by default on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

*The campaigns from this expansion had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names and ammount of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original
"HD" version

*The "El Dorado" campaign is also not featured since it isn't included in the Definitive Edition because it
was replaced with "Pachacuti"

[18] You play as the Sicilians in every scenario of the campaign, but for the first 4, the civilization is
renamed to "Normans"

[19] Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

[20] Included by default on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

[21] Bundled with and released alongside the "Definitive Edition" of the game

[22] Separate game inside the Age of Empires 2 client

[23] *Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

*The campaigns from this expansion had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original expansion

[24] Heavily Reworked in the "Dynasties of India" expansion, changed from the original "Indians" civilization
to the Gurjaras

[25] Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

[26] Yes, the first scenario is out of order and takes place after the second and third

[27] Exact dates unknown

[28] The creator of this campaign LordBasse has a really good series of videos on his YouTube channel
about how he made it.

[29] Considered in game as a "The Forgotten" campaign because it serves as a replacement for the "El
Dorado" campaign (originally introduced in that expansion) and since it has nothing to do with the theme of
"The Last Khans" the developers consider it a "The Forgotten" campaign

[30] Base AoEIII campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(Ottoman attack on Malta) and how much time it would take to cross the Atlantic Ocean

[31] The Japan campaign has no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted (Siege of
Osaka Castle, Battle of Sekigahara)

[32] Base AoEIII campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on historical context (Seven Years

[33] AoEIII: Warchiefs campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(American Revolution)

[34] Also available to people who have the US civilization DLC

[35] Also available to people who have the US civilization DLC

[36] The Steel Campaign chronology is confusing (and at parts obviously inaccurate)
This sheet assumes the war presented between Mexico and the US to be a fictional conflict.
The campaign also depicts railroads in the southwestern United States, which wouldn't come till the 1860's.
The campaign is assumed to be set in 1817-1818 because the end of the Fire campaign implies Nathaniel
Black died in 1812 and Amelia says it's been 5 years since then (Thanks RafaSheep on Reddit!)

[37] AoEIII: Warchiefs campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(Battle of the Greasy Grass/Little Bighorn) and the timeskip narrated by Chayton (It's been 10 years

[38] Tutorial "Campaigns" without a clear historical setting

[39] Byzantines / Goths / Teutons / Celts / Koreans / Bulgarians / Berbers / Malay / Italians

[40] Lakota / Ottomans / Spanish / French / Dutch / Portuguese / German / Indian / Russian

[41] Negative numbers are b.c.e. (B.C.) and positive numbers are c.e. (A.D.)

[42] Like this one

[43] The campaigns from the base game had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original game

[44] *Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

*The campaigns from this expansion had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original expansion

[45] The two campaigns added by this version were originally demos from the base game and it's

[46] Also called "The Age of Kings"

[47] Included by default on the "HD" version and "Definitive Edition" of the game

[48] *Bundled with and released alongside the "HD" version of the game

*Included by default on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

*The campaigns from this expansion had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names and ammount of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original
"HD" version

*The "El Dorado" campaign is also not featured since it isn't included in the Definitive Edition because it
was replaced with "Pachacuti"

[49] Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

[50] Included by default on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

[51] Bundled with and released alongside the "Definitive Edition" of the game

[52] Separate game inside the Age of Empires 2 client

[53] *Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

*The campaigns from this expansion had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original expansion
[53] *Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

*The campaigns from this expansion had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original expansion

[54] Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

[55] Exact date unknown

[56] Exact date unknown

[57] Exact date unknown

[58] Exact date unknown

[59] Exact date unknown

[60] This scenario depicts the same events from the AoE2 scenario "Hastings (1066)"

[61] Heavily Reworked in the "Dynasties of India" expansion, changed from the original "Indians" civilization
to the Gurjaras

[62] This scenario depicts the same events of the Age of Empires 2 scenario "Lord of Arabia" from the
Saladin campaign

[63] This scenario depicts the same events of the Age of Empires 2 scenario of the same name from the
Saladin campaign

[64] Heavily Reworked in the "Dynasties of India" expansion, changed from the original "Indians" civilization
to the Gurjaras

[65] Heavily Reworked in the "Dynasties of India" expansion, changed from the original "Indians" civilization
to the Gurjaras

[66] Heavily Reworked in the "Dynasties of India" expansion, changed from the original "Indians" civilization
to the Gurjaras

[67] Heavily Reworked in the "Dynasties of India" expansion, changed from the original "Indians" civilization
to the Gurjaras

[68] Heavily Reworked in the "Dynasties of India" expansion, changed from the original "Indians" civilization
to the Gurjaras

[69] This scenario takes place before the first one of the campaign

[70] This scenario takes place before the first one of the campaign

[71] This scenario takes place before scenario 8 of the campaign

[72] This scenario depicts the same events from the AoE2 scenario "The Battle at the Kalka River" from the
Kotyan Kahn campaign, but from the perspective of the Mongols

[73] Exact date unknown

[74] Exact date unknown

[75] Exact date unknown

[76] Exact date unknown

[77] Exact date unknown

[78] This scenario depicts the same events from the AoE2 scenario "The Promise" from the Ghengis Khan

[79] This scenario depicts the same events from the AoE2 scenario "Pax Mongolica" from the Ghengis
Khan campaign

[80] This scenario depicts the same events from "The Fruits of Her Labor" (Jadwiga 6) from the perspective
of the Bohemian mercenaries

[81] Considered in game as a "The Forgotten" campaign because it serves as a replacement for the "El
Dorado" campaign (originally introduced in that expansion) and since it has nothing to do with the theme of
"The Last Khans" the developers consider it a "The Forgotten" campaign

[82] This scenario depicts the same events from the AoE2 scenario "The Maid of Orleans" from the Joan of
Arc campaign

[83] This scenario depicts the same events from the AoE2 scenario "The Cleansing of the Loire" from the
Joan of Arc campaign

[84] Considered in game as a "The Forgotten" campaign because it serves as a replacement for the "El
Dorado" campaign (originally introduced in that expansion) and since it has nothing to do with the theme of
"The Last Khans" the developers consider it a "The Forgotten" campaign

[85] Considered in game as a "The Forgotten" campaign because it serves as a replacement for the "El
Dorado" campaign (originally introduced in that expansion) and since it has nothing to do with the theme of
"The Last Khans" the developers consider it a "The Forgotten" campaign

[86] Considered in game as a "The Forgotten" campaign because it serves as a replacement for the "El
Dorado" campaign (originally introduced in that expansion) and since it has nothing to do with the theme of
"The Last Khans" the developers consider it a "The Forgotten" campaign

[87] Considered in game as a "The Forgotten" campaign because it serves as a replacement for the "El
Dorado" campaign (originally introduced in that expansion) and since it has nothing to do with the theme of
"The Last Khans" the developers consider it a "The Forgotten" campaign

[88] Estimate based on the historical date of the attack on Malta and how much time it would take to cross
the Atlantic Ocean

[89] Estimate based on the historical date of the attack on Malta and how much time it would take to cross
the Atlantic Ocean

[90] Estimate based on the historical date of the attack on Malta and how much time it would take to cross
the Atlantic Ocean

[91] Estimate based on the historical date of the attack on Malta and how much time it would take to cross
the Atlantic Ocean

[92] Estimate based on the historical date of the attack on Malta and how much time it would take to cross
the Atlantic Ocean

[93] Estimate based on the historical date of the attack on Malta and how much time it would take to cross
the Atlantic Ocean
[94] Base AoEIII campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on historical context (Seven Years

[95] Base AoEIII campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on historical context (Seven Years

[96] Base AoEIII campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on historical context (Seven Years

[97] Base AoEIII campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on historical context (Seven Years

[98] Base AoEIII campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on historical context (Seven Years

[99] Base AoEIII campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on historical context (Seven Years

[100] Base AoEIII campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on historical context (Seven Years

[101] Base AoEIII campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on historical context (Seven Years

[102] Also available to people who have the US civilization DLC

[103] Also available to people who have the US civilization DLC

[104] The Steel Campaign chronology is confusing (and at parts obviously inaccurate)
This sheet assumes the war presented between Mexico and the US to be a fictional conflict.
The campaign also depicts railroads in the southwestern United States, which wouldn't come till the 1860's.
The campaign is assumed to be set in 1817-1818 because the end of the Fire campaign implies Nathaniel
Black died in 1812 and Amelia says it's been 5 years since then (Thanks RafaSheep on Reddit!)

[105] The Steel Campaign chronology is confusing (and at parts obviously inaccurate)
This sheet assumes the war presented between Mexico and the US to be a fictional conflict.
The campaign also depicts railroads in the southwestern United States, which wouldn't come till the 1860's.
The campaign is assumed to be set in 1817-1818 because the end of the Fire campaign implies Nathaniel
Black died in 1812 and Amelia says it's been 5 years since then (Thanks RafaSheep on Reddit!)

[106] The Steel Campaign chronology is confusing (and at parts obviously inaccurate)
This sheet assumes the war presented between Mexico and the US to be a fictional conflict.
The campaign also depicts railroads in the southwestern United States, which wouldn't come till the 1860's.
The campaign is assumed to be set in 1817-1818 because the end of the Fire campaign implies Nathaniel
Black died in 1812 and Amelia says it's been 5 years since then (Thanks RafaSheep on Reddit!)

[107] The Steel Campaign chronology is confusing (and at parts obviously inaccurate)
This sheet assumes the war presented between Mexico and the US to be a fictional conflict.
The campaign also depicts railroads in the southwestern United States, which wouldn't come till the 1860's.
The campaign is assumed to be set in 1817-1818 because the end of the Fire campaign implies Nathaniel
Black died in 1812 and Amelia says it's been 5 years since then (Thanks RafaSheep on Reddit!)

[108] The Steel Campaign chronology is confusing (and at parts obviously inaccurate)
This sheet assumes the war presented between Mexico and the US to be a fictional conflict.
The campaign also depicts railroads in the southwestern United States, which wouldn't come till the 1860's.
The campaign is assumed to be set in 1817-1818 because the end of the Fire campaign implies Nathaniel
Black died in 1812 and Amelia says it's been 5 years since then (Thanks RafaSheep on Reddit!)
[108] The Steel Campaign chronology is confusing (and at parts obviously inaccurate)
This sheet assumes the war presented between Mexico and the US to be a fictional conflict.
The campaign also depicts railroads in the southwestern United States, which wouldn't come till the 1860's.
The campaign is assumed to be set in 1817-1818 because the end of the Fire campaign implies Nathaniel
Black died in 1812 and Amelia says it's been 5 years since then (Thanks RafaSheep on Reddit!)

[109] The Steel Campaign chronology is confusing (and at parts obviously inaccurate)
This sheet assumes the war presented between Mexico and the US to be a fictional conflict.
The campaign also depicts railroads in the southwestern United States, which wouldn't come till the 1860's.
The campaign is assumed to be set in 1817-1818 because the end of the Fire campaign implies Nathaniel
Black died in 1812 and Amelia says it's been 5 years since then (Thanks RafaSheep on Reddit!)

[110] The Steel Campaign chronology is confusing (and at parts obviously inaccurate)
This sheet assumes the war presented between Mexico and the US to be a fictional conflict.
The campaign also depicts railroads in the southwestern United States, which wouldn't come till the 1860's.
The campaign is assumed to be set in 1817-1818 because the end of the Fire campaign implies Nathaniel
Black died in 1812 and Amelia says it's been 5 years since then (Thanks RafaSheep on Reddit!)

[111] The Steel Campaign chronology is confusing (and at parts obviously inaccurate)
This sheet assumes the war presented between Mexico and the US to be a fictional conflict.
The campaign also depicts railroads in the southwestern United States, which wouldn't come till the 1860's.
The campaign is assumed to be set in 1817-1818 because the end of the Fire campaign implies Nathaniel
Black died in 1812 and Amelia says it's been 5 years since then (Thanks RafaSheep on Reddit!)

[112] AoEIII: Warchiefs campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(Battle of the Greasy Grass/Little Bighorn) and the timeskip narrated by Chayton (It's been 10 years...)

[113] AoEIII: Warchiefs campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(Battle of the Greasy Grass/Little Bighorn) and the timeskip narrated by Chayton (It's been 10 years...)

[114] AoEIII: Warchiefs campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(Battle of the Greasy Grass/Little Bighorn)

[115] AoEIII: Warchiefs campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(Battle of the Greasy Grass/Little Bighorn)

[116] AoEIII: Warchiefs campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(Battle of the Greasy Grass/Little Bighorn)

[117] AoEIII: Warchiefs campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(Battle of the Greasy Grass/Little Bighorn)

[118] AoEIII: Warchiefs campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(Battle of the Greasy Grass/Little Bighorn)

[119] Tutorial "Campaigns" without a clear historical setting

[120] The campaigns are ordered chronologically except when it's related thematically with a previous one,
in that case it's noted with the brackets on the right, Campaigns that cover a large timespan have been
averaged respecting when most of the campaign takes place and also taking into consideration the
previous point

[121] Number of Scenarios in a Campaign

[122] Negative numbers are b.c.e. (B.C.) and positive numbers are c.e. (A.D.)

[123] Originally included in the demo of Age of Empires 1

[124] Like this one

[124] Like this one

[125] Originally included in the demo of Age of Empires 1: Rise of Rome

[126] Carthaginians / Macedonians / Romans / Palmyrans

[127] The historically accurate choice is Cao Cao

[128] The historically accurate choice is Lui Bei or Sun Quan

[129] The historically accurate choice is Cao Wei

[130] The campaigns from the base game had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original game

[131] *Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

*The campaigns from this expansion had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original expansion

[132] The two campaigns added by this version were originally demos from the base game and it's

[133] Also called "The Age of Kings"

[134] Included by default on the "HD" version and "Definitive Edition" of the game

[135] *Bundled with and released alongside the "HD" version of the game

*Included by default on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

*The campaigns from this expansion had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names and ammount of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original
"HD" version

*The "El Dorado" campaign is also not featured since it isn't included in the Definitive Edition because it
was replaced with "Pachacuti"

[136] Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

[137] The 5th scenario of "Charles Martel" by CatScientist282 is a reamake of this scenario but on a bigger

[138] Included by default on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

[139] Bundled with and released alongside the "Definitive Edition" of the game

[140] Custom Civilization

[141] Exact dates unknown

[142] *Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

*The campaigns from this expansion had a lot of changes with the "Definitive Edition" of the game
(including names of scenarios) this sheet features those instead of the ones from the original expansion

[143] Included for free on the "Definitive Edition" of the game

[144] "Valhalla's Edge" by PhillySouljah is a reamake of this scenario but on a bigger scale

[145] Suryavarman I is also a protagonist in "Khmer Kings of Old Cambodia" by PhillySouljah

[146] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[147] The events of these scenarios are also depicted in "The Anarchy of King Stephen" by PhillySouljah

[148] The events of this scenario are also depicted in "Seljuk - Rise of an Empire" by PhillySouljah

[149] You play as the Sicilians in every scenario of the campaign, but for the first 4, the civilization is
renamed to "Normans"

[150] Heavily Reworked in the "Dynasties of India" expansion, changed from the original "Indians"
civilization to the Gurjaras

[151] Yes, the first scenario is out of order and takes place after the second and third

[152] Exact dates unknown

[153] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[154] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[155] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[156] This battle is also depicted in the third scenario of Algirdas and Kestutis' campaign ("The Tatar Yoke")
But the gameplay of the custom scenario is different so it's still fun to play.

[157] The creator of this campaign LordBasse has a really good series of videos on his YouTube channel
about how he made it.

[158] Considered in game as a "The Forgotten" campaign because it serves as a replacement for the "El
Dorado" campaign (originally introduced in that expansion) and since it has nothing to do with the theme of
"The Last Khans" the developers consider it a "The Forgotten" campaign

[159] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[160] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[161] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[162] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[163] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[164] Base AoEIII campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(Ottoman attack on Malta) and how much time it would take to cross the Atlantic Ocean

[165] The Japan campaign has no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted (Siege of
Osaka Castle, Battle of Sekigahara)

[166] Base AoEIII campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on historical context (Seven Years
[167] AoEIII: Warchiefs campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(American Revolution)

[168] Also available to people who have the US civilization DLC

[169] Also available to people who have the US civilization DLC

[170] The Steel Campaign chronology is confusing (and at parts obviously inaccurate)
This sheet assumes the war presented between Mexico and the US to be a fictional conflict.
The campaign also depicts railroads in the southwestern United States, which wouldn't come till the 1860's.
The campaign is assumed to be set in 1817-1818 because the end of the Fire campaign implies Nathaniel
Black died in 1812 and Amelia says it's been 5 years since then (Thanks RafaSheep on Reddit!)

[171] AoEIII: Warchiefs campaigns have no official dates, speculated based on real world events depicted
(Battle of the Greasy Grass/Little Bighorn) and the timeskip narrated by Chayton (It's been 10 years

[172] Tutorial "Campaigns" without a clear historical setting

[173] Byzantines / Goths / Teutons / Celts / Koreans / Bulgarians / Berbers / Malay / Italians

[174] Lakota / Ottomans / Spanish / French / Dutch / Portuguese / German / Indian / Russian

[175] The campaigns are ordered chronologically except when it's related thematically with a previous one,
in that case it's noted with the brackets on the right, Campaigns that cover a large timespan have been
averaged respecting when most of the campaign takes place and also taking into consideration the
previous point

[176] Number of Scenarios in a Campaign

[177] Negative numbers are b.c.e. (B.C.) and positive numbers are c.e. (A.D.)

[178] The historically accurate choice is Cao Cao

[179] The historically accurate choice is Lui Bei or Sun Quan

[180] The historically accurate choice is Cao Wei

[181] Custom Civilization

[182] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[183] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[184] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[185] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[186] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[187] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[188] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[189] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[190] Part of the "Kings of West Africa" collection of scenarios

[191] Included for free in the Extended Edition of the game

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