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'/.f~ ,OOT ~1'C ft6 flh.-}-fok.f I..~&-"ce "l<r'h&-C\fce tT1It\.h 20thYear No.71
h"lh MI'I ~ch(a. t!i! .,., fitl '.r ftlt1l1l "'CJ)f]foif rhc fl.-}- m'l<l!~T fCJ)1lJ ADDIS ABABA 4th September, 2014


Regulation No. 316/201.4

fh.:"r-A- f m-'/ F&.sP"f fl')il:"&-,h7i') f:C~:" Ethiopian Water Works Construction Enterprise Establish
OOJ**O?f fO?~il:"t:"f 9"hC 0.:" ~,)lI ..... :nt ~7i.nIl ment Council of Ministers Regulation ... .................Pa&e 7617


fh.+,.* t lD-y ~t-sP"" Ji,,"'+t-h7f., y:c;f+., COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATION TO

f"'l. t ... ..,.c:..,. 9"hC 0."" I'1\. + ,f" * .f ~~t-I\tf! \ This Regulation i~ issued by the Council of Ministers
illJOht-f\.f'l! tTlIt\.h 1\itL''''l. 1\t)I\""" \, pursuant to Article 5 of the Definition of Powers and
FAflI.,t; +..,QC 1\00(1)"''' ()(I)flIlD- 1\tp)!- 4!1'C Duties of the - Executive Organs of the Federal
n~Uill7i.r 1\.,4»1\ ~ 'AS ()~'}O/~"" fAD?"'" t>emocratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No.
1:·c;f-f."" 1\'P;f -k1'C t;~/Iiifitg 1\.,4»1\ !11 (Ii) 6~ 1I2010 and Article 47 (1) (a) of the Public
(IJ) oo,..~.} .eO" ~.,1I 1\tD-1':t:A:: '. ~nterprises Proclamation No. 25/1992.

Ii. h1.l'C Cb... 1. Short Tjtle

.eo ~"1I "f1\."""*.f tD-'/ ~t-sP"" This Regulation may be cited as the "Ethiopian
l1.,it,} t-h 0" 1:~;f"" "'I'JrJ:O?.f fO? tit"" c:..,. Water Works Construction Enterprise
9"hC (1+ Yo..,-o 4!1'C r n~/!l7i.~" +11"" Establishment Council of Ministers Regulation No.
t\.m+it .e :fI\A : : 316/2014".

I. oo5t5t9'" 2. Establishment

iii f1\."""*.f lD-'/ ~t-sP:f l1.,it""t-ho" 11 The Ethiopian Water Works Construction
1:C;f"" (hH.O ():\I\ "1:C~'}" Af+Ql\ Enterprise (hereinafter the· "Enterprise") is
fO?mt-) fOo""'~"" I' A "'1+ 1:C~'} lft,u hereby established as a public enterprise.
()H.O Yo..,l1 +!'N:"-A::

II 1:C;fi: ()oo"",~"" I' A "'I"" 1:C~-f.:f 2/ The Enterprise shall be governed by the Public
h'P;f 4!1'C t;~/Iiititg oolP~"" Enterprises Proclamation No. 25/1992 .
.e+~Yo.t-A: :
\ _ 0 ... " ...
r. +~llIll1t 1li\p'AIlI') .3 Supervjsin& Authorjty

fm-I/: fooflljlj" fJ\.'IC)( D?tfli:C f1:C)!-i: The Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy shall
+~1lI1l1 t Il i\ P' A llJ '} J!.,1f lj" A : : be the supervising authority of the Enterprise.
p.. 'Plj" 00 P' t f o,-l- 4. Head,Office

f 1:C)!-i: lJ'lj" ooP'tJl o,-l- . hJtfl hOIl Iflj The Enterprise shall have its head office in Addis
A,}~h"'~A'1.'Ii: O"7lj":fm-?D' P'~~ ~C,}6liJ.~ Ababa ana 'may have branch office elsewhere as
t\.lj lm- J!., :f"A : : may b~ n¢c€<ssary:
• /', 1

~. 'J~"7 5.

1:C)!-i: f+**ooll:fm- 'J~"7.PJ:f fD?h+t\.-l- The objectives for which the Enterprise l~
lj":fm-: - established are:

fl / f m- 1/ lJlI-l-'} i\ "7 A "7 -l- f D?IP.,. f"71: 11 1/ to engage in the construction of water works
P'~.PJ:f'}: foofllj P'~.PJ:f'}: fm-I/ :}J!.,A relating to dams, irrigations, hydropower
"700 '} 6liJ. "7,} Il;r .PJ:f '}: f m- 1/ "7 h 4. &. JI generations, water supply systems, sewerage
systems, drainages, deep water wells,
oofloo~:f P'~.PJ:f'}: f~?P1 "7flCD1~
reclamations, river diversions and, as may be
00 floo~":f P' ~.PJ ":f'}: f 1: ~ i;)!- P' ~.PJ ":f'}:
necessary, in the construction of roads and
f1'A~ fm-I/ 1-1:~1: P'~.PJ:f: fttl"J!.,
owt7i'} "7,}Il;r.PJ:f'}: fCD'}lI oo~AOfl
"7 ,}Il;r .PJ":f '} Alj" hfl &." '1. If lj (t 1~
foo'}1?":flj" f;" ')' "7,}Il;r .PJ:f'} OIJhlj" CD'}:

~/ OA..~~A 00'}"7 P':" CDal. f+1'1(Jclj" 2/ to own and administer irrigation , dams
fD?1'1(Jc roofllj "71:(l:f'} Olli\n.-l-'I-l- constructed and to be constructed
by finance
OIJfl+P'~C: h+m:J»D?.PJ:f fD?{)O{)Om-'} of the federal government and re-invest the
1,}HlI t\+00l}I}J!., "71:11 P'~ OIJlJ'A;, . proceeds of charges collected from the
beneficiaries of such dams for the construction
of other similar dams;
r./ f1'}HlI'I J\.taljD? A OIJ-l- D?tfli:C fD?JlCD 3/ in line with the directive and policy guideline
llJm-'} 0000 t Jllj" f T' t\. (t h ~llJ6liJ. 001P l -l- issued by the Ministry of Finance and
oOIJ 1: l "7 (l ')1: 00 7il''I OlJ' fl-l- 'I OIJ fl JIll Economic Development, to sell and pledge
A'I hh1C m-fll''1 hm-6Jl> f1,}HlI ?D'}{.'ib:f bonds and to negotiate and sign loan
;JC fll1:C m-A oo~~~C'I oo&'~l?D;, agreement with local and international
financial sources;

p./ t\P'~m- fD?Jlfl&.A 1--l-'} f+t\JI~ !l '}!l.PJ:f'} 4/ to manufacture different kind of pipes
OIJcr.l-l-lj" h '}~ h"7llll'li:?D 007i1';' necessary for its activity and sell as may be

(;/ 'J" OIJ m-')- h"7l1 t\ OIJ 1: lfl fD? l ~ fb(to :f 5/ to engage in other related activities necessary
+tJOIJ)!- P'~.PJ:f'} oop'~:,.:: for the attainment of its purposes.

I. IJ-C:J:A 6. Capital
The authorized ca tal of the Enterprise is Birr
i\1:C)!-i: f+&.~~m- 1J"C;rA lIC Xl {tt\.f',}
16,000,000,000 (Sixteen Billion Birr) of which
(hP'~ fl1:fl-l- {tt\.'f',} lIC) (tlf') hH.U m-fll'
Birr 4,629,000,000 (Four Billion Six Hundred
lIC § {tt\. f''} 1fltY D?t\.f',} (ht.-l- {tit f''}
Twenty Nine Million Birr) is paid up in cash and in
fl1:fl-l- 00+ 1/ f H'm~ D?t\.f',} lIC)
01'~ kind.
"1"\H.o«: nq P."~ ~hlh~ b. : :
'l;r ?;7\".H Ii! 4 1'..t-A ~ ;J6·r ;J1/.1l1 cf: 1'C ~?i ~dtl\ ?;f} 4>, f 7\".~ 'U''' Federal Negarit Gazette No.7 1 4th September. 20 14 .. .. .... .page 76 19

1. ~I\k ~,-,. 7. liability

Y:C ~i: 1]1\«& m~1\1\ 111~'-" Ol\.e (M~ The Enterprise may not be held liable beyond its
rf'mJ'ci! h .elf1~ :: total assets.

~. Y:C;f1:f"%.~g.O'-" 1.11. 8, Duration

Y:C~i: I\Arf'ou")" '1..11, .e~J'A:: The Enterprise IS established for an indefinite

ii. f""if~ R.111 9. Repealed Regulatjon

f«&'/ ,IP~p'"f ta1llT~h7i1 y: c ~:t~ The Water Works· Construction Enterprise

D?'J:'J:eT?J' feT?~llT(!""f ~hc (1T R.111 1!1'C Establishment Council of Ministers Regulation No.
Ii f=t}/I i! fit} (A 1 R.rf'i)'i"i 1\) OIlU R. 111 156/1993 (as amended) is hereby repealed.
1 ""7i~A: :

I. f oo-fl.y.."f'l ., !a:tsP":f 00..,.,,1\ Ii: 10. Transfer of Rights and Obligations

OeT? ~llT(!""f 9"hc (1T F. 111 ~1'C The rights and obligations of the Water Works
lif=t}/I i!fit} (h 1F.rf'ifif 1\) ""'J:~qo f"O~«& Construction Enterprise established under the
f«&'/ ,IP~p'"f ta1llT~h7i1 Y:C~·"" 0011:'-''1 Council of Ministers Regulation No.l56/1 993 (as
"1!u:J-P'":f flH.U F.111 I\Y:C~i: rf'I\A~'PA:: amended) are hereby transferred to the Enterprise.

Ili.R.1ft' f"%.8'10'-" 1,11. 11.Effectjye Date

.eU F.111 O~F.t.A ., ;Jt:'-' ;JltllJ :J-,l-'l" This Regulation shall enter into force on the date
hCDflJOT ~1 ~9"(!" fO'l .elf'lA:: of publication in the Federal Negarit Gazette.

Done at Addis Ababa, this 4thday of September, 2014.


fh.,:,-,,.k J' 4R.t.1\Cf! Jl""h~flJ'Cf! PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL

(, T-flt\.h m~l\.e eT? ~{):,-.C DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA

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