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Present Indefinite Tense

simple present tense
Present indefinite tense is used:
(1) To express a habitual action; as,
He drinks tea every morning.
I get up every day at five o’clock.
My watch keeps good time.
(2) To express general truth or universal truth; as,
The Sun rises in the east.
Honey is sweet.
Fortune favours the brave.
(3) To express a future event that is part of a fixed timetable or fixed programme.
The match starts at 9 o’clock.
We leave for Jaipur next week.
Our examinations begin tomorrow.
(4) To express our daily routine work.
Affirmative sentence
subject + verb(I form) + object.
Note :- (1) if the subject is IIIrd person singular (he, she, it or singular noun) then –s/es
comes with the main verb in the sentence.
(2) if the subject is I, we, you, they or plural noun then only Ist form of the verb comes in the
sentence without any –s/es. E.g.
1) I work hard the whole day.
2) We go out for a walk in the evening.
3) Children like sweets very much.
4) I swim very well.
5) Students choose different subjects after 10 class.
6) The cow gives us milk.
7) The sun shines brightly in summers.
8) A mad dog bites people.
9) The bank opens at 10:00 a.m.
10) Sometimes the train arrives late at the station.
11) My father brings fruits from the market.
12) I drink tea but my brother drinks milk.
13) I study in class 10 but my brother studies in 12 class.
14) People invite accidents by being careless.
15) I write stories but my sister writes poems.

Negative sentences
subject + do/does + not + verb (I form) + object.
Note:- If the subject is I, we, you, they or plural noun then we use ‘do not’ and if the subject
is IIIrd person singular(he, she, it or singular noun) then we use ‘does not’.
E.g. 1) I do not play in the evening.
2) We do not work at night.
3) They do not tell us the truth.
4) We do not talk to strangers.
5) Ram and Hari do not work together.
6) You do not exercise daily.
7) My brother does not go to school.
8) She does not dream to become a doctor.
9) He does not forgive anyone who laughs at him.
10) This pen does not write properly.
11) He does not adjust himself according to the situation.

Interrogative sentences
Do/does + subject + verb (I form) + object?
Do – I, we, you, they or plural noun
Does – he, she, it or singular noun (IIIrd person)
e.g. 1) Do we believe in honesty?
2) Do you speak the truth?
3) Do they do their work properly?
4) Do new leaves appear on trees during the spring?
5) Do banks auction the assets of loan defaulters?
6) Does magnet attract iron?
7. Does the beggar appear in the market daily?
8. Does he arrive at conclusion very hastily?
9. Does she assist her mother in house work (chores).
10. Does this watch belong to you?
11. Does deforestation affect our environment?
12. Does he admire your enthusiasm?
13. Does his conscience allow him to cheat others?
14. Does she do nothing to anger her teachers?
15. Does it appear to you that he is innocent?
16. Does the society approve any act of violence?
Interro-negative sentences
Do/does + subject + not + verb (I form) + object?
e.g. 1) Do I not look handsome?
2) Do we not serve our country properly?
3) Do you not cheat your own parents?
4) Do they not interfere in other people’s lives?
5) Do you never agree with your parents?
6) Do they never apologize to anybody?
7) Does evil not attract people very easily?
8) Does his wife not accompany him on his every business tour?
9. Does her sister not accuse her of betraying her?
10. Does the milkman not adulterate milk with powder and water?
11. Does indiscriminate felling of trees not cause soil erosion?
12. Does he not hide his mistakes?
13. Does she not earn more than her husband?
14. Does the lake not freeze during winters?
15. Does it not get very hot during summer in deserts?
16. Does he not repay his debt/loan timely?
Q. Write the answers of the following questions in affirmative or negative.
1. Do you go to gym? 2. Do you chew tobacco? 3. Do you follow traffic rules? 4. Do your
friends make fun of you? 5. Does your friend beat you? 6. Does your mother make you
laugh? 7. Does your brother make you weep? 8. Does your friend borrow money from you?
9. Does your neighbour fight with you? 10. Do you believe in god? 11. Do your parents give
you pocket money? 12. Do you get your clothes washed by your mother?

Past Indefinite Tense

Past Indefinite Tense is used: -
1. To indicate an action completed or occurred in the past.
E.g. I saw a movie yesterday.
We bought a mixer grinder two days ago.
Mohan arrived here this morning.
We reached Jaipur after two days.
2. It is also used for past habits; as,
E.g. He studied many hours every day.
She always carried an umbrella with her.
He swam in the river every morning.
Affirmative sentence
Subject + verb (IInd form) + object.
E.g. 1. I got up at 6:30 in the morning.
2. He bought an umbrella yesterday.
3. I got my hair cut in the morning.
4. The police caught two thieves/burglars last week.
5. My friend made me understand the importance of time.
6. We got our tickets booked two days ago.
7. He made me wait for two hours in the park.
8. The news made me jump with happiness.
9. The Prime Minister addressed the nation last night.
10. My brother advised me to join the army.
11. My parents made me apologize to my friends.
12. The engineer got the design approved timely.
13. The train arrived very late at the station.
14. The bank auctioned all his property.
15. My brother made me invite his friends also in my birthday party.
16. My father got his driving licence made last month.
17. My mother got her life insurance renewed online.
18. The dog barked at the strangers.
19. He received my letter yesterday.

Negative sentences
Subject + did + not + verb (Ist form) + Object.
1. Ramesh did not pay his fees timely.
2. The public did not inform the police timely.
3. India did not win the toss but won the match.
4. I did not make anybody insult you.
5. My mother did not like the cake I prepared.
6. Mohan did not work hard for the exam.
7. The ticket collector did not check the tickets of the passengers.
8. The guard did not allow anybody to enter.
9. The driver did not apply the brakes.
10. The cracker did not fire.
11. The bomb did not explode.
12. The alarm did not ring.
13. My friend did not even recognize me.
14. The merchant/bussinessman did not pay the tax.
15. He did not get the cheque encashed.
16. He did not get his copy checked by the teacher.
17. She did not save money for her future.

Interrogative sentence
Did + Sub + verb (Ist form) + obj?
1. Did you write a letter to your friend?
2. Did you break the mirror?
3. Did your father beat you for your mistake?
4. Did your mother give you any gift on Christmas?
5. Did he get the petrol filled in the bike?
6. Did she borrow money form you?
7. Who made the baby cry?
8. Who discovered the Law of Gravitation?
9. Who invented the electric bulb?
10. What subjects did you choose after 10 class?
11. What answer did he give in the interview?
12. Why did you leave the lights/fan/T.V. on?
13. Why did you make him stand?
14. Where did you get your bike repaired from?
15. Where did he get his documents xeroxed/photostated/laminated from?
16. Who did you get your house painted by?
17. Who did you get your furniture made by?
18. When did Radha apply for the post?
19. When did he spend all the money?
20. How did you make your parents allow/let you go to the picnic?
21. How did he earn so much money?

Interro-negative sentences
Did + sub + not + verb(Ist form) + obj?
1. Did the police not catch a thief last night?
2. Did she not spend her childhood in poverty?
3. Did the valve not jam shut.
4. Did he not forget to deposit the money in bank?
5. Did she not forgive you?
6. Did we not make him feel insulted?
7. Did you not get the tree cut down in your garden?
8. Did you not get your uniform washed by mom?

Q. Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative sentences.
1) Suresh worked in a bank.
2) They played football in the morning.
3) The dog dug the ground to find a bone.
4) The new shirt shrank and paled after washing.
5) The ship sank in the sea.
6) The soldiers swore to win the war.
7) The army built a bridge across the river.
8) I lent five thousand rupees to my friend yesterday.
9) They met in the park and took the decision.
10) This watch cost me two thousand rupees.
11) The news spread like a fire.
12) All the birds flew away hearing the noise.
13) They spoilt their child by pampering him.
14) We lost the way in the dark.
15) He lit a fire to keep himself warm.
16) They removed him from the post of the manager.
17) Jai sent a letter to his friend.
18) The ice melted due to the heat.

Future Indefinite Tense

simple Future tense
Future indefinite tense is used:
(1) To talk about what we think or believe will happen in the future. It indicates that the
action will take place in the future; as,
1) I shall be twenty next month.
2) We shall go to Delhi tomorrow.
3) He will return in a few days.
4) She will go to see the play today.
5) They will meet us at the railway station.

Affirmative sentence
subject +will/shall + verb(I form) + object.
Note :-
shall – ‘I’ and ‘We’
will – you, he, she, it, they
1) I shall win a prize.
2) We shall serve our country.
3) He will help her.
4) They will play football tomorrow.
5) Mohan will accept the new post.
6) I shall write a letter to my friend.
7) The train will arrive on the platform no. 3.
8) They will stay with you.
9) They will accuse you of betraying them.
10) It will only add to your problems.
11) Everyone will congratulate you on your success.
12) The army will airlift the trapped flood victims.
13) The parliament will amend the constitution in the next session.
14) Your actions will only anger your parents.

Negative sentences
subject +will/shall + not + verb(I form) + object.
E.g. 1) I shall not play during exams.
2) We shall not work at night.
3) They will not tell us the truth.
4) We shall not talk to strangers.
5) Ram and Hari will not work together.
6) You will not exercise daily.
7) My brother will not go to school.
8) She will not answer any of my questions.
9) They will not apologise for their mistakes.
10) My parents will not allow me to dance.
11) He will not adjust himself according to the situation.

Interrogative sentences
Will/shall + subject + verb(I form) + object?
e.g. 1) Will you wait for me in the garden?
2) Will you lend me some money?
3) Will she act on your advice?
4) Will new leaves appear on trees during the spring?
5) Will the bank auction the assets of loan defaulters?
6) Shall we ever have such a huge bungalow?
7. Shall I ever have a car like this?
8. When shall we take our revenge?
9. When will he come back?
10. Will he begin his work tomorrow?
11. Where will you take admission now?
12. Where will she go now?
13. Will the judge pronounce the sentence tomorrow?
14. What will he do next?
15. How will it affect the future of this nation?
16. How will she raise her children?

Interro-negative sentences
Will/shall + subject + not + verb (I form) + object?
e.g. 1) Will he not agree to your proposal?
2) Will they not serve their country properly?
3) Will you not cheat your own friends?
4) Will they not interfere in other people’s lives?
5) Will you never agree with your parents?
6) Will they never apologize to anybody?
7) Shall I not have a friend in my life?
8) Shall we not trust them?
9. Will her sister not accuse her of betraying her?
10. Will the milkman not adulterate milk with powder and water?
11. Will indiscriminate felling of trees not cause soil erosion?
12. Will he not hide his mistakes?
13. Will she not earn more than her husband?
14. Will the lake not freeze during winters?
15. Will it not get very hot during summers?
16. Will he not repay his debt/loan timely?

Q. Write the answers of the following questions in affirmative or negative.
1. Will you go to gym? 2. Will you have ice cream? 3. Will you follow traffic rules? 4. Will
your friends make fun of you? 5. Will your friend beat you? 6. Will your mother make you
laugh? 7. Will your brother make you weep? 8. Will your friend borrow money from you? 9.
Will your neighbour fight with you? 10. Will your parents allow you to go to picnic? 11. Will
your parents give you pocket money? 12. Will you get your clothes washed by your mother?

Note :- ‘going to’, ‘about to’, ‘simple present tense’ and ‘present continuous tense’ are also
used to talk about future.
‘going to’ form is used when we have decided to do something before talking about it.
e.g. I am going to buy a car.
She is going to join a new company.
‘about to’ form is used for the immediate future.
e.g. He is about to leave.
The match is about to start.
The shopkeeper is about to close the shop.

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