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УДК: 338.46 (65.


Hudayberdiyeva Nargiza Nizomiddin kizi

Phd researcher at Namangan State University



Keywords: service industry, innovation, management of innovation

processes, service management, management efficiency evaluation methods;
Abstract: The article discusses the importance of managing innovation
processes at service enterprises, as well as methods for evaluating its effectiveness.
Based on the analysis of foreign and domestic scientific research, shortcomings in
this regard were shown and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of innovation
management were proposed.



Ключевые слова: Сфера услуг, инновации, управление

инновационными процессами, управление услугами, методы оценки
эффективности управления;
Аннотация: Аннотация. В статье рассматривается важность
управления инновационными процессами на предприятиях сферы услуг, а
также методы оценки его эффективности. На основе анализа зарубежных и
отечественных научных исследований были показаны недостатки в этом
отношении и предложены критерии оценки эффективности управления

In the successful implementation of the development strategy of service

enterprises in a modern market economy, innovation management is one of the
main conditions. More effective organization of innovative management in service
enterprises requires first of all assessing the effectiveness and coverage of existing
management. The service sector is characterized by its diversity in the type of
activity; therefore, the management of the service enterprise carrying out the
innovation process should mainly pay attention to the quality and effect of the
process through a comprehensive assessment of the activities.
Innovation management mechanism implemented in many areas changes in
the income of service enterprises in the country remains as the main criterion for
assessing this enterprise. That is, an increase in the income of an enterprise is - it is
argued that effective management is being carried out regardless of what factor is
causing it, or, conversely, a decrease in the income of the enterprise indicates a low
level of management efficiency. But here it is worth criticizing the ability of
enterprise managers to work with innovations to assess how the innovation process
is being managed. For example, in the Namangan region, in the last month of the
spring season, the income of hotels will increase, and the seats in them will be in
full, this situation will be observed in almost all hotels, regardless of the state of
innovation, whatever the management effect. This is not the result of the fact that
innovation processes are well managed in all hotels, but the result of a sharp
increase in the number of visitors from abroad in connection with the holding of
the Namangan Flower Festival at this time. Of course, the holding of festivals also
shows the effect of innovation management of service enterprises, but when taking
the example of individual hotels, this is not the result of their innovative approach.
Individual service enterprises can achieve a slight increase in the income of service
enterprises regardless of the season if the effectiveness of management of
innovative processes is assessed; an effective management model is developed on
the basis of sermons. An example of this can also be given in the field of social
services, for example, in Namangan State University, if there is no institution in
the area with the status of another university, that is, there is no competition, then
the large number of applicants entering this university does not indicate the
effectiveness of innovative management in the institution. For the further
development of the service sector in our republic, it is required to conduct research
on the assessment of the effectiveness of management of innovative processes in
service enterprises, propose a clear assessment method, and with the help of it to
develop effective management mechanism.
Today, there is no specific approach among Economist scientists that
assesses the effectiveness of innovative process management in service enterprises.
According to The Economist scientist Tlekhurai-Berzegova, innovative activity in
the service sector not only covers the development and consumption of services
and goods, but also includes monitoring the characteristics of certain consumers,
assessing the economic activity of the population, social pressure and the
development of the social sphere. Because changes in the external environment
lead to changes within the enterprise.
Another economist scientist is R.A. Fathuddinov in his research patented as
innovation (innovation), an invention protected by license and auteur rights,
separately cited know-how. An increase in profit returning from resources spent on
production or service is the main goal of innovation. Based on these, it can be said
that innovation is the result of innovation implemented in order to achieve
economic, social, environmental and other types of effect, as well as to change the
object of management.
Hence, when assessing the effectiveness of management of innovative
processes in service enterprises, it is necessary to analyze to what extent the
external environment is taken into account in innovation management, the increase
in profits from the resources spent, the use of know-how, scientific achievements
and innovations in the process of creating services and their provision to the
Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of management of innovative
processes in service enterprises Z, who conducted scientific research on this
topic.K. It is widely covered in the results of the scientific research of Aliyeva.


Operability Economy

Criteria for
assessing the
effectiveness of
innovative process
management in
service enterprises

1 picture. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of innovative process

management in service enterprises

In Alieva's research, in order to determine the effectiveness of the

organization of innovative management in service enterprises, he cited the criteria
of efficiency, operability and economy of its evaluation.
Here, efficiency refers to the timely and high-quality implementation of
decisions, removing unnecessary and fruitless interventions in management.
Operability means optimal and efficient use of time in the process of implementing
innovative management, making management decisions and reducing costs in the
implementation of work. Economy means that the implementation of innovative
management allows optimizing the costs of material, financial and labor resources.
In Alieva's research, the following indicators are used to evaluate the
effectiveness of innovative management in service enterprises:
i-service enterprise index;
Ii is the performance coefficient of the enterprise
Oi is the operational coefficient of the enterprise
Ei is the economic coefficient of the i enterprise
Efi is the coefficient of efficiency of management of innovative processes of
the enterprise
Chvi - the number of management decisions on innovative management that
were fully and on time in 1 year in the i service enterprise;
Chpi - the number of management decisions on innovative management that
must be implemented in 1 year in the i service enterprise;
The time (years) when innovative management is being evaluated in the T i -
i service enterprise
Fi - i service enterprise's financial expenses for innovative management
during this accounting period (million rubles)

C hvi Ti Fi
I i= O i= Ei =
C h pi T i +T i ( 1−I i ) F i+ F i (1−I i )

E fi=I i ×Oi × Ei
Such calculations allow, on the one hand, ensuring the success of the
implementation of innovative management in service enterprises, to analyze their
activities, and on the other hand, to determine the general directions of
implementation of service development management.
When evaluating the efficiency of management of innovation processes in
service enterprises, it is necessary to pay special attention to the relations of
employees and managers in the enterprise. Because the human factor is very
important in service enterprises, and any innovation takes place with the
participation of workers in the enterprise. Unlike manufacturing enterprises,
innovators can be all employees of the enterprise, which means that without them
it is impossible to effectively manage the innovation process. The innovative
relationship between the enterprise manager and employees can be evaluated by
the manager's allocation of motivation, various incentives, and bonuses to the
employees. When evaluating the effective management of the innovation process
in the enterprise, it is possible to calculate the number of motivations used in the
management of employees in the service enterprise. However, since the
motivations are mainly financial, Fi - i is included in the financial costs of
innovative management in the service enterprise during this accounting period, and
it is taken into account in the calculation of the economic coefficient of the
enterprise. Non-financial motivations are included in the number of management
decisions on innovative management that were fully and on time in 1 year at the
Chvi-i service enterprise, and are reflected in the enterprise's performance
Currently, one of the obstacles to the development of the service industry in
many countries of the world is the problem of a lack of qualified personnel in this
field. If the problem of shortage of personnel in the production sector was
eliminated by the creation and introduction of new technologies into production,
the shortage of personnel in the service sector still exists today, especially qualified
personnel are required. For example, in many hotels offering accommodation
services in our republic, uneducated personnel work, the lack of qualified
personnel in this field has a negative impact on the effective management of
innovation processes. Taking into account that every service provider in the hotels
of developed countries with qualified personnel has a positive effect on the
company's activity using innovative technologies, it can be said that the number of
qualified personnel in the service company can be one of the indicators for
evaluating the effectiveness of innovative management in it. However, many tasks
in service enterprises usually do not require highly educated personnel, so it is
possible to include the share of highly educated personnel in management and the
share of personnel with secondary qualifications in direct service.
Ki is the coefficient of provision of qualified personnel of the enterprise;
Kmi - the percentage of highly educated employees in management among
all managerial employees in %;
Ksi - the share of qualified service personnel in all direct service personnel
in %;
Since managerial staff and direct service staff are of almost equal
importance in the implementation of innovation processes in service enterprises,
the average arithmetic of the number of qualified workers in them can be taken as
the coefficient of provision of qualified workers in the enterprise.
К i=( К ¿ ¿ mi+ К si )÷ 2¿ (2)

If we add this to (1) we get

E fi=I i ×Oi × Ei × К i (3)

So, when evaluating the efficiency of management of innovative processes

in service enterprises, it is possible to take into account the external environment in
management, use know-how methods, evaluate the factors of efficiency,
operability and economy, use the motivation method in personnel management,
and analyze the number of qualified personnel. Through such assessment,
shortcomings are identified and more effective management organization and
service development is achieved.

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Алиева З.К. Управление предприятием сферы услуг на основе
инновационных методов и технологий. Автореферат диссертации на
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