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Lakshya JEE (2025)

JEE Advanced Test - 01 Advanced

90 Minutes DATE : 16/06/2024 M.MARKS : 180

Topics Covered
Physics: Unit and dimension, Motion in a straight line, Electric charge and field, Electrostatic Potential, Current
electricity circuit.
Chemistry: Structure of Atom-Class 11th (Complete Chapter), Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry-Class 11th
(Complete Chapter), Solutions (Complete Chapter), Electrochemistry (Complete Chapter), Chemical
Kinetics (Complete Chapter).
Mathematics: Basic Mathematics-Class 11th (Complete Chapter), Sets Class-11th (Complete Chapter), Trigonometric
Functions Class-11th (Complete Chapter), Trigonometric Equation Class-11th (Complete Chapter),
Determinants (Complete Chapter), Matrices (Complete Chapter).
General Instructions:

1. Immediately fill in the particulars on this page of the test booklet.

2. The test is of 3 hours duration.
3. The test booklet consists of 51 questions. The maximum marks are 180.
SECTION-1 (Maximum Marks: 12)
 This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
 For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct option is chosen;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.

SECTION-2 (Maximum Marks: 12)

 This section contains THREE (03) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is(are)
correct answer(s).
 For each question, choose the option(s) corresponding to (all) the correct answer(s).
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 ONLY if (all) the correct option(s) is(are) chosen;
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen;
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct option;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.

 For example, in a question, if (A), (B) and (D) are the ONLY three options corresponding to correct answers, then
choosing ONLY (A), (B) and (D) will get +4 marks;
choosing ONLY (A) and (B) will get +2 marks;
choosing ONLY (A) and (D) will get +2 marks;
choosing ONLY (B) and (D) will get +2 marks;
choosing ONLY (A) will get +1 mark;
choosing ONLY (B) will get +1 mark;
choosing ONLY (D) will get +1 mark;
choosing no option (i.e. the question is unanswered) will get 0 marks; and
choosing any other combination of options will get –2 marks.

SECTION-3 (Maximum Marks: 24)

This section contains SIX (06) questions.
 The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE INTEGER.
 For each question, enter the correct integer corresponding to the answer using the mouse and the onscreen
 virtual numeric keypad in the place designated to enter the answer.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If ONLY the correct integer is entered;
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.

SECTION-4 (Maximum Marks: 12)

This section contains TWO (02) paragraphs.
• Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions.
• The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
• For each question, enter the correct numerical value of the answer using the mouse and the onscreen virtual numeric
keypad in the place designated to enter the answer.
• If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places.
• Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered in the designated place;
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
OMR Instructions:
1. Use blue/black dark ballpoint pens.
2. Darken the bubbles completely. Don't put a tick mark or a cross mark where it is specified that you fill the bubbles
completely. Half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read by the software.
3. Never use pencils to mark your answers.
4. Never use whiteners to rectify filling errors as they may disrupt the scanning and evaluation process.
5. Writing on the OMR Sheet is permitted on the specified area only and even small marks other than the specified area may
create problems during the evaluation.
6. Multiple markings will be treated as invalid responses.
7. Do not fold or make any stray mark on the Answer Sheet (OMR).

Name of the Student (In CAPITALS) : _______________________________________________________________

Roll Number : _____________________________________________________________________________________________

OMR Bar Code Number : ________________________________________________________________________________

Candidate’s Signature : _______________________________ Invigilator’s Signature _____________________


Speed of light in free space, : 3.00 × 108 ms–1

Permeability of free space, : 4 × 10–7 Hm–1
Permittivity of free space, : 8.85 × 10–12 Fm–1
The Planck constant, : 6.63 × 10–34 Js
Rest mass of electron, : 9.1 × 10–31 kg
Rest mass of proton, : 1.67 × 10–27 kg
Molar gas constant, : 8.31 JK–1 mol–1
The Avogadro constant, : 6.02 × 1023 mol–1
The Boltzmann constant, : 1.38 × 10–23 JK–1
Gravitational constant, : 6.67 × 10–11 N m2kg–2
Acceleration of free fall : 9.8 ms–2
Rydberg Constant : 1.097 × 107 m–1
Atomic mass unit : 1.67 × 10–27 kg
Charge on proton : 1.6 × 10–19 C


2 = 1.414 ln 10 = 2.303
3 = 1.732 log102 = 0.3010
5 = 2.236 log103= 0.4770
 = 3.142 log107 = 0.845
e (Euler’s constant) = 2.718

* Use above values unless otherwise specified in a question.

  

Single Correct Type Questions One or More Than One Correct Type Questions
1. Two identical electric point dipoles have dipole 5. The gas equation for n moles of a real gas
moments p1  piˆ and p2  piˆ and are held on  a 
is:  P  2  V  b   nRT where P is the
the x-axis at distance a from each other. When  V 
released, they move along the x -axis with the pressure, V is the volume, T is the absolute
direction of their dipole moments remaining
temperature, R is the molar gas constant and a, b
unchanged. If the mass of each dipole is m , their
are arbitrary constants. Which of the following
speed when they are infinitely far apart is:-
has/have the same dimensions as those of PV ?
P 1 P 2 (A) nRT
(A) (B)
a 2 0 ma a  0 ma (B) a / V
P 1 P 3 (C) Pb
(C) (D)
a  0 ma 2 0 ma
a (D) ab / V

2. A toy car with charge q moves on a frictionless 6. A resistance R of 100 is to be measured by

horizontal plane surface under the influence of a using an ammeter and voltmeter in standard
methodology. If the readings of ammeter and
uniform electric field E . Due to the force qE , its
voltmeter are 12mA and 1V respectively. Which
velocity increases from 0 to 6 m/s in one second
of the following conclusion is correct
duration. At that instant the direction of the field
(A) Measured value of R is 83
is reversed. The car continues to move for two
(B) Percentage error in the measurement of R is
more seconds under the influence of this field.
The average velocity and the average speed of the 17%
toy car between 0 to 3 second are respectively (C) Measured value of R is 200
(A) 1 m/s, 3.5 m/s (D) Percentage error in the measurement is 34%
(B) 1 m/s, 3 m/s
(C) 2 m/s, 4 m/s 7. If two balls of given masses and charges are
(D) 1.5 m/s, 3 m/s released, which of the following is incorrect
arrangement in equilibrium?
3. Three concentric spherical metallic shells A, B
and C of radii a, b and c  a  b  c  have
charge densities  ,  and  , respectively. If (A)

the shells A and C are at the same potential then

the correct relation between a, b and c is:
(A) a  b  c  0 (B) a  c  b
(C) a  b  c (D) a  b  c (B)

4. A stone falls freely under gravity. It covers

distances h1 , h2 and h3 in the first 5 seconds, the
next 5 seconds and the next 5 seconds
respectively. The relation between h1 , h2 and h3
(A) h2  3h1 and h3  3h2
(B) h1  h2  h3
(C) h1  2h2  3h3
h2 h3
(D) h1  
3 5

Non-Negative Integer Type Questions
8. Two mutually perpendicular infinite wires along
x -axis and y -axis carry linear charge densities
1 and 2 respectively. The electric line of force
1 13. A wire of resistance 20 is divided into 10
at P is along the line y  x , where P is also
3 equal parts, resulting pairs. A combination of two
a point lying on the same line then find 2 / 1 parts are connected in parallel and so on. Now
resulting pairs of parallel combination are
connected in series. The equivalent resistance of
final combination is ______  .

Paragraph Type Questions
Paragraph for question nos. (14-15)
A body is dropped from a balloon moving up with
a constant velocity of 4 ms–1 when the balloon is
at a height of 120.5 m from the ground.

14. The height of the body after 5 s from the ground

9. Two metal spheres A and B of radius r and 2r, (in m ) is (g = 9.8 m/s2)
whose centres are separated by a distance of 6r ,
are given charge Q each and are at potential V1 15. The distance of separation between the body and
and V2 . Find the ratio of potential of two spheres the balloon after 5 s in metres is

Paragraph for question nos. (16-17)

10. A man moves 10 m in a direction 37° East of 1
A uniform electric field of 100 Vm is directed at
North, then 5 2 m in South-East direction and
30° with the positive x-axis as shown in figure.
finally 20 m in a direction 53° South of West. If
the magnitude of resultant displacement of man OA = 2 m and OB = 4 m  3  1.732 
is 34n m, find the value of n.

11. Let   r   0 r 2 be the charge distribution for a

solid sphere of radius R , where r is the distance
from the centre. The magnitude of Electric field at
a point which is at the distance of 3R from the
0 R3
centre of the sphere is . Find n .
n 0 16. The potential difference VO  VA (in volts) is

12. In the figure shown, find out the value of

17. The potential difference VB  VA (in volts) is
resistance R (in )

Single Correct Type Questions (A) 15%, 0.046
18. The density of 3M aqueous solution of sodium (B) 30%, 0.061
thiosulphate  Na 2S2 O3  is 1.58 g/mL. Then (C) 30%, 0.046
what will be the amount of Na 2S2 O3 in %w/w (D) 45%, 0.9

and the mole fraction of Na 2S2 O3?

19. For a first order homogeneous gaseous 23. Rate constant k varies with temperature by
reaction, A  3B  4C, the initial pressure
was P0 while total pressure after time t was Pt.

equation, log k min 1  5  

The right expression for the rate constants k in We can conclude:

terms of P0, Pt and t is
(A) pre-exponential factor A is 5
2.303  6P0 
(A) k  log   (B) Ea is 2000 k cal
t  7P0  Pt  (C) pre-exponential factor A is 105
2.303  6P0  (D) Ea is 9.212 k cal
(B) k  log  
t  7P0  Pi 
24. Which is/are correct statement?
2.303  P0 
(C) k  log   (A) No corrosion takes place in vacuum
t  P0  Pt  (B) Corrosion is protected by electroplating
2.303  2P0  (C) During rusting Fe2 O3  xH 2 O formed
(D) k  log  
t  P0  Pi  (D) In presence of electrolyte, corrosion takes
place with greater rate
20. To observe the effect of concentration on the
conductivity, electrolytes of different nature were
Non-Negative Integer Type Questions
taken in two vessels A and B. A contains weak
electrolyte, i.e. NH4OH and B contains strong
25. SO2 + 2H2S → 3S + 2H2O
electrolyte, i.e. NaCl. In both containers,
concentration of respective electrolyte was 2 mol of H2S and 11.2 L SO2 at NTP react to
increased and the observation is: form x mol of Sulphur. 10x is:
(A) In A conductivity increases, in B
conductivity decreases 26. A solution containing 10 g of an electrolyte
(B) In A conductivity decreases, while in B AB2 in 100 g of water boils at 100.52 C . The
conductivity increases
degree of ionization of the electrolyte 
(C) In both A and B conductivity increase
(D) In both A and B conductivity decreases. is................. 101 . (Nearest integer)
[Given: Molar mass of AB2  200 gmol1,Kb
21. Colligative properties have many practical uses, (molal boiling point elevation const. of water)
some of them may be:  0.52 Kkgmol1 , boiling point of water
I. Melting of snow by salt
 100 C; AB2 ionises as AB2  A 2  2B 
II. Desalination of sea water 
III. Determination of molar mass
IV. Determination of melting point and boiling 27. The number of electrons present in all the
point of solvent completely filled subshells having n = 4 and s =
Actual practical uses are: +1/2 is _____. (where n = principal quantum
(A) I, II (B) III, IV number and s = spin quantum number)
(C) I, II, III (D) II, III, IV
28. For the following electrochemical cell at 298
One or More Than One Correct Type Questions K, Pt  s  |H2  g,1 bar |H  aq,1M ||M4  aq  ,
22. According to Henry’s law, the partial pressure of
gas (P'gas) is directly proportional to mole fraction M2  aq  |Pt  s  Ecell  0.092V
of gas in dissolved state, i.e., P'gas = KH.Xgas  M 2  aq  
where KH is Henry's constant. Which are correct? when    10x
(A) KH is characteristic constant for a given gas-  M 4  aq  
 
solvent system
(B) Higher is the value of KH, lower is solubility RT
Given : E 0  0.151 V; 2.303  0.059
M 4  /M 2  F
of gas for a given partial pressure of gas
(C) KH has temperature dependence The value of x is
(D) KH increases with temperature increase

29. The rate of decomposition for CH3NO2 and the oxidation number of gold is +3, then the
C2H5NO2 can be given in terms of rate constant amount of copper deposited on the cathode of the
(in s–1) K1 and K2, respectively. The energy of second cell is "w" g and the current in ampere is
activation for these reactions is 152.30 and "i". (At wt. of Au = 197 and At wt. of Cu = 63.5)
171.39 kJ/mol and the frequency factors are 1013
and 1014 s–1, respectively. The temperature (in
31. Value of "w" is ______ g.
°C) at which rate constant will be same for both
decomposition reaction, is (R = 8.3 J/K-mol, ln 32. Value of "i" is ______ ampere.
10 = 2.3)
30. 1.46 g of a biopolymer dissolved in a 100 mL Paragraph for question nos. (33-34)
water at 300 K exerted an osmotic pressure of
2.42 × 10–3 bar. The molar mass of the For a chemical reaction A + B  Products, the
biopolymer is _____ × 104 g mol–1 (Round off to order is one with respect to each A and B.
the Nearest Integer) Rate

[A] mol l 1 
[B] mol l 1  
mol l 1 s 1 )
–1 –1
[Use: R = 0.083 L bar mol K ]
0.10 0.20 0.05
SECTION-4 0.40 x 0.05
Paragraph Type Questions
0.80 0.40 y
Paragraph for question nos. (31-32)
In an electrolysis experiment current was passed 33. The value of ‘x’ is ____.
for 5 h through two cells connected in series. The
first cell contains a solution of gold and the 34. The value of ‘y’ is ____.
second cell contains copper sulphate solution.
19.85 g of gold was deposited in the first cell. If

SECTION-1 (where, n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 , n5 , n6 are natural numbers)
Single Correct Type Questions 6
  ni 
35. For two 3 × 3 matrices A and B , let then the value of is
i 1
A  B  2B' and 3 A  2 B  I 3 , where B' is the
(A) 19 (B) 91
transpose of B and I 3 is 3 × 3 identity matrix.
(C) 81 (D) 101
(A) 10 A  5B  3I 3 1 0 0 
(B) 5 A  10 B  2 I 3 38. If matrix M   2 2 1  and let M 1 and M 2 be
(C) 3 A  6 B  2 I 3  0 0 1 

(D) B  2 A  I 3 two matrix such that

M1  M 4  4M 3  5M 2 ,
35. Let A and B are two non-singular matrices of M 2  M 4  5M 2  2M ,
order 3 such that A  B  2I and then det  M1M 2  is equal to
A1  B 1  3I , then AB is equal to (where I is (A) 27
(B) 24
(C) 2 (D) 211
the identity matrix of order 3)
(A) 2I (B)
3 One or More Than One Correct Type Questions
(C) A (D) B 39. System of equation x  3 y  2 z  6
x  y  2 z  7, x  3 y  2 z   has

1 (A) unique solution if   2,   6

37. If 4cos36  cot7  n1  n2  n3  n4 (B) infinitely many solution if   4,   6
 n5  n6 (C) no solution if   5,   7
(D) no solution if   3,   5

1 2 2  45. In a village of 1000 inhabitants, there are three
40. Let A   2 1 2  , then newspapers P , Q and R in circulation. Each of
 2 2 1  these papers is read by 500 persons. Papers

(A) A2  4 A  5 I 3  0 P and Q are read by 250 persons, papers Q and

R are read by 250 persons, papers R and P are
(B) A1   A  4 I3  read by 250 persons. All the three papers are read
by 250 persons. Then the number of persons who
(C) A3 is not invertible
read no newspaper at all, is
(D) A2 is invertible

46. The number of ordered pairs  x, y  satisfying

41. If P is a square matrix of order 3 of real entries
4sinx16siny 1
3 3 0   and
such that P|  3 and P  adj  P    0 3 3 
2 1  16sinx 1  256siny  4

 k 0 3 
31 cos 2 x
 31cosy  10 is; where x, y  0, 2
where k  R then:

 
(A) tr P 2  3
47. Let Ak   aij  be square matrix of order 3
(B) tr  adjP   3
such that aij   i  j  for all i, j  1,2,3. Then

(C) adj 2 P  1
 
3 determinant value of A1  A3  A5 ..  A2023
(D) adj  2adj.P   5184
SECTION-3 Paragraph Type Questions
Non-Negative Integer Type Questions Paragraph for question nos. (48-49)
42. Let A and B are square matrices such
If A and B are two matrices and AT is
that AB  A  B and
cos  1  1  cos  1  2  cos  1  3  
transpose of matrix A then  AB T  BT  AT
 
A50  cos   2  1  cos   2  2  cos   2  3   and A  AT  AT A  I , then A is called
cos  3  1  cos  3  2  cos  3  3  
  orthogonal matrix. Also if An  A then period
then the value of det  B  is equal to of A is  n  1 ,  where n  N  1 .

a a3 a4  1
43. If a, b, c are all different and b b3 b4  1  0 , 48. If A, B, C, D are four rectangular matrices such
c c3 c4  1 that AT  BCD, BT  CDA, C T  DAB and

then find the value of DT  ABC. If X  ABCD then least period

abc  ab  bc  ca  –  a  b  c  . of X is

1 0 2 49. If A is square matrix such that A  I
Let A   2 0 1  , then find the value of
 1 1 2  and A 
I are orthogonal, then det 4 A2  3I  
determinant  A  I  3

 4A . is equal to

[Note I is an identity matrix of order 3].


  
Paragraph for question nos. (50-51) 2
50. The value of Tr  3 A1   a  1 3 A1  3I  is
Let A  aij  be a square matrix such that  
Tr  A   5.
51. If aij 1,2,3,4 then number of possible
If f  x   det  A  xI  and f  A  A2  aA  3I invertible matrices A is equal to
where I is identify matrix of order 2 then

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