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Eyegh watee Cish Cltuid

Page No.:
Unit Test |Date

std : XT
Papes - I 30

male toducHve Gegans 6

Q1 Deseribe
tresh watet
spematogeesio u
Descaibe the paocess ot
Haesh oate fish.

female Aepaodueive
4sesh oáte tish
What is spawning
b. Mention the tunehon of intesttial eolls

C What is spetmiogene sis ?

funcion of me sovaian iufemale
d- what is the
Jeprod uchve 8y stem. ?

derdoping egg of fish known as

What is
diffeseu matiait tãges of ovay
female fresh watee
fresh wates fsh Culture Page No.:
Unit Test pate:

Poper T mm 30

wates habi tat ie

Lenic & Loic
Deine each
exam ple
dB animals4
Desc be the veqetaton, type Tunnin
Q2 |n Fast Aunning & slow
Loie habitat
vegetaHon, waTe move ment
O3 Deseaibe the vel, R type ot anìmala
empek atuee, Oxygen le
pond habitat

Answe in short

two Semipenma nen watee bodies

a. N ame

walee bodies
b Name two þetmaneu

Name the dile eu qsoup of ltic enviesnmenl

Pos med due t o physical tosceR.

stala the ise chion o wate Ho

Name the dilleseuo- qoup formed ot

Lantic envioAnmen due to physcial e
biclo zica forces.
what s Limnolo4

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