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Irregular Verbs

Present - Past - Meaning

1. Be - was/were = ser o estar
2. get up - got up = Levantarse
3. Wake up - Woke up = Despertarse
4. Have - Had = Tener
5. Go - Went = Ir
6. Take - Took = Tomar
7. Buy - Bought = Comprar
8. Bring - Brought = Traer
9. Swim - Swam = Nadar
10.Drink - Drank = Beber
11.Understand - Understood = Entender
12.Catch - Caught = Atrapar
13.Sing - Sang = Cantar
14.Think - Thought = Pensar
15.Know - Knew = Conocer/ Saber
16.Seek - Sought = Buscar
17.Write - Wrote = Escribir
18.Lead - Led = Liderar
19.Forget - Forgot = Olvidar
20.Get - Got = Lograr conseguir obtener
21.Send - Sent = Enviar
22.Read - Read = Leer
23.Build - Built = Construir
24.Eat lunch - Ate lunch = Almorzar
25.Eat dinner - Ate dinner = Cenar
26.Eat breakfast - Ate breakfast = Desayunar
27.Broadcast - Broadcast = Transmitir
28.Lend - Lent = Prestar
29.Fight - Fought = Pelear
30.Drive - Drove = Manejar
31.Ride - Rode = Montar
32.Sell - Sold = Vender
Expressions of time
• Yesterday - ayer
• Two weeks ago - Hace 2 semanas
• Three years ago - Hace 3 años
• Four days ago - Hace 4 dias
• Five minutes ago - Hace 5 minutos
• last night -Noche pasada
• last month - Mes pasado
• last week- Semana pasada
• last year - Año pasado
• last summer- verano pasado
• last winter - invierno pasado
• the day before yesterday - antes de ayer
• In 1990 - En 1990

Expressions :
• I woke up at 6:00 am = Yo me desperté a las 6 am
• I got up at 7:00 am = Yo me levanté a las 7 am
• I ate breakfast with my family = Yo desayuné con mi familia
• I left home = Yo salí de casa
• I sold my books = Yo vendí mis libros
• I bought bread and butter in the bakery = Yo compré pan y mantequilla en la panadería
• I sought information = Yo busqué información
• I brought my umbrella = Yo traje mi paraguas
• I fought with you = Yo luché contigo
• I broke the window = Yo rompí mi ventana
• I ate lunch at 2 pm = Yo almorzé a las 2 de la tarde
• I ate dinner at 8 pm = Yo cené a las 8 pm
• I read a book yesterday = Yo leí un libro ayer
• I sang a song last week = Yo canté una cancion la semana pasada
• I thought about you = Yo pensé en ti
• I drove a car = Yo manejé un carro
• I rode a horse = Yo monté un caballo
• I wrote a letter = Yo escribí una carta
• I understood the class = Yo entendí la clase
• I saw a movie = Yo ví una película
• I drank a glass of water = Yo bebí un vaso de agua
• I slept very late last monday = Yo dormí muy tarde el lunes pasado
• I got dressed correctly = Yo me vestí correctamente
• I wore a red jacket = Yo usé una casaca roja
(+) She got up at 6:00 am
(-) She didn't get up at 6:00 am
(?) Did she get up at 6:00 am?

(+) I ate breakfast with my family

(-) I didn't eat breakfast with my family
(?) Did I eat breakfast with my family?

(+) He left home five minutes ago

(-) He didn't leave home five minutes ago
(?) Did he leave home five minutes ago?

(+) You bought bread and butter in the bakery

(-)You didn't buy bread and butter in the bakery
(?) Did you buy bread and butter in the bakery?

(+) They understood the class

(-) They didn't understand the class
(?) Did they understand the class?

(+) We saw a movie

(-) We didn't see a movie
(?) Did we see a movie?

(+) I wore a red jacket

(-) I didn't wear a red jacket
(?) Did I wear a red jacket?

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