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Welcome to the comprehensive course, "Mastering Ejaculatory

Control: The Complete Guide to Overcoming Premature Ejaculation."

In this in-depth program, you will acquire the essential tools to harness control over your sexual
prowess, ensuring prolonged and fulfilling experiences. Throughout this course, we will delve
into a range of vital subjects to empower you on your journey:

1. Exercises
2. Porn
3. Communication
4. Breathing
5. Stress
6. Arousal behavior
7. Have more sex
8. 66 days fap training
9. Dead grip
10. Sex toys
11. Drugs(Serotonin)
12. Numbing products
13. Testosterone

Each topic is designed to equip you with essential tools and insights to help you gain mastery
over premature ejaculation and enhance your sexual experiences.

1. Exercises
Many individuals dealing with premature ejaculation often experience issues related to pelvic
floor muscles, either due to tightness or weakness. The pelvic floor plays a crucial role in sexual
intercourse, as it can influence bladder control by aiding in urination and retention. To address
these concerns, a variety of exercises can be undertaken to enhance both the strength and
flexibility of the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises, often referred to as kegels and reverse
kegels, aim to optimize pelvic floor function and contribute to better sexual well-being.

Kegels: Strengthening the Pelvic Floor

Kegel exercises involve contracting the pelvic floor muscles, replicating the sensation of holding
in urine. These contractions target and strengthen the pelvic floor, which can positively impact
ejaculation control and overall sexual satisfaction. Engaging in kegel exercises can enhance
muscle tone and endurance, providing more control during sexual activities.

Reverse Kegels: Promoting Relaxation and Flexibility

On the other hand, reverse kegel exercises focus on releasing and lengthening the pelvic floor
muscles, simulating the act of letting go of urine. These exercises help in promoting relaxation
and flexibility within the pelvic region. Incorporating reverse kegels into your routine can aid in
reducing tension and tightness, which may contribute to premature ejaculation.

Identifying and Performing the Exercises:

To effectively engage the pelvic floor muscles, it's essential to have a clear understanding of
their location and function. A kegel exercise involves gently contracting the pelvic floor, as if you
were halting the flow of urine mid-stream. A reverse kegel entails consciously relaxing and
releasing the pelvic floor muscles, as if you were allowing urine to flow freely.

Maintaining proper posture during these exercises is crucial for optimal results. Whether
standing or sitting, ensure your body is aligned to facilitate proper muscle engagement.

By consistently incorporating kegels and reverse kegels into your routine, you can work towards
a balanced and well-functioning pelvic floor. These exercises, when performed correctly,
contribute to a healthier pelvic floor, potentially alleviating issues related to premature
ejaculation and enhancing your overall sexual experience.


Pelvic floor stretches can contribute to improved flexibility, circulation, and overall pelvic health.
Incorporating these stretches into your routine may help alleviate tension, enhance muscle
function, and promote relaxation in the pelvic area. This is important because the pelvic floor is
the sex muscle. Here are some pelvic floor stretches to consider:
Child's Pose: This yoga stretch involves sitting back on your heels with your arms stretched
forward on the ground. It gently stretches the pelvic floor and lower back muscles, promoting
relaxation and flexibility.

Happy Baby Pose: Lie on your back and grab the outsides of your feet. Gently pull your knees
toward your armpits while pressing your feet into your hands. This pose can help stretch the
inner thighs and groin, indirectly benefiting the pelvic floor.
Butterfly Stretch: Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet touching each other. Gently press
your knees toward the floor to stretch the inner thighs and groin, which can contribute to
improved pelvic muscle function.

Seated Forward Fold: Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Slowly hinge at the
hips and reach your hands toward your feet. This stretch can help release tension in the
hamstrings, lower back, and pelvic floor.
Deep Squat: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly lower yourself into a deep
squat, keeping your heels on the ground if possible. Use your elbows to gently push your knees
outward to deepen the stretch. This stretch can help open the hips and engage the pelvic floor
muscles, promoting better muscle control.

Cat-Cow Stretch: Get on your hands and knees and alternate between arching your back (like
a cat) and dropping your belly toward the floor (like a cow). This movement helps stretch and
strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, supporting their overall health.
Pigeon Pose: Start in a plank position and bring one knee forward toward your wrist. Extend
the other leg behind you. Sink into the stretch, feeling it in the hips and groin. This can help
open the hip flexors and release tension in the pelvic area.

Standing Forward Fold: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and fold forward at the hips. Let
your upper body hang, and feel the stretch in your hamstrings and lower back.
Consistent practice of these stretches can contribute to pelvic floor health and potentially aid in
addressing certain concerns like premature ejaculation.

Another exercise is the water bottle technique,

The water bottle technique can be employed effectively with both men and women to target the
obturator internus muscle, which plays a dual role as a component of the pelvic floor and a hip
rotator. This muscle's significance extends from your foot up to your hip, highlighting the
interconnected nature of your body mechanics.

Taking a comprehensive approach to rehabilitation involves recognizing that certain areas, such
as the internal obturator muscle, can become tense due to neural system responses. The
application of pressure using a water bottle can act as a neural dampener, aiding in the
restoration of normal tone and mobility to the pelvic floor muscles.

Step 1: Proper Setup

Begin by sitting on a flat chair, ensuring comfort and stability.

Place a water bottle, filled halfway with water, at approximately a 45-degree angle beneath the
ischial bone. You can adjust the positioning of the bottle's top for optimal comfort.
The bottle's angle allows it to gently slide up along the inner surface of the ischial bone, creating
a subtle stretch on the pelvic floor.
Step 2: Movement Sequence

Initiate movement across the three planes of motion – sagittal, frontal, and transverse – on each

Spend about one minute performing controlled movements in each plane, focusing on the
obturator internus muscle and the pelvic floor's response. By implementing this technique, you
engage in a holistic approach that acknowledges the interconnectedness of your body's
systems. The obturator internus muscle's role as a pelvic floor component and hip rotator
underscores the importance of addressing it for improved overall function.

Note: Pay attention to your body's responses throughout the exercise. If you experience any
discomfort or pain, adjust the pressure or cease the activity. Gradually extend the duration and
intensity of the exercise as your comfort level and muscle responsiveness improve.

Remember, consistency is key to achieving the desired outcomes. Incorporate this technique
into your routine as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation strategy aimed at enhancing pelvic
floor health and function, while also addressing the intricacies of the obturator internus muscle.

2. Porn
Engaging in pornography, particularly while dealing with premature ejaculation, can exacerbate
the challenges you may be facing. Pornography is well-known for its ability to stimulate intense
arousal, often leading to quick sexual release. However, this effect can be especially
problematic for individuals with premature ejaculation.

The cycle begins with the immediate arousal induced by pornographic content. This heightened
state of arousal frequently results in a rapid ejaculation, a response that might be gratifying in
the short term. However, with repeated exposure over an extended period, this pattern can
inadvertently condition your brain and body to expect and respond to rapid sexual release.

This conditioning isn't confined solely to the realm of pornography; it can spill over into your
real-life sexual experiences as well. Your brain becomes accustomed to the quick climax, which
can lead to a heightened sensitivity and responsiveness towards reaching orgasm rapidly, even
outside of the context of porn.

In essence, the regular consumption of pornography can contribute to training your brain and
body to prioritize quick sexual gratification, further exacerbating the challenges associated with
premature ejaculation. It's crucial to recognize that this effect can extend beyond the realm of
pornography and potentially influence your overall sexual experiences.
To address premature ejaculation effectively, it's advisable to consider minimizing or refraining
from pornography consumption as part of a holistic approach. By breaking the cycle of
conditioned rapid release, you can work towards retraining your brain and body to achieve
better ejaculatory control and enhance your overall sexual satisfaction.

3. Communication
Effective communication with your
sexual partner plays a pivotal role in
enhancing both your confidence and
alleviating internal stress. Surveys
reveal that a significant 61% of adults
harbor negative feelings about their
bodies, with 13% experiencing
particularly intense negativity. The
prevalence of body dysmorphia
underscores the importance of
engaging in open conversations with
your partner, especially concerning
sensitive matters like body image, including concerns related to your penis.

Addressing these insecurities and anxieties through dialogue fosters a safe and supportive
environment, allowing you to share your thoughts and feelings without judgment. By sharing
your concerns with your partner, you can often find relief from the anxiety and stress that
body-related worries may cause. Engaging in open and empathetic discussions can cultivate
mutual understanding, boost your self-esteem, and lead to a more fulfilling and confident
intimate connection.
Moreover, by initiating these conversations, you and your partner can work together to
counteract unrealistic perceptions, challenge negative thoughts, and build a healthier body
image. This collaborative effort can not only enhance your own self-assurance but also
strengthen the bond between you and your partner, promoting a more positive and affirming
sexual experience.

4. Breathing
Utilizing controlled breathing, particularly through deep belly breathing, is an effective method
for managing arousal levels. This technique not only aids in maintaining a balanced state of
arousal but also contributes to the relaxation and flexibility of the pelvic floor muscles.

Deep belly breathing involves intentionally drawing breaths into the lower abdomen, expanding
the diaphragm and engaging the muscles deep within the core. This intentional breathwork has
a twofold benefit: firstly, it provides a means to regulate arousal, preventing overstimulation that
might lead to premature ejaculation. Secondly, the rhythmic expansion and contraction of the
lower abdomen during deep breathing gently stretches and exercises the pelvic floor muscles.

By incorporating deep belly breathing into your routine, you create a harmonious connection
between your breath and your body, allowing you to exert more conscious control over your
sexual responses. This technique not only helps in prolonging sexual pleasure but also
promotes the health and suppleness of the pelvic floor, contributing to improved overall sexual

5. Stress
As previously mentioned, effective communication is key in relationships, particularly when it
comes to addressing potential sources of stress. One common stressor that can significantly
impact sexual experiences is the worry that your partner might not be satisfied with your body.
This concern, among others, has the potential to induce stress, which can take various forms
and manifest in different aspects of life.

Stress, whether stemming from emotional or mental strain, can exert a notable influence on
premature ejaculation. This strain may create barriers to relaxation and focus during sexual
activities. The mental load brought on by stress can divert attention away from the present
moment, making it challenging to fully engage and enjoy the experience.

To counteract the impact of stress on premature ejaculation, implementing stress-reduction

techniques is essential. Engaging in activities such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing
exercises, regular physical activity, and spending quality time with your partner can effectively
lower stress levels. These practices can help create a more conducive environment for
relaxation and enjoyment during intimate moments, allowing you to fully embrace the
experience without the weight of stress impeding your connection.
By proactively addressing sources of stress through open communication, mutual
understanding, and stress-reduction techniques, you and your partner can work together to
alleviate the burdens that may be contributing to premature ejaculation. This cooperative
approach can lead to a more relaxed, fulfilling, and satisfying sexual connection, fostering an
environment where both partners can fully enjoy and embrace each intimate moment.

6. Arousal behavior
Understanding and managing arousal behavior is a vital skill to enhance your sexual
experiences. The ability to regulate your excitement levels can prevent premature ejaculation
and contribute to a more satisfying encounter. While individuals may vary in their responses,
several techniques have proven effective for many:

- Deep Belly Breathing: Practicing deep, controlled breathing can help you stay in tune
with your body and manage arousal. Inhale slowly through your nose, allowing your belly
to rise, and then exhale through your mouth. This technique promotes relaxation and
can prolong your performance.

- Effective Communication: Open and honest communication with your partner is key.
Express your desires, concerns, and boundaries, ensuring both of you are on the same
page. This can alleviate performance pressure and foster a more relaxed environment.

- Pacing and Slowing Down: Taking things slow and varying the pace of your actions can
build anticipation and extend the duration of your sexual experience. By focusing on a
gradual progression, you can heighten pleasure and maintain control.

- Distraction Techniques: Engaging your mind in other thoughts or sensations can help
divert your attention from overwhelming arousal. Mentally count backwards, visualize
non-sexual scenarios, or focus on other sensory experiences to prolong your

By integrating these techniques into your intimate moments, you can better manage your
arousal levels, enhance your overall experience, and potentially extend the duration of your
sexual encounters. Remember, experimentation and finding what works best for you and your
partner are key to achieving satisfying results.

7. Have more sex

Engaging in sex can help with premature ejaculation. It allows your body to get used to the
feelings and timing of intimacy, which might reduce the sensitivity that causes quick ejaculation.
People who deal with premature ejaculation often feel anxious and stressed, which can make
them not perform as well as they could.
If you have a supportive partner, having sex with them can be really helpful. Being with a caring
partner can make you feel more at ease and less worried. This lets you focus on the moment
and gradually become more confident in controlling when you ejaculate.

But sometimes, having sex might not be an option. If that's the case, there's another way you
can practice. It's called the 66-day fap training. This means you spend time on your own,
pleasuring yourself, and try not to ejaculate every time. Doing this over 66 days can teach you
how to have better control over when you ejaculate.

Remember, it's important to be patient and stay positive while trying this training. Doing it
consistently for 66 days can help you learn how to control when you ejaculate and make sex
more enjoyable.

Heart rate,

Engaging in more frequent sexual activity can potentially lead to a decrease in heart rate over
time due to the development of experience and better control. As individuals become more
accustomed to the sensations and emotions associated with sexual encounters, they may
develop enhanced control over their heart rate responses.

This improved heart rate control can contribute to a more regulated sexual experience, as
heightened excitement and arousal often correlate with a faster heart rate. The initial excitement
that accompanies sexual activity can, for some individuals, lead to quicker ejaculation due to the
physiological response of the body.

This connection between heart rate and ejaculation is also relevant in the context of
masturbation. Similar to sexual intercourse, masturbation can evoke excitement and arousal,
which in turn may impact heart rate and potentially influence the timing of ejaculation.

Over time, through repeated sexual experiences and personal awareness, individuals may learn
techniques to manage their heart rate and overall physiological responses. This gradual
development of control can contribute to a more relaxed and enjoyable sexual experience,
potentially allowing for better pacing and increased satisfaction.

8. 66 days fap training

To conquer premature ejaculation, a method known as the 66-day fap training offers a unique
approach. This regimen involves daily self-stimulation while intentionally restricting ejaculation
to just 1-2 times a week. The goal is to gradually distance oneself from the point of no return
(PONR), cultivating heightened control over one's sexual response. The 66-day duration is
grounded in research indicating that this timeframe fosters the establishment of ingrained
To undertake the 66-day fap training, you will require:

- Water-Based Lube: Essential for ensuring comfortable and pleasurable self-stimulation

throughout the training process.

- Sex Toy or Hands: A sex toy provides an authentic practice experience. Yet, using your
hands is entirely acceptable if a sex toy is unavailable.

- Private Space and Time: Establish a secluded environment that fosters focus and
privacy. Allocate sufficient time for each session to avoid rushed practices, enabling a full
engagement with the training routine.

- Deep Belly Breathing: Incorporate controlled breathing techniques, specifically deep

belly breathing, to enhance your ability to regulate arousal levels effectively.

Embracing the 66-day fap training mandates unwavering commitment. By consistently

practicing self-stimulation without immediate ejaculation and adhering to the 1-2 times a week
limit, you effectively recondition your body's response pattern. Integrating deep belly breathing
supports relaxation and mindfulness, facilitating progress towards heightened control over your
sexual sensations.

9. Dead grip
The term "dead grip" refers to a practice employed by many men during masturbation, yet its
implications often go unnoticed. Essentially, dead grip involves excessively squeezing the penis
with one's hand while engaging in self-stimulation. This approach can inadvertently establish
unrealistic expectations regarding the level of tightness experienced during intercourse with a

The concern with dead grip lies in its potential to reshape perceptions of sexual sensation. Over
time, this intense pressure can create a skewed perception of what is considered normal or
pleasurable, often leading to a diminished sensitivity in the penis. Consequently, the grip
strength used during masturbation may set an impractical benchmark for the natural sensations
of a real sexual encounter.

Understanding the impact of dead grip is vital for promoting healthy sexual experiences. By
recognizing the potential consequences of this practice, individuals can make informed choices
about their self-stimulation techniques, thus fostering a more balanced and satisfying
connection with their own bodies and those of their partners.
10. Sex toys
Sex toys play a vital role in replicating the sensation of intimacy with a partner when practicing
solo. Particularly when a partner is not available for practice, sex toys serve as a valuable tool to
bridge the gap. They offer a heightened level of realism that surpasses the stimulation provided
by manual hand techniques.

The distinct advantage of sex toys lies in their ability to closely mimic the tactile and sensory
experience of engaging with a real partner. Unlike the comparatively straightforward and
predictable sensation derived from manual stimulation, sex toys introduce an element of
complexity that better approximates the variations and intricacies encountered during sexual

For those seeking to refine their abilities and cultivate control over their sexual response, sex
toys provide a more demanding and authentic practice experience. They contribute to a
well-rounded training regimen that more accurately reflects the complexities of partnered
interactions. By embracing the use of sex toys, individuals can enhance their capacity for control
and responsiveness, fostering a more comprehensive and satisfying journey toward overcoming
challenges such as premature ejaculation.

11. Drugs(Serotonin)
Before we delve into this topic, it's important to acknowledge that while certain approaches can
indeed extend the duration until ejaculation, I hold reservations about endorsing specific paths.
Particularly, I am cautious about advocating methods involving substances such as SSRIs
(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and alcohol. While these approaches may result in a
delay in ejaculation, I have concerns about their potential implications and effects.

SSRIs, for instance, are often referred to as mood enhancers due to their impact on serotonin, a
neurotransmitter that facilitates communication between nerve cells in the brain and throughout
the body. Serotonin plays a pivotal role in numerous bodily functions, encompassing mood
regulation, sleep patterns, digestion, nausea response, wound healing, bone health, blood
clotting, and even sexual desire. However, it's crucial to recognize that the utilization of SSRIs
for the purpose of prolonging ejaculation warrants careful consideration, as their effects extend
beyond the realm of ejaculation control.

Turning our attention to alcohol, it's noteworthy that its effects on serotonin are multifaceted. In
the short term, alcohol consumption can lead to a transient elevation in serotonin levels, thereby
inducing a sense of happiness or euphoria. However, it's important to recognize that prolonged
or excessive alcohol consumption may contribute to a decrease in serotonin levels over time,
potentially giving rise to or exacerbating conditions such as depression.
In light of these complexities, it's imperative to approach these methods thoughtfully and with a
comprehensive understanding of their potential ramifications. Moreover, prioritizing holistic and
sustainable approaches to addressing ejaculation concerns is paramount. This could
encompass lifestyle adjustments, open and informed discussions with healthcare professionals,
and exploration of psychological interventions that take into account the intricate interplay
between mental and physical well-being.

In conclusion, while these methods might offer certain benefits in terms of prolonging
ejaculation, it's essential to navigate them prudently, placing a premium on overall well-being as
we strive to achieve ejaculatory control and enhance sexual satisfaction.

12. Numbing products

Numbing products such as condoms and sprays offer a method to decrease sensitivity in the
penis. However, I hold the view that relying on these techniques for long-term solutions might
not be ideal, as they provide a temporary fix without addressing the underlying issue. While
these approaches can be effective, they may not necessarily be the most comprehensive

It's true that many individuals have experienced success with using numbing products.
Nonetheless, the concern lies in the tendency to overlook the root cause of the problem. This
root cause often stems from ingrained habits that have contributed to the development of
premature ejaculation. These habits are fundamental to the issue and must be addressed for
lasting improvement.

This is why I consistently advocate for a more natural approach to resolving premature
ejaculation. Instead of relying solely on external aids, I encourage individuals to focus on
addressing the core habits that have led to the issue. By identifying and rectifying these habits,
individuals can work towards a more holistic and sustainable resolution.

In essence, while numbing products can provide temporary relief, they should ideally be
complemented by efforts to understand and modify the behaviors that contribute to premature
ejaculation. A comprehensive and natural approach has the potential to yield more enduring
results and contribute to overall sexual well-being.

13. Testosterone
Boosting testosterone levels holds particular significance for individuals grappling with
premature ejaculation (PE). Elevating testosterone can potentially contribute to addressing
certain underlying factors that may contribute to PE. Here's why enhancing testosterone levels
can be beneficial for people with premature ejaculation:
Improved Sexual Desire: Testosterone plays a pivotal role in sexual desire (libido). By
increasing testosterone levels, individuals with PE may experience a heightened interest in
sexual activity, fostering a more satisfying and fulfilling sexual experience.

Enhanced Erectile Function: Adequate testosterone levels contribute to the maintenance of

healthy erectile function. Improved blood flow to the genital area, facilitated by optimal
testosterone levels, can lead to better quality erections, potentially aiding in ejaculation control.

Stress Reduction: Elevated stress levels can exacerbate PE. Optimal testosterone levels are
linked to improved stress resilience and mood regulation. By addressing stress through
testosterone optimization, individuals may experience a positive impact on ejaculatory control.

Muscle Strength and Endurance: Regular exercise, which is associated with increased
testosterone levels, can enhance muscular strength and endurance. Strong pelvic floor muscles
are essential for ejaculatory control, potentially aiding in prolonging sexual activity.

Confidence and Self-Esteem: Healthy testosterone levels are linked to improved

self-confidence and self-esteem. Addressing concerns related to PE and its potential impact on
self-image through testosterone optimization may contribute to a more positive self-perception.

Overall Health: Elevated testosterone levels are associated with various health benefits,
including improved cardiovascular health, bone density, and metabolism. Enhancing overall
health can indirectly contribute to better sexual function, potentially benefiting individuals with

Holistic Approach: Addressing testosterone levels complements a comprehensive approach to

managing PE. By integrating strategies to optimize testosterone with other techniques and
therapies, individuals can pursue a well-rounded strategy to improve ejaculatory control.

It's important to note that while enhancing testosterone levels can have potential benefits for
individuals with PE, it's just one aspect of a multifaceted approach to addressing this concern.

Final Words...
To everyone tackling premature ejaculation, I'm rooting for your success. Dealing with it isn't
easy, but with consistent effort and time, you can definitely see improvements. Keep at it and
stay positive! Your hard work will pay off.

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