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99 Nights In Logar

Faranaz Safari

Response Paper of 99 Nights in Logar

Class: First Year Seminar 105

Professor: Hedi Najafi

ID# 49472


99 Nights in Logar

99 Nights in Logar is written by Jamil Jan Kochai, follows the story of Marwand, a

young Afghan boy who grew up in America but returns to his homeland to visit his family in the

village of Logar. This paper elaborates on Kochai’s success in achieving two goals which are,

what everyday life is like in Afghanistan and American misunderstanding of Afghanistan.

The first goal that Kochai achieved is the essence of everyday life in Afghanistan, he

succeeded in several aspects. First, he mentioned, “After the story and after dinner and after

cleaning and after gathering and after the movie.” In this sentence, he beautifully reflects on the

beauty of the relationships between Afghan families, unities, realities, and gatherings that show

the nature of Afghan society and the values that shaped everyday life. Next, he mentioned,

“Across from Moor and her sisters sat Zia’s mom, Hawa Khala, who, noticing me and Gwora,

proceeded to offer us every single dish at the distarkhan at least six times in a row before

accepting our denial, which she took as a personal insult because she handled most of the work

in the kitchen.” These sentences explore the reader the Afghan environment, how the beautiful

tradition goes on with putting the tablecloth on the floor, the value of foods and culture, great

hospitality, and the skills of cooking different kinds of food. All of this captures the daily life of

Afghans and accomplishes Kochai’s goal.

Kochai achieved her second goal by presenting the basic realities of Afghan life and

diversity that serve to challenge and correct American misunderstandings. The complexities and

diversities of Afghan society include many misunderstandings of Americans which he

mentioned, “In the name of God,” the other prisoner shouted in Pakhto, “I’m the buyer. It all

started when a squadron of Americans came by our house because they thought a squadron of

Taliban were hiding in our orchard. And although we would’ve been happy to help the Taliban,

there weren’t any Taliban, and so there was nothing to hide.” It highlights the misunderstanding

of Americans who think that the Afghan people support the Taliban, and hide them, but unlike

this, Afghan people never tried to help them. By humanizing Afghan characters who “Worked all

day in the sun and never beat their wives and never sold their daughters and never snitched on

their people and never joined the Americans and never hurt anyone they didn’t have to hurt.” It

presents the behavior, kindness, hard work, values, and identities of Afghan people which

rectifies the misunderstanding of Americans.

In conclusion, 99 Nights in Logar by Jamil Jan Kochai, the story of Marwand, is a

beautiful novel that embarks on the beautiful life of Afghans, cultures and traditions, diversities,

realties, how everyday life is going on in Afghanistan, and the misunderstanding of Americans.

As we navigate the 99 Nights in Logar, it is not just a novel, but a hatch for discovering the

richness of Afghan life.


99 Nights in Logar.pdf

Page numbers: 35, 37, 78,


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