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SOLUTIONS Men can be separated by 1. Which of the following mixture ha components which ittration? (a) Colloids (©) solution (c) suspensions (d) all of these Stainless steel is an example of a solution (a) gas/ solid : (b) liquid’ qui (0 solid/liquid @seia ear” 3. The rubbing alcohol sold in drug stores often is composed of 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% water. in this solution (a) isopropyl alcohol is the solvent (b) water is the solvent (©) both water and isopropyl alcohol are solvents, (d) neither water not isopropyl aicohol is a 8. solvent . 4. lodine 12 (s), is more soluble in dichloromethane,CH,Cl( £) ,than in water because (@) Both iodine and dichloromethane have strong ion- dipole interactions (b) The dipole-dipole forces in dichloromethane are much stronger 8 than the dispersion forces in iodine (©) The intermolecular forces are similar in both iodine and dichlormethane (d) lodine is polar and dichloromethane has a large number of hydrogen bonds For which case would be expected to be negative? (a) If solute- solute interactions are much greater than solvent ~ solvent and solute — solute interaction (b) If solvent- solvent interactions are much greater than solute solvent and solute — solute interaction (0) If solute- solvent interactions are much greater than solvent - solvent and solute — solute interaction (d) If solute- solvent interactions are the same solvent solvent and solute ~ solute interaction Commercial cold packs often contain solid NH,NOs and a pouch water. The temperature of the pack drops as the 10. Assignment NHiNOs dissolves in water. Therefore, for the dissolving of NHNGs in water, (@) dHysnis negative and ASson may be negative or positive (b) AHasnis negative and AS.., is positive (©) dHssnis positive and ASyix may be negative or positive (4) dHssnis Positive and Sson positive In the process of dissolving ionic ‘compounds, the cations and anions are separated from the crystal lattice and surrounded by an ordered shell of solvent molecules. If the solvent is water the issolved ions are said to be (a) halogenated (b) homogenized (©) hybridized (a) hydrated ‘Which cation in each set should be expected to have the larger (more negative) hydration energy? |. Fe*+Fe®* IL Lit or NH," (2) Fe®* in set | and Li’ in set Il (b) Fe*" in set ! and NH,’ in set I (©) Fe™* in set | and Li’ in set I (d) Fe™ in set | and NH,’ in set Il ‘Which ion dipole interaction results in the large (more negative) hydration energy? (2) diagram (a) (b) diagram (b ) (©) diagram () (@) diagram (d) The following diagram shows a close- up view of the vapour pressure curve for a ure solvent and a solution containing a non- volatile solute dissolved in this solvent Which curves is the solvent and what happens to be vaour pressure when the solute is dissolved in the solvent? SCO~31, Ex-6, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Market, Sunny Enclave, Ph, 9815712335, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner G {a) Curve (a) is the solvent and the vapour pressure decrease (b) Curve (a) is the solvent and the vapour pressure increase (c) Curve (b) is the solvent and the vapour pressure decrease (d) Curve (b) is the solvent and the vapour pressure increase AA. ky, =3:30%107, ky, =6.51%107 x, 0. Calcuiate the ratio of @., the ratio Ny Cf mole fractions of 2 to Ne dissolved in water at 25°C from air (a) 0.62 (b) 0.92 (0) 0.421 (9) 0.52 12. Inthe conversion NHOH NO The equivalent weight of NH,OH wll be (where M = Molecular weight of NH_OH) (a) M4 (M2 (Mis () MA 43. The equivalent mass of H:BOs in its reaction with NaOH to form Na;8,Or is equal to (2) molar mass/4 (c) molar mass/2 44. In the reaction: H.SO, + NaOH > NaHSO, + H:0 The equivalent mass of sulphuric acid is (2) 98 (b) 49 (©) 196 (d) 24.5 18. Vapour density of a metal chloride is 77. ‘The equivalent mass is 3. Atomic mass of metal would be (a)3 (b)6 (9 (6) 12 46. The eauivalent mass of a metal is 4.5 and the molecular mass ofits chloride is 80 The atomic mass of the metal is @4s (9 (©) 18 () 27 17. The oxide of an element possesses the formula MO;. If the equivalent mass of the metal is 9, then the atomic mass of the (b) molar mass/3 (¢) molar mass metal will be. (a9 (o) 18 (27 (a) 36 18, The equivalent mass of a metal is 4.5 and the molecular mass of its chloride is 80. The atomic mass of the metal is (45 (b) 9 18 (d)27 SCO~31, Ex-6, Shaheed Bhagat Singh | Market, Sunny Enclave, Ph, 9815712335: Harpreet Sir's TReURUL, 19. Sulphur forms the chlorides S.C apg SCh. The equivalent mass of sulphur, SChis: (a) 8g/mole (0) 64.8 glmole 20. Ina reaction: FeS,+ KMnO, + H* Fe" + So, + Mn’? 4 H.0) The equivatent mass of FeS would be equal to (b) 16g/mole (d) 32 gimote (a)Mmass —(b) Memes fe) Melarmass gy Molaro iW 3 21. A metal oxide is reduced by heating itin; stream of hydrogen. It Is found that afer complete reduction 3.15 g of the oxide have yielded 1.05g of the metal. WWe may conclude that: {a) Atomiic weight of the metal is 4 (b) Equivalent weight of the metal is 8 (©) Equivalent weigh of the metal is 4 (d) Atomic weight of the metai is 8 22. 3.89 of metal oxide on reduction with hydrogen left 3.2 g of the metal. The atomic weights of the metal and oxygen are 64 an d16 respectively. The simplest formula of the oxide would be (2) M0. (b) MO. (c) MO, (d) M.O3 23. A solution is prepared by dissolving 17.73 sulphuric acid, HzSO3, in enough water to make 100.0 mL of solution . If the density of the solution is 1.1094 g/ml what is the moie fraction H:SO. in the solution? (a) 0.081 (b) 0.0338 (©) 0.0350 (6) 19.0 24. Assolution is prepared by dissolving 17.78 g sulphuric acid, H:SO,, in enough water to make 100.0 mL of solution. if the density of the solution is 1.1094 g/mL. what is the molarity? (2) 0.1775 MH,SO, (b) 0.1810 MHS (©) 1.810MH,SO, —_(d) 1.940 MH,SO, 25. A solution is prepared by dissolving 171g of CaCl, in enough water to make exactly 250. ml of solution . If the density of the solution is 1.586 g/mL, what is the weight percent of CdCl in the solution (a) 7.17%. (b) 44.0% (©) 56.0% (2) 68.4% 26. A solution of LiCl in water is 18.0 wi% LiCl What is the mole fraction of LiCl? (a) 0.0853 (b) 0.0933 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 27. 29. 30. 34. 32. 33. 34. 35. $CO~31, Ex-6, Shabeed Bhagat Singh Market, Sunny Enclave, Ph, 984 5112335 (©) 0.425 (d) 64.56 Two beakers have equal volumes of solutions. One contain 100g glucese and other contains 100 g urea. Which one of the following is true about ihe two solutions (2) Molarity of both the solutions will be the same (b) Molarities of urea solution will be more than that of glucose solution (c) Molarity of urea solution will be less than that of glucose solution (d) Molarity of urea solution = 2 x Molarity of glucose solution Kilograms of wet NaCH containing 10% water required to prepare 60 litres of 0.5 M NaOH solution is (2) 1.33 kg (b) 2.66 kg (©) 0.66 kg () None What volume of 18 M H:SO, is needed to prepare 4.48 litres of Cl: at S.T.P. by the reaction MnO,+ 2NaCl + 3H,SO. — MnSO, + 2NaHSO, + Cl, + 2H;0 (2) 66.3 mi (b) 33.3 mi (©) 132.6 ml (d) 265.2 ml The number of milli moles present in 400 mi of 0.3N HPO, solution is (2) 1200 (b) 120 ()40 (d) 100 1.25 g of solid dibasic acid is completely neutralized by 25 mi of 0.25 molar barium hydroxide solution. Then the molecular mass of the acid is (a) 100 (b) 150 (©) 120 (6) 200 ‘An aqueous solution of glucose is 10% in strength. The volume in which one gram molecule of it is dissolved will be (2) 1aiit (b) 0.9 litres (©) 0.9 lit (6) 18 lit The normality of orthophosphoric acid having purity of 70% by weight, specific gravity 1.54 would be (2) 11N (b) 22N (0) 33n (d) 44N The volume of water added to 600 ml of 0.5 M NaOH so that its strength becomes 10 mg NaOH per ml is (a) 100 mt {c) 250m (8) 500m The solubility of a substance is defined as the amount of solute in grams: {a) Present in 100 gm of the saturated solution (b) 200 mi Eiarpreet Sir's URURKRU 36, 37. 38. 39. 40. a. 42. 43. 44. 45, L (b) dissolved in 100 gm of the solvent to get saturated solution (0) dissolved in 100 mi of the solvent to get a saturated solution (d) Present in 1 lit of the saturated solution If 50 mL of water is added to 10 mL. of a 6 N HNO; solution, what would be the normality of this acid solution (a) 1.5N (b) 2.0N (0)1.0N (0) 1.2N A sample of 1.0 of calcite ( pure CaCOs) required 39.5 mL of HCI for complete reaction. Calculate the normality of the acid (a) 0.41N (b) 0.61N (©) 0.51N (6) 0.15N One mole of H»SO, will exactly neutralize (a) 4 moles of an ammonia solution (b) 1 mole of Ba(OH), (c) 3 moles of Al (OH); (6) 0.5 mole of Ba(OH)z The volume of water which must be added to 40 mL of a 0.25 N H.SO, solution in order to make an exact decinormal solution is (a) 60 mL (b) 20 mL (©) 50 mL (d) 25 mL A’sample of Na;COs. HO weighing 0.31 g is added to 50 mL of a 0.05 MH,SO, solution. The resulting solution will be (a) stongly acidic (b) acidic (©) alkaline (d) neutral A toothpaste has 0.03 g L~' of fluoride. The concentration of the fluoride in ppm. will be : [Density of solution = 1gm/ml]} (a)3 (b) 30 (©) 40 (¢) 300 20.0 mL_N/10 NaOH solution neutralizes 25.0 mL of a dibasic acid ( 6g/L). The molecular weight of the diabasic acid is (a) 75 (b) 225 (©) 150 (4) 300 5.6 g of potassium hydroxide contains same nurnber of K’ jons as are present in: (a) 13.8 g of potassium carbonate (b) 1.38g of potassium carbonate (c) 500 mi of 0.2 M solution of KOH (d) 74.59 of potassium chloride The mass of 60% by wt. HCI required for the neutralization of 10 L of 0.1 M KOH is (a) 60.89 (b) 21.99 (©) 100g () 2.199 How much water should be added to 2006.6. of seminormal {solution of 3 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner NaOH to make it exactly deci- normal (3) 10. (a) 200cc. (b) 400ce (©) 800cc (a) 600cc 46, A100 mL solution of 0.1 N HCI was titrated with 0.2 NaOH . The titration was discontinued after adding 30 ml of NaOH solution. The remaining titration was completed by adding 0.25 N KOH solation. The volume of KOH required for completing the titration is: (a) 70 mL (b) 32 mL (c) 35 mL. (d) 16 mL 47. The density of water is 1.00 g/mL at 4° C. How many water molecules are present in 2.56 mL water at this temperature? (a) 8.56 « 10 water molecules (b) 10.22 x 10 water molecules (©) 14.5 x 10” molecules (6) 4.58 « 10” water moiecules 48. Al: (SO,)s. XH;O has 8.20 per cent all by mass. Calculate value of x (@) 10 (b) 18 (5 (9) 22 49. 10g of a piece of marble was put into excess of dilute HCI acid. When the reaction was complete 1120 cm* of CO was obtained at S.1.P. The percentage of CaCO, in the marble is (2) 10% (b) 25% (c) 50% (0) 75% 80. How many formula units are there in a 429, sample of (NH.)2 Crz07 (formula wt = 252)? (2) 7.0 x 107 (b) 1.0 x 107 (0) 6.0 10" (0) 1.4 x 10° 51. The total number of AIF; molecule ina sample of AIF containing 3.01 x 10 ions of Fis: (a) 9.0 « 10% (b) 3.0 x 10% (0) 7.5» 108 (d) 10 52. 50 mL of 5.6% KOH (wiv) is added to 50 mL of a 5.6% HCI (wiv) soluticn. The resulting solution will be [At.w. 39, Cl 35.5) (a) neutral (b) alkaline (c) strongly alkaline (4) acidic 53, 024g of anacid ( molecular weight=225) is diluted to 100.0 mL. 25.0 mL of this solution neutralizes 28.0 mL of a 0.1 N NaOH solution. The basicity of the acid is (a2 (3 (4 (at SCO,-31, Ex-6, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Market, Sunny Enclave, Ph, 9815712335 Hiarpree Gueits t Sir's 54. Sample of 1.09 of aluminum are separately with an excess of HS" excess of NaOH solutions, The raf volumes ( under same conditions)" hydrogen gas evolved will be (a) 4:2 (b) 2:1 (cy 4:4 (a) 2:3 55. For 1.34 x 107° moles of KBrO, to ted, into bromide, 4.02 » 10~° mole of x" ig: is needed. New oxidation state of X wou ey 4 ng is! ule (a)n+2 (b)n-2 i (92 (a)-2 56. A student prepared a stock solution by dissolving 20.0 g of KOH in enough water) to make 150 mL of solution . she then took 15.0 mL of the stock solution and diluted it with enough water to make 650 ml of a final solution (a) 0.548 (b) 0.713 () 1.40 (d) 1.82M In the following drawings, shaded represert cations and unshaded spheres represent anions SEED coadae. rr 87. Which drawing represents the ionic compound Mgs(PO.)2 ? {(@) drawing (a) (b) drawing (b) (©) drawing ( c) 4) drawing (@) 88. Which drawing represents the ionic ‘compound KNO3? (2) drawing (a) (b) drawing (b) (€) drawing ()" (2) drawing (a) 89. The vapour pressure of pure benzene at 25°C is 639.7 mm. Hg and the vapour pressure of a solution c solute in benzene at 25°C is 631.1. mmHg The molality of the solution is: (a) 0.156 {b) 0.108 (c) 0.518 (4) 0.815 60. The pressure of water vaour of a solution containing a non- volatile solute is 2% less than that of thy vapour pressure of pure 4 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 61. 62. 83. 64. 65. 66. 67. SCO~31, Ex-6, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Market, Sunny Enclave, Pb, 9813712335, G water. The solution , therefore has a rnolality equal to (a) 0.1134 (b) 1.134 (0) 0.075 (a) 1.054 ‘A solution is prepared by dissolving 40.0 Of sucrose, Cia Hzz Or1, in 250 g of water at 25°C. What is the vapour pressure of the solution if the vapour pressure of water at 25°C is 23.76 mm Hg? (@)0.198mmHg — (b) 20.5 mmHg (©) 23.6 mm Hg (d) 24.0 mm Hg A KCI solution is prepared by dissolving 40.09 KCI in 250.0 g of water at 25°C. What is the vapour pressure of the solution if the vapour pressure of water at 25° C is, 23.76 mm Hg? (a) 20.5 mm Hg (b) 22.1 mm Hg (0) 22.9 mm Hg(d) 25.5 mm Hg Ata given temperature the vapour pressures of benzene and toluene are 183 mm Hg and 59.2 mm Hg, respectively. Calculate the mole fraction of benzene in the vapour phase over a solution of benzene and toluene with X tensor = 0.600 (a) 0.600 (b) 0.678 (6) 0.756 (@) 0.823, In one mole of each is dissolved in 1.00 L of water, which will lower the vapour pressure the most? (a) Cz Hrs (©) C3H,OH 68. 69. (b) NaNOs (d) MgCl, Two liquids A and B have vapour pressure in the ratio pA:pB = 1:2 ata certain temperature . Suppose that we have an ideal solution of A and B in the mole fraction ratio A: B= 1 : 2, the mole fraction of A in the vapor in equilibrium with the solution af the given temperature is: (a) 0.25 (b) 0.2 (0) 05 (6) 0.33 ‘The vaour pressure of benzene at a certain temperature is 640 mm of Hg. A rnon- electrolyte solid weighing 2.1759 is added to 39.08 of benzene . ifthe vapour pressure of the solution is 600 mm of Hg. What is the molecular weight of solid substance? (a) 69.60, (b) 59.60 (©) 49.50 (d) 79.82 How many grams of sucrose must be added to 3609 of water to lower the vapour pressure by 1: 19 mm Hg at a temperature 70, m1. 72. Harpreet Sir's TRUE, ‘at which vapour pressure of pure water is 25mmHg? (a) 350g (0) 342.9 (0) 3809 (a) 400.9 Positive deviation from Raoult’s law occurs in a liquid produced by mixing liquid A and B, because (a) the forces between the molecules of A and B in the mixture are stronger than the forces between the molecules in the separate liquids (b) in the mixture of A and B , combined vapour pressure is less than the individual vapour pressure of A and B (c) The molecules of the mixture are less strongly held together than the molecules in separates liquids (d) Liquids a and B have boiling points above room temperature Which of the following statement is true? (a) The colligative effect of an electrolyte solution is mostly greater than that of a non ~ electrolyte solution of the same molal concentration (0) The collgative effect of an electrolyte solution is always greater than that of a non — electrolyte solution whatever might be their concentration (©) The coligative effect of an electrolyte solution is always greater than that of a non — electrolyte solution of the same motal concentration (@) The coligative effect of an electrolyte solution is always greater than that of a non ~ electrolyte solution of the same concentration ‘Which pair of liquids would be expected to obey Raoult’s Law most closely? (@) Cyclohexane and hexane (b) Cyclohexane and ethanol (©) Benzene and cyclohexanol (d) Propanone and trichloromethane HCI and water forms an azeotropic mixture A solution of HCI acid (not an azeotropic mixture) boiled. Which one of the following must happen when the solution boils? (2) the boiling point will increase (b) the percentage of water in vapours is greater than in boiling liquid (0) the percentage of HCI in vapour is greater than in the boiling liquid (4) the concentration of the acid will increase The boiling poin composition diagram for two liquids, X and Y, is shown in fig. blow. 5 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner arpree Sir's URURU P= 50K +114 where Xie thom fraction of A in the mivture, The vo® ‘i pressure (in tor) of equimei vu The maqure M is separated by fractional distillation. What will be the compo: the two liquids obtained? the two liquids will be mite gy (a) 166 (b) 83 (o) 140 (¢) 280 78. The vapour pressure ( at the standarg boiling point of water ) of an aqueous solution containing 28% by mass ofa ny, = volatile normal solute (molecular masy (aX and Y (b) X and M 28) will be ()Y and M (@)X and N (a) 152 torr (b) 608 torr 73. What mass of urea be dissolved in 171g {c) 760 torr (@) 547 torr of water so as to decrease the vapour 79. Which of the following figures represents pressure of water by 5% correctly the changes in thermodynamic {a) 159 (b) 209 functions during the formation of a binary) (0259 (a) 309 solution showing positive deviation tron | 74, A solution which obeys Raout's law strictly ideal behavior? | is called an ideal solution, while a solution te ‘which shows deviations from deviations * from Raoult’s taw is called a non - ideal solution or real solution . Suppose the molecules of the solvent and solute are represented by A and B respectively, and tet yaa and yaa are the attractive forces between A and B and between A and A respectively. The solution will shows negative deviation, when: (2) 115 > Ya (0) 49 < Ya (0) 8 = Yaa (@) None ine 75. Two moles of aliquid A(p , =100torr) | | | | | | (4) | and 3 moles of liquid B (p » =1S0torr) a form a solution having vapour pressure of a 120 tort. Based upon this observation one «80 Liquids and vaporus curves show the can conclude: Compositions of the solution and vapour * (a) Interactions between like molecules > equilibrium at the boiling point of the J those between unlike molecules former. Pick out the correct diagram of the (b) Interactions between like molecules < foliowing representing the variation of B P| those between unlike molecules of solution of two liquids A and B(A being (©) Interactions between like molecules = ‘more volatile) with composition those between unlike molecules L090, () AS mung = 0 76. Liquids A and B form an ideal solution and 5 the former has stronger intermolecular forces. If Xx and X', are the mole fraction of A in the solution and vapour in equilibrium, then x xy eet For Fee () Xy+X,. 77. Vapour pressure (in tort) of ‘an ideal solution of two liquids A and Bs given by SCO.~31, £x-6, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Market, Sunny Enclave, Ph,.9815712335 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 81. Two liquids X and Y form an Weal Solution. The mole fraction of X in vapour phase is 0.2 while in liquid phase is 0.8. If the total pressure is 800 torr then what are the original vapour pressure of X and Y (a) PE =300 PE = 200 (b) Pf =200 PP =3200 (©) PX =400 PY = 640 (@) P2=640 2 = 400 When a volatile solute B is added to a volatile scivent A, then (a) the vapour pressure of A will aways decrease (b) the vapour pressure of A will always increase (©) the vapour pressure of A will be greater than the vapour pressure of the solution (6) the vapour pressure of A will be less in the solution Which of the following substances will not show the abnormal colligative properties in solutions? (a) Aqueous solution of sodium oleate (b) Aqueous solution GrOH 87. 82. ia 89, 83, Hi 0O0CH,— F— CH,OH above CMC CH,0H (c) Phenol is benzene (d) Aqueous solution of thiourea ‘Which of the following pairs of solutions have roughly the same boiling point elevation ? (a) 0.100 m CeHsz0¢ and 0.0333 mCuCh, (b) 0.100 m NaCl and 0.100 m CeH,.Os (c) 0.200 m NaCI and 0.300 m Na,SO, (d) 0.100 m KCI and 0.0500 m MgBrs ‘An aquesous CsC! solution is 8,00 w1% CsCi and has a density of 1.0643 g/ml at 20°C. What is the boiling point of this solution? (K, = 0.51°C/m fir water) (a) 100.27°C (b) 100.53°C (c) 103.8°C —(d) 104.3°C Mote fraction of a liquid A in an ideal mixture with another liquid B is X. if X's is the mole fraction of component A in the vapour in equilibrium, the total vapour pressure of the liquid mixture is (px°= vapour pressure of pure A: pa”= vapour pressure of pure B) 90. 84. 1. 85. 86. 92, b) SCO~31, Ex6, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Market, Sunny Enclave, Rh,,9815712335. Elarpreet Sir's GURTETS The correct relationship between the boiling points of very dilute solutions of Al{SO,)s (T;), and CaSO (Tj having the same molar concentrations is: (a)T)=Te ()T:> Te (c) T2>T: (d) T22Ts Arrange the following in the increasing boiling point elevation , each of 1 molal aq Solution 1. FeSOx, (NH:)2 $04(40% ionization) 2. Glucose 3. NaAlO, (20% ionized) 4. KzHgl, (50% ionized) (a2<3<4<4 (b)2<4<3<1 (0)3<4<1<2 (d)4<3<2<1 Select correct statement? For ideal solution (a) Heats of vaporization for pure solvent and for a soiution are similar because similar intermolecular forces between solvent molecules must be overcome in both cases (b) Entropy of mixing solute and solvent to prepare solution is always positive (€) Boiling point of the solution is targer than that of the pure solvent (8) All are correct statements The elevation of B.Pt. of a solution of 10 ‘gm of solute ( mol. Wt. 100) in 100 am of solvent is ATp. The value of molal elevation const. Is given by (a4 (b) 10 (0) aTe (@) aTW10 ‘When 0.500 g of vitamin K is dissolved in 10.0g of camphor (K; = 40.0°C/m), the freezing point of the solution is 4.43°C lower than that of pure camphor. Assuming vitamin K is anon electrolyte in ‘camphor, calculate its molar mass. (a) 0.451 g/ mol (b) 55.4 g/ mol (6) 451 gimol _(d) 3.54 x 10* g/ mol ‘The coolant in automobiles is often a '50/50% by volume mixture of ethylene glycol, C;H:O2, and water. At 20°C, the density of ethylene glycol is 1.1088 git. and the density of water is 0.9982 g/ml. ‘What is the expected freezing point is a 50/50 (viv)% ethylene glycoliwater solution? ( Ky = 1.86°C/m for water) (a) = 16°C (b)- 17°C @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 93, 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. SCO -31, Ex-6, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Market, Sunny Enclave, Ph, 9815712333 ss < 0.05 mol of acetemide 5 litre of gi acetic acid. When the cooled, the first crystals that Si the freezing point contains the (b) acetic acid oniy {c) both acetamide and acetic acid (d) either acetamide or acetic acid depending upon the conditions of the izes as ‘+ 2A" Itwas found that 2 tion of the salt had tne same point as a solution of glucose of ‘2 the molarity. The epparent degree of n of the salt is, (b) 0.33 (6) 0.87 ich of the following solution in water will have the highest freezing point? (2) solution which is 0.1M in KNOs and (0.2M in Ba(NO:)2 (©) solution which is 0.1M in Ca (NO3)2 and Ba(NO: (©) solution which is C.2M in urea and 0.2M in glucose (@) solution which is 0.1M both in Al(SO.)s and K; Which of the following sclutions will have the lowest freezing point? {a) 0.0100 m NaCl (@) 0.0100 mLiSO. (c) 0.035 mCH,CH.OH (6) 0.015 m MgC Calculate the freezing point of 2 sclution of 20.0 g methy! salicylate . CHO; dissolved in 800 g of benzene, C:Hs K, for given sol (2) 0.25 (©) 0.50 benzene is 5.10° C/mand the freezing point is 5.50°C for benzene (a) - 105°C (©) 1.05°C (©) 445°C (6) 654°C What is the freezing point of a solution o 1.43 MgGCh in 1009 of water ? Ki for water is 1.26° C/m for water (a) - 0.0279 (0) -0.279°C = 0.559°C (3) -0.838°C $2parate solutions are made of each of the following substances by dissolving 10 g in 1000 g of benzene. Which will start to freeze at the lowest temperature {a) CH,Cl, (6) CHCI, (c) CCl. 401. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 7a) All will freeze at the same ‘A solution containing 0.01 mos volatile non- electrolyte per 100g freezes at 0.186°C. A solution cen 0.01 mole CaCh per 100 9 of wat: freeze at (2) — 0.588" (c)-0.186°C (oe) O°C _ @)-0.372' Discounting economic considerati which of the following would be best. shrinkle an icy road, in quantities proportional to their respective weights: {a) NaCl (0) Cac (©) CuSO: 5H:0 (0) AlYSO,), Fora solution containing three solu B, C having concentrations m.. m+ respectively the ratio between 1g point and depression of fr fill be ky ke The freezing point of 0.1 M so! glucose is -1.86°C. The addition of eque volume of 0.5 M glucose solution w produce a solution with freezing po (a) - 2.79 (b) -3.72° (©)-5: ( To 10 mi of 0.1 M BaCi; solution 0.2 mi“ 3M /Na,SO, is added. BaSO. is and is completely insolubie. All the s2 are completely dissociated and char volume is negligible. The {a) freezing point is raised {b) freezing point is lowered (c) freezing point does not change (d) boiling point is lowered A solution of m grams of urea in 500 grams of water is cooled to — 05 grams of ice separated from the so! Calculate _m, given k= 1.86 degimol (a) 8 grams (b) 6 grams (0)4 grams (6) 5 grams Choose the correct statement (a) The boiling point of the solution decrease on increasing the amourt © ‘solute { (b) The freezing point of the solution S lowered on adding more of solvent (c) The freezing point of the ‘solution iS raised on adding more of solute 128 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 107. 108. 109. 110. 411. 112. $CO~34, Bx6, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Market, Sunny Enclave, Ph, 98157 G (@) The freezing point of the solution decreases on increasing the amount of solute Freezing point of 1% aquesous solution of the lead nitrate Pb (NO;)2 will be (a) below 273K (b) 273K (0) 274K (6) 276K Following are equimolar ( aqueous solutions: 1. Tmglucose 3.1m BaCl, 5. 1m Benzoic acid Assuming 100 % ionization in 2, 3, 4 and100% dimer formation in 5. Arrange them in increasing freezing pt. (a) 4<3<2<1<5 (b) 3<4<1<2<5 (0) 4<3<1<5<14 (0) 3<4<5<1<2 Equimolal solution of KCI and compound X in water show depression in freezing point in the ratio of 4: 1. Assuming KCI to be completely ionized , the compound X in solution must (a) Dissociate to the extent of 50% (b) Hydrolyse to the extent of 80% (©) Dimerize to extent of 50% (@) Trimerize to the extent of 75% An aqueous solution freezes at —0.186°C_ (Kr = 1.86°, Ke = 0.512%), How much is the increase in boiling point of this solution 2.1mNacl 4, 1mNasPO, (2) 0.186 (©) 0.512 0.512 om (6) 0.0512 The freezing point of a 3% aq, solution of Ais equal the freezing point of 9% aq. solution of B. Ifthe molecular weight of ‘A’ is 60, then the molecular wt. of B is (a) 45 (b) 90 (c) 180 (a) 360 ‘Two aqueous solutions, A and 8, are separated by a semipermeable membrane. The osmotic pressure of solution A immediately begins to decrease. ‘Which of the following statement is true (2) solvent molecules are moving from solution B into solution A (©) The initial osmotic pressure of solution Bis greater than that of solution A (©) The solvent molecules are moving from the solution of higher osmotic pressure of that of lower osmotic pressure (@) Both B and C are true statements Eiarpreet Sir's URUKUW 113. 114, 115. 116. 117, L Red blood cells are placed into pure water. Which of the following statements is true? (a) Water molecules tlow out of the red blood cells, causing them to collapse (b) Weter flows into the red blood celis, causing them to swell and burst (c) The osmotic pressure of the cell contents increases, causing the cells to burst (d) The osmotic pressure inside the cells equals the osmotic pressure outside Naproxen is a commercially important anti- inflammatory agent that can be isolated from the thyroid gland. A solution of 1.138g naproxen is 25.00g benzene has an osmotic pressure of 4.00 atm at 20°C. ‘The density of benzene is 0.8787g/mL at this temperature. Calculate the molar mass of naproxen, assuming it remains intact upon dissolution and the density of solution equals the density of pure benzene. (a) 176g/mol_(b) 230 gimot (©) 307 g/mol (d) 3.80 x10° gimo! ‘The hard shell of egg is dissoived in acetic acid and then the egg was subsequently placed in saturated NaC! solution (a) The egg will shrink (b) The egg will become harder - (©) The egg will swell (4) There will be no change ‘At 300 K, two solutions of glucose in water of concentration 0.01 M and 0.001 M are separated by semi- permeable membrane. On which solution, the pressure is needed to be applied to prevent osmosis. What wil be magnitude of this applied pressure: (a) 0n.001M, 0.2463 atm (b) on 0.01 M, 0.2217 atm (©) on 0.001M, 0.2217 atm (4) on 0.091 M , 0.2463 atm In the following figure, choose the correct option (s) + worerveert weuonane (a) MgCl will flow towards KCI solution (b) The osmotic pressure of 0.05 M KCI is higher than the osmotic pressure of 0.05 M MgCl, solution provided 12335. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Gissociation of electrolysis is complete (©) KCI will flow towards the MgClz solution (d) No flow of any solute aaross the membrane 448. A solution containing 8.6 gf! of urea {molecular mass — 60 g mole~') was found to be isotonic with a 5% solution of an organic non- volatile solute. The molecular 3s of latter is (a) 348.9 (b) 34.89 (c) 3489 (4) 861.2 449. 3% aqueous solution of dextrose (m= 480) is isotonic with 2% aqueous solution of another covalent solute in water at 25°C. The molar mass of the solute is (a) 60 (b) 120 (©) 180 (a) 90 120. 0.6 g of a binary solute is dissolved in 0.4 ttre of a solvent which develops an osmotic pressure of 1.23 atm at 27°C. The moiecular mass of the substance is (if itis 50% dissociated) (a) 149.5g mole™’——(b) 129.g mole~* (©) 420 g mol~* (a) None 421. Different solutions prepared by dissolving ‘one mole of urea , 1/3" mole of glucose and 1 /2 mole of NaCl in 1 litre water. Equal O.P. will be produced by (2) Urea and glucose (b) Urea and NaCl (c) Glucose and NaCl (4) Glucose , Urea and NaCl 122. If“A* contains 2% NaCl and is separated by a semipermeable membrane from "B” which contains 10% NaCl, which event will occur? (2) NaC! will flow from “A” 0 °B" (0) NaCl will flow from “B" to "A" (©) Water vail flow from “A" to "B” (¢) Water wil flow from “B" to “A” Match the terms with definitions 123, [Term Definition Hemolysis | A] The shrinking of a red blood cell when placed in a solution of greater osmolarity then the cell itself Refer to two solutions of same arity fers to @ Solution T | | {i [ena 8 | [ygroscopic SCO-31, Ex-6, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Market, Sunny Enclave, Ph, 9815712333. IV; | Hypertonic having a greater ~ osmolarity than g osmol,the osmolarity ofp ted blond ‘An ionte compoisg which attracts, ml molecules ftom iy. atmosphere ' ‘ome 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. isotonic E| The swelling ang bursting of a req blood ceil when placed in a solution of lower osmolant, than the cell it ‘Matching codes are: I oom ow @). A+B .¢ DO () © 7D Coe (76 0 64. Cc (Oe 6 A Dec Itis clear from the diagram that there is, more osmosis in A in (X) than in B in (¥, Hence v E A 8 B=Kcl (b) A= KalFe(CN)} K,{Fe(CN)s] (0) A= NaNO3 B= CuSO. (8) A=AICl, B=FeCh The van't Hoff factor for 0.1 MBa (NO:). solution is 2.74. The degree of dissociation is (a) 91% (b) 87% (©) 100% (6) 74% ‘Vapour density of PCI (g) dissociati into PCix(a) and Ci-(g) is 100. Hence var Hoff factor for the case | PCIS(g) PCI (g) + ClxG) is | (a) 1.85 (b) 3.70 | (©) 1.085 (¢) 1.0425 | Calculate the normality of HCI having 25 millequivalent in 1.5 litre we a 8 belt eT eed Calculate the molar mass of a substance 4.3 g of whicn when dissolved in 169 g o* water gave a solution boiling at 100.025°C at a pressure of 1 atm. ( Kb f water =0.52 K kg mol = 1) 10 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner GURGEUGL (a) 120g mol (c) 132. g mol~ ore than one Answer 29. Which of the following is correct (@) the magnitude of motality > molarity (m>M) in aqueous solution of moderate concentration of solute (b) Number of moles of KOH present in 250 ml of 0.4 M solution is 0.1 (©) Weight of KOH present in 250 ml. of 0.4 M solution is 5.6 g (@) 1M aqueous solution is more concentrated than 1 molal aqueous solution 30. K:Hal. is 50% ionized in aqueous solution Which of following are correct? (a)n (b)n=3 (iz2 (@i=4 31. Study the figure given aside and pick put the correct options (s) of the following 1 EL (b) 160 g mol (6) 12.59 mol~ | | Li (a) Awhite precipitate of AgCI is formed on AgNO; side (b) A white precipitate of AgCI is formed ‘on BaCl, side (0) No precipitate is formed on either side (d) Meniscus of BaCl, solution rises and that of AgNOs solution f falls in due course of time 32. Dry air is passed though a set of inter connected air tight vessel containing a solution of non volatile solute and then through another set of vessels containing pure solvent, if the solution and the solvent suffer losses of mass to be ws and Ws g respectively, then (a) Ws % Ps (b) We « p® (c) Wa % (P°= Ps) (d) (ws + We) Po 33. Alliquid mixture having composition corresponding to point Z in the figure shown mol is subjected to distillation at constant pressure, which cf the following statement is incorrect abut the process scan Comprason Wears CO~31, Ex6, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Market, Sunny Enclave, Pb,,9813712335 a) The composition of disilate differs from the mixture (b) The boiling point goes on changing (6) the mixture has highest vapour pressure than for any other ‘compo’ (a) Pure B can be obtained by distillation if composition of mixture between (x and B) 434, InThe depression of freezing point ‘experiment, itis found that (a) The vapour pressure of solution is less than that of solvent (b) The vapour pressure of solution is more than that of solvent (©) Only solute molecule solidi freezing point (d) Only solvent molecule solidify at freezing point 136, Which of the following is/are correct (a) when solid CaCl, is added to liquid water, boiling temperature rises (b) when’ solid CaCl, is added to ice at 0°C,, its freezing temperature falls (©) when solid CaCl, is added to liquid water, boiting temperature fall (a) when’ solid CaCl is added to ice at 0°C, freezing temperature remains same 436. The variation of vapor pressure with temperature for water, ethyl alcohol and deithylether is shown as on 0 6 ate Temeeatue 0) Choose the correct statement (a) Curve A for diethylether (b) Curve B for water (c) Curve C for water (d) Curve 8 for ethyl alcoho! 137. which of the following is/ are correct? (2) Aquatic species are more comfortable in cotd water rather than warm water (b) solubility of gas is proportional to its, partial pressure (©) Easily liquefiable gases are more soluble in water and the gases that can form ions in aqueous solutions are more soluble (@) Pressure has no effect on the solubility of liquid and solid at the a @ scanned with OKEN Scanner G Harpreet Sir's URURKRUW 138. Consider to solutions’ 144, Assertion : one molar aqueous Solu 1: 0.5 M NaCl aqueous solution at 25°C; always higher concentration than qua? NaClis completely ionized Reason: The molalty of a soluton ge Il. 2.0 M CcHsCOOH in benzene at 25°C; upon the density of the solution where the acid dimerizes to the full extent imate Coae not Which of the following statement (s) is/are 145. Assertion: The vapour pressure of aig, are decreases if seme nowolatie soli issolved in it (@) Both the soiutions display equal Reason: the relative lowering of a osmotic pressure : Pour pressure of a solution containing ang,, (b) both have equal vapour pressure Don ; volatile solute is equal to the mole tract (©) Both are isotonic solution the solute in the sclution er (@) Solution il has greater depression of 146. Assertion: At the same temperature was freezing point than the solution | has higher vapour pressure than sesey 138. At certain temperature a solution of 3 mol Reason: Hydrogen bonding in water « of a liquid A (p* = S00torr) and 1 mol of weaker than in acetic acid liquid B ( 340 torr) has a vapour 147. Assertion: Molecular mass of polymers Pressure of 435 torr, we can conclude cannot be calculated using boiling point ¢- that freezing point method (@) a solution of 50 mL of A and 50 mL of Reason: Polymers solutions do not poss: 8 must have a volume of 100 mL. @ constant boiling point or freezing point (b) the solution shows negative deviation 148. Assertion:1 moi of H»SOx is neutraizest from Raout's law 2 mole of NaOH but 1 equivalent of HSC (©) on mixing the two liquids heat must be ts neutralized by 1 equivalent of NaH given out so as to obtain solution at the Reason: Equivalent amount of H.S0. 5 same tempereture quantity that is equal to 1g H and hence (a) Entropy of mixing is zero every mole of H,SO, is equal to 2 440. Consider 0.1 m solutions of KCI, urea, equivalent of H” aniline hydrochloride and KzSOx. Which of 149. Assertion : The boiling point of 0.1 Mur the following statement (s) is / are correct? Solution is less than that of 0.4 M KCI (a) The urea solution has the highest solution freezing point Reason: Elevation of boiling point is dre: (b) The K:S0, solution has the highest proportional to the number of species wale ort 120, Rear mang se en Seon force of atracton of methanol is renaceét weak force of attraction @ ae has the lowest osmotic. Reason: On mixing stronger force of 141. Which of the following is/are correct for fore of anacton = oneees © binary liquid solutions: 151. Assertion: Higher the value of mola! (2) Water— ethanol; SH. 0; AVyu> 0 depression constant of solvent (Ki) used? (©) Water— HCI: AH). 0; AVyq <0 Prepare the solution, lower will be the {¢) acetone ~ Chloroform : AHsa< OA Viw #0 freezing point of the solvent (@) Benzene-toluene: sH,,70; AV. Reason: Depression in freezing point depends upon the nature of the solvent ASSERTION AND REASON Passage type Questions (Passage ~ 1) 142. Assertion : If hydration energy is greater Properties such as boiling point, freezing point ar than lattice energy the solid dissolves in liquid Reason: The solubility of a solid in a liquid depends upon lattice energy and hydration energy 143. Assertion: The solubility of the gas ina liquid increase vith increase of pressure Reason: The solubility of a gas in liquid is vapour pressure of pure solvent change when solute molecules are added to cet solution. The changes in these properties are :alled colligative Properties. Applications of colligative properties 2! very useful in day -to day life. One of the example? the use of ethylene glycol and water mixture as anti- freezing mixture in the radiator of automobi# ‘A solution M is prepared by mixing ethanol and directly proportional to the pressure of the water The mole faction of ethanol inthe mite gas 's, SCO-34, Ex-6, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Mayket, Sumy Enclave, Ph, 98157123354 i @ scanned with OKEN Scanner G Given: K; for water r ‘GSK Kg mot” for ethanol = 2.0 K Kg mol” ; Ky for we 952K Kg moi’ Ky for ethanol=1.2'K Kg mot’ ; standard freezing point and boiling point of water = 273K and 373 K, standard freezing point and boiling point of ethanol=155.7K and 351.5 respectively, vapour pressure of pure ethanol = 40 mm Hg, molecular ight of water = 18g mol'' molecular weight of ethanol = 46 g mo!” Note:_In answering the following questions consider the solution to be ideal dilute solution and iute to be non — volatile and non- dissociative. 152. The freezing point of the soiution M is (a) 2687K (b) 268.5 K (c) 234.2K (d) 150.9K 153. The vapour pressure of the soiution Mis (2) 39.3mmHg (b) 36.0 mmHg (c) 28.5 mm Hg () 28.8 mmHg 154. Water is added to the solution M such that the mole fraction of water in the solution becomes 0.8. The boiiing point of this solution is (a) 380.4K (b)376.2K (c) 375.5K (4) 354.7K PASSAGE -2 To account for all abnormal cases (i.e., those of asscciation or dissociation of solute molecules when dissolved in a solvent), van't Hoff introduced 2 factor I, known as van't Hoff factor ‘umber of normalsolute particles ‘The ratio of van't Hoff factor (i) to the number of ions furnished by one molecule of solute is known's 2s osmotic coefficient ‘g' i. van't Hoff factor eee p Consider 0.5% aqueous solution of potassium chloride which was found to freeze at 272.76 K [Given K, of water =1.68 K kg mol” '] and answer the following questions. 185. The van't Hoff factor for it is approximately (a4 (0)2 es (d) can't be predicted 456. What is the degree of disseciation ( ) in this case? (a) 100% (0) 95% (3) 92% (8) 90% 167. The value of ‘osmotic coefficient for this i (a) 1.92 (0)2 (6) 0.96 (#69 158. Col vath Colum=M ‘olunn t | 180 g solute per itre solution BL [3M HCO Eiarpreet Sir's URUKU L solution (density of solution = 1.2 Lam) __ (©) | 2M CH;COOH solution (density of solution =1.2. | gir) (0) | 3M urea i | solution 7 489. Match the entries of column | with appropriate entries of column Il. ( Multiple solution TH | wint0% solution 185m Matcti) Column Column Wi (A) [ At (p) Ta mixture with composition positive c deviation ® fat (@)_| Maximum composition Hydrogen E bonding will be observed between solute and solvent Ol ( [Amixture with composition negative F deviation (0) [At (=) _| Vapour are rich ‘composition with CHCl, and between F flask is rich with and C azeotrope @ | Vapour are rich with Acetone and flask is rich with azeotrope jormal molecular mass of solute observed molecular mass of solute colligative property measurement 160. 7] 0.1 M oxalic acid in benzene 0.1 M Sucrose 08 NNaSO.m | water @) [Me= Ms | (a [(C)]Mo>M, 1) (s) | O01 Moxahe acidin water $CO,-31, Ex-6, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Market, Sunny Enclave, Ph, 9815712335, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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