VIRTUE OF KINDNESS - Divyasha Satapathy

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Kindness is omnipresent and an inherent quality with each

human being, gifted by divine almighty. We have often heard
this saying that with small acts of kindness we can reduce the
suffering of our close ones by great heights. This is the only
quality we can exhibit and feel compassionate about
throughout our life journey. It teaches us to show empathy
and compassion to others and creates a greater bonding.
The truth of this competitive world is that when your friends
get lesser marks than you, you never express but in a way or
the other, you feel happy that you scored better than your
friends. A true friend is one who not only consoles you but
helps checking each flaw and guiding you how you could do
better. This small act of compassion creates a special place in
your heart for them.
My parents have taught me that kindness is a feeling that
should come from heart. The reality is using sweet and
eloquent words does not define kindness. We should think
have we ever consoled someone when she was sad about
getting low marks or have we ever talked to her when she was
alone? If the answer is no, if we have never gone out of our
comfort zone to make her feel comfortable, how can we
expect the same from her?
We could ask our parents to donate some money to the NGO
nearby as a secondary birthday gift or we could celebrate our
birthday eve at an orphanage. We could start with our home
and let our family know how special they are by helping them
with the household chores like folding clothes, arranging the
house, or helping your mother so she does not miss upon an
important meeting. You could help an old woman to cross the
road on your way back from the school. On a Monday
morning, rather than creating a ruckus in the class by flying
paper planes and shouting with your friends, you could open
the door for you class teacher and help her with carrying some
of the books. This small act could gain you a heartfelt blessing
and a successful person’s base is always hard work and

I believe if there could be a Christmas truce between French,

German and British soldiers in World War 1; if Princess
Diana could shake the hand of a man with AIDS in a hospital,
without knowing if it could be transmitted by touch; if Saint
Teresa could support the sick; then we could definitely make a
small difference in others’ lives by the ‘pay it forward
movement’. It encourages us to do three unprompted good
deeds for three different people and ask nothing in return
except for that person to pay it forward. I would like to
conclude that ‘Kindness is Compassion in Action’ so let us be
a little more grateful to our fellow human beings because
‘Love thy neighbour more than thyself’ is God’s

-Divyasha Satapathy
Vibgyor High Marathahalli

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