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QNTT-3 Beere Struct aA ba ee Comporer Co! a MPU Types ¢ ye The Computer, PB O0 Ctechonta eC yrachita & conch accepts the Agi batt ze ae Brom — User proces te according to ihe seqpence. of Trstaucttons Vetere fh the Garerno) memoy ond provides the output - x The Seqence ot Tnstuckins % ¢ computer Poagam ond the * e4keanol. storage called, Compuken memory: i i. Ane ave, mony typeo dt ‘compuiers r0%h [ge ac iene ancl faoes sanpremeds |S according to the Applicaton ; wohfch Feo et wnem ares eee swirl _s), Wovestalton vay Mani | ey -, & main Frame a) Sewer 2) Pesktop OD PC } ; 4) plolesook [portable 2) Super computer ee ZY : AQ 4) tatoo ptemse opr oh oe Ee hese! ong , smaller comple + They cect ‘only one, cP. | a) min? 2 ae axe ‘the: ert Nterston to the miciy ; .. with medercte speed and stowage sap nett Desktop ©” Pc: “they ane Found % Schedls Hobe , offic, these compat gesssy Kegitotad, en, mouse , &e : ») NoteBook: “Here, all, componenbs Kiaeed th afugle ont } te loors ("Ke palefcase | s) Jntorts station: | frthese ane resets \ dest top Compuis ' & ole aclu es outpuk capabti e) Math frame; | “these axe oo | ‘os “ar i enero Ustig boo) ma, en : PHC caleulab one , | a) Sewers: | | High vesplution than faput 5 iG] hese ‘Séavers ‘Plays an na aol fn Qaternek COmmtantoadion pudnerc these Compl have lorge _Stdiage wit. 2) Gupe Goneuleres 1@t07|. ; These aee used. for ‘the losge scale Murch Caleulas ors meqyioed” fe” Appltaktons suc as weather Poreaashing , Apel | Ha Craft destgn Sa SS. tafe Pai % the he Z een ie ede a s Ae , ed a iad) Assseg ea. ae TI! cA ot. cf wiwdices ofles 0 Poemur * yn he we wom oes ont SF - . : of a Say In = touyrIs io po fide Sew Fook FI, ie, nc emen tO get fe. ot fr 20, portent te Seca The @peraktOn? oF da icompybyy' oan be, - aummaarsed: qs follows! v A sek. .of Rastucktons calles’ 0 Progra % presen: an -the “wat “memoyy of tthe | ears cP Pena “these retraction Seqpeabtally ene BY one from the, main imemayy decodes, Hem ond, Rexford “the “specified operokians- and astactaked * data. aperands an ALY: 3 Processed. des te aes ‘orl pS Atsplayjed. on the cewtpa uanste presentation of ce sith Batster ae : glo — a regisio General “Rupes Leg ie Sot. Purpose 1 iehag,, vee ; “geet 3 hres Roc Re. mes an structoOn | ‘s Used for pexformi cds 7ttOn o-mONg ‘the alias “Stoied One) athe value i ee et | Spec. purpose registers cpus Pus pc Program counler Te > hatruction Register prar—> tcvemepy feds ‘Regtster MpR> Mend ‘Tata Register’. | - \e Pcs “the Sequence of fratructtons execudfO? 79 Pooper otclen Is Monitkos by the Pocemenes Couerttan- a: 72: nih This De hols the currently executing cTnst ructions. 3. MAR & MDR: ee vives ‘boo Payfhonn “the ord ty ale the - and. oddroys —-transton eehnor ste rhardle e dats tafn meaty ond cpu: Bus Stuckues Se aoe pero] a es system Bus a il Btn of » wires Ore eel iS cect, Re Fo Ee stem icten ee Buses. The Bus lahat connect Ane erat i ef he common rs “calla Bi “these ajdevl Bus are mternaly s in 2-3 groups af Buss: > Data Bus > contr Bis — cont! Pe (Pu 6 Mernoxy > Achless Bus Re Sth iw ec a nas, call Paveaniaces Di sod: 1» Low Cost , ts. @ualy PER onal Q, Flevtble vlecks aan commurntcale i oe votth each other. alo Lites Wages hos. Soe: Mullple gust ae nee . _ More Pett Gel one Communtcate eottht Peachicttey oF a Shire be | rs and HS : : = 2's complemen: TAS ¢ O4= US) complen cxf Col Lolo 2 | Stepet Dectmal +o Binary converston v's } comp ts’ sub bab Sept Peston i septs 44d vs complement of subtrahard to minyiord age LOU to —> aldto . t's compl toOuo 10-9 10 16) : © or oth. at _ > =the ane Ol Voo. 92 Casetu 20 - 22 @ — 22 = tollo i! lo — a olo, | t VS comp fox 22. 0100) oda Olvolo OL.ool Kepivers —_—_—__—_ Loot) No comy 80 perform ts Comp pa -pecul 6 Pu c-~) 39 \ Loot —9t'S comp—!$''o11do (12) 38 Complement Steps ee 1) Dectmal vollooo — Us come —otoott 2S comp Py 101.000 Olllooo O101000 © O00 Feeform sae ail’ S Ais & toy 21-38 as ae Eee» ; “Conge the © daCRoneak! Xx “etnary cenverston a apply a's complimenl: 4s subbahand. > thdd A'S sulbtvahand 40 the ReuanAl. & ~~ BS6-aul © A BP? 4 4 eco aagq =f orate : | eee no ors 198 | 236-5 ool toOO O16 9869 Ott! wod (000 Te10 LoD Ne hi wridrou ee Biren feu). GAICO sth , se ‘ ay Seal, oul ole! eS 2U- S86 ary —> O0ld 0001 00! Gis —» OO O00! ool), 1000 Oolo “OOO “7 a's complement u ° b! ef, other Binary codes Deciwal 842) | exes Ow Ty Scaow i cooo | ecti ter | ren aha fe ee ee 24 DOO ai Bote Foto} 3 | ool ootl Olto se. | aoiloo o100 ollo = | ete o1o} L000 é | alto OUCO. =, tool 4 | ol ou Lolo ee Detection EO 5. ae veole 3 aes rontile caeetn Bs binasuy informal From oto: Cot) t boo go PE fs reqytPred deleck the charge & Comeck the chsye ie ae | Enoy Dekeckfons iJ a ; f Ther one Several. methods or enor debectoy pontle Wethod: t one ener en This Pant ty method adds 1 extra prt while -ranctering the ‘wformakan Asch : — which ts pee one types pasity pitts. he. 4) aren a) odd © ven Partti fs tn this oy party ext bit Ts added to each woe such thak the total no. of fs in the voosd tncludiag the pastty bit should be even humbey. edd potty ‘gn thts odd, parity extra BIE fs added to ead’ word such otha the total nor of vs in the > cock including the parity bit: should we odd number Tn an every postty Scheme: | Yollowtnay “code conta. estoy ? Q) tolotoio’ 9 8S Counk = 4 NO ews © titolo. -—-6 =no-of One's |: DQ voltioat:, 55 is ; @) no. of, ta this coord fo even Cu): 2, These %S; MO, eTIOV: BY no we mete ues word & a There 78 NO ex sd: “Eis even (6). 6) novof Ss -%4 coord Ps odd (5) victhene Ps AN ermoy. r Brot, Cone cting codes > | {- Fon tama | Ped ie Code | : Sass) 0000 waa i OOO rT of op, 2h OO 04, oe # es pity 3 F0 lence aa Bu ON OO = ne Se é FE | Bendy opt opttbrded 1.6 2), = t10 rhe & fant {| lo ee Cites) ec. ase 2-8 Hammitg coder 7" bs , three Fant “te Be trevenit four dota B° Bits lecated ati “postions 2 : Pea tcfe Gneitdded te ore Care) Pi fa Ps Py Os De On Romese . O-> Rébhvoenls Oala Bits : P> Represents Panty Bits: | oe 4 Sy eae Pe fae! Py F263 % Ginter : Pp =0. | py ee 8 Lhe Py =O: | Bet rece” databits toi!) toto Me abe | even posdty Horeniy, code. | @ ©@ % @ o% % | Gren doda BIS — toll 2 > | Re oe Oy Pu Bs Os Pp ; Nee Ons lily Fi et a A 345;a C01) 2 Pad od Pye? 205. ea 2 (101) > Py-1 Pur Urs 16a 2 (Bw ey Puna On Pe, Po Ps Pu De Bs, We Ate eo A he oe - Ger The message below coded ha ag) ~ Harartig Cds tee treme teat through, votsy channel , decode the message OCCUde || fe eyBOY osxaming thal a gral fn each code. : Vooloel, Olloor, tIOl10 , oolloty => tootool : Pete Ds fy Dc De Ox Woe or tO oe Ph 1.315,4 2 (1001) no envs . . C=0 Po > 2.3, 6,4 =» (0001) 3 enor & =I | Pu 4i516,4 DS, (1o0t) D no efor ay ms 5 C3=0. | 2. Et code SIQG "UO. 23) 4 ; YOOLOO! 5 Wi p60} erry = o1troddy ig 6 E PP) Os Pu DS De Dy | - O Viet tec Ces b Pr tS 5eF= (Otol) mens cro P23 203 I= (101) 3 Ere Fa 4.516-1= Cro) SING exc a ee S =t Ca=0° . Evvov code Celat Oe ione! m2! Ol\iNool — coao | eves ‘ vw = wtoto ” EP Baars Pu Bs Ds On t alidal 1 5 there Pee UBS od 2 Ct Lo) = enor! (ave! P7236, = Ct Lo) => ersot Gel Pa? 4181 Br A= (0 010) => no eswx cg 0 Enos code = Cass ¢) : of ees 1LpoOtlo —? W0dOI1o ervey Be 0010! Mon os fu Os Ds eo oO \ oo;.el og! t OE pivitro emia tS Pe ares Sy Ae esbOw vere db Ca 28) Se a vy) ‘<3 ebb 0% Cro) 2 SAY, cocdenolt By Mist = evar code = Ree sh 1 > eee ers ftbite +m +e37 Od11911 —> go1l00) crt 4 ted. point Heatig a" Representabion = PZ { Va Sa Refresentd 4. ned aged St wer Ss onsiy) oN i a's, Stang 1's ea pose Magnitude —form et D ane f4=9 B =o, E=38 ®) 22384\e 2236 KD Mer2 ste BO Eig: Mate stares of cfenbing faint Nore! “hey ate tuw0 main Siruglanda, of peal Pofat number”. Ane1 - Amerfcan Jessel standaad met! Zece ~ “instttule. of Eleckrntcs’ 6 etectritol fagineering zece srondaad. : : the fnstitute of ttectwnts | | sdvel gine ng ore. mere - a. de \etoped a standor Roating point which ae cai recession — > Patble psiecession Single Psrecess ON ¢ ! a) ee a rt d _nepresena $07 } fs of tuo types | 4 : Is qr | Exponent mpmeage? d : A, Wt = -g4Gik Aaa pre Double pstecesston? : Bee one eo ery | Exponent | tant J il a a eae ee » Represent 1259. tas in sagle prrecesseo? and double psrecess®h ae (1asd125),, =« O o-asoxr = O'S = On, ae Opener = tO 7 Onasx2 =@:aS0 Croatiotol! Loot De 1) Stagle Paecessiton + Ctootetotsoo),, teotttotoltoot Ka'? EF ataa lo o:| loco | y Soe i) Doubte- Psxecessfon ee [: lene a Sore ———____J cs SOL oroL100) x a'° Esloas -O- © = 1033, E= 1000000 too! Rep susenlabion bie” Epo nent panhsca = ——— Nemo00te9 | COW OROLL ODL. © ie Hoating pom scce -formabe —.,.. a) Ustg s2-bt cenvert the Gacimel numb O. -\9-e0c and seporesenk the Answer i Bin any : 0 -G05X2 = as ol grep woe E19: 62S : 1 O-agsyz2=O'5 = 0 we 2a ) a oO ‘“ eho Bae, CO St ee 2luro (to Piauae (1000+ to.e), aectst On Standaad Somal ™ Bragle - Pacets' aoe | ' EN KD ’ Pas) OY ; = toooiioto x2 e-19% =4 e¢=13) @iecooe!!), i nh nan mSqas dnait@ah 10900 0K 48 fhOlO-= + od —ourese ase Ax ade te peel ; of bts There ts a ffxed, num bes often decittal POPE: the, Pete Must we fred we cannot, move hak PAE: , H Tt B of 0d PD YPes- ; => vonsign , ee ee Shand P ear a) Dosigued Be -tyed, _fotnt Per Soenbals ) Represent a Stved potul He prosentakton ‘4 tastag Fateger — biLs pits. ONollo, " ont Rory number and 3 fvauckt eto » @rewd “stign cvlagen peut + -trackional rank ONO NO ex2 pbaixeatrix2! tone ORD HUE “4 of OF UPUEO +/O: stow tos | eae! ’ Xe We Tater pork —cofil abuoays Tnoluded votth | Sfgn pte : (6 aS) g > signed ned | Fixed. pote Represenbybion = Ls -¥e — 's "Connpllnwent ee ane De + Saas complement stepthesentabio) > Fgh MagaPaide StePresentation , Be Repowsentabton Of “IY, with & brt errgister fn Swoys. : iH ) sign 8! Mogettedle ' |} “OM ‘te 1 dated Pela =e dosing ow sign Ap! 3 —1W = 00010 | 43) 8 com plement, mat ttt e ie aa pits dS comple enk aqeooee” | \ “Woe: ° . ae Utloo a Sift Ub = LLO0lO Tn an B-bit Mendy Locakion | etove +3 } ust . 2 f takion, be) Sfgn end aMaignrtude crepane Sem awe ‘ Nv Brternicenmacnito) second tee ttl: : pe ; o Add H zews +0 total of a bits => COCO IN! 3. deb an extra 07; bEcaUaS, the number fs xUe- therefore the sesutk fs => OHocoel\t 2) -as8 tn. \67bte memory location Ustrg it Sigh on0- mognitude Sepre senbabion 1. ass Pte Stnory Ose = 100000010 | &® adh & zems to moin tok of O58 bit -9_ .©000001 00000016 3. Addon extra‘ pecouse the naumbey Ps He. ““ihevefore tif esa fs | © =} 1006 000.1000 00010 hee ee pesume -43- 60s" UStag!, 3a-brt fora which Resewe. Ove bet | for Sigo : as) Ot Taregen paxk ond, totbthi; Fractions a A) -43.6as [Bo 604 Telia i) OAS A2= O's at ' O° 5%2 =o =| t ° ‘ Ceres) Ore 0 =o (toto) = (tetor.tore) p pete: Factional pant 2S : © } aie cootntoiy ! LOW000000 0009000}, Sins Pe : ‘ 4) Convert Aecingh number As ty axel Pofor Binawy Representablon, soo Boe O-Asky ets =} rt HAV; le OSX = 1.0 =4 Oo*L £0. FO aul cs S “fection Fixed. point ? Fete kalen Compute 0-35-46.6as). wolap Prrxed_ pone Representakion : se ’ Min Mt Ge sas) O'35k2 Sus =I x9 QSKBieo 2! 45 =o, -. ¢ Woo), Oxonz= G =O j = Os9X2-- 0-0 | —— O-6as - 9000 4010 OCASK2 al ibe ‘ Sgn 5 : x pee "OOS = tor 16 Pike Ba'se0 0'S¥2 = t-O7 0: 4s + (-o-6a6) pe ss => 96000: 1100 (ttt ors *) — 0000: cold pos Magnitude, — 19001010 a) "s Comp temeak — {rit Otol a a's Gomplemenk = Mr. 010 O-A5 tl-o-6as) = e000: colo QRepresenk paces 3 “tt \oPreate} 17 ae P with 4 bit Snlekier oth ihe alton eraclona- BB BI (5) 0 osx g= 10 =' é x INR o'0 x2 =O +0 aot Oo aS bit .bwaxy srepresds HO Bree 0 S\N 100) 1.1000 '» wlan el (Maggttude, = ut . i : em Q-0 a) 4's eernt! ens = 100 tooo - 100° 3 als amptemenk > ) Compite ted (505 s) wes ares: | Bthaay mepeentl ign. stay atiagnttude - 1020-0 leg = 0001100° pot | WS om CIEE OUT, } 0-5 Terao, 0d ee , Ls to's) | a | . : 900.1000 : trit, tooo — on 00gt.00°0 0 sent os ay fd pr Mepresenk Ubi Tog’ and 3 bee Fra clional . —0-at Oras = 0000-tloO. ; Sign § daagnitude & FO0ON0O.., “s complemen: = (tt -ooll QS complement =n oe 4 9 encode Aatabits, tol colo inte’ the z-bit ren parity Hamming ade. @) Q © De De PGi Pa 0A, Sed» Given prs “—'Iloido ta © < RP Ra Re Be POM pK IDs Dia Pre Oy ‘ (eon so 0 71 0 Sirnass Pp 1B Se, Mat CBs 957, Pom 21 Pr AMON = CHoyor) = 81> Py Says STEM = CVOl Oyi= 0.7 6 Pa = Or 11 rh? = a0 1) = 1 eh ~~ gs aad er Ps Pa PuPs Po Da fs Dag Do Du Pw = Mer Os fh tt go 8 ) Computer Arihlo ekic Four baste Arlhtimet operalfons one yhe cldaitton, Subtractton , Mule taki ¢ Divisio “fom. these four bulk Operakins fe fs Pessttte to trorablole o thes Arthinedic Rundo7s ondeoclve “ghrent fc psemems numertil onalys aqetnod.S: Additm & subtraction : was We have Arscussed hee O98 hwo ways of -gepres OG negate Fixed pote 'stgn vs comp tem ea, wy mea & af & magattud e, Addition qe — aS Sarak ae axe vodded oy gnak tho “one 8 at Pere eon dt on (Ne stgn of the’ nemdeyrs ~ od conditTons operation perform . These = eee eed. tna ene 1a Gluen com tbe pelow ’ (ay)e a (a-v}* we = (A-")* = ae: (a-0) + gta De : ee ‘a> v uv8Un . sepa POPS © @-wt & (a-¥)- (a-¥) - a 1 ‘g / Pagend fo A \ subbahend th B ) ie END « Cresutt& tm A ond As) Reeth ott af se ; a Flowchart “For add and 2. Sh addition, tf signs axe Some and 4 (tt signs ore ATARReME | Petting, | Sablractiond addiH#OP: a4 aub A5t t5=tlO fa 7 = SO) l a5 fo le ES ts! eb aad some SfgN afitstgn 3 gq odditton , PF stans ase , d?fferent arf a subtraction tf stgne ane SOME Pertnl Subtraction Add * sub 45 4-5 is) tee -S5 +45 GE oS. 6 sib ot # sign Same s {gn : uy. After Addition, the aesult fs tated fy Ea- Gf thete 38 any Overflow ovesod Hog fs seb “wi Caves) so in Subbach’on, Wwe ane dot ond ~thete veotil bes M6 Overflog , the apsull is stored mM FA : @ SP B=), fudfcales A>B, 6 we an do atB+! ea ard a-B we ane checking, A. Sf A=-0, WE”) a threed thak one bs to. ond Ato, Qo to eno, dees ‘ asta 4 SF E-0 tndicatu a Add 8 WA e srowulr eee. ce {vor 1 gp EAD on 1 0100 000 -° eceee4 2 oe es e Gane pre gnee y Roe ae MSF 5 Final paoduck AQ = ollattoloo Be ha , Ba2 Qxs §=\ pop BtoA snift 42 oc=se-l Q=1 PPD BEA ship ead sceseb @=0 ans Ag Sc =Se-\ @=0 She CAG Sts xy = oot Es — ool) A @Q oooo «(0 000° oo | oer 199% © 900! too} © 9001 2 1001-7 ooll 10.0180 teer 9 oot? Oe _&. e0te o100 9 00°t , 0,210 © 0001 OO,C9 E egolco an LOC eS Joy te ae Be3 4, "py A Be q coth's A 3 tet a: ‘ ‘Multtplian {| 6 ruttipiier Ta OR ace paurtipl ; 4 : . ma 10) 7 2 ee Brie ae = tool! 714 : ers eg 1 » Multtel cart EAS > Multtpl tes Ge, . J F BRes 'py 3S > Pesuth (yr) pial On Be = \009 | lag ol Bett =| | i. t Operation he AR OQ Qn,, ¢ ¥ (ASSume) ig 0000 ovol | oO “ An Qaay 10 @900 1001 Ans! Ace ACR 55 (” roll \ S 0 ccna [Ac ge) NAT Ne n° } : Seem SCH POLS sn On Ol: ae $0 \ Ace ACHR KX oul 1010 Q oul © asnfac-ar) ol} ° | NN rol q | Sc eSe~] 00k i : m2 900! Ace AC BR too] asni{ac-@®) toto Tole \ ‘ see-Se-} 1iol Otro c 44 oN ‘ ° Ace ACKBR = NO! : aare(Ac-@e) 2 OBO Ti ° 2 beeas a ao Breer ©3835" END ie vere ea Eis. ide ( Caution ts tr@ ( : exrflow) ‘ ee ainder 5 ta A). A, fext amit : eee | oe eae £ Odo! —yprytdend - ee - 010! > Dirish ah ei i MFowoo Coit oto! om Slop teins Ovo! iil ~§Lel ma pruision? —— _> OVF =! - je! (azB) ero: EA a) snl EAQ gac 4B Ae atest! a Ate, NEAT 2 EK«OY. Ye Eel: / ( sexo. FA CetP \> Bel Q 1 el ec set ip yP sc=0 e Cann) a | 2 Q=4 | = OloO 8 | Be2 ot OOO and Operaluer A 90000 Lefesrift 00000 a6 erie une \ meanest lo atB oct’ etal Lee ore Ltr 000l0 AtO > # ~~ 50000 Do ismeaee A 0000 Lett = to) ee aes sw cttre A-B ee te Ie —g00te x ° 90000 | ——S a ae ED Cae “o-- Rk BHO 6 iS counk ©100 if ge joo : 10 Ota ooo ath ooo Sl coo 3 000 ao ood a | ood o + o0 (0

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