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‫) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 1) ‫نموذج امتحاني أول‬
) ‫( الصفحة األولى‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

A-Read the following text then do the tasks below B-Read the following text then do the tasks below:

Newspapers contain news, information and

A train going from London to Manchester suddenly
advertising, and are printed on low-cost paper. They
stopped. The passengers were wondering why the
can be daily or weekly, national or local.
train wasn’t moving. They were shocked when they
Newspapers began about 500 years ago – the first
heard the train driver’s voice, “We’ve got a broken
ones were in Germany. In those days, newspapers
windscreen wiper.” Four men got up and went to
were handwritten and used to be passed from person
help. When I got to the front of the train, I saw a
to person. But they weren't very different from
man standing with one foot on the platform. He was
today! They had information about wars, economic
stretching across the window, holding up the broken
conditions, social customs and human-interest
wiper. I saw even more surprised when he told me
features. Newspapers used to be very expensive.
he was a passenger, too” The men tried to repair the
Poor people couldn't afford them. But in the 1800s,
broken windscreen wiper, but in the end, they gave
printing became cheaper and ordinary people could
up, and everyone got off the train.
afford to buy them. The oldest newspaper still in
existence was first published in Austria in 1703 • Write true ( T ) or false ( F ) : ( 30 marks )
• Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to 6. The man who stood with one foot on the
complete the following : ( 30 marks ) platform was the driver of the train.
7. The passengers wondered why the train was so
1. Newspapers are printed on………….paper
a-cheap b- expensive c- very expensive
8. In the end, the passengers left the train.
2. In the past , newspapers were written by………
a- computers b- typewriters c- hand
3. Newspapers first appeared in ………….. .
a-Egypt b- Austria c- Germany
• Answer the following questions : ( 20 marks )
• Choose two of the underlined words in the 9. Where was the train going?
text to suit their definitions below:
( 20 marks ) 10. What was the man standing with one foot doing?
4. not having enough money:
5. happening or done everyday

‫يتبــــع في الصفحــــة الثانيـــــة‬

‫( شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 1) ‫نموذج امتحاني أول‬ ) ‫( الصفحة الثانية‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

C: Read the following sentences and choose the G-Choose the correct tense between brackets:
correct answer: ( 40 marks ) ( 50 marks )
26.We ( learn, are learning ) about ancient Greece
11.We (have to, must) wear a uniform to school. this year.
12. I’m so angry ( of , with ) my brother. 27. He ( take , took ) my new football to the park
13. I ( used to , would ) love the Canadian summers. yesterday
14. Naser was riding his bike (when , while) he fell 28 .While I ( was shopping , shop) in the market , I
off. fell
into a box of fruit.
29 .They always ( go , are going) skiing in winter.
D-Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to
30. I ( see , will see) him tomorrow.
complete the following dialogue : ( 40 marks )
15.Hussein : I'm Hussein. I think we ..…… in the same
class. H-Complete the following dialogues :
a- are b- were c- have • Write the questions : ( 30 marks )
Tareq: Oh, hello. My name's Tareq.
16. Hussein: ……..are you reading? 31. Mona: …………………………………
a- When b- What c- Where Nader: I was born in Damascus.
Tareq: It's a book about Bosra.
32. Mona: ………………………………...
17. Hussein: I quite like it. I prefer science. Where was
………….. old school? Nader: I go to school by bus.
a- yours b- you c- your 33. Mona: ………………………………..
18. Tareq: I went to a school …… Canada. Nader: Yes, I have got one sister.
a- in b- at c- on ……………………………………………………….
• Write the answers : ( 20 marks )
E-Write the missing words in each space:
( 30 marks )
Deema: What is your favourite sport?
19.Mariam forgets the answer to …..…. easy question.
20. We used to go…….holiday every Summer. 34. Sally: ………………………………..
21. The people were cold……. unwelcoming to the man Deema: How often do you play it?
_________________________________________ 35. Sally: ……………………………….
F-Complete each item in column (A) with the
correct choice from column (B) : ( 40 marks ) I-Write a (50 ) word composition about ONE of
the following topics : ( 50 marks )
22. You must start a a) it was dark.
sentence Topic one: Write your reasons either for or against this
23. A security guard is b) wear a uniform at
someone whose job school. Reading a newspaper is better than reading news on
24. I couldn’t see c) and tell their the Internet.
anything because stories.
25. Men used to meet d) with a capital letter. Topic two: Write an email to a friend tell him about
something that happened to you .
around a fire after dark
e) is to protect a
place or people.

‫انتهــــت األســـــئلة‬
‫ ) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 1) ‫نموذج امتحاني ثاني‬
) ‫( الصفحة األولى‬
) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

A-Read the following text then do the tasks below B-Read the following text then do the tasks below:

In 1976, a student in Poland wrote to his A king wanted his kingdom to be famous for

parents.The student was living and studying at a making new scientific discoveries. So he sent his

university, a long way from where his parents were servants out to faraway towns and cities to look for

living. The postcard arrived-30 years old later! The the best scientist possible. The king welcomed them

writer of the postcard is now married, with two to his palace. He said, ‘!s you know I am looking for

children. While he was growing older-sailing a top scientist. I want him to make exciting new

around the world on a boat ,having a serious heart discoveries that will change the world. So he must be

operation in hospital-the postcard was slowly imaginative, decisive and courageous.’ ‘You have to

travelling around Poland. The writer's parents prove that you are the right person for the job.

moved not long before the card arrived so the He pointed to an enormous door in the wall behind

neighbours sent the card back to him. him which the scientists hadn’t noticed.

.…………………………………………………… ‘This door is the biggest and heaviest door in my

• Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to kingdom. You must open it without any help.’
complete the following : ( 30 marks )
1. In 1976, a student in Poland wrote to his ………. • Write true ( T ) or false ( F ) : ( 30 marks )
a- father and mother
b- friends 6.The king sent his servants to look for the
c- children
best scientists.
2. The writer of the latter has …………….
a- no children 7. The king met the scientists in the square.
b- one child
8. The scientists must open the door without any help
c- more than one child.
3. The neighbours sent the card back to………..
a- the writer of the letter
b- the post office
c- the university
………………………………………………............ • Answer the following questions : ( 20 marks )
• Choose two of the underlined words in the
9.What did the king want his kingdom to be?
text to suit their definitions below:
( 20 marks ) 10. Why the king wanted the scientists to be
imaginative, decisive and courageous
4. people living next door.

5. when a doctor or surgeon tries to repair a part of

someone's body.

‫يتبــــع في الصفحــــة الثانيـــــة‬

‫( شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 1) ‫نموذج امتحاني ثاني‬ ) ‫( الصفحة الثانية‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

C: Read the following sentences and choose the G-Choose the correct tense between brackets:
correct answer: ( 40 marks ) ( 50 marks )
26. I ( was reading , am reading ) a good book at
11.You ( shouldn't , mustn't ) do your homework in the moment.
a harry. 27. He( moved , moves ) to Canada when he was
12. You look really ( upset, excited) . Have you five
heard bad news Ali? 28 . While I (was shopping, shopped ) in the
13. Are you afraid ( of , from ) spiders? market, I fell into a box of fruit.
14. When I moved to Canada, I (used to , would ) 29 .In the future newspapers ( have, will have)
miss the sunny weather. articles with opinions and comments.
D-Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to 30. I ( play, am playing ) volleyball every Saturday.
complete the following dialogue : ( 40 marks )
15.Farmer: Are you ……….. your way to the H-Complete the following dialogues :
village in the valley? • Write the questions : ( 30 marks )
a- on b- in c- from
16.Traveller: Yes, I have just …… from the village 31. Mona: …………………………………
in the mountains. Nader: My father is a newspaper reporter.
a- come b- came c- coming 32. Mona: ………………………………...
17. Farmer: ……….did you find the mountain Nader: He is working for a news agency.
village ?
33. Mona: ………………………………..
a- When b- How c- Why
18. Traveller: It was wonderful. Have …….. been Nader: Yes, he is enjoying his job.
to the village in the valley? What’s it like? ……………………………………………………….
a- yours b- your c- you • Write the answers : ( 20 marks )

E-Write the missing words in each space: Alia: What do you usually do in your free time?
( 30 marks ) 34. Omar :……………………………
19.He is studying ……….. Damascus University.
Alia: What subjects do you prefer ?
20. China sells ………. most newspapers in the world .
21. Naser……….. riding his bike when he fell off.
35.Omar :……………………………….
F-Complete each item in column (A) with the I-Write a (50 ) word composition about ONE of
correct choice from column (B) : ( 40 marks ) the following topics : ( 50 marks )

Topic one: Write a story about a day in your life
22.We didn’t use to a) swimming and that you will always remember. .
have a TV, fishing.
23. Robert’s father tried b) people used to Topic two: Write your reasons either for or against this
to scare the shark, burn oil in their statement:
lamps for light. It’s better to watch news on TV than read newspapers.
24. We use to spend c) but he didn’t
hours by the river succeed.
25. Before there was d) so we listend to the
electricity, radio
e) in the mountains.
‫انتهــــت األســـــئلة‬
‫( شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 2) ‫نموذج امتحاني أول‬
) ‫( الصفحة األولى‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

A-Read the following text then do the tasks below B-Read the following text then do the tasks below:

Our paper is studying problems with traffic in Asakusa, in Tokyo , is a district that is still
our town. Every day when we travel to work or traditional in many ways. One of the most beautiful
school, we experience too much traffic and noise.
temples, Sensoji, can be found here. It was built in
We sit in traffic jams getting stressed or we can’t
hear people speak because of car horns and traffic the 7 century, and is Japan’s oldest and most famous
noise. One problem is that there are too many cars temple. To reach it, walk down the street called
and lorries in the town centre. The streets are too
Nakamise. This street still sells traditional silk
crowded, and the air is too dirty because of all the
traffic. Mr Martin, a shopkeeper, said, ‘There is too dresses, Japanese fans and local snacks. Tokyo’s
much noise. I can’t hear myself think!’ Mr Wood, a newest area, built in 2003, is ‘a city inside a city’. It
policeman, said, ‘There are also too many parked
is called Roppongi Hills, and consists of four blocks
vehicles. It’s difficult to walk along the streets.’ He
added, ‘And there are also too many accidents.’ But of flats built around the Mori Tower which is a 54-
the biggest problem is that there is too much air storey skyscraper. Travelling around Tokyo is an
pollution – some pollutants are at dangerously high experience that will take you from the past into the
…………………………………………………… future, from one century into the next – in a day!

• Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to ................................................................................

complete the following : ( 30 marks ) • Write true ( T ) or false ( F ) : ( 30 marks )

6. Sensoji is Japan’s newest and most famous

1. The air in crowded streets is ………. .
a- not polluted b- polluted c- clean 7. people can buy traditional silk dresses from
2. It’s ………… walk along the streets Nakamise.
8. Mori Tower is very tall.
a- easy b- not hard c- hard
3. The newspaper believes that the biggest problem ………………………………………………….
is ………. .
a- dirty air b- noise c- crowded streets • Answer the following questions : ( 20 marks )

9. When was Sensoji built?
• Choose two of the underlined words in the
text to suit their definitions below: 10. What is Mori Tower like ?
( 20 marks )
4. damage caused to water,air, etc,by harmful
5. busy

‫يتبــــع في الصفحــــة الثانيـــــة‬

‫) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 2 ( ‫نموذج امتحاني أول‬ ) ‫( الصفحة الثانية‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

C: Read the following sentences and choose the G-Choose the correct tense between brackets:
correct answer: ( 40 marks ) ( 50 marks )
26. We always (go , are going ) to Egypt because we
11. I can’t buy a ticket, because I haven’t got love diving .
( some , enough ) money. 27. All the houses in this street ( are , were ) built
12. If you eat too ( many, much ) before you do more than 300 years ago.
exercise, you'll fell ill. 28 .I ( am staying , stay ) in India this summer.
13. Canada is so different ( of , from ) here. 29 . Majeda said that she ( loves, loved) writing.
14. ( Much , More ) people should use bicycle.. 30. In the future, more cars (means, will mean)
more pollution.
D-Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to
complete the following dialogue : ( 40 marks )
H-Complete the following dialogues :
15. Ibrahim: Where do you go …….. holiday? • Write the questions : ( 30 marks )
a- to b- for c- on
16. Rakan: ……….. always go to Egypt. 31. Nada: …………………………………
a- Our b- We c- Us Huda My cousins live in Aleppo.
17. Ibrahim: ……… do you go there? 32. Nada: ………………………………...
a- Where b- When c- Why Huda: Their house is very beautiful.
18. Omar: Because the shopping ………... great. 33. Nada: ………………………………..
a- is b- be c- being Huda: I'm going to visit them with my parents.
E-Write the missing words in each space:
( 30 marks ) ……………………………………………………….
19. Hama is a city in……….west of Syria.
20. Tareq is very interested ..…….. history. • Write the answers : ( 20 marks )
21. The pavements are ……… narrow.
_________________________________________ Noha : Where were you born ?
F-Complete each item in column (A) with the 34.Hala :……………………………
correct choice from column (B) : ( 40 marks ) Noha : How old are you ?
A B 35.Hala :……………………………….
22. I come from Canada a) cultural and
financial centre I-Write a (50 ) word composition about ONE of
the following topics : ( 50 marks )
23. Some people stopped b) has lovely
being farmers traditional houses.. Topic one: Write a story about a day out in a town
or city.
24. Mexico City is an c) but my parents are Topic two: Write about a tourist site in Syria.
important Chinese.

25. the capital city , d) and specialised in

Damascus making
e) you’ll feel ill.

‫انتهــــت األســـــئلة‬
‫( شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 2 (‫نموذج امتحاني ثاني‬
) ‫( الصفحة األولى‬
) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

A-Read the following text then do the tasks below B-Read the following text then do the tasks below:

In the history lesson , the teacher started taking

Switzerland is a small country. It is rich in arts
about cities and how they have developed. Many
and culture. It lies in the centre of Europe. The snow
cities have been built up around holy places
covered mountains offer some of the best skiing in
and contain important religious buildings. Cities
the world. You can have many different types of
were also built in safe places that were easy to
weather at the same time. In one valley, it may be
defend, such as hills and plains. Cities must have
sunny, while in another, it may be raining. The sky
water, and so they are often built along rivers. Some
can turn from clear to cloudy in an hour. The
cities, like Paris, have developed around the easiest
temperatures vary a lot too. On mountain tops it may
place to cross a river. Others, like Amsterdam, were
be cool even in summer and there may even be
built by the sea, so that the people could trade. The
snow. But in low areas like the Rhône valley, the
world’s oldest capital city is Damascus, which has
weather is warm and sunny in summer and there are
been inhabited for about 4,500 years.
even palm trees!
• Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to • Write true ( T ) or false ( F ) : ( 30 marks )
complete the following : ( 30 marks )
6. The weather is changeable in Switzerland.
1. In the past, people used to build cities …….holy
7. The temperature is the same on the mountains
a- far from b- near c- away from and in low areas.
2. Cities were also built in safe places that were 8. Switzerland is not poor in arts and culture.
easy to ……………
a- destroy b- hurt c- protect
3. Some cities, like Amsterdam, were built by the • Answer the following questions : ( 20 marks )
sea, so people could …………
a- buy and sell goods 9 .Where is Switzerland located?
b- have drinking water 10. What is the weather like in summer on mountain
c- build houses tops in Switzerland?
• Choose two of the underlined words in the
text to suit their definitions below:
( 20 marks )
4. to make more advanced or organized.
5. town or city that is the centre of government of a
‫يتبــــع في الصفحــــة الثانيـــــة‬
‫( شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 2) ‫نموذج امتحاني ثاني‬ ) ‫( الصفحة الثانية‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

C: Read the following sentences and choose the G-Choose the correct tense between brackets:
correct answer: ( 40 marks ) ( 50 marks )
26. Alia told Tareq that she really ( likes, liked ) his new
11.You can move around (the, a) city we live in by a camera.
car.. 27. I often ( listen, listened) to music while I study.
28 . All the houses in this street ( are, were ) built more
12. I ate (too many, too much). I don’t feel well.
than 300 years ago.
13. (More, Few) people should use bicycles. It is 29 . While we ( were walking , walk ) around , we met a
better for the environment. group of tourists.
14. There are too many cars in the city. There isn't 30. In the future more cars ( mean, will mean ) more
( too, enough) space for them all traffic jams.
D-Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to
complete the following dialogue : ( 40 marks ) H-Complete the following dialogues :
• Write the questions : ( 30 marks )
15. Maher: Where are you going ……….your holiday,
Ahmad? 31. Rami: …………………………………
a- on b- by c- from
16. Sami: I ………..going to Lattakia. Sara: London is the capital of the UK.
a- have b- will c- am 32. Rami: ………………………………...
17. Maher: …………. are you going with? Sara: It is in the south of England.
a- Whose b- Which c- Who 33. Rami: ………………………………..
18. Sami: With …………… parents.
a- mine b- my c- me Sara: About 300 different languages are spoken
in London’s schools.
E-Write the missing words in each space: ……………………………………………………….
( 30 marks ) • Write the answers : ( 20 marks )
19.I'm learning Spanish ………my next trip to Spain.
20.The Old City is in………..centre of Damascus..
21. Hardly ……….plants are able to survive in the icy Amar: What does your father do?
Antarctica. 34.Ola :……………………………
_________________________________________ Amar:What are you doing now?
F-Complete each item in column (A) with the 35.Ola :……………………………….
correct choice from column (B) : ( 40 marks )
I-Write a (50 ) word composition about ONE of
the following topics : ( 50 marks )
22. Our paper is a). the saltiest in the
studying problems world.
Topic one: Compare two cities in Syria .
23. Too much rain b) with traffic in our
town. Topic two: Write a story about a day out in a town
24. Syria is rich c) in history and or city.
25. Dead Sea is d) lunch is ready.

e) will damage the


‫انتهــــت األســـــئلة‬
‫ ) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 3) ‫نموذج امتحاني أول‬
) ‫( الصفحة األولى‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

A-Read the following text then do the tasks below B-Read the following text then do the tasks below:

Clean water is essential for healthy living, but

Different sports need different protective
millions of people around the world don’t have water
equipment. Many sports insist that participants
for their basic needs. Wateraid is a charity that helps
should wear helmets – horse-riding, baseball and
people in Africa get safe, clean water, dig wells,
skateboarding are just a few examples. Your helmet
install pumps and learn about hygiene. Before Peter
has to be the right type and size for the sport. Some
Hudson visited a village in Sudan, he had only seen
sports require protection for the head (boxing) and
life in the big African cities. In villages, the biggest
eyes (swimming). But the correct shoes are essential
problem is water. There, He met Ibrahim and his
for all sports and types of exercise. An essential part
family. They showed him how ‘Water for Africa’
of any exercise is getting your body prepared for
and ‘The Water Project in Sudan’ had changed their
action. Starting physical exercise without stretching
lives. The charities had helped the community to dig
your muscles first can be dangerous. You need to get
a well, and now they had a supply of drinking water.
your body temperature warmer to reduce chances of
Ibrahim said Rainfall is very low here, so having a
getting injured during sport.
well is important. Too
…………………………………………………… • Write true ( T ) or false ( F ) : ( 30 marks )
• Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to
complete the following : ( 30 marks ) 6. Many sports insist that participants should wear
1. Clean water is ……………… for healthy living. 7. All sports require protection for the head and eyes
a-necessary .
b-not important 8. the correct shoes are essential for all sports and
c-unnecessary types of exercise
2. Wateraid is a charity that helps people in ………
a- Asia b- Africa c. Europe

3. In villages, the biggest problem is …………. • Answer the following questions : ( 20 marks )
a- oil b- fresh air c- water
9.What is the essential part of any exercise ?
• Choose two of the underlined words in the
text to suit their definitions below: 10. Why do players need to get their body
( 20 marks )
temperature warmer?
4. the quantity of rain that falls

5. a machine for moving liquid or gas

‫يتبــــع في الصفحــــة الثانيـــــة‬
‫) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 3) ‫نموذج امتحاني أول‬ ) ‫( الصفحة الثانية‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

C: Read the following sentences and choose the G-Choose the correct tense between brackets:
correct answer: ( 40 marks ) ( 50 marks )
26. I (was playing, am playing ) tennis when I fell.
11. (As soon as, untile) she had finished her essay, 27. I(have already read, already read ) this book.
she helped her mother. 28 . He (arrived, arrives) home ten minutes ago.
12. The new restaurant, ( who , which ) was once a 29 .She (is waiting , waits ) to check her email now.
cinema, is very popular. .
30.Before she went to school, Carol ( had learnt ,
13. I have ( already , yet )packed my suitcase for the
trip have learnt ) to speak three languages.
14. I ate too much ,. I’ve got a ( headache,
stomachache ) now. H-Complete the following dialogues :
D-Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to • Write the questions : ( 30 marks )
complete the following dialogue : ( 40 marks )
15. Amer: ……………is the matter? 31. Maher: …………………………………
a-What b-Where c- Who Nour: I spent my weekend by the sea.
16. Anna: I ………….got a broken leg. 32. Maher: ………………………………...
a- would b- have c- has Nour: I went with my family.
17. Amer: ……….. did you break it? 33. Maher: ………………………………..
a- where b- when c- what Nour: It was wonderful.
18. Anna: ---------- broke it last week in the park. ……………………………………………………….
a- Me b- I c- My • Write the answers : ( 20 marks )
E-Write the missing words in each space:
( 30 marks ) Alma: When do you get up?
19.She hasn’t drunk her tea ……………… 34.Sara :……………………………
1. 20. Al Razi was one of …………. greatest thinkers of Alma: What do you do before you go to school?
the Islamic world. 35. Sara :……………………………….
21. The man ……… I was talking to is my uncle.
_________________________________________ I-Write a (50 ) word composition about ONE of
F-Complete each item in column (A) with the the following topics : ( 50 marks )
correct choice from column (B) : ( 40 marks )
A B Topic one: Write a paragraph about a medical
22. My grandparents a)for healthy living.

23. Most of the city b) before my school Topic two: Write a health diary for a week.
24.Clean water is c) came to Syria in
essential 1980
25. I don’t want to catch c) was still covered by
a cold. sand
e) seeing his cousins
‫انتهــــت األســـــئلة‬
‫) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 3 ( ‫نموذج امتحاني ثاني‬
) ‫( الصفحة األولى‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

A-Read the following text then do the tasks below B-Read the following text then do the tasks below

Tareq went with Hussein, Nadia and their

A surgical nurse's job is to assist the surgeons.
parents, Mr and Mrs Hammad, to visit the site of an
A very important part of the job is getting the patient
ancient city. Most of the city was still covered by
ready for the operation. They explain to the patient
sand. But a palace, houses, roads and other buildings
what is going to happen during the surgery and also
were visible. They stopped in the shade of a high
check that he is healthy enough to have the
wall. Hussein was explaining about the archaeological
operation. They also help to prepare the operating
site. Tareq and Hussein went to look at the theatre.
room, making sure that it is clean and that all the
But Hussein and Tareq didn’t come back. The family
things the surgeon needs for the operation are there.’
waited for an hour, then Mr Hammad contacted the
‘During the surgery, they help the surgeon by
security guards. There were five men. They went off
passing him/her the surgical tools needed for the
to look for the boys.
operation .They also keep an eye on the patient to
make sure that he is in a stable condition, keeping a
• Write true ( T ) or false ( F ) : ( 30 marks )
constant check on the patient’s heart rate, blood
pressure and breathing 6. Tareq went with Hussein's family to visit the site
.…………………………………………………… of an ancient theatre.
• Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to 7. They stopped in the shade of a tree.
complete the following : ( 30 marks ) 8. Hussein and Tareq didn’t come back.
1. A surgical nurse gets everything ready …………
the operation.
a- during b- after c- before • Answer the following questions : ( 20 marks )
2. They explain to the ………… what is going to
happen during the surgery.
9. Why did Tareq go with Hussein and his family?
a- doctor b- ill c- nurse
3. During the surgery, they keep an eye on the
to ……………….that he is in a stable condition. 10. Who did Mr Hammad contact?
a- make sure b-help c- save
• Choose two of the underlined words in the
text to suit their definitions below:
( 20 marks )

4 . the person who carries out an operation

5. to help
‫يتبــــع في الصفحــــة الثانيـــــة‬
‫) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 3) ‫نموذج امتحاني ثاني‬ ) ‫( الصفحة الثانية‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

C: Read the following sentences and choose the G-Choose the correct tense between brackets:
correct answer: ( 40 marks ) ( 50 marks )
26. I ( eat , ate ) an ice cream ten minutes ago.
11.They have never learnt English (because , until ) 27. Next summer I ( go, am going to ) visit my aunt.
they came to this school. 28 . By the time my mother came home,
12. I ate too (many, much ).I've got a stomachache. I ( cooked , had cooked ) the dinner.
13. I have ( already, yet ) read that book.
29 . She ( has just won, just won ) a prize.
14.My cousins, ( which , who ) live in Denmark,
email us often. 30. Tourists in Syria (are going , go ) to Damascus.
D-Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to
complete the following dialogue : ( 40 marks ) H-Complete the following dialogues :
• Write the questions : ( 30 marks )
15. Mazen: Have you ……..been to hospital?
a- never b- ever c- just 31. Doctor : …………………………………
16. Saleh: Yes, I …..… in hospital three weeks ago. Saad: I have got a terrible stomachache .
a- be b- am c- was 32. Doctor : ………………………………...
17. Mazen: ………….happened to you? Saad: I have had it for three days.
a- What b- Which c- When
33. Doctor : ………………………………..
18. Saleh: I was ……… my way to school when I
slipped and fell off the bus. Saad : It started last Friday.
a- in b- on c- at ……………………………………………………….
E-Write the missing words in each space: • Write the answers : ( 20 marks )
( 30 marks )
19.I spent a weekend………the sea.
Asma : What is your favourite food ?
20.I haven't ridden my bike ……
34. Sally :……………………………
2. 21. The Great Wall of China is ..…. longest wall in
Asma :Who are you going to have lunch with ?
3. the world 35. Sally :……………………………….
F-Complete each item in column (A) with the I-Write a (50 ) word composition about ONE of
correct choice from column (B) : ( 40 marks )
the following topics : ( 50 marks )
22. I did very well this a) is very popular. Topic one: Give advice to someone he wants to be
term fitter and healthier.

23.As soon as she had b) at a famous Topic two: Write a paragraph about a medical
finished her essay, medical school in discovery.
24. The new restaurant c) was still covered by
which was once a cinema, sand
25. Galen studied d) which made my
medicine parents proud.
e) she helped her
‫انتهــــت األســـــئلة‬
‫( شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 4 ( ‫نموذج امتحاني أول‬
) ‫( الصفحة األولى‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

A-Read the following text then do the tasks below B-Read the following text then do the tasks below:

Hassan is spending too much time on the

We all know that the Earth is getting warmer.
computer. He prefers surfing the Net and
This will cause the icebergs to crack and pieces will
playing computer games to seeing his friends. So ,
he asks the counsellor to give him advice. The break off. And when that happens, the water level
counsellor told him not to worry, because this is a
will rise. Scientists have predicted a sea level
very common problem nowadays. And told him to
change by the year 2100. They estimate that the sea
make a timetable and allow himrself a limited
amount of time per day, and show it to his parents, will rise 50 centimetres, on average, by that time.
so they can help him . The consellor added , the best
The rise will come from warmer sea temperatures,
way to solve the problem is to play games with his
and from melting ice. This rise in sea level will have
friends so he meets them face to face!
…………………………………………………… a dramatic effect on coastal cities and towns all over
• Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to
the world.
complete the following : ( 30 marks )
1. Hassan …………surfing the Net and playing • Write true ( T ) or false ( F ) : ( 30 marks )
computer games.
a- doesn't mind b- likes c- hates 6.If we don’t try to stop the Earth from getting
warmer, sea levels will rise in future.
2. This problem is …………… nowadays.
a- usual b- unusual c- strange 7.Rising sea levels won’t be a problem.
8.The planet Earth is getting cold.
3. The counselor advises to play games …….
a- alone b- away c- with others
………………………………………………............. ………………………………………………….
• Choose two of the underlined words in the
text to suit their definitions below: • Answer the following questions : ( 20 marks )
( 20 marks )

4. a fact that everyone knows 9.What happens if the Earth gets warmer?
10.When have scientists predicated a sea level
5. someone who is trained to listen to people and
change ?
give advice about problems.

‫يتبــــع في الصفحــــة الثانيـــــة‬

‫ ) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 4 ( ‫نموذج امتحاني أول‬ ) ‫( الصفحة الثانية‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

C: Read the following sentences and choose the G-Choose the correct tense between brackets:
correct answer: ( 40 marks ) ( 50 marks )
26. I always ( brush, will brush) my teeth before I
11. (When , After) a few hours, I got tired of go to bed.
playing video games 27. Some people think there ( won't , aren't going
12.I’ve forgotten my ruler. ( shall I ,I'll) lend you to ) be any teachers
mine. 28. If she ( wanted , want ) me to help her, she
13. Grandmother needs someone to ( do , make) the would ask me.
1. shopping for her 29. While the student (was walking , is walking )
14.I’ll phone you ( until , as soon as ) I arrive. away, the head teacher arrived.
30. They played football in the park until it
D-Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to ( got , gets ) dark.
complete the following dialogue : ( 40 marks )
H-Complete the following dialogues :
15. Henry: Let…… take the emergency blanket. • Write the questions : ( 30 marks )
a. has b. us c. is •
16.Tom: I disagree. It isn’t the ……important thing. 31. Yaser: …………………………………
a. most b. more c. less Rami : I am going to the zoo tomorrow
17.Richard:If we take it, we’ll be warm ……..night.
32.Yaser: ………………………………...
a. in b. on c. at
Rami: I am going with my family.
Tom: Yes, that’s true. I agree.
33. Yaser: ………………………………..
18. Henry: OK. So we’re going to take the emergency
blanket. ……….. I write it down? Rami: we are going by car.
a. will b. shall c. would ……………………………………………………….
E-Write the missing words in each space: • Write the answers : ( 20 marks )
( 30 marks )
19. Amal is very good…… Huda : What do you do before you go to school?
20. If I…….. you , I'd take a coat. 34.Rana :……………………………
2. 21. Coffee reached Turkey in …………..15 century. Huda : When do you usually eat lunch ?
_________________________________________ 35.Rana :……………………………….
F-Complete each item in column (A) with the
correct choice from column (B) : ( 40 marks )
I-Write a (50 ) word composition about ONE of
the following topics : ( 50 marks )
22. Many doctors say a) with my homework.

23. I need help b) but it’s too high Topic one: Compare two sports or activities.
for me. Topic two: Your advice about how to prepare for
24. I would like to c) until you need it exams
close the window,
25. water can be stored d) I’m bored, Mum!
in wells
e) a trip to the sea
is good for you.
‫انتهــــت األســـــئلة‬
‫ ) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 4 ( ‫نموذج امتحاني ثاني‬
) ‫( الصفحة األولى‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

A-Read the following text then do the tasks below B-Read the following text then do the tasks below:

The Yemenis used to boil the beans, and in this

Many teenagers play video games from time to
way they created the drink al-qahwa, coffee. Then
time. This activity can be entertaining as well as
coffee spread through the whole of the Arab World,
social; friends can have an enjoyable time gathering
as people travelled and took it with them. It reached
around the game. Playing video games may have
Turkey in the 15th century, and Egypt in the 16th
additional benefits such as promoting one’s decision-
century. The trade between Venice, Italy and Egypt
making skills and improving one’s general well-
brought the drink of coffee to Europe, where it was
being. However, some game players may separate
very popular. The first coffee houses opened in
from reality and get addicted to playing the games.
Venice in 1645, and a little over seventy years later,
You can tell who an addicted gamer is by observing
there were 208 coffee houses in Venice alone! From
his/her behaviour. Look out for signs that the person
Italy, the popularity of the drink spread to the rest of
didn’t show before getting hooked to playing games
Europe. Nowadays, many people all over the world
such as wasting school time in order to play,
enjoy a cup of coffee.
becoming distant from friends and family, lacking
enough hours of sleep and losing interest in other
• Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to
hobbies Addicts can even become violent if they are
complete the following : ( 30 marks )
unable to play..
1. ……………..brought coffee to Europe. .................................................................................
a- traders b- the Yemenis c- Italian • Write true ( T ) or false ( F ) : ( 30 marks )
2. ………..,there were 208 coffee houses in
Venice alone 6. Friends can have an enjoyable time gathering
a- In 1700 b- In 1715 c- In 1645 around the game.
7. Some game players may separate from reality and
3. Nowadays, many people all over the world get addicted to watching the games
………. a cup of coffee. 8. Addicts become close to friends and family.
a- hate b-don't like c- delight in ………………………………………………….
• Choose two of the underlined words in the • Answer the following questions : ( 20 marks )
text to suit their definitions below:
( 20 marks ) 9. Why do teenagers like to play computer games?

4. reach other parts 10. When can Addicts become violent?

5. enjoyed, supported by many people

‫يتبــــع في الصفحــــة الثانيـــــة‬

‫ ) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 4) ‫نموذج امتحاني ثاني‬ ) ‫( الصفحة الثانية‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

C: Read the following sentences and choose the G-Choose the correct tense between brackets:
correct answer: ( 40 marks ) ( 50 marks )
26. I’ll phone you when I( get, got ) to the station at
11. On Monday, I meet Obaid ( at , on ) the library. 4 o’clock.
12. I phoned to book some tickets ( as soon as , 27. If you told me a secret, I( wouldn’t , won't )
untile) I saw the advertisement, tell anyone.
3. 13. Some people think there won't be ( any , some) 28. I was carrying the vase to the shelf, when
4. teachers. I ( dropped , drop ) it
14. Don’t forget to ( keep , make ) in touch with 29. I’d never seen her before I ( meet , met ) her at
your old friends the conference.
D-Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to 30. I think she( is going to , will ) be a famous
complete the following dialogue : ( 40 marks ) doctor one day.

15. Zein: Do you want to come to the zoo with …….. H-Complete the following dialogues :
tomorrow? • Write the questions : ( 30 marks )
a. my b. mine c. me
16.Naser: I don't have ……….. money . 31. Lana: …………………………………
a. much b. many c. some Ran: I am going to London next week.
17.Zein : What ……….. you do with your money? 32.Lana: ………………………………...
a. do b. did c. have Ran: I am going to stay for a month.
18. Nasr : I spent a lot of money …….. computer games.
33. Lana: ………………………………..
a. on b. in c. of
Ran: Yes, my English will improve .
E-Write the missing words in each space:
( 30 marks )
5. 19. Shall I give you a lift to ………… station? • Write the answers : ( 20 marks )
6. 20. I hope I manage to see you before you go ……..
7. holiday. Hiba : What is your favourite subject?
8. 21. Can you call me when dinner ……….. ready. 34.Rula :……………………………
_________________________________________ Hiba : How long do you usually study it? ?
F-Complete each item in column (A) with the 35.Rula :……………………………….
correct choice from column (B) : ( 40 marks )
I-Write a (50 ) word composition about ONE of
A B the following topics : ( 50 marks )
22. Acronyms are a good a) tell her I said hello.
23. I can’t read the sign b) she looked out of the Topic one: Compare two sports or activities.
window and thought. Topic two: Your advice about how to prepare for
24. When you see Hind c) I am on a diet.
next time,
25. Nadia couldn’t d) to memorise lists.
sleep, so
e) I’ve forgotten my

‫انتهــــت األســـــئلة‬
‫ ) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 5) ‫نموذج امتحاني أول‬
) ‫( الصفحة األولى‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

A-Read the following text then do the tasks below B-Read the following text then do the tasks below:

Paper was first produced as early as 3000 BC in

Two Canadian climbers were climbing in
Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome. It was made from
Switzerland when they were hit by a terrible
a plant called papyrus. Later, papyrus was replaced
snowstorm at 3,000 metres. They couldn’t see and
by sheep skin or calf skin. The skins were first
were worried their metal equipment could be hit by
stretched, then dried to make them hard. In China,
lightning. At .30 a.m., the climbers sent a text
writing was done on bamboo. Silk was also used, but
message to five people and the alarm was raised
it was very expensive. The idea for making paper
four hours later by a Canadian friend. The weather
from wood was developed in China. Today, paper is
was so bad that s couldn’t be used by the Swiss
considered to be one of the great Chinese inventions.
rescue team, and the climbers couldn’t be seen.
However, it is also possible to make paper from
Luckily, the weather improved, and they were
other materials: for example wheat straw and sugar
rescued from the mountain..
cane can be used. Today, recycling paper is
essential, if we want to continue producing paper in • Write true ( T ) or false ( F ) : ( 30 marks )
the future
6. The Canadian climbers were climbing in Canada.
7.They got lost because of the weather.
• Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to
complete the following : ( 30 marks ) 8.Their Canadian friend came and rescue them.
1. Papyrus was …….. … sheep skin or calf skin.
a- made of b- changed for c- grown in
• Answer the following questions : ( 20 marks )
2. Silk was also used, but it cost ……………..
a- a lot of money 9.Why were they worried?
b- no money
c- some money 10. What was the weather like?
3. Today, recycling paper is …………..
a- not good b- bad c- important
• Choose two of the underlined words in the
text to suit their definitions below:
( 20 marks )
4.extremely important and necessary:
5.costing a lot of money

‫يتبــــع في الصفحــــة الثانيـــــة‬

‫) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 5) ‫نموذج امتحاني أول‬ ) ‫( الصفحة الثانية‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

C: Read the following sentences and choose the G-Choose the correct tense between brackets:
correct answer: ( 40 marks ) ( 50 marks )
11. Your little sister has eaten all the biscuits, 26. I’ve already (tidied , been tidying) my room.
( has she , hasn't she ) ? 27. Nowadays, computers ( are used , were used )
12.Programmes can be downloaded from ( a , the ) for letters.
28.I’m so tired! I (have cleaned , been cleaning )
13. I’ve done gymnastics( for , since ) I was a child
14. many people in this area of work suffer the house all day.
( from , of ) eyestrain. 29. I hope our team (wins , won ) today.
D-Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to 30. Every year, thousands of tourists ( are visiting ,
complete the following dialogue : ( 40 marks ) visit ) the islands.

15. Clive: Are we going in ……..right direction? H-Complete the following dialogues :
a-an b- a c- the • Write the questions : ( 30 marks )
Andrew: Yes, of course.
16. Clive: ………. are we going ? 31.Nada: ………………………………….?
a-where b- when c- why Ahmad :I flew in a plane when I was eleven.
Andrew: I’m not sure. I think to the south . 32. Nada : ………………………………...?
17. Clive: Can ……… read a map ? Ahmad : My parents took me to Egypt.
a- your b- you c- yours 33. Nada : ………………………………..?
18.Andrew: Yes, I can. But I left my glasses Ahmad : We stayed there for a week.
………… England. ……………………………………………………….
a- at b- on c- in
• Write the answers : ( 20 marks )
E-Write the missing words in each space:
( 30 marks ) Hala : Where were you born?
19.This weather is awful, . …… 34.Rana :……………………………
20.I haven’t visited Europe ………. Hala: How many sisters have you got?
21.Basketball is played all over……… world. 35.Ruba :……………………………….
F-Complete each item in column (A) with the
I-Write a (50 ) word composition about ONE of
correct choice from column (B) : ( 40 marks )
the following topics : ( 50 marks )
22. The wind has a) visit the islands. Topic one: Write about a job you would like to do
been blowing
23.A volcano is a hole b) around the village Topic two: Write about a journey you have made
to stop flood water.
24. Every year, c) since four o’clock
thousands of tourists this morning
25. They are building d) I can’t play very
new walls well yet.
e) in the Earth’s
‫انتهــــت األســـــئلة‬
‫ ) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 5) ‫نموذج امتحاني ثاني‬
) ‫( الصفحة األولى‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

A-Read the following text then do the tasks below B-Read the following text then do the tasks below:

The Silk Road was an ancient route which

From Zimbabwe’s capital city, Harare, we
connected the continents of Asia and Europe. The
head south to Gweru to visit an unusual game park.
route linked China, Central Asia, Northern India and
Here you can look at wildlife while horse riding or
then the Persian and Roman Empires. It was used
on the back of an elephant! From Gweru we travel to
between about 500 and 1300 CE. It is incredible that
the Great Zimbabwe Ruins. This is the site of the
people used these routes, because they went into
ancient, magnificent mediaeval city. From the city of
dangerous places such as the Taklamakan Desert and
Bulawayo we catch a train to take us to the
the Himalayan mountain ranges.w ell, at that time
wonderful Victoria Falls. We have reached our
only China produced silk. And it was the demand for
destination. The African name for the Victoria Falls
silk that created this link between East and West.
means ‘the smoke that thunders’ – and no one can
Merchants of the Chinese Empire traded their silk
fail to be impressed by this majestic sight. It’s a
and spices with India, Europe and the Eastern
wonderful way to end an amazing expedition across
Mediterranean. They exchanged them for silver,
precious stones, gold and horses.
.…………………………………………………… • Write true ( T ) or false ( F ) : ( 30 marks )
• Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to
complete the following : ( 30 marks ) 6. Zimbabwe’s capital city is Gweru.
7. You can see the wild life by riding a horse or on
1. In the past, people went into ………. routes for
trade. the back of an elephant.
a- safe b- unsafe c- lovely 8. We take a bus to go to the wonderful Victoria
2. The demand for silk created this ……….
between East and West. Falls.
a- connection b- destruction c- desert ……………………………………………….
3. People exchanged silk and spices for silver,
…………… stones, gold and horses. • Answer the following questions : ( 20 marks )
a- inexpensive b- cheap c- valuable
………………………………………………............. 9. Where is the game park?
• Choose two of the underlined words in the
10. What does the African name for the Victoria
text to suit their definitions below:
( 20 marks ) Falls mean?
4. a person who buys and sells goods
5.costing a lot of money
‫يتبــــع في الصفحــــة الثانيـــــة‬
‫) شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 5) ‫نموذج امتحاني ثاني‬ ) ‫( الصفحة الثانية‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

C: Read the following sentences and choose the G-Choose the correct tense between brackets:
correct answer: ( 40 marks ) ( 50 marks )
26. A bank clerk usually ( is working , works ) in a
11. In the past, most letters were typed ( on , in ) bank.
machines. 27. The post has just ( arrived , been arriving).
12. here is a famous rally called ( the , a ) Paris- Maybe there’s a letter for you
Dakar rally.
28. I ( have waited , have been waiting ) for you
13. I’ve lived here ( since ,for ) fourteen years.
14. He’s Syrian. ( isn't he , hasn't he ) ? all morning
29. The Egyptians ( build , built ) the ancient
D-Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to pyramids
complete the following dialogue : ( 40 marks ) 30. Nowadays, basketball ( is played , was played )
all over the world.
15. Bana : What …………your father do ? H-Complete the following dialogues :
a-has b- is c- does • Write the questions : ( 30 marks )
16. Anas : He is a fisherman. His job is one of
the ……… dangerous jobs in the world. 31.Nour: ………………………………….?
a- most b- more c- less Tony: My uncle was on holiday in Scotland.
17. Bana : ……… the fishermen work? 32. Nour : ………………………………...?
a- How long b- How c- How many Tony : He went with his wife .
18.Anas : They work long hours……... stormy seas. 33. Nour : ………………………………..?
a- at b- on c- in Tony : They arrived home last week.
E-Write the missing words in each space:
( 30 marks ) • Write the answers : ( 20 marks )
19. The water in the ocean is heated ………the sun.
20. Tsunamis ……… huge killer waves. Hani : How do you usually go to school?
21. Hurry up! You’ve been talking on the phone 34.Ruba :……………………………
for ………….. hour! Hani : What do you do at the weekend?
_________________________________________ 35. Ruba :……………………………….
F-Complete each item in column (A) with the
correct choice from column (B) : ( 40 marks )
I-Write a (50 ) word composition about ONE of
A B the following topics : ( 50 marks )
22. The children a) badly damaged
Topic one: Write about a visit you have made to an
23. The gas and ash b) from the top of the interesting place.
24. Some people were c) can blow all over Topic two: Write about a job you would like to do.
hurt the globe.
25. The climbers were d) left the door open
e) by the molten rock.

‫انتهــــت األســـــئلة‬
‫ )شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 6 (‫نموذج امتحاني أول‬
) ‫( الصفحة األولى‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

A-Read the following text then do the tasks below B-Read the following text then do the tasks below

Yang Lei is fifteen years old. She is a student at a Some psychologists have identified three

large secondary school in Beijing, China. Like many elements to happiness – having pleasures in life,

of the students, Yang Lei lives in a suburb quite a using your strengths in a positive way and having a

long way from the school, and travels there by spiritual life. Happiness is good for your health. You

bicycle. School starts at 7.00 a.m. and finishes at don’t need to have a lot of money to be happy,

5.00 p.m. Because the students are at school for although living in poverty makes life difficult. But

about ten hours, they start each day with an exercise once you reach a reasonable level of income, more

session. This is a very important part of their daily money doesn’t make you any happier. A chemical

routine. Lunch is at noon in the canteen. It usually called serotonin in our brain contributes to the

consists of rice, meat or fish and noodles. The feeling of happiness. Positive feelings are linked to

students then have 30 minutes of sport – table tennis, more electrical activity on the left side of the brain,

football, basketball are the most popular – followed and negative feelings to the right side. Happy,

by 30 minutes of free time. Many students enjoy .smiling people have more brain activity on the left

going to the library during their free time to read. ................................................................................

• Write true ( T ) or false ( F ) : ( 30 marks )
• Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to 6. If you feel happy, you will probably be healthier
complete the following : ( 30 marks ) and stronger.
7. Rich people are happier than poor people.
1. Yang Le is a student at a………. secondary
8. Positive feelings are linked to more electrical
school in Beijing, China .
a- very small b- small c- big activity on the right side of the brain
2. Yang Lei lives in a suburb quite ………from
the school, ………………………………………………….
a- short way b- far c- near
3. Lunch is …………… in the canteen. • Answer the following questions : ( 20 marks )
a-at middy
b- at two O'clock 9. What are the elements to happiness ?
c- in the afternoon
………………………………………………............. 10. What contributes to the feeling of happiness?
• Choose two of the underlined words in the
text to suit their definitions below:
( 20 marks )
4. communal dining room
5. a residential area outside the city centre.
‫يتبــــع في الصفحــــة الثانيـــــة‬
‫نموذج امتحاني أول( ‪ (Module 6‬شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬
‫( الصفحة الثانية ) ‪‬‬

‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة )‬
C: Read the following sentences and choose the G-Choose the correct tense between brackets:
correct answer: ( 40 marks ) ( 50 marks )
26. I( bought, buy ) a new shirt a few weeks ago
11. I saw you in ( the, a ) shopping centre. 27. He always ( plays , is playing ) tennis on
12.Helen forgot to water the plants, ( so , and ) they Saturdays,’
died. 28. If we practised more often, we ( would win ,
13. Keep( ideas , secrets) that your friends tell you. will win ) more matches.
14. I read ( many , much ) different kinds of books. 29. I wish I ( remember , remembered ) my keys.
30. Eman said that she ( live , lived ) in Damascus.
H-Complete the following dialogues :
D-Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to
• Write the questions : ( 30 marks )
complete the following dialogue : ( 40 marks )

15.Ahmad : ……….. are you learning ? 31. Nasser: ……………………………..?

a -What b- Where c- when Ram: My best friend is Ghassan.
16. Omar : We are learning …………Japan
a-about b- on c-in 32. Nasser: ……………………………..?
17. Ahmad :What ……..…Japanese usually have for
breakfast ?
Ram: He is tall with brown eyes .
a- did b- have c- do 33. Nasser: ………………………………?
18. Omar: they have traditional Japanese breakfast .
They eat with ……….. families. . Ram: He lives in Lattakia.
a- their b- them c- theirs ……………………………………………………….
E-Write the missing words in each space:
( 30 marks ) • Write the answers : ( 20 marks )
19. Jenny is worried ………... her sister isn’t
studying hard enough. Katy : What kind of books do you like reading?
20. I don’t have my umbrella. It………. raining. 34. Sam : ………………………………..
21. Salwa works very hard ……. school. Katy: When do usually read ?
35. Sam : ……………………………….
F-Complete each item in column (A) with the
correct choice from column (B) : ( 40 marks )
I-Write a (50 ) word composition about ONE of
A B the following topics : ( 50 marks )
22. I am sorry for a) makes you feel
Topic one: Write about what you enjoy doing most.
23. he is doing a project b) I see a beautiful
24. Communicating c) I’m really excited
Topic two: Write a description of a friend of yours
with people

25. I feel happy when d) on volcanoes this

e) forgetting to
phone you.’


‫انتهــــت األســـــئلة‬
‫ )شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 6 (‫نموذج امتحاني ثاني‬
) ‫( الصفحة األولى‬
) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬

A-Read the following text then do the tasks below B-Read the following text then do the tasks below:

Tareq and Hussein were in an underground passage.

We all listen to people talking, all the time. But how
Hussein heard a strange creaking noise behind him
much do we actually listen, rather than just hear what
and turned around. He could see some sand falling.
someone is saying? Use eye contact to let the
Then suddenly, there was a loud crash, and the
speaker know that you are listening. There’s nothing
passage was filled with sand. Everything went dark,
worse than talking to someone who is looking at
and the boys couldn’t breathe easily ..An hour later,
someone else in the room, or at something else more
the sandstorm began to die down, and the search for
interesting! Don’t feel you have to respond too
the lost boys started again. Mr Hammad, Nadia and
quickly. Sometimes a speaker needs time to organise
the security guard were driving through the streets
his or her ideas. Interruptions from the listener make
of the ancient city when Nadia saw two shapes in
this difficult. And sometimes a speaker just wants
the distance. It was Tareq and Hussein! They drove
someone to listen, not to say anything at all. Be
up to the boys and got them into the car. They were
sensitive. Know when to respond and when to be
very happy to see each other.
silent. Show the speaker you are listening by being
involved in the conversation.
• Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to
complete the following : ( 30 marks )
• Write true ( T ) or false ( F ) : ( 30 marks )

1. Tareq and Hussein were in an underground ……

a- city b- path c- motorway
6. It is better to talk to someone who is looking at
2. An hour later, the sandstorm began to …….. someone else in the room
a- stop b- become stronger c- start 7. Sometimes a listener just wants someone to
3. They were very ………. to see each other. 8. You should Know when to respond and when
a- worried b- sad c- glad to be silent .
• Choose two of the underlined words in the ………………………………………………….
text to suit their definitions below:
( 20 marks ) • Answer the following questions : ( 20 marks )

4. someone whose job is to protect a place or people. 9. What does sometimes the speaker need ?

5. unusual and unexpected,or difficult to understand:

10. Why should you be sensitive ?
‫يتبــــع في الصفحــــة الثانيـــــة‬
‫( شهادة التعليم األساسي واإلعدادية الشرعية‬Module 6 ( ‫نموذج امتحاني ثاني‬ ) ‫( الصفحة الثانية‬

) ‫( انتبه إلى رقم السؤال بحيث يتطابق مع رقم الجواب و ال تنقل صيغة السؤال إلى و رقة اإلجابة‬
C: Read the following sentences and choose the G-Choose the correct tense between brackets:
correct answer: ( 40 marks ) ( 50 marks )
26. We usually ( lost , lose ) our matches.
11. ( Lose , Share) your things with your friend. 27. If I( had , have ) a radio, I would listen to
12. I eat too ( many , much ) sweet cakes everyday the news in the morning.
13. My friend Ghada is going to Russia ( on , in )
28. I ( am meeting , was meeting ) my friends in
a study tour next week
14. I’ve ( just , yet ) seen Karim. the shopping centre this afternoon.
29. He told me that he usually ( eat , ate ) rice
D-Choose the right answer ( a , b or c ) to for breakfast
complete the following dialogue : ( 40 marks ) 30. I wish I ( played , play) football for my
national team
15. Mona: I travelled on a trip ……..Australia.
a- to b- in c- at H-Complete the following dialogues :
16. Sami: …………. did the flight take? • Write the questions : ( 30 marks )
a-Where b- How long c- How far
17. Mona: It took about 15 hours, it ………. a direct 31. Leen: ……………………………..?
a- has b- is c- was Taj: I am worried because my sister isn’t
18. Sami: What did you visit ……….? studying hard enough.
a- their b- there c- them 32. Leen: ……………………………..?
Taj: She spends time playing on the
E-Write the missing words in each space: computer.
( 30 marks ) 33. Leen: ………………………………?
19. ……… best thing about books is that there are
so many of them! Taj: No, her exam results are not very good.
20. If he ate more fruit …… vegetables, he wouldn’t ……………………………………………………….
be so unhealthy.
21. I always play tennis ……. Saturdays. • Write the answers : ( 20 marks )
F-Complete each item in column (A) with the Dina: What does your father like ?
correct choice from column (B) : ( 40 marks ) 34. Sandra: ………………………………..
A B Dina: When does he start work ?
22. I don’t have my a) I saw some smoke 35. Sandra: ……………………………….
jacket coming from a house.
23. Your body needs b)who are not really I-Write a (50 ) word composition about ONE of
friends the following topics : ( 50 marks )
24. Misfortune shows c) I wouldn’t play
you those computer games Topic one: What makes you feel happy.
25. When I was going d) and I’ve lost my
to school, old one. Topic two: What makes a true friend?
e)the correct balance
of vitamins

‫انتهــــت األســـــئلة‬

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