Adv 210520242

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(Department of Civil Ilngineering)
Dated: 1910512024
Applications are invited from Indian nationals only for project position(s) as per the details given below for the
,e-rcarch projcct(s) undcr thc Principal investigator (Narnc: Dr. Sonalisa Ray), Dept. Civil Engineering, lndian
lnstitute of Technology, Roorkee.
l. 'l'1te of projeci: From cradle to commercialization scaling up and validation of AgWACFI in the
construction industry.
2. Sponsor of the project: NBCC (lndia) Limited
3. Projcct position(s) and number: Junior llescarch Fellow (JRF),01 (One)
I. Qualifications: B.Tech in Civil Enginccring and M.Tech dcgrce in Structural Engineering/equivalent
specialization. Candidates awaiting results for the 4'r'semester of the Master's program are also eligible
to apply. Candidates must have a qualified GA'IE exam'
'l'echnology, Cement
It. Candidates with exposure and interest in Structural llngineering, Concrete
chcmistry, Matcrial tcsting, Matcrial Charactcrization, and knowlcdgc of expcrimcntal work will bc
given prcf'erence.
4. Emoluments: Rs. 37,000 Per month
5. Duration: 2 years
(t. .lob description:'l'his project is a continuation of the first phase of our project for the successful proof-
of-concepi developmeni bf an Agriculture-derived, cost-effective Concrete Ilardening Accelerator
(AgWA€H). T'he project aims to .nhun.. the production capabilities and improve the mechanical and
auraUllty performances of the calcium-silicatc-hyclrate nanocrystal-based concrete hardening
accelerator (AgWACH) to carcr to the demand tbr full-scale application and subsequent
commercialization. 'fhe nature of the work would be experimental.
1. Candidates, before appearing tbr the intcrview, shall cnsurc that they are cligtblc for the
position thcy intcnd to
. candidates desiring to appear tbr the interview .should subrnit their applications with the following
documents to the office of the Principal Investigator through email only as a single PDF file
in the
following order on or before 26'r' May 2024.
o Application witlr detailed CV including chronological discipline oldegree/certiflcates obtained.
. Attested copies of degree/certificate, mark sheets and relevant experience certificate (research and industrial
documents at the
8. Candidates shall bring along with them the originat degree(s)/certificate(s) and other related
time of interview/joining tbr verification.
9. The interview will be held in ONLINE mode.
l0 Preferencc will be given to SC/ST candidates on equal qualifications and experience'
l1 Pleasc note that no TA/DA is adrnissible for attending the interview.

Notc: The selected candidate may get an opportunity for PhD admission. once
the project is over' the
candi4atc may be considered for an institute assistantship as per Institute
The application is ro be submitred by c-mail to thc principal investigator by 12.00 Noon,26th May 2024"-l-he
minimunr eligibility criteria
rnceting link will be shared through enrail to the applied cadiclates who qualify the
as mcntioned above bcfore 10.00 AM. 27't'May 2024'
'l'he rvalk-in interview will be conducted in online on 27'h tl'4ay 2024,03.00 PM onwards'
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. -. *,, ...i '1
(Sonalisa Ray)
'1's1; 285671
+91 1332
Email: Namc and signatur!' of principal Investigator
Roorkcc wcbsitc, and a copy rnay bc scnt to appropriate addresses by PI
for widcr
*To bc uploadcd on thc II'f

+d sRrc)

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