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Technovision 2023

Participant’s Guidelines

Date Time Event

8th June 2023 09:00 AM - 10:00 All participants to report in Bangalore or Mumbai
AM Office (except remote participants)

8th June 2023 09:00 AM - 11:00 Breakfast


8th June 2023 10:30 AM All teams along with their remote team mates are
connected over Slack/Zoom/Google Meet

8th June 2023 10:30 AM Bijal to address the floor

Sourish to set guidelines

8th June 2023 10:45 AM Mentors and leads to ensure all teams are settled to
kick start the event

8th June 2023 11:00 AM Hackathan begins

8th June 2023 04:30 PM 1st Pulse Check

8th June 2023 09:30 PM 2nd Pulse Check

9th June 2023 02:30 AM 3rd Pulse Check

9th June 2023 07:00 AM 4th Pulse Check

9th June 2023 12:00 PM 5th Pulse Check

9th June 2023 07:00 PM Final check - preparing for closure

9th June 2023 21:00 PM Hackathan ends


We are conducting the hackathon to foster innovation, collaboration, and creativity within our
company. The hackathon provides a dedicated platform for our Product and Engineering teams to
explore new ideas, solve complex problems, and push the boundaries of technology. By bringing
together diverse minds and skillsets, we aim to inspire breakthrough solutions that can enhance
our products, improve customer experiences, and drive business growth. This intensive,
time-bound event encourages teamwork, learning, and out-of-the-box thinking, creating an
environment where participants can showcase their talents, challenge themselves, and
contribute to the continuous advancement of our organization.

By the end of this hackathon, the goal is for the teams to develop a solution that is ready to be
implemented in production or undergo stress testing before integrating it into Netcore’s
ecosystem or a potential candidate for future roadmap.

Code of conduct

● All participants are to reach offices (Mumbai and Bangalore) on or before 09:00 AM,
Thursday 8th June 2023.
● The respective Team Leads must ensure that their team members are settled in one of
the designated areas inside the office premises with remote team members (if any)
connected with them over Zoom/Google Meet etc.
● Individuals can carry some of their personal essential items per their needs as we
understand it’s a 36-hour event.

Team formation

● Around 5 to 7 members per team. The maximum team size is 8.

● The teams have been created to ensure we have participants from diverse groups with a
mix of skills and backgrounds.
● It’s every individual's responsibility to actively participate in group tasks.
● If you feel you are lacking a specific skill within your team and you need help, the Group
mentors can be approached to get adequate help for you.

Remote participation

● Participants joining remotely should get hooked into their system and team over Google
Meet or Zoom sharp by 9:30 AM on 8th June 2023.

Office stay

● Participants attending the event from the office will have to continue in their respective
office premises until the end of the event i.e. from 9 AM 8th June till 9 PM 9th June. In
the event of any personal emergency, the participants can reach out to their respective
Group mentors or administrative person for any help.

Breaks and Rest

● We encourage participants to take short breaks periodically to take rest, recharge, and
maintain their well-being.
● Tea, Coffee, and other refreshments will be arranged in some specific designated areas
inside the office premises.

Collaboration tools

● Slack, Zoom, or Google Meet for voice/video calls.

● Separate Gitlab REPOs will be created in advance of the event for every team. It’s
expected that team members will collaborate with each other across locations by
checking their respective codes in Gitlab.

Task allocation

● Every team will have a Team Lead. Team members should nominate their own lead.
● Once a topic has been picked, it’s the Team Lead’s responsibility to assign roles and
responsibilities among their members based on individual strength and expertise.
● Team Leads will ensure that the tasks are distributed efficiently so that everybody has an
opportunity to contribute.

Interim pulse checks

● There will be interim pulse checks to be done by Group Mentors or Jury Members. The
team lead should present the team’s progress during this pulse check though we
encourage every individual to represent their team in the best possible manner.
● It’s the team lead’s responsibility to ensure the progress is updated in a centralized
place - there is a dashboard that will be continuously updated with this status.

Judging criteria

The judgment will be based on the following parameters. We will share a template which every
team should follow while presenting their solution. It’s best if you can plan all your tasks from
the beginning based on the sections outlined in the template.

● Innovation and Creativity

● Collaboration and Teamwork
● Functionality and Technical Execution
● Impact and Value
● Completion and Progress
● Overall Impression

Support and mentoring

● Group Mentors will be available for the entire duration of the event across 2 different
locations. They can be approached by any team seeking guidance.

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