Leadership and Influence

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It is well known fact that Leadership is something every organization needs for

success, it’s based on making the most of the skills of team members by arousing
their desire and their conviction in the vision articulated by the leader in order to
achieve the targeted objectives and goals, Therefore, influencing is one of the core
leadership skills, and I am well aware that it can produce results that authority
cannot do because, authority is resisted but influence is accepted.
I have already had the opportunity to use my leadership and influence skills,
whether in my academic activities and projects within my engineering school or
rather in my extracurricular activities, two evidence.
First, in the first year of the engineering cycle. our teacher from the creativity tools
module asked us to divide into 4 groups of engineering students to work on tasks
and projects together, and I was chosen as the leader of the team thanks to my
activities and achievements that I have already worked in the science clubs of our
school as a project manager. I was always listening to the members to identify the
skills of each of them in order to put the right person in the right place, which
allowed me to build a very good team motivated to follow the instructions of the
work. respecting the proposed schedule. Sometimes we go through the worst
situations but their self-confidence gives me the ability to make the right decisions,
and fortunately we were able to design and carry out interesting projects which
allowed us to be selected to represent our school in the national competition.
engineering schools, in which we carried out a project for a fully connected smart
home that won second prize among 15 projects.
Second, at the beginning of the 2nd year engineering cycle, the management of the
APP INN SCIENCES club needs a new team, I was among the candidates to take a
skills test, this test was in the form of the famous game called WEREWOL. The
more you have a better score in this game the more you can have a high status in
the club, and the possibility of winning this game depends on your ability to
convince others to trust you, whether you are right or not. The game is repeated in
three times, and by the end i had a very good score thanks to my ability to influence
and the ability to have an effect on behavior of other players, which allowed me to
be the project manager and the trainer within the club, which opened doors for me
to further enrich my competence in leadership and the art of influence.
In conclusion, I can personally say that leadership means showing courage and
sometimes making the tougher decisions, but also with integrity and foresight.

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