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Act 1:

Opening Scene
Establishing the Friend Group. Zuko, Lihle, Buhle, and Lerato are getting ready to go
out, showcasing their friendship dynamics.
Lihle’s Abusive Relationship: Lihle argues with her boyfriend in the car, revealing the
toxic nature of their relationship.
Antagonist Introduction: Briefly show the antagonist’s face in the crowd of students.

Inciting Incident
The group arrives at the party. Lihle and her boyfriend are tense. Buhle gets frustrated
with Kele receiving more attention and leaves her alone. Lerato ensures Kele has a
ride home and shares her live location before leaving. Zuko departs with other friends,
while Lihle's boyfriend drags her out of the party.

Act 2:
Rising Action
Kele’s Disappearance: Buhle is woken up by a call from Kele's mother about Kele's
whereabouts. Buhle lies, claiming Kele is sleeping.
The friends meet at the clubhouse to discuss Kele’s absence. They check her last
known location, which is inactive, causing panic.
The group questions people on campus who were at the party. Ideas to print posters
and contact the police are debated and dismissed. Ultimately, they go to the police, but
the authorities dismiss their concerns due to the 24-hour rule.

The group realizes the severity of Kele’s disappearance. Kele’s mother’s calls
intensify the pressure. The group spends Saturday in vain attempts to locate her.
On Sunday, Kele’s mother calls Buhle, revealing Kele’s death. The group is stunned
into silence and grief.

Buhle, driven by guilt, isolates herself and goes on a relentless search for Kele’s
murderer. Her emotional unavailability strains her friendships.
The group confronts Buhle about her unhealthy behavior. Emotions flare, leading to
-Lerato reveals her own unresolved rape trauma.
- Lihle’s abusive relationship is exposed.
- Zuko’s privilege and newfound activism against GBV come to light.

Act 3:
The group, now united and emotionally open, collaborates effectively to find Kele's
murderer. They leverage social media, posting about Kele's disappearance and seeking
information. They receive a crucial video showing Kele getting into the antagonist's
With video evidence in hand, the group approaches the police again. The combination
of social media pressure and the clear evidence prompts a renewed investigation.

The police, with social media support, identify and arrest Thomas Nkosi, a 23-year-
old student. The news of his arrest spreads, and he is formally charged with Kele's
rape and murder.

Lerato publicly outs her rapist on social media, receiving overwhelming support and
starting her journey towards healing.
Lihle, with Buhle, Zuko, and campus security's support, confronts her abusive
boyfriend and ends the relationship, reclaiming her autonomy.

Buhle and her friends join a public protest against GBV outside their campus, standing
with other victims and survivors. The protest highlights the broader issue of gender-
based violence and the community's commitment to fighting it.
The news covers Thomas Nkosi's conviction and sentencing. The final scenes show
the group of friends, Kele's family, and other students watching/listening to the news,
experiencing a mix of relief and sorrow.

The story concludes with the friends standing together at the protest, a powerful
symbol of their solidarity and commitment to justice for Kele and all GBV victims.
This final image of unity and strength underlines the film's message about the
importance of community support and activism in the face of tragedy.

Character Arcs and Themes

Buhle: Overcomes her emotional unavailability by opening up to her friends and

allowing herself to grieve, realizing that she doesn't have to carry the burden alone.
Lerato: Finds her voice and strength by sharing her story and advocating for herself
and others.

Lihle: Gains the courage to leave her abusive relationship, finding support in her

Zuko: Transforms from a privileged bystander to an active advocate against

GBV, recognizing the gravity of the issue firsthand.

Friendship and Solidarity: The importance of supporting each other through trauma
and hardship.

Justice and Advocacy: The collective effort needed to seek justice and bring
awareness to social issues.
Personal Growth: The journey of facing one's vulnerabilities and becoming stronger

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