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iE ICH VY TAI KHOAN GH] KIEM HOP DONG su’ [ANH TOAN, THE Gi BIEN TU pplication cum con ing services Current account, debit card, e-banking (enh cho Khdch hang 6 nhan/For ne ap dng/ Contract No M8 khdch h A. THONG TIN KHACH HANG/CUSTOMER'S INFORMATION Hv evruinane PHAM XUAN TRING Ha Na 2B /0F (4992 Nov sive Vitk Nom emnoiio car 46 chiéu/Passp In cute cong dan/Resident - ES so BE seo aN : Hoa Yhowk, Gude Sat, Her Mi. Sina Bomanstcceies — Mapate ) Mapaebiqus RE = ———— Ki r 8, RANG It MGT! KHOAN THANH TOAN, THE GH NG, NGAN HANG DIEN TU/ACCOUNT, DEBIT CARD, €-BaNAiNG Toi dng ¥ dang ky cdc dich vu sou/ | agre registering services hereby: ‘TAI KHOAN THANH TOAN ("TKTT'/ CURRENT ACCOUNT (TTT?) Logi TKTT/Type of Account: V/TKTT Thong thutmg/ Curent account Khac/Other ‘TKTT s6 dep/Beoutful occount, S6/No. Logi tién t#/currency: = VND YUSD—_Khde/Other THE GHI NOY DEBIT CARD (a0 96m tinh nang thanh tog trén phon tin dién t/ Includes payment feature in the electronic channel ‘Active Plus Visa debit (Hang Chusin/Standard) Tenaya be n6l ttn thi: Moc ci tan chi tht Is ten by dco KH tpi mye A ve ti da 23 ky ty (gm c& Khodng {réna\/Princpal cardholder name embossed on card: he default username willbe fll name of Customer stotedin the Sect a ode ne 23 charocters including blank) Hin thie hn thé/ Card receipt method: Tol May Arma ‘Qua chuyén phat/ovu dién, dia chi (Chi ép dyng vat thé Visa debit” Via cowre/ posta sevice, address (only For Visa debt card) INGAN HANG BIEN TU (MB BIEN TUY/E- BANKING (MB E-BANKING) .V/B00 96m ede dich vy sou/Including services follows: SMS BANKING: Mc dinh s6 dign thogi cia khéch héng (1/Default Mobile numberof customers) POCERNET BANKING, MOBILE BANKING: Géi Advance (Sy di tinh ning dich wy, bao gém cé dich vu tin dung tye tay’ Advance ‘Package ul featured sevice sincluding online credit extension have) ‘Ten dng nhgp (ti thigu 6 ky tul/ User mame Minimum of 6 characters INéa Qui Kndch khng lve chon ten dng nhgp thi tén dong nhgp moe dinh sé la: MB ) [the Customer doesnot select a user name, the defout user name wil be: MB

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