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Organ of
The American Association for the History of Medicine
The Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine

Founded by Henry E. Sigerist

Editor — Lloyd G, Stevenson
Assistant Editor — Janet B. Koudelka


George W. Corner Genevieve Miller
Saul Jarcho Thomas B. Turner
Esmond R. Long A. Earl Walker


Copyright, 1973 by the Johns Hopkins University Press


American Doctors and the Parisian Medical World, 1830-1840:

Russell M. Jones . 40, 177
Women, Menstruation, and Nineteenth-Century Medicine: Vern
Bullough and Martha Voght . 66
Erasmus’ Medical Milieu: Peter Krivatsy . 113
The Effects of the 1918 Pandemic of Influenza on the Maori Popu¬
lation of New Zealand: D. I. Pool . 273

Andersonville — A Southern Surgeon’s Story: James O. Breeden 317

Evidence of Marijuana Use in Ancient Greece and Rome? The
Literary Evidence: Theodore F. Brunner . 344
The Growth of Harvey’s De Motu Cordis: Jerome J. Bylebyl. 427
Edward Bliss Foote: Pioneer American Advocate of Birth Control:
Vincent J. Cirillo . 471
Editorial: Pagel Festschrift . 543
Osier’s Practice: George T. Harrell . 545
Galen on Coans versus Cnidians: Wesley D. Smith . 659

American Association for the History of Medicine

Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting
Presidential Address: Joseph M. Toner (1825-1896) as a Medical
Historian: Whitfield J. Bell, Jr . 1
Report of the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada,
May 3-6, 1972 . 25
The Making of an Eclectic Physician: Joseph M. McElhinney and
the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati: Ronald L.
Numbers . 155
The Uses and Abuses of Opiates in Nineteenth-Century England:
Elizabeth Lomax . 167
The Medical Profession in a New Society, Rochester, New York
(1811-60): Edward C. Atwater . 221
Comparisons and Contrasts Between the Early Arsphenamine and
Early Antibiotic Periods: Harry F. Dowling . 236
The William Osier Medal Essay: A Conflict of Professions: The
Medical Missionary in China, 1835-1890: Theron Kue-Hing
Young . 250

Science and Metaphor in the Medicine of Restoration England:

Peter H. Niebvl . 356

The Hospice of the Paris College of Surgery (1774-1793): “A

Unique and Invaluable Institution”: Toby Gelfand 375
An Account of the Foxglove in America: J. Worth Estes . 394
Tracadie and Penikese Leprosaria: A Comparative Analysis of
Societal Response to Leprosy in New Brunswick, 1844-1880,
and Massachusetts, 1904-1921: Philip A. Kalisch . 480
The Folk Practice of Gynecology and Obstetrics in the Middle
Ages: Lucille B. Pinto . 513

Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting

The Fielding H. Garrison Lecture: In Praise of Amateurs: Medi¬
cal History in America before Garrison: Genevieve Miller 586
Report of the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, May
2-5, 1973 . 616
Texts and Documents

Letters of a Frontier Doctor: Jack Nortrup . 83

Galen’s “On the Best Constitution of Our Body,” Introduction,
Translation, and Notes: Robert J. Penella and Thomas
S. Hall . 282
The Berlin Correspondence in the JAMA During the Hitler Regime:
Harry Bloch . 297

Notes and Comments

Cardiac Catheterization: A Historical Note: N. Howard Jones . . 524

Medico-Historical News and Activities
Correspondence and Reports:
Dorothy Schullian’s Retirement (Max H. Fisch) . 91
Retirement of F. N. L. Poynter, Director of the Wellcome In¬
stitute of the History of Medicine (Lloyd G. Stevenson) 205
Alpha Omega Alpha Program of Audiovisual Memoirs of Lead¬
ers in American Medicine (John Z. Bowers) . 409
The New Director of the Wellcome Institute of the History of
Medicine (Lloyd G. Stevenson) . 527
Johns Hopkins Centenary (Janet B. Koudelka) . 633
Announcements . 97, 207, 306, 414, 529, 634
Book Reviews . ...102,211,309,417,532, 637
Contributors to this Number . . 112, 220, 316, 425, 540, 645
Index of Names — Volume XLVII . 647

PagmatioH according to numbers:

No. 1 (January-February) 1-112
No. 2 (March-April) 113-220
No. 3 (May-June) 221-316
No. 4 (July-August) 317-42S
No. S (September-October) 427-S40
No. 6 (November-December) 542-661

Abraham, 506 .Andral, Gabriel, 64, 177, 178, 183,

Ackerknecht, Erwin H., 43, 44, 51, 213 184, 185, 187, 188, 192, 194, 195,
Adand, Henry, 256 196, 198
Actuarius, 133 .\ngelus, John, 142
.\dams, 85 Anglebermus, Petrus, 130, 131
Adolph of Burgundy, 132 Anglin, T. W., 510
Adrianus, Matthaeus, 135 Annan, Gertrude L., 615
Aeschylus, 585 Antoninus, Joannes, 115, 117, 143,
Aiinius, Henricus, 137, 138, 139 144, 149
Agassiz, Louis, 494 Anylan, William G., 219
Agge, Augustinus, 133 Apollo, 578
Agricola, Georg, 143, 144, 145 Appleton, 19
Agricola, Johann, 150 Appleton, Nathaniel Walker, 398, 399
Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cor¬ Apsyrtus, 348, 351
nelius, 148, 149 Archigenes, 356
Ainsley, 85 Argent, 442, 445, 449
Albert, Archbishop of Mainz, 153 Ariston, 580, 581
Albertus Magnus, 518 Aristotle, 67, 151, 282, 283, 286, 289,
Albinus, 15 358,365,366,368, 570
Albucasis, 423 Artemis, 516
Alcmaeon of Croton, 284 Asbell, Milton B., 217-218
Aldus, 115 Aschoff, Ludwig, 305
Alibert, 190 Asclepius, 578
Alison, W. P., 265, 588 Ashhurst, John, 597
Allbutt, T. Clifford, 613 Ashmead, William, 43
Allen, Ebenezer, 1 Athenaeus, 348
Allen, P. S., 115, 116, 132, 146 Atkinson, William B., 608
Amerbach, Basil, 142 Atwater, Edward C., 221-235, 313-314,
Amerbach, Bonifac, 142 316
Ammonius, 133
Aub, Joseph C., 109-110
Amussat, Jean, 62, 177, 181, 190, 196 Auerbach,
153 Heinrich Stromer von, 152,
Anaximenes, 288, 289
Anderson, J. E., Ill Augustine, Saint, 136
Anderson, Rufus, 254, 255 Austin, Anne L., 106-108

* This index comprises the names of contributors as well as names in the text of original
articles and titles of books reviewed, to the exclusion of bibliographies, reports, announce¬
ments, and similar materials.



Automedon, 348 Benison, Saul, 410, 616

Aznar, Bias, 645 Berman, Edgar, 81
Berman, Lorenz, 145
Baas, Hermann, 591, 592, 593 Bernabeo, Raffaelo, 315
Babineau, Rev., 500, 510 Bernard, Claude, 359
Babret, Jean-Pierre, 190 Bernard, Leon,
Berselius, 135 214-215
Bach, J. S., 544
Bache, Franklin, 9 Bertram, 298
Bacon, Francis, 116 Bichat, ^vier, 15, 54, 200
Bichel, 300
Baglivi, Georgio, 360, 374
Bailey, Hamilton, 645 Bickel, Marcel H., 315
Baillarger, Jules, 190 Bierlaire, F., 142
Baillie, Matthew, 539 Bigelow, Henry J., 23, 24, 199, 595
Baldwin, Henry W., 483, 484 Bigelow, Jacob, 22, 23, 24, 45
Balfour, John Hutton, 265, 267 Biggs, Noah, 364
Ball, James Moores, Jr., 601, 609 Billings, John Shaw, 18, 24, 590, 591,
Bard, 15 595, 596, 599, 600, 602, 60S, 607,
Barker, Lewellys, 560 609,61284
Bartlett, Elisha, 15, 22, 42, 52, 53, 55,
Bishop, W. J., 205
56, 177
Bartlett, Josiah, 12 Black, Joseph, 423
Blackball, James, 484
Barton, Benjamin Smith, 16, 401, 615
Baruch, Simon, 614 Blackwell, Elizabeth, 69
Bassett, John Young, 45, 63, 184, 194 Blandin, Philippe-Frederic, 198
Batt, James, 119, 128, 129 Bleichr5der, Fritz, 524, 525
Baumann, E. D., 142 Bleker, Johanna, 111
Bayard, Robert, 486 Bloch, Harry, 297-305, 316
Bloch, Marc, 1 1 1
Bayle, Antoine Laurent, 198
Beach, Wooster, 156 Blount, William, 114
Boas, 303
Beals, Charles, 495
Beaumont, William, IS, 609, 610 Bockoven, J. Sanboume, 423
B6cavin, Georges, 604 Boerhaave, Hermann, IS, 16, 375, 377
Boerio, Bernard, 131
Beck, Ann, 108-109
Boerio, Giovanni Baptista, 124, 131,
Beck, John B., 1, 602
B^lard, 51 132

Beddoes, Thomas, 407, 408 Boerio, John, 131

Bedford, Gunning S., 199 Bond, Catherine Goodenough, 474
Beecher, Abraham C. W., 599 Boner, Severin, 149
Beeton, Isabella, 168, 170 Bonner, T. N., 44

Bell, Jacob, 176 ... Booth, Christopher C., 105-106

Bordenave, Toussaint, 380

Jr., 1-24, ^ 112, 594 Bostock, John, 588, 591

Bell, Luther V.,J.,22
Bell, Whitfield
Bellefeville, Rev., 482 Bouillaud, Jean-Baptiste, 177, 183,
Benatt, A. J., 524 185, 198
Benedetti, Alessandro, 142 Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll, 23, 24, 187,
Benedict, Judge, 474 189, 194, 195, 196, 199, 200, 201,
Benedum, J., 219 203

Bowditch, N. I., S96 Camac, C. N. B., 539, 610

Bowers, John Z., 219, 409-413, 425 Cambridge, Duke of, 262
Bowers, Roy A., 315 Camerarius, 113
Boyle, Robert, 360, 361, 362, 363, 366, Canevarius, Demetrius, 599
367,370,371 Canterbury, Archbishop of, 262
Boylston, ^bdiel, 12, 22 Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius, 131
Brady, John K., 15 Carlyle, Thomas, 594
Brainerd, Daniel, 13 Carmichael, D. Erskine, 423
Brash, Frederick Edward, 611 Carson, Joseph, 2, 595
Breeden, James O., 317-343, 425 Cartier, Jacques, 482
Bridgman, Elijah, 250 Casembroot, Le<Huird, 144
Brieger, Gert H., 313-314, 533-534, Cash, Philip, 423
640-642 Casper, 525
Brissot, Pierre, 142, 143, 144, 150 Cassoviensis, Johannes Antoninus, 143
Broussais, Francois, 53, 54, 60, 178, Catlin, George, 4
183, 184, 187, 189, 191, 192, 194 Cayol, Jean, 64
Brown H. E., 595 Cazenave, A., 64

Brown, Theodore M., 211-212 Cebus, 131,597,612

Brown, William, 265 Cesalpino, Andrea, 433
Browne, Thomas, 362, 368 Chadwick, James Read, 603
Browning, C. H., 240 Chain, Ernst, 242
Browning, William, 603 Chamberlain, Ruth, 103-104
Brownne, John S., 603 Chapman, Nathaniel, 43
Charles V, 152
; Broiek, Josef, 536-537
i Brunfels, Otto, 141 Chase, Allan, 219
! Brunn, W. von, 539 Chastellux, 16
Brunner, Theodore F., 344-355, 425 Chauliac, Guy de, 215-216
Bruno, Giordano, 116 Chenier, Andre, 16
Cheops, 16
Bryant, William Cullen, 596
Buchanan, Joseph Rodes, 158, 160, Chipman, Norton P., 321, 322
162, 164, 165 Chomel, Auguste Franqob, 54, 60, 177,
Budaeus, William, 132 185, 196
Bullough, Vem, 66-82, 112 Chopart, Frangob, 380, 381, 383, 384,
Burbank, William, 141 387,391-393
Burke, Edmund, 481 Chrbt, 252, 254, 521
Burnet, Macfarlane, 532-534 Chrysostomus, 121
Burrage, Walter L., 19, 608 Church, Benjamin, 396
Burwell, Lewis, 400, 408 Cicero, 148
Butenandt, 301 Cigalino, Francesco, 145
Bylebyl, Jerome J., 427-470, 540 CipoUa, Carlo M., 315
Circius, 144

Cabell, James Lawrence, 61, 186, 194, Cirillo, Vincent J., 471-479, 546
195 Civiale, Jean, 53, 57, 59, 178, 180, 181,
Campbell, John, 15 182, 190, 199
Clamart, 63
Cairns, Hugh, 527
Cajori, Florian, 611 Cbrk, J. Henry, 595
Calcagninus, Coelius, 144 Clarke, Edmund H., 24

1 V

Clarke, Edward H., 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, Cristofano, 315
76, 80, 595 Cmveilhier, 64, 196, 200
Clarke, Edwin, 219, 527-528, 644 Cullen, William, 15, 16
Clarke, Samuel, 374 Cummings, Martin M., 410
Clava, Antony, 136, 137 Curgenven, 174
Clavus, Adrianus, see Clava, Antony
Curran, Jean Alonzo, 102-103, 109-110
Cleaveland, C. H., 160, 164 Cushing, Caleb, 254, 255
Clement, John, 135 Cushing, Harvey, 611
Cloquet, Jules, 177 Custis, John, 397
Clouston, T. S., 72 Cuvier, Georges, 388
Codrington, General, 252
Cognatus, Gilbert, 149 Da Costa, Chalmers, 609
Coiter, Volcher, 436 Dalton, J. C., 596
Colebrooke, William Macbean George, Dalton, John, 424
Daly, R. A., 304
Colet, John, 114, 130 Darrach, William, 43
Colines, Simon de, 146 Darwin, Charles, 451
Collar, William B., 223 Darwin, Erasmus, 399
Colledge, Thomas, 250 Davidson, James, 490
Collinson, Peter, 397 Davis, Nathan Smith, 13, 14, 595, 605
457 Realdo, 433, 434, 435, 438,
Day, Stacey B., 423
Debus, Allen G., 146, 315, 534-536,
Columbus, Christopher, 589
Columella, 352 543, 637-640
Deichraber, Karl, 571, 584
Comegys, Cornelius George, 588, 589, DeLacy, P., 575
590, 591,592,593,615 De Moulin, Daniel, 215-216
Comstock, Anthony, 474 DeNormandie, 7
Conritz, Andrew, 143
Dequeecker, Ida, 309-3 1 1
Conritz, Christopher, 143 Derby, Charles D., 491
Cop, William, 115, 119, 127, 128, 129, Desault, Pierre- Joseph, 380, 381, 386,
131, 137 387,388
Cope, Jackson I., 372 Descartes, 362, 366
Copernicus, 589
Deschamps, Joseph-Franqois, 383
Corbeau, B., 604 Dewey, John, 72
Cordell, Eugene F., 606, 607, 612 Dewhurst, Kenneth, 219, 528
Cordero del Campillo, M., 645 Diana, 516
Corlieu, A., 604 Dickson, Samuel Henry, 200
Cornarius, Janus, 119, 146, 147 Diefenbach, Jean, 59
Cornelia, 75
526 Johann Friedrich, 525,
Comer, Betsy C., 105-106
Comer, George W., Ill Diels, Hermann, 573
Coumand, Andrd Fr6d6ric, 524 Diller, Hans, 584
Cowen, David L., 3 1 5 Dionysus, 579
Coxe, John Redman, 6, 15 Dioscorides, 131, 137, 349, 350, 351,
Craik, James, 16 353
Cranmer, Bishop, 130 Dock, George, 601
Crateuas, 350 Dock, Lavinia, 611

Dolet, £tienne, 113, 148, 151 Etziony, M. B., 423

Euclid, 368
Domagk, G., 237, 301
Domandl, Sepp, 534-536 Euryphon, 572, 573, 574, 576, 577,
Douglass, William, 614 579, 580, 581,582,583
Dowling, Harry F., 236-249, 316 Eve, Paul F., 20
Dragstedt, Lester R., 412
Drake, Daniel, 165, 594, 610 Fabricius of Aquapendente, Hierony¬
Drap>er, Wesley, 615 mus, 444
Dub, Goon S., 492 Faddis, Margene O., 645
Dubois, Antoine, 53, 380, 387 Fallopio, Gabriele, 436
Dubois, Paul, 189 Faraday, Michael, 159
DuBois-Reymond, 600 Fastlicht, Samuel, 217-218
Dubos, Ren6, 539 Ferdinand, 132, 136, 140
Duclaux, Emile, 539 Ferriar, John, 405
Dudley, Benjamin, 45 Ferrus, Guillaume, 190
Durer, 115, 125, 133 Feyfer, 599
Du Laurens, Andre, 443 Ficino, Marsilio, 123
Dulles, Charles Winslow, 605 Fisch, Max H., 91-92, 112
Dunglison, Richard J., 593 Fischer, Georg, 604
Dunglison, Robley, 3, 199, 200, 588 , Fisher, George Jackscm, 19, 595, 597,
Dupouy, Edmond, 604 Fisher, John, 114, 139
Dupuytren, Guillaume, 53, 59, 60, 64 , Fleming, Donald, 465
178,179,180,181,182, 194, 198 Fletcher, Robert, 591, 612
Duvemy, 23 Flexner, Abraham, 166
Flourens, Jean-Pierre-Marie, 590, 591
Ebied,R. Y.,218 Foote, Alfred Herschel, 474
Edelstein, Ludwig, 570, 571 Foote, Edward Bliss, 471-479
Edmunds, Louis, 495 Foote, Edward Bond, 474, 478, 479
Foote, Herschel, 472
Edsall, David Linn, 109-110
Eells, 83, 84 Foote, Hubert T., 474
Egle, William H., 12 Foote, Lucinda, 68
Ehrlich, Paul, 236 237, 238, 240, 241
^ Foote, Pamelia
Foote, 472Townsend, 472
242, 243, 245, 247, 248, 249
Einstein, Albert, 303 Forbush, Bliss, 537-538
Force, Peter, 1 1
Elgood, Cyril, 422
Elizabeth, Saint, 75 Forssman, Werner, 524
Empiricus, Marcellus, 354 Fort, George F., 594
Enders, John H., 412 Foster, Burnside, 605
Engelmann, George J., 73 Foster, Michael, 613
Engels, Friedrich, 169 Fothergill, John, 105-106
Fowle, 499, 500
Ephippus, 348, 351
Ephorin, Anselm, 149 Fracastoro, Girolamo, 122, 442
Francis, 129
Erasistratus, 458
Erasmus, Desiderius, 113-154 Francis 1, 127, 128, 131
Esquirol, Dominique, 57, 190 Francis, John, 115, 119, 120, 140, 141
Estes, J. Worth, 394-^8, 425 Francis, J(An W., 596

Franklin, Benjamin, 472 Gifford, G. Eklmund, 537-538

Freind, John, 594 Gilbert, Creighton, 127
French, John C., 633 Gilles, Peter, 137, 138
Freud, Sigmund, 417-418 Glanvill, Joseph, 362, 363, 364, 367,
Frick, George, 45 368,370,372
Fries, Lorenz, 141 Glaser, Ro^rt J., 412
Froben, 115, 121, 1*3, 145, 146 Glover, John, 10
Froben, Hieronymus, 152 Gocleius, Conrad, 152
Froben, Johann, 152 God, 86, 123, 360, 361, 362, 366, 368,
Fuchs, Leonard, 12* 370,374,442,501,506, 589
Godman, John, 43, 52, 56, 73, 77
Goebbels, Joseph, 303
Galen, 115, 117, 118, 119, 122, 127,
Goes, Damian a, 152
131, 144, 145, 146, 147, 282-296,
349, 350, 351, 356, 357, 359, 363, Gondoin, Jacques, 378
430, 431, 432, 435, 438, 445, 446, Gonell, William, 131
448, 449, 458, 459, 460, 466, 467, Good, J. M., 588
520, 569-585, 587 Goodell, William, 471
Galileo, 315, 589 Gordon, Arthur H., 498
Garcia-Ballester, Luis, 539 Gordon, Robert, 484
Gardiner, 483 Gorton, David Allyn, 610
Gardiner, Silvester, 16 Gould, George M., 603, 610
Garland, W. M., 304 Goupil, Jean Martin Auguste, 199
Garrison, Fielding H., 586-615 Graff, Reinier de, 539
Gaucher, C. P. E., 245 Grainger, A. D., 268
Gauld, William, 259 Grainger, R. D., 171
Gauvreau, Ferdinand, 485, 490, 499, Grant,
Graves, Richard
41 L., 417-418
506, 507
Gray, 89
Gay-Lussac, 61
Gaza, Theodore, 138 Gray, Th., 606
Geddings, Eli, 200 Green, Samuel A., 2, 595
Gehazi, 501 Greene, Copley, 195
Grensemann, Hermann, 572, 583
Gelfand, Toby, 214-215, 375-393, 405
Gellius, Aulus, 351 Grew, Nehemiah, 373
Griffin, Cabin [Corbin], 10
Genevieve, 119, 127, 128
Genner, J., 423 Grob, Gerald N., 216-217, 423
Gross, Samuel David, 2, 10, 24, 550,
Geoffrey St. Hilaire, 61
594, 595,601,608,613
Gerhard, William Wood, 42, 56, 62, Gruenenwald, Caspar, 515
177, 186, 189, 194, 196, 199, 200, Gruenwalt, 515
Grynaeus, Simon, 149
Gesner, Konrad, 116 Gubser, Alfred W., 213
Ghilini, Girolamo, 145 Gu6rin, Jules, 63, 178, 190
Ghiselin, Michael T., 451 Guerini, Vincenzo, 611
Ghysbert, 129 Guersant, L. B., 57, 190
Gibson, William, 180, 181, 182, 185, Guersant, Paul, 190
193, 199 Gulbransen, R., 240
Giere, Ronald, 219 Gurdijian, E. S., Ill

Guthrie, Mrs., 87, 88 Herodotus, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349,

Guthrie, Willard, 88 351,355, 592
Hesiod, 578, 579
Haen, Anton de, 375, 377 Hess, Johann, 142
Hetsch, H., 238
Hale, Enoch, 200
Halford, Henry, 262 Hickel, Erika, 539
Hieron, 348
Hall, G. Stanley, 77, 78
Hildegard of Bingen, 513
Hall, Josephus Wells, 199 Hinsdale, Guy, 41
Hall, Marshall, 171
Hippocrates, 117, 118, 119, 122, 127,
Hall, Thomas B., 420-421
131, 137, 140, 143, 145, 147, 150,
Hall, Thomas S., 282-296, 316
Haller, Albrecht, 613 284, 294, 570, 571, 572, 574, 575,
Ham, T. Hale, 413 576, 577, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583,
Hamameh, Sami K., 645 584, 587, 597
Hamburger, Franz, 300 Hirsch, August, 608
Hirschberg, Julius, 613
Hand, David, 16
Handerson, Henry, 596, 605 Hitler, Adolf, 297-305
Hoeber, Paul, 614
Hannaway, Owen, 637-640
Hansen, G. Armauer, 480 Holbein, 115, 125
Hanson, Thomas, 423 Holbrook, John Edwards, 200
Hollingworth, Leta Stetter, 78
Hapgood, Ruth K., 109-110
Holloway, Lisabeth M., 615
Harford-Battersby, C. F., 257
Harlan, Richard, 45, 51 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 2, 21-24, 46,
Hamer, Michael J., 315 58, 59, 63, 64, 177, 180, 188, 189,
194, 200, 596, 597, 603
Harrell, George T., 545-568, 646
Harris, C. R. S., 219 Holyoke, Edward Augustus, 12, 22,
Harris, James E., 1 1 1 398, 399, 405
Homer, 355
Hart, Ernest, 174
Honeij, James A., 497
Harvey, William, 408, 427-470, 543,
597, 614 Hooke, Robert, 358, 359
Hassall, 170 Hooper, Robert, 194
Hastings, A. Baird, 410, 412 Hopkins, Johns, 633-634
Hayd, Herman, 507 Homer, Edmonds, 44
Homer, W. E., 51
Hays, H. R., 315
Heberden, 7, 15 Homer, William, 199
Helmont, J. B. van, 357, 358, 359, 360, Hosack, David, 16, 43
361, 364, 365, 367, 368, 369, 372, Hough, J<An Stockton, 8, 598, 599,
373, 543 600, 614
Howard, John, 15
Henderson, Henry E., 591, 592, 593
Henderson, James, 260 Howard-Jones, N., 524-528, 540
Henry VII, 131 Howe, Samuel G., 22, 23
Henry of Bergen, 114 Hoyt, J. W., 159
Henzen, 515 Huebner, 242
Hering, Constantine, 601 Huggins, Charles, 412
Herman, Count of Neuraahr, 135 Humphrey, Hubert, 81
Herman, John R., 645 Humphries, S. V., 645
Herman, William, 126, 127 Hundt, Magnus, 599

Hunne, Martin, 143 220 Russell M., 40-65, 112, 177-204,

Hunter, John, 383
Hunter, Thomas, 239, 240 Jones, Walter, 398
Hunter, William, 15 Josephus, 517
Huntington, Albert T., 603 Joyce, Alice C., 615
Hutten, Ulrich von, 122, 134, 135 Juettner, Otto, 594, 610, 613
Huxley, J. S., 303 Julian, 351

Jung, C. G., 154-54

Ilberg, Johannes, 571, 573, 574
Ingram, W. R., 174 Kalisch, Philip A., 480-512, 540
Iversen, Eric, 517 Kalm, Peter, 398
Kalschau, D., 299
Kane, 111
Jackson, Charles Thomas, 22, 47, 61, Karplus, H., 645
Kaufman, Martin, 166
Jackson, Hall, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, Keefer, Chester, 242, 244
399, 405, 407, 408 Keele, K. D., 205
Jackson, J. B. S., 199 Keen, W. W., 601
Jackson, James, Jr., 42, 46, 47, 58, 59, Kellog, John Harvey, 74, 644
60, 62, 63, 64, 183, 184, 185, 186, Kelly, Howard A., 19, 471, 549, 597,
187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193, 194, 601, 604, 607, 608
195, 196, 197, 200, 201, 202 Kerr, George, 487
Jackson, James, Sr., 12, 21, 22, 51, Key, Alexander, 484, 498
King, John, 159
Jackson, Samuel, 43
Jacobi, Abraham, 613 King, Lester S., 421-422
Kitchen, James, 198
Jacobson, Leon O., 412 Klein, Carl H. von, 605, 613, 614
Jaggi, O. P., 645 Koch, Robert, 243
Jahrreiss, Walter O., 213 Kolle, W., 238
Jansen, Henry, 304 Kolmer, John, 238
Janssens, Paul A., 309-3 1 1 Koudelka, Janet B., 615, 633-634
Jarcho, Saul, 309-311 Koyr6, Alexandre, 374
Jarvis, Edward, 216-217 Kremers, Edward, 61 1
Jawetz, E., 240
Krivatsy, Peter, 113-154, 220
Jefferson, Thomas, 408
Jenkins, John Foster, 597, 601 KruU, V., 536-537
Kubie, Lawrence S., 537-538
Jenner, Edward, 15 Kuhn, 350, 587
Jerome, 115
Jervey, James P., 198, 200
Jetter, Dieter, 539 Laan, Leonore M., 108
John of Metzenhausen, 151 LaBellois, Charles, 498
Johnson, William Arthur, 545 La Chapelle, 61
Laennec, 51, 58
Jones, 84
Jones, Gordon W., 219 Lafrance, Stanislas, 484, 487, 498
Jones, I. G., 158 Lake, K., 304
Jones, Joseph, 317-343, 601 Lallemand, Claude-Frangois, 199
Jones, R. F., 356, 372 Lambert, Samuel, 243

La Martiniire, Germain Pichaut de, Lister, Gerard, 134

376, 377, 378, 379, 385, 388, 390 Littr6, Emil, 570, 571, 584, 587
Landi, Ortensio, 151 Lloyd, 615
Landor, John, 412 Lloyd, James, 12,22
Landry, Frances, 486 Lloyd, John Uri, 602
Landry, Isabella, 486 Locke, John, 370, 371
Landry, Ursule, 482, 485, 486 Lockhart, William, 259, 260, 269, 270
Lane, Levi Cooper, 601 Locy, William A., 61 1
LaRoche, Ren6, 44, 52, 53, 55, 56, 184, Lob, W., 524, 525
198 Logan, Thomas M., 200
Larrey, Dominique, 59, 177 Lomax, Elizabeth, 167-176, 220
Lassus, Pierre, 380, 381 Long, Dorothy, 111
Lauden, Laurens, 363, 370 Long, Esmond R., 420-421
Lauderdale, 8 Longfellow, Henry W., 633
Laufer, Berthold, 611 Longshore, Joseph S., 474
Laughlin, H., 304 Lonie, I. M., 572, 573, 574
Laurentia, Giovanni Baptista, 148 Lotzer von Horb, Johann, 147
Laveran, Alphonse, 237 Louis XIV, 214
Lavoisier, Antoine, 359 Louis XVI, 375, 378
Lawson-Wood, Denis, 423 Louis, Antoine, 380, 383
Lawson-Wood, Joyce, 423 Louis, Pierre Charles Alexandre, 42,
Lazarus, 506 43, 54, 58, 60, 62, 177, 178, 181,
Lee, Arthur, 16 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189,
Lee, Robert E., 320 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197,
Leibbrand, W., 1 16 199, 200, 201, 202, 203
Leibniz, 374 Louis-Philippe, 264
Leitner, Helmut, 539 Louise of Savoy, 148
Lenz, Fritz, 298 Lowe, John, 261
Lowman, John, 3
Leo, Ambrose, 131, 137
Leone, Ambrogio, 132 Luceus Lusitanus Eborensis, Antonius,
Leonicenus, Nicolaus, 131, 133, 137 142, 147, 150
Lucian, 124
Lepper, M. H., 240
Lucilius, 351
Leroy d’Etiolles, 181
Lesky, Ema, 423, 538 Lugol, Jean Guillaume Auguste, 198
Lewis, Denslow, 471 Luke, 145
Lewis, G. L., 423 Luther, Martin, 113, 124, 141, 145,
Lewis, Samuel, 2, 596
Lichtwitz, 300 Lutz, Frank J., 603
Lilith, 516 Luzenberg, Charles A., 45
Linacre, Thomas, 115, 119, 121, 129, Lynch, Kenneth M., 103, 104
130, 131, 136, 137 Lyrensi, Henricus, 138
Lindberg, David C., 104-105, 111
Lindeboom, G. A., Ill, 539 Macaulay, Patrick, 633
Linnaeus, 344 McCay, Clive, 315
Linton, Moses Lewis, 47, 199 McClatchie, T., 256
Lisfranc, Jacques, 53, 59, 178, 180, McCrae, Thomas, 553
181, 193, 196 McCready, Benjamin W., 315

Menon, 570
McDaniel, Waltcm B. II, 586
McDermott, Walsh, 412 Merbelius, Peter, 148
McDowell, Ephraim, 594 Merendino, K. Alvin, 412
Michelet, 78
McElhinney, M., 155-166
McHenry, James, 16 Michler, Inge, 219
McKelvey, John J., 539 Michler, M., 219
McLean, Donald, 16 Middleton, Peter, 1
Miller, 84
Maclean, L., 403
Maclean, Lauchlin, 6 Miller, Genevieve, 25-39, 112, 315,
McMichael, Sir John, 527 586-615,616-632,646
McNaughton Francis L., 311-313 Miller, James, 269
McVaugh, Michael, 104-105 Miller, William Snow, 600
Madariaga de la Campa, B., 645 Minor, Thomas C., 604
Miriam, 501
Magendie, Francois, 51, 177, 196
Magennis, James, 403 Mitchell, S. Weir, 3, 596
Molendinus, John, 135, 137
Maimonides, Moses, 418-419
Makgill, A., 274, 275, 276, 279 Monakow, Constantine von, 213
Malloch, Thomas, 561 Mondeville, Henry de, 215-216
Mondinus, 592
Manardi, Giovanni, 143, 144, 147, 151
Manigault, Louis, 320 Monro, Alexander, 16
Manuzio, Aldo Pio, 132 Montaigne, 116
Margaret, 148 Moore, John, 400, 408
Margolin, 119, 125 Moore, Samuel P., 319, 335
Marjolin, Jean Nicholas, 53, 177 More, Thomas, 114, 115, 120, 130,
Mark, L^ter C., 539 135, 136
Martin, Master, 129 Morgagni, 15
Martini, Heinrich, 151 Morgan, John, 1 1
Martins, Joachim, 146 Morrison, Robert, 270
Morrison, W. T., 258
Marx, Otto M., 216-217
Mary of Hungary, 152 Morrow, Thomas Vaughan, 157, 158
Matas, Rudolph, 601 Morton, Samuel George, 9, 15, 44, 51
Mather, Cotton, 219, 501 Morton, William G., 22
Matteucci, Carlo, 315 Moruzzi, Giuseppe, 315
Maudsley, Henry, 72 Mosellanus, Petrus, 124
Mauritsz, James, 132 Moses, 501
Maximilian, Emperor, 132 Mosher, Clelia, 79, 80
Mayans y Siscar, Gregorio, 424 Mott, Valentine, 16, 42, 45, 184, 190,
Mayer, Claudius, 612 191,198
Muchermann, 298
Maygrier, J. P., 198, 199
Maynwaringe, Everard, 358, 364, 365, Miilinen, Count of, 514
366,373,374 Mumford, James G., 610
Munk, 141
Mazumdar, Pauline M. H., 642-643
Meade, Bishop, 7 Muntner, Suessman, 418-419
Medhurst, Walter Henry, 263 Murmell, John, 134
Murray, 146
Meigs, Charles D., 3
Melanchthon, 142 Mussey, William H., 601
Mellins, Harry Z., 412 Musto, David F., 219

Mutian, Conrad, 1 13, 143 Osier, Revere, 561

Myer, Jesse S., 609, 610 Osier, William, 3, 41, 42, 44, 250, 545-
568, 592, 600, 603, 604, 607, 611

Nagai, S. H., 539 Packard, Francis R., 604, 609, 610,

Napoleon, 178
Nash, Gary, 221 614
Pagel, Julius, 544, 604, 609
Nedham, Marchamont, 367
Neisser, Albert, 243 Pagel, Magda, 544
Nencki, Marceli, 315 Pagel, Walter, 206, 315, 439, 543-544,
Nero, 578
Palmer, 172
Nesen, Wilhelm, 142 Palmer, O. D., 9
Neuburger, Max, 593
Nevins, Allan, 410 Papper, E. M., 539
Paracelsus, 146, 148, 361, 543, 602
Newman, George, 175
Parent-Duchatelet, 51
Newton, I. W., 254, 255
Park, Roswell, 605
Newton, Isaac, 374
Parker, Frank, 496, 511
Newton, O. E., 163
Parker, Peter, 250, 251, 254, 255, 256,
Newton, Roberts., 159, 163, 164
262, 263, 264, 265, 266
Nichols, 84, 85
Parker, Willard, 45, 196
Nichols, Chal. L., 606
Parra, Juan De La, 140
Nicholson, James, 499
Parrish, John A., 219
Niebyl, Peter H., 356-374, 425 Parrish, Joseph, 9
Norris, George W., 2, 199, 200, 595 Parsons, Ralph W., 75, 76
Nortrup, Jack, 83-90, 112 Pasteur, Louis, 539
Norwo^, William Frederick, 164 Paul IV, Pope, 123
Nott, Josiah Clark, 45, 199 Paullini, Franz, 517
Noyes, John Humphrey, 477, 478 Paulus Aegineta, 137
Numbers, Ronald L., 155-166, 220, Pausanias, 348, 578
Nutting, M. Adelaide, 611 Pecham, John, 104-105, 111
Peel, Robert, 262
Nyder, Conrad, 144, 151
Pelletan, Philippe, 380, 382
Pena, Frank, 492, 495
Oddone, Cesarc, 151 Penella, Robert J., 282-296, 316
Penelope, 75
Oddone, Giovanni Angelo, 147, 151
Oefele, Felix von, 593, 611 Penkivil, John, 402
Ogier, Thomas L., 200 Pennock, Caspar, 56, 62, 186, 194,
Olch, Peter D., 410, 412, 616 196, 200, 201
Oliver, Charles A., 609 Pei^r, William, 17, 599, 609
Oliver, Thomas, 10 Pepper, William, Jr., 610
O’MaUey, C. D., 527, 528 P6rez Bautista, Florencio L., Ill
Persius, 351
Opitz, H., 419-420
Ordronaux, John, 596 Peterson, Donald W., 218, 422
Petrarch, 123
O’Reilly, Charles, 546
Oribasius, 349, 351 Peyligk, Johannes, 599
Osier, Georgina, 551 Pfister, C. R., 126, 515
Osier, Grace Revere, 550, 552, 559 Pfliiger, E. F., 68, 73

Phaon, 580 Rao, B. Rama, 111

Pherecydes, 581 Rayer, 177
Philetas, 581 Reddy, D. V. Subba, 111
Reed, 84
Philip of Burgundy, 129
Philistion, 579, 580, 581 Reed, Walter, 608
Pichard, James Cowles, 315 Reedijk, C., 1 19
Pico della Mirandola, Francesco, 123 Reeve, John Charles, 590, 591, 592
Pilcher, James E., 592, 597, 601, 610 Remsen, Ira, 551, 552, 560
Pilcher, Lewis Stephen, 601, 614 Renouard, Pierre Victor, 588, 589, 591,
Pinel, Philippe, 51, 54, 57, 190 615
Pinto, Lucille B., 513, 523, 540 Reuchlin, 115, 124
Piorry, 177 Reuling, George, 592, 593
Pirckheimer, Willibald, 130, 132, 133, Rhenanus, Beatus, 152, 153
134 Richards, Dickinson Woodruff, 524
Pirquet, Clemens von, 300 Richerand, Anthelme, 53, 177
Plateanus, Peter, 145 Ricius, Paulus, 132
Plato, 582 Ricord, Philippe, 57, 59, 177, 178, 190,
Pliny, 352, 353, 354, 520 198
Plutarch, 122, 134 Rigler, Leo G., 412
Polybus, 572, 580, 581, 582 Rinpoche, Rechung, 219
Polyclitus, 294 Riolan, 449, 450
Pool, D. I., 273-281,316 Risse, Guenter B., 315
P(^, Charles Alexander, 47, 199 Rixford, Emmet, 603
Porcher, Peter, 177 Riznik, Barnes, 221
Power, Henry, 361, 362, 369, 370 Roazen, Paul, 417-418
Power, John, 67 Robbins, Frederick C., 412
Robert, 196
Power, William, 200
Poynter, F. N. L., 205-206 Robinson, Victor, 610, 614
Prince, 86 Robinson, William J., 81
Priscianus, Theodorus, 354 Roderick, John, 492
Pseudo- Apuleius, 354 Rodin, Alvin E., 539
Pseudo-Theodonis, 354 Roe, Daphne A., 423
PurkynS, Jan Evangelista, 536-537 Rogerius, Servatius, 126
Purple, Samuel Smith, 19, 602 Rogers, David E., 412
Putscher, Marielene, 219 Root, William Webster, 409
Putscher, Walter G. J., 424 Rose, H. J., 354

Rosenblatt, Samuel, 418-419

Quinan, John R., 2, 21, 595 Rosner, Fred, 418-419
Rostan, Leon, 177, 185
Rothschuh, Karl E., 315
Roux, Philibert, 59, 178, 179, 180, 181,
Rabelais, Francois, 117, 118, 122, 148,
182, 196
Rov^re, de La, Bishop, 148
Radbill, Samuel X., 419-420
Ramus, 368 Rudin 298
Rand, Isaac, 399 Ruel, Jean, 131, 137
Randolph, Jacob, 51, 199 Ruiz Martinez, C., 645

Rush, Benjamin, 1, 15, 16, 43, 68 Smith, Alfred C., 499

Rutherford, Lord, 303 Smith, Ashbel, 12, 186, 194, 195
Smith, Elihu Hubbard, 111
Salerne, Francois, 407 Smith, Eugene, 611
Sanders, John Milton, 159 Smith, George, 256
Smith, Henry H., 199
Sappington, John, 15
Sauerbruch, Ferdinand, 297, 301 Smith, Judson, 255
Savoy, Bernard, 488 Smith, Nathan, 23
Savoy, Mary, 482 Smith, Stephen, 602
Savoy, Peter, 488 Smith, Wesley D., 569-585, 646
Scaliger, Julius Caesar, 113, 148, 151 Smith, William, 15
Scarborough, William, 258, 259 Snoy, Reyner, 132
Scarpa, 196 Sollmann, Torald, 238
Schittenheim, 300 Sonier, Francis, 482
Schlegemilch, Kaspar Gottlieb, 252 Soranus, 518, 520
Schlueter, Robert E., 609, 611 Spink, M. S., 423
Schmid, F., 419-420 Spivak, Charles David, 603, 613
Schoepf, Johann David, 16 Si)of!ord, Ainsworth R., 18
Schofield, Harold, 260 Spoflord, Jeremiah, 2
Schofield, Robert E., 211-212 Sprat, 372
Schrenk, Martin, 539 Sprengel, Kurt, 593, 597
Schullian, Dorothy, 91-100 Spring, David, 105-106
Schwarz, Richard W., 644 Stalberg, Crato, 142
Scudder, John, 253 Stallo,J. B., 159
Scudder, John Milton, 165 Stangl, Peter, 615
Seegal, Beatrice Carrier, 409 Stebbins, Ernest L., 102-103
Seegal, David E., 409 Steell, Thomas Edward, 400
Seelig, Major, 609 Steiner, Walter R., 41
Segar, Joseph, 17 Stevens, Alexander H., 45
Senn, Nicholas, 600 Stevenson, Lloyd G., 205-206, 421-
Sennert, 365, 373, 374 422, 527-528
Sewall, Henry, 603 Stevenson, Sarah Hackett, 606
Shafer, Henry B., 221 Stewart, Ferdinand Campbell, 57, 63,
Shattuck, George Cheyne, 194, 199,
200, 201 Stewardson, Thomas, Jr., 199, 200,
Shattuck, Lemuel, 15 201, 202
Sherman, W. T., 329 Still6, Alfred, 12, 56, 198, 200, 203,
Shields, Warren, 413 587,601
Shryock, Richard H., 43, 56, 221 Stocking, George W., Jr., 315
Stokes, 41
Sichel, Jules, 178, 190, 191
Sigerist, Henry E., 571, 597, 607 Stone, Richard F., 608
Sigismund I, 125, 144 Storer, Horatio Robinson, 601
Simmons, George H., 471 Striker, Cecil, 616
Strong, 89
Simpson, James, 24, 265
Sinapius, Johann, 144, 147, 150, 151 Stubbe, Henry, 359
Sixtinus, 133 Sturtevant, 84
Skene, A. H., 484 Sudhoff, Karl, 297, 593, 599, 605, 606

Swieten, Gerard van, IS, 423 Ulhard, Philipp, 150

Sydenham, Thomas, 15, 244, 370, 371, Unger, E, 524, 525
372 Uzziah, 501
Symcotts, John, 20S
Vadian, Joachim, 139
Van Dyke, F. W., 74, 75
Tabanelli, Mario, 215-216 Varro, 351
Tache, J.C.,S10 Vaughn, Daniel, 159
Tacitus, 592 Veith, Ilza, 315
Talbott, John H., 640-642 Velpeau, Alfred, 60, 178, 180, 181,
Tan, Leong T., 315 190, 194, 196, 198, 199
Tan, Margaret Y,-C., 315 Verzer, F., 315
Tausk, Victor, 417-418 Vesalius, Andreas, IS, 435, 597, 607,
Taylor, A. S., 169, 173
609 580
Taylor, J. Hudson, 260
Taylor, R. Hibbert, 268 Vincent, Augustine, 131
Temkin, Owsei, 206, 311-313, 360, Virchow, Rudolf, 424, 546
424, 529 Vives, 115, 135, 136
Tenon, Jacques, 376, 377, 378, 379,
Voght, Martha, 66-82, 112
Voltaire, 124
380,381,385,386, 388-391
Thacher, James, 1, 12, 16, 22
Thacher, Thomas, 593 Wagner, 297, 298, 299, 302
Thackray, Arnold, 424 Wagner, John, 200
Thayer, 554 Wainwright, William A. M., 20
Th^nard, 61
Wakeley, Thomas, 267
Theophrastus, 151, 573 Walaeus, Johannes, 465
Thessalus, 577, 578, 579, 582 Walker, A. H., 546
Thomas, Archie, 508 Wall, Otto A., 609
Thomas, John, 253 Walsh, James J., 606, 610
Thomas, Martha Carey, 78, 80 Walsh, Joseph J., 61 1
Thomas, T. Gaillard, 595 Wandruszka, Adam, 423
Thomson, George, 356, 359, 364, 365,
Wangensteen, Owen H., 97-98, 412
366, 367 Ward, Nathaniel, 480
Thomson, Samuel, 156
Ward, Patricia Spain, 106-107
Thomson, William H., 266 Ware, John, 12,21,22
Thuasne, L., 1 1 7 Warham, William, 114, 130
Thun, F., 304 Warren, John, 2, 12, 22
Tiraboschi, 151 Warren, John Collins, 12, 22, 42, 45,
Toldervy, J. B., 484 51, 179, 181,185, 199
Warren, Jonathan Mason, 59, 60, 61,
Tomiczki, Peter, Bishop, 144
62, 64, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184,
Toner, Joseph M., 1-24, 594 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 193,
Toppi, 151 194, 195, 196, 197
Trousseau, 177 Warren, Joseph, 22
Turbayne, Colin Murray, 368 Washington, George, 11, 15
Turini, Andrea, 143 Waterhouse, Benjamin, 12, 22
Turner, Thomas B., 532-533 Waterson, Davina, 608

Waterson, Irving A., 608 Wirz, Henry, 317, 320, 321, 322, 326,
Watkins, Claiborne, 12 335
WatscMi, 88 Withering, William, 394, 397, 398,
Watson, Beriah Andr6, 600 399, 403, 405, 406, 407, 408
Witkoski, S. J., 604
Watson, J. D., 642-643
Watson, John, 587, 592, 593 Wladislaus II., 144
Weam, Joseph T., 413 Wolf, John K., 643-644
Webster, C., 449 W<Ufe, Marilyn J., 615
Wechelus, 145 Wolfley, Lewis A., 50, 186, 194, 196
Weeks, Kent R., Ill Wolsey, 141
Weinhandl, Ferdinand, 534, 536 Wood, George Bacon, 8
Welch, WiUiam Henry, 409, 604, 607 Wood, W. Barry, Jr., 412
Wellington, Duke of, 262 Wood, WUliam, 199
Wellmann, Max, 573 Woolsey, 106-107
Wells, Warner I^, 103-104 Wragg, William T., 200
Welton, William, 256 Wright, Jonathan, 610
Wentworth, John, 394 Wright, T. L., 587
Werthemann, A., 126 Wright, Willard H., Ill
WestfaU, Richard S., 219 Wurdemann, F., 200
Whipple, WiUiam, 395 Wyman, Jeffries, 22
White, F^ul Dudley, 109-110 Wyman, MorrUl, 23, 24
Whitman, Walt, 549
Whitteridge, Gweneth, 429
Yost, R. M., Jr., 370
Wickes, Stephen W., 2, 595
Young, Brigham, 14
WUlard, Samuel, 83-90
WiUard, Sylvester D., 595 Young, Theron Kue-Hing, 250-272,
William III of Holstein, 147
Williamson, 372
WiUis, Thomas, 358, 359, 360, 364, Zeiss, 299
367,372,424 Ziedes des Plantes, B. G., 645
Wilson, Charles, 491 Zimmerman, David R., 642-(Ai
Wimpfeling, James, 134 Zupetinus, Peter, 125
Winder, John H., 320 Zweig, Stefan, 153
Wing, 85, 87 Zwingli, Ulrich, 139

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