Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Oral and Oropharyngeal Lesions With An Emphasis On The Diagnostic Utility and Pitfalls

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Original Article

Fine needle aspiration cytology of oral and

oropharyngeal lesions with an emphasis on
the diagnostic utility and pitfalls
ABSTRACT Nalini Gupta,
Aim: This study was undertaken to evaluate the diagnostic utility and pitfalls of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in oral and Tarak Banik,
oropharyngeal lesions. Arvind Rajwan-
shi, Bishan D.
Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective audit of oral and oropharyngeal lesions diagnosed with FNAC over a period of six
years (2005–2010).
Naresh Panda2,
Results: Oral/oropharyngeal lesions [n=157] comprised 0.35% of the total FNAC load. The age ranged 1–80 years with the male: Pranab Dey,
female ratio being 1.4:1. Aspirates were inadequate in 7% cases. Histopathology was available in 73/157 (46.5%) cases. Palate was Radhika
the most common site of involvement [n=66] followed by tongue [n=35], buccal mucosa [n=18], floor of the mouth [n=17], tonsil Srinivasan,
[n=10], alveolus [n=5], retromolar trigone [n=3], and posterior pharyngeal wall [n=3]. Cytodiagnoses were categorized into infective/ Raje Nijhawan
inflammatory lesions and benign cysts, and benign and malignant tumours. Uncommon lesions included ectopic lingual thyroid and
adult rhabdomyoma of tongue, and solitary fibrous tumor (SFT), and leiomyosarcoma in buccal mucosa. A single false-positive case Departments of
Cytology and
was dense inflammation with squamous cells misinterpreted as squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) on cytology. There were eight false- Gynaecologic
negative cases mainly due to sampling error. One false-negative case due to interpretation error was in a salivary gland tumor. The Pathology,
sensitivity of FNAC in diagnosing oral/oropharyngeal lesions was 71.4%; specificity was 97.8% with diagnostic accuracy of 87.7%. 1
Conclusions: Salivary gland tumors and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) are the most common lesions seen in the oral cavity. FNAC
Postgraduate Institute
proves to be highly effective in diagnosing the spectrum of different lesions in this region. Sampling error is the main cause of false- of Medical Education
negative cases in this region. and Research,
Chandigarh, India

KEY WORDS: Fine needle aspiration cytology, oral cavity, oropharyngeal lesions For correspondence:
Dr. Nalini Gupta,
Department of
Cytology and
Gynecologic Pathol-
Institute of Medi-
Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is an An audit of all intraoral and oropharyngeal lesions cal Education and
important diagnostic tool for the lesions of the head diagnosed by FNAC was performed over a period
Chandigarh, India.
and neck region especially for swellings in the thyroid of six years (2005–2010). The cases were retrieved E-mail: nalini203@
gland, salivary gland, and lymph nodes. It helps in from the records of the department of cytology and
avoiding surgical procedures in conditions like non- gynecological pathology in a tertiary care centre
neoplastic or inflammatory lesions and metastatic in North India. Aspirations were performed by
tumors.[1] However, its use is limited in the oral consultant cytopathologists or trainee residents in
and oropharyngeal lesions. Preoperative aspiration the department. The aspiration samples were taken
cytology can be practiced on almost any anatomic in supine or in sitting position with head support.
region evident visually, for example, skin or subcutis FNAC was performed without radiological guidance
Access this article online
of the face, pinna, external nose or the reachable using a 22–23 G needle and 20 cc disposable
nasal cavity, floor of mouth, tongue, palate, tonsils, syringe, fitted on Cameco’s handle. Air-dried smears DOI: 10.4103/0973-1482.106581
and the posterior pharyngeal wall.[2-4] There have were stained with May-Grünwald Geimsa (MGG) PMID: ***
been a few previous studies evaluating the role of stain and smears fixed in 95% ethanol were stained Quick Response Code:
FNAC in the intraoral lesions with variable outcome. with hematoxylin and eosin (H& E)/ Papanicolaou
The present study was undertaken to assess the (PAP) stains. Special stains like Ziehl-Neelsen
accuracy of FNAC in the intraoral lesions, as well as and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) were performed in
to identify the common causes of misinterpretation relevant cases. On-site assessment of the aspirates
and fallacies of the technique. was not done and ancillary techniques were

626 Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics - October-December 2012 - Volume 8 - Issue 4
Gupta, et al.: FNAC in oral and oropharyngeal lesions

not used for cytological diagnosis. Procedure-related minor plasmacytoma (2). A case of Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH)
complications in the form of prolonged bleeding were noted was diagnosed from palatal swelling on FNAC in a one-year-old
in a few of the patients; however, no major complications were female child [Figure 2c].
seen. Cytological diagnosis was correlated with histological
diagnosis, wherever available. Lesions of tongue
Histopathology was available in 11/35 cases. Inflammatory
RESULTS lesions of the tongue [n=11] included cysticercosis (3 cases)
and leprosy (1 case) [Figure 2d]. Another interesting case was
Out of a total of 45,196 FNACs performed over a period of six a 15-year-old girl with ectopic lingual thyroid. One false-
years, 157 (0.35%) cases of intraoral/oropharyngeal lesions negative case was ACC reported as inflammation on cytology
could be retrieved. Male: female ratio was 1.41: 1. The youngest [Table 1], due to inadequate sampling (ulcerated lesion
patient was a one-year-old female child with an inflammatory associated with inflammation). Benign neoplasms (7 cases)
swelling in the buccal mucosa and the oldest patient was included neurofibroma, schwannoma, and adult rhabdomyoma
an 80-year-old male with a non-Hodgkin s lymphoma (NHL) [Figure 2e]. Two-third of the cases with inadequate aspirates
of the tonsil. There were 11/157 (7%) cases with inadequate had follow-up biopsy and were confirmed to be SCC and
aspirates for a definitive opinion. Histopathology was available hemangioma.
in 73/157 (46.5%) cases. The most common site was the palate
comprising 66/157 cases (42%), followed by tongue 35 cases Lesions of buccal mucosa
(22.3%), buccal mucosa 18 cases (11.5%), the floor of the Histopathology was available in 10/18 cases. There were
mouth 17 cases (10.8%), tonsil 10 cases (6.4%), alveolus 5 cases inflammatory lesions/benign cysts (10 cases). A case of
(3.2%), retromolar trigone three cases (1.9%), and posterior sol = itary fibrous tumor (SFT) was reported as PA on cytology.
pharyngeal wall three cases (1.9%). Collagenous eosinophilic matrix material and bland oval to

Cytological diagnoses were categorized into infective/

inflammatory lesions and benign cysts, benign neoplasms,
malignant neoplasms, and inadequate for opinion.

Lesions of the palate a b

Palatal lesions comprised infective/ inflammatory lesions
and benign cysts (24 cases), benign salivary gland tumors
(20 cases), malignant tumors (18 cases), and three cases had
inadequate aspirates. Histopathology was available in 32/66
cases (48.5%). One false-negative case was of polymorphous c d
low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) reported as pleomorphic
adenoma (PA) on cytology [Table 1; Figures 1a and b]. One case
of adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) was reported as PLGA on
cytology [Figures 1c and d]. Two of three cases with inadequate
e f
aspirates had follow-up excision and were confirmed to be
ACC. One case was missed on aspiration due to the lesion Figure 1: Paired cytology-histopathology of intraoral (palatal) lesions;
(a) polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) reported as
being located in the distal portion of the soft palate [Figures 1e
pleomorphic adenoma on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)
and f] and the other had cystic areas [Table 1]. The malignant
(MGG × 40X); (b) the corresponding histopathology of PLGA
palatal tumors included mucoepidermoid carcinoma (4), (H&E × 40X); (c) adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) reported as PLGA
adenocarcinoma (3), ACC (2), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) on FNAC (MGG × 20X); (d) the corresponding histopathology of
(1), PLGA (1), nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) (1) [Figure 2a], ACC (H&E × 40X); (e) ACC missed on FNAC due to sampling error
poorly differentiated carcinoma (1), NHL (3) [Figure 2b], and (MGG × 40X); 1(f) the corresponding histopathology of ACC (H&E × 40X)

Table 1: Summary of discrepant cases

Site Cytodiagnosis Histopathological diagnosis Explanation Interpretation
Palate PA PLGA Interpretation error False negative
Palate Blood only ACC Sampling error False negative
Palate Cystic lesion ACC Sampling error False negative
Tongue Inflammation ACC Sampling error False negative
Tongue Inadequate aspirate SCC Sampling error False negative
Floor of mouth Inflammation Pleomorphic sarcoma Sampling error False negative
Floor of mouth SCC Inflammation; no malignancy Interpretation error False positive
Tonsil Benign SCC Sampling error False negative
Tonsil Inadequate aspirate NHL Sampling error False negative

Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics - October-December 2012 - Volume 8 - Issue 4 627
Gupta, et al.: FNAC in oral and oropharyngeal lesions

There were a total of eight false-negative and a single false-

positive case in the present series. Six of these eight cases
were due to sampling error, highlighting the fact that intraoral
sampling on FNAC poses problems and can lead to false-
a b negative results. The sensitivity of FNAC in diagnosing oral/
oropharyngeal lesions in our series was 71.4%, and specificity
97.8% with a diagnostic accuracy of 87.7%.

c d

A variety of non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions can involve

the oral and oropharyngeal cavity and these are common
lesions encountered in clinical practice. Although FNAC is
e f used increasingly in the evaluation of lesions of the neck and
head region,[1-3] experience remains limited in the aspiration
Figure 2: A panel of microphotographs of intraoral lesions; (a)
nasopharyngeal carcinoma (MGG × 40X); (b) Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
of intraoral masses.[4-8] FNAC can provide helpful information
(MGG × 40X); (c) Langerhans cell histiocytosis (MGG × 40X); (d) about these lesions and may help in avoiding hasty or
epithelioid cell granuloma in leprosy (H&E × 40X); (e) adult rhabdomyoma unnecessary surgical biopsy. FNAC could avoid excision or
(H&E × 20X); (f) leiomyosarcoma of the buccal mucosa (MGG × 20X) surgery in over 50% cases in the present study. FNAC in
intraoral lesions is less sensitive and specific than that of
spindle cells of SFT were misinterpreted as chondromyxoid superficial lesions.[9] This may be due to the small size and
material and myoepithelial cells of PA, respectively. Malignant deep location of the lesions as well as by the limited space for
tumors included malignant melanoma and leiomyosarcoma maneuvering the needle, with difficulty in fixing the intraoral
[Figure 2f ]. Three cases had inadequate aspirates. lesion for adequate aspiration rather than to interpretation
or inherent limitations of the technique itself.[10] There are
Lesions in the floor of the mouth previous studies in the literature exploring the potential of
Histopathology was available in 8/17 cases. One false-positive FNAC in the diagnoses of oral and oropharyngeal lesions.[9-14]
case was inflammation with squamous cells misinterpreted The present study was an attempt to determine the efficacy
as SCC on cytology [Table 1]. This emphasises that a diagnosis and reliability of FNAC in the diagnosis of these lesions.
of SCC in the presence of inflammation should be offered
with extreme caution. Another false-negative case was an Minor salivary gland tumors in the oral cavity account for
inflammatory variant of malignant fibrous histiocytoma about 15% of all salivary gland tumors.[15-17] The majority of
(pleomorphic sarcoma) reported as inflammatory granulation palatal neoplasms in the present series were minor salivary
tissue on cytology [Table 1]. This was due to abundant gland tumors, PAs, and ACCs being the common ones, which
inflammation and scattered atypical spindle cells interpreted corroborates with previous studies.[15,18] One case of PLGA was
as fibroblasts with reactive changes. In addition, inflammatory/ misdiagnosed as PA on cytology. PLGA is seen almost exclusively
benign cystic lesions (9 cases), a case each of mucoepidermoid in the minor salivary glands.[19] Gibbons et al.[20] described
carcinoma, SCC, and ACC were also seen. this tumor as having architectural diversity but cytological
uniformity. Two cases of PLGA were misdiagnosed as ACC and
Lesions of the tonsil PA in their study initially. It is important to differentiate PLGA
The tonsillar lesions included inflammatory lesions (3 cases) from more aggressive tumors like ACC. Differentiation of PA
and malignant tumors including SCC, poorly differentiated from ACC may pose problems at times in cytology.
carcinoma, and lymphoblastic lymphoma, and 7/10 cases had
follow-up histopathology. Two false-negative cases included SCC is the most common malignancy followed by salivary gland
SCC and diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) reported as tumors and NHL represents the third common malignancy of
negative on cytology [Table 1]. This was due to difficulty in the oral cavity.[21,22] Oral manifestations are present in only
sampling, highlighting the fact that deeply situated intraoral 3–5% of the cases of NHL.[23] There were three cases of palatal
lesions may be very difficult to approach, and improper NHL including a mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
sampling leads to false-negative results. lymphoma in the present study. Two false-negative cases with
sampling error in the present study highlight the difficulties
Lesions of the alveolus/retromolar trigone/posterior in approaching the posterior soft palate lesions for FNAC.
pharyngeal wall
These included inflammatory/benign cystic lesions (6 cases), Three cases of cysticercosis in the tongue were seen in the
benign tumors (1 case), and malignant tumors including SCC present study. Oral cysticercosis is rare,[24-26] with the most
(2 cases), adenocarcinoma (1 case), and metastatic carcinoma favorable sites being the tongue, lips, and buccal mucosa. This
(1 case). Of these, 5/11 cases had follow-up histopathology. needs to be distinguished from mucocele, benign mesenchymal

628 Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics - October-December 2012 - Volume 8 - Issue 4
Gupta, et al.: FNAC in oral and oropharyngeal lesions

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Cite this article as: Gupta N, Banik T, Rajwanshi A, Radotra BD, Panda N, Dey
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: No.
oropharynx, and nasopharynx. Cancer 1988;62:2602-6.

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