The 5th Age Handout.

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Current date: Year 1032 of the fifth age, Noct (November) the 5th, The festival of Crysai is in full

bloom in the kingdom of Moc, regardless of the current worldly troubles and tribulations. Winter
usually starts this time and rains down flurries on the folk who call this land their home. At least
in their geographical region. Food stalls are put out, games are aplenty, and many drinking
barrels are put out. Lanterns and ribbons are tied all about the nations various cities. In
celebration, of course to the goddess Crysai, thought to be the creator of the shard, she who
ascended to a god as a mortal to rule over the magics of the world as the god of the knowledge
and Arcane domains. As the nation where the shard originated, and stayed, this festival is
important to the Moccish people, as it is a festival showing the lost power and the past power of
the nation.

Languages of the world:

Spoken by the Folke of the Kingdom of Moc, the primary language of this kingdom, and a low
end ‘Jargon’ of sorts is spoken by the common folk called: Moi. Hard Ms are used in this
language with a thick almost untraceable accent that may stem far back in time.

Spoken by the Odithians in the Oadowwharfian Empire. With knowledge spanning back
complete ages, and beauty to rival the Elves themselves, this race of folk are known for their
hard language to speak. As magic is weaved into the language itself, speaking such a language
involves control over your entire will so as to not speak something and cause a fire. Being one
of the hardest languages to learn, this language is sought by many Wizards.

The nationally accepted language of the Dogragon Kingdom; as most monster races call this
place home, alongside other tribes of races, naturally there will be many dialects not spoken of.
As a compromise, a council came together and appointed a king and penned a generally
accepted language to use in the nation for its traders and between the folke.

From the nation of pleasures, this language is spoken by the Kitsune of the United Kingdom of
Newvault. With this nation being shared with the Tabaxi, a recognized language was penned
with the two kingdoms coming together after years of war to create an accepted and combined
effort language.

Spoken by the displaced Dark Elves of the nation of Nonila, the language is foreign to most
nations who have been up in the overworld their entire existence. Most common folke and even
some of the aristocracy haven’t bothered to read up on this language. Not as mysterious as
Oadow, but only the Dark Elves speak it. You may find the odd traveler who speaks it though.
The language of the Rebles of the Dark Elves in the nation of Bakewharf; being a new nation
themselves, they are new to world politics and many of them, prefer to keep to themselves. Not
wishing to develop relations with anyone else, they hold the view of resentment towards the
Moccish people who had displaced them to use their undercavern as a prison via use of the
Crysais shard; as they wish to go back and haven’t accepted it as Nonila has.

The language of the Orcs that rule the northern sea, with a almost broken alphabet, the Orcs
use shapes and odd angles in their lettering and heavy gruff sounding Os and Ks. Being the
language spoken by most sailors and shipwrights, on the sea regardless of nation, this
language is easy to pick up. With Orcs being the big mercenaries they are, most Orcs can be
spotted on ships, in armies, and on the streets.

Being the language of the Nation of Degul, these dwarves keep it close to their chests as this
nation of xenophobic Dwarfs never share their secrets, never share their weapons, culture, or
anything related to themselves. Their language is unknown to most and usually only Dwarfs
know it.

Being the capital of Tech in the world of Cambrie, the High Elves of the Ohilmethei Empire focus
on the art of artificing, creating and innovating, want to take a shower? This stone will stick to
any surface and with just a utterance of a word you will have warm water. Of course you will
have to know their National language: Thei, everything there and the words needed to use their
magical items are in Thei.

Being the language of the Old Wood Elves of the King of Symhilsad, this language is as old as
Cambrie itself; since the wood Elves were the first nation and the ancestors of the strayed High
Elves. The creators of the Ents, and the main place of residence for Druids, this nation is full of
Old, wise, and magical creators.

Gods and Goddesses:

(Forge Domain)
Odric: Being the Dwarvish god of Stone craft and forging, only the Dwarves worship this god as
they don’t believe in any other….
Another: God of the forge and crafting, known and worshiped by most nations. He presides over
the forging of all arms and armor. Many believe, that he ascended to his domain having used
the Crysais shard using unknown rituals. Though most are of the belief that Crysai is the only
mortal to ascend. He is said to be the one to create weapons made from Crysais itself that can
cut through anything and armor that can withstand falling stars.
(Grave/ Death Domain)
Dain being the God of Death and the one many of the necromancers follow, presides over the
domain of Death, guiding Souls after death to his domain or to Lithilis domain, the Goddess of
Life. He governs everything death, even the beings of Undeath. Some say he has his hands in
with the shades who have made the Risen appear.

(Life/peace/light domain)
The paragon of healing and all things that govern good in the world, the most worshiped
Goddess in the world, alongside Crysai; Lithilis offers all in her ranks a peaceful afterlife.She
allows those still in the mortal world a chance at healing the weak and the folk who fight for her
name. Even in the dark, she offers light to those who pray to her; She lends her aid to those
who chase the darkness in dungeons.

(Arcane/Knowledge Domain)
The only Mortal to ascend to become a Goddess, at least, the only documented one. Being the
most powerful Wizard of a past age, she is the woman thought responsible for the creation of
the Crysais shard. Being the founder of the Moccish royal line, and magically gifted beyond
reason she has the means for ascending. So, everyone widely accepts this, and in the Kingdom
of Moc more so.

(Tempest Domain)
Wilthor, better known as the God of the winds, the sea, and the sky/Sun. Storms and fire
sometimes fall under his domain as well; he was thought to have been a sailor who was offered
a spot by Crysai because of love; he betrayed her in favor for the Goddess of war. After said
events he wasn’t able to be stripped of his divinity, or, at least that is how the tale goes.

(War Domain)
Known as the most powerful woman of the world, she is the Goddess of war, most knights, foot
soldiers and even kings worship her in hopes for glory and to have their blade blessed. Wielding
a Crysais weapon, she has the grace and beauty of a thousand fighters. Wilthor, a new god
himself even fell for her charms.
The Crysais Shard:
Not known in how it came about, this shard holds the power to make gods, to strike gods down,
and even give people power over all of the natural elements. This shard has been known to give
people heightened intellect, faster movements, more strength, and confer visions to the holder
of the future and past. With magic being commonplace now, many folke seek out these shards.
Many people tell tales of them braving the mist to find a shard and it give them powers over the
risen, the ability to change shape into animals, or even cast spells like great wizards.

Although, those who use the shards gain massive powers, there seems to be a rot that comes
with prolonged exposure to the shard, a inside rot, one that eats away at your life essence, or
drains you of your wits. Use of the shard can lead to faster results, with each power used, and
ones that you may discover may lead to more dire circumstances.

The shards come in all sizes and shapes, since it broke into millions of shards, people have
been finding them all over; using them as trading goods, as currency, and even to power air
ships in the sky that the various kingdoms use to wage war with each other. This shard has
many uses, but a lot of it has been collected again by the Moccish king, and he seeks more of it
in an attempt to put it back together.

The various nations of the world:

-The kingdom of Moc
This kingdom is made up of humans, and various other races, but it is a Human kingdom with
human royalty. It is primarily human.
This kingdom is known for their seafaring ships, the creation of them and their sea trade goods,
fish, oil from wales, and exportation companies. Although they are not known for their magical
prowess since the Crysais Jewel shattered, they still have a university for magical education.
Farming dominates the few villages inland, but this nation is full of sailors at heart.

-The Oadowharfian Empire

Full of the Odithians, the very tradition driven race of a long forgotten empire, thought to be
related, the Odithians stand almost as tall as the giants from the old empire, but short by a few
feet. With magic coursing through their veins, they Odithians focus on magical studies in their
many universities with their many odd magics and rituals. The Odithians are able to see their
ancestors' memories back many years as their memories are passed on to their young once the
parent dies.
With knowledge spanning ages back, many of the Odithians are honor bound, and consider
talking about their families memories taboo and could result in the Odithians death if ever heard
sharing memories.
With the most comprehensive study of magic going on in the various schools, this nation
specializes in creating wizards of the highest power. Other races are allowed to attend their
schools, but getting in is the hardest part.
Not known for any particular thing, the kingdome of the Mixed races all follow their own way of
doing things, they scrape together what they need by doing everything they can. Many different
races call this place home, far too many to list on a parchment, and many more reside there that
are unknown to some other nations.
As there are many races here, many cultures come together in a cacophony of colors during the
current elected kings rule, and more so in the constant festivals of the cities. If this kingdom isn’t
known for one thing, let it be known that the many races that call this place home are united and
the cultures come together well. Regardless of race.

-The Ohilmethi Empire

The High Elves of this nation are known for their magical tech, the creation of magic items and
magic swords, daggers, and many other items were invented by the minds of the High elves of
this nation. The second nation to make an airship, and the first nation to create magical grids
that can protect entire cities, this place is a hub for all things creation. Want a never ending flask
of ale? Pay to get it created and get as wasted as you want.

-The Protectorate of Degul

Nothing much is known about this nation, being the xenophobic Dwarves they are, they keep to
themselves behind their high walls; talking to no one but other dwarves. The only recent thing
uncovered about this nation is that they worship only a singular god and that they have
developed airship technology.

-The kingdom of Symhilsad

Being the ‘kingdom of trees’, this nation is full of trees that stretch as tall as the eye can see,
and who lives in such a nation? The majestic wood elves. With their entire kingdom high up in
the trees, inside their great roots, and among their branches. They are known as the biggest
wood exporter in the world, of course they ask before they take as their gods are different than
the current pantheon.
Known also as the creators of the Ents, and the founders of the many old faith druid circles, this
nation keeps to itself unless dire need arises.

-The Duchy of Oldhol

Not much needs to be said about the mercenary nation of Orcs, their warriors and sailors are
known to be the best in all of the four corners of Cambrie, having grown up in their horrible
marshlands. Their culture is somewhat simplistic with a lot of them still being triball and soaked
in mysticism. The only reason a government and Duke is ruling over the land is because of
some old Prophecy in their culture's past.
Both nations of dark Elves, both nations are divided, and split down the middle in how they wish
to treat other nations. One, has moved on from being displaced, Nonila, The other, Bakewharf,
has decided to rebel and despise other nations for displacing them onto the overworld.
Known for their foreign and hard to understand language, the Dark elves thrive in their land of
sand, taming large crustaceans with large shells that are nay impregnable. The Elves are known
to create arms and armor from these shells. Some of the best arms and armor known to
Cambrie that is.

-The United Kingdome of Newvault.

The land of Endless pleasures, the land full of brothels around every corner, the land full of
bards, jesters, and circuses. The recently united Kitsune and Tabaxi have been warring for
years, until a treaty was signed and the heirs of both nations were married to each other and
ascended the throne.
With a nation rich in spices, and of the physical pleasures, this nation thrives off of it’s culture,
the taxed brothels, and wine makers. With the finest food in the entire land, the best chefs
usually come here to study.

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