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Human domination of the biosphere: Rapid

discharge of the earth-space battery foretells
the future of humankind
John R. Schramskia,1, David K. Gattiea, and James H. Brownb,1
College of Engineering, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602; and bDepartment of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque,
NM 87131
Edited by B. L. Turner, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, and approved June 8, 2015 (received for review May 4, 2015)

Earth is a chemical battery where, over evolutionary time with a trickle-charge of photosynthesis using solar energy, billions of tons of living
biomass were stored in forests and other ecosystems and in vast reserves of fossil fuels. In just the last few hundred years, humans extracted
exploitable energy from these living and fossilized biomass fuels to build the modern industrial-technological-informational economy, to grow
our population to more than 7 billion, and to transform the biogeochemical cycles and biodiversity of the earth. This rapid discharge of the
earth’s store of organic energy fuels the human domination of the biosphere, including conversion of natural habitats to agricultural fields and
the resulting loss of native species, emission of carbon dioxide and the resulting climate and sea level change, and use of supplemental nuclear,
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hydro, wind, and solar energy sources. The laws of thermodynamics governing the trickle-charge and rapid discharge of the earth’s battery are
universal and absolute; the earth is only temporarily poised a quantifiable distance from the thermodynamic equilibrium of outer space.
Although this distance from equilibrium is comprised of all energy types, most critical for humans is the store of living biomass. With the rapid
depletion of this chemical energy, the earth is shifting back toward the inhospitable equilibrium of outer space with fundamental ramifications
for the biosphere and humanity. Because there is no substitute or replacement energy for living biomass, the remaining distance from equilibrium
that will be required to support human life is unknown.

energy | evolutionary biology | earth-space battery | sustainability | thermodynamics

As depicted in Fig. 1, earth is a battery of of millions of years for photosynthetic plants lastingly in the form of fossil fuels: oil, gas,
stored chemical energy where the planet is to trickle-charge the battery, gradually con- and coal. In just the last few centuries—an
the cathode (stored organic chemical energy) verting diffuse low-quality solar energy to evolutionary blink of an eye—human energy
and space is the anode (equilibrium). We call high-quality chemical energy stored temporar- use to fuel the rise of civilization and the mod-
this the earth-space battery. It took hundreds ily in the form of living biomass and more ern industrial-technological-informational so-
ciety has discharged the earth-space battery,
inducing flow between the terminals, degrad-
ing the high quality biomass energy to do the
work of transforming the earth for human
benefit, and radiating the resulting low-quality
Humankind heat energy to deep space.
The laws of thermodynamics dictate that
the difference in rate and timescale between
the slow trickle-charge and rapid depletion is
unsustainable. The current massive discharge
is rapidly driving the earth from a biosphere
teeming with life and supporting a highly
developed human civilization toward a barren
moonscape. Consider as an example that the
energy state of the earth is akin to the energy
Cathode Anode state of a house powered by a once-charged
battery supplying all energy for lights, heating,

Author contributions: J.R.S. and D.K.G. designed research; J.R.S.

and J.H.B. performed research; J.R.S. and J.H.B. contributed new
reagents/analytic tools; J.R.S., D.K.G., and J.H.B. analyzed data;
and J.R.S., D.K.G., and J.H.B. wrote the paper.
Schramski/Delaney 2015 The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Fig. 1. Earth-space battery. The planet is a positive charge of stored organic chemical energy (cathode) in the form of This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
biomass and fossil fuels. As this energy is dissipated by humans, it eventually radiates as heat toward the chemical 1
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: jschrams@
equilibrium of deep space (anode). The battery is rapidly discharging without replenishment. or PNAS | August 4, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 31 | 9511–9517

organic chemicals and use this extrametabolic
< 40 ZJ
35 ZJ energy to do the additional work of fueling
complex socioeconomic activities.
Over the millennia of evolutionary time, as
≈ 500 ZJ living things evolved, they gradually trans-
35 ZJ formed the earth from a barren planet into a
2 ZJ
23 ZJ biosphere teeming with life. Until the origin
19 ZJ of life, there were no significant stores of or-
ganic chemical energy, and the surface of the
planet was not far from the chemical equi-
librium of the adjacent outer space. Then, as
35 - All Bioenergy Potential in year 0 living things evolved and diversified, they
developed new biochemical pathways for
23 - All Bioenergy Potential in 1900 converting solar energy into biomass. It took
on the order of 1 billion years for the first
19 - All Bioenergy Potential in 2000 photosynthetic and chemosynthetic prokary-
≈ 2000 ZJ
otes to exploit the small energy gradients
2 - Net Primary Production in 2000 available and synthesize enough biomass to
begin to charge the earth‐space’s chemical
< 40 - Recoverable Fossil Fuel Potential battery. Ancient unicellular organisms cre-
ated a modest chemical energy gradient that
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≈ 500 - Recoverable Nuclear Potential

persisted for billions of years. Then starting
about 600 Mya, with the Cambrian explosion
≈ 2000 - Not Recoverable Potential
of diversity of large multicellular organisms
(e.g., Fossil Fuel, Nuclear, etc.)
and the subsequent colonization of land by
0 ZJ = Equilibrium plants, the biosphere acquired a large store of
(Outer Space) living biomass, mostly in the form of forests
(3). In the Carboniferous, Permian, and Ju-
Fig. 2. Earth chemical and nuclear energy storage (distance from equilibrium) (10, 11, 38, 39). Where necessary, rassic periods (350–150 Mya), remains of
biomass is converted to energy assuming 1 t carbon ∼35 × 109 joules. ZJ = zeta joules = joules × 1021. dead plants and animals were preserved in
the earth’s crust to create the reserves of
coal, oil, and gas. Since then, the earth has
cooling, cooking, power appliances, and elec- out‐of‐equilibrium system, a gradient, which
mostly been in an energetic quasi‐equilibrium,
tronic communication; as the battery dis- is available to be harvested. For example, the
continually perturbed by asteroid impacts,
charges, these services become unavailable earth is out of chemical equilibrium with
tectonic activity, glaciations, and climatic
and the house soon becomes uninhabitable. respect to nearby space; as we burn fossilized
fluctuations, modestly adding to or subtract-
chemical energy to get work output, the earth
Energy in Physics and Biology ing from the stores of fossil fuels, but always
loses the resultant heat and moves closer to
The laws of thermodynamics are incontro- returning to an approximate balance between
equilibrium. Similarly, when we burn living solar input and heat loss, photosynthesis, and
vertible; they have inescapable ramifications biomass faster than the earth can replenish it,
for the future of the biosphere and human- heterotrophic metabolism.
the earth again moves closer to equilibrium. Everything changed when anatomically
kind. We begin by explaining the thermo- The first Law of Thermodynamics assures
dynamic concepts necessary to understand modern humans appeared and expanded
that, although energy is transformed be- out of Africa to colonize the entire Earth.
the energetics of the biosphere and humans tween solar, chemical, work, and heat in The most important milestone was the de-
within the earth-space system. The laws of these transactions, it is neither created nor velopment and spread of agriculture, which
thermodynamics and the many forms of en- destroyed; it changes forms, but the total began about 12,000 y ago. Before this, hunter-
ergy can be difficult for nonexperts. However, quantity is conserved. The Second Law of gatherer societies had been in approximate
the earth’s flows and stores of energy can be Thermodynamics assures that as energy equilibrium, relying on photosynthetic en-
explained in straightforward terms to un- changes forms, all of this energy is even- ergy to supply plant and animal foods and
derstand why the biosphere and human civ- tually degraded to low-quality heat energy fuels for cooking and heating and barely
ilization are in energy imbalance. These and lost from the planet. These physical laws altering the Earth’s surface. With the ad-
physical laws are universal and absolute, they not only have allowed the evolution of life, vent of agriculture, humans began system-
apply to all human activities, and they are the they also have allowed the development of atically to harvest the stored biomass gradient
universal key to sustainability. human civilization. Living things use photo- and to increase chemical energy discharge.
Energy is how far a property (e.g., tem- synthesis to convert diffuse but reliable sun- Initially, human and animal labor and fires of
perature, chemical, pressure, velocity) is from light into energy-rich organic compounds, wood and dung were used to do the work of
equilibrium. This distance, or gradient, can and they use respiration to break down these manufacturing tools, clearing land, tilling
be harvested to perform work, in the process compounds, release the stored energy, and do fields, and harvesting crops. However, ever
moving the property closer to equilibrium. the biological work of living (1, 2). For humans more inventive societies developed new
Thus, whereas the capacity to perform work this means consuming food and respiring to technologies based on harnessing new energy
is often used as the simplest definition of fuel biological metabolism. However, humans sources. Most importantly, the industrial
energy, ultimately this capacity requires an also use technological innovations to burn revolution used wind and water mills to do

9512 | Schramski et al.

work and burned first wood, then charcoal, compounds. The first are fossil fuels. These biomass produced by the plants and animals
and finally fossil fuels to mine and smelt fossil fuels are primarily hydrocarbons, con- in the earth’s diverse ecosystems: agricultural
metal ores and to manufacture tools and taining mostly carbon and hydrogen, almost fields, grazing lands, oceans, and fresh waters.
machines. These developments led to ever- no oxygen, and often small but significant Furthermore, biomass is essential for humans
larger human populations with ever-more amounts of other elements, such as sulfur, to access all other forms of energy, including
complex economies and social systems, all vanadium, iron, zinc, and mercury, which wind, hydro, fossil, nuclear, etc.
fueled by an ever-increasing rate of chemical can be toxic when released into the envi-
energy discharge. ronment and taken up by humans and other Living Biomass Is Depleting Rapidly
organisms. The reserves of fossil fuels, most At the time of the Roman Empire and the
The Paradigm of the Earth-Space Battery deposited hundreds of millions of years ago, birth of Christ, the earth contained ∼1,000
By definition, the quantity of chemical energy are finite and rapidly being depleted. Oil, billion tons of carbon in living biomass (10),
concentrated in the carbon stores of planet gas, and coal, which account for more than equivalent to 35 ZJ of chemical energy,
Earth (positive cathode) represents the 85% of current global human energy con- mostly in the form of trees in forests. In just
distance from the harsh thermodynamic sumption, are burned to produce the goods the last 2,000 y, humans have reduced this by
equilibrium of nearby outer space (negative and services for our industrial-technologi- about 45% to ∼550 billion tons of carbon in
anode). This energy gradient sustains the cal-informational economy. Despite some biomass, equivalent to 19.2 ZJ. The loss has
biosphere and human life. It can be modeled excellent sobering analyses of the present accelerated over time, with 11% depleted just
as a once-charged battery. This earth-space use and future prospects of fossil fuels (4, 7, since 1900 (Fig. 3) (11, 12). Over recent years,
chemical battery (Fig. 1) trickle charged very 8), the magnitude of the remaining eco- on average, we are harvesting—and releasing
slowly over 4.5 billion years of solar influx nomically recoverable hydrocarbon energy as heat and carbon dioxide—the remaining
and accumulation of living biomass and store is subject to much debate. In Fig. 2 we 550 billion tons of carbon in living biomass at
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fossil fuels. It is now discharging rapidly acknowledge the uncertainty by assigning a a net rate of ∼1.5 billion tons carbon per year
due to human activities. As we burn organic conservative value of <40 zeta joules (ZJ). (13, 14). The cause and measurement of bio-
chemical energy, we generate work to grow
The Critical Importance of Living mass depletion are complicated issues, and the
our population and economy. In the process,
numbers are almost constantly being reeval-
the high-quality chemical energy is trans- Biomass
uated (14). The depletion is due primarily to
formed into heat and lost from the planet by Here we focus on the second kind of chem-
changes in land use, including deforestation,
radiation into outer space. The flow of en- icals comprising the earth-space battery, the
ergy from cathode to anode is moving the desertification, and conversion of vegetated
organic compounds in living biomass. Our
planet rapidly and irrevocably closer to the landscapes into barren surfaces, but also sec-
work suggests that the two smallest values, 19
sterile chemical equilibrium of space. and 2 ZJ, on the bar chart in Fig. 2 are the ondarily to other causes such as pollution and
Fig. 2 depicts the earth’s primary higher- most important. The 19 ZJ represents the unsustainable forestry and fisheries. Although
quality chemical and nuclear energy storages current chemical potential energy stored in the above quantitative estimates have consid-
as their respective distances from the equi- the form of living biomass, most of it as erable uncertainty, the overall trend and
librium of outer space. We follow the energy phytomass in terrestrial plants and most of magnitude are inescapable facts with dire
industry in focusing on the higher-quality that in forests. These chemicals are the car- thermodynamic consequences.
pools and using “recoverable energy” as our bohydrates, lipids, proteins, cellulose, lignins, The Dominant Role of Humans
point of reference, because many deposits of and other substances that make up the bodies
Homo sapiens Is a Unique Species. The
fossil fuels and nuclear ores are dispersed or of living organisms. Unlike fossil fuels, the history of humankind—starting with hunter-
inaccessible and cannot be currently har- magnitude of this energy storage gradient
gatherers, who learned to obtain useful heat
vested to yield net energy gain and economic (i.e., its distance from equilibrium) is main-
energy by burning wood and dung, and
profit (4). The very large lower-quality pools tained by a steady flow of solar energy (9).
continuing to contemporary humans, who
of organic energy including carbon com- The 2 ZJ is the energy flow due to the net
apply the latest technologies, such as fracking,
pounds in soils and oceanic sediments (5, 6) annual primary production (NPP) of the
are not shown, but these are not currently solar panels, and wind turbines—is one of
planet, which is the quantity of energy con-
economically extractable and usable, so they verted each year from solar energy to biomass innovating to use all economically exploitable
are typically not included in either recover- by the process of photosynthesis. Global NPP energy sources at an ever increasing rate (12,
able or nonrecoverable categories. Although is the Earth’s yearly renewable energy budget 15). Together, the biological imperative of
the energy gradients attributed to geothermal within which all living things operate and the Malthusian-Darwinian dynamic to use all
cooling, ocean thermal gradients, greenhouse within which our hunter-gatherer human available resources and the social imperative
air temperatures, etc., contribute to Earth’s ancestors previously operated. Therefore, to innovate and improve human welfare have
thermodynamic distance from the equilib- an input of 2 ZJ/y of photosynthesis maintains resulted in at least 10,000 y of virtually un-
rium of space, they are also not included as a standing stock of 19 ZJ of stored biomass. interrupted population and economic growth:
they are not chemical energies and pre- This stored biomass is essential to modern from a few million hunter-gatherers to more
sumably would still exist in some form on a humans, because its chemical energy sustains a than 7 billion modern humans and from
planet devoid of living things, including hu- habitable biosphere away from the chemical a subsistence economy based on sustainable
mans. Fig. 2 shows that humans are currently equilibrium of space. The NPP and stored use of plants and animals (i.e., in equilibrium
discharging all of the recoverable stores of living biomass of the biosphere maintain bio- with photosynthetic energy production) to the
organic chemical energy to the anode of the diversity and regulate climate and biogeochemical modern industrial-technological-informational
earth-space battery as heat. cycling. The metabolic energy that powers our economy (i.e., out of equilibrium due to the
The organism-generated earth-space bat- bodies and sustains our population is derived unsustainable unidirectional discharge of the
tery consists of two kinds of organic chemical from NPP, because all of our food is living biomass battery).

Schramski et al. PNAS | August 4, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 31 | 9513

the richest deposits of copper, iron, zinc,
40 gold, and silver, used these metals to sup-
port the industrial economy, and dispersed
the unused “wastes” to landfills and un-
35 recoverable pools. Consider nitrogen and
phosphorus, critical ingredients of fertilizer
30 because they are essential for plant growth.
Phytomass Stores, ZJ

Global deposits of nitrate and phosphate

have been drastically depleted. Nitrogen
25 fertilizer can be synthesized from atmo-
spheric nitrogen gas, but this chemical pro-
20 cess requires a large input of exogenous
energy, usually in the form of fossil fuel (18).
More ominously, there is no substitute for
15 or mechanism for artificially synthesizing
phosphorus. Consider water. By damming
rivers and streams and digging wells into
10 subsurface aquifers, humans currently use
more than 56% of all accessible fresh water.
5 Most of this water is used for irrigation of
crops, so that human activities account for
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about 26% of the water lost by evapotrans-

0 piration from terrestrial ecosystems (19, 20).
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Consider impacts on global ecosystems (21)
and biodiversity (22). To produce plant and
Year AD animal products for human consumption
and to house our growing population, we
have transformed ecosystems and land-
Fig. 3. Global phytomass stores. Calculated from table 2 of Smil (11), assuming 1 t carbon ∼35 × 109 joules. scapes on approximately 83% of Earth’s
ZJ = zeta joules = joules × 1021.
ice-free land area. We have replaced forests
and other native ecosystems with agricul-
Fig. 4 depicts the multiplier effect of two current per-capita consumption of 2,370 W tural crops, pastures, forestry plantations,
large numbers that determine the rapid dis- identified above for an average person is about buildings, and pavement, pre-empting about
charge rate of the earth‐space battery. Energy 24 times that of a hunter-gatherer ancestor. 40% of terrestrial NPP and reducing the
use per person multiplied by population gives Furthermore, this average value does not in- standing stock of living biomass on the
total global energy consumption by humans. dicate the wide variation in per capita energy planet by an estimated 45%. Additional hu-
According to British Petroleum’s numbers consumption as a function of socioeconomic man-caused changes have substantially re-
(16), which most experts accept, in 2013, conditions, which ranges from only slightly duced the stocks of ocean fisheries, altered
average per capita energy use was 74.6 × 109 more than the biological metabolic rate in the global biogeochemical cycles and climate,
and caused extinction of species at 100–1,000
J/person per year (equivalent to ∼2,370 W if poorest developing countries to more than
times the average prehuman extinction rates.
plotted in green in Fig. 4). Multiplying this by 11,000 W in the most developed countries
Finally, consider that 15–30% of current
the world population of 7.1 billion in 2013 with their energy-demanding industrial-
global energy consumption is used to simply
gives a total consumption of ∼0.53 ZJ/y technological-informational economies (8, 17).
supply food for 7.2 billion people (23, 24).
(equivalent to 16.8 TW if plotted in red in Compared with humankind’s metabolic needs
Most of this energy comes from fossil fuels
Fig. 4), which is greater than 1% of the total and the remaining chemical stores in the and is used for the supplemental inputs of
recoverable fossil fuel energy stored in the earth-space battery (distance to thermody- water, fertilizer, pesticides, and machine
planet (i.e., 0.53 ZJ/40 ZJ = 1.3%). As time namic equilibrium), the rate of net discharge labor that enable modern agriculture to
progresses, the population increases, and the is very large and obviously unsustainable. achieve high yields (25–27). Therefore, the
economy grows, the outcome of multiplying The earth is in serious energetic imbalance human population is sustained by the NPP
these two very large numbers is that the total due to human energy use. This imbalance of agriculture, but the capacity of this agri-
rate of global energy consumption is growing defines our most dominant conflict with culture to feed the global population requires
at a near-exponential rate. nature. It really is a conflict in the sense that massive discharge of the earth-space battery.
To put these numbers in perspective, the current energy imbalance, a crisis un- The unidirectional dissipation of living
consider a point of reference. An individual precedented in Earth history, is a direct biomass and fossil fuel energy from the bat-
human requires on average 8.4 MJ/d (2,000 consequence of technological innovation. The tery has provided our species unprecedented
kcal/d) in the form of food to support a bi- detrimental effects of discharging the organic powerful domination over the biogeochemical
ological metabolic rate of about 100 W. To chemical energy stored in the battery extend cycles and other organisms of the planet.
fuel their diverse activities, contemporary hu- far beyond the depletion of stored living Others have chronicled these changes and
mans supplement biological metabolism with phytomass and fossil fuel energy. Consider their consequences (18–22, 28–30), but their
extrametabolic energy derived from other minerals. Energetically overpowered hu- warnings have failed to arouse sufficient public
sources, principally fossil fuels. Therefore, the mans have discovered and mined most of concern and motivate a meaningful response.

9514 | Schramski et al.

Second, basing our estimate on human bio-
logical metabolism does not include that high
rate of extrametabolic energy expenditure
currently being used to feed the population
and fuel the economy. Third, the above es-
timate does not account that both the global
human population and the per-capita rate of
energy use are not constant, but increasing at
near-exponential rates. We do not attempt to
extrapolate to predict the future trajectories,
which must ultimately turn downward as
essential energy stocks are depleted. Finally,
we emphasize that not only has the global
store of phytomass energy decreased rapidly,
but more importantly human dominance
over the remaining portion has also in-
creased rapidly. Long before the hypotheti-
cal deadline when the global phytomass
store is completely exhausted, the energetics
of the biosphere and all its inhabitant species
will have been drastically altered, with pro-
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found changes in biogeochemical function

and remaining biodiversity. The very conser-
vative Ω index shows how rapidly land use
changes, NPP appropriation, pollution, and
other activities are depleting phytomass stores
to fuel the current near-exponential trajecto-
ries of population and economic growth. Be-
cause the Ω index is conservative, it also
emphasizes how very little time is left to make
Fig. 4. History of global growth in per capita energy consumption, population, and total energy consumption.
Reproduced from ref. 30, with permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd, Nature.
changes and achieve a sustainable future for
the biosphere and humanity. We are already
firmly within the zone of scientific uncertainty
Ironically, powerful political and market energy needed to feed the global population where some perturbation could trigger a cat-
forces, rather than acting to conserve the re- for 1 y (joules per year; Fig. 5). The de- astrophic state shift in the biosphere and in
maining charge in the battery, actually push nominator represents the basic (metabolic) the human population and economy (31). As
in the opposite direction, because the perva- energy need of the human population; it is we rapidly approach the chemical equilibrium
sive efforts to increase economic growth will obtained by multiplying the global population of outer space, the laws of thermodynamics
require increased energy consumption (4, 8). N by their per capita metabolic needs for 1 y offer little room for negotiation.
Much of the above information has been (B = 3.06 × 109 joules/person·per year as
presented elsewhere, but in different forms calculated from an 8.4 × 106 joules/person·day
The trajectory of Ω shown in Fig. 5 has at least
(e.g., in the references cited). Our synthesis diet). The simple expression for Ω gives the
differs from most of these treatments in two three implications for the future of human-
number of years at current rates of con-
respects: (i) it introduces the paradigm of the kind. First, there is no reason to expect a dif-
sumption that the global phytomass storage
earth‐space battery to provide a new perspec- ferent trajectory in the near future. Something
could feed the human race. By making the
tive, and (ii) it emphasizes the critical impor- like the present level of biomass energy de-
conservative but totally unrealistic assumption struction will be required to sustain the present
tance of living biomass for global sustainability that all phytomass could be harvested to feed global population with its fossil fuel‐subsidized
of both the biosphere and human civilization. humans (i.e., all of it is edible), we get an ab- food production and economy. Second, as the
Humans and Phytomass solute maximum estimate of the number of earth‐space battery is being discharged ever
years of food remaining for humankind. Fig. 5 faster (Fig. 3) to support an ever larger pop-
We can be more quantitative and put this
into context by introducing a new sustain- shows that over the years 0–2000, Ω has de- ulation, the capacity to buffer changes will di-
ability metric Ω creased predictably and dramatically from minish and the remaining energy gradients
67,000 to 1,029 y (for example, in the year will experience increasing perturbations. As
Ω= [1] 2000, P = 19.3 × 1021 joules, B = 3.06 × 109 more people depend on fewer available energy
joules/person·per year, and N = 6.13 × 109 options, their standard of living and very sur-
which purposefully combines perhaps the persons; thus, Ω = 1,029 y). In just 2,000 y, our vival will become increasingly vulnerable to
two critical variables affecting the energy single species has reduced Ω by 98.5%. fluctuations, such as droughts, disease epi-
status of the planet: total phytomass and The above is a drastic underestimate for demics, social unrest, and warfare. Third,
human population. Eq. 1 accomplishes this four reasons. First, we obviously cannot con- there is considerable uncertainty in how the
combination by dividing the stored phyto- sume all phytomass stores for food; the pre- biosphere will function as Ω decreases from
mass chemical energy P (in joules) by the ponderance of phytomass runs the biosphere. the present Ω = ∼1,029 y into an uncharted

Schramski et al. PNAS | August 4, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 31 | 9515

expand the yet to be designed but compulsory
80,000 large-scale energy storage systems. Moreover,
1900 whereas some deployment of solar systems
(e.g., over roofs, roads, and parking lots) causes
little direct reduction of biomass, greater
70,000 1700 deployment will undoubtedly result in in-
creasing indirect biomass consequences to
1600 both fabricate and install solar collectors and
other infrastructure. The earth-space battery
60,000 paradigm clarifies why the total upfront
1400 and ongoing energy investments in solar
and other renewables need to be balanced
1300 with the energy produced, i.e., greater en-
50,000 1200 ergy return on energy investment (4, 35),
and why their production and installation
1100 must not negatively impact the remaining
biomass budget of earth.
40,000 The logic presented above is indisputable,
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
because the laws of thermodynamics are ab-

Year AD solute and inviolate. Unless phytomass stores


stabilize, human civilization is unsustainable.

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30,000 The battery paradigm highlights the need to

continue to refine estimates of the global
biomass degradation (13) and its corre-
sponding chemical energy contents and of
20,000 recoverable fossil fuels. It emphasizes the need
for greater recognition of the central impor-
tance of living biomass and the past, present,
and future trajectory of decreasing Ω. History
offers a mixed message about the capacity of
humans to innovate and act in time to avoid
collapse. At local and regional scales, many
multiple past civilizations (e.g., Greece, Rome,
Angkor Wat, Teotihuacan) failed to adapt
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
to changing social and ecological conditions
and crashed catastrophically. At the same
Year AD time, human ingenuity and technological in-
novations allowed the global population and
Fig. 5. Number of years of phytomass food potentially available to feed the global human population. Calculated from
the total stored phytomass energy of the planet divided by the metabolic energy needs to feed the global population for 1 y
economy to grow at near-exponential rates.
(i.e., joules/joules per year = years) assuming an 8.4-MJ per capita daily diet for the entire year. Rapidly decreasing trend line This growth has been fueled by exploiting
indicates increasing dominance of phytomass by humankind. For reasons given in the text, these values are very conser- new energy sources, transitioning among an-
vative. Little margin remains to safely continue the current trend. imal, hydro, wind, wood, coal, oil, natural
gas, nuclear, photovoltaic solar, geothermal,
and others. The implications of past localized
thermodynamic operating region. The global Many of the organizations and authors
collapses and global growth are of questionable
biosphere, human population, and economy who have recognized the seriousness of the
relevance to the current situation, however,
will obviously crash long before Ω = 1 y. If looming energy crisis are suggesting the pos-
because now, for the first time in history, hu-
H. sapiens does not go extinct, the human pop- sibility of achieving some level of sustain-
manity is facing a global chemical energy limit.
ulation will decline drastically as we will be ability of the global population and economy The earth-space battery paradigm provides a
forced to return to making a living as hunter‐ by implementing renewable energy technol- simple framework for understanding the his-
gatherers or simple horticulturalists. Also, ogies (32, 33). We too recognize the impor- torical effects of humans on the energy dy-
the earth after the collapse of human civi- tance of solar and other renewables in namics of the biosphere, including the unal-
lization will be a very different place than the cushioning the ecological and socioeconomic terable thermodynamic boundaries that now
biosphere that supported the rise of civiliza- consequences as the biosphere returns toward pose severe challenges to the future of hu-
tion. There will be a long-lasting legacy of al- a steady state between NPP and respiration. mankind. Living biomass is the energy
tered climate, landscapes, and biogeochemical There is indeed a large supply of solar energy capital that runs the biosphere and supports
cycles, depleted and dispersed stocks of fossil that has not yet been tapped for human use. the human population and economy. There
fuels, metals, and nuclear ores, and diminished As mentioned above, sunlight is highly dis- is an urgent need not only to halt the de-
biodiversity. The most powerful species in the persed low-quality energy. Consequently, pletion of this biological capital, but to move
3.5-billion-year history of life has transformed current technologies rely heavily on fossil fuels as rapidly as possible toward an approxi-
the earth and left a mark that will endure long to design, mine, build, and operate the col- mate equilibrium between NPP and respi-
after its passing. lection and distribution systems (34) and ration. There is simply no reserve tank of

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biomass for planet Earth. The laws of ther- there was a variation in population estimates for a given mass energy = [35 − 3.386 × 10−5 (year)2 + 9.373−2
year, to be conservative, we used the lowest. Phytomass (year) − 67.770] zeta joules.
modynamics have no mercy. Equilibrium is energy content P required a continuous function to rep-
inhospitable, sterile, and final. resent all years from 0 to 2000. We used second-order ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The University of Georgia’s En-
equations to fit the data points in Fig. 3. The first three vironmental Engineering students are gratefully acknowl-
Materials and Methods data points (years 0–1800) were represented by phyto- edged for persistent engaging questions and deep dis-
To calculate omega in Fig. 5, we used the data on increase in mass energy = [35 − 1.70 × 10−6 (year)2 − 1.801 × 10−3 cussions that enhanced key points in this research. This
population N from the years 0 to 1950 and from 1950 to (year) − 1.8031 × 10−3] zeta joules. The remaining data work was funded in part by National Science Foundation
2000 from the US Census Bureau (36, 37). In all cases, if points (years 1800–2000) were represented by phyto- Macrosystems Biology Grant EF 1065836 (to J.H.B.).

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