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1. Introduction

2. Basics

3. Light and Surface Colors

4. Color Systems

5. CIE Standard Observer

6. Color Spaces

7. Measuring Instruments and

Measurement Methods

8. Limits of Colorimetry

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 1

1. Introduction

When the terms color and color perception The very fact that the eyes of every individu-
are used, it is important to know that their al react differently to the spectral characteri- All colors can be mixed
assessment is always subjective. People per- stics of light give an idea why it is so difficult by using Iight sources
ceive color individually, and you won’t find to assess color objectively. Color perception of three different colors
two individuals who assess all colors in ex- differs only slightly from individual to indivi- of variable intensity, so
that any other color can
actly the same way. dual, but in critical cases this may, neverthe- be produced. This is the
less, result in misunderstanding. most important property
Even the term “color” may have different me- of human color percepti-
anings, and, just as its perception and assess- Let’s take, for instance, turquoise and its vi- on.
ment, it is not absolutely clear. Color may be sual assessment. This color may cause com-
used in connection with a dyeing substance pletely different perceptions and color sen-
which due to its properties tints or “paints” sations. For some, it is more a greenish tone,
objects, as, for example, inks, printing inks while others are absolutely convinced that it
and varnishes. is more a blue shade.

They change the visual appearance of an ob- Color sensation and human color perception
ject or an area and, as a result, the color per- are influenced by different factors to a lesser
ception of the viewer. In addition, the term or greater extent. Besides the type of light in
“color” can describe the perceived hue and/ which color is viewed, the size of the viewing
or color shade of an object or an area. area and the immediately adjacent colors
will play an important part.
While the variety of the colors is magnificent,
it also makes precise and uniform reproduc-
tion very difficult for the printing industry.

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 2

1. Introduction

Color perception is, in addition, influenced by As a result, it must be possible to evaluate

the emotional and physical condition of the the subjective color sensation in an objective Organisms with just one
viewer. Furthermore, congenital defective vi- way by means of measuring instruments color receptor (red, green,
sion (monochromacy or dichromacy) has an and mathematical formulae. This is the star- blue or UV) are mono-
influence on the processing and interpretati- ting point of colorimetry and its approach to chromats. They are una-
on of color stimuli. the assessment of different colors and their ble to see different colors,
interrelations in quantitative (numerical) but can only perceive dif-
Summing up, one can say that the following terms. ferent shades of grey.
factors influence the subjective color percep-
tion of an individual and make objective as- For a better understanding of the “color vi- Dichromacy
sessments impossible: sion” process, it is first of all divided into its Organisms with only two
single components. Of these, the componen- types of cones for the per-
• Light source ts light, surface and eye shall be examined in ception of color are called
• Adjacent colors more detail. dichromats. Persons with
• Adjacent areas one deficient color recep-
tor are dichromats, too.
• Surface characteristics
• Mental condition
• Individual spectral color sensitivity (eye)

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 3

2. Basics – Light

Light as a physical parameter There are also significant differences in the

composition of artificial light sources. The
Light which is visible for the human eye lies light produced by an incandescent light bulb
within a specific range of electromagnetic is more reddish. A fluorescent tube, on the
radiation. This spectrum comprises wave- other hand, produces light which is more blu-
lengths from 380 - 780 nm with small diffe- ish. The result is that the viewing of a color
rences from individual to individual as regards under different light sources inevitably leads
the minimum and maximum values. to differences in the perception of the same
color tone.
We can see the color of objects and areas
because some parts of the incident rays of In order to be nevertheless able to measure
light are reflected and some parts are ab- and assess color, it is necessary to define a
sorbed. Objects and areas can absorb or re- standardized light source which covers the to-
flect only the range of wavelengths of the tal visible spectrum as uniformly as possible.
radiation contained in the incident light.
Therefore, it is obvious that the spectral Color temperature
composition of light plays an important
part in the assessment of colors. Different types of light are often defined
by specifying the color temperature. Color
The spectral composition of natural light temperature is determined by means of
strongly depends on the time of the day and the so-called black-body radiator (Planck’s
year. In the morning and in the evening, sun- law).
light looks redder. This phenomenon is due
to the fact that the short-wave blue rays are This is an ideal black body that, due to its
absorbed more strongly as a result of the lon- characteristics, completely absorbs all light
ger distance through the atmosphere of the that hits it. When heated up to a specific
earth. As a consequence, the red portion in temperature, the body starts to glow and
the light that finally arrives prevails. to give off light. The color of the emitted
light changes with increasing temperature

Total spectrum of electromagnetic radiation

Spectrum of visible and invisible light

Spectrum of visible light

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 4

2. Basics – Light

from red to blue. Like melted metal, the One of these standard illuminants is D50.
color of the body seems to be more and It is equivalent to the spectral compositi-
more blue the hotter it gets. on of daylight with a cloudy sky in Europe.
D stands for Daylight and 50 for the color
Color temperature alone is, however, not temperature of 5000 Kelvin. Besides D50,
sufficient to draw any precise inferences there are other types of illuminants standar-
concerning the spectral composition of a dized by the CIE, e.g. D65 (6500 Kelvin).
light source. Besides color temperature, the
emission intensity (intensity of radiation) D65 is a little bit more bluish than D50 and
needs to be precisely defined in order to is used in industry (automotive, furniture).
make color matching and measurements Use of the D50 standard illuminant is re-
with different devices comparable. quired as standard for measurements and
color matching in the graphic arts industry.
Types of standard illuminants
The CIE chromaticity diagram
with the Planckian locus (ra-
As mentioned above, color is not a characte-
diation path). The color of
ristic of an object, but the perception of the
light changes with increasing
energy emitted or reflected by an object.
colour temperature.
This information is converted into the sensa-
tion of color only by the eyes and the brain.
The light source and the environment must,
therefore, be standardized in order to create
reproducible conditions for color vision.

Due to the different spectral properties of

different light sources, the CIE (see page 14)
defined standard illuminants for different
purposes. They shall feature defined spec-
tral distributions of radiation within the vi-
sible magnetic spectrum. The definition of
standard illuminants ensures that measure- Color tem-
ments and viewing are always carried out perature Light source
(in °Kelvin)
under the same conditions.
1800 K Candlelight
300 2800 K Incandescent light bulb
3400 K Halogen lamp
2000 K 4100 K Moonlight
9000 K
200 3000 K 5000 K Average sunlight (D50)
7000 K
4000 K
6000 K
5000 K
6500 K Average daylight (D65)
5000 K 6000 K
7000 K 8300 K Dull, foggy weather
4000 K 9000 K
3000 K
2000 K Sunshine in high mountain
100 15000 K
400 500 600 700 λ (nm)
chains (reflectance by snow)

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 5

2. Basics – Surface

When light hits a body, it starts to interact hit the body. With diffuse reflection (re-
The ratio of reflected,
with it. First of all, a few terms and defini- mittance), the striking light rays are scat- transmitted or absorbed
tions for a better understanding. tered. The more specular the reflection, light in relation to the
the shinier and smoother the appearance incident light is called
Emission of the object. degree of reflectance,
transmission or absorpti-
When light is given off by primary light Transmission on. There are no objects
sources, this is called emission. Primary on earth which reflect,
light sources are all objects which emit When light passes through an object, this is transmit or absorb light
light regardless of whether or not light is called transmission. This can, for instance, completely.
directed on them, as, for instance, com- be achieved with white areas on print films
puter displays, lamp bulbs or fluorescent or with optical filters.


When part of the incident light is not re-
When light hits a body and is reflected by flected by the object, this is called absorp-
it, this is called reflection. Reflection may tion. The light is, in a way, “swallowed”. The
be directed (specular) or undirected (dif- more light the object absorbs, the darker it
fused or remitted). With directed reflec- looks.
tion, the angle of incidence equals the an-
gle of reflection. This means that the light
rays are reflected at the same angle as they


Reflection (directional)

Reflection (diffuse)

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 6

2. Basics – Surface

In contrast to emission which comes from a Light emitted by a light source hits the sur-
body with its own light source, pigment or face of a body. Depending on the atomic
surface Colors (see page 9) are always the structure of the surface, specific wave-
result of a combination of absorption and length ranges are absorbed by the atoms
reflection. Due to this interaction, we see and converted into energy (heat). The ato-
the body in a specific colour. This interac- mic surface structure of a black body, for
tion may differ and influence color percep- instance, is such that it absorbs nearly all
tion depending on the texture of the body wavelength ranges and therefore releases
and its surface. a high amount of thermal energy. This also Schematic illustration of ab-
explains the effect that black bodies get sorption and reflection. The
As a consequence, surface Colors directly much warmer than white ones when illu- longwave red and the short-
depend on the spectral composition of the minated. wave blue components of the
incident light and the molecular compositi- spectrum are absorbed by the
on of the body and are strongly influenced Other wavelength ranges are reflected by atoms. As a result, only the
by these two factors. In contrast to a light the body depending on the surface struc- green components are re-
source that can be changed, the molecu- ture. They hit the receptors in the eye and flected from the surface. The
lar properties of a surface normally do not thus produce the respective chromatic va- result is a green color effect.
change. lence in the brain (see next page). Reflection may be directional
or diffuse.

Reflected light which only con-

tains the green portions of the
incident light spectrum.
Light comprising all
wavelengths of the

The energy of the absorbed

wavelengths is converted
into another form of energy

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 7

2. Basics – the Eye

Human vision The rods and cones receive the signals

and convert them into electrical impulses
Color perception is the result of the inter- which are then transported to the brain via
action between the eye and the brain. It is nerve pathways. The brain analyzes the im-
necessary to understand how this interac- pulses and interprets them. This produces
tion works. the color perception (chromatic valence)
only in the brain and not in the eye already. Color perception in the hu-
The reflected light hits the human eye man brain is always the result
with its two different kinds of receptors as of the interaction between
a color stimulus. light and the illuminated
body and/or area. In this con-
• The rods – for a distinction between nection, a difference is made
black and white; they are active in low- between surface colors, i.e.
light conditions, e.g. moonshine. that portion of light which
is reflected by an object, and
• The cones – for color perception with colors produced by primary
sensitivity for the wavelength ranges of light sources , i.e. which are
red, green and blue. directly emitted by an object
(e.g. a lamp). Which color
For each of the three Colors, there is appro- cones rods sensation is produced in the
ximately the same number of cones in the brain is determined by the
human eye. wavelength of the emitted or
reflected light.

Light source Chromatic

Assessment of the
incoming color
Emission stimulus and/or
(Light colors) transmitted
electrical signal by
the brain

(Surface colors)

Emission Color stimulus

(Light colors)
(cones and rods)
Electrical signals
transmitted by the
Light source receptors (cones) to
the brain

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 8

3. Light and Surface Colors

Mixing of light colors

Additive color mixing
If light rays emitted by a light source reach
Primary colors (basic colors)
the eye directly and thus cause a homo-
geneous perception of color, this is called
light colors. This way of producing color ef-
fects is called additive color mixing.
Secondary colors (mixture of 2 primary colors)
Additive color mixing is based on the fact
that the spatial and/or temporal resolving
ability of the eye is not strong enough in
order to perceive incoming color sensa-
Tertiary colors (mixture of 3 primary colors)
tions separately. This fact is, for instance,
used on monitors with very small pixels
and rapidly changing colors.

The colors used in additive color mixing as

a basis are similar to the sensitivity of the In the real world and with real light sour-
cones in the human eye – red, green and ces, a large number, but not all colors can
blue. A mixture of all three primary colors be produced by mixing the three primary
in equal portions produces white, red and colors red, green and blue. It is, e.g., not
green produce the secondary color yellow, possible to produce spectral cyan by mi-
blue and red produce magenta, and blue xing red, green and blue. In purely mathe-
and green produce cyan. matical terms, it is, however, possible to
mix really all colors.
With additive color mixing, the color pro-
duced by mixing two or three primary co- Mixing of surface colors
lors is always lighter than the primary co-
lors it is composed of. Surface colors are all color perceptions
which are produced by the removal of
spectral portions of light, i.e. by absorption
or transmission. Therefore, they always re-
yellow quire a light source and a surface on which
the light rays impinge.

When surface colors are mixed (printing

inks during printing), this is called subtrac-
tive color mixing. Like with additive color
mixing, the low resolving ability of the
red magenta human eye is used in order to produce a
mixed color. Otherwise it would, e.g., not
be possible to produce a green color hue in
four-color printing.

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 9

3. Light and Surface Colors

yellow physically (by mixing different colorants)

or by overprinting transparent layers of ink
In color theory, CMYK as
– like in multi-color printing. used in the printing pro-
cess does not exist. In the
In contrast to additive color mixing, during printing process, black (K)
which the spectral portions of light are ad- is added in order to im-
prove the purity of black
ded up, the result of subtractive color mi- in comparison to that
black xing is generated by multiplying the spec- achieved by mixing the
green tral portions. three colors, and richer
black also yields higher
Autotypical color mixing contrast.
magenta blue
The larger the distance of
If a combination of subtractive and addi-
viewing, the greener the ap-
cyan tive color mixing is used for the production
pearance of the area. The
of colors, this process is called autotypical
smaller the distance, the
color mixing. This is, for instance, the case
better the perception of the
The primary colors of subtractive color mi- when layers of transparent inks are over-
single components and their
xing are cyan, magenta and yellow, the se- printed and portions of light are removed
condary colors of additive color mixing. In from the reflection spectrum of the prin-
contrast to additive color mixing, the color ted product with each additional ink layer.
produced by combining two colors in sub-
tractive color mixing is always darker than From a greater distance, the eye is, ho-
the components separately. wever, not capable of perceiving single dots
that are very close to each other separately.
When the three primary colors cyan, ma- The result is an addition of the reflections
genta and yellow are mixed, the result is, of the individual dots.
theoretically, black. They can be mixed

Primary Colors of the RGB

Subtractive color mixing
system (edged in red) and
secondary Colors (edged in
Primary colors (basic colors)
blue). The same colors are
applicable for the CMY sys-
tem, however, the other way
round, i.e. primary colors are
Secondary colors (mixture of 2 primary colors) edged in blue, and the secon-
dary Colors are edged in red.

Tertiary colors (mixture of 3 primary colors)

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 10

3. Light and Surface Colors

Ideal and real colors

To make explanations easier in color the- Cyan ideal

ory, it is assumed that colors are ideal or
pure. This means that each color theoreti-
cally only reflects a clearly limited portion
of the spectrum with uniform intensity,
while the remaining spectral parts are not
Cyan real
In reality, the reflection spectra of the in-
dividual colors are neither clearly limited
nor of the same maximum intensity. This 380 nm Wavelength 780 nm
is due to the fact that the properties of the Ideal and real remission curves of the color cyan
pigments and dyes used for the production
of inks are not ideal. It is, in fact, nowadays
more and more difficult to deliver constant Magenta ideal
color quality in printing since there are va-
riations in the composition of the inks (pig-
mentation, i.e. the exact color coordinates
of the color).

This is the consequence of variations in the

basic materials of ink production, often
due to the use of low-quality pigments and Magenta real
dyes because of the higher price pressure
ink manufacturers are faced with.
380 nm Wavelength 780 nm
In addition, the reflection properties of the Ideal and real remission curves of the color magenta
substrate, the spectral composition of the
light source and the sensitivity curves of
the human eye are not ideal. Yellow ideal

Yellow real

380 nm Wavelength 780 nm

Ideal and real remission curves of the color yellow

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 11

4. Color Systems

The classification of colors in accordance

Chromaticity change Chromatic colors
with objective criteria requires color sys- (from green to red) Within the meaning of
tems. They shall make it easier to com- color theory, chromatic
municate and describe colors. For the colors stand for the puri-
classification of colors, parameters for the ty of the spectral colors,
i.e. maximum degree of
description of colors must be defined. For
this purpose, hue, lightness and saturation
(chromaticity) which correspond approxi-
mately with human color perception are Achromatic colors
Achromatic colors are co-
best suited. 380 nm Wavelength 780 nm
lors with no color effect.

Hue describes which wavelength of the vi-

sible spectrum reaches the eye. It defines
Changes in lightness
whether a color is perceived as red, green (lighter and at the same
or blue. time more chromatic)

The intensity of the light radiation emitted

by a color is called lightness. As a general
rule: The higher the lightness of the color,
the higher the radiation intensity.

380 nm Wavelength 780 nm

Saturation describes how intense (brilliant)
a color appears with constant lightness. It
defines how strongly the appearance of a
color shifts from chromatic towards achro- Changes in
matic (white, grey and/or black) as a result (more saturated, at
of reflection. As a consequence, saturation the same time
more chromatic)
of a color is highest when the color reflects
light of a single wavelength. On the other
hand, saturation is at its lowest level when
all wavelengths are reflected in the same
380 nm Wavelength 780 nm
Color mixing systems

Color mixing systems are compilations de- Color order systems

fined by the manufacturers at will. As to
perception, they are not equidistant. This In contrast to a color mixing system, a co-
means that the color differences perceived lor order system is a compilation of color
by the human eye are not reflected in the samples which are arranged in such a way
color specification of such systems. The that the color difference is perceived as Color fans of the PANTONE
best known color mixing systems are HKS, equidistant. This means that the color dif- (top) und HKS (bottom) color
RAL and PANTONE. ferences perceived by the viewer are also mixing systems

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 12

4. Color Systems

considered in the arrangement of the co- on the CIE standard chromatic valences. Ex-
lors. So, when color differences are percei- amples are: the CIE color space, the CIELAB
ved as larger, the spatial distance between color space and the CIELUV color space.
colors within the color order system is lar-
ger as well. This is so irrespective of the lo-
cation of the colors in the respective order

Color order systems are used to commu-

nicate colors which can be reproduced in
the printing industry. They can be used as
references and as guidance in the selection
of colors. The most well-known color order
systems are the American Munsell System,
the DIN color chart (according to DIN 6164)
as well as the Swedish NCS system.

Color space systems

Color space systems are color order sys-

tems based on valence-metric measure-
ments. They try to make the visual appea-
rance of colors definable and measurable
by means of coordinate systems. Within
the color space systems, each color is at a
specific location which is described and, as
a result, uniquely defined by chromaticity
coordinates. Color space systems are based

Schematic illustration of the

Munsell color system which is
widely used in the USA

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 13

5. CIE Standard Observer

CIE standard observer color V by manipulating three separate

CIE (Comission Interna-
knobs for the primary chromatic valences tionale de l‘Eclairage or
As mentioned above, the “perception of co- red, green and blue. So the experiment de- International Commission
lor” is a very subjective process and differs termines which portions of red, green and on Illumination)
from individual to individual. Establishing blue are perceived by the observers under The CIE is an independent
non-profit organisation. It
this at an objective level requires a scien- illumination of a specific wavelength. The is devoted to the coordina-
tific assessment of the “color perception” measured values were averaged and are tion of worldwide coopera-
process and models for their description. the mathematical basis of “color percepti- tion and the exchange of
on”. information on all matters
Two of the color spaces developed by the relating to the science of
light and lighting. Since
CIE are CIExyz and CIEL*a*b*. These color The standard chromatic valence system 1931, it has developed
spaces describe the total range of colors originally developed by the CIE (CIE 1931) color spaces and provided
which the human eye can perceive. Both uses measurement values which were theoretical basic concepts
color spaces are based on the standard viewed through a 2° angle. This is approxi- for colorimetry. The CIE is
chromatic valences established by the CIE mately equivalent to a view on a Euro coin recognized by ISO as an
international standardi-
in 1931. from a viewing distance of 30cm. zation body.

These standard chromatic valences were Accidentally, this also corresponds with the
established by means of a standard obser- typical viewing distance to the computer
ver defined by the CIE and were derived monitor – computer graphics are nearly
mathematically. The basic values of this completely based on the 2° observer. At
mathematical derivation are the result of this field of view, human color perception
a series of experiments carried out with a is particularly good.
group of persons who were faced with the
following scenario: Standard chromatic valences

The “observer“ sees a test color at a speci- In order to provide a standard system in
fic wavelength (e.g. a yellow hue) and can line with the human eye, the CIE derived
produce (mix) a match of the unknown three fictive characteristic values – X (red),
Schematic illustration of the
series of experiments carried
out by the CIE for the deter-
mination of the standard va-

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 14

5. CIE Standard Observer

and y coordinates. The coordinates are the

2° and 10°
2° result of the standard spectral values x and The 2° standard obser-
y which were determined by the CIE stan- ver is used as a basis of
10° dard observers. measurements in the
printing industry.
Difference between the size of the field of vision The spectrally pure Colors lie on the cur- The 10° standard obser-
with a viewing angle of 2° and 10°. The area in- ved edge of the chromaticity chart, called ver is used in all other in-
creases from 1cm (2°) to 5.25cm (10°). spectral locus. The straight line at the low- dustries working with co-
er end from blue to red is called purple line. lor (e.g. varnish producers,
Y (green) and Z (blue). All perceivable Colors All perceivable colors are located between chemical industry).
can be reproduced by means of these three the spectral locus and the purple line.
standard chromatic valences. They descri-
be the wavelength ranges which produce a Due to the mathematical principle appli-
colour stimulus in the brain corresponding cable to the chromatic valences, the two
with those established by the CIE standard coordinates x and y are sufficient to define x = _________ red
observer. each colour. (X + Y + Z)

The chromatic valences are the mathema-

tical basis for the development and deriva- y = _________ green
tion of device-independent color spaces. In (X + Y + Z)
terms of mathematics: When two of the
three chromatic valences are given, the Y
z = _________
third can be calculated, since the sum of all blue
3 valences must always be 1. (X + Y + Z)

CIE chromaticity chart


The chromaticity chart developed by the 500

CIE is a two-dimensional coordinate sys-

tem. Within this system, all perceivable D50

0,333 E
Colors can be described by means of the x 750-750

0,333 1 X

Bild 8_24

Graphic illustration of the standard valences X, Y

and Z determined by the CIE

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 15

6. Color Spaces

While colour systems are used to display sting axes x and y only describe hue and
colour samples according to pre-defined saturation. The achromatic axis and/or
criteria, the colour spaces are needed as standard colour value z was added in or-
instruments to make all Colors measurable der to define lightness as the third relevant
that can be displayed in a specific process. characteristic of color.

Color spaces are three-dimensional repre- The standard colour value z is determined
sentations in which every colour is preci- using the values from 0 (black) to 100
sely defined by coordinates located within (white). The locus of the achromatic point
the color space. Within the color spaces, is determined by the type of illuminant
the transitions between the different co- (standard: D50). Saturation increases with
lors are basically progressive (continuous). increasing distance from the achromatic
The term used for describing the position point.
of a color exactly defined by the chromatic
values (coordinates) is called chromaticity The CIExyz color space is, however, not sui-
coordinates. ted for the printing industry since it is not
perceived as being equidistant, just like the
Color spaces differ essentially as to the CIExy chromaticity diagram.
amount of Colors they comprise, and they
are either device-dependent or device- For a color space to be perceived as equi-
independent. There are a lot more device- distant, the spaces between two Colors
dependent color spaces than device-inde- determined by measurements must also
pendent color spaces, since every device comply with the optical differences. This
that is capable of displaying color has its must be guaranteed irrespective of the ar-
own color space. rangement of Colors in the colour system.

Device-independent color spaces z

Color spaces are always device-indepen-

dent if they comprise all colors that the hu-
man eye can perceive and if every color is
clearly defined mathematically. Definition
Extension of the CIExy stan-
may be by Cartesian coordinates (CIElab)
dard chromaticity diagram
or polar coordinates (CIEluv). For an unam-
by the third dimension Z. The
biguous definition of colors within a color
achromatic point (red circle)
space, three coordinates are required. y
is defined by the type of illu-
minant (see Standard types of
For this, the two-dimensional CIE chroma-
illuminants, Page 5).
ticity chart with the axes x and y is used
as a basis. The CIExyz color space is created The fact that the CIExyz color space does
by expanding it with the third dimension not satisfy the condition of perceived equi-
of the achromatic axis z. Extension by the distance was discovered by William D. L.
third axis z is necessary since the two exi- MacAdam.

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 16

6. Color Spaces

ted at the end of the negative range. At the

CIELAB and CIEL*a*b*
positive end of the b* axis, there is the color The asterisks in L*a*b* have
yellow, and at the negative end, there is the a historical meaning – sin-
color blue. ce a Lab model had already
existed, the asterisks were
added in the 1976 model
The CIEL*a*b* color space is, however, also which is perceived as near-
a color space which is perceived as being ly equidistant.
only nearly equidistant. Distances bet-
ween Colors in very chromatic ranges are
perceived as greater than identical color di-
stances measured close to the achromatic

The MacAdam ellipses within the CIExy color di-

agram. For the human eye, colors within the el-
lipses are visually indistinguishable.

He discovered that the observer perceives

geometric spaces in the blue range much
more strongly than in the range of green
hues. Consequently, the human eye can
distinguish between different blue hues
much better than between different green
hues. A schematic illustration of this dis-
covery is given in the so-called MacAdam
Schematic illustration of the
CIEL*a*b* color space as to its
shape (top) and color spectrum
CIE L*a*b* color space

In the CIELAB color space, the three para- L white

meters describing a colour are defined by
the axes L*, a* und b*. L* defines the light-
ness of a color, which may be between 0 +b
and 100. The higher the L* value of a color,
the lighter is the described color. -a
The values for the a* and b* axes may be
both positive and negative. On the a* axis,
the color red is located at the end of the
positive range, and the color green is loca-
L black

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 17

6. Color Spaces

DIN ISO 13655 (the standard for “Spectral

The color difference ena-
measurement and colorimetric computa- ΔE*ab =√(ΔL*)² + (Δa*)² +(Δb*)² bles to define colors ob-
tion for graphic arts images”) requires for jectively and to check
the printing industry that only color coor- them in qualitative terms
dinates be used which are based on the CIE ΔL* =L*1- L*2 in addition to their visual
effect. The larger the color
L*a*b* color space. The standard series ISO Δa*=a*1- a*2 difference, the stronger
12647 also exclusively uses this color space the visual perception.
Δb*=b*1- b*2
for the definition of reference values for
process control in printing.
Determination of the dimensionless parameter
Delta E and the formula used
Besides the CIE L*a*b* color space which is
relevant for the printing industry, there is
also the CIE LCH color space. Like the CIE
L*a*b* color space, it is device-independent
and perceptually nearly equidistant.
Schematic illustration of the
Colour difference Delta E calculation of the color diffe-
rence ∆E*ab
For colorimetry and the efforts to make co-
lor measurable, it is often more important
to determine the distance between two
colors (reference value – actual value) than
to determine the locus of an individual co-
lor within a color space.

Therefore, determination of the colour

difference Delta E (∆E*ab) is the most im-
portance reference value for a description
of colors and their mutual relationship for
all processes involved in the printing in-
dustry. The calculation is done using the
Pythagorean Theorem.

Color difference ΔE Effect

< 0.2 not visible
0.2 - 1.0 very little
1-3 little
3-6 medium
>6 strong

Assessment of determined Delta E values and

their effect on the viewer

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 18

6. Color Spaces

Device-dependent color spaces RGB

Every device capable of displaying or out- The RGB color space is always used when
putting color has its own color space (co- colors are digitized (scan, digital photogra-
lor gamut) which, in most cases, is based phy) and/ or displayed on a monitor and/
on the RGB or CMY(K) color model. This or display, respectively.
results in partly substantial differences
in the display and reproduction of colors Besides the differences between the color
between the individual devices involved in spaces CIEL*a*b*, RGB and CMYK, there are
the production process. also substantial differences in the scope
and amount of colors that can be repre-
No device-dependent color space covers sented within the color spaces based on
all perceivable colors since it always com- the same color model. The RGB color space
Schematic illustration of dif-
prises fewer colors than device-indepen- is based on additive color mixing and, as
ferent color spaces and color
dent color spaces like CIE L*a*b* or CIE LCH. a result, the primary Colors red, green and
ranges within the CIExy stan-
In addition, RGB color spaces are mostly blue. Every primary color can describe
dard chromaticity diagram
much bigger than CMYK color spaces. On
the other hand, this does not mean that
every RGB color space is capable of displa-
ying all colors of a CMYK color space.

The scope of the color space is influenced

by the output device (printing machine,
monitor, ….), the inks used as well as the

Color gamut
of a slide (RGB)

Color gamut
of a monitor

Color gamut
of offset prin-
ting (CMYK)

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 19

6. Color Spaces

256 different tonal grades. With all three major visual differences. The creation of
Colors (256) combined, this means that, such a color profile is absolutely necessary
theoretically, a range of up to 16.7 million for every device involved in the reproduc-
colors can be represented. tion process. This is the only way to ensure
reliable assessment and representation of
The scope of the colour space, however, al- colors.
ways depends on the device used. In order
to avoid and/or remove this drawback, the In practice, the sRGB color space for digital
devices must be described by dedicated media and the ECI-RGB color space for the
color profiles in which a corresponding LAB print media have proved to produce the
value is allocated to specific RGB values. best results.

This enables to convert colour values bet-

ween different RGB color spaces without

Wide Gammut RGB

Adobe RGB


sRGB (standardRGB)

Schematic illustration of different RGB color spaces and color ranges within the CIExy
standard chromaticity diagram

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 20

6. Color Spaces

3D illustration of different
RGB color spaces. There is a
clear difference between the
smaller sRGB color space (bot-
tom) and the larger Adobe
RGB color space (top).
For the calculation and deter-
mination of the color coordi-
nates and the size of all color
spaces, the CIEL*a*b* color
space was taken as a basis.

The miniatures edged in green

clearly show the differences
in the amount of colors that
can be represented (the color
gamut) within different RGB
color spaces.

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 21

6. Color Spaces

CMYK fourth printing ink in order to obtain im-

proved shadow details and to be able to
Four-colour printing is based on the theo- produce rich black.
ry of subtractive color mixing. In practice,
color perception of printed products is cre- In addition, the use of black as a fourth
ated with an autotypical process, i.e. by a printing ink enables to print black text with
combination of subtractive and additive just one color. This increases reliability in
color mixing. production, since unwanted white gaps
cannot occur, and it enables to save expen-
sive printing inks, to limit ink application
and thus to reduce drying times.

100 % C
100 % K 100 % M
Scanners and Slides Monitor Print
digital cameras 100 % Y
The closer one gets to the final reproduction of
As a general rule it can be said that color
color, the smaller are the color gamuts and color
spaces using the CMYK model as a basis
Schrift: Myriad Pro Semibold

can produce a much lower number of co-
Like in the RGB color system, three Colors lors than RGB color spaces.
would, in theory, be sufficient for a pre-
cise and unequivocal definition of all co-
lors which can be represented. 100% of
the three primary Colors C, M and Y would
produce black. In practice, it has, however,
been found that Black (K) is needed as a

Printing with a combination

of C, M, Y without K (black) on
the image at the bottom. The
image on top shows combined
printing of all colors (CMYK).

A comparison of Adobe RGB (A) and ISOcoated v2 CMYK (B). Despite the larger gamut, the RGB color
space does not cover all colors which can be printed in the CMYK color space (red circle).

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 22

6. Color Spaces

3D illustration of the ISO Coa-

ted V2 color space for coated

3D illustration of the ISO

Newspaper gamut for news-
paper printing. It can clearly
be seen that the gamut of the
color space in newspaper prin-
ting is much smaller.

Color space extensions This, however, also means that six color se-
parations and special separation software
The CMYK color space and as a result, the are needed. Other examples of color space
spectrum of producible colors can be ex- extensions are seven-color printing (CMY,
tended by printing more than four Colors. RGB, K) and the Eder Multi Color System.
The PANTONE Hexachrome system, for in- They are all applied in packaging printing
stance, uses green and orange in addition where saturated and pure colors are of cru-
to the (finest quality) CMYK inks. This ena- cial importance.
bles to produce more, richer and brighter
color hues.

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 23

7. Measuring Instruments and Measurement Methods

The basic principles of an objective mathe- Spectral measurements for the determina-
matical representation of colors were descri- tion of CIE L*a*b* values, on the other hand,
bed in the previous chapters with reference can be used at every production level.
to color theory. Now, this theory shall be
applied in practice using Measuring Instru- Measurement conditions
ments and Measurement Methods.
For measurements to be repeatable and
The measuring instruments used in prepress comparable, the measurement conditions The Techkon spectral densito-
and printing differ with regard to their struc- were defined in an ISO standard, i.e. ISO meter for the measurement
ture and functional principles even though 13655 which describes all important para- of density values
this is often not evident when looking at meters.
their design. The result is that some of them
are only suited to check single specific para- • Measurement geometry: 0/45° or 45/0°
meters. Other devices have been designed • Standard observer: 2°
for a much wider range of applications and • Illuminant: D50 (5000 K)
are only restricted by the software used. • Value: L*, a*, b* (CIELab)
• Backing: Matt black or white substrate
So there are different Measuring Instru- • Process control: Color management The iOne spectrophotometer
ments and Measurement Methods to check • Calculation of color deviation: ΔE*ab in for manual measurement of
the parameters which are important for the accordance with CIELab1976 color values
process concerned. Depending on the struc-
tural design of the measuring instrument, Many of these parameters cannot be in-
the measurement modes may be from fluenced by the user, but are (correctly) set
manual to fully automated. A difference is by the device and software. Often, too litt-
made between hand-held devices with (see le attention is, however, attached to the
Techkon Spektrodens) or without (see iOne) measurement backing and/or it is simply
a display as well as automated scanning ta- neglected. In most cases, all measurements
bles (see Spectroscan) or systems coupled are compared with reference values – which The X-Rite (Gretag) Spectro-
to the printing machine (see Image Control). were also produced on a specific measure- lino + SpectroScan x/y table
They are, of course, only examples of the ment backing. Their hue should always be for automated measurement
great variety of different designs and appli- the same because otherwise faults will be of color values
cation scenarios. measured at places where they do not actu-
ally occur.
Basically, a difference is made between the
measurements of Colors using spectral or This fact is especially important with thin
densitometric values. Nowadays, densito- paper, which, in the worst case, printed
metric measurement is mainly used in the on both sides, allows the backing to shi-
printing shop for the determination of the ne through (and to be measured as well).
ink film thickness on the substrate or the In practice, measurements are, therefore,
calibration of monitors by means of a three- made in the prepress stage on a white ba- A measurement system cou-
filter color meter (colorimeter). cking (three layers of the substrate) and in pled with the control stand of
the printing stage on a black backing. a printing press (Heidelberg
Image Control)

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 24

7. Measuring Instruments and Measurement Methods

Densitometers This enables to draw conclusions as to the

thickness of the ink film on the substrate.
One of the most important measurement For evaluation, the ink film color with the
and control methods for the printing in- highest density value is used. The reason is
dustry is densitometry. It gives information that the other colors have to a large extent
about the ink film transferred onto the sub- been absorbed by this ink film color so that
strate as well as the area coverage on the only “residual density values” are left.
printing form created by screening.
The photo element with the highest densi-
The densitometer is used to describe the ink ty values produced represents the printed
film thickness of reflective/opaque originals color and it is, therefore, relevant for the
and the transmission density of transparen- evaluation. Densitometers are less suited
cies by means of measurement values. In for measurements for the assessment of co-
addition, they enable to determine dot gain lor distances and chromatic loci. For this pur-
and continuous tone values. pose, a spectrophotometer should be used.

Depending on the type of design and Spectral densitometers

construction, a densitometer is equipped
with defined and fixed status filters (color Spectral densitometers measure those por-
filters) which filter light of the corresponding tions of light which are reflected by the light Schematic illustration of the
wavelength. Densitometers offering more source over the total spectrum of visible functional principle of a den-
flexibility in use make spectral measure- light, including a small part of the UV range. sitometer with status filters
ments and are not limited to pre-defined co-
lor filters and their spectral properties. There C
display D 1.50 microprocessor
are two different types of densitometers

• Densitometers with status filters

• Spectral densitometers
receiver C M Y K
Densitometers with status filters

Nowadays, densitometers with status filters colour filters

are standard in the media industry and are
primarily used for four-colour printing. The light source
function of status filters (also called color fil-
ters) is to separate the colors CMYK.
polarisation filter
In order to measure each color separately, polarisation filter
there is a photo element behind every co-
lor filter which converts the remitted light
into electrical impulses and transforms it aperture
into densitometric parameters which are
then shown on the display of the device. sample

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 25

7. Measuring Instruments and Measurement Methods

For illumination, a light source is used which Since spectral densitometers are full-
contains portions of radiation of the total fledged spectrophotometers as to the
spectrum (standard illuminant D50). The sensor technology used, the majority of
spectral values of the reflectance curve are them also enable to determine the Lab
then used to calculate densitometric values values and the Delta E color differences,
with special algorithms (virtual filters). e.g. between reference and sample values.
Whether or not this is possible depends on
The density curve is the reciprocal logarithm the software already installed in the device
function (mirror image) of the reflectance or bought for it.
curve. This reflectance curve is some kind of
color “fingerprint”. Possible applications

For the measurement of surface colors, neu- Densitometers are mostly used in printing
tral white light is produced with a light sour- in order to check the printed product and to
ce. This polychromatic light is diffracted into test parameters which have a strong influ-
monochromatic light (spectral portions) by ence on the printing process. Determination
a prism, diffraction grating or a filter with a of ink film thickness and dot gain are the
narrow bandwidth. main fields of application of densitometers.

In addition, densitometers are used to de-

termine densities and tonal values on films.
The results obtained with measurements of
halftones on printing plates are only useful
with some reservations. For this purpose,
image analyzers specially tuned to the type
of plate are better suited.

Color measurement devices

A CCD (Charged Coupled Device) line records Tri-stimulus color measurement

the spectral values in width ranges from 5 to devices (colorimeters)
20 nm (the smaller the bandwidth, the high-
er the accuracy of the measured value). The In comparison with densitometers which de-
respective amount of light is converted into termine the density values for single colors
electrical potential and converted into digi- using color filters for C, M, Y and K, tri-stimulus
tal values by a connected electronic device. color measurement devices use only three fil-
ters for the colors red, green and blue.
The resulting reflectance curve is converted
into the standard color values CIE XYZ by This measuring principle is largely compliant
multiplication with the standard chromatic with human vision. An electronic assess-
valences. Then, these rather inconclusive ment system installed after the filters per-
values still need to be converted into the forms the functions of the human brain and
CIEL*a*b* color space. interprets the electrical signals.

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 26

7. Measuring Instruments and Measurement Methods

of colorimeters are even better than those

of spectral measurements. For the majori-
ty of applications, on the other hand, the
results provided by spectrally measuring
devices are more precise.


Spectrophotometers measure color in the

total visible range of the spectrum of light.
They are equipped with a standard illumi-
nant (D50) and a ring-shaped optical sen-
sor. The latter enables to obtain identical
measurement results nearly independent
of the positioning of the measuring head.
Colorimeters are mainly used to measure colors on
In order to determine the necessary spec-
tral values of the sample to be measured,
Due to their design, construction and func- the light that reaches the spectrophotome-
Schematic illustration of the
tioning, colorimeters are better suited for ter is broken up into its spectral componen-
functional principle of a tri-
measuring color differences than for deter- ts and converted into electrical impulses. A
stimulus color measurement
mining absolute chromatic values. Another CCD sensor processes these impulses and
deficit is that this device is not able to detect
and assess the occurrence of metamerism L 24,5
and ink film thicknesses. display a 37,1 microprocessor
b -8,9
They do not need a light source of their own
since they process the light signals emitted
by a primary light source (e.g. a monitor). receiver X Y Z
Tri-stimulus measurement devices, on the
other hand, have a connectable light sour-
ce since they are also used for measuring colour filters
colors on objects and areas which do not
emit light. This type of devices is, however, light source
increasingly substituted by spectrophoto-

Possible applications

Colorimeters (which are rather low-priced)

are above all used for the measurement aperture
of colors on monitors and their profiles. In
dark color ranges, the measurement results

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 27

7. Measuring Instruments and Measurement Methods

sends them to software which then com- important (certification). In some rare cases,
putes these values mathematically. The re- spectrophotometers are also used to make
flectance curve of the colour is set off with control measurements on printing plates.
the curve of the incident light and the spec-
tral value curve of the standard color values
which enables the standard color values X, Y
and Z and subsequently the CIEL*a*b* coor-
dinates to be determined.

While spectral densitometers use a prism,

spectrophotometers use a mirror grating Measurement method
array as monochromator in order to diffract
the incident light into its spectral compon- Densitometry Color measurement

Densitometer with Assessment by Assessment by

Possible applications
optical filters color filters color filters
Spectrophotometers can be used in the to-
tal process chain from prepress to printing. Spectrally measuring
color measurement
Typical applications include measurements densitometer
of control wedges on accurate and binding Spectral analysis
digital color proofs, the calibration of such
Spectrophotometer with densitometry and
systems and color measurements in printing
color measurement functions
if the determination of color coordinates is

L* L* DE
C* a*
h* b*

computer unit
light source

spectral remission The iOne spectrophotometer

380 nm 730 nm with scanning table for the
CCD - automated measurement of
color values

ring-shaped optical sensor

reflecting mirror

diffraction grating

Schematic illustration of the

functional principle of a spec-
color sample

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 28

8. Limits of Colorimetry

Although colorimetry offers a host of pos- fixed in advance under which lighting con-
Metamerism index
sibilities to describe the phenomenon of dition color matching and color measure- For the definition of the
colour, it must be borne in mind that there ment shall be carried out. This is necessary metamerism index, a pair
are limits in practice. The measuring in- in order to eliminate deviations and quality of samples is measured
struments, for instance, always only scan deficits. The compilation of a metamerism under at least two diffe-
a small measurement patch. The human index helps to define and classify critical rent lighting conditions
eye, on the other hand, senses a much colors. (illuminants). Pairs of
larger “measurement patch" with all its samples which have a
influences like illumination (metamerism), very low color difference
whiteness of the substrate (optical brigh- under all lighting con-
ditions used are called
teners) or the interaction of individual
metamerism-free. Meta-
Colors (simultaneous contrast). Therefore,
mers are pairs of samples
color measurement values may be really Illuminant A which are nearly identical
good, but the total impression of an image under one lighting con-
is not right. dition, but appear to be
clearly different under
Metamerism other lighting conditions.

It may happen that two colors look iden-

tical when viewed in the same light. If,
however, another light source is used, the
colors suddenly look different. This effect
is called metamerism.

This phenomenon occurs as a result of

colors being reproduced in different pro-
cesses and of colors and/or colorants (pig-
ments or dyes) having different structures
and/or having been produced in different
Illuminant B
ways. These differences may result in the-
se colors having different reflectance spec-

Two color samples which appear the same

when viewed under the same lighting con- Schematic illustration of me-
dition and totally different when viewed tamerism which is produced
under other lighting conditions, are called by the different reflectance
conditional or metameric color matches. spectra of different light
Considering this phenomenon, it must be sources.

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 29

8. Limits of Colorimetry

Optical brighteners in paper For paper grades without optical brighte-

ners, the spectral composition in the UV is the short-time, sponta-
Optical brighteners are often used in pa- range of the measuring light is unimpor- neous emission of light
permaking in order to compensate for resi- tant. If, however, optical brighteners are during the transition of an
dues which were not completely removed added, the different spectral composition electrically activated sys-
during the bleaching process and would, of different light sources may cause diffe- tem into a state of lower
therefore, cause yellowing afterwards. rent measurement results. energy; the energy of the
They shall help to make the paper appear emitted light is normally
whiter. These “wrong” measurement results may lower than the energy of
be responsible for unsatisfactory digital the absorbed light.
During the process described as fluore- proofs or wrong color separations, which is
scence, mostly organic molecules (crystals) just the start of production errors and pro-
absorb the ultraviolet wavelength range duction waste.
of approx. 300-410 nm which is invisible
for the human eye. The energy created by
absorption is emitted by them. During con-
version, the wavelengths change. The pre-
viously invisible ultraviolet light is emitted
as visible bluish light. Ultraviolet Infrared

The intensity of fluorescence depends on UV portions of daylight

the wavelength as well as the intensity of

the incident light. Depending on the type
of illuminant, the share of UV rays differs
sometimes substantially. The range in
which optical brighteners stimulate is bet-
ween 300-410 nm, with the most efficient Paper without optical brighteners
range being between 350-360 nm. The
agents used for brightening are called FWA
(fluorescent whitening agents) or OBA (op-
tical brightening agents).

The light fastness of paper treated in this Ultraviolet Infrared

way is significantly lower. The whiteness UV portions of daylight
resulting from fluorescence obviously de-
creases after a few months of storage al-
ready. Optical brighteners have a strong in-
fluence on the measurement of chromatic
values and, as a result, on the determinati-
on of color spaces. Paper white simulation
of proof prints is also strongly influenced
Paper with optical brighteners
by them.

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 30

8. Limits of Colorimetry

Color contrasts (mental limits) As a result, the assessment of colors still is

not a purely objective process despite all
There is a host of other factors which in- technical possibilities. Differences in the
fluence color perception independent of assessment of colors may always occur if
the technical factors already mentioned. no defined standards and tolerance ranges
In most cases, they are misinterpretations are applied. Colorimetry and dedicated
by the brain since the interpretation of the measurement instruments, however, cer-
color stimulus is also influenced by expe- tainly provide the tools which enable to
riences and memories. reproduce, check and assess standardised
print production within defined tolerance
The interpretation of the color stimulus is, limits.
for instance, influenced by the size of an
object in comparison with its close vicinity.
In addition, different hues of objects in the
close vicinity result in objects with identi-
cal chromatic values being nevertheless
perceived differently.

Furthermore, the mental associations Colorimetry always reaches

which the human brain connects with the its limits when colors interact
individual colors have an effect on how we with each other. As to their
perceive colors and objects, This means color values, all three hues
that we perceive images with a high por- of yellow are identical. Due
tion of blue in general as colder and more to the different surrounding,
uncomfortable than images with a high different chromatic valences
portion of red and/or orange, irrespective are produced in the brain,
of correct measurement values. since the yellow circle cannot
be viewed independent of its
surrounding. Therefore, each
of the three yellow dots looks
The two green rectangular boxes are of the same
size and have identical color values. Due to the
interaction with the surrounding area, they are,
however, perceived as different.

The color values and the size of the two grey are-
as are identical, but nevertheless they seem to be
different in lightness and size.

©Training Center for Print & Media, 2010, – 31

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