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ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Advanced Level CHEMISTRY 9189/1 PAPER 1 NOVEMBER 2011 SESSION hours ditional materials: Graph paper ‘Answer paper Data Booklet Mathematical tables and/or electronic calculator TIME: 2 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper/answer booklet. Answer six questions, Answer two questions from Section A, one question from Section B, two questions from Section C and one other question chosen from any section. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provid If you use more than one sheet of paper. fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers, This question paper con: s of 7 printed pages and 1 blank page. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examination Council, N2011. Gee Naot [Turn over 2 Section A Answer at least two questions from this section. (@) _ Hydrazine, NH;NHb, is used as a rocket fuel and it reacts with fluorine as shown in the equation: NH,NH xp +2F yg) Nog +4HF 9, () Use bond energy values from the data booklet to calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction, (ii) Suggest a possible reason why hydrazine is used as a rocket fuel ify} (b) Fig. 1 shows a fuel-cell breathlyzer used by the Police to measure the amount of ethanol, CHsCHOH, in the blood stream of a person suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol. The cell is similar to a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell, suspect's breath oxygen L platinum electrodes potassium hydroxide solution products Fig.1 (i) Give two ion-electron half equations that take place at each electrode. (ii) Explain how the fuel cell is used to measure the amount of ethanol in the breath of a person, [ 91897 N01 © Gi) Define the term solubility product with reference to silver carbonate, AgiCOs The solubility of silver carbonate, AgsCOs, in water is 0.0035 g per 100 cm’ at 25°C. Calculate the solubility product of Ag;COs in water at this temperature. [4] [Total:12] In the Haber process, ammonia decomposes to nitrogen and hydrogen if the temperature becomes too high. ‘A chemist suspects that this reaction is first order with respect to ammonia. In an experiment to explore the kinetics of this reaction, the data in Table 1 was collected for the decomposition of ammonia at 1 000 K. Table 1 Timels 0 [20 [40 ]60 [80 |100 [120 [140 ]180 [200 Partial pressure of | 1300 | 1057 | 849 | 685 | 554 |448 | 361 | 292 | 191 | 154 ammonia/KPa | (a) Define the term rate of reaction. ( (>) (Plot graph using data in Table 1. (i) Deduce the order of reaction with respect to ammonia and write down the rate expression for the reaction. (iii) Calculate the rate constant for the reaction. i) (©) With the aid of energy profile diagrams describe and explain how the rate of a reaction is affected by () increase in temperature, Gi) catalyst, (4) (Total: 12] ‘9189/1 N2011 [Turn over 4 3 Chalcopyrite, CuFeS:, is a common ore of copper. To extract the metal, the ore is first concentrated by flotation, roasted and then smelted. The copper produced is 97 to 99% pure and is refined by electrolysis. (@) (b) @ (i) ii) Give the electronic configuration of copper. Caloulate the oxidation state of copper in CuFeS;, given that the oxidation state of iron in the compound is +2. Describe, with the aid of a diagram, the electro-purification of copper, paying particular attention to the removal of iron and silver impurities with reference to E” values. [8] Copper (1) compounds tend to disproportionate as shown by the following reaction, Cut, == Cush +Cu, EB" =037V (Describe and explain the effect of adding copper shavings to the reaction mixture on the E” value? (ii) Investigate using the Data Booklet the ability of Fe"* to behave ina similar way as Cu’. (4) (Total: 12] 91891 N2O1T wo @ (b) (a) b) © @ 5 Section B Answer at least one question from this section, In the contact process for the preparation of sulphuric acid, sulphur dioxide is converted to sulphur trioxide as shown by the equation: 28024) + Orig) => 280) AH = - 191 kT () Explain why highest yields of SOs are obtained when low temperatures and high pressures are used. Gi) Describe how the industrial production of SOsip is made more efficient, [4] Sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen contribute to the formation of acid rain. A possible sequence for the eonversion of SOn) into SOsq) is 1 NO) +5 0x NO xp, NO.) +805, “NO, +50. a) (@) State the roles played by NO, and Oz in the formation of acid rain, Gi) State three possible effects of acid rain on the environment and suggest ways of minimising these effects, [3] (Total: 12] @ Define the term transition element. (i) State three general characteristics of a transition element or its compounds illustrating your answer by examples from the chemistry of iron, 4] Explain why an aqueous soluti iron (ITI) chloride has a pH less than 7. Q] A steel chain of mass 10 g was dissolved in water acidified with dilute sulphuric acid and made up to 1 620 em’ of solution. During the titration 20 em? of the solution required 25 em? of 0.03 moldm” KMnO., @ Give the colour change at the end point. (ii) Calculate the percentage by mass of iron in the steel chain. State one biochemical importance of iron. 1997 2011 [Turn over 6 (a) (b) 6 Section C Answer at least two questions from this section. ‘Compare the relative acidities of ethanoic acid, chloro-ethanoic acid and ethanoy! chloride, assuming they are equally soluble in water. (4) A compound A, extracted from the Jasmine plant, has the general formula CyHio02. On refluxing A with dilute sulphuric acid two compounds, B (C2H,02) and C (CsH40) are produced. Both B and C give white fumes with PCIs at r-t.p. B reacts effervescently with carbonates. C changes the orange colour of acidified KzCr,07 to green. Suggest the identities of B, C and hence A. Write equations for the reactions described. [8] [Total: 12} 7 The ketone, heptan-3-one, CHyCH,COCH:CH,CH2CHs is responsible for the odour in blue cheese. (a) (b) Give the structural formulae of isomers of heptan-3-one which suit the following descriptions: (isomer A is a Ketone which gives a positive test with tri-iodomethane (ii) isomer B forms a carboxylic acid on mild oxidation (iii) isomer C decolourises bromine in the dark, shows cis-trans isomerism and gives a positive test with tri-iodomethane. B) () Name the reagents and conditions which are used in the tri-iodomethane test and state the observations made during the reaction, (ii) Give the structural formulae of the organic products formed in the tri-iodomethane test with isomer A. sugsrt S201 1 (© — @__ Name the reagent and conditions which can be used to oxidise isomer B. (i) Give the structural formulae of the product formed on mild oxidation of B. (iii) Describe a simple test tube reaction which you would carry out to verify that the oxidation product of B is a carboxylic acid. BI (@) Name the type of reaction which takes place in the bromination of isomer and give the mechanism for the reaction. B) [Total: 12] 8- The structure of adrenaline, a water soluble hormone is shown in Fig. 2. HO. CH(OH)CH,NHCH, HO adrenaline Fig.2 (a) @ Account for the solubility of aérenaline in water. (i) Name the three functional groups in adrenaline. Gii) Describe a simple test tube reaction you could use to show the presence of two of the functional groups you named in (li). [8] (>) The adrenaline molecule exists in only two isomeric forms. (Name the type of isomerism shown. (ii) State the feature that enables the molecule to exhibit this type of isomerism? (ii) Draw displayed formulae to show the two isomeric forms. BI (© Suggest the acid/base nature of adrenaline, mm (Total: 12] SHO

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