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संसदीय कायय मंत्रालय

भारत सरकार

The Statistical Handbook, a publication of the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, contains

information/data relating to the activities of both Houses of Parliament and the Ministry of Parliamentary
Affairs as well. The Handbook covers the information/data for the period upto 31st December, 2022.
It is hoped, this Handbook will prove to be a useful document for Government officials and also
will make an interesting reading for academicians, students and all of those who are interested to know
and study the activities of Parliament.
Adequate care has been taken to make the Hand Book comprehensive and accurate. However,
suggestions for improvement and correction of errors which might have inadvertently crept into it are
always welcomed.
I would like to place on record my appreciation to the officers and staff of the Ministry of
Parliamentary Affairs involved in collection and compilation of this Hand Book.

(Gudey Srinivas)
Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs

New Delhi,
Dated the July, 2023
Table No. Subject
1. Dates of poll, constitution, first sitting, expiration of the term and dissolution of Lok
Sabha since 1952 (First to Seventeenth Lok Sabhas).
2. Statement showing the dates of constitution, dissolution, etc. of various Lok Sabahs
since 1952.
3. Dates of issue of summons, commencement, adjournment sine-die, prorogation,
sittings and duration of various sessions of Lok Sabhas held since 1952.
4. Dates of issue of summons, commencement, adjournment sine-die, prorogation,
sittings and duration of various sessions of Rajya Sabhas held since 1952.
5. Statement showing the interval of less than 15 days between the issue of summons to
Members of Lok Sabha and dates of commencement of sessions since 1962.
6. Statement showing the interval of less than 15 days between the issue of summons to
Members of Rajya Sabha and dates of commencement of sessions since 1989.
7. Statement showing the names and dates of appointment etc. of the Speaker Pro tem.
8. Statement showing the dates of election, names of Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Lok
9. Dates of election of the Speaker, Lok Sabha and constitution of the Departmentally
related Standing Committees since 1993.
10. Statement showing the dates of election, names of the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya
11. Duration of recess during Budget Session since 1993.
12. Statement showing the details regarding sessions of the Lok Sabha etc. when the House
remained unprorogued for more than 15 days.
13. Statement showing the details regarding sessions of the Rajya Sabha etc. when the
House remained unprorogued for more than 6 days.
14. Dates of presentation of Interim (General and Railway) Budgets in Lok Sabha and
Duration of the sessions in which presented.
15. Vote of Accounts taken twice during a financial year.
16. Statistical information regarding number of sessions, sittings held, Bills introduced,
Passed and Lapsed and Number of various discussions held on Non-official motions.
17. Number of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament, Session-wise during each Lok
Sabha since 1952.
17A. Details of the Bills passed in both the Houses

18. Number of sittings of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, number of Bills passed by both
Houses of Parliament, year-wise since 1952.
19. List of Government Bills pending in Rajya Sabha on the end of Sixteenth Lok Sabha.
19A. List of Bills lapsed on the dissolution of 16th Lok Sabha in term of article 107(5) of the
20. Ordinances promulgated by the President (since 1952)
21. Dates of delivery of the President’s address, Names of Mover and Seconder, Dates of
discussion on Motion of Thanks in the two Houses.
22. Certain statistical data regarding Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address.
23. Sittings of the Houses of Parliament held on Saturdays/Holidays for presentation of
General Budget.
24. Date and time of presentation of General Budget in Lok Sabha and whether business
transacted after its presentation/laying in two Houses.
25. Dates of presentation, general discussion on the General and Railway Budgets etc. in
the Lok Sabha since 1952.
26. Dates of general discussion on General and Railway Budgets and consideration and
return of Appropriation Bills relating to the Demands for Grants by the Rajya Sabha
since 1952.
27. Discussions held on Government Motions in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha since 1993.
28. No -Confidence Motions discussed in Lok Sabha and their outcome since 1952.
29. Confidence Motions so far listed/discussed in Lok Sabha.
30. Statement showing time lost on adjournment in two Houses due to interruptions during
the term of the 14 th Lok Sabha and corresponding period of the Rajya Sabha.
30A. Statement showing time lost on adjournment in two Houses due to interruptions during
the term of the 15 th Lok Sabha and corresponding period of the Rajya Sabha.
30B. Statement showing time lost on adjournment in two Houses due to interruptions during
the term of the 16th lok sabha and corresponding period of the Rajya Sabha.
30C. Statement showing time lost on adjournment in two Houses due to interruptions during
the term of the 17th Lok Sabha and corresponding period of the Rajya Sabha.
31. Demands for Grants of Ministries discussed in Lok Sabha during the Budget Session
since 1993.
32. Details of the Ministries whose working were discussed in the Rajya Sabha since 1993.
33. Private Members’ Bills passed by Parliament since 1952 so far.


34. Matters raised under Rule 377 in the Lok Sabha and Special Mentions made in Rajya
Sabha and their pendency, Session-wise.

35. Orientation Courses held for the officers of the Central Ministries / Departments.
36. Orientation Courses held for the officers of the State Governments.
37. Workshop on Managing Legislative Business for officers of various
Ministries/Departments of Government of India organised in collaboration with
Department of Personnel and Training


38. List of various Consultative Committees constituted for various Ministries

39. List of Ministries for which Consultative Committees could not be constituted for want
of requisite number of members
40. Statement showing Consultative Committees Meetings held during the period from
01.1.2022 to 31.12.2023
41. List of Members of Parliament nominated as Permanent Special Invitees (PSI) to the
Consultative Committees of various Ministries/ Departments


42. Government sponsored Goodwill Delegations of Parliamentarians sent abroad by the

Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs.
43. Foreign Delegations received by Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs.
44. Meeting with Leaders of various Political Parties/Groups.
45. Name of Leaders of the Lok Sabha of Parliament since 1952.
46. Name of Leaders of the Rajya Sabha of Parliament since 1952.
47. Statement indicating the names of the Leaders of Opposition alongwith their Party etc.
since November 1st 1977 when the Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in
Parliament Act, 1977 came into force.
48. Statement showing the details of All India Whip‘s Conference held by the Ministry of
Parliamentary Affairs.
49. Statement showing the Salary and Allowances and other facilities admissible to
Members of Parliament.
50. Facilities extended to Ex-Members of Parliament.


51. Details of the Youth Parliament Competitions for the Schools of NCT of Delhi and
NDMC since 1966.
52. Details of the Youth Parliament Competitions held between 1983-88 among Kendriya
Vidyalayas located in and around Delhi.
53. Details of the National Youth Parliament Competitions for the Kendriya Vidyalayas
initiated since 1988.
54. Details of the National Youth Parliament Competitions for Jawahar Navodaya
Vidyalayas since 1997 – 98.
55. Details of the National Youth Parliament Competitions for Universities/Colleges
initiated from 1997 – 98.
56. Details of Orientation Courses held since 1988 for organisation of the Youth
Parliament Competitions in Delhi and NDMC Schools.
57. Details of Orientation Courses held for organisation of Youth Parliament Competitions
in Kendriya Vidyalayas.
58. Details of Orientation Courses held for organisation of National Youth Parliament
Competitions in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas.
59. Details of Orientation Courses held for organisation of National Youth Parliament
Competitions in Universities/Colleges.
60. Constitution of Hindi Advisory Committees of the Ministry and dates of meeting.
61. Details of Assurances extracted/fulfilled during 1956 to 31st December, 2022 (Lok
Sabha and Rajya Sabha).

62. National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) - One Nation - One Application.

63. List of Telephone Nos. of Ministers and Officers in the Ministry of Parliamentary
64. List of Secretaries of the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs.
65. List of Employees of the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs.
(First to Seventeenth Lok Sabha)
Lok Sabha Last date Date of the Date of Date of the Date of Date of
of poll constitution constitution of first sitting expiration of dissolution
Lok Sabha Government/ term (Article
Cabinet 83(2) of the

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
First 21.02.52 02.04.52 13.05.52 13.05.52 12.05.57 04.04.57
Second 15.03.57 05.04.57 17.04.57 10.05.57 09.05.62 31.03.62
Third 25.02.62 02.04.62 10.04.62 16.04.62 15.04.67 03.03.67
Fourth 21.02.67 04.03.67 13.03.67 16.03.67 15.03.72 *27.12.70
Fifth 10.03.71 15.03.71 18.03.71 19.03.71 18.03.77 *18.01.77
Sixth 20.03.77 23.03.77 24.03.77 25.03.77 24.03.82 *22.08.79
Seventh 06.01.80 10.01.80 14.01.80 21.01.80 20.01.85 31.12.84
Eighth 28.12.84 31.12.84 31.12.84 15.01.85 14.01.90 27.11.89
Ninth 26.11.89 02.12.89 02.12.89 18.12.89 17.12.94 *13.03.91
Tenth 15.06.91 20.06.91 21.06.91 09.07.91 08.07.96 10.05.96
Eleventh 07.05.96 15.05.96 16.05.96 22.05.96 21.05.2001 *04.12.97
Twelfth 07.03.98 10.03.98 19.03.98 23.03.98 22.03.2003 *26.04.99
Thirteenth 04.10.99 10.10.99 13.10.99 20.10.99 19.10.2004 *06.02.2004
Fourteenth 10.05.04 17.05.04 22.05.04 02.06.04 01.06.09 18.5.2009
Fifteenth 13.05.09 18.05.09 22.05.09 01.06.09 31.05.14 18.05.14
Sixteenth 12.05.14 18.05.14 26.05.14 04.06.14 03.06.19 25.05.2019
Seventeenth 19.05.19 25.05.19 30.05.19 17.06.19 16.06.24
1. Mid-term polls were held; Dissolution took place even before the elections.
Last dates of Poll in column (2) are based on reports of Election Commission.
SINCE 1952
First Second Third Fourth
Dates of constitution April 2, 1952 April 5, 1957 April 2, 1962 March 4, 1967
Dates of swearing-in of the May 13, 1952 April 17, 1957 April 10, 1962 March 13, 1967
Dates of commencement and May 13 to May 10 to April 16 to March 16 to
conclusion of the First Session August 12, 1952 May 31, 1957 June 22, 1962 April 8, 1967
Dates of oath or affirmation May 13 & 15, May 10 & 11, April 16 & 17, March 16 & 17,
1952 1957 1962 1967
Dates of election of the Speaker May 15, 1952 May 11, 1957 April 17, 1962 March 17, 1967
Dates of delivery of President’s May 16, 1952 May 13, 1957 April 18, 1962 March 18, 1967
Dates of dissolution April 4, 1957 March 31, 1962 March 3, 1967
December 27,
Period for which Vote on 4 month 5 months 3 months 4 months
Account was obtained (April-July, 1952) (April-Aug., 1957) (April-June, 1962) (April-July, 1967)
Session and its duration in which 5th Session of 15th Session of 16th Session of 1st Session of
the Vote on Account obtained Provisional 1st Lok Sabha 2nd Lok Sabha Fourth Lok
Parliament (March 18 to 28, (March 12 to 30, Sabha
(February 5 to 1957) 1962) (March 16 to
March 5, 1952) April 8, 1967)
Session and its duration in which 1st Session (May 2nd Session (July 1st Session (April 2nd Session (May
the full Budget was passed 13 to August 12, 15 to September 16 to June 22, 22 to August 12,
1952) 13, 1957) 1962) 1967)
Resignation by the outgoing 17.04.1957 4.04.1962 12.3.1967 17.12.1970
Note: - Under article 379(1) of the Constitution [since repealed by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956] the
Provisional Parliament ceased to exist on April 17, 1952, when summons was issued to both Houses of Parliament to meet for
their first session.

Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth

Dates of constitution +March 15, 1971 March 23, 1977 January 10, 1980 December 31,
Dates of swearing in of the March 18, 1971 March 24, 1977 by January 14, 1980 December 31,
Ministry Prime Minister, 1984
March 26, 1977 by
14 Ministers,
March 28, 1977 by
5 Ministers
Dates of commencement and +March 19 to +March 19 to January 21 to January 15 to
conclusion of the First Session April 2, 1971 April 7, 1977 February 2, 1980 30, 1985
Dates of oath or affirmation March 19, 1971 March 25, 1977 January 21 & 22, January 15,16
1980 and 17, 1985
Dates of election of the Speaker March 22, 1971 March 26, 1977 January 22, 1980 January 16, 1985
Dates of delivery of President’s March 23, 1971 March 28, 1977 January 23, 1980 January 17, 1985
Dates of dissolution January 18, 1977 August 22, 1979 December 31, November 27,
1984 1989
Period for which Vote on 4 months 4 months 4 months 2 months
Account was obtained
Session and its duration in which 1st Session of 1st Session of 2nd Session of 2nd Session of
the Vote on Account obtained
5th Lok Sabha 6th Lok Sabha 7th Lok Sabha 8th Lok Sabha
(March 19 to (March 25 to (March 11 to 28, (March 13 to
April 2, 1971) April 7, 1977) 1980) May 20, 1985)
Session and its duration in which 2nd Session 2nd Session of 3rd Session of 2nd Session of
the full Budget was passed (May 24 to 6th Lok Sabha 7th Lok sabha 8th Lok Sabha
August 12, 1971) (June 11 to (June 9 to (March 13 to
August 8, 1977) August 12, 1980) May 20, 1985)
Resignation by the outgoing March 22, 1977 January 14, 1980 December 31, November 28,
Ministry 1984 1989
+ Summons to the Members were issued on March 15, 1971 i.e. date of Constitution of 5 th Lok Sabha.

Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth

Dates of constitution December 2, June 20, 1991 May 15, 1996 March 10, 1998
Dates of swearing-in of the Ministry December 2, June 21, 1991 i) May 16, 1996 March 19, 1998
1989 (10 Ministers)
December 5, ii) June 1, 1996
1989 (12 Cabinet +
(portfolios 8 MOS)
allotted on iii) April 21, 1997
6.12.1989) [16 Cabinet +
9 MOS (IC) +
8 MOS]
Dates of commencement and December 18 to July 9, 1991 to May 22 to March 23 to
conclusion of the First Session 30, 1989 September 18, June 12, 1996 March 31, 1998
Dates of oath or affirmation December 18 & July 9 & 10, 1991 May 22 & 23, March 23 & 24,
19, 1989 1996 1998
Dates of election of the Speaker December 19, July 10, 1991 May 23, 1996 March 24, 1998
Dates of delivery of President’s December 20, July 11, 1991 May 24, 1996 March 25, 1998
Address 1989
Dates of dissolution March 13, 1991 May 10, 1996 December 4, April 26, 1999
Period for which Vote on Account 4 months 4 months 4 months 4 months
was obtained (April-July 1991) (April-July, 1996) (April-July, 1998)
Session and its duration in which 2nd Session of 7th Session of 16th Session of 1st Session of
the Vote on Account obtained 9th Lok Sabha th
9 Lok Sabha 10th Lok Sabha 12th Lok Sabha
(March 12 to (February 21 to (February 26 to (March 23 to
May 31, 1990) March 12, 1991) March 12, 1996) March 31, 1998)
Session and its duration in which 2nd Session of 1st Session of 2nd Session of 2nd Session of
the full Budget was passed 9th Lok Sabha th
10 Lok Sabha 11th Lok Sabha 12th Lok Sabha
(March 12 to (July 9 to (July 10 to (May 27 to
May 31, 1990) September September 13, August 6, 1998)
18,1991) 1996)
Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth
Resignation by the outgoing June 21, 1991 May 16, 1996 May 28, 1996 April 17, 1999
Ministry (Relinquished (Sh. A.B.
their charges) Vajpayee Govt. -
relinquished their
charges on June 1,
1996) April 11,
(Sh. H.D.
relinquished their
charges on April
21, 1997)
November 28,
1997 (Sh. I.K.
Gujral Govt.-
relinquished their
charges on March
19, 1998)
Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth
Dates of constitution October 10, 1999 May 17, 2004 May 18, 2009 May 18, 2014
Dates of swearing-in of October 13, 1999 May 22, 2004 May 22, 2009 May 26, 2014
the Ministry May 28, 2009
Dates of commencement October 20-29, 1999 June 2 to 10, 2004 June 1 to 9, 2009 June 4 to 11, 2014
and conclusion of the
First Session
Dates of oath or affirmation October 20-21, 1999 June 2 & 3, 2004 June 1, 2, 3, & 4, June 5, 6, 9, 10 and
2009 11, 2014
Dates of election of the (i) October 22, June 4, 2004 June 3, 2009 June 6, 2014
Speaker 1999; and
(ii) May 10, 2002
Dates of delivery of October 25, 1999 June 7, 2004 June 4, 2009 June 9, 2014
President’s Address
Dates of dissolution February 6, 2004 May 18, 2009 18.05.2014 May 25, 2019
Period for which Vote on 2 months (April- (i) 4 months (April- 4 months (April- 4 Months (April-
Account was obtained May, 2000) July, July, 2009) July, 2014)
(ii) 2 months (Aug.-
rd th
Session and its duration 3 Session of 13 (i) 14th Session of Second Part of 15th 15th Session of 15th
in which the Vote on Lok Sabha 13th Lok Session Lok Sabha
Account obtained (February 23 to Sabha (December of 14th Lok Sabha (December 12, 2013
May 17, 2000) 2, (12.02.2009 to to February 21,
2003 to February 26.02.2009) 2014.
(ii) 2nd Session of
14th Lok Sabha
(July 5 to August
26, 2004)
Session and its duration rd
3 Session of 13 th
2nd Session of 14th 2nd Session of 15th 2nd Session of 16th
in which the full Lok Lok Lok Sabha Lok
Budget was passed Sabha (February 23 Sabha (July 5 to (July 2 to August 7, Sabha (July 7 to
to May 17, 2000) August 26, 2004) 2014) August 14, 2014)
Resignation of outgoing February 6, 2004 May 18, 2009 May 17, 2014 May 24, 2019
Dates of constitution May 25, 2019
Dates of swearing-in of May 30, 2019
the Ministry
Dates of commencement June 17 to August *6, 2019
and conclusion of the
First Session
Dates of oath or affirmation June 17 and 18, 2019
Dates of election of the June 19, 2019
Dates of delivery of June 20, 2019
President’s Address
Dates of dissolution --
Period for which Vote on --
Account was obtained
Session and its duration --
in which the Vote on
Account obtained
Session and its duration 1st Session of 17th Lok Sabha
in which the full
Budget was passed
Resignation of outgoing --
* The first session of the Seventeenth Lok Sabha was earlier scheduled for 17.06.2019 to 26.07.2019. CCPA in its meeting held on
25.07.2019 extended the house up to 07.08.2019 but the house adjourned sine-a-die on 06.08.2019 as the essential Government Business was
(’B’ in column 1 stand for Budget Session)

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days on days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the which allotted
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non- for
official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1st 25.4.1952 13.5.1952 10.45 a.m. 12.8.1952 19.8.1952 92 67 4 63
8.15 a.m.
2nd 26.8.1952 5.11.1952 10.45 a.m. 20.12.1952 4.1.1953 46 36 2 34
3rd 10.1.1953 11.2.1953 2.00 p.m. 15.5.1953 16.5.1953 94 72 4 68
8.15 a.m.
4 21.5.1953 3.8.1953 8.15 a.m. 18.9.1953 23.9.1953 47 35}
5th 1.10.1953 16.11.1953 1.30 p.m. 24.12.1953 25.12.1953 39 30}
6th 7.1.1954 15.2.1954 2.00 p.m. 21.5.1954 22.5.1954 96 74}
8.15 a.m. }
7th 19.6.1954 23.8.1954 8.15 a.m. 30.9.1954 1.10.1954 39 31}
11.00 a.m. }
8th 9.10.1954 15.11.1954 11.00 a.m. 24.12.1954 24.12.1954 40 32}
9 31.12.1954 21.2.1955 11.00 a.m. 7.5.1955 9.5.1955 76 58}
10.30 a.m. }*
10th 23.5.1955 25.7.1955 11.00 a.m. 1.10.1955 4.10.1955 69 54}
11th 12.10.1955 21.11.1955 11.00 a.m. 23.12.1955 24.12.1955 33 27}
12th 6.1.1956 15.2.1956 11.00 a.m. 30.5.1956 2.6.1956 106 76}
10.30 a.m. }
10.00 a.m. }
13th 9.6.1956 16.7.1956 11.00 a.m. 13.9.1956 15.9.1956 60 45}
10.30 a.m. }
14th 22.9.1956 14.11.1956 11.00 a.m. 22.12.1956 23.12.1956 39 30}
15 21.2.1957 18.3.1957 11.00 a.m. 28.3.1957 28.3.1957 11 10}
N.B. Note on dual timings shown in Col. (4) of First Lok Sabha in Table - 3

Sl.No. From to the House Sl.No. From to the house

sat from sat from
(a) 13.5.1952 21.5.1952 10.45 a.m. (i) 21.2.1955 30.4.1955 11.00 a.m.
(b) 22.5.1952 12.8.1952 8.15 a.m. (j) 2.5.1955 7.5.1955 10.30 a.m.
(c) 11.2.1953 10.4.1953 2.00 p.m. (k) 15.2.1956 3.3.1956 11.00 a.m.
(d) 14.4.1953 15.5.1953 8.15 a.m. (l) 5.3.1956 29.5.1956 10.30 a.m.
(e) 15.2.1954 19.4.1954 2.00 p.m. (m) 30.5.1956 — 10.00 a.m.
(f) 20.4.1954 21.5.1954 8.15 a.m. (n) 16.7.1956 8.9.1956 11.00 a.m.
(g) 23.8.1954 8.9.1954 8.15 a.m. (o) 10.9.1956 13.9.1956 10.30 a.m.
(h) 10.9.1954 30.9.1954 11.00 a.m.

* Under Rule 26, allotment of separate days for Private Members’ Business was discontinued and Private Members’ Business was
transacted for 2½ hours on every Friday or on Saturdays when Fridays happened to be holidays.

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no.
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the
the sitting sine-die Session House sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1st 22.4.1957 10.5.1957 11.00 a.m. 31.5.1957 1.6.1957 22 17
2nd 15.6.1957 15.7.1957 11.00 a.m. 13.9.1957 13.9.1957 61 47
3rd 20.9.1957 11.11.1957 11.00 a.m. 21.12.1957 21.12.1957 41 32
4th 28.12.1957 10.2.1958 11.00 a.m. 9.5.1958 12.5.1958 89 64
5th 2.6.1958 11.8.1958 11.00 a.m. 27.9.1958 1.10.1958 48 35
6th 10.10.1958 17.11.1958 11.00 a.m. 20.12.1958 22.12.1958 34 26
7th 8.1.1959 9.2.1959 11.00 a.m. 9.5.1959 11.5.1959 90 65
8th 25.5.1959 3.8.1959 11.00 a.m. 12.9.1959 15.9.1959 41 31
9th 25.9.1959 16.11.1959 11.00 a.m. 22.12.1959 24.12.1959 37 27
10th 6.1.1960 8.2.1960 11.00 a.m. 29.4.1960 5.5.1960 82 60
11th 19.5.1960 1.8.1960 11.00 a.m. 9.9.1960 13.9.1960 40 31
12th 27.9.1960 14.11.1960 11.00 a.m. 23.12.1960 26.12.1960 40 30
13th 6.1.1961 14.2.1961 11.00 a.m. 5.5.1961 11.5.1961 81 61
14th 29.5.1961 7.8.1961 11.00 a.m. 8.9.1961 11.9.1961 33 25
15th 20.9.1961 20.11.1961 11.00 a.m. 8.12.1961 12.12.1961 19 16

16th 19.2.1962 12.3.1962 11.00 a.m. 30.3.1962 Dissolved on 20 14


NB: Joint Sitting of Houses was held on 6.5.1961 to consider the Dowry Prohibition Bill, 1959

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no.
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the
the sitting sine-die Session House sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1st 3.4.1962 16.4.1962 11.00 a.m. 22.6.1962 23.6.1962 68 51
2nd 5.7.1962 6.8.1962 11.00 a.m. 7.9.1962 9.9.1962 33 25

3rd 29.10.1962 *8.11.1962 @11.00 a.m. 11.12.1962 26.1.1963 34 26

21.1.1963 25.1.1963 5 5

4th 31.1.1963 18.2.1963 11.00 a.m. 7.5.1963 9.5.1963 79 61

5th 28.5.1963 13.8.1963 11.00 a.m. 21.9.1963 21.9.1963 40 30
6th 1.10.1963 18.11.1963 11.00 a.m. 21.12.1963 22.12.1963 34 26
7th 1.1.1964 10.2.1964 11.00 a.m. 6.5.1964 6.5.1964 87 66
8th 8.5.1964 27.5.1964 11.00 a.m. 5.6.1964 6.6.1964 10 7
9th 20.7.1964 7.9.1964 11.00 a.m. 3.10.1964 5.10.1964 33 20
10th 10.10.1964 16.11.1964 11.00 a.m. 24.12.1964 25.12.1964 39 29
11th 9.1.1965 17.2.1965 11.00 a.m. 11.5.1965 11.5.1965 84 57
12th 5.6.1965 16.8.1965 11.00 a.m. 24.9.1965 25.9.1965 40 29
13th 1.10.1965 3.11.1965 11.00 a.m. 10.12.1965 13.12.1965 38 27
14th 21.12.1965 14.2.1966 11.00 a.m. 18.5.1966 20.5.1966 94 63
15th 24.5.1966 25.7.1966 11.00 a.m. 7.9.1966 12.9.1966 45 32
16th 17.9.1966 1.11.1966 11.00 a.m. 5.12.1966 9.12.1966 36 24
#17th — — — — — — —

The Session was to commence on 19.11.1962 but due to Chinese aggression, it was advanced.
From 26.11.1962 to 11.12.1962 (during Chinese aggression), the sittings commenced from 12 noon and there was no Question Hour. (Dates
of Chinese Aggression: 22.10.1962 to midnight of November 21-22, 1962)
17th Session had been summoned from 13.3.1967 but the summoning order was rescinded by the President on 2.3.1967.

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no.
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the
the sitting sine-die Session House sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4.3.1967 16.3.1967 *11.00 a.m. 8.4.1967 10.4.1967 24 17
22.4.1967 22.5.1967 11.00 a.m. 12.8.1967 16.8.1967 83 62
1.9.1967 13.11.1967 11.00 a.m. 23.12.1967 26.12.1967 41 31
9.1.1968 12.2.1968 11.00 a.m. 10.5.1968 14.5.1968 89 61
18.5.1968 22.7.1968 11.00 a.m. 30.8.1968 31.8.1968 40 28
21.9.1968 11.11.1968 11.00 a.m. 20.12.1968 24.12.1968 40 31
6.1.1969 17.2.1969 11.00 a.m. 16.5.1969 19.5.1969 89 62
24.5.1969 21.7.1969 11.00 a.m. 30.8.1969 3.9.1969 41 29
24.9.1969 17.11.1969 11.00 a.m. 24.12.1969 27.12.1969 38 29
th 19.1.1970 20.2.1970 11.00 a.m. 20.5.1970 23.5.1970 90 $62
th 27.5.1970 27.7.1970 11.00 a.m. 4.9.1970 7.9.1970 40 29
th 19.9.1970 9.11.1970 11.00 a.m. 18.12.1970 23.12.1970 40 28
With effect from 27.3.1967, the House started having lunch-break from 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m. and the House
used to sit up to 6.00 p.m.
On 28.2.1970, two separate sittings were held.

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no.
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the
the sitting sine-die Session House sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
15.3.1971 19.3.1971 11.00 a.m. 2.4.1971 7.4.1971 15 +12
21.4.1971 24.5.1971 11.00 a.m. 12.8.1971 18.8.1971 81 59
7.10.1971 15.11.1971 11.00 a.m. 23.12.1971 25.12.1971 39 $31
21.1.1972 13.3.1972 11.00 a.m. 1.6.1972 3.6.1972 81 57
9.6.1972 31.7.1972 11.00 a.m. 4.9.1972 6.9.1972 36 25
16.9.1972 13.11.1972 11.00 a.m. 22.12.1972 28.12.1972 40 29
8.1.1973 19.2.1973 12.30 p.m. 16.5.1973 20.5.1973 87 58
1.6.1973 23.7.1973 11.00 a.m. 5.9.1973 7.9.1973 45 31
18.9.1973 12.11.1973 11.00 a.m. 22.12.1973 23.12.1973 41 31
th 11.1.1974 18.2.1974 12.35 p.m. 10.5.1974 11.5.1974 82 54
th 3.6.1974 22.7.1974 11.00 a.m. 9.9.1974 10.9.1974 50 38
th 27.9.1974 11.11.1974 11.00 a.m. 20.12.1974 24.12.1974 40 27
21.1.1975 17.2.1975 11.00 a.m. 9.5.1975 15.5.1975 82 49
th 9.7.1975 21.7.1975 11.00 a.m. 7.8.1975 3.9.1975 18 #14
th 16.12.1975 5.1.1976 11.00 a.m. 6.2.1976 9.2.1976 33 22
th 12.2.1976 8.3.1976 11.00 a.m. 27.5.1976 28.5.1976 81 48
th 9.6.1976 10.8.1976 11.00 a.m. 2.9.1976 5.9.1976 24 17
th 16.9.1976 25.10.1976 11.00 a.m. 5.11.1976 11.11.1976 12 #11
+ There was no Question Hour on the first seven sittings.
W.e.f. 6.12.1971 to 23.12.1971 (due to Pakistani aggression), hours of sittings of Lok Sabha were changed to
a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and Question Hour and Calling Attention matters were suspended.
There was no Question Hour

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no.
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the
the sitting sine-die Session House sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
24.3.1977 25.3.1977 11.00 a.m. 7.4.1977 12.4.1977 14 *11
nd 13.5.1977 **11.6.77 11.00 a.m. 8.8.1977 10.8.1977 59 48
17.9.1977 14.11.1977 11.00 a.m. 23.12.1977 25.12.1977 40 27
27.1.1978 20.2.1978 12.30 p.m. 15.5.1978 18.5.1978 85 58
29.5.1978 17.7.1978 11.00 a.m. 31.8.1978 2.9.1978 46 32
17.10.1978 20.11.1978 11.00 a.m. @23.12.1978 26.12.1978 34 25
17.1.1979 19.2.1979 ^11.00 a.m. 18.5.1979 24.5.1979 89 59
6.6.1979 9.7.1979 11.00 a.m. #16.7.1979 3.8.1979 8 6
7.8.1979 20.8.1979 11.00 a.m. +20.8.1979 22.8.1979 1 1
There was no Question Hour from 25.3.1977 to 4.4.1977 as notice period between issue of Summons and
commencement of Session was not there.
Session commenced on a holiday, i.e., Second Saturday.
The Session was to commence on 23.5.1977 but due to election to certain State Assemblies, summons were
cancelled and new summons were issued.
On 23.12.78, the House met at 10.00 a.m
From 8.5.79 to 18.5.79, the House met from 10.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. without any lunch break
The Eighth Session was scheduled to adjourn sine die on 24.8.79 but was adjourned earlier due to resignation of Government headed by Shri
Morarji Desai
The Ninth Session was scheduled to adjourn sine die on 24.8.79 but was adjourned earlier due to resignation of Government headed by Shri
Charan Singh
Joint Sitting : Joint Sitting of the Houses to deliberate on the Banking Service Commission (Repeal) Bill, 1977 was held on 16.5.1978.

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no.
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the
the sitting sine-die Session House sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16.1.1980 21.1.1980 11.00 a.m. 2.2.1980 7.2.1980 13 10
23.2.1980 11.3.1980 11.00 a.m. 28.3.1980 28.3.1980 18 14
24.5.1980 9.6.1980 11.00 a.m. 12.8.1980 14.8.1980 65 48
15.10.1980 17.11.1980 11.00 a.m. 23.12.1980 26.12.1980 37 26
9.1.1981 16.2.1981 12.35 p.m. 9.5.1981# 12.5.1981 83 56
27.7.1981 17.8.1981 11.00 a.m. 18.9.1981 22.9.1981 33 25
24.10.1981 23.11.1981 11.00 a.m. 25.12.1981 28.12.1981 33 24
7th th
(sitting of 24
upto 10 a.m.
on 25.12.81)
16.1.1982 18.2.1982 12.32 p.m. 30.4.1982 7.5.1982 72 47
15.6.1982 8.7.1982 11.00 a.m. 16.8.1982 17.8.1982 40 25
th 14.9.1982 4.10.1982 11.00 a.m. 5.11.1982 9.11.1982 33 20
17.1.1983 18.2.1983 12.20 p.m. 10.5.1983 13.5.1983 82 48
th 25.6.1983 25.7.1983 11.00 a.m. 26.8.1983 30.8.1983 33 23
th 20.10.1983 15.11.1983 11.00 a.m. 22.12.1983 24.12.1983 38 *22
th 31.1.1984 23.2.1984 12.35 p.m. 9.5.1984 12.5.1984 77 52
th 29.6.1984 23.7.1984 11.00 a.m. 27.8.1984 11.9.1984 36 25
th th
Sitting of 8 May continued upto 2.15 a.m. on 9 May, 1981
No sitting was fixed from 23.11.83 to 30.11.83 on account of meet of Commonwealth Heads of Governments in
New Delhi.

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
5.1.1985 15.1.1985 11.00 a.m. 30.1.1985 9.2.1985 16 11 2 11
28.2.1985 13.3.1985 11.00 a.m. 20.5.1985 28.5.1985 69 48 9 48
28.6.1985 23.7.1985 11.00 a.m. 29.8.1985 30.8.1985 38 26 5 26
18.10.1985 18.11.1985 11.00 a.m. 20.12.1985 24.12.1985 33 24 5 24
1.2.1986 20.2.1986 1.00 p.m. 8.5.1986 12.5.1986 78 48 11 48
27.6.1986 17.7.1986 11.00 a.m. 22.8.1986 30.8.1986 37 24 5 24
9.10.1986 4.11.1986 11.00 a.m. 9.12.1986 12.12.1986 36 26 5 26
th 31.1.1987 23.2.1987 1.15 p.m. 12.5.1987 - 79 50 10 50
8 (P-I)
(P-II) 9.7.1987 27.7.1987 11.00 a.m. 28.8.1987 3.9.1987 33 24 5 24

14.10.1987 6.11.1987 11.00 a.m. 15.12.1987 18.12.1987 40 28 6 28

th 30.1.1988 22.2.1988 12.55 p.m. 13.5.1988 18.5.1988 82 53 9 53
29.6.1988 27.7.1988 11.00 a.m. 5.9.1988 29.9.1988 41 25 5 25
th 6.10.1988 2.11.1988 11.00 a.m. 16.12.1988 5.1.1989 45 24 4 24
th 1.2.1989 21.2.1989 1.00 p.m. 15.5.1989 23.5.1989 84 49 11 49
th 27.6.1989 18.7.1989 11.00 a.m. 18.8.1989 - 32 22 4 22
14 (P-I)
(P-II) 5.10.1989 11.10.1989 11.00 a.m. 13.10.1989 20.10.1989 3 3 - 3

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8.12.1989 18.12.1989 11.00 a.m. *30.12.89 6.1.1990 13 9 2 9
7.2.1990 12.3.1990 12.45 p.m. 31.5.1990 8.6.1990 81 53 11 53
rd 22.6.1990 7.8.1990 11.00 a.m. 7.9.1990 32 21 5 21
3 (P-I)
(P-II) 24.9.1990 1.10.1990 11.00 a.m. 5.10.1990 11.10.1990 5 3 - 3
25.10.1990 7.11.1990 11.00 a.m. 7.11.1990 11.11.1990 1 1 - 1
12.11.1990 16.11.1990 11.00 a.m. 16.11.1990 26.11.1990 1 1 - 1
30.11.1990 27.12.1990 11.00 a.m. 11.1.1991 22.1.1991 16 10 2 10
31.1.1991 21.2.1991 12.50 p.m. 12.3.1991 Dissolved on 20 11 1 11
* Sitting of 29 December continued upto 4.00 a.m. on 30 December, 1989

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
29.6.1991 9.7.1991 11.00 a.m. 18.9.1991 26.9.1991 72 49 9 49
4.11.1991 20.11.1991 11.00 a.m. 20.12.1991 23.12.1991 31 22 5 22
24.1.1992 24.2.1992 1.20 p.m. 12.5.1992 25.5.1992 79 49 10 49
18.6.1992 8.7.1992 11.00 a.m. 20.8.1992 25.8.1992 44 31 3 31
29.10.1992 24.11.1992 11.00 a.m. 23.12.1992 24.12.1992 30 18 2 18
3.2.1993 22.2.1993 12.50 p.m. 14.5.1993 18.5.1993 82 45 8 45
9.7.1993 26.7.1993 11.00 a.m. 28.8.1993 23.9.1993 34 24 5 24
12.11.1993 2.12.1993 11.00 a.m. 30.12.1993 7.1.1994 29 20 2 20
3.2.1994 21.2.1994 1.05 p.m. 13.5.1994 23.5.1994 82 38 6 38
th 26.5.1994 13.6.1994 11.00 a.m. 14.6.1994 18.6.1994 2 2 - 2
th 8.7.1994 25.7.1994 11.00 a.m. 26.8.1994 6.9.1994 33 24 5 24
th 18.11.1994 7.12.1994 11.00 a.m. 23.12.1994 27.12.1994 17 13 2 13
th 1.2.1995 13.2.1995 12.35 p.m. 3.6.1995 15.6.1995 111 42 7 42
th 8.7.1995 31.7.1995 11.00 a.m. 26.8.1995 6.9.1995 27 16 3 16
th 14.11.1995 27.11.1995 11.00 a.m. 22.12.1995 2.1.1996 26 20 2 20
6.2.1996 26.2.1996 12.22 p.m. 12.3.1996 14.3.1996 16 10 1 10
Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
st 18.5.1996 22.5.1996 11.00 a.m. 28.5.1996 22 5 - 5
1 (P-I)
(P-II) 4.6.1996 10.6.1996 11.00 a.m. 12.6.1996 13.6.1996 3 3
2nd 25.6.1996 10.7.1996 11.00 a.m. 13.9.1996* 19.9.1996 66 30 6 30
2.11.1996 20.11.1996 11.00 a.m. 20.12.1996 24.12.1996 31 22 4 22
4th 3.2.1997 20.2.1997 12.47 p.m. 16.5.97@ 21.5.1997 86 37 8 37
th 14.6.1997 23.7.1997 11.00 a.m. 1.9.1997$ 2.9.1997 41 23 4 23
th 13.10.1997 19.11.1997 11.00 a.m. 24.11.1997 - 14 4 - 4
6 (P-I)
(P-II) 28.11.1997 2.12.1997 11.00 a.m. 2.12.1997 Dissolved on - 1 - 1
* Sitting of Lok Sabha held on 25.7.1996 adjourned at 7.17 a.m. on the next day viz., 26.7.1996 @ Sitting of
Lok Sabha held on 12.3.1997 adjourned at 5.15 a.m. on the next day viz., 13.3.1997
Special sitting held from 26.8.1997 to 1.9.1997 – 50 Anniversary of India’s Independence
Sitting of Lok Sabha held on 30.8.1997 adjourned at 8.24 a.m. on the next day viz 31.8.1997

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
21.3.1998 23.3.1998 11.00 a.m. 31.3.1998 6.4.1998 9 8 - 8
29.4.1998 27.5.1998 11.01 a.m. 6.8.1998* 10.8.1998 72 38 6 38
17.10.1998 30.11.1998 11.00 a.m. 23.12.1998 31.12.1998 24 18 3 18
23.1.1999 22.2.1999 1.05 p.m. $22.4.1999 Dissolved on 60 24 2 24
on 26.4.1999

Sitting of Lok Sabha held on 8.6.1998 adjourned at 6.04 a.m. on the next day viz., 9.6.1998
Sitting of Lok Sabha held on 16.3.1999 adjourned at 12.21 a.m. on the next day viz 17.3.1999 and sitting of Lok Sabha held on
16.4.1999 adjourned at 5.35 a.m. on the next day viz., 17.4.1999
Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
16.10.1999 20.10.1999 11.00 a.m. 29.10.1999 1.11.1999 10 8 - 8
6.11.1999 29.11.1999 11.00 a.m. 23.12.1999 27.12.1999 25 19 3 19
2.2.2000 23.2.2000 1.00 p.m. 17.5.2000 23.5.2000 85 38 6 38
23.6.2000 24.7.2000 11.00 a.m. 25.8.2000 28.8.2000 33 22 5 22
4.11.2000 20.11.2000 11.00 a.m. 22.12.2000 22.12.2000 33 25 3 25
31.1.2001 19.2.2001 1.30 p.m. 27.4.2001 3.5.2001 68 31 2 31
20.6.2001 23.7.2001 11.00 a.m. 31.8.2001 3.9.2001 40 29 5 29
30.10.2001 19.11.2001 11.00 a.m. 19.12.2001 21.12.2001 31 21 2 21
24.1.2002 25.2.2002 1.24 p.m. 17.5.2002 22.5.2002 82 40 4 40
th 28.6.2002 15.7.2002 11.00 a.m. 12.8.2002 16.8.2002 29 21 3 21
th 31.10.2002 18.11.2002 11.00 a.m. 20.12.2002 24.12.2002 33 23 4 23
30.1.2003 17.2.2003 1.55 p.m. 9.5.2003 10.5.2003 82 37 5 37
th 1.7.2003 21.7.2003 11.00 a.m. 22.8.2003 26.8.2003 33 21 4 21
th 12.11.2003 2.12.2003 11.00 a.m. 23.12.2003 - 22 16 3 16
14 (P-I)
(P-II) 20.01.04 29.01.2004 11.00 a.m. 05.02.2004 Dissolved on 8 5 1 5

NB: Joint sitting of Houses was held on 26.3.2002 to deliberate on POTA Bill.

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
28.5.2004 2.6.2004 11.00 a.m. 10.6.2004 11.6.2004 9 7 - 7
nd 18.6.2004 5.7.2004 11.00 a.m. 26.8.2004 30.8.2004 53 24 - 24
2 -B
17.11.2004 1.12.2004 11.00 a.m. 23.12.2004 24.12.2004 23 17 3 17
th 31.1.2005 25.2.2005 12.47 pm 13.5.2005 17.5.2005 78 38 5 38
4 -B
8.7.2005 25.7.2005 11.00 a.m. 30.8.2005 1.9.2005 37 24 4 24
3.11.2005 23.11.2005 11.00 a.m. 23.12.2005 28.12.2005 31 23 3 23
th 28.1.2006 16.2.2006 12.20p.m. 22.3.2006 - 35 25 3 25
7 Part I
Part II-B 4.4.2006 10.5.2006 11.00a.m. 23.5.2006 14 10 2 10
6.7.2006 24.7.2006 11.00a.m. 25.8.06 30.8.2006 33 22 3 22
3.11.2006 22.11.2006 11.00a.m. 19.12.2006 21.12.2006 28 20 3 20
th@ 7.2.2007 23.2.2007 12.35 p.m. 17.5.2007 21.5.2007 84 32 2 32
10 -B
th 28.7.2007 10.8.2007 11.00a.m. 10.9.2007 11.9.2007 32 17 3 17
th 5.11.2007 15..11.2007 11.00a.m. 7.12.2007 12.12.2007 23 17 2 17
th 11.2.2008 25.2.2008 12.25p.m. ***5.5.2008 10.5.2008 71 28 2 28
13 -B
th 12.7.2008 21.7.2008 11.00a.m. 22.7.2008 - 2 - 2
Part I 156
Part II 17.10.2008 11.00a.m. 23.12.2008 24.12.2008 16 4 16
th 23.1.2009 12.2.2009 12.50 p.m. 26.2.2009 2.3.2009 15 10 1 10
th th th
Budget Session, 2006 was originally scheduled to commence from Thursday, 16 February to 28 April, 2006 with a recess from 18
March to 2 April, 2006. However due to announcement of the dates of the Elections to some State Assemblies, the earlier scheduled of the
Budget Session had been revised. According to revised scheduled financial business has been completed during the first part of the session.
The Houses were adjourned sine die on 22.3.2006 after completing financial business.
On the suggestion of Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and subsequent recommendation of the Business Advisory Committee at its sitting held on
13.3.2007, the Lok Sabha agreed to reschedule commencement of the second part of Budget Session
th th
from 26 April, , 2007 instead of 18 April, 2007 fixed earlier on account of Assembly Elections in UP. Accordingly, sittings fixed for Wednesday
th th th rd th th
the 18 , Thursday the 19 , Friday the 20 , Monday the 23 , Tuesday the 24 and Wednesday the 25 April, 2007 were cancelled. The House
was adjourned sine on 17.5.2007 instead of 22.5.2007, fixed as per the earlier schedule. As a result the sittings fixed for Friday the 18 , Monday the
st nd
21 and Tuesday the 22 May, 2007 stood cancelled.
th th
Lok Sabha was originally scheduled to adjourn sine-die on Friday, 9 May, 2008 but the Lok Sabha was adjourned sine-die on Monday, 5
May, 2008, 4 days earlier than scheduled as the essential Government Business was completed.

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
26.5.2009 1.6.2009 11.00a.m. 9.6.2009 12.6.2009 9 7 - 7
2nd -B 17.6.2009 2.7.2009 11.00a.m. 7.8.2009 11.8.2009 37 26 5 26
31.10.2009 19.11.2009 11.00a.m. 18.12.2009 27.12.2009 30 21 2 21
4th -B 04.02.2010 22.02.2010 12.25p.m. 07.05.2010 11.05.2010 75 32 5 32
09.07.2010 26.07.2010 11.00a.m. 31.08.2010 03.09.2010 37 26 4 26
19.10.2010 9.11.2010 11.00a.m. 13.12.2010 17.12.2010 35 23 - 23
%7th -B 1.2.2011 21.2.2011 12.25p.m. 25.3.2011 29.3.2011 33 23 3 23
14.7.2011 1.8.2011 11.00a.m. 8.9.2011 15.9.2011 39 26 26
4.11.2011 22.11.2011 11.00a.m. 29.12.2011 5.1.2012 38 24 - 24
th 17.2.2012 12.3.2012 12.45p.m. 22.5.2012 28.05.2012 72 34* 3 34
10 -B
11th 21.7.2012 8.8.2012 11.00a.m. 7.9.2012 12.9.2012 31 19 3 19
12th 3.11.2012 22.11.2012 11.00a.m. 20.12.2012 24.12.2012 29 20 44 20
13th-B 06.02.2013 21.02.2013 12.40p.m. 08.05.2013 10.05.2013 77 32 7 32
14th 19.07.2013 05.08.2013 11.00a.m. 06.09.2013 10.09.2013 33 21 2 21
15th P-1 14.11.2013 05.12.2013 11.00a.m. 18.12.2013 —— 14 10 2 10
P-II 18.01.2014 05.02.2014 11.00a.m. 21.02.2014 27.02.2014 17 12 3 12

% As per the original schedule of the Budget Session, 2011, both the Houses were to adjourn for recess on Wednesday the 16 th March, 2011 to reassemble on
Monday, the 4th April, 2011 and to conclude on Thursday, the 21 st April, 2011. Since the Election Commission announced dates of elections to the five State
Legislative Assemblies viz.(i) Tamil Nadu (ii) Kerala (iii) Puducherry (iv) Assam and (v) West Bengal, leaders of various political parties/groups in Parliament
demanded that the Budget Session be re-scheduled to enable them to participate in the election campaign. Accordingly, it was mutually agreed between
Opposition and Government to reschedule the Budget Session, 2011 of Parliament to conclude on Friday, the 25 th March, 2011 after completing all the
essential financial business.
The revised schedule provided a total of 23 sittings as against 29 sittings scheduled earlier. Therefore, no recess was held and Lok Sabha adjourned sine-die on
This does not include, a special sitting held on Sunday 13.05.2012 to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the First sitting of Parliament
Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual No. of No. of
issue of commen- comme- adjourn-ent prorogat- of days no. of days on days
summons cement ncement of sine-die ion of the days on which allotted
the sitting Session which non- for
the official Govern
House busin-ess ment
sat was busin-ess
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1st 30.5.2014 4.6.2014 11.00 a.m. 11.6.2014 13.6.2014 08 06 - 06
2nd -B 24.6.2014 7.7.2014 11.00 a.m. 14.8.2014 14.8.2014 39 27 06 27
3rd 31.10.2014 24.11.2014 11.00 a.m. 23.12.2014 23.12.2014 30 22 04 22
4th –B 29.01.2015 23.02.2015 12.35 p.m. 13.05.2015 14.05.2015 80 35 06 35
5th 27.06.2015 21.07.2015 11.00 a.m. 13.08.2015 10.09.2015 24 17 04 17
6th 12.11.2015 26.11.2015 11.00 a.m. 23.12.2015 06.01.2016 28 20 03 20
*7th-B 06.02.2016 23.02.2016 12.45 p.m. 16.03.2016 29.03.2016 23 16 03 16
8th –B 08.04.2016 25.04.2016 11.00 a.m. 11.05.2016 19.05.2016 17 13 02 11
9th 30.06.2016 18.07.2016 11:00 a.m. 12.08.2016 25.08.2016 26 20 04 16
10th 19.10.2016 16.11.2016 11:00 a.m. 16.12.2016 18.12.2016 31 21 04 17
11th -B 07.01.2017 31.01.2017 12:41 p.m. 12.04.2017 12.04.2017 72 29 06 23
12th 28.06.2017 17.07.2017 11:00 a.m. 11.08.2017 12.08.2017 26 19 04 15
13th 26.11.2017 15.12.2017 11:00 a.m. 05.01.2018 05.01.2018 22 13 04 9
14th-B 12.01.2018 29.01.2018 12:21 p.m. 06.04.2018 06.04.2018 68 29 06 23
15th 29.06.2018 18.07.2018 11:00 a.m. 10.08.2018 13.08.2018 24 17 3 14
16th 19.11.2018 11.12.2018 11:00 a.m. 08.01.2019 10.01.2019 29 17 4 13
17th-B 16.01.2019 31.01.2019 12:44p. m. 13.02.2019 14.02.2019 14 10 1 9
* The House was adjourned to meet again on 25.04.2016 but it was prorogued.

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total Actual No. of No. of
issue of commen- comme- adjourn-ent prorogat- no. of no. of days on days
summons cement ncement of sine-die ion days of days on which allotted
the sitting the which non- for
Sessi- the official Govern
on House busin- ment
sat ess was busin-
trans- ess
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1st 03.06.2019 17.06.2019 11:00 am *06.08.2019 08.08.2019 51 37 05 37
2nd 23.10.2019 18.11.2019 02:01 pm 13.12.2019 13.12.2019 26 20 04 20
3rd 15.01.2020 31.01.2020 12:45 pm #23.03.2020 29.03.2020 53 23 03 23
4th 01.09.2020 14.09.2020 09:00 am $23.09.2020 30.09.2020 10 10 - 10
5th 14.01.2021 29.01.2021 12:52 pm @25.03.2021 29.03.2021 56 24 03 24
6th 02.07.2021 19.07.2021 11:00 am 11.08.2021 31.08.2021 24 17 03 17
7th 17.11.2021 29.11.2021 11:00 am **22.12.2021 21.12.2021 24 18 03 18
8th 14.01.2022 31.01.2022 11:00 am ***07.04.2022 08.04.2022 67 27 04 27
9th 30.06.2022 18.07.2022 11:00 am ^08.08.2022 17.08.2022 22 16 03 16
10th 19.11.2022 07.12.2022 11:00 am ^^23.12.2022 24.12.2022 17 13 02 13
11th 15.01.2023 31.01.2023 11:00 am 06.04.2023 10.04.2023 66 25 05 25

* The first session of the Seventeenth Lok Sabha was earlier scheduled for 17.06.2019 to 26.07.2019. CCPA in its meeting held on
25.07.2019 extended the house up to 07.08.2019 but the house adjourned sine-a-die on 06.08.2019 as the essential Government Business was
# The House was scheduled to sine-die on 3rd April, 2020, but due to arise of COVID-19 pandemic House adjourned on 23rd March, 2020.
$ The House was scheduled to sine-die 1st October, 2020, but due to arise of COVID-19 pandemic House adjourned on 23rd September, 2020.
@ The House was scheduled to sine-die 8th April, 2021, but due to arise of COVID-19 pandemic House adjourned on 25th March, 2021.
** The House was scheduled to sine-die on 23rd December, 2021, but the House was adjourned sine-die as the essential Government Business
was completed.

*** The House was scheduled to sine-die on 08th April, 2022.

^ The House was scheduled to sine-die on 12th August, 2022, but the House was adjourned sine-die as the essential Government Business was

^^ The House was scheduled to sine-die on 29th December, 2022, but the House was adjourned sine-die as the essential Government Business
was completed on recommendation of BACs of both the Houses.


(‘B’ in column 1 stand for Budget Session)
Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1st (Part I) 25.4.52 13.5.52 10.45 am 31.5.52 19 13 - 13

1st (Part II)-B 14.7.52 10.45 am 14.8.52 19.8.52 32 25 3 22
2 nd
15.9.52 24.11.52 10.45 am 22.12.52 3.1.53 29 22 3 19
3 (Part-I) 15.1.53 11.2.53 2.00 pm 28.3.53 45 24
3rd (Part II)-B 9.4.53 2.00 pm 16.5.53 19.5.53 38 27 3 48
7.8.53 *24.8.53 8.15 am 23.9.53 25.9.53 30 24 3 21
6.10.53 23.11.53 1.30 pm 24.12.53 26.12.53 32 25 3 22
6 (Part-I) 13.1.53 15.2.54 1.30 pm 18.3.54
6th (Part-II) –B 19.4.54 8.15 am 19.5.54 22.5.54 31 25 5 20
14.6.54 23.8.54 8.15 am 30.9.54 1.10.54 39 29 4 25
11.10.54 25.11.54 11.00 am 24.12.54 24.12.54 30 24 4 20
9th-B 11.1.55 21.2.55 11.00 am 4.5.55 6.5.55 73 50 5 45
10 13.6.55 16.8.55 11.00 am 1.10.55 4.10.55 47 35 4 30
11th 17.10.55 21.11.55 11.00 am 24.12.55 26.12.55 34 26 4 22
12 -B 31.12.55 15.2.56 11.00am 16.3.56 17.3.56 31 23 2 21
13 -B 23.3.56 23.4.56 11.00 am 31.5.56 2.6.56 39 29 3 26
14 th
9.6.56 30.7.56 11.00 am 13.9.56 15.9.56 46 34 4 30
15 25.9.56 19.11.56 11.00 am 22.12.56 23.12.56 34 27 4 23
16 TH
19.2.57 18.3.57 11.00 am 28.3.57 30.3.57 11 9 1 8
17 TH
25.4.57 13.5.57 11.00 am 1.6.57 1.6.57 20 17 2 15
18TH-B 20.6.57 12.8.57 11.00 am 14.9.57 14.9.57 34 23 2 21
19 18.9.57 18.11.57 11.00 am 24.12.57 24.12.57 37 28 4 24
20th-B 30.12.57 10.2.58 11.00 am 14.3.58 15.3.58 33 23 4 19
21 st
21.3.58 22.4.58 11.00 am 10.5.58 12.5.58 19 16 2 14
22nd 21.5.58 18.8.58 11.00 am 27.9.58 1.10.58 41 30 4 26
On 4 June, 1953, Members were informed that session would begin on 17.8.53, however, subsequently, revised date i.e. 24.8.53, was
communicated to Members.
Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

23 rd
15.10.58 24.11.58 11.00 am 24.12.58 25.12.58 31 22 4 18
24 -B 6.1.59 9.2.59 11.00 am 13.3.59 14.3.59 33 26 4 22
25 -B 28.3.59 20.4.59 11.00 am 8.5.59 9.5.59 19 15 2 13
26 20.5.59 10.8.59 11.00 am 11.9.59 12.9.59 33 24 4 20
27 21.9.59 23.11.59 11.00 am 22.12.59 23.12.59 30 22 4 18
28 -B 1.1.60 8.2.60 11.00 am 11.3.60 12.3.60 33 25 3 22
29 -B 17.3.60 6.4.60 11.00 am 29.4.60 1.5.60 24 17 3 14
30th 9.5.60 8.8.60 11.00 am 9.9.60 10.9.60 33 24 4 20
31 st
21.9.60 28.11.60 11.00 am 23.12.60 24.12.60 26 20 3 17
32nd-B 27.12.60 14.2.61 11.00 am 18.3.61 23.3.61 33 24 3 21
33 -B 23.3.61 27.3.61 11.00 am 30.3.61 31.3.61 4 4 - 4
34th-B 3.4.61 19.4.61 11.00 am 5.5.61 10.5.61 17 13 2 11
35 9.6.61 14.8.61 11.00 am 8.9.61 9.9.61 26 19 3 16
36th 11.9.61 27.11.61 11.00 am 15.12.61 16.12.61 19 15 4 11
37 17.2.62 12.3.62 11.00 am 30.3.62 31.3.62 19 13 2 11
38 -B 4.4.62 17.4.62 11.00 am 11.5.62 12.5.62 25 18 3 15
39 -B 17.5.62 14.6.62 11.00 am 26.6.62 28.6.62 13 11 2 9
40 3.7.62 6.8.62 11.00 am 7.9.62 9.9.62 33 23 4 19
41 29.10.62 *8.11.62 11.00 am 12.12.62 35 26 4 22
21.1.63 25.1.63 29.1.63 5 5 - 5
42nd-B 31.1.63 18.2.63 11.00 am 20.3.63 21.3.63 31 22 3 19
43 -B 25.3.63 22.4.63 11.00 am 11.5.63 17.5.63 20 17 2 15
44th 27.5.63 13.8.63 11.00 am 21.9.63 23.9.63 40 29 5 24
45 th
1.10.63 18.11.63 11.00 am 23.12.63 24.12.63 36 27 5 22
46th-B 30.12.63 10.2.64 11.00 am 17.3.64 18.3.64 37 27 4 23
47 -B 21.3.64 21.4.64 11.00 am 8.5.64 9.5.64 18 14 2 12
48th 11.5.64 27.5.64 11.00 am 6.6.64 9.6.64 11 7 2 5
49 18.7.64 7.9.64 11.00 am 3.10.64 5.10.64 27 20 4 16
50 8.10.64 16.11.64 11.00 am 24.12.64 25.12.64 39 28 5 23

The session was earlier summoned to meet on 21.11.62

Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
51st-B 5.1.65 17.2.65 11.00 am 31.3.65 2.4.65 43 29 5 24
52 -B 5.4.65 3.5.65 11.00 am 15.5.65 15.5.65 13 10 2 8
53 2.6.65 16.8.65 11.00 am 24.9.65 25.9.65 40 29 5 24
54 th
29.9.65 3.11.65 11.00 am 10.12.65 13.12.65 38 28 6 22
55th-B 22.12.65 14.2.66 11.00 am 7.4.66 12.4.66 53 36 6 30
56 -B 15.4.66 3.5.66 11.00 am 19.5.66 20.5.66 17 13 2 11
57th 23.5.66 25.7.66 11.00 am 10.9.66 12.9.66 48 35 6 29
58 15.9.66 7.11.66 11.00 am 10.12.66 13.12.66 34 25 4 21
59th 6.3.67 **18.3.67 11.00 am 11.4.67 12.4.67 25 17 1 16
60 -B 17.4.67 22.5.67 11.00 am 23.6.67 24.6.67 34 26 3 23
61 -B 3.7.67 24.7.67 11.00 am 18.8.67 24.8.67 26 20 4 16
62 7.9.67 20.11.67 11.00 am 27.12.67 30.12.67 39 28 5 23
63 -B 8.1.68 12.2.68 11.00 am 28.3.68 29.3.68 46 33 5 28
64 -B 5.4.68 29.4.68 11.00 am 13.5.68 15.5.68 15 12 2 10
65 20.5.68 22.7.68 11.00 am 31.8.68 4.9.68 41 28 5 23
66 th
19.9.68 18.11.68 11.00 am 28.12.68 30.12.68 41 30 5 25
67 -B 6.1.69 17.2.69 11.00 am 31.3.69 2.4.69 43 30 6 24
68th-B 5.4.69 28.4.69 11.00 am 19.5.69 21.5.69 22 17 2 15
69 29.5.69 21.7.69 11.00 am 29.8.69 30.8.69 40 28 5 23
70th 20.9.69 17.11.69 11.oo am 24.12.69 26.12.69 38 27 5 22
71 -B 6.1.70 20.2.70 11.00 am 4.4.70 7.4.70 44 29 4 25
72nd-B 9.4.70 27.4.70 11.00 am 23.5.70 27.5.70 27 20 3 17
73 1.6.70 27.7.70 11.00 am 7.9.70 9.9.70 43 30 5 25
74 14.9.70 9.11.70 11.00 am 18.12.70 23.12.70 40 28 4 24
75 16.3.71 23.3.71 11.00 am 7.4.71 14.4.71 16 13 2 11
76 -B 19.4.71 24.5.71 11.00 am 25.6.71 29.6.71 33 25 4 21
77 -B 2.7.71 19.7.71 11.00 am 14.8.71 19.8.71 27 20 2 18
78 1.10.71 15.11.71 11.00 am 24.12.71 26.12.71 40 31 5 26
79 -B 20.1.72 13.3.72 11.00 am 14.4.72 15.4.72 33 23 4 19
**The House was originally to sit from 15.3.67.
Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
80th-B 18.4.72 8.5.72 11.00 am 3.6.72 5.6.72 27 21 3 18
81 14.6.72 31.7.72 11.00 am 4.9.72 6.9.72 36 25 5 20
82 16.9.72 13.11.72 11.00 am 23.12.72 28.12.72 41 30 6 24
83 -B 8.1.73 19.2.73 11.00 am 31.3.73 2.4.73 41 30 5 25
84 -B 6.4.73 30.4.73 11.00 am 19.5.73 25.5.73 20 14 2 12
85 th
1.6.73 23.7.73 11.00 am 4.9.73 7.9.73 44 29 6 23
86 th
18.9.73 12.11.73 11.00 am 24.12.73 25.12.73 43 32 6 26
87 -B 11.1.74 18.2.74 11.00 am 26.3.74 27.3.04 37 25 4 21
88 -B 30.3.74 22.4.74 11.00 am 14.5.74 17.5.74 23 16 3 13
89 th
3.6.74 22.7.74 11.00 am 11.8.74 12.9.74 52 40 6 34
90 27.9.74 11.11.74 11.00 am 21.12.74 24.12.74 41 28 5 23
91 -B 20.1.75 17.2.75 11.00 am 26.3.75 31.3.75 38 28 5 23
92nd-B 4.4.75 *25.4.75 11.00 am 14.5.75 16.5.75 20 14 2 12
93 11.7.75 21.7.75 11.00 am 9.8.75 3.9.75 20 16 - 16
94th 16.12.75 5.1.76 11.00 am 6.2.76 9.2.76 33 23 4 19
95 -B 12.2.76 8.3.76 11.00 am 3.4.76 5.4.76 27 20 4 16
96th-B 8.4.76 10.5.76 11.00 am 28.5.76 29.5.76 19 14 3 11
97 5.6.76 10.8.76 11.00 am 3.9.76 5.9.76 25 18 3 15
98th 20.9.76 3.11.76 11.00 am 15.11.76 17.11.76 13. 9 - 9
99 22.2.77 28.2.77 11.00 am 2.3.77 2.3.77 2 2 - 2
100th 25.3.77 28.3.77 11.00 am 11.4.77 12.4.77 15. 10 1 9
101 -B 25.4.77 **11.6.77 11.00 am 28.6.77 29.6.77 18 13 3 10
102 -B 4.7.77 18.7.77 11.00 am 9.8.77 11.8.77 23 17 3 14
103 17.9.77 14.11.77 11.00 am 24.12.77 28.12.77 41 28 3 25
104 -B 27.1.78 20.2.78 11.00 am 23.3.78 28.3.78 32 23 4 19
105 -B 31.3.78 24.4.78 11.00 am 18.5.78 19.5.78 25 17 3 14
106 31.5.78 17.7.78 11.00 am 31.8.78 5.9.78 46 32 4 28
107 17.10.78 20.11.78 11.00 am 26.12.78 26.12.78 37 25 5 20

* The House was to commence on 28.4.75 ** The

session was to commence on 23.5.77
Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
108th-B 12.1.79 19.2.79 11.00 am 28.3.79 29.3.79 38 27 5 22
109 -B 9.4.79 24.4.79 11.00 am 23.5.79 25.5.79 30 20 3 17
110th 4.6.79 9.7.79 11.00 am 16.7.79 3.8.79 8 6 1 5
111 7.8.79 20.8.79 11.00 am 20.8.79 24.8.79 1 1 - 1
112nd 16.1.80 23.1.80 12.15 pm 5.2.80 6.2.80 14 10 1 10
113 25.2.80 11.3.80 11.00 am 31.3.80 31.3.80 21 14 3 11
114 -B 24.5.80 9.6.80 11.00 am 9.7.80 10.7.80 31 23 3 20
115 -B 11.7.80 23.7.80 11.00 am 18.8.80 19.8.80 27 16 3 13
116 15.10.80 17.11.80 11.00 am 24.12.80 27.12.80 38 27 5 22
117 -B 9.1.81 16.2.81 12.35 pm 26.3.81 31.3.81 39 26 4 22
118 -B 4.4.81 20.4.81 11.00 am 8.5.81 12.5.81 19. 14 2 12
119 27.7.81 17.8.81 11.00 am 18.9.81 22.9.81 33 25 5 20
120 24.10.81 23.11.81 11.00 am 24.12.81 28.12.81 32 24 4 20
121 -B 16.1.82 18.2.82 12.35 pm 31.3.82 1.4.82 42 29 6 23
122 -B 7.4.82 26.4.82 11.00 am 6.5.82 12.5.82 11 9 1 8
123 15.6.82 8.7.82 11.00 am 13.8.82 17.8.82 37 24 6 18
124 24.9.82 4.10.82 11.00 am 5.11.82 9.11.82 33 20 4 16
125th-B 17.1.83 18.2.83 12.20 pm 25.3.83 1.4.83 36 21 4 17
126 -B 4.4.83 26.4.83 11.00 am 10.5.83 13.5.83 15 11 2 9
127th 25.6.83 25.7.83 11.00 am 26.8.83 30.8.83 33 23 5 18
128 20.10.83 15.11.83 11.00 am 22.12.83 24.12.83 38 22 5 17
129th-B 31.1.84 23.2.84 12.38 pm 23.3.84 31.3.84 30 22 4 18
130 -B 4.4.84 23.4.84 11.00 am 10.5.84 17.5.84 18 14 2 12
131 29.6.84 23.7.84 11.00 am 29.8.84 11.9.84 30 27 5 22
132 5.1.85 17.1.85 12.30 pm 31.1.85 9.2.85 15 9 2 8
133 -B 28.2.85 13.3.85 11.00 am 29.3.85 2.4.85 17 14 3 11
134 -B 10.4.85 29.4.85 11.00 am 21.5.85 26.5.85 23 16 3 13
135 28.6.85 23.7.85 11.00 am 29.8.85 30.8.85 38 26 5 21
136 17.10.85 18.11.85 11.00 am 20.12.85 24.12.85 33 24 5 23
137 -B 1.2.86 20.2.86 1.00 pm 20.3.86 23.3.86 29 20 4 16
Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
138 -B 31.3.86 21.4.86 11.00 am 14.5.86 17.5.86 24 15 2 13
139 27.6.86 17.7.86 11.00 am 22.8.86 30.8.86 37 24 4 20
140 9.10.86 4.11.86 11.00 am 10.12.86 12.12.86 37 27 5 22
141 -B 30.1.87 23.2.87 1.15 pm 20.3.87 24.3.87 26 19 4 15
142 -B 27.3.87 13.4.87 11.00 am 12.5.87 19.5.87 30 19 4 15
143 7.7.87 27.7.87 11.00 am 31.8.87 3.9.87 36 25 5 20
144 13.10.87 6.11.87 11.00 am 16.12.87 18.12.87 41 29 6 23
145 -B 29.1.88 22.2.88 12.55 pm 30.3.88 6.4.88 38 26 4 15
146 -B 9.4.88 25.4.88 11.00 am 13.5.88 18.5.88 19 15 3 12
147th 28.6.88 27.7.88 11.00 am 6.9.88 29.9.88 42 26 5 21
148 6.10.88 2.11.88 11.00 am 20.12.88 5.1.89 49 22 4 18
149th-B 1.2.89 21.2.89 1.00 pm 4.4.89 5.4.89 43 25 5 20
150 -B 6.4.89 24.4.89 11.00 am 12.5.89 23.5.89 19 14 2 12
151 (Part –I) 27.6.89 18.7.89 11.00 am 18.8.89 32 22 4 22
(Part-II) 5.10.89 11.10.89 11.00 am 14.10.89 20.10.89 4 3 - 3
(0.31 am)
152nd 7.12.89 20.12.89 12.15 pm 30.12.89 6.1.90 11 7 2 5
153 (P-I) 7.2.90 12.3.90 12.45 pm 30.3.90 - 19 15 3 12
(P-II)-B 4.4.90 9.4.90 11.00 am 10.4.90 12.4.90 2 2 - 2
154 -B 17.4.90 30.4.90 11.00 am 1.6.90 8.6.90 33 23 4 19
155 (Part –I) 22.6.90 7.8.90 11.00 am 7.9.90 32 21 5 16
(Part II) 24.9.90 1.10.90 11.00 am 5.10.90 11.10.90 5 3 - 3
156th 30.11.90 27.12.90 11.00 am 11.1.91 22.1.91 16 10 2 8
157 31.1.91 21.2.91 12.51 pm 13.3.91 14.3.91 21 12 1 12
158 25.5.91 3.6.91 11.00 am 5.6.91 8.6.91 3 2 - 2
(1.15 am)
159th-B 29.6.91 11.7.91 12.58 pm 7.8.91 14.8.91 28 19 4 15
160 -B 14.8.91 26.8.91 11.00 am 18.9.91 26.9.91 24 18 3 15
161st 4.11.91 20.11.91 11.00 am 21.12.91 23.12.91 32 23 5 18
162 -B 24.1.92 24.2.92 1.21 pm 3.4.92 7.4.92 40 28 4 24
163rd-B 9.4.92 27.4.92 11.00 am 14.5.92 25.5.92 18 13 2 11
Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
164th 18.6.92 8.7.92 11.00 am 20.8.92 25.8.92 44 31 4 27
165 29.10.92 24.11.92 11.00 am 23.12.92 24.12.92 30 18 3 16
166th-B 2.2.93 22.2.93 12.51 pm 31.3.93 1.4.93 38 25 5 21
167 -B 8.4.93 26.4.93 11.00 am 14.5.93 18.5.93 19 14 2 12
168th 9.7.93 26.7.93 11.00 am 27.8.93 23.9.93 33 22 5 17
169 12.11.93 2.12.93 11.00 am 30.12.93 7.1.94 29 18 2 16
170 -B 3.2.94 21.2.94 1.02 pm 15.6.94 18.6.94 115 38 8 30
171 8.7.94 25.7.94 11.00 am 26.8.94 6.9.94 33 24 5 19
172 18.11.94 7.12.94 11.00 am 23.12.94 27.12.94 17 13 1 12
173 -B 1.2.95 13.2.95 12.38 pm 2.6.95 15.6.95 110 41 7 34
174 7.7.95 31.7.95 11.00 am 26.8.95 6.9.95 27 16 3 13
175 14.11.95 27.11.95 11.00 am 22.12.95 29.12.95 26 20 1 19
176 6.2.96 26.2.96 12.20 pm 12.3.96 14.3.96 16 10 - 10
177 20.5.96 24.5.96 12.31 pm 30.5.96 13.6.96 7 2 - 2
178 -B 24.6.96 10.7.96 11.00 am 13.9.96 19.9.96 66 30 7 23
179th 2.11.96 20.11.96 11.00 am 20.12.96 24.12.96 31 22 3 19
180 -B 3.2.97 20.2.97 12.52 pm 16.5.97 21.5.97 86 36 6 30
*181st 16.6.97 23.7.97 11.00 am 1.9.97 2.9.97 41 23 2 21
182 13.10.97 19.11.97 11.00 am 1.12.97 9.12.97 13 9 - 9
183rd 21.3.98 25.3.98 12.16 pm 2.4.98 6.4.98 9 6 - 6
184 -B 29.4.98 27.5.98 11.00 am 4.8.98 10.8.98 70 35 6 29
185th 20.10.98 30.11.98 11.00 am 23.12.98 31.12.98 24 18 3 15
186 -B 25.1.99 22.2.99 1.07 pm 23.4.99 29.4.99 61 23 3 20
187 15.10.1999 21.10.1999 11.00 a.m. 29.10.1999 1.11.1999 9 6 - 6
188 8.11.1999 29.11.1999 11.00 a.m. 23.12.1999 27.12.1999 25 19 2 17
189 -B 1.2.2000 23.2.2000 12.57 p.m. 17.5.2000 23.5.2000 85 38 4 34
190 22.6.2000 24.7.2000 11.00 a.m. 25.8.2000 28.8.2000 33 22 4 18
191 3.11.2000 20.11.2000 11.00 a.m. 22.12.2000 22.12.2000 33 25 4 21

Special sittings in commemoration of 50 years of India’s independence were held from 26.8.97 to 1.09.97. During this period, no Question
Hour, Zero Hour or Government Business was taken up.
Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

192nd-B 30.1.2001 19.2.2001 1.26 p.m. 27.4.2001 3.5.2001 68 31 2 29

193 20.6.2001 23.7.2001 11.00 a.m. 31.8.2001 3.9.2001 40 29 5 24
194th 29.10.2001 19.11.2001 11.00 a.m. 19.12.2001 21.12.2001 31 21 2 19
195 -B 23.1.2002 25.2.2002 1.20 p.m. 17.5.2002 22.5.2002 82 38 3 35
196th 27.6.2002 15.7.2002 11.00 a.m. 12.8.2002 14.8.2002 29 21 2 19
197 31.10.2002 18.11.2002 11.00 a.m. 20.12.2002 24.12.2002 33 23 3 20
198th-B 30.1.2003 17.2.2003 2.00 p.m. 9.5.2003 10.5.2003 82 37 5 32
199 30.6.2003 21.7.2003 11.00 a.m. 22.8.2003 26.8.2003 33 21 2 19
200 (Part I) 11.11.2003 2.12.2003 11.00 a.m. 23.12.2003 - 22 16 2 14
(Part II) 21.01.2004 30.01.2004 2.00 pm 05.02.2004 10.2.2004 7 4 1 3

201st 27.05.2004 04.06.2004 11.00 a.m. 10.06.2004 11.06.2004 7 5 - 5

202nd-B 18.06.2004 05.07.2004 11.00 a.m. 26.08.2004 30.08.2004 53 24 2 20
203 16.11.2004 01.12.2004 11.00 a.m 23.12.2004 24.12.2004 23 17 3 13
204th-B 31.1.2005 25.02.2005 12.45 pm 13.5.2005 17.05.2005 78 38 5 33
205 8.7.2005 25.7.2005 11.00a.m. 30.8.2005 1.9.2005 37 24 5 19
206th 3.11.2005 23.11.2005 11.00a.m. 23.12.2005 28.12.2005 31 23 2 21
207 -B
Part I 28.1.2006 16.2.2006 12.20p.m. 22.3.2006 ** - 35 25 4 21
Part II 5.4.2006 10.5.2006 11.00a.m. 23.5.2006 25.5.2006 14 10 2 8

208th 6.7.2006 24.7.2006 11.00a.m. 25.8.2006 30.8.2006 33 22 4 18

209th 3.11.2006 22.11.2006 11.00a.m. 19.12.2006 21.12.2006 28 20 3 17
@210 -B 7.2.2007 23.2.2007 12.35p.m. 17.5.2007 21.5.2007 84 31 4 27
211th 27.7.2007 10.8.2007 11.00a.m. 10.9.2007 11.9.2007 32 17 3 14
212 5.11.2007 15.11.2007 11.00a.m. 7.12.2007 12.12.2007 23 17 2 15
213th-B 11.2.2008 25.2.2008 12.25p.m. 6.5.2008*** 10.5.2007 72 30 2 28
th th
Budget Session, 2006 was originally scheduled to commence from Thursday, 16 February to 28 April, 2006 with
a recess from 18th March to 2nd April, 2006. However due to announcement of the dates of the Elections to some
State Assemblies, the earlier schedule of the Budget Session was revised. According to revised schedule financial
business was completed during the first part of the session. The Houses were adjourned sine die on 22.3.2006 after
completing financial business.
Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total no. Actual no. No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- of days of days on days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of the which the on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die Session House sat non-official Govern-
business ment
was business
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

214th 9.9.2008 17.10.2008 11.00a.m. 23.12.2008 24.12.2008 68 16 1 15

215 22.1.2009 12.2.2009 12.50p.m. 26.2.2009 2.3.2009 15 10 1 9
216th 26.5.2009 4.6.2009 12.35p.m. 9.6.2009 12.6.2009 06 04 - 04
217 -B 16.6.2009 2.7.2009 11.00a.m. 7.8.2009 11.8.2009 37 26 4 26
218th 30.10.2009 19.11.2009 11.00a.m. 22.12.2009 27.12.2009 34 23 3 23
219 -B 3.2.2010 22.2.2010 12.25p.m. 7.5.2010 11.5.2010 75 32 4 28
220th 8.7.2010 26.7.2010 11.00a.m. 31.8.2010 3.9.2010 37 26 4 26
221 15.10.2010 9.11.2010 11.00a.m. 13.12.2010 17.12.2010 35 23 - 23
% 222 –B 31.1.2011 21.2.2011 12.25p.m. 25.3.2011 29.3.2011 33 23 2 23
223 13.7.2011 1.8.2011 11.00a.m. 8.9.2011 15.9.2011 39 26 3 26
224th 3.11.2011 22.11.2011 11.00a.m. 29.12.2011 5.1.2012 38 24 - 24
225th -B 16.2.2012 12.3.2012 12.45p.m. 22.05.2012 28.05.2012 72 34# 4 30
226th 20.7.2012 8.8.2012 11.00a.m. 7.9.2012 12.9.2012 31 19 4 15
227th 2.11.2012 22.11.2012 11.00a.m. 20.12.2012 24.12.2012 29 20 4 16
228 -B 06.02.2013 21.02.2013 12.38p.m. 08.05.2013 10.05.2013 77 32 7 25
229th 19.07.2013 05.08.2013 11.00a.m. 07.09.2013 10.09.2013 34 21 2 19
230th P-I
14.11.2013 05.12.2013 11.00a.m. 18.12.2013 ——- 14 10 2 8
P-II 18.01.2014 05.02.2014 11.00a.m. 21.02.2014 27.02.2014 17 12 2 10
231st 30.5.2014 9.6.2014 12.30 p.m. 11.6.2014 13.6.2014 3 3 - 3
232nd 25.6.2014 7.7.2014 11.00a.m. 14.8.2014 14.8.2014 39 27 5 22
233rd 30.10.2014 24.11.2014 11.00a.m. 23.12.2014 23.12.2014 30 22 4 18
*234th –B 30.01.2015 23.02.2015 12.35 p.m. 20.03.2015 28.03.2015 26 19 2 17
*235th – B 08.04.2015 23.04.2015 11.00 a.m. 13.05.2015 14.05.2015 24 13 2 11
236th 29.06.2015 21.07.2015 11.00 a.m 13.08.2015 10.09.2015 24 17 1 16
237th 12.11.2015 26.11.2015 11.00 a.m 23.12.2015 06.01.2016 28 20 2 18
**238th –B 06.02.2016 23.02.2016 12.50 p.m. 16.03.2016 30.03.2016 23 16 2 14
239th 08.04.2016 25.04.2016 11.00 a.m. 13.05.2016 19.05.2016 19 15 3 12
240th 30.06.2016 18.07.2016 11.00 a.m. 13.05.2016 20.05.2016 19 15 2 13
241st 18.10.2016 16.11.2016 11.00 a.m. 16.12.2016 19.12.2016 31 21 4 17
242nd –B 07.01.2017 31.01.2017 12:57 p.m. 12.04.2017 12.04.2017 72 29 6 23
Session Date of Date of Time of Date of Date of Total Actual No. of No. of
issue of commen- commen- adjourn- proroga- no. no. days days
summons cement cement of ment tion of days of days on which allotted for
the sitting sine-die of the on non-official Govern-
Sessio which business ment
n the was business
House transacted
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
243rd 28.06.2017 17.07.2017 11.00 a.m. 11.08.2017 12.08.2017 26 19 4 15
244th 27.11.2017 15.12.2017 11.00 a.m. 05.01.2018 05.01.2018 22 13 4 9
245th 12.01.2018 29.01.2018 12:51 p.m. 06.04.2018 06.04.2018 68 30 6 24
246th 29.06.2018 18.07.2018 11:00 a.m. 10.08.2018 13.08.2018 24 17 3 14
247th 17.11.2018 11.12.2018 11:00 a.m. 09.01.2019 10.01.2019 30 18 4 14
248th 16.01.2019 31.01.2019 12:44 p. m. 13.02.2019 14.02.2019 14 10 1 9
249th 03.06.2019 20.06.2019 12:40 p.m. 07.08.2019 ***08.08.2019 49 35 05 30
250th 23.10.2019 18.11.2019 12:11 p.m. 13.12.2019 13.12.2019 26 20 04 16
251st 16.01.2020 31.01.2020 12:57 pm #23.03.2020 29.03.2020 53 23 04 19
252nd 01.09.2020 14.09.2020 03:00 pm $23.09.2020 30.09.2020 10 10 - 10
253rd 14.01.2021 29.01.2021 03:00 pm @25.03.2021 29.03.2021 56 23 01 22
254th 02.07.2021 19.07.2021 11:00a.m 11.08.2021 31.08.2021 24 17 03 14
255th 17.11.2021 29.11.2021 11:00a.m **22.12.2021 24.12.2021 24 18 03 15
256th 14.01.2022 31.01.2022 11:00a.m ##07.04.2022 08.04.2022 67 27 03 24
257th 30.06.2022 18.07.2022 11:00a.m @@08.08.2022 17.08.2022 22 16 03 13
258th 19.11.2022 07.12.2022 11:00a.m $$23.12.2022 24.12.2022 17 13 03 10
259th 15.01.2023 31.01.2023 11:00 am 06.04.2023 10.04.2023 66 25 05 20

`* The House was adjourned to meet again on 20.04.2015 but it was prorogued.
`** The House was adjourned to meet again on 25.04.2016 but it was prorogued.
*** The first session of the Seventeenth Lok Sabha was earlier scheduled for 17.06.2019 to 26.07.2019. CCPA in its meeting held on 25.07.2019 extended the house up to
07.08.2019 but the house adjourned sine-a-die on 06.08.2019 as the essential Government Business was completed.
# The House was scheduled to sine-die on 3rd April, 2020, but due to arise of COVID-19 pandemic House adjourned on 23rd March, 2020.
$ The House was scheduled to sine-die on 1st October, 2020, but due to arise of COVID-19 pandemic House adjourned on 23rd September,
@ The House was scheduled to sine-die on 8th April, 2021, but due to arise of COVID-19 pandemic House adjourned on 25th March, 2021.
** The House was scheduled to sine-die on 23rd December, 2021, but it was adjourned on 22nd December, 2021 as the essential Government
Business was completed.
##The House was scheduled to sine-die on 08th April, 2022.
@@ The House was scheduled to sine-die on 12th August, 2022, but the House was adjourned sine-die as the essential Government Business
was completed.
$$ The House was scheduled to sine-die on 29th December, 2022, but the House was adjourned sine-die as the essential Government Business
was completed on recommendation of BACs of both the Houses.
Name of Prime Minister Session Date on which summons Date of Interval
were issued commencement
of the Session
Seventeenth Lok Sabha
Shri Narendra Modi Seventh November 17, 2021 November 29,2021 12 days
Shri Narendra Modi First June 3, 2019 June 17, 2019 14 days
Shri Narendra Modi Fourth September 1, 2020 September 14, 2020 13 days

Sixteenth Lok Sabha

Shri Narendra Modi *First May 30, 2014 June, 2014 04 days
Shri Narendra Modi Second June 24, 2014 July 7, 2014 12 days
Shri Narendra Modi Sixth November 12, 2015 November 26, 2015 13 days
Shri Narendra Modi Seventeenth January16, 2019 January 31, 2019 14 days

Fifteenth Lok Sabha

Dr. Manmohan Singh *First May 26, 2009 June 1, 2009 5 days
Dr. Manmohan Singh Second June 17, 2009 July 2, 2009 14 days

Fourteenth Lok Sabha

Dr. Manmohan Singh *First May 28, 2004 June 2, 2004 04 days*
Dr. Manmohan Singh Third Nov. 17, 2004 December 1, 2004 13 days
Dr. Manmohan Singh Eleventh July 28, 2007 August 10, 2007 12 days
Dr. Manmohan Singh Twelfth November 5, 2007 November 15, 2007 9 days
Dr. Manmohan Singh Thirteenth February 11, 2008 February 25, 2008 13 days
Dr. Manmohan Singh Fourteenth July 12, 2008 July 21, 2008 8 days
Part – I

Thirteenth Lok Sabha

Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee *First October 16, 1999 October 20, 1999 03 days*

Twelfth Lok Sabha

Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee *First March 21, 1998 March 23, 1998 01 day*

Eleventh Lok Sabha

Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee *First (Part-I) May 18, 1996 May 22, 1996 03 days*
Shri H.D. Deve Gowda (Part-II) June 4, 1996 Reconvened) June 10, 1996 05 days
Second June 25, 1996 July 10, 1996 14 days
Shri I.K. Gujaral Sixth (Part-II) November 28, 1997 December 2, 1997 03 days

Tenth Lok Sabha

Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao *First June 29, 1991 July 9, 1991 09 days*
Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao Thirteenth February 1, 1995 February 13, 1995 11 days
Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao Fifteenth November 14, 1995 November 27, 1995 12 days
Name of Prime Minister Session Date on which summons Date of Interval
were issued commencement
of the Session
Ninth Lok Sabha
Shri V.P. Singh *First December 7, 1989 December 18, 1989 10 days*
Shri V.P. Singh Third (P-II) September 24, 1990 October 1, 1990 06 days
Shri V.P. Singh Fourth October 25, 1990 November 7, 1990 12 days
Shri Chandra Shekhar Fifth November 10, 1990 November 16, 1990 05 days

Eighth Lok Sabha

Shri Rajiv Gandhi *First January 5, 1985 January 15, 1985 09 days*
Shri Rajiv Gandhi Second February 28, 1985 March 13, 1985 12 days

Seventh Lok Sabha

Smt. Indira Gandhi *First January 16, 1980 January 21, 1980 04 days*

Sixth Lok Sabha

Shri Morarji Desai *First March 24, 1977 March 25, 1977 -
Shri Charan Singh Ninth August 7, 1979 August 20, 1979 12 days

Fifth Lok Sabha

Smt. Indira Gandhi *First March 15, 1971 March 19, 1971 03 days
Smt. Indira Gandhi Fourteenth July 9, 1975 July 21, 1975 11 days

Fourth Lok Sabha

Smt. Indira Gandhi *First March 4, 1967 March 16, 1967 11 days*

Third Lok Sabha

Shri Jawaharlal Nehru *First April 3, 1962 April 16, 1962 12 days*

First Session of new Lok Sabha

Name of Prime Minister Session Date on which Date of commencement Interval
summons were issued of the Session
Shri Narendra Modi 255th November 17, 2021 November 29,2021 12 days
Shri Narendra Modi 252nd September 1, 2020 September 14, 2020 13 days
Shri Narendra Modi 248th January 16, .2019 January 31, 2019 14 days
Shri Narendra Modi 237th November 12, 2015 November 26, 2015 13 days
Shri Narendra Modi 235th April 8, 2015 April 23, .2015 14 days
Shri Narendra Modi 232nd June 25, .2014 July 7, 2014 11 days
Shri Narendra Modi *231st May 30, .2014 June 9, .2014 9 days
Dr. Manmohan Singh 216th May 26, 2009 June 4, 2009 08 days
Dr. Manmohan Singh 213th February 11, 2008 February 25, 2008 13 days
Dr. Manmohan Singh 212th November 5, 2007 November 15, 2007 09 days
Dr. Manmohan Singh 211th July 27, 2007 August 10, 2007 13 days
Dr. Manmohan Singh 203rd November 16, 2004 December 1, 2004 14 days
Dr. Manmohan Singh *201st May 27, 2004 June 4, 2004 07 days
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee *187th October 15, 1999 October 21, 1999 05 days
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee *183rd March 21, 1998 March 25, 1998 03 day
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee *177th May 20, 1996 May 24, 1996 03 days
Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao 175th November 14, 1995 November 27, 1995 12 days
Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao 173rd February 1, 1995 February 13, 1995 11 days
Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao 160th August 14, 1991 August 26, 1991 11 days
Shri Chandra Shekhar 158th May 25, 1991 June 3, 1991 08 days
(9 Lok Sabha was
dissolved on 13.3.91 and
10th Lok Sabha was
constituted on 20.6.91)
Shri V.P. Singh 155th (P-II) September 24, 1990 October 1, 1990 06 days
Shri V.P. Singh 154th April 17, 1990 April 30, 1990 12 days
Shri V.P. Singh *152nd December 7, 1989 December 20, 1989 12 days

* The session corresponds to First Session of the respective Lok Sabha

Year Name of the persons Date of appointment Date of administration Date of election
appointed under article of of the Speaker
95(1) to perform the duties oath and by whom under article 93
of the office of the Speaker
1952 Shri G.V. Mavalankar April 17 April 17 by the -
1954 Shri B. Das May 15 May 13 by Shri M. May 15
1956 Sardar Hukum Singh March 7 *May 13, 1952 by March 8
Shri M.
1957 Seth Govind Das President’s Order dated May 10 by the May 11
May 4 was published on President
May 7
1962 Seth Govind Das President’s Order dated April 16 by the April 17
April 6 was published on President
April 7
1967 Seth Govind Das President’s Order dated March 16 by the March 17
March 8 was published President
on March 13
1971 Seth Govind Das President’s Order dated March 19 by the March 22, 1971
March 17 was published President
on the same day
1977 Shri D.N. Tiwary President’s Order dated March 25 by the March 26
March 24 was published President
on the same day
1980 Shri Jagjivan Ram January 15 January 20 by the January 22
1985 Shri Jagjivan Ram January 5 January 14 by the January 16
1989 Prof. N.G. Ranga December 12 December 18 by the December 19
1991 Shri Indrajit Gupta July 5 July 9 at 10.00 a.m. July 10
by the President
1996 Shri Indrajit Gupta May 18 May 22 at 9.00 a.m. May 23
by the President
* Fresh oath was not necessary, as he was already a Member of First Lok Sabha constituted in 1952
Year Name of the persons Date of appointment Date of administration Date of election
appointed under article of of the Speaker
95(1) to perform the duties oath and by whom under article 93
of the office of the Speaker
1998 Shri Indrajit Gupta March 20 March 23 at 9.00 a.m. by March 24
the President
1999 Shri Indrajit Gupta October 15 October 20 at 9.30 October 22
a.m. by the President
2004 *Shri Somnath Chatterjee May 29 June 2 at 9.00 a.m. -
by the President
2004 *Shri Balasaheb Vikhe Patil May 29 June 2, after the June 4
House assembled at
11.00 a.m., by
Speaker pro tem
(Shri Somnath
2009 Shri Manikrao Hodlya Gavit May 29, 2009 June 1, 2009 at June 3, 2009
9.30 a.m. by the
2014 Shri Kamal Nath May 29, 2014 June 4, 2014 at June 6, 2014
at 10.30 by the
2019 Dr. Virendra Kumar June 7, 2019 June 17, 2019 at 10:30 June 19, 2019
am by the President
NB: I. In 1952, the President by his Order dated May 11, 1952 (published on May 12, 1952) appointed Dr. S.Radhakrishnan and Shri S. V.
Krishna Murthy Rao to be persons before either of whom Members of the Council of States may make and subscribe the oath or affirmation.
The Order was superseded in 1956 by the President by his Order dated April 21, 1956 (published on the same date), by which the following
persons were appointed to be the persons before any one of whom Members of the Council of States may make and subscribe the oath or
affirmation under article 99 of the Constitution: (i) the Chairman, (ii) Deputy Chairman, (iii) the persons competent to preside over the
Council of States under clause (2) of article 91 of the Constitution of India.

II. As the Vice-President was acting as President, and the office of the Deputy Chairman too fell vacant due to the election of the then
Deputy Chairman to the Lok Sabha, the Vice-President acting as President, appointed on 24th March, 1977, Shri Banarsi Das, as the
Chairman pro-tem till the election of the Deputy Chairman.

* As it was proposed to nominate Shri Somnath Chatterjee for the Office of the Speaker for which election was scheduled to be held
on 4 June, 2004, Shri Chatterjee was appointed Speaker pro tem from the commencement of the sitting of the House of the People i.e. on the
2nd of June, 2004 and ntil the commencement of the sitting of the House of People on the 4th June, 2004 and Shri Balasaheb Vikhe Patil was
appointed Speaker pro tem from the commencement of the sitting of the House of the People on the 4 th June, 2004 till the election of the
Speaker by the House.
Date of Speaker Date of Deputy Speaker
Election Election
15.5.1952 Shri G.V. Mavalankar 30.5.1952 Shri M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar
8.3.1956 Shri M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar 20.3.1956 Sardar Hukam Singh
11.5.1957 Shri M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar 17.5.1957 Sardar Hukam Singh
17.4.1962 Sardar Hukam Singh 23.4.1962 Shri S.V. Krishnamoorthy Rao
17.3.1967 Shri N. Sanjiva Reddy 28.3.1967 Shri R.K. Khadilkar
8.8.1969 Shri G.S. Dhillon 9.12.1969 Shri G.G. Swell
22.3.1971 Shri G.S. Dhillon 27.3.1971 Shri G.G. Swell
5.1.1976 Shri B.R. Bhagat - -
26.3.1977 Shri N. Sanjiva Reddy 1.4.1977 Shri Godey Murahari
21.7.1977 Shri K.S. Hedge - -
22.1.1980 Shri Bal Ram 1.2.1980 Shri G. Lakshmanan
16.1.1985 Shri Bal Ram 22.1.1985 Shri M. Thambi Durai
19.12.1989 Shri Rabi Ray 19.3.1990 Shri Shivraj V. Patil
10.7.1991 Shri Shivraj V. Patil 13.8.1991 Shri S. Mallikarjunaiah
23.5.1996 Shri Purno Agitok Sangma 12.7.1996 Shri Suraj Bhan
24.3.1998 Shri Ganti Mohana Chandra Balayogi 17.12.1998 Shri P.M. Sayeed
22.10.1999 Shri G.M.C. Balayogi 27.10.1999 Shri P.M. Sayeed
10.5.2002 Shri Manohar Joshi - -
4.6.2004 Shri Somnath Chatterjee 9.6.2004 Shri Charanjit Singh Atwal
3.6.2009 Smt. Meira Kumar 8.6.2009 Shri Karia Munda
6.6.2014 Smt. Sumitra Mahajan 13.8.2014 Shri M. Thambi Durai
19.06.2019 Shri Om Birla -- --
Sl. Lok Sabha Date of election of Speaker, Dates of notification of
No. Lok Sabha constitution of SCs
1. 10th Lok Sabha 10.7.1991 (Shri Shivraj Patil) 8.4.1993
2. 11th Lok Sabha 23.5.1996 (Shri Purno Agitok Sangma) 1.8.1996
3. 12th Lok Sabha 24.3.1998 (Shri G.M.C. Balayogi) 5.6.1998
4. 13th Lok Sabha 22.10.1999 (Shri G.M.C. Balayogi) 31.12.1999
5. 14th Lok Sabha 4.6.2004 (Shri Somnath Chatterjee) 20.7.2004
6. 15th Lok Sabha 3.6.2009 (Smt. Meira Kumar) 31.8.2009
7. 16th Lok Sabha 6.6.2014 (Smt. Sumitra Mahajan) 01.09.2014
8. 17th Lok Sabha 19.06.2019 (Shri Om Birla) 13.09.2020
TABLE – 10
Date of Election Name of the person elected Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha
31.5.1952 Shri S.V. Krishnamoorthy Rao
25.4.1956 Shri S.V. Krishnamoorthy Rao
19.4.1962 Smt. Violet Alva
7.4.1966 Smt. Violet Alva
17.12.1969 Shri B.D. Khobaragade
13.4.1972 Shri Godey Murahari
26.4.1974 Shri Godey Murahari
30.3.1977 Shri Ram Niwas Mirdha
30.7.1980 Shri Shyam Lal Yadav
28.4.1982 Shri Shyam Lal Yadav
25.1.1985 Dr.(Smt.) Najma Heptulla
26.2.1986 Shri M.M. Jacob
18.11.1986 Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh
18.11.1988 Dr.(Smt.) Najma Heptulla
10.7.1992 Dr.(Smt.) Najma Heptulla
9.7.1998 Dr.(Smt.) Najma Heptulla
22.7.2004 Shri K. Rahman Khan
12.5.2006 Shri K. Rahman Khan
21.8.2012 Prof. P.J. Kurien
09.08.2018 Shri Harivansh Narayan Singh
14.09.2020 Shri Harivansh Narayan Singh
TABLE – 11


Sl.No Year Period of recess Days

1. 1993 01.04.1993 to 18.04.1993 18
2. 1994 19.03.1994 to 17.04.1994 30
3. 1995 01.04.1995 to 23.04.1995 23
4. 1996 03.08.1996 to 25.08.1996 23
5. 1997 *22.03.1997 to 20.04.1997 30
6. 1998 13.06.1998 to 02.07.1998 20
7. 1999 19.03.1999 to 14.04.1999 27
8. 2000 17.03.2000 to 16.04.2000 31
9. 2001 24.03.2001 to 15.04.2001 23
10. 2002 23.03.2002 to 14.04.2002 23
11. 2003 14.03.2003 to 06.04.2003 24
12. 2004 24.07.2004 to 15.08.2004 23
13. 2005 25.03.2005 to 18.04.2005 25
14. **2006
15. 2007 21.03.2007 to 25.4.2007 26
16. 2008 20.3.2008 to 14.4.2008 26
17. 2009 Being first Budget Session of new Government, there was no recess
18. 2010 17.3.2010 to 14.4.2010 29
19. %2011 There was no recess
20. 2012 31.3.2012 to 23.4.2012 24
21. 2013 23.03.2013 to 21.04.2013 30
22. 2014 Being the first Budget Session of new Govt. there was no recess.
23. 2015 21.03.2015 to 19.04.2015
24. $2016 17.03.2016 to 24.04.2016 39
25. 2017 10.02.2017 to 08.03.2017 27
26. 2018 10.02.2018 to 04.03.2018 23
2019 Being the first Budget Session of new Government there was no
27. recess.
28. 2020 12.02.2020 to 01.03.2020 19
29. 2021 14.02.2021 to 07.03.2021 (Lok Sabha) 22
13.02.2021 to 07.03.2021 (Rajya Sabha) 23
30. 2022 12.02.2022 to 13.03.2022 30
31. 2023 14.02.2023 to 12.03.2023 27

During recess, Lok Sabha was reconvened on 11.04.1997 to seek Vote of Confidence.
Budget Session, 2006 was originally scheduled to commence from Thursday, 16 th February to 28th April, 2006 with a recess from 18th March to 2nd
April, 2006. However due to announcement of the dates of the Elections to some State Assemblies, the earlier schedule of the Budget Session was
revised. According to revised schedule
financial business was completed during the first part of the session. The Houses were adjourned sine die on
22.3.2006 after completing financial business. The second part of the session was reconvened from 10 th May to 23rd May, 2006.
As per the original schedule of the Budget Session, 2011, both the Houses were to adjourn for recess on
Wednesday the 16th March, 2011 to reassemble on Monday, the 4th April, 2011 and to conclude on Thursday, the 21st April, 2011. Since the Election
Commission announced dates of elections to the five State Legislative
Assemblies viz. (i) Tamil Nadu (ii) Kerala (iii) Puducherry (iv) Assam and (v) West Bengal, leaders of various political parties/groups in Parliament
demanded that the Budget Session be re-scheduled to enable them to participate in the election campaign. Accordingly, it was mutually agreed
between Opposition and Government
to reschedule the Budget Session, 2011 of Parliament to conclude on Friday, the 25 th March, 2011 after completing all the essential financial business.
The revised schedule provided a total of 23 sittings as against 29 sittings scheduled earlier. Therefore, no recess was held and Houses were adjourned
sine-die on 25.3.2011.

$ Rajya Sabha was adjourned to meet again on 25th April, 2016 but it was prorogued on 30th March, 2016.
TABLE – 12
Sl. Session and its Date of Period for Duration of Date of Government at that time
No. duration adjournme which House Second part prorogation
nt remained of the
Sine-die unprorogued Session
if any
1 14th Session (Monsoon) 07.08.1975 26 days - 03.09.1975 PM: Smt. Indira Gandhi
of 5th Lok Sabha MPA: Sh. K.Raghuramaiah
21.07.1975 to 07.08.1975 Speaker: Sh.G.C. Dhillon

2 8th Session (Monsoon) of 16.07.1979 17 days - 03.08.1979 PM: Sh. Morarji R. Desai
6th Lok Sabha MPA: Sh. Ravindra Varma
09.07.1979 to 16.07.1979 Speaker: Sh. K.S. Hegde

3 8th Session (Budget) of 12.05.1987 75 days 27.07.1987 03.09.1987 PM: Shri Rajiv Gandhi
8th Lok Sabha to MPA: Sh.HKL Bhagat
23.02.1987 to 12.05.1987 28.08.1987 Speaker: Sh. Balram Jakhar

4 14th Session (Monsoon) 18.08.1989 53 days 11.10.1989 20.10.1989 PM: Sh. Rajiv Gandhi
of 8th Lok Sabha to MPA: Sh. H.K.L. Bhagat
18.07.1989 to 18.08.1989 13.10.1989 Speaker: Sh.Balram Jakhar

5 3rd Session (Monsoon) of 19.07.1990 23 days 01.10.1990 11.10.1990 PM: Sh. V.P. singh
9th Lok Sabha to MPA: Sh. P. Upendra
07.08.1990 to 07.09.1990 05.10.1990 Speaker: Sh. Rabi Ray

6 14th Session (Winter) of 23.12.2003 36 days 29.01.2004 Dissolved PM: Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
13th Lok Sabha to on MPA: Smt. Sushma Swaraj
02.12.2003 to 23.12.2003 05.02.2004 06.02.2004 Speaker: Sh. Manohar Joshi

7 7th Session (Budget) of 48 days 10.05.2006 PM: Dr. Manmohan Singh

14th Lok Sabha to MPA: Sh. Priyaranjan Das
16.02.2006 to 22.03.2006 23.05.2006 Munsi
Speaker: Sh. Somnath Chatterjee
8 14th Session (Monsoon) 22.7.2008 86 days 17.10.2008 24.12.2008 PM: Dr. Manmohan Singh
of 14th Lok Sabha to MPA: Shri Vayalar Ravi
21.07.2008 to 22.07.2008 23.12.2008 Speaker: Sh. Somnath Chatterjee

9 15th Session (Winter) of 18.12.2013 48 days 05.02.2014 27.02.2014 PM: Dr. Manmohan Singh
15th Lok Sabha to MPA: Shri Kamal Nath
05.12.2013 to 18.12.2013 21.02.2014 Speaker: Smt. Meira Kumar

10. 5th Session (Monsoon) of 13.08.2015 27 days -- 10.09.2015 PM: Sh. Narendra Modi
16th Lok Sabha MPA: Sh. V. Naidu
21.07.2015 to 13.08.2015 Speaker: Smt. Sumitra Mahajan
11. 6th Session (Monsoon) of 11.08.2021 19 days -- 31.08.2021 PM: Sh. Narendra Modi
17th Lok Sabha MPA: Sh. Prahlad Joshi
19.07.2021 to 11.08.2021 Speaker: Sh. Om Birla
TABLE – 13
Sl. Session and its duration Date of Period for Duration of Date of Government at that time
No. adjournme nt which House Second part of prorogation
Sine-die remained the Session if any
1 1st Session (Budget), 1952 31-05-1952 43 days 14-07-1952 19-08-1952 PM: Sh. Jawahar Lal Nehru
13.05.1952 to 31.05.1952 to MOS, Parl. Affairs:
14-08-1952 Sh. Satya Narayan Sinha
2 6th Session (Budget), 1954 18-03-1954 31 days 19-04-1954 22-05-1954 PM: Sh. Jawahar Lal Nehru
15-02-1954 to 18-03-1954 to MOS, Parl. Affairs:
19-05-1954 Sh. Satya Narayan Sinha
3 41st Session (Winter), 1962 12-12-1962 39 days 21-01-1963 29-01-1963 PM: Sh. Jawahar Lal Nehru
08-11-1962 to 12-12-1962 to MPA, Parl. Affairs:
25-01-1963 Sh. Satya Narayan Sinha
4 151st Session (Monsoon),1989 18-08-1989 53 days 11-10-1989 20-10-1989 PM: Sh. Rajiv Gandhi
18-07-1989 to 18-08-1989 to MPA: Sh. H.K.L. Bhagat
5 155th Session (Monsoon), 1990 07-09-1990 23 days 01-10-1990 11-10-1990 PM: Sh. V.P. Singh
07-08-1990 to 07-09-1990 to MPA: Sh. P. Upendra
6 177th Session (Budget), 1996 30-05-1996 13 days - 13.06.1996 PM: Sh. Atal Bihari
24-05-1996 to 30-05-1996 Vajpayee
M PA: Sh. Pramod Mahajan
7 182nd Session(Winter), 1997 01-12-1997 7 days - 09.12.1997 PM: Sh. I.K. Gujaral
19-11-1997 to 01-12-1997 M PA: Sh. Srikant Kumar
8 200th Session (Winter),2003 23.12.2003 37 days 30-1-2004 10.02.2004 PM: Sh. Atal Bihari
02-12-2003 to 23-12-2003 to Vajpayee
05-02-2004 Minister of Parliamentary Affairs:
Smt. Sushma Swaraj
9. 207th Session(Budget),2006 22.03.2006 48 days 10.05.2006 25.05.2006 PM;Dr. Manmohan Singh
16.02.2006 to 22.03.2006 to 23.05.2006 MPA:Shri Priyaranjan
10. 230th Session(Winter), 2013 18.12.2013 48 days 05.02.2014 PM: Dr. Manmohan Singh
05.12.2013 to 18.12.2013 to MPA: Shri Kamal Nath
11. 234th Session(Budget-part-1), 20.03.2015 7 days - 28.03.2015 PM: Shri Narendra Modi
2015 MPA: Shri V. Naidu
(23.02.2015 to 20.03.2015)
12. 236th Session(Monsoon), 2015 13.08.2015 27 days - 10.09.2015 PM: Shri Narendra Modi
21.07.2015 to 13.08.2015 MPA: Shri V. Naidu
13. 237th Session(Winter), 2015 23.12.2015 13 days - 06.01.2016 PM: Shri Narendra Modi
(26.11.2015 to 23.12.2015) MPA: Shri V. Naidu
14. 238th Session(Budget part-1), 2016 16.03.2016 14 days - 30.03.2016 PM: Shri Narendra Modi
(23.02.2016 to 16.03.2016) MPA: Shri V. Naidu

15. 240th Session (Monsoon), 2016 12.08.2016 12 days -- 25.08.2016 PM: Sh. NarendraModi
(18.07.2016 to 12.08.2016) MPA: Sh. Ananth Kumar

16 254th Session (Monsoon), 2021 11.08.2021 19 days 31.08.2021 PM: Sh. Narendra Modi
(19.07.2021 to 11.08.2021 ) MPA: Sh. Prahlad Joshi

17. 257th Session (Monsoon), 2022 08.08.2022 8 days 17.08.2022 PM: Sh. Narendra Modi
(18.07.2022 to 08.08.2022) MPA: Sh. Prahlad Joshi
TABLE – 14
Sl. Year Date of Date of Duration of Remarks
No. Presentation Presentation Session
of Interim of Interim
General Railway
Budget Budget

1 1952 29.2.52 22.2.52 On March 4, 1952, Demands on Account

(Provisional were voted in the Provisional Parliament
Parliament) [4 months (April-July)]
2 1957 19.3.57 19.3.57 18.3.57 Demands on Account were voted and First Lok
to Sabha was dissolved on 4.4.57. [5 months (April-
28.3.57 August)]
3 1962 14.3.62 13.3.62 12.3.62 Demands on Account were voted and
to Second Lok Sabha was dissolved on
30.3.62 31.3.62 [3 months (April-June)]
4 1967 20.3.67 20.3.67 16.3.67 Fourth Lok Sabha was constituted on 4.3.67 and
to Demands on Account were voted [4 months
8.4.67 (April-July)]
5 1971 24.3.71 23.3.71 19.3.71 Fifth Lok Sabha was constituted on 15.3.71 and
to Demands on Account were voted [4 months
2.4.71 (April-July)]
6 1977 28.3.77 28.3.77 25.3.77 Sixth Lok Sabha was constituted on 23.3.77 and
to Demands on Account were voted [4 months
7.4.77 (April-July)
7 1980 11.3.80 11.3.80 11.3.80 Seventh Lok Sabha was constituted on
to 10.1.80 and Demands on Account were
28.3.80 voted. [4 months (April-July)]
8 1991 4.3.91 25.2.91 21.2.91 Demands on Account were voted and Ninth Lok
to Saha was dissolved on 13.3.91. [4 months (April-
12.3.91 July)]
9 1996 28.2.96 27.2.96 26.2.96 Demands on Account were voted and Tenth Lok
to sabha was dissolved on 10.5.96. [4 months (April-
12.3.96 July)]
10 1998 25.3.98 25.3.98 22.3.98 Twelfth Lok Sabha was constituted on
to 10.3.98 and Demands on Account were
31.3.98 voted. [4 months (April-July)]
11 2004 03.02.04 30.01.04 2.12.03 Demands on Account were voted and
to Thirteenth Lok Sabha was dissolved on
05.02.04 06.02.2004. [4 months (April-July)]
12 2009 16.2.09 13.2.09 12.02.09 Demands on Account were voted and 14th Lok
to Sabha and its term was expiring on 1.6.2009. [4
26.02.09 months (April-July)]
13 2014 17.02.2014 12.02.2014 05.02.2014 Demands on Account were voted by 15th
to Lok Sabha and its term was expiring on
21.02.2014 31.05.2014. [4 months (April-July)]
14 2019 01.02.2019 - 31.01.2019 to Demands for Account were voted by Sixteenth
13.02.2019 Lok Sabha and its term was expiring on
03.06.2019. (4 Months {April-July})
TABLE – 15
Sl. Year Period of Vote on Date Period of Vote on Date
No. Account taken for Account taken for
first time second time

1. 1991 4 months 11.3.1991 2 months 29.7.1991

2. 1996 4 months 11.3.1996 2 months 26.7.1996
3. 2004 4 months 4.2.2004 2 months 21.7.2004
TABLE - 16


st nd rd th th th th th th
1 LS 2 LS 3 LS 4 LS 5 LS 6 LS 7 LS 8 LS 9 LS
Number of Sessions 15 16 16 12 18 9 15 14 7
Number of sittings 677 581 578 469 613 267 464 485 109
Number of Bills introduced 282 286 268 196 379 161 378 270 71
Number of Bills passed 333 327 272 216 487 135 336 355 63
Number of Bills lapsed at the dissolution 7 7 38 36 12 47 16 15 24
Short Notice Questions admitted 266 233 288 240 70 63 $56 18 6
Number of No-Day-Yet named Motions 3 86 34 43 *25 +26 *19 5 1
Number of Half-an-Hour discussions held 38 108 109 183 124 59 85 65 11
Number of Short Duration Discussions held 36 31 17 66 64 **12 56 94 24
Number of Adjournment Motions discussed 1 3 7 12 11 6 5 5 8
No-Confidence Motions discussed - - 6 6 4 **2 3 1 -
Number of Confidence Motions discussed - - - - - - - - 3
* 2 Part discussed ** 1 Part discussed + 5 Part discussed $ 11 Part discussed
LS 11
LS 12
LS 13
LS 14
LS 15
LS 16th LS

Number of Sessions 16 6 4 14 15 15 17
Number of sittings 423 125 88 356 332 357 331
Number of Bills introduced 248 67 71 252 219 213 219
Number of Bills passed 284 64 60 302 261 192 205
Number of Bills passed by both Houses $277 61 56 297 @@ 179 180
Number of Bills withdrawn 13 3 2 7 6 8 09
Number of Bills lapsed at the dissolution 30 21 20 43 $$ 68 46
Bill passed in Joint Sitting - - - 1 - - ---
Official Motions/Resolution discussed *160 50 *45 86 116 96 79
Short Notice Questions answered 6 4 - 18 5 - ---
Discussion under Rule 184 3 2 - 4 1 - ---
Short duration discussions under Rule 193 **33 *13 @15 #59 55*** @@@41 33(3 not
Adjournment Motion discussed 4 - - 5 7 2 ---
No-Confidence Motions discussed 3 - - 1 - - 01
Number of Confidence Motions discussed 1 4 2 - 1 - ---
Half-an-Hour discussions 16 7 4 25 14 7 05
Calling Attention Notices 13 8 *9 61 116 36 17
Number of Hours 2527-56 816-37 577-43 1994-01 1782-36 1344-36 1612-10
Discussion under Rule 342 - 1 - - - 1 ---
17th LS
Number of Sessions 11
Number of sittings 230
Number of Bills introduced 162
Number of Bills passed 169
Number of Bills passed by both Houses 166
Number of Bills withdrawn 07
Number of Bills lapsed at the dissolution --
Bill passed in Joint Sitting --
Official Motions/Resolution discussed 146
Short Notice Questions answered --
Discussion under Rule 184 --
Short duration discussions under Rule 193 11
Adjournment Motion discussed --
No-Confidence Motions discussed --
Number of Confidence Motions discussed --
Half-an-Hour discussions 01
Calling Attention Notices --
Number of Hours 1151-08
Discussion under Rule 342 -
* 1 Part discussed ** 2 part discussed; @ 4 Part discussed # 1 Discussion remained
% 1 discussion remained inconclusive
$ 14 Bills deemed to have been passed in terms of Article 109(5) of the Constitution
*** 6 part discussed
$$ On dissolution/expiry of the term of 14 Lok Sabha, 39 Bills will lapse in terms of Article 107(5) of the
Constitution. @@ 1 Bill deemed to have been passed in terms of Article 109(5) of the Constitution
@@@ 11 Discussion remained inconclusive

TABLE – 17



Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1952 1 27
2nd 17
1953 3rd 29
4th 5
5th 24
1954 6th 29
7th 13
8th 12
1955 9th 26
10th 17
11th 17
1956 12th 31
13th 33
14th 42
1957 15th 11
Total 333


Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1957 1st 10
2nd 18
3rd 29
1958 4th 22
5th 22
6th 15
1959 7th 23
8th 24
9th 16
1960 10th 20
11th 23
12th 24
1961 13th 28
14th 16
15th 19
1962 16th 18
Total 327

Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1962 1st 8
2nd 16
3rd 29
1963 4th 20
5th 17
6th 18
1964 7th 21
8th 5
9th 10
10th 20
1965 11th 14
12th 19
13th 18
1966 14th 19
15th 13
16th 25
Total 272


Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1967 1st 15
2nd 11
3rd 13
1968 4th 26
5th 21
6th 19
1969 7th 20
8th 18
9th 20
1970 10th 27
11th 12
12th 14
Total 216

Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1971 1st 16
2nd 25
3rd 47
1972 4th 37
5th 25
6th 20
1973 7th 28
8th 19
9th 25
1974 10th 22
11th 26
12th 18
1975 13th 31
14th 25
15th 34
1976 16th 44
17th 32
18th 8
Total 482


Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1977 1st 17
2nd 16
3rd 16
1978 4th 25
5th 12
6th 16
1979 7th 28
Total 130

Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1980 1st 9
2nd 27
3rd 11
4th 25
1981 5th 16
6th 27
7th 19
1982 8th 25
9th 23
10 25
1983 11 14
12 17
13 18
1984 14 43
15 30
Total 329


Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1985 1st 14
2nd 27
3rd 21
4th 30
1986 5th 22
6th 19
7th 31
1987 8 (Part-I) 21
8 (Part-II) 20
9th 20
1988 10 31
11th 25
12th 15
1989 13 22
14 (Part-I) 9
14 (Part-II) 7
Total 334

Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1989 1st 4
1990 2nd 19
3 (Part-I & II) 10
4th -
5th -
6th 11
1991 7th 19
Total 63


Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1991 1st 22
2nd 13
1992 3rd 20
4th 18
5th 10
1993 6th 45
7th 20
8th 18
1994 9th 26
10th 07
11th 15
12th 3
1995 13th 26
14th 17
15th 07
1996 16th 10
Total 277


Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1996 1st -
2nd 20
3rd 11
1997 4th 25
5th 5
6th -
Total 61


Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1998 1st 7
2nd 21
3rd 12
1999 4th 16
Total 56


Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1999 1st 4
2nd 19
2000 3rd 24
4th 23
5th 16
2001 6th 12
7th 39
8th 10
2002 9th 34
10th 10
11th 42
2003 12th 22
13th 13
2003 14 (Part-I) 21
2004 14th (Part-II) 8
Total 297


Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
2004 1st -
2nd 6
3rd 12
2005 4th 26
5th 16
6th 14
2006 7 (Part I) 17
7th (Part II) 11
8th 17
9th 20
2007 10th 20
11th 11
12th 15
2008 13th 19
14 (Part I)
14th (Part II) 28
2009 15th 16
Total 248

Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
2009 1st -
2nd 08
3rd 17
2010 4th 15
5th 24
6th 04
2011 7th 08
8th 11
9th 17
2012 10th 21
11th 04
12th 07
2013 13th 13
14th 13
15th Part 1 03
2014 15th Part 2 14
Total 179


Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
1st -
2014 2nd 12
3rd 12
4th 23
2015 5th 03
6th 10
2016 7th 11
8th 13
9th 15
10th 04
2017 11th 18
12th 13
13th 13
2018 14th 04
15th 20
16th 05
2019 17th 04
Total 180


Year Session of Lok Sabha No. of Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
2019 1st 30
2nd 15
2020 3rd 12
4th 27
2021 5th 18
6th 22
7th 11
2022 8th 11
9th 05
10th 09
2023 11th 06
Total 166
S.No. Year Name of the Bill Date of Date of Passing Date of Remarks
Introduction in Lok Sabha Passing in
(Time Taken) Rajya Sabha
(Time Taken)
1 The Finance (No. 2) 8.7.2004 26.08.2004 26.8.2004
Bill, 2004 (LS) (00-29) (00-03)
2 The Appropriation 14.7.2004 14.7.2004 19.7.2004
(Railways) Vote on (LS) (00-01) (00-03)
Account No. 2 Bill,
3 The Appropriation 21.7.2004 21.7.2004 22.7.2004
Vote on Account (LS) (00-06) (00-05)
No. 2 Bill, 2004
4 The Appropriation 21.7.2004 21.7.2004 22.7.2004
(No. 2) Bill, 2004 (LS) (00-04) (00-05)
5 The Appropriation 23.8.2004 23.8.2004 25.8.2004
(Railways) No. 3 (LS) (00-02) (00-03)
Bill, 2004
6 The Appropriation 25.8.2004 25.8.2004 26.8.2004
(No. 3) Bill, 2004 (LS) (00-01) (00-03)
7 The Customs and 23.08.2004 1.12.2004 6.12.2004
Central Excise Laws (LS) (00-08) (00-02)
(Repeal) Bill, 2004
8 The Banking 1.12.2004 2.12.2004 6.12.2004
Regulation (LS) (02-41) (01-38)
(Amendment) and
Provisions Bill,
9 The Prevention of 2.12.2004 6.12.2004 9.12.2004
Terrorism (Repeal) (LS) (05-20) (05-54)
Bill, 2004
10 The Unlawful 2.12.2004 6.12.2004 9.12.2004
Activities (LS) (05-20) (05-54)
Amendment Bill,
11 The Central Excise 16.08.2004 3.12.2004 16.12.2004
Tariff (Amendment) (LS) (00-38) (00-02)
Bill, 2004

12 The Securities Laws 6.12.2004 7.12.2004 16.12.2004

(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (00-39) (00-02)

13 The Enforcement of 6.12.2004 7.12.2004 16.12.2004

Security Interest and (LS) (00-55) (00-02)
Recovery of Debts
Laws (Amendment)
Bill, 2004
14 The National 7.12.2004 16.12.2004 21.12.2004
Commission for (LS) (04-25) (05-12)
Institutions Bill,
15 The Appropriation 8.12.2004 8.12.2004 13.12.2004
(Railways) No. 4 (LS) (00-01) (04-55)
Bill, 2004
16 The Special 10.12.2004 13.12.2004 15.12.2004
Tribunals (LS) (00-18) (00-04)
Provisions) Repeal
Bill, 2004
17 The Delegated 07.12.2004 23.12.2004 14.12.2004
Legislation (RS) (00-04) (00-02)
(Amendment) Bill,
18 The Appropriation 21.12.2004 21.12.2004 22.12.2004
(No. 4) Bill, 2004 (LS) (00-02) (02-47)

19 The Finance Bill, 28.2.2005 2.5.2005 5.5.2005

2005 (LS) (10-21) (04-14)

20 The Government of 10.03.2005 3.5.2005 5.5.2005

Union Territories (LS) (00-45) (00-25)
and the Government
of National Capital
Territory of Delhi
(Amendment) Bill,

21 The Appropriation 15.03.2005 15.3.2005 17.3.2005

(Railways) Votes on (LS) (00-02) (00-06)
Account Bill, 2005
22 The Appropriation 15.3.2005 15.3.2005 17.3.2005
(Railways) Bill, (LS) (00-02) (00-06)
23 The Appropriation 17.03.2005 17.3.2005 18.3.2005
(Vote on Account) (LS) (00-04) (00-05)
Bill, 2005
24 The Appropriation 17.3.2005 17.3.2005 18.3.2005
Bill, 2005 (LS) (00-04) (00-05)

25 The Parel 20.12.2004 23.3.2005 17.3.2005

Investments and (RS) (00-13) (00-07)
Trading Private
Limited and
Domestic Gas
Private Limited
(Taking Over of
Repeal Bill, 2005
26 The Patents 18.3.2005 22.3.2005 23.3.2005
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (04-57) (04-31)
27 The Goa 18.3.2005 18.3.2005 19.3.2005
Appropriation (Vote (LS) (00-02) (00-06)
on Account) Bill,
28 The Goa 18.3.2005 18.3.2005 19.3.2005
Appropriation Bill, (LS) (00-02) (00-06)
29 The Bihar 19.3.2005 19.3.2005 21.3.2005
Appropriation (Vote (LS) (00-02) (00-06)
on Account) Bill,
30 The Bihar 19.3.2005 19.3.2005 21.3.2005
Appropriation Bill, (LS) (00-02) (00-06)
31 The Appropriation 20.4.2005 20.4.2005 27.4.2005
(Railways) No. 2 (LS) (00-04) (01-55)
Bill, 2005
32 The Hire-Purchase 21.3.2005 13.5.2005 20.04.2005
Repeal Bill, 2005 (RS) (00-09) (00-06)

33 The Appropriation 27.4.2005 27.4.2005 29.4.2005

(No. 2) Bill, 2005 (LS) (00-02) (00-40)

34 The Prevention of 29.4.2005 6.5.2005 11.5.2005

Money-Laundering (LS) (00-35) (01-25)
(Amendment) Bill,
35 The Navy 12.3.1997 4.5.2005 28.4.2005
(Amendment) Bill, (RS) (00-29) (00-06)

36 The Coastal 20.12.2004 5.5.2005 3.5.2005

Aquaculture (RS) (02-25) (01-14)
Authority Bill, 2005

37 The Code of 9.5.1994 9.5.2005 4.5.2005

Criminal Procedure (RS) (02-45) (02-53)
(Amendment) Bill,
38 The University of 20.12.2004 11.5.2005 6.5.2005 Referred to
Allahabad Bill, (RS) (01-25) (01-19) Standing
2005 Committee on
27.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
39 The Special 9.5.2005 10.5.2005 11.5.2005
Economic Zones (LS) *12.5.2005 (01-41)
Bill, 2005 (01-51)

40 The Credit 6.12.2004 13.5.2005 9.5.2005 Referred to

Information (RS) (00-55) (01-10) Standing
Companies Committee on
(Regulation) Bill, 14.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
41 The Weapons of 10.5.2005 12.5.2005 13.5.2005
Mass Destruction (LS) (01-19) (01-37)
and their Delivery
(Prohibition of Un-
lawful Activities)
Bill, 2005
42 The Bihar Value 10.5.2005 11.5.2005 12.5.2005
Added Tax Bill, (LS) (01-41) (00-42)
43 The Right to 23.12.2004 11.5.2005 12.5.2005 Referred to
Information Bill, (LS) (03-26) (04-46) Standing
2005 Committee on
31.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
44 The Private Security 21.4.2005 12.5.2005 10.5.2005
- Agencies (RS) (00-55) (02-16)
(Regulation) Bill,
45 The citizenship 26.7.2005 16.8.2005 29.7.2005
(Amendment) Bill, (RS) (02-11) (02-54)
46 The Bihar 5.8.2005 5.8.2005 16.8.2005
Appropriation (Vote (LS) (00-03) (02-08)
on Account) No. 2
Bill, 2005
47 The Appropriation 8.8.2005 8.8.2005 16.8.2005
(No. 3) Bill, 2005 (LS) (00-03) (00-45)
48 The Appropriation 8.8.2005 8.8.2005 16.8.2005
(No. 4) Bill, 2005 (LS) (00-03) (00-45)
49 The Appropriation 11.8.2005 11.8.2005 17.8.2005
(Railways) No. 4 (LS) (00-02) (04-09)
Bill, 2005
50 The Appropriation 11.8.2005 11.8.2005 17.8.2005
(Railways) No. 3 (LS) (00-04) (04-09)
Bill, 2005
51 The Sree Chitra 8.8.2005 29.8.2005 12.8.2005
Tirunal Institute for (RS) (00-45) (00-07)
Medical Sciences
and Technology,
(Amendment) Bill,
52 The Displaced 6.12.2004 29.8.2005 12.8.2005 Referred to
Persons Claims and (RS) (00-13) (00-05) Standing
Other Laws Repeal Committee on
Bill, 2005 9.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
53 The Immigration 8.8.2005 29.8.2005 12.8.2005
(Carriers’ Liability) (RS) (00-17) (00-04)
Amendment Bill,
54 The Payment of 16.5.2002 17.8.2005 2.12.2004
Wages (RS) (03-07) *24.8.2005
(Amendment) Bill, (01-36)
55 The Hindu 20.12.2004 29.8.2005 16.8.2005 Referred to
Succession (RS) (02-33) (01-11) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2005 27.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
56 The National Rural 21.12.2004 23.8.2005 24.8.2005 Referred to
Employment (LS) (13-20) (06-22) Standing
Guarantee Bill, Committee on
2005 24.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
57 The Protection of 22.8.2005 24.8.2005 29.8.2005
Women from (LS) (05-04) (00-08)
Domestic Violence
Bill, 2005

58 The Railways 20.12.2004 30.8.2005 22.8.2005 Referred to

(Amendment) Bill, (RS) (01-15) (01-14) Standing
2005 Committee on
5.1.2005 and
report was
presented on
59 The Warehousing 8.8.2005 29.8.2005 23.8.2005
Corporations (RS) (01-10) (00-47)
(Amendment) Bill,
60 The High Court and 12.5.2005 24.8.2005 30.8.2005 Referred to
Supreme Court (LS) (01-19) (00-04) Standing
Judges (Salaries and Committee on
Conditions of 30.5.2005 and
report was
presented on
Amendment Bill, 4.8.2005
61 The Punjab General 25.8.2005 29.11.2005 7.12.2005
Sales Tax (As in (LS) (00-35) (00-03)
Force in the Union
Territory of
Chandigarh) Repeal
Bill, 2005

62 The National Tax 6.12.2004 29.11.2005 7.12.2005 Referred to

Tribunal Bill, 2005 (LS) (02-56) (01-46) Standing
Committee on
14.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
63 The Disaster 11.5.2005 12.12.2005 28.11.2005 Referred to
Management Bill, (RS) (03-31) (04-49) Standing
2005 Committee on
30.5.2005 and
report was
presented on
64 The Prevention of 22.8.2005 6.12.2005 12.12.2005
Insults to National (LS) (01-25) (01-27)
(Amendment) Bill,
65 The State Emblem 10.12.2004 6.12.2005 12.12.2005 Referred to
of India (Prohibition (LS) (01-25) (01-27) Standing
of Improper Use) Committee on
Bill, 2005 27.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
66 The Manipur 4.5.2005 13.12.2005 30.11.2005 Referred to
University Bill, (RS) (01-48) (01-23) Standing
2005 Committee on
6.5.2005 and
report was
presented on

67 The Taxation Laws 12.5.2005 14.12.2005 20.12.2005 Referred to

(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (02-30) (01-29) Standing
2005 Committee on
17.5.2005 and
report was
presented on
68 The Appropriation 12.12.2005 12.12.2005 15.12.2005
(Railways) No. 5 (LS) (00-04) (03-26)
Bill, 2005

69 The Criminal Law 22.8.2003 22.12.2005 13.12.2005 Referred to

(Amendment) Bill, (RS) (02-45) (03-59) Standing
2005 Committee on
17.8.2004 and
report was
presented on
70 The Central Sales 15.12.2005 20.12.2005 21.12.2005
Tax (Amendment) (LS) (00-47) (00-04)
Bill, 2005
71 The Appropriation 15.12.2005 15.12.2005 20.12.2005
(No. 5) Bill, 2005 (LS) (00-04) (02-03)

72 The Andhra Pradesh 16.12.2004 15.12.2005 20.12.2005 Referred to

Legislative Council (LS) (02-33) (02-08) Standing
Bill, 2005 Committee on
27.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
73 The Chartered 6.12.2005 23.12.2005 13.12.2005
Accountants (RS) (00-04) (03-39)
(Amendment) Bill, *20.2.2006
74 The Cost and Works 6.12.2005 23.12.2005 13.12.2005
Accountants (RS) (00-04) (03-39)
(Amendment) Bill, *20.2.2006

75 The Company 6.12.2005 23.12.2005 13.12.2005

Secretaries (RS) (00-04) (03-39)
(Amendment) Bill, *20.2.2006
76 The Constitution 20.12.2005 21.12.2005 22.12.2005
(One Hundred and (LS) (06-14) (06-09)
Fourth Amendment)
Bill, 2005

77 The Commissions 2.5.2005 21.12.2005 22.12.2005 Referred to

for Protection of (LS) (03-17) (02-46) Standing
Child Rights Bill, Committee on
2005 30.5.2005 and
report was
presented on
78 The Contempt of 1.12.2004 21.2.2006 3.3.2006 Referred to
Courts (LS) (00-52) (01-33) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2006 14.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
79 The Khadi and 22.8.2005 27.2.2006 11.3.2006 Referred to
Village Industries (LS) (01-05) (01-56) Standing
Commission Committee on
(Amendment) Bill, 6.9.2005 and
report was
presented on
80 The Government of 20.2.2006 1.3.2006 24.2.2006
Union Territories (RS) (00-39) (00-11)
and the Government
of National Capital
Territory of Delhi
(Amendment) Bill,
81 The Appropriation 3.3.2006 3.3.2006 9.3.2006
(Railways) Vote on (LS) (00-03) (00-08)
Account Bill, 2006
82 The Appropriation 3.3.2006 3.3.2006 9.3.2006
(Railways) Bill, (LS) (00-03) (00-08)
83 The Appropriation 3.3.2006 3.3.2006 9.3.2006
(Railways) No. 2 (LS) (00-03) (00-08)
Bill, 2006
84 The Appropriation 10.3.2006 10.3.2006 13.3.2006
Bill, 2006 (LS) (00-03) (00-05)

85 The Appropriation 10.3.2006 10.3.2006 13.3.2006

(No. 2) Bill, 2006 (LS) (00-03) (00-05)

86 The National 23.8.2005 10.3.2006 01.03.2006 Referred to

Commission for (RS) (04-12) (03-09) Standing
Minority Committee on
Educational 25.8.2005 and
report was
presented on
(Amendment) Bill,
87 The Appropriation 11.3.2006 11.3.2006 18.3.2006
(Railways) No. 3 (LS) (00-03) (01-42)
Bill, 2006
88 The Appropriation 17.3.2006 17.3.2006 20.3.2006
(No. 3) Bill, 2006 (LS) (00-03) (01-34)

89 The Finance Bill, 28.2.2006 20.3.2006 21.3.2006

2006 (LS) (08-02) (02-15)

90 The Petroleum and 21.12.2005 21.3.2006 2.3.2006

Natural Gas (RS) (02-04) (03-44)
Regulatory Board
Bill, 2006
91 The Delhi Special 22.3.2006 22.3.2006 22.3.2006
Police (LS) (00-02) (00-03)
(Establishment) Bill,
92 The Delhi Laws 12.5.2006 12.5.2006 15.5.2006
(Special Provisions) (LS) (01-39) (02-40)
Bill, 2006
93 The Companies 6.3.2006 15.5.2006 21.3.2006
(Amendment) Bill, (RS) (00-42) (00-04)
94 The Cess Laws 16.8.2005 15.5.2006 17.5.2006 Referred to
(Repealing and (LS) (01-18) (00-03) Standing
Amending) Bill, Committee on
2006 6.9.2005 and
report was
presented on
95 The Parliament 16.5.2006 16.5.2006 17.5.2006
(Prevention of (LS) (03-21) (04-34)
Amendment Bill,
96 The Code of Criminal 21.3.2006 19.5.2006 16.5.2006
Procedure (RS) (00-57) (00-44)
Amending Bill, 2006

97 The Reserve Bank 13.5.2005 17.5.2006 18.5.2006 Referred to

of India (LS) (01-12) (01-25) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2006 17.5.2005 and
report was
presented on
98 The Taxation Laws 12.5.2006 17.5.2006 22.5.2006
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (00-55) (01-14)
99 The Union Duties of 13.3.2006 18.5.2006 23.5.2006
Excise (Electricity) (LS) (00-12) (00-02)
Distribution Repeal
Bill, 2006

100 The Micro, Small 12.5.2005 18.5.2006 22.5.2006 Referred to

and Medium (LS) (02-03) (01-24) Standing
Enterprises Committee on
Development Bill, 30.5.2005 and
report was
presented on
101 The National 23.12.2005 22.5.2006 16.5.2006 Referred to
Institute of Fashion (RS) (00-51) (00-51) Standing
Technology Bill, Committee on
2006 9.1.2006 and
report was
presented on
102 The Constitution 1.3.2006 22.5.2006 22.5.2006
(One Hundred and (LS) (00-40) (00-33)
Fifth Amendment)
Bill, 2006
103 The Food Safety 25.8.2005 26.7.2006 2.8.2006 Referred to
and Standards Bill, (LS) (04-09) (04-13) Standing
2006 Committee on
30.8.2005 and
report was
presented on
104 The Actuaries Bill, 19.3.2005 2.8.2006 10.8.2006 Referred to
2006 (LS) (01-55) (01-53) Standing
Committee on
17.5.2005 and
report was
presented on
$ The Parliament 31.7.2006 27.7.2006 The Bill was
(Prevention of (05-45) (03-59) taken up for
Disqualification) reconsideration
Amendment Bill, as recommended
by the President
105 The Juvenile Justice 29.8.2005 2.8.2006 8.8.2006 Referred to
(Care and Protection (LS) (02-44) (02-48) Standing
of Children) Committee on
Amendment Bill, 30.8.2005 and
report was
presented on
106 The Assam Rifles 21.3.2006 3.8.2006 16.5.2006
Bill, 2006 (RS) (01-49) (01-20)
107 The Produce Cess 15.5.2006 3.8.2006 14.8.2006
Laws (Abolition) (LS) (01-29) (00-17)
Bill, 2006
108 The Spirituous 23.12.2005 3.8.2006 15.5.2006
(Inter-State Trade (RS) (00-47) (00-01)
and Commerce)
Control (Repeal)
Bill, 2006

109 The Cantonments 22.12.2003 18.8.2006 1.8.2006 Referred to

Bill, 2006 (RS) (04-27) (03-14) Standing
Committee on
23.8.2004 and
report was
presented on
110 The Government 21.12.2004 7.8.2006 14.8.2006 Referred to
Securities Bill, 2006 (LS) (00-14) (00-49) Standing
Committee on
24.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
111 The Protection of 8.12.2005 24.8.2006 3.8.2006 Referred to
Human Rights (RS) (02-44) (04-02) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2006 13.12.2005 and
report was
presented on
112 The Appropriation 11.8.2006 11.8.2006 22.8.2006
(No. 4) Bill, 2006 (LS) (00-03) (00-03)
113 The Appropriation 11.8.2006 11.8.2006 22.8.2006
(Railways) No. 4 (LS) (00-03) (00-03)
Bill, 2006

114 The Central Silk 30.8.2005 22.8.2006 14.8.2006 Referred to

Board (Amendment) (RS) (01-33) (01-15) Standing
Bill, 2006 Committee on
13.8.2005 and
report was
presented on
115 The Salary, 22.8.2006 23.8.2006 24.8.2006
Allowances and (LS) (01-41) (00-35)
Pension of Members
of Parliament
(Amendment) Bill,

116 The Banking 16.8.2006 23.8.2006 24.8.2006 Referred to

Companies (LS) (01-34) (02-22) Standing
(Acquisition and Committee on
Transfer of 30.8.2005 and
report was
Undertakings) and
presented on
Financial 11.5.2006
Institutions Laws
(Amendment) Bill,
117 The Pondicherry 28.7.2006 24.8.2006 21.8.2006
(Alteration of (RS) (00-45) (00-37)
Name) Bill, 2006

118 The Wild Life 23.12.2005 25.8.2006 22.8.2006 Referred to

Protection (RS) (01-24) (03-20) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2006 30.12.2005 and
report was
presented on
119 The Essential 20.12.2005 28.11.2006 21.8.2006 Referred to
Commodities (RS) (03-10) (01-57) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2006 9.1.2006 and
report was
presented on
120 The Jallianwala 23.11.2006 30.11.2006 5.12.2006
Bagh National (LS) (01-08) (01-20)
(Amendment) Bill,
121 The Constitution 31.7.2006 4.12.2006 27.11.2006
(Scheduled Tribes) (RS) (00-11) (00-03)
Order Amendment
Bill, 2006
122 The Uttaranchal 4.12.2006 5.12.2006 7.12.2006
(Alteration of (LS) (01-18) (00-46)
Name) Bill, 2006

123 The Appropriation 5.12.2006 5.12.2006 7.12.2006

(Railways) No.5 (LS) (00-02) (03-56)
Bill, 2006

124 The Appropriation 5.12.2006 5.12.2006 7.12.2006

(Railways) No.6 (LS) (00-02) (03-56)
Bill, 2006

125 The Indian Rifles 27.11.2006 8.12.2006 30.11.2006

(Repeal) Bill, 2006 (RS) (00-04) (00-04)

126 The Indian 19.5.2006 8.12.2006 13.12.2006 Referred to

Telegraph (LS) (01-44) (01-56) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2006 22.5.2006 and
report was
presented on
127 The Central Institute 20.3.2006 12.12.2006 5.12.2006 Referred to
of English and (RS) (02-03) (00-36) Standing
Foreign Languages Committee on
University Bill, 2006 28.3.2006 and
report was
presented on
128 The Appropriation 12.12.2006 12.12.2006 14.12.2006
(No.5) Bill, 2006 (LS) (00-03) (02-18)

129 The Appropriation 12.12.2006 12.12.2006 14.12.2006

(No.6) Bill, 2006 (LS) (00-03) (02-18)

130 The Dalmia Dadri 28.7.2006 13.12.2006 14.12.2006 Referred to

Cement Limited (LS) (01-21) (00-03) Standing
(Acquisition and Committee on
Transfer of 5.9.2006 and
report was
presented on
Amendment Bill, 24.11.2006
131 The Commissions 8.12.2006 13.12.2006 14.12.2006
for Protection of (LS) (02-13) (00-03)
Child Rights
(Amendment) Bill,

132 The Central 25.8.2006 14.12.2006 18.12.2006 Referred to

Educational (LS) (05-06) (05-57) Standing
Institutions Committee on
(Reservation in 5.9.2006 and
Admission) Bill, report was
2006 presented on
133 The Administrative 14.12.2006 18.12.2006 14.12.2006
Tribunals (Second (RS) (00-16) (00-34)
Amendment) Bill,
134 The Sikkim 31.7.2006 18.12.2006 13.12.2006 Referred to
University Bill, (RS) (03-15) (01-57) Standing
2006 Committee on
4.8.2006 and
report was
presented on

135 The Tripura 31.7.2006 18.12.2006 13.12.2006 Referred to

University Bill, (RS) (03-15) (01-57) Standing
2006 Committee on
4.8.2006 and
report was
presented on
136 The Rajiv Gandhi 31.7.2006 18.12.2006 13.12.2006 Referred to
University Bill, (RS) (03-15) (01-57) Standing
2006 Committee on
4.8.2006 and
report was
presented on

137 The Prohibition of 20.12.2004 19.12.2006 14.12.2006 Referred to

Child Marriage Bill, (RS) (02-30) (03-11) Standing
2006 Committee on
27.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
138 The Scheduled 13.12.2005 15.12.2006 18.12.2006 Referred to Joint
Tribes and other (LS) (05-12) (02-37) Committee on
Traditional Forest 21.12.2005 and
Dwellers report was
presented on
(Recognition of
Forest Rights) Bill,
139 The Finance Bill, 28.2.2007 3.5.2007 4.5.2007
2007 (LS) (08-51) (03-45)
140 The Appropriation 26.4.2007 28.4.2007 4.5.2007
(No. 2) Bill, 2007 (LS) (00-02) (03-45)

141 The National 1.3.2007 16.3.2007 19.3.2007

Institute of (LS) (00-04) (00-02)
Education and
(Amendment) Bill,
142 The Sports 1.3.2007 8.3.2007 9.3.2007
Broadcasting (LS) (02-44) (02-09)
Signals (Mandatory
Sharing with Prasar
Bharati) Bill, 2007
143 The National Tax 1.3.2007 19.3.2007 20.3.2007
Tribunal (LS) (00-05) (00-01)
(Amendment) Bill,
144 The National Rural 7.3.2007 19.3.2007 27.4.2007
Employment (LS) (00-03) (00-41)
(Extension to
Jammu and
Kashmir) Bill, 2007
145 The Banking 9.3.2007 16.3.2007 19.3.2007
Regulation (LS) (00-05) (00-02)
(Amendment) Bill,
146 The Taxation Laws 9.3.2007 19.3.2007 20.3.2007
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (00-02) (00-02)

147 The Appropriation 9.3.2007 9.3.2007 14.3.2007

(Railways) Vote on (LS) (00-03) (00-05)
Account Bill, 2007
148 The Appropriation 9.3.2007 9.3.2007 14.3.2007
(Railways) Bill, (LS) (00-02) (00-05)
149 The Appropriation 16.3.2007 16.3.2007 19.3.2007
(Vote on Account) (LS) (00-02) (00-02)
Bill, 2007
150 The Appropriation 16.3.2007 16.3.2007 19.3.2007
Bill, 2007 (LS) (00-02) (00-02)

151 The Appropriation 26.4.2007 26.4.2007 3.5.2007

(Railways) No. 2 (LS) (00-03) (00-03)
Bill, 2007
152 The Cable 19.12.2006 3.5.2007 15.5.2007
Television (LS) (01-13) (00-04)
Amendment Bill,
153 The Electricity 23.12.2005 7.5.2007 16.5.2007 Referred to
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (04-17) (03-40) Standing
2007 Committee on
23.12.2005 and
report was
presented on
154 The Constitution 31.7.2006 14.5.2007 14.8.2007 Referred to
(Scheduled Castes) (LS) (00-04) (03-10) Standing
Order Amendment Committee on
Bill, 2007 28.8.2006 and
report was
presented on

155 The Securities 15.12.2006 14.5.2007 17.5.2007 Referred to

Contracts (LS) (00-03) (01-02) Standing
(Regulation) Bill, Committee on
2007 23.12.2005 and
report was
presented on
156 The National 22.5.2006 14.5.2007 21.3.2007 Referred to
Institutes (RS) (00-02) (00-08) Standing
Technology Bill, Committee on
2007 26.5.2006 and
report was
presented on
157 The State Bank of 22.5.2006 15.5.2007 17.5.2007 Referred to
India (Subsidiary (LS) (01-15) (01-34) Standing
Banks Laws) Committee on
Amendment Bill, 25.5.2006 and
report was
presented on
158 The Warehousing 7.12.2005 15.5.2007 22.8.2007 Referred to
(Development and (LS) (01-03) (01-54) Standing
Regulation) Bill, Committee on
2007 19.12.2005 and
report was
presented on
159 The Central Road 18.12.2006 16.5.2007 17.5.2007 Referred to
Fund (Amendment) (LS) (00-04) (01-24) Standing
Bill, 2007 Committee on
27.12.2006 and
report was
presented on
160 The Mizoram 12.3.2007 17.5.2007 15.5.2007
University (RS) (00-44) (00-23)
(Amendment) Bill,

161 The Merchant 23.12.2004 14.8.2007 6.9.2007 Referred to

Shipping (LS) (01-33) (00-03) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2007 31.12.2004 and
report was
presented on
162 The State Bank of 16.8.2007 20.8.2007 23.08.2007
India (Amendment) (LS) (02-16) (02-38)
Bill, 2007
163 The Cigarettes and 20.8.2007 6.9.2007 10.9.2007
Other Tobacco (LS) (01-18) (00-03)
(Prohibition of
Advertisement and
Regulation of Trade
and Commerce,
Production, Supply
and Distribution)
Amendment Bill,
164 The Appropriation 22.8.2007 22.8.2007 24.8.2007
(No. 3) Bill, 2007 (LS) (00-02) (02-36)

165 The Appropriation 23.8.2007 23.8.2007 29.8.2007

(Railways) No. 3 (LS) (00-02) (03-59)
Bill, 2007
166 The Competition 9.3.2006 6.9.2007 10.9.2007 Referred to
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (00-04) (00-02) Standing
2007 Committee on
17.04.2006 and
report was
presented on

167 The Inland Vessels 8.12.2005 30.8.2007 22.8.2007 Referred to

(Amendment) Bill, (RS) (02-24) (01-31) Standing
2007 Committee on
13.12.2005 and
report was
presented on

168 The Apprentices 19.5.2006 7.9.2007 30.8.2007 Referred to

(Amendment) Bill, (RS) (00-01) (02-07) Standing
2007 Committee on
26.5.2006 and
report was
presented on

169 The Aircraft 7.8.2006 10.9.2007 27.11.2007 Referred to

(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (00-02) (01-59) Standing
2007 Committee on
5.9.2006 and
report was
presented on

170 The Carriage by 7.12.2005 10.9.2007 7.9.2007 Referred to

Road Bill, 2007 (RS) (00-02) (00-06) Standing
Committee on
14.12.2005 and
report was
presented on

171 The National 22.11.2007 27.11.2007 29.11.2007

Capital Territory of (LS) (02-50) (02-03)
Delhi Laws (Special
Provisions) Second
Bill, 2007
172 The Payment of 22.11.2007 27.11.2007 3.12.2007
Bonus (LS) (01-30) (00-54)
(Amendment) Bill,
173 The All-India 20.8.2007 22.11.2007 28.11.2007
Institute of Medical (LS) (03-48) (00-28)
Sciences and the
Institute of Medical
Education and
(Amendment) Bill,
174 The Tyre 17.5.2007 23.11.2007 3.12.2007 Referred to
Corporation of India (LS) (00-56) (00-53) Standing
Limited Committee on
(Disinvestment of 25.5.2007 and
report was
Ownership) Bill,
presented on
2007 14.8.2007
175 The Payment and 25.7.2006 26.11.2007 3.12.2007 Referred to
Settlement Systems (LS) (01-34) (01-22) Standing
Bill, 2007 Committee on
28.8.2006 and
report was
presented on
176 The Appropriation 29.11.2007 29.11.2007 1.12.2007
(No. 4) Bill, 2007 (LS) (00-03) (03-53)

177 The Appropriation 29.11.2007 29.11.2007 1.12.2007

(No. 5) Bill, 2007 (LS) (00-02) (03-53)

178 The Appropriation 29.11.2007 29.11.2007 1.12.2007

(Railways) No. 4 (LS) (00-02) (01-45)
Bill, 2007
179 The Indian Boilers 13.5.1994 30.11.2007 27.11.2007
(Amendment) Bill, (RS) (01-19) (02-25)
180 The Sashastra 28.7.2006 1.12.2007 28.11.2007 Referred to
Seema Bal Bill, (RS) (02-09) (01-40) Standing
2007 Committee on
3.8.2006 and
report was
presented on
181 The Rajiv Gandhi 7.9.2007 3.12.2007 30.11.2007 Referred to
Institute of (RS) (01-25) (00-59) Standing
Petroleum Committee on
Technology Bill, 13.9.2007 and
report was
presented on

182 The Indira Gandhi 23.8.2007 5.12.2007 3.12.2007 Referred to

National Tribal (RS) (01-28) (02-32) Standing
University Bill, Committee on
2007 30.8.2007 and
report was
presented on

183 The Maintenance 20.3.2007 5.12.2007 6.12.2007 Referred to

and Welfare of (LS) (02-23) (02-26) Standing
Parents and Senior Committee on
Citizens Bill, 2007 27.4.2007 and
report was
presented on

184 The Armed Forces 20.12.2005 6.12.2007 3.12.2007 Referred to

Tribunal Bill, 2007 (RS) (00-04) (01-23) Standing
Committee on
23.12.2005 and
report was
presented on
185 The Finance Bill, 29.02.2008 29.4.2008 30.4.2008
2008 (LS) (09-05) (05-07)
186 The Appropriation 24.4.2008 24.4.2008 30.4.2008
(No. 2) Bill, 2008. (LS) (00-02) (05-07)
187 The Maternity 14.5.2007 19.3.2008 27.2.2008 Referred to
Benefit (RS) (02-20) (00-06) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2008 17.5.2007 and
report was
presented on
188 The Delimitation 3.3.2008 11.3.2008 18.3.2008
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (03-00) (02-56)
189 The Representation 10.3.2008 11.3.2008 18.3.2008
of the People (LS) (03-00) (02-56)
(Amendment) Bill,
190 The Railways 3.3.2008 11.3.2008 13.03.2008
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (14-53) (00-45)
191 The Prasar Bharati 10.3.2008 17.3.2008 18.3.2008
(Broadcasting (LS) (02-20) (01-05)
Corporation of
India) Amendment
Bill, 2008
192 The Sugar 11.3.2008 17.3.2008 19.3.2008
Development Fund (LS) (02-39) (01-40)
(Amendment) Bill,
193 The Appropriation 11.3.2008 11.3.2008 12.3.2008
(Railways) Vote on (LS) (00-02) (00-07)
Account Bill, 2008
194 The Appropriation 11.3.2008 11.3.2008 12.3.2008
(Railways) Bill, (LS) (00-02) (00-07)
195 The Appropriation 11.3.2008 11.3.2008 12.3.2008
(Railways) No. 2 (LS) (00-02) (00-07)
Bill, 2008
196 The Food Safety 3.3.2008 18.3.2008 13.3.2008
and Standards (RS) (03-46) (00-49)
(Amendment) Bill,
197 The Appropriation 14.3.2008 14.3.2008 17.3.2008
(Vote on Account) (LS) (00-02) (00-05)
Bill, 2008
198 The Appropriation 14.3.2008 14.3.2008 17.3.2008
Bill, 2008 (LS) (00-02) (00-05)
199 The Karnataka 14.3.2008 14.3.2008 17.3.2008
Appropriation (Vote (LS) (00-02) (00-05)
on Account) Bill,
200 The Karnataka 14.3.2008 14.3.2008 17.3.2008
Appropriation Bill, (LS) (00-02) (00-05)
201 The Constitution 17.3.2008 19.3.2008 19.3.2008
(Scheduled Tribes) (RS) (00-27) (00-03)
Order (Amendment)
Bill, 2008
202 The Appropriation 17.4.2008 17.4.2008 22.4.2008
(Railways) No. 3 (LS) (00-02) (03-39)
Bill, 2008

203 The Jawaharlal 7.3.2007 29.4.2008 23.4.2008 Referred to

Institute of Post- (RS) (03-31) (00-31) Standing
Graduate Medical Committee on
Education and 14.03.2007 and
report was
presented on
Puducherry Bill, 7.9.2007
204 The Carriage by Air 4.5.2007 30.4.2008 18.2.2009 Referred to
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (03-14) (00-24) Standing
2009 Committee on
25.5.2007 and
report was
presented on
205 The Appropriation 21.10.2008 21.10.2008 22.10.2008
(No. 3) Bill, 2008 (LS) (00-03) (04-06)

206 The National Jute 22.5.2006 21.10.2008 15.12.2008 Referred to

Board Bill, 2006 (LS) (01-27) (01-22) Standing
Committee on
25.5.2006 and
report was
presented on

207 The Indian Maritime 13.3.2007 21.10.2008 24.10.2008 Referred to

University Bill, (LS) (01-46) (01-25) Standing
2008 Committee on
19.3.2007 and
report was
presented on

208 The National 8.12.2006 23.10.2008 24.10.2008 Referred to

Waterway (Talchar- (LS) (02-40) (01-25) Standing
Dhamra Stretch of Committee on
Rivers Geonkhali- 13.12.2006 and
report was
Charbatia Stretch of
presented on
East Coast Canal, 16.8.2007
Stretch of Matai
River and Mahanadi
Delta Rivers) Bill,
209 The National 8.12.2006 23.10.2008 24.10.2008 Referred to
Waterway (LS) (02-40) (01-25) Standing
(Kakinda- Committee on
Pondicherry Stretch 13.12.2006 and
report was
of Canals and
presented on
Kaluvelly Tank,
Stretch of River
Godavari And
Vijayawada Stretch
of River Krishna)
Bill, 2008
210 The Drugs and 10.5.2005 23.10.2008 21.10.2008 Referred to
Cosmetics (RS) (00-02) (01-25) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2008 19.5.2005 and
report was
presented on
211 The Appropriation 22.10.2008 22.10.2008 23.10.2008
(Railways) No. 4 (LS) (00-02) (01-52)
Bill, 2008
212 The Airports 5.9.2007 22.10.2008 24.10.2008 Referred to
Economic (LS) (00-12) (01-59) Standing
Regulatory Committee on
Authority of India 01.10.2007 and
report was
Bill, 2008
presented on
213 The Science and 23.10.2008 12.12.2008 19.12.2008
Engineering (LS) (00-43) (01-50)
Research Board
Bill, 2008
214 The Central 11.3.2008 23.10.2008 25.4.2008
Universities Laws (RS) (02-11) (00-08)
(Amendment) Bill,
215 The Unorganised 10.9.2007 17.12.2008 23.10.2008 Referred to
Sector Workers’ (RS) (05-42) (02-51) Standing
Social Security Bill, Committee on
2008 20.9.2007 and
report was
presented on
216 The Limited 21.10.2008 12.12.2008 24.10.2008
Liability Partnership (RS) (00-34) (00-41)
Bill, 2008
217 The President’s 24.10.2008 24.10.2008 15.12.2008
Emoluments and (LS) (00-02) (00-48)
(Amendment) Bill,
218 The Vice- 24.10.2008 24.10.2008 15.12.2008
President’s Pension (LS) (00-03) (00-48)
(Amendment) Bill,
219 The Governers 24.10.2008 24.10.2008 15.12.2008
(Emoluments, (LS) (00-03) (00-48)
Allowances and
Amendment Bill,
220 The Salaries and 24.10.2008 24.10.2008 15.12.2008
Allowances of (LS) (00-02) (00-33)
Officers of
(Amendment) Bill,
221 The National 16.12.2008 17.12.2008 18.12.2008
Investigation (LS) (06-54) (07-07)
Agency Bill, 2008
222 The Unlawful 16.12.2008 17.12.2008 18.12.2008
Activities (LS) (06-54) (07-07)
Amendment Bill,
223 The Gram 21.10.2008 22.12.2008 17.12.2008
Nyayalayas Bill, (RS) (00-03) (04-17)

224 The Appropriation 19.12.2008 19.12.2008 22.12.2008

(No. 4) Bill, 2008 (LS) (00-02) (00-02)

225 The Code of 23.8.2006 23.12.2008 18.12.2008 Referred to

Criminal Procedure (RS) (00-02) (02-12) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2008 29.8.2006 and
report was
presented on
226 The Post Graduate 24.10.2008 23.12.2008 19.12.2008 Referred to
Institute of Medical (RS) (00-02) (00-23) Standing
Education and Committee on
Research, 10.11.2008 and
report was
presented on
(Amendment) Bill, 18.12.2008
227 The Collection of 17.5.2007 23.12.2008 19.12.2008 Referred to
Statistics Bill, 2008 (RS) (00-02) (01-39) Standing
Committee on
4.6.2007 and
report was
presented on

228 The Agriculture and 22.12.2008 23.12.2008 16.2.2009

Processed Food (LS) (00-02) (01-44)
Products Export
(Amendment) Bill,
229 The Appropriation 22.12.2008 22.12.2008 23.12.2008
(Railways) No. 5 (LS) (00-02) (00-02)
Bill, 2008

230 The Information 15.12.2006 22.12.2008 23.12.2008 Referred to

Technology (LS) (00-21) (00-02) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2008 19.12.2006 and
report was
presented on
231 The Supreme Court 29.4.2008 22.12.2008 The Bill Referred to
(Number of Judges) (LS) (00-02) deemed to Standing
Amendment Bill, have been Committee on
2008 passed in 12.5.2008 and
terms of report was
Article 109(5) presented on
of the 22.10.2008

232 The South Asian 19.12.2008 23.12.2008 22.12.2008

University Bill, (RS) (00-02) (00-04)

233 The Constitution 27.11.2007 23.12.2008 22.12.2008 Referred to

(Scheduled Tribes) (RS) (00-02) (00-02) Standing
(Union Territories) Committee on
Order (Amendment) 14.12.2007 and
report was
Bill, 2008
presented on
234 The Finance Bill, 16.2.2009 24.2.2009 25.2.2009
2009 (LS) (00-20) (00-02)

235 The Central 17.2.2009 19.2.2009 24.2.2009

Universities Bill, (LS) (02-49) (06-21)
236 The National 17.2.2009 19.2.2009 24.2.2009
Capital Territory of (LS) (01-41) (01-08)
Delhi Laws (Special
Provisions) Bill,
237 The Appropriation 19.2.2009 19.2.2009 20.2.2009
(Railways) Vote on (LS) (00-02) (00-10)
Account Bill, 2009
238 The Appropriation 19.2.2009 19.2.2009 20.2.2009
(Railways) Bill, (LS) (00-02) (00-10)
239 The Appropriation 19.2.2009 19.2.2009 20.2.2009
(Railways) No. 2 (LS) (00-02) (00-10)
Bill, 2009
240 The Jharkhand 19.2.2009 19.2.2009 26.2.2009
Appropriation (Vote (LS) (00-02) (00-07)
on Account) Bill,
241 The Jharkhand 19.2.2009 19.2.2009 26.2.2009
Appropriation Bill, (LS) (00-02) (00-07)

242 The High Court and 22.12.2008 19.2.2009 24.2.2009 Referred to

Supreme Court (LS) (01-58) (02-43) Standing
Judges (Salaries and Committee on
Conditions of 31.12.2008 and
report was
Service) Bill, 2009
presented on
243 The Central 18.12.2008 25.2.2009 19.2.2009 Referred to
Industrial Security (RS) (00-43) (01-29) Standing
Force (Amendment) Committee on
Bill, 2009 12.1.2009 and
report was
presented on
244 The Prevention of 17.10.2008 24.2.2009 19.2.2009 Referred to
Money-Laundering (RS) (01-04) (01-52) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2009 31.10.2008 and
report was
presented on

245 The Prevention and 21.12.2005 20.2.2009 16.12.2008 Referred to

Control of (RS) (00-43) *25.2.2009 Standing
Infectious and (03-04) Committee on
Contagious Diseases 9.1.2006 and
report was
in Animals Bill,
presented on
2009 16.5.2007
246 The Appropriation 24.2.2009 24.2.2009 25.2.2009
(Vote on Account) (LS) (00-03) (00-13)
Bill, 2009

247 The Appropriation 24.2.2009 24.2.2009 25.2.2009

Bill, 2009 (LS) (00-03) (00-13)
S.No. Year Name of the Bill Date of Date of Passing Date of Remarks
Introduction in Lok Sabha Passing in
(Time Taken) Rajya Sabha
(Time Taken)
1 The Finance (No. 2) 6.7.2009 27.7.2009 29.07.2009
Bill, 2009 LS (09-49) (04-14)
2 The Appropriation 9.7.2009 LS 9.7.2099 10.07.2009
(Railways) No. 3 (00-03) (00-03)
Bill, 2009
3 The Appropriation 14.07.2009 14.7.2009 15.07.2009
(No.2) Bill, 2009 LS (00-03) (00 04)
4 The Jharkhand 14.7.2009 14.7.2009 17.07.2009
Appropriation LS (00-03) (00 03)
(No.2) Bill, 2009
5 The Right of 20.7.2009 4.8.2009 20.07.2009
Children of Free and RS (05-32) (05 23)
Education Bill, 2009
6 The Appropriation 23.7.2009 LS 23.7.2009 27.07.2009
(No.3) Bill, 2009 (00-03) (01 35)

7 The Constitution 3.8.2009 4.8.2009 03.08.2009

(One Hundred- RS (01-55) (00 34)
Ninth Amendment)
Bill, 2009
8 The Metro Railways 4.8.2009 LS 6.8.2009 07.08.2009
(Amendment) Bill, (01-05) (01 05)
9 The Civil Defence 23.11.2009 18.12.2009 (0 22.12.2009
(Amendment) Bill, LS 02) (01 19)
10 The Central 24.11.2009 01.12.2009 (04 07.12.2009
Universities LS 02) (02 42)
(Amendment) Bill,
11 The Rubber 28.7.2009 LS 24.11.2009 18.12.2009
(Amendment) Bill, (3-09) (01 09)
12 The Workmen's 7.8.2009 LS 25.11.2009 01.12.2009
Compensation (3-31) (02 10)
(Amendment) Bill,
13 The National Rural 26.11.2009 16.12.2009 17.12.2009
Employment LS (0-02) (01 49)
(Amendment) Bill,
14 The Representation 24.10.2008 9.12.2009 25.11.2009 Referred to
of the People (RS) (4-12) (03-40) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2009 3.11.2008 and
report was
presented on
15 The Legal 24.10.2008 18.12.2009 01.12.2009 Referred to
Metrology Bill, (RS) (00-02) (02-00) Standing
2009 Committee on
5.11.2008 and
report was
presented on
16 The Payment of 4.12.2009 16.12.2009 (0 18.12.2009
Gratuity LS 02) (01-28)
(Amendment) Bill,
17 The Essential 4.12.2009 10.12.2009 16.12.2009
Commodities LS (3 59) (02-38)
(Amendment and
Validation) Bill,
18 The State Bank of 4.12.2009 14.12.2009 (2 18.12.2009
Saurashtra (Repeal) LS 11) (00-44)
and the State Bank
of India (Subsidiary
Banks) Amendment
Bill, 2009
19 The Jharkhand 7.12.2009 11.12.2009 (1 15.12.2009
Contingency Fund LS 03) (01-05)
(Amendment) Bill,
20 The Competition 11.12.2009 14.12.2009 (1 16.12.2009
(Amendment) Bill, LS 30) (01-34)
21 The Appropriation 11.12.2009 11.12.2009 (0 15.12.2009
(No. 4) Bill, 2009 LS 04) (02-46)

22 The Jharkhand 11.12.2009 11.12.2009 (0 15.12.2009

Appropriation (No. LS 02) (01-05)
3) Bill, 2009
23 The National 14.12.2009 16.12.2009 (0 17.12.2009
Capital Territory of LS 02) (00-06)
Delhi Laws (Special
Provisions) Second
Bill, 2009
24 The Appropriation 15.12.2009 15.12.2009 (0 17.12.2009
(Railways) No. 4 LS 03) (03.45)
Bill, 2009
25 The Salaries and 17.12.2009 18.12.2009 0 01 22.12.2009
Allowances of LS (00-03)
(Amendment) Bill,
26 The Finance Bill, 26.2.2010 29.4.2010 04.05.2010
2010 LS (09-22) (03-19)

27 The Appropriation 9.3.2010 9.3.2010 11.03.2010

(Railways) Vote on LS 00 04 (00-04)
Account Bill, 2010
28 The Appropriation 9.3.2010 9.3.2010 11.03.2010
(Railways) No. 2 LS 00 03 (00-04)
Bill, 2010
29 The Appropriation 9.3.2010 9.3.2010 11.03.2010
(Railways) Bill, LS 00 04 (00-04)
30 The Ancient 11.3.2010 15.3.2010 16.03.2010
Monuments and LS (02-53) (01-29)
Archaeological Sites
and Remains
(Amendment and
Validation) Bill,
31 The Appropriation 12.3.2010 12.3.2010 16.03.2010
(Vote on Account) LS 00 02 (00-03)
Bill, 2010
32 The Appropriation 12.3.2010 12.3.2010 16.03.2010
Bill, 2010 LS 00 02 (00-03)

33 The National Green 31.07.2009 30.04.2010 05.05.2010 Referred to

Tribunal Bill, 2010 LS 04 28 (02-57) Standing
Committee on
15.9.2009 and
report was
presented on
34 The Appropriation 19.4.2010 19.4.2010 20.04.2010
(Railways) No. 3 LS 00 02 (02-59)
Bill, 2010
35 The Payment of 22.4.2010 3.5.2010 05.05.2010
Gratuity LS 00 03 (00-38)
(Amendment) Bill,
36 The Appropriation 27.4.2010 27.4.2010 29.04.2010
(No. 2) Bill, 2010 LS 00 03 (02-23)

37 The Appropriation 28.4.2010 28.4.2010 29.04.2010

(No. 3) Bill, 2010 LS 00 07 (02-23)

38 The Plantations 21.10.2008 7.5.2010 30.04.2010 Referred to

Labour (RS) (01 07) (01-36) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2010. 31.10.2008 and
report was
presented on
39 The Employees 7.8.2009 3.5.2010 06.05.2010 Referred to
State Insurance (LS) 00 12 (02-02) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2010 9.9.2009 and
report was
presented on
40 The Tamil Nadu 05.05.2010 6.5.2010 05.05.2010
Legislative Council RS (01-15) (01-04)
Bill, 2010,

41 The Clinical 15.4.2010 3.5.2010 03.08.2010

Establishments LS 00 01 04-05
(Registration and
Regulation) Bill,
42 The National 7.8.2009 4.5.2010 05.08.2010 Referred to
Commission for LS 00 05 02-35 Standing
Minority Committee on
Educational 15.9.2009 and
report was
presented on
(Amendment) Bill,
43 The Securities and 27.07.2010 2.8.2010 09.08.2010
Insurance Laws LS 02 13 (02-44)
(Amendment and
Validation) Bill,

44 The State Bank of 8.3.2010 2.8.2010 12.08.2010

India (Amendment) LS 02 02 (02-32)
Bill, 2010.
45 The Industrial 26.2.2009 10.08.2010 02 03.08.2010 Referred to
Disputes RS 25 (02-13) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2010 10.9.2009 and
report was
presented on
46 The Indian Medical 5.8.2010 20.8.2010 26.08.2010
Council (LS) 00 59 (02-47)
(Amendment) Bill,
47 The Appropriation 5.8.2010 5.8.2010 0 03 11.08.2010
(No. 4) Bill, 2010. (LS) (01-43)
48 The Jharkhand 6.8.2010 6.8.2010 10.08.2010
Appropriation Bill, 00 04 (00-49)
49 The Essential 9.8.2010 17.8.2010 27.08.2010
Commodities 01 31 (01-59)
(Amendment) Bill,
50 The Foreign Trade 25.11.2009 12.8.2010 09.08.2010 Referred to
(Development and RS 02 35 (01-37) Standing
Regulation) Bill, Committee on
2010, 1.12.2009 and
report was
presented on
51 The Energy 8.3.2010 4.5.2010 17.08.2010
Conservation LS 00.07 (01-24)
(Amendment) Bill,
52 The Land Ports 7.8.2009 6.5.2010 19.08.2010 Referred to
Authority of India LS (00 40) (02-11) Standing
Bill, 2010 Committee on
15.9.2009 and
report was
presented on
53 The Trade Marks 04.12.2009 18.12.2009 10.08.2010
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) *20.8.2010 (01-19)
2009 (00-02)
54 The Jharkhand 12.8.2010 17.8.2010 25.08.2010
Panchayat Raj LS 00 43 (02-14)
(Amendment) Bill,
55 The Code of 15.3.2010 12.8.2010 27.08.2010 Referred to
Criminal Procedure LS 01 36 (01-29) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2010. 5.4.2010 and
report was
presented on
56 The Mines and 17.10.2008 21.8.2010 17.08.2010 Referred to
Minerals RS 02 47 (02-43) Standing
(Development and Committee on
Regulation) 31.10.2008 and
report was
Amendment Bill,
presented on
57 The Personal Laws 22.04.2010 21.8.2010 17.08.2010 Referred to
(Amendment) Bill, RS 00 50 (01-43) Standing
2010, Committee on
23.4.2010 and
report was
presented on
58 The Appropriation 19.8.2010 19.8.2010 20.08.2010
(Railways) No. 4 LS 00 04 (02-47)
Bill, 2010.

59 The Foreign 18.12.2006 27.8.2010 19.08.2010 Referred to

Contribution RS 2 17 (01-53) Standing
(Regulation) Bill, Committee on
2010, 9.2.2007 and
report was
presented on
60 The Nalanda 12.08.2010 26.8.2010 21.08.2010
University Bill, RS 02 24 (03-10)

61 The Salary, 25.8.2010 27.8.2010 31.08.2010

Allowances and LS 01 26 (00-49)
Pension of Members
of Parliament
(Amendment) Bill,
62 The Civil Liability 7.5.2010 25.8.2010 30.08.2010 Referred to
for Nuclear Damage LS 04 42 (05.06) Standing
Bill, 2010. Committee on
13.5.2010 and
report was
presented on

63 The Indian 06.05.2010 31.8.2010 25.08.2010 Referred to

Medicine Central RS 01 23 (01-20) Standing
Council Committee on
(Amendment) Bill, 12.5.2010 and
report was
presented on
64 The Representation 21.08.2010 31.8.2010 30.08.2010
of the People RS 00 56 (01-42)
(Amendment) Bill,
65 The Appropriation 1.12.2010 1.12.2010 02.12.2010
(No. 5) Bill, 2010. LS 00 03 (00-05)
66 The Appropriation 1.12.2010 1.12.2010 0 02 02.12.2010
(No. 6) Bill, 2010. LS (00-05)
67 The Appropriation 2.12.2010 2.12.2010 03.12.2010
(Railways) (No. 5) LS 00 02 (00-03)
Bill, 2010.
68 The Appropriation 2.12.2010 2.12.2010 03.12.2010
(Railways) (No. 6) LS 00 01 (00-03)
Bill, 2010
69 The Finance Bill, 28.2.2011 22.3.2011 24.03.2011
2011 LS 04 15 (04-04)
70 The Repatriation of 16.8.2010 1.3.2011 23.03.2011 Referred to
Prisoners LS 01 26 (00-31) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2010 16.9.2010 and
report was
presented on
71 The State Bank of 19.11.2010 1.3.2011 23.03.2011
India (Subsidiary 02 34 (00-44)
Banks), Amendment
Bill, 2010
72 The Appropriation 7.3.2011 7.3.2011 08.03.2011
(Railways) Bill, LS 00 02 (00-03)
73 The Appropriation 7.3.2011 7.3.2011 08.03.2011
(Railways) No. 2 LS 00 03 (00-03)
Bill, 2011
74 The Appropriation 11.3.2011 11.3.2011 14.03.2011
Bill, 2011 LS 00 03 (00-02)
75 The Appropriation 17.3.2011 17.3.2011 24-03.2011
(No. 2) Bill, 2011 LS 00 04 (04-04)
76 The National 18.3.2011 18.3.2011 22.03.2011
Capital Territory of LS 00 02 (00-02)
Delhi Laws (Special
Provisions) Bill,

77 The Coinage Bill, 17.12.2009 25.3.2011 11.08.2011 Referred to

2010 LS 00 13 (02-07) Standing
Committee on
29.12.2009 and
report was
presented on
78 The Indian Medical 2.8.2011 18.8.2011 29.08.2011
Council LS 03 37 (03-12)
(Amendment) Bill,
79 The Jawaharlal 4.8.2011 18.8.2011 03.08.2011
Institute of Post- RS 00-05 (01-14)
Graduate Medical
Education and
(Amendment) Bill,
80 The Appropriation 5.8.2011 5.8.2011 11.08.2011
(No. 3) Bill, 2011 LS 00 04 (02-56)

81 The State Bank of 18.12.2009 11.8.2011 30.08.2011 Referred to

India (Subsidiary LS *5.9.2011 (01-02) Standing
Banks Laws) 03-15 Committee on
Amendment Bill, 29.12.2009 and
report was
presented on

82 The Customs 8.8.2011 25.8.2011 07.09.2011

(Amendment and LS 01 20 (00-02)
Validation) Bill,
83 The Transplantation 18.12.2009 12.8.2011 26.08.2011 Referred to
of Human Organs LS 03 02 (02-55) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2011 25.1.2010 and
report was
presented on

84 The Juvenile Justice 16.11.2010 29.8.2011 19.08.2011 Referred to

(Care and Protection (RS) 03 18 (00-01) Standing
of Children) Committee on
1.12.2010 and
(Amendment) Bill, report was
2011 presented on
85 The National 16.04.2010 2.9.2011 25.08.2011 Referred to
Council for Teacher RS 01-10 (00-58) Standing
Education Committee on
(Amendment) Bill, 28.6.2010 and
report was
presented on
86 The Orissa 15.3.2010 9.11.2010 24.03.2011
(Alteration of LS *6.9.2011 (01-16)
Name) Bill, 2010. 01 06
87 The Constitution 15.3.2010 9.11.2010 24.03.2011
(One Hundred and LS *6.9.2011 (01-16)
Thirteenth 01-06
Amendment) Bill,
88 The Academy of 24.3.2011 5.9.2011 21.12.2011
Scientific and LS 01 46 (02-39)
Innovative Research
Bill, 2011
89 The Cable 28.11.2011 13.12.2011 02 19.12.2011
Television LS 09 (01-43)
Amendment Bill,
90 The Constitution 7.12.2011 19.12.2011 00 22.12.2011
(Scheduled Tribes) LS 01 (01-00)
Order (Amendment)
Bill, 2011
91 The Appropriation 7.12.2011 7.12.2011 13-12-2011
(No. 4) Bill, 2011 LS 00 02 (03-55)
92 The Damodar 8.8.2011 7.12.2011 19.12.2011
Valley Cooperation LS 01 49 (01-16)
(Amendment) Bill,
93 The Export-Import 8.12.2011 21.12.2011 01 27.12.2011
Bank of India LS 36 (01-50)
(Amendment) Bill,
94 The National 12.12.2011 12.12.2011 01 14.12.2011
Capital Territory of LS 12 (01-07)
Delhi Laws (Special
Provisions) Second
Bill, 2011
95 The Life Insurance 31.7.2009 12.12.2011 02 14.12.2011 Referred to
Corporation LS 36 (02-20) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2011 9.9.2009 and
report was
presented on
96 The Petroleum and 16.3.2010 12.12.2011 02 21.12.2011 Referred to
Minerals Pipelines LS 37 (02-39) Standing
(Acquisition of Committee on
Right of User in 7.5.2010 and
Land) Amendment report was
presented on
Bill, 2010
97 The Appropriation 16.12.2011 16.12.2011 00 22.12.2011
(Railways) No. 3 LS 01 (04-24)
Bill, 2011
98 The Chartered 28.04.2010 19.12.2011 00 12.12.2011 Referred to
Accountants RS 09 (01-12) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2011, 5.5.2010 and
report was
presented on
99 The Company 28.04.2010 19.12.2011 12.12.2011 Referred to
Secretaries RS (01-12) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2011, 5.5.2010 and
report was
presented on
100 The Cost and Works 28.04.2011 19.12.2011 12.12.2011 Referred to
Accountants RS (01-12) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2011, 5.5.2010 and
report was
presented on
101 The Prasar Bharati 31.08.2010 20.12.2011 08-12-2011 Referred to
(Broadcasting RS (03-08) (02-39) Standing
Corporation of Committee on
India) Amendment 13.9.2010 and
report was
Bill, 2011,
presented on
102 The Factoring 24.3.2010 21.12.2011 02 27.12.2011
Regulation Bill, LS 10 (01-50)
103 The Constitution 30.11.2009 22.12.2011 02 28.12.2011
(Ninety-seventh LS 44 (03-26)
Amendment) Bill,
104 The New Delhi 3.8.2010 7.12.2011 22.12.2011 Referred to
Municipal Council LS (00-50) (00-39) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2011 21.8.2010 and
report was
presented on
105 The Finance Bill, 16.3.2012 8.5.2012 16.05.2012
2012 LS 08 43 (05-26)
106 The Appropriation 22.3.2012 22.3.2012 22.03.2012
(Railways) Vote on LS 00 02 (00-05)
Account Bill, 2012.
107 The Appropriation 22.3.2012 22.3.2012 22.03.2012
(Railways) Bill, LS 00 02 (00-05)

108 The Appropriation 22.3.2012 22.3.2012 22.03.2012

(Railways) No. 2 LS 00 02 (00-05)
Bill, 2012.
109 The Appropriation 27.3.2012 27.3.2012 28.03.2012
(Vote on Account) LS 00 02 (00-04)
Bill, 2012.
110 The Appropriation 27.3.2012 27.3.2012 28.03.2012
Bill, 2012. LS 00 03 (00-04)
111 The Appropriation 27.3.2012 27.3.2012 28.03.2012
(No. 2) Bill 2012. LS 00 03 (00-04)
112 The Right of 16.04.2010 9.5.2012 24.04.2012 Referred to
Children to Free and RS 04 22 (02-35) Standing
Compulsory Committee on
Education 28.6.2010 and
report was
(Amendment) Bill,
presented on
113 The North-Eastern 26.4.2012 11.5.2012 16.05.2012
Areas LS 00 05 (00-59)
and Other Related
Laws (Amendment)
Bill, 2012.
114 The Appropriation 26.4.2012 26.4.2012 10.05.2012
(Railways) No. 3 LS 00 04 (04-52)
Bill, 2012.
115 The Central 06.08.2010 16.5.2012 24.04.2012 Referred to
Educational RS 02 42 (01-32) Standing
Institutions Committee on
(Reservation in 13.9.2010 and
report was
presented on
Amendment Bill,
116 The Institutes of 30.08.2010 24.03.2011 30.04.2012 Referred to
Technology LS *11.05.2012 (02-40) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, (00-01) Committee on
2012 16.9.2010 and
report was
presented on
117 The National 15.04.2010 19.08.2011 30.04.2012 Referred to
Institutes of LS *11.5.2012 (02-40) Standing
Technology 00 02 Committee on
(Amendment) Bill, 13.5.2010 and
report was
presented on
118 The Indian Medical 3.5.2012 7.5.2012 09.05.2012
Council LS 03 00 (02-39)
(Amendment) Bill,
119 The Appropriation 3.5.2012 3.5.2012 16.05.2012
(No. 3) Bill, 2012. LS 00 01 (05-26)

120 The Administrators 18.08.2011 17.5.2012 04.05.2012 Referred to

General RS 00 06 (00-07) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2012 19.8.2011 and
report was
presented on
121 The Protection of 23.03.2011 22.5.2012 10.05.2012 Referred to
Children from RS 01 53 (01-03) Standing
Sexual Offences Committee on
Bill, 2012, 29.3.2011 and
report was
presented on
122 The Constitution 27.12.2011 15.5.2012 21.05.2012 Referred to
(Scheduled Tribes) LS 03 52 (01-19) Standing
Order (Second Committee on
Amendment) Bill, 5.1.2012 and
report was
presented on
123 The Railway 18.12.2008 18.5.2012 22.12.2011 Referred to
Property (Unlawful RS 02 00 *22.05.2012 Standing
Possession) (04-24) Committee on
Amendment Bill, 30.12.2008 and
report was
presented on
124 The Copyright 19.04.2010 22.5.2012 17.05.2012 Referred to
(Amendment) Bill, RS 02 03 (02-29) Standing
2012, Committee on
23.4.2010 and
report was
presented on
125 The Anand 07.05.2012 22.5.2012 21.05.2012
Marriage RS 00 45 (00-26)
(Amendment) Bill,
126 The Rajiv Gandhi 21.12.2011 21.5.2012 09.08.2012 Referred to
National Institute of LS 01 50 (01-27) Standing
Youth Development Committee on
Bill, 2012 17.1.2012 and
report was
presented on

127 The Chemical 16.04.2010 30.8.2012 03.05.2012 Referred to

Weapons RS 00 48 (00-45) Standing
Convention Committee on
(Amendment) Bill, 26.4.2010 and
report was
presented on
128 The National 07.12.2010 4.9.2012 13.08.2012 Referred to
Institute of Mental RS 00 03 (02-44) Standing
Health and Neuro- Committee on
Sciences. Bangalore 8.12.2010 and
report was
Bill, 2012
presented on
129 The All-India 27.08.2012 30.8.2012 04.09.2012
Institute of Medical LS 00 01 (00-02)
(Amendment) Bill,
130 The North-Eastern 7.12.2011 3.9.2012 14.12.2012 Referred to
Areas LS 00 04 (00-44) Standing
(Reorganisation) Committee on
Bill, 2012 7.1.2012 and
report was
presented on
131 The Prevention of 27.12.2011 29.11.2012 02 17.12.2012 Referred to
Money Laundering LS 54 (01-42) Standing
(Amendment) Committee on
amended Bill, 2011 5.1.2012 and
report was
presented on
132 The Unlawful 29.12.2011 30.11.2012 02 20.12.2012 Referred to
Activities LS 18 (04-07) Standing
(Prevention) Committee on
Amendment Bill, 17.1.2012 and
report was
presented on
133 The Enforcement of 12.12.2011 10.12.2012 20.12.2012
Security Interest and LS 02 48 (02-40)
Recovery of Debts
Laws (Amendment)
Bill, 2011
134 The Banking Laws 22.3.2011 18.12.2012 03 20.12.2012 Referred to
(Amendment) Bill, LS 24 (02-40) Standing
2011 Committee on
29.3.2011 and
report was
presented on
135 The Appropriation 14.12.2012 14.12.2012 00 18.12.2012
(No. 4) Bill, 2012 LS 02 (02-46)
136 The Constitution 7.9.2012 18.12.2012 19.12.2012 Referred to
(One Hundred- LS *20.12.2012 01 (01-20) Standing
Eighteenth 19 Committee on
Amendment) Bill, 13.9.2012 and
report was
presented on
137 The Sexual 7.12.2010 3.9.2012 26.02.2013 Referred to
Harassment of LS *11.3.2013 (02-52) Standing
Women at 00-16 Committee on
Workplace 31.12.2010 and
(Prevention, report was
Prohibition and presented on
Redressal) Bill, 8.12.2011
138 The Finance Bill, 28.02.2013 30.04.2013 00 02.05.2013
2013 LS 56 (01-55)
139 The Appropriation 13.03.2013 13.03.2013 00 15.03.2013
(Railways) Vote on LS 04 (00-04)
Account Bill, 2013
140 The Appropriation 13.03.2013 13.03.2013 00 15.03.2013
(Railways) Bill, LS 04 (00-04)
141 The Appropriation 13.03.2013 13.03.2013 00 15.03.2013
(Railways) No. 2 LS 02 (00-04)
Bill, 2013
142 The Appropriation 14.03.2013 14.03.2013 00 21.03.2013
(Vote on Account) LS 01 (00-05)
Bill, 2013
143 The Appropriation 14.03.2013 14.03.2013 00 21.03.2013
Bill, 2013 LS 01 (00-05)
144 The Appropriation 14.03.2013 14.03.2013 00 21.03.2013
(No. 2) Bill, 2013 LS 02 (00-05)
145 The Jharkhand 15.03.2013 15.03.2013 00 21.03.2013
Appropriation Bill, LS 02 (00-05)
146 The Jharkhand 15.03.2013 15.03.2013 00 21.03.2013
Appropriation (No. LS 02 (00-05)
2) Bill, 2013
147 The Criminal Law 19.03.2013 19.03.2013 05 21.03.2013
(Amendment) Bill, LS 40 (03-04)
148 The Appropriation 30.04.2013 30.04.2013 00 02.05.2013
(Railways) No. 3 LS 03 (01-55)
Bill, 2013
149 The Appropriation 30.04.2013 30.04.2013 00 02.05.2013
(No. 3) Bill, 2013 LS 02 (01-55)
150 The Companies Bill, 14.12.2011 18.12.2012 08.08.2013 Referred to
2011 LS *13.08.2013 (03-01) Standing
03 38 Committee on
5.1.2012 and
report was
presented on
151 The National 19.12.2011 3.9.2012 13.08.2013 Referred to
Highways Authority LS *02.09.2013 (01-58) Standing
of India 00 03 Committee on
(Amendment), Bill, 17.1.2012 and
report was
presented on
152 The Wakf 27.4.2010 7.5.2010 19.8.2013
(Amendment) Bill, LS *5.9.2013 (02-39)
2010 01 00
153 The National Food 7.8.2013 26.08.2013 02.09.2013
Security Bill, 2013 LS (08-45) (08-25)

154 The Securities and 14.8.2013 27.8.2013 05.09.2013

Exchange Board of LS 00 54 (00-03)
India (Amendment)
Bill, 2013
155 The Rajiv Gandhi 20.8.2013 6.9.2013 07.09.2013
National Aviation LS 01 04 (00-03)
University Bill,
156 The Parliament 08.08.2013 6.9.2013 22.08.2013
(Prevention of RS 00 02 (00-23)
Amendment Bill,
157 The Constitution 14.12.2012 24.8.2013 06.09.2013 Referred to
(Scheduled Tribes) LS 02 45 (01-12) Standing
Order (Second Committee on
Amendment) Bill, 24.12.2012 and
report was
presented on
158 The Representation 26.08.2013 6.9.2013 27.08.2013
of the People RS 00 23 (01-49)
(Amendment and
Validation) Bill,
159 The Right to Fair 7.9.2011 29.8.2013 4.09.2013
Compensation and LS *5.9.2013 (06-19)
Transparency in 08 03
Land Acquisition,
Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Bill,
160 The Pension Fund 24.3.2011 04.9.2013 06.09.2013 Referred to
Regulatory and LS 03 11 (03-48) Standing
Development Committee on
Authority Bill, 2013 8.4.2011 and
report was
presented on
161 The Appropriation 5.9.2013 5.9.2013 07.09.2013
(No. 4) Bill, 2013 LS 00 16 (03-06)
162 The Prohibition of 3.9.2012 6.9.2013 07.09.2013 Referred to
Employment as LS 01 30 (01-07) Standing
Manual Scavengers Committee on
and their 10.9.2012 and
report was
Rehabilitation Bill,
presented on
2013 4.3.2013
163 The Appropriation 12.12.2013 12.12.2013 00 18.12.2013
(No. 5) Bill, 2013 LS 01 (00-02)
164 The Appropriation 12.12.2013 12.12.2013 00 18.12.2013
(Railways) No. 4 LS 02 (00-03)
Bill, 2013
165 The Lokpal and 22.12.2011 27.12.2011 17.12.2013
Lokayuktas Bill, LS *18.12.2013 (15-28)
2011 (12-32)

166 The Andhra Pradesh 13.2.2014 18.2.2014 20.02.2014

Reorganisation Bill, LS 01 28 (03-22)
167 The Finance Bill, 17.2.2014 19.2.2014 21.02.2014
2014 LS 00 06 (01-00)
168 The Street Vendors 6.9.2012 06.09.2013 19.02.2014 Referred to
(Protection of LS *20.02.2014 (00-09) Standing
livelihood and 04 11 Committee on
Regulation of Street 10.9.2012 and
report was
Vending) Bill, 2013
presented on
169 The Appropriation 17.2.2014 17.2.2014 18.02.2014
(Railways) Vote on LS 00 02 (00-02)
Account Bill, 2014

170 The Appropriation 17.2.2014 17.2.2014 18.02.2014

(Railways) Bill, LS 00 01 (00-02)

171 The Governors 10.12.2012 24.8.2013 19.02.2014 Referred to

(Emoluments, LS *20.02.2014 (00-06) Standing
Allowances and 01 29 Committee on
Privileges) 3.1.2013 and
report was
Amendment Bill,
presented on
172 The Appropriation 19.2.2014 19.2.2014 21.02.2014
(Vote on Account) LS 00 03 (01-00)
Bill, 2014
173 The Appropriation 19.2.2014 19.2.2014 21.02.2014
Bill, 2014 LS 00 01 (01-00)
174 The National 4.3.2013 18.12.2013 19.02.2014 Referred to
Institutes of LS *20.02.2014 (00-04) Standing
Technology, 00 05 Committee on
Science Education 17.5.2013 and
report was
and Research
presented on
(Amendment) Bill, 9.12.2013
175 The Rani Lakshami 22.5.2012 20.2.2014 19.2.2014 Referred to
Bai Central RS (00-08) (00-09) Standing
Agricultural Committee on
University Bill, 13.6.2012 and
report was
presented on
176 The Delhi 21.02.2014 21.02.2014 21.02.2014
Appropriation (vote LS (00-02) (00-04)
on Account) Bill,
177 The Appropriation 19.02.2014 19.02.2014 21.02.2014
Bill, 2014 LS (00-01-) (01-00)
178 The Whistle 26.08.2010 27.12.2011 21.02.2014
Blowers Protection LS
Bill, 2011
179 The Narcotic Drugs 08.09.2011 20.04.2014 21.02.2014 Referred to
and Psychotropic LS (00-02) (00-13) Standing
Substance Committee on
(Amendment) Bill, 13.9.2011 and
report was
presented on
S.No. Year Name of the Bill Date of Date of Passing Date of Remarks
Introduction in Lok Sabha Passing in
(Time Taken) Rajya Sabha
(Time Taken)

1. The National 11.08.2014 13.08.2014 14.08.2014

Judicial LS (06.03) (1.18)
Commission Bill,
2. The Telecom 11.07.2014 14.07.2014 15.07.2014
Regulatory LS (01.01) (1.52)
Authority of India
(Amendment) Bill,
3. The Finance (No. 2) 10.07.2014 25.07.2014 30.07.2014
Bill, 2014 LS (06.00) (04.30)

4. The Andhra Pradesh 08.07.2014 11.07.2014 14.07.2014

Reorganisation LS (1.41) (03.00)
(Amendment) Bill,
5. The Securities Laws 04.08.2014 06.08.2014 12.08.2014
(Amendment) Bill, LS (03.31) (02.36)

6. The Appropriation 23.07.2014 23.07.2014 24.07.2014

(No.3) Bill, 2014 LS (00-02) (00-04)

7. The Appropriation 18.07.2014 18.07.2014 24.07.2014

(No.2) Bill, 2014 LS (00-03) (00-04)

8. The Appropriation 15.07.2014 15.07.2014 22.07.2014

(Railways) No. 3 LS (00-02) (00-03)
Bill, 2014
9. The Appropriation 15.07.2014 15.07.2014 22.07.2014
(Railways) No. 2 LS (00-03) (00-03)
Bill, 2014
10. The National 11.03.2013 09.07.2014 07.07.2014 Referred to
Institute of Design RS (00.24) (01.03) Standing
Bill, 2014 Committee
Rajya Sabha on
13.03.13 report
presented on
11 The Constitution 11.08.2014 13.08.2014 14.08.2014
(One Hundred and LS (06.03) (03.27)
Twenty First
Amendment Bill,
12 The Delhi 30.07.2014 30.07.2014 31.07.2014
Appropriation (No LS (00-01) (00-03)
2) Bill, 2014

13 The Appropriation 10.12.2014 10.12.2014 19.12.2014

(No.4) Bill, 2014 LS (00-03) (00-46)

14 The Delhi Special 25.11.2014 26.11.2014 27.11.2014

Police LS (02.14) (01.43)
(Amendment) Bill,
15 The Labour Laws 23.03.2011 28.11.2014 25.11.2014 Referred to
(Exemption from RS (02.27) (02.31) Standing
furnishing returns Committee
and maintaining Rajya Sabha on
registers by certain 01.04.2011
establishments) report presented
Amendment Bill, on 20.12.2011

16 The Textile 01.12.2014 01.12.2014 08.12.2014

Undertakings LS (03.55) (02.53)
Laws (Amendment
and Validation) Bill,

17 The Merchant 18.03.2013 02.12.2014 01.12.2014 Referred to

Shipping RS (02.12) (02.32) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee
2014 Rajya Sabha on
Discussed Discussed 19.03.2013
together together report presented
on 26.06.2013

02.12.2014 01.12.2014
(02.12) (02.32)

18 The Merchant 19.08.2013 Referred to

Shipping (Second RS Standing
Amendment) Bill, Committee
2014 Rajya Sabha on
report presented
on 20.11.2013
19 The Constitution 11.08.2014 27.11.2014 08.12.2014
(Scheduled Castes) LS (01.12) (01.42)
(Amendment) Bill,
20 The School of 02.12.2014 03.12.2014 10.12.2014
Planning and LS (02.45) (01.42)
Architecture Bill,
21 The Central 14.08.2014 26.11.2014 09.12.2014
Universities LS (01.31) (02.35)
(Amendment) Bill,
22 The Indian Institutes 12.08.2014 26.11.2014 01.12.2014
of Information LS 02.36 02.10
Technology Bill,
23 The Apprentices 07.08.2014 14.08.2014 26.11.2014
(Amendment) Bill, LS (02.18) 01.48

24 The National 15.12.2014 16.12.2014 23.12.2014

Capital Territory of LS (02.13) (00.35)
Delhi Laws (Special
Provisions (Second
Amendment) Bill,
25 The Citizenship 27.02.2015 02.03.2015 04.03.2015
(Amendment) Bill, LS (02.02) (00.57)

26 The Insurance Laws 03.03.2015 04.03.2015 12.03.2015

(Amendment) Bill, LS (02.18) (02.58)

27 The Motor Vehicles 02.03.2015 03.03.2015 11.03.2015

(Amendment) Bill, LS (02.03) (01.32)

28 The Constitution 11.02.2014 17.03.2015 24.02.2015 Referred to

(Scheduled Castes) RS (01.25) (01.53) Standing
Orders Committee
(Amendment) Bill, Rajya Sabha on
2015. 05.03.2014
report presented
on 19.12.2014
29 The Mines and 24.02.2015 03.03.2015 20.03.2015 Referred to
Minerals LS (05.20) (01.19) Standing
(Development and Committee
Regulation) Rajya Sabha on
Amendment Bill, 11.03.2015
2015 report presented
on 18.03.2023
30 The Coal Mines 02.03.2015 04.03.2015 20.03.2015 Referred to
(Special Provisions) LS (04.06) (02.12) Standing
Bill, 2015 Committee
Rajya Sabha on
report presented
on 18.03.2023
31 The Warehousing 03.03.2015 18.03.2015 28.04.2015
Corporations LS (02.01) (01.50)
(Amendment) Bill,
32 The Repealing and 11.08.2014 18.03.2015 05.05.2015 Referred to
Amending Bill, LS (01.05) (00.47) Standing
2014 Committee Lok
Sabha on
report presented
on 19.12.2014
08.12.2014 05.05.2015
(01.05) (00.47)
Discussed Discussed
together together

33 The Repealing and 18.03.2015 05.05.2015

Amending Bill, (01.05) (00.47)

34 The Constitution 07.05.2015 06.05.2015 Referred to

(One Hundred and (03.17) (02.40) Standing
Nineteenth Committee
Amendment) Bill, Rajya Sabha on
2013 14.09.2014
report presented
on 01.12.2014
35 The Appropriation 29.04.2015 29.04.2015 07.05.2015
(No. 2) Bill, 2015 LS (00.04) (04.38)

36 The Finance Bill, 28.02.2015 30.04.2015 07.05.2015

2015 LS (05.23) (04.38)

37 The Appropriation 21.04.2015 21.04.2015 27.04.2015

(Railways) No. 2 LS (00-02) (00.40)
Bill 2015
38 The Payment and 08.12.2014 09.12.2014 27.04.2015
Settlement Systems LS (01.39) (00.36)
(Amendment) Bill,
39 The Regional Rural 18.12.2014 22.12.2014 28.04.2015
Banks LS (01.48) (01.57)
(Amendment) Bill, Amendment
2015. agreed to on

40 The Public Premises 11.12.2014 15.12.2014 24.02.2015

(Eviction of LS (02.48) (00.46)
Unauthorised Amendment
Occupants) agreed to on
Amendment Bill, 02.03.2015
41 The Appropriation 12.03.2015 12.03.2015 17.03.2015
(Railways) Vote on LS (00-02) (00-04)
Account Bill, 2015.

42 The Appropriation 12.03.2015 12.03.2015 17.03.2015

(Railways) Bill, LS (00-02) (00-04)
43 The Appropriation 17.03.2015 17.03.2015 19.03.2015
(Vote on Account) LS (00-02) (00-04)
Bill, 2015.

44 The Appropriation 17.03.2015 17.03.2015 19.03.2015

Bill, 2015. LS (00-02) (00-04)
45 The Andhra Pradesh 02.03.2015 17.03.2015 20.03.2015
Reorganisation LS (02.38) (00.34)
(Amendment) Bill,
46 The Companies 12.12.2014 17.12.2014 13.05.2015
Amendment Bill LS (02.35) (01.21)
47 The Black Money 20.03.2015 11.05.2015 13.05.2015
(Undisclosed LS (04.19) (03.06)
Foreign Income and
Assets) and
Imposition of Tax
Bill, 2015.
48 The Appropriation 04.08.2015 04.08.2015 11.08.2015
(Railways) No. 3 LS (00-02) (00-04)
Bill, 2015
49 The Appropriation 05.08.2015 05.08.2015 11.08.2015
(No. 3) Bill, 2015 LS (00-02) (00-02)
50 The Delhi High 17.02.2014 05.08.2015 06.05.2015 Referred to
Court (Amendment) RS (00.48) (01.20) Standing
Bill, 2015 Committee
Rajya Sabha on
report presented
on 28.11.2014
51 The Negotiable 27.07.2015 06.08.2015 07.12.2015
Instruments LS (01.04) (00.03)
(Amendment) Bill, (00.10)
2015-To replace an
Ordinance (No. 7
of 2015)
52 The Scheduled 16.07.2014 04.08.2015 21.12.2015 Referred to
Castes and the LS (02.23) (00.15) Standing
Scheduled Tribes Committee Lok
(Prevention of Sabha on
Atrocities) 16.09.2014
Amendment Bill, report presented
2015. on 19.12.2014
53 The Appropriation 15.12.2015 15.12.2015 21.12.2015
(No. 4) Bill, 2015. LS (00-01) (00-07)

54 The Appropriation 15.12.2015 15.12.2015 21.12.2015

(No. 5) Bill, 2015. LS (00-02) (00-07)

55 The Juvenile Justice 12.08.2014 06.05.2015 22.12.2015 Referred to

(Care and Protection LS 07.05.2015 (05.01) Standing
of Children) (03.43) Committee Lok
Amendment Bill, Sabha on
2015. 19.09.2014
report presented
on 25.02.2015
56 The Commercial 07.12.2015 16.12.2015 23.12.2015
Courts, Commercial LS (03.26) (00.14)
Division and
Appellate Division
of High Courts Bill,
57 The Arbitration and 03.12.2015 16.12.2015 23.12.2015
Conciliation LS 17.12.2015 (00.03)
(Amendment) Bill, (03.45)
58 The Atomic Energy 07.12.2015 14.12.2015 23.12.2015
(Amendment) Bill, LS (02.36) (00.11)
59 The payment of 07.12.2015 22.12.2015 23.12.2015
Bonus LS (01.42) (00.10)
(Amendment) Bill,
60 The Sugar Cess Bill, 11.12.2015 15.12.2015 Deemed to be
2015 LS (01.06) passed
61 The Election Laws 24.02.2016 25.02.2016 26.02.2016
(Amendment) Bill, LS (01.13) (00.01)
62 The High Court and 13.08.2015 07.12.2015 02.03.2016
the Supreme Court LS (03.01) (00.04)
Judges (Salaries and 11.03.2016
Conditions of Amendment
Service) agreed to made
Amendment Bill, by Rajya Sabha

63 The Carriage by Air 07.08.2015 02.12.2015 02.03.2016

(Amendment) Bill, LS (01.13) (01.00)
2016. 11.03.2016
agreed to made
by Rajya Sabha

64 The Bureau of 07.08.2015 03.12.2015 08.03.2016

Indian Standards LS (03.40) (01.54)
Bill, 2016. 14.03.2016
agreed to made
by Rajya Sabha

65 The Appropriation 09.03.2016 09.03.2016 14.03.2016

(Railways) Vote on LS (00-02) (00-05)
Account Bill, 2016.

66 The Appropriation 09.03.2016 09.03.2016 14.03.2016

(Railways) Bill, LS (00-02) (00-05)
67 The National 05.05.2015 21.12.2015 09.03.2016 Referred to
Waterways Bill, LS (03.54) (02.09) Standing
2016. 15.03.2016 Committee Lok
Amendment Sabha on
agreed to made 21.05.2015
by Rajya Sabha report presented
on 12.08.2015

68 The Real Estate 14.08.2013 15.03.2016 10.03.2016 Referred to

(Regulation and (03.29) (02.47) Standing
Development) Bill, RS Committee
2016. Rajya Sabha on
report presented
on 17.02.2014

Referred to
Rajya Sabha on
report presented
on 30.07.2015
69 The Appropriation 14.03.2016 11.03.2016 15.03.2016
(Vote on Account LS (00-02) 16.03.2016
Bill), 2016. (00-05)
70 The Appropriation 14.03.2016 11.03.2016 16.03.2016
Bill, 2016. LS (00-02) (00-05)
71 The Aadhar 03.03.2016 11.03.2016 16.03.2016
(Targeted Delivery LS (02.59) (02.42)
of Financial and 16.03.2016
Other Subsidies,
Benefits and
Services), Bill 2016.
72 The Sikh Gurdwaras 15.03.2016 25.04.2016 16.03.2016
(Amendment) Bill, RS (01.07) (00.03)
73 The Appropriation 26.04.2016 26.04.2016 02.05.2016
(Railways) No.2 LS (00-03) (02-13)
Bill, 2016.
74 The Appropriation 11.05.2015 26.4.2016
Acts (Repeal) Bill, (01.19) 27.04.2016
2016. (00.25)
Agreed to the (Discussed
amendments Together)
made by Rajya


75 The Repeal and 27.07.2015 06.08.2015 27.4.2016

Amending (Third) LS 00.50 (00-25)
Bill, 2016 03.05.2016*

76 The Constitution 01.03.2016 15.03.2016 28.04.2016

(Scheduled Castes) LS (02.57) (02.39)
Order (Amendment)
Bill, 2016
77 The Mines and 15.03.2016 16.03.2016 02.05.2016
Minerals LS (01.37) (01.15)
(Development and
Amendment Bill,
78 The Anti Hijacking 17.12.2014 09.05.2016 04.05.2016 Referred to
Bill, 2016 RS (01.42) (00.12) Standing
Rajya Sabha on
report presented
on 11.05.2015

79 Dr. Rajendra Prasad 23.12.2015 11.05.2016 11.05.2016

Central Agricultural RS (00.08) (00.04)
University Bill,
80 The Finance Bill, 29.02.2016 05.05.2016 11.05.2016
2016 LS (07.03) (04.27)

81 The Appropriation 03.05.2016 03.05.2016 11.05.2016

(No.2) Bill, 2016 LS (00-03) (04-27)

82 The Industries 07.12.2015 10.12.2015 28.04.2016

(Development and LS (00.58) (00.24)
Regulation) 10.05.2016*
Amendment Bill, Amendment
2016 agreed to made
by Rajya Sabha

83 The Insolvency and 21.12.2015 05.05.2016 11.05.2016 Referred to Joint

Bankruptcy Code, LS (02.44) (00.24) Parliamentary
2016 Committee on
report presented
on 28.04.2016
84 The Uttarakhand 09.05.2016 09.05.2016 #
Appropriation (Vote LS (00-27)
on Account) Bill,

*Amendment(s) agreed to.

#The Bills, as passed by Lok Sabha and transmitted to Rajya Sabha for its recommendation, were not
returned to Lok Sabha within the period of fourteen days from the date of their receipt in Rajya Sabha
Secretariat. The Bills were deemed to have been passed by both Houses at the expiration of the said period in
the form in which these were passed by Lok Sabha under clause (5) of article 109 of the Constitution.

85 The Regional Centre 15.03.2016 25.4.2016 18.7.2016

for Biotechnology, LS (02.44) (00.27)

86 The Compensatory 08.05.2015 3.5.2016 28.7.2016 Referred to

Afforestation Fund LS (02.12) (03.03) Standing
Bill, 2016 Committee Lok
Sabha on
report presented
on 26.02.2016

87 The Indian Medical *19.07.2016 19.07.2016 01.08.2016 Discussed

Council LS (05.48) (04.21) together
(Amendment) Bill,

88 The Dentists *19.07.2016 19.07.2016 01.08.2016

(Amendment) Bill, LS Discussed Discussed
2016 together together

89 The Indian Trust 13.08.2015 09.12.2015 11.05.2016

(Amendment) Bill, LS (01.04) (00.05)
2016 *20.7.2016
agreed to

90 The National 19.07.2016 20.07.2016 02.08.2016

Institutes of LS (04.06) (01.16)
Science Education
and Research
(Amendment) Bill,
91 The Institutes of 19.07.2016 25.07.2016 02.08.2016
Technology LS (03.38) (01.35)
(Amendment) Bill,

92 The Child Labour 04.12.2012 26.07.2016 19.07.2016 Referred to

(Prohibition & RS (05.47) (03.09) Standing
Regulation) Committee
Amendment Bill, Rajya Sabha on
2016 12.12.2012
report presented
on 13.12.2013
93 The Lokpal and 27.07.2016 27.07.2016 28.07.2016
Lokayuktas LS (00.22) (00.17)
(Amendment) Bill,

94 The Benami 13.05.2015 27.07.2016 02.08.2016 Referred to

Transactions LS (03.37) (02.05) Standing
(Prohibition) Committee Lok
Amendment Bill, Sabha on
2016 15.05.2015
report presented
on 28.04.2016
95 The Constitution 19.12.2014 05.05.2015 12.05.2015 Referred to
(One Hundred and LS 06.05.2015 11.08.2015 Standing
Twenty Second (06.54) Refer to Committee
Amendment) Bill, 08.08.2016* Select Rajya Sabha on
2016 (05.58) Committee on 14.05.2015
Amendment 12.05.2015 report presented
agreed to 03.08.2016 on 22.07.2015

96 The Enforcement of 11.05.2016 01.08.2016 9.08.2016 The Bill was

Security interest and LS refereed to Joint
Recovery of Debt (04.13) (02.39) Committee on
Laws and 11.05.2016
Miscellaneous report presented
Provisions on
(Amendment) Bill, 22.07.2016
97 The Central 05.08.2016 09.08.2016 11.08.2016
Agricultural LS (01.03) (00.03)
(Amendment) Bill,
98 The Appropriation 04.08.2016 04.08.2016 #
(No.3) Bill, 2016. LS (00-02)
99 The Taxation Laws 10.08.2016 10.08.2016 #
(Amendment) Bill, LS (02.15)
100 The Taxation Laws 28.11.2016 29.11.2016 #
(Second LS (00.32)
Amendment) Bill,
101 The Appropriation 08.12.2016 08.12.2016 #
(No.5) Bill, 2016. LS (00-02)
102 The Appropriation 08.12.2016 08.12.2016 #
(No.4) Bill, 2016 LS (00-03)
103 The Rights of 07.02.2014 16.12.2016 14.12.2016 Referred to
Persons with RS (01.54) (01.10) Standing
Disabilities Bill, Committee
2016 Rajya Sabha on
report presented
on 07.05.2015
#The Bills, as passed by Lok Sabha and transmitted to Rajya Sabha for its recommendation, were not
returned to Lok Sabha within the period of fourteen days from the date of their receipt in Rajya Sabha
Secretariat. The Bills were deemed to have been passed by both Houses at the expiration of the said period in
the form in which these were passed by Lok Sabha under clause (5) of article 109 of the Constitution.

*Amendment(s) agreed to

104 The Payment of 03.02.2017 07.02.2017 08.02.2017

Wages LS (01.32) (02.17)
(Amendment) Bill,

105 The Specified Bank 03.02.2017 07.02.2017 #

Notes (Cessation of LS (04.13)
Liabilities) Bill,
106 The Enemy Property 08.03.2016 09.03.2016 10.03.2017 Referred to
(Amendment and LS (02.48) (00.34) Standing
Validation) Bill, 14.03.2017* Committee
2017 Amendment Rajya Sabha on
agreed to 15.03.2016
report presented
on 06.05.2016
107 The Maternity 11.08.2016 09.03.2017 11.08.2016
Benefit RS (03.33) (01.49)
(Amendment) Bill, 20.3.2017*
2017 Amendment
agreed to
108 The Appropriation 20.03.2017 20.03.2017 23.03.2017
Bill, 2017 LS (00-03) (00-05)
109 The Appropriation 20.03.2017 20.03.2017 23.03.2017
(No.2) Bill, 2017 LS (00-03) (00-05)
110 The Finance Bill, 01.02.2017 22.03.2017 29.3.2017
2017 LS (08.41) (06.54)
Amend made 30.03.2017**
by RS (01.48)
rejected Amendment
rejected on
111 The Appropriation 20.03.2017 20.03.2017 30.3.2017
(Railways) Bill, LS (00-02) (00-04)
112 The Appropriation 20.03.2017 20.03.2017 30.3.2017
(Railways) No.2 LS (00-02) (00-04)
Bill, 2017
113 The Mental Health 19.08.2013 27.03.2017 08.08.2016 Referred to
Care Bill, 2017 RS (05.09) (03.25) Standing
30.3.2017* Committee
(00.02) Rajya Sabha on
report presented
on 20.11.2013
114 The Employee’s 05.08.2016 9.8.2016 22.03.2017
Compensation LS (03.48)
(Amendment) Bill, 05.04.2017* (01.03)
2017 (00.02)
agrees to
115 @The Central 27.03.2017 29.3.2017 06.04.2017
Goods and Services LS (08.33) (07.44)
Tax Bill, 2017
116 @The Integrated 27.03.2017 29.3.2017 06.04.2017
Goods and Services LS (08.33) (07.44)
Tax Bill, 2017
117 @The Goods and 27.03.2017 29.3.2017 06.04.2017
Services Tax LS (08.33) (07.44)
(Compensation to
States) Bill, 2017
118 @The Union 27.03.2017 29.3.2017 06.04.2017
Territory Goods and LS (08.33) (07.44)
Services Tax Bill
119 #The Taxation Laws 31.03.2017 06.04.2017 #
(Amendment) Bill, LS (02.18)
120 The Constitution 10.03.2017 23.03.2017 10.04.2017
(Scheduled Castes) LS (02.05) (00.24)
(Amendment) Bill,
121 The Human 11.02.2014 11.04.2017 21.3.2017 Referred to
Immunodeficiency RS (02.44) (01.51) Standing
Virus and Acquired Committee
Immune Deficiency Rajya Sabha on
Syndrome 24.02.2014
(Prevention and report presented
Control) Bill, 2017 on 29.04.2015
#The Bills, as passed by Lok Sabha and transmitted to Rajya Sabha for its recommendation, were not
returned to Lok Sabha within the period of fourteen days from the date of their receipt in Rajya Sabha
Secretariat. The Bills were deemed to have been passed by both Houses at the expiration of the said period in
the form in which these were passed by Lok Sabha under clause (5) of article 109 of the Constitution.
*Amendment(s) agreed to.
**amendments rejected by Lok Sabha.
@ Discussed together

122 The Footwear 14.03.2017 05.04.2017 24.07.2017

Design and LS (03.23) (01.14)
Institute Bill, 2017
123 The Admiralty 21.11.2016 10.03.2017 24.07.2017
(Jurisdiction and LS (02.18) (01.08)
Settlement of
Maritime Claims)
Bill, 2017
124 The Collection of 20.03.2017 11.04.2017 26.07.2017
Statistics LS (02.13) (01.17)
(Amendment) Bill,
125 The National 19.07.2016 20.07.2016 01.08.2016
Institutes of LS (04.06) (01.16)
Science Education
and Research
(Amendment) Bill,
126 The Indian Institutes 10.04.2017 19.07.2017 27.07.2017
of Information LS (02.38) (01.34)
Technology (Public-
Private Partnership)
Bill, 2017
127 The Right of 10.04.2017 21.07.2017 01.08.2017
Children Free and LS (02.16) (03.20)
(Amendment) Bill,
128 The Indian Institutes 27.03.2017 26.07.2017 03.08.2017
of Information LS (01.42) (00.32)
(Amendment) Bill,
129 The Banking 24.07.2017 03.08.2017 10.08.2017
Regulation LS (02.55) (01.54)
(Amendment) Bill,
130 #The Appropriation 01.08.2017 01.08.2017 -
(No.3) Bill, 2017 LS (00-02)
131 #The Appropriation 01.08.2017 01.08.2017 -
(No.4) Bill, 2017 LS (00-02)
132 #The Central Goods 31.07.2017 02.08.2017 -
and Services Tax (02.43)
(Extension to
Jammu and
Kashmir) Bill, 2017
133 #The Integrated 31.07.2017 02.08.2017 -
Goods and Services LS (02-43)
Tax (Extension to
Jammu and
Kashmir) Bill, 2017
134 #The Punjab 31.07.2017 03.08.2017 -
Municipal (00.37)
Corporation Law
(Extension to
Amendment Bill,
135 The Companies 16.03.2016 27.07.2017 19.12.2017 Referred to
(Amendment) Bill, LS (04.08) (02.13) Standing
2017 Committee Lok
Sabha on
report presented
on 07.12.2016

136 The Indian Institute 09.02.2017 28.07.2017 19.12.2017

of Management Bill, LS (03.22) (01.57)
137 The National 22.12.2017 27.12.2017 28.12.2017
Capital Territory of LS (01.12) (00.50)
Delhi Laws (Special
Provisions) Second
(Amendment) Bill,

#The Bills, as passed by Lok Sabha and transmitted to Rajya Sabha for its recommendation, were not
returned to Lok Sabha within the period of fourteen days from the date of their receipt in Rajya Sabha
Secretariat. The Bills were deemed to have been passed by both Houses at the expiration of the said period in
the form in which these were passed by Lok Sabha under clause (5) of article 109 of the Constitution.

138 The Repealing and 09.02.2017 19.12.2017 28.12.2017

Amending Bill, LS (01.07) (00.30)
139 The Repealing and 11.08.2017 19.12.2017 28.12.2017
Amending (Second) LS (01.07) (00.37)
Bill, 2017
140 The Insolvency and 28.12.2017 29.12.2017 02.01.2018
Bankruptcy Code LS (02.23) (02.14)
(Amendment) Bill,

141 The National Bank 05.04.2017 03.08.2017 02.01.2018

for Agriculture and LS (03.29) (02.12)
Rural Development
(amendment) Bill,
142 The Indian Forest 18.12.2017 20.12.2017 27.12.2017
(Amendment) Bill, LS (03.10) (02.24)

143 The Indian Institute 18.07.2017 04.08.2017 20.12.2017

of Petroleum and LS (02.23) (01.40)
Energy Bill, 2017
144 #The Central Goods 22.12.2017 27.12.2017 -
and Services Tax (01.27)
(Compensation to
States) Bill, 2017
145 #The Appropriation 21.12.2017 21.12.2017 -
(No. 5) Bill, 2017 (00-02)
146 #The Appropriation 04.01.2018 04.01.2018 -
Bill, 2018 LS (00-03)
147 #The High Court 21.12.2017 04.01.2018 -
and Supreme Court LS (04.13)
Judges (Salaries and
Conditions of
Amendment Bill,
#The Bills, as passed by Lok Sabha and transmitted to Rajya Sabha for its recommendation, were not
returned to Lok Sabha within the period of fourteen days from the date of their receipt in Rajya Sabha
Secretariat. The Bills were deemed to have been passed by both Houses at the expiration of the said period in
the form in which these were passed by Lok Sabha under clause (5) of article 109 of the Constitution.

148 The Payment of 18.12.2017 15.03.2018 22.03.2018

Gratuity LS (00.06) (00.01)
(Amendment) Bill,
149 #The Finance Bill, 01.02.2018 14.03.2018 -
2018 LS (00-19)
150 #The Appropriation 14.03.2018 14.03.2018 -
(No. 2) Bill, 2018 LS (00-03)
151 #The Appropriation 14.03.2018 14.03.2018 -
(No. 3) Bill, 2018 LS (00-03)
152 The Prevention of 19.08.2013 24.07.2018 19.07.2018 Referred to
Corruption RS (03.42) (05.53) Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee
2018 Rajya Sabha on
report presented
on 12.08.2016
153 The Specific Relief 22.12.2017 15.03.2018 23.07.2018
(Amendment) Bill, LS (00.08) (00.47)
154 The Fugitive 12.03.2018 19.07.2018 25.07.2018
Economic Offenders LS (03.59) (02.45)
Bill, 2018.

155 The Negotiable 02.01.2018 23.07.2018 26.07.2018

Instruments LS (01.43) (01.30)
(Amendment) Bill,

156 The State Banks 21.07.2017 10.08.2017 18.07.2018

(Repeal and LS *30.7.2018 (02.41)
Amendment) Bill, (02.31)

#The Bills, as passed by Lok Sabha and transmitted to Rajya Sabha for its recommendation, were not
returned to Lok Sabha within the period of fourteen days from the date of their receipt in Rajya Sabha
Secretariat. The Bills were deemed to have been passed by both Houses at the expiration of the said period in
the form in which these were passed by Lok Sabha under clause (5) of article 109 of the Constitution.

157 The Constitution 05.04.2017 10.04.2017 31.07.2017 Referred to

(One Hundred and LS (04.32) (06.01) Standing
Twenty third 02.08.2018 06.08.2018 Committee
Amendment) Bill, (04.57) (03.34) Rajya Sabha on
2018 11.04.2017
report presented
on 19.07.2017

158 The National 05.04.2017 10.04.2017 06.08.2018

Commission for LS *09.08.2018 (03.34)
Backward Classes (03.29)
(Repeal) Bill, 2018
159 The Criminal Law 23.07.2018 30.07.2018 06.08.2018
(Amendment) Bill, LS (03.15) (01.42)

160 The Requisitioning 18.07.2017 20.12.2017 18.07.2018

and Acquisition of LS (02.18) (00.52)
Immovable Property * Agreed to *07.08.2018
(Amendment) Bill, the
2017 amendments
161 The Scheduled 03.08.2018 06.08.2018 09.08.2018
Castes and the LS (05.51) (01.33)
Scheduled Tribes
(Prevention of
Amendment Bill,

162 The National Sports 23.07.2018 03.08.2018 09.08.2018

University Bill, LS (03.17) (0.53)

163 The Homoeopathy 23.07.2018 30.07.2018 09.08.2018

Central Council LS (02.46) (00.30)
(Amendment) Bill,

164 The Insolvency and 23.07.2018 31.07.2018 10.08.2018

Bankruptcy Code LS (04.28) (01.18)
Amendment) Bill,

165 The Commercial 23.07.2018 01.08.2018 10.08.2018

Courts, Commercial LS (02.45) (00.25)
Division and
Appellate Division
of High Courts
(Amendment) Bill,
166 #The Appropriation 07.08.2018 07.08.2018 -
(No.4) Bill, 2018 LS (00-02)
167 #The Appropriation 07.08.2018 07.08.2018 -
(No.5) Bill, 2018. LS (00-02)
168 #@The Central 07.08.2018 09.08.2018 -
Goods and Services LS (03.23)
Tax (Amendment)
Bill, 2018
169 #@The Integrated 07.08.2018 09.08.2018 -
Goods and Services LS (03.23)
Tax (Amendment)
Bill, 2018
170 #@The Union 07.08.2018 09.08.2018 -
Territory Goods and LS (03.23)
Services Tax
(Amendment) Bill,
171 #@The Goods and 07.08.2018 09.08.2018 -
Services Tax LS (03.23)
(Compensation to
States) Amendment
Bill, 2018
*Agreeing to of amendments
#The six Bills, as passed by Lok Sabha and transmitted to Rajya Sabha for its recommendation, are not
likely to be returned to Lok Sabha within the period of fourteen days from the date of their receipt in Rajya
Sabha. The Bills will be deemed to have been passed by both Houses at the expiration of the said period in
the form in which they were passed by Lok Sabha under clause (5) of article 109 of the Constitution.
@ Discussed together

172 The National Trust 18.07.2018 20.12.2018 12.12.2018

for Welfare of RS (00.07) (00.14)
Persons with
Autism, Central
Palsy, Mental
Retardation and
Amendment Bill,
173 The Appropriation 31.12.2018 31.12.2018 #
(No. 6) Bill, 2018 LS (00-02)
174 The Right of 10.04.2017 21.07.2017 01.08.2017
Children to Free and LS (02.16) (03.20)
(Amendment) Bill,
175 The National 18.12.2017 23.07.2018 04.01.2019
Council for Teacher LS *07.01.2019 (01.22)
Education (02.16)
(Amendment) Bill,
176 The Constitution 08.01.2019 08.01.2019 09.01.2019
(One Hundred and LS (04.55) (08.23)
Twenty Fourth
Amendment) Bill,
177 The Finance Bill, 01.02.2019 12.02.2019 13.02.2019
2019 LS (03.59) (00.06)
178 The Appropriate 11.02.2019 11.02.2019 13.02.2019
(Vote on Account) LS (00-02) (00.06)
Bill, 2019
179 The Appropriation 11.02.2019 11.02.2019 13.02.2019
Bill, 2019 LS (00-01) (00.06)

180 The Personal Laws 10.08.2018 07.01.2019 13.02.2019

(Amendment) Bill, LS (00.24) (0.01)
2019 13.02.2019**
*Agreeing to of amendments
#The six Bills, as passed by Lok Sabha and transmitted to Rajya Sabha for its recommendation, are not
likely to be returned to Lok Sabha within the period of fourteen days from the date of their receipt in Rajya
Sabha. The Bills will be deemed to have been passed by both Houses at the expiration of the said period in
the form in which they were passed by Lok Sabha under clause (5) of article 109 of the Constitution
S.No. Year Name of the Bill Date of Date of Passing Date of Remarks
Introduction in Lok Sabha Passing in
(Time Taken) Rajya Sabha
(Time Taken)
1 The Special 24.06.2019 26.06.2019 27.06.2019
Economic Zones (LS) (02-42) (02-14)
(Amendment) Bill,
2 The Jammu and 24.06.2019 28.06.2019 01.07.2019
Kashmir (LS) (03-53) (05-49)
(Amendment) Bill,
3 The Homoeopathy 21.06.2019 27.06.2019 02.07.2019
Central Council (LS) (02-55) (02-08)
(Amendment) Bill,
4 The Central 27.06.2019 01.07.2019 03.07.2019
Educational (LS) (03-57) (03-00)
(Reservation in
Teachers’ Cadre)
Bill, 2019
5 The Indian Medical 27.06.2019 02.07.2019 04.07.2019
Council (LS) (04-06) (02-45)
(Amendment) Bill,
6 The Dentists 27.06.2019 03.07.2019 08.07.2019
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (02-31) (00-42)
7 The Aadhar and 24.06.2019 04.07.2019 08.07.2019
Other Laws (LS) (04-32) (03-14)
(Amendment) Bill,
8 The Central 08.07.2019 12.07.2019 16.07.2019
Universities (LS) (01-46) (02-45)
(Amendment) Bill,
9 The National 08.07.2019 15.07.2019 17.07.2019
Investigation (LS) (03-58) (02-45)
(Amendment) Bill,
10 The New Delhi 03.07.2019 10.07.2019 18.07.2019
International (LS) (02-16) (04-39)
Arbitration Centre
Bill, 2019
11 The Appropriation 17.07.2019 17.07.2019 23.07.2019
(No. 2) Bill, 2019 (LS) (00-01) (02-34)
12 The Finance (No. 2) 05.07.2019 18.07.2019 23.07.2019
Bill, 2019 (LS) (04-49) (02-34)
13 The Protection of 08.07.2019 19.07.2019 22.07.2019
Human Rights (LS) (02-32) (02-49)
(Amendment) Bill,
14 The Right to 19.07.2019 22.07.2019 25.07.2019
Information (LS) (03-52) (03-59)
(Amendment) Bill,
15 The Banning of 19.07.2019 24.07.2019 29.07.2019
Unregulated Deposit (LS) (03-45) (02-31)
Schemes Bill, 2019
16 The Muslim Women 21.06.2019 25.07.2019 30.07.2019
(Protection of (LS) (06-03) (05-25)
Rights on Marriage)
Bill, 2019
17 The Companies 25.07.2019 26.07.2019 30.07.2019
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (02-08) (01-08)
18 The Insolvency and 24.07.2019 01.08.2019 29.07.2019
Bankruptcy Code (RS) (03-23) (03-47)
(Amendment) Bill,
19 The Arbitration and 15.07.2019 01.08.2019 18.07.2019
Conciliation (RS) (01-48) (04-39)
(Amendment) Bill,
20 The Protection of 18.07.2019 01.08.2019 24.07.2019
Children form (RS) (03-52) (04-06)
Sexual Offences
(Amendment) Bill,
21 The Unlawful 08.07.2019 24.07.2019 02.08.2019
Activities (LS) (05-43) (04-12)
Amendment Bill,
22 The Codes on 23.07.2019 30.07.2019 02.08.2019
Wages, 2019 (LS) (04-01) (03-27)
23 The Repealing and 25.07.2019 29.07.2019 02.08.2019
Amending Bill, (LS) (00-14) (00-50)
24 The Airport 12.07.2019 02.08.2019 16.07.2019
Economic (RS) (02-07) 02-18)
Authority of India
(Amendment) Bill,
25 The Motor Vehicles 15.07.2019 23.07.2019 31.07.2019
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) *05.08.2019 (04-07)
2019 (05-13)
26 The National 22.07.2019 29.07.2019 01.08.2019
Medical (LS) *05.08.2019 (04-56)
Commission Bill, (06-07)
27 The Jammu and 05.08.2019 06.08.2019 05.08.2019
Kashmir (RS) (08-22) (07-21)
Reorganisation Bill,
28 The Consumer 08.07.2019 30.07.2019 06.08.2019
Protection Bill, (LS) (03-55) (03-42)
29 The Public Premises 08.07.2019 31.07.2019 06.08.2019
(Eviction of (LS) (02-02) (01-33)
Amendment Bill,
30 The Supreme Court 05.08.2019 05.08.2019 07.08.2019
(Number of Judges) (LS) (02-33) (00-03)
Amendment Bill,
31 The Jallianwala 08.07.2019 02.08.2019 19.11.2019
Bagh National (LS) (03-25) (02-38)
(Amendment) Bill,
32 The Transgender 19.07.2019 05.08.2019 26.11.2019
Persons (Protection (LS) (03-52) (04-46)
of Rights) Bill, 2019

33 The National 30.07.2019 26.11.2019 06.08.2019

Institute of Design (RS) (02-26) (00-53)
(Amendment) Bill,

34 The Chit Funds 05.08.2019 20.11.2019 28.11.2019

(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (05-51) (03-00)
35 The Prohibition of 22.11.2019 27.11.2019 02.12.2019
Electronic (LS) (05-03) (04-24)
Import, Export,
Transport, Sale,
Storage and
Advertisement) Bill,
36 The Special 25.11.2019 27.11.2019 03.12.2019
Protection Group (LS) (02-51) (02-23)
(Amendment) Bill,
37 The Dadra and 26.11.2019 27.11.2019 03.12.2019
Nagar Haveli and (LS) (00-52) (01-07)
Daman and Diu
(Merger of Union
Territories) Bill,
38 The National 26.11.2019 28.11.2019 04.12.2019
Capital Territory of (LS) (04-25) (03-10)
Delhi (Recognition
of Property Rights
of Residents in
Colonies) Bill, 2019
39 The Taxation Laws 25.11.2019 02.12.2019 05.12.2019
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (04-54) (03-06)
40 The Recycling of 25.11.2019 03.12.2019 09.12.2019
Ships Bill, 2019 (LS) (03-53) (03-48)
41 The Arms 29.11.2019 09.12.2019 10.12.2019
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (02-47) (02-19)
42 The Citizenship 09.12.2019 09.12.2019 11.12.2019
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (07-28) (08-31)
43 The Constitution 09.12.2019 10.12.2019 12.12.2019
(One Hundred (LS) (04-12) (03-25)
Amendment) Bill,
44 The International 25.11.2019 11.12.2019 12.12.2019
Financial Services (LS) (03-05) (00-37)
Centres Authority
Bill, 2019
45 The Appropriation 04.12.2019 04.12.2019 12.12.2019
(No. 3) Bill, 2019 (LS) (00-04) (01-25)
46 The Constitution 09.01.2019 11.02.2020 12.12.2019
(Scheduled Tribes (RS) (01-22) *11.03.2020
Order (Amendment) (01-32)
Bill, 2020
47 The Mineral Laws 02.03.2020 06.03.2020 12.03.2020
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (00-09) (01-32)
48 The Insolvency and 12.12.2019 06.03.2020 12.03.2020 The Bill was
Bankruptcy Code (LS) (00-09) (01-21) referred to
(Amendment) Bill, Department
2020 Related
Committee on
Finance and
report was
presented to Lok
Sabha on 4
March, 2020.
49 The Direct Tax 05.02.2020 04.03.2020 13.03.2020
Vivad Se Vishwas (LS) (00-30) (01-32)
Bill, 2020
50 The Central Sanskrit 11.12.2019 12.02.2020 16.03.2020
Universities Bill, (LS) *20.03.2020 (02-39)
2019 (03-58)
51 The Appropriation 16.03.2020 16.03.2020 23.03.2020
Bill, 2020 (LS) (00-04) (00-05)
52 The Appropriation 18.03.2020 18.03.2020 23.03.2020
(No. 2) Bill, 2020 (LS) (00-02) (00-05)
53 The Jammu and 18.03.2020 18.03.2020 23.03.2020
Kashmir (LS) (00-02) (02-04)
Appropriation Bill,
54 The Jammu and 18.03.2020 18.03.2020 23.03.2020
Kashmir (LS) (00-02) (02-04)
Appropriation (No.
2) Bill, 2020
55 The Jammu and 18.03.2020 18.03.2020 23.03.2020
Kashmir (LS) (00-02) (02-04)
Appropriation (No.
3) Bill, 2020
56 The Jammu and 18.03.2020 18.03.2020 23.03.2020
Kashmir (LS) (00-02) (02-04)
Appropriation (No.
4) Bill, 2020
57 The Finance Bill, 01.02.2020 23.03.2020 23.03.2020
2020 (LS) (00-29) (00-05)

58 The National 07.01.2019 14.09.2020 18.03.2020 The Bill was

Commission for (RS) (00-33) (04-50) referred to
Homoeopathy Bill, Department
2020 related Standing
Committee on
Health and
Family Welfare
and report was
presented to the
Rajya Sabha on
27th November,
59 The National 07.01.2019 14.09.2020 18.03.2020 The Bill was
Commission for (RS) (00-33) (04-50) referred to
Indian System of Department
Medicine Bill, 2020 related Standing
Committee on
Health and
Family Welfare
and report was
presented to the
Rajya Sabha on
27th November,
60 The Aircraft 04.02.2020 17.03.2020 15.09.2020
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (03-06) (02-10)

61 The Institute of 10.02.2020 19.03.2020 16.09.2020

Teaching and (LS) (03-22) (01-34)
Research of
Ayurveda Bill, 2020

62 The Salary, 14.09.2020 15.09.2020 18.09.2020

Allowance and (LS) (01-15) (01-20)
Pension of Members
of Parliament
(Amendment) Bill,
63 The Farmers’ 14.09.2020 17.09.2020 20.09.2020
Produce Trade and (LS) (05-36) (03-46)
(Promotion and
Facilitation) Bill,
64 The Farmers’ 14.09.2020 17.09.2020 20.09.2020
(Empowerment and (LS) (05-36) (03-46
Agreement of Price
Assurance and Farm
Services Bill, 2020
65 The Salary and 14.09.2020 20.09.2020 18.09.2020
Allowances of (RS) (00-08) (01-20)
(Amendment) Bill,
66 The Insolvency and 15.09.2020 21.09.2020 19.09.2020
Bankruptcy Code (RS) (02-26) (01-57)
Amendment) Bill,
67 The Epidemic 14.09.2020 21.09.2020 19.09.2020
Diseases (RS) (03-15) (01-54)
(Amendment) Bill,
68 The Homoeopathy 14.09.2020 21.09.2020 18.09.2020
Central Council (RS) (00-44) (01-42)
(Amendment) Bill,
69 The Indian 14.09.2020 21.09.2020 18.09.2020
Medicine Central (RS) (00-44) (01-42)
(Amendment) Bill,
70 The Indian Institutes 04.03.2020 20.03.2020 22.09.2020
of Information (LS) (02-24) (00-56)
Technology Laws
(Amendment) Bill,
71 The Essential 14.09.2020 15.09.2020 22.09.2020
Commodities (LS) (02-23) (00-42)
(Amendment) Bill,
72 The Regulation 14.09.2020 16.09.2020 22.09.2020
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (03-27) (00-42)
73 The Companies 17.03.2020 19.09.2020 22.09.2020
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (01-21) (00-27)
74 The National 23.03.2020 20.09.2020 22.09.2020
Forensic Sciences (LS) (00-06) (00-19)
University Bill,
75 The Rashtriya 23.03.2020 20.09.2020 22.09.2020
Raksha University (LS) (00-11) (00-17)
Bill, 2020
76 The Taxation and 18.09.2020 19.09.2020 22.09.2020
Other Laws (LS) (04-09) (00-12)
(Relaxation and
Amendment of
Certain Provisions)
Bill, 2020
77 The Appropriation 18.09.2020 18.09.2020 23.09.2020
(No. 4) Bill, 2020 (LS) (00-02) (00-05)
78 The Appropriation 18.09.2020 18.09.2020 23.09.2020
(No. 3) Bill, 2020 (LS) (00-02) (00-05)
79 The Foreign 20.09.2020 21.09.2020 23.09.2020
Contribution (LS) (01-41) (00-51)
Amendment Bill,
80 The Bilateral 14.09.2020 20.09.2020 23.09.2020
Netting of Qualified (LS) (00-12) (00-53)
Financial Contracts
Bill, 2020
81 The Industrial 19.09.2020 22.09.2020 23.09.2020
Relations Code, (LS) (03-02) (01-43)
82 The Code on Social 19.09.2020 22.09.2020 23.09.2020
Security, 2020 (LS) (03-02) (01-43)
83 The Occupational 19.09.2020 22.09.2020 23.09.2020
Safety, Health and (LS) (03-02) (01-43)
Working Conditions
Code, 2020
84 The Jammu and 22.09.2020 22.09.2020 23.09.2020
Kashmir Official (LS) (00-17) (00-31)
Languages Bill,

85 The Major Port 12.03.2020 23.09.2020 10.02.2021

Authorities Bill, (LS) *12.02.2021 (02-23)
2021 (00-41)
86 The Jammu and 04.02.2021 13.02.2021 08.02.2021
Kashmir (RS) (03-57) (01-50)
(Amendment) Bill,
87 The Arbitration and 04.02.2021 12.02.2021 10.03.2021
Conciliation (LS) (02-28) (00-29)
(Amendment) Bill,
88 The National 08.02.2021 10.03.2021 09.02.2021
Capital Territory of (RS) (00-27) (01-07)
Delhi Laws (Special
Provisions) Second
(Amendment), Bill,
89 The Medical 02.03.2020 17.03.2020 16.03.2021
Termination of (LS) *19.03.2021 (02-12)
Pregnancy (02-14)
(Amendment) Bill,
90 The Insurance 15.03.2021 22.03.2021 18.03.2021
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (02-35) (03-24)
91 The Mines and 15.03.2021 19.03.2021 22.03.2021
Minerals (LS) (03-26) (04-01)
(Developments and
Amendment Bill,
92 The Constitution 13.02.2021 19.03.2021 22.03.2021
(Scheduled Castes) (LS) (02-07) (01-20)
Order (Amendment)
Bill, 2021
93 The Appropriation 17.03.2021 17.03.2021 23.03.2021
(No.2) Bill, 2021 (LS) (00-02) (03-03)

94 The Appropriation 18.03.2021 18.03.2021 23.03.2021

Bill, 2021 (LS) (00-02) (03-03)

*Amendment made by Rajya Sabha was agreed to by Lok Sabha.

95 The Jammu and 18.03.2021 18.03.2021 23.03.2021

Kashmir (LS) (00-02) (03-03)
Appropriation Bill,
96 The Jammu and 18.03.2021 18.03.2021 23.03.2021
Kashmir (LS) (00-02) (03-03)
Appropriation (No.
2) Bill, 2021
97 The Puducherry 18.03.2021 18.03.2021 23.03.2021
Appropriation Bill, (LS) (00-02) (03-03)
98 The Puducherry 18.03.2021 18.03.2021 23.03.2021
Appropriation (Vote (LS) (00-02) (03-03)
on Account) Bill,
99 The Finance Bill, 01.02.2021 23.03.2021 24.03.2021
20121 (LS) (06-08) (06-20)
100 The National 15.09.2020 24.03.2021 16.03.2021
Commission for (RS) (02-51) (01-35)
Allied and
Professions Bill,
101 The Government of 15.03.2021 22.03.2021 24.03.2021
National Capital (LS) (02-33) (03-05)
Territory of Delhi
(Amendment) Bill,
102 The National Bank 22.03.2021 23.03.2021 25.03.2021
for Financing (LS) (02-42) (01-49)
Infrastructure and
Development Bill,
103 The National 13.02.2019 26.07.2021 15.03.2021 The Bill was
Institute of Food (RS) (00-06) (01-05) referred to
Technology Department
Entrepreneurship Related
and Management Standing
Bill, 2021 Committee on
Agriculture and
report was
presented on 3rd
104 The Marine Aids to 15.03.2021 22.03.2021 27.07.2021
Navigation Bill, (LS) (01-20) (00-38)

105 The Juvenile Justice 15.03.2021 24.03.2021 28.07.2021

(Care and Protection (LS) (03-58) (00-19)
of Children)
Amendment Bill,

106 The Factoring 14.09.2020 26.07.2021 29.07.2021 The Bill was

Regulation (LS) (00-13) (00-14) referred to
(Amendment) Bill, Department
2021 Related
Committee on
Finance and
report was
presented on 3rd
February, 2021.
107 The Inland Vessels 22.07.2021 29.07.2021 02.08.2021
Bill, 2021 (LS) (00-06) (00-32)
108 The Insolvency and 26.07.2021 28.07.2021 03.08.2021
Bankruptcy Code (LS) (00-05) (00-33)
109 The Coconut 29.07.2021 04.08.2021 30.07.2021
Development Board (RS) (00-05) (00-06)
(Amendment) Bill,
110 The Airports 24.03.2021 29.07.2021 04.08.2021 The Bill was
Economic (LS) (00-14) (00-17) referred to
Regulatory Department
Authority of India Related
(Amendment) Bill, Standing
2021 Committee on
Tourism and
Culture and
report was
presented on
22nd July, 2021.
111 The Commission for 30.07.2021 04.08.2021 05.08.2021
Air Quality (LS) (00-09) (00-30)
Management in
National Capital
Region and
Adjoining Areas
Bill, 2021
112 The Essential 22.07.2021 03.08.2021 05.08.2021
Defence Services (LS) (00-12) (00-31)
Bill, 2021

113 The Limited 30.07.2021 09.08.2021 04.08.2021

Liability Partnership (RS) (00-05) (00-24)
(Amendment) Bill,
114 The Deposit 30.07.2021 09.08.2021 04.08.2021
Insurance and Credit (RS) (00-05) (00-15)
(Amendment) Bill,
115 The Constitution 02.08.2021 09.08.2021 05.08.2021
(Scheduled Tribes) (RS) (00-10) (00-15)
Order (Amendment)
Bill, 2021.
116 The Tribunals 02.08.2021 03.08.2021 09.08.2021
Reforms Bill, 2021 (LS) (00-09) (00-58)

117 The Taxation Laws 05.08.2021 06.08.2021 09.08.2021

(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (00-06) (00-32)
118 The Central 05.08.2021 06.08.2021 09.08.2021
Universities (LS) (00-07) (00-25)
(Amendment) Bill,
119 The Constitution 09.08.2021 10.08.2021 11.08.2021
(One Hundred and (LS) (07-54) (05-31)
Amendment) Bill,
120 The General 30.07.2021 02.08.2021 11.08.2021
Insurance Business (LS) (00-08) (00-12)
Amendment Bill,
121 The National 09.08.2021 10.08.2021 11.08.2021
Commission for (LS) (00-05) (00-09)
(Amendment) Bill,

122 The National 09.08.2021 10.08.2021 11.08.2021

Commission for (LS) (00-05) (00-28)
Indian System of
(Amendment) Bill,
123 The Appropriation 28.07.2021 28.07.2021 02.08.2021
(No.3) Bill, 2021 (LS) (00-03) (00-01)
124 The Appropriation 28.07.2021 28.07.2021 02.08.2021
(No.4) Bill, 2021 (LS) (00-02) (00-01)

125 The Farm Laws 29.11.2021 29.11.2021 29.11.2021

Repeal Bill, 2021 (LS) (00-02) (00-07)

126 The Assisted 14.09.2020 01.12.2021 08.12.2021 The Bill was

Reproductive (LS) (03-51) (02-21) referred to
Technology Department
(Regulation) Bill, Related
2021 Standing
Committee on
Health and
Family Welfare
and report was
presented on
19 March,
127 The Dam Safety 29.07.2019 02.08.2019 02.12.2021
Bill, 2019 (L:S) **08.12.2021 (04-14)
128 The National 15.03.2021 06.12.2021 09.12.2021 The Bill was
Institute of (LS) (03-40) (03-06) referred to
Pharmaceutical Department
Education and Related
Research Standing
(Amendment) Bill, Committee on
2021 Chemicals and
Fertilizers and
report was
presented on 4th
August, 2021.
129 The High Court and 30.11.2021 08.12.2021 13.12.2021
Supreme Court (LS) (05-41) (03-50)
Judges (Salaries and
Conditions of
Amendment Bill,
130 The Central 03.12.2021 09.12.2021 14.12.2021
Vigilance (LS) (04-58) (01-31)
Amendment Bill,

131 The Delhi Special 03.12.2021 09.12.2021 14.12.2021

Police (LS) (04-58) (01-04)
(Amendment) Bill,
132 The Narcotic Drugs 06.12.2021 13.12.2021 20.12.2021
and Psychotropic (LS) (04-35) (01-07)
(Amendment) Bill,
133 The Surrogacy 15.07.2019 17.12.2021 18.12.2021 The Bill was
(Regulation) Bill, (LS) (02-18) (02-21) referred to
2019 Select
Committee and
report was
presented on 5th
February, 2020.
134 The Appropriation 20.12.2021 20.12.2021 21.12.2021
(No. 5) Bill, 2021 (LS) (00-02) (02-35)
135 The Election Laws 20.12.2021 20.12.2021 21.12.2021
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (00-26) (00-57)
136 The Appropriation 14.03.2022 14.03.2022 21.03.2022
(No. 2) Bill, 2022 (LS) (00-02) (03-50)
137 The Appropriation 14.03.2022 14.03.2022 21.03.2022
(No. 3) Bill, 2022 (LS) (00-02) (03-50)
138 The Jammu and 14.03.2022 14.03.2022 23.03.2022
Kashmir (LS) (00-02) (05-07)
Appropriation Bill,
139 The Jammu and 14.03.2022 14.03.2022 23.03.2022
Kashmir (LS) (00-02) (05-07)
Appropriation (No.
2) Bill, 2022
140 The Appropriation 24.03.2022 24.03.2022 29.03.2022
Bill, 2022 (LS) (00-02) (07-32)

141 The Finance Bill, 01.02.2022 25.03.2022 29.03.2022

2022 (LS) (04-37) (07-32)

142 The Chartered 17.12.2021 30.03.2022 05.04.2022 The Bill was

Accountants, the (LS) (04-34) (02-54) referred to
Cost and Works Department
Accountants and the Related
Company Standing
Secretaries Committee on
(Amendment) Bill, Finance and
2021 report was
presented on
March, 2022.

143 The Delhi 25.03.2022 30.03.2022 05.04.2022

Municipal (LS) (04-45) (03-32)
(Amendment) Bill,

144 The Constitution 07.02.2022 05.04.2022 30.03.2022

(Scheduled Castes (RS) (02-00) (01-14)
and Scheduled
Tribes) Orders
(Amendment) Bill,
145 The Constitution 07.02.2022 28.03.2022 06.04.2022
(Scheduled Tribes) (LS) (02-29) (01-11)
Order (Amendment)
Bill, 2022

146 The Criminal 28.03.2022 04.04.2022 06.04.2022

Procedure (LS) (04-59) (03-30)
(Identification) Bill,

147 The Weapons of 05.04.2022 06.04.2022 01.08.2022

Mass Destruction (LS) (02-52) (02-03)
and their Delivery
(Prohibition of
Unlawful Activities)
Amendment Bill,

148 The Indian Antarctic 01.04.2022 22.07.2022 01.08.2022

Bill, 2022 (LS) (00-36) (00-56)

149 The National Anti- 17.12.2021 27.07.2022 03.08.2022 The Bill was
Doping Bill, 2021 (LS) (03-25) (04-06) referred to
Committee on
Children, Youth
And Sports and
report was
presented on
23rd March,
150 The Family Courts 18.07.2022 26.07.2022 04.08.2022
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) 03-34) (00-50)

151 The Central 01.08.2022 03.08.2022 08.08.2022

Universities (LS) (01-46) (01-38)
(Amendment) Bill,
152 The Wild Life 17.12.2021 02.08.2022 08.12.2022 The Bill was
(Protection) (LS) (05-05) (04-36) referred to
Amendment Bill, Department
2022 Related
Committee on
Science and
Forests And
Climate Change
and report was
presented on
21st April, 2022.
153 The Energy 03.08.2022 08.08.2022 12.12.2022
Conservation (LS) (03-47) (04-29)
(Amendment) Bill,

154 The New Delhi 05.08.2022 08.08.2022 14.12.2022

International (LS) (00-58) (02-56)
Arbitration Centre
(Amendment) Bill,
155 #The Constitution 28.03.2022 01.04.2022 14.12.2022
(Scheduled Castes (LS) *21.12.2022 (03-59)
and Scheduled (03-22)
Tribes) Order
Amendment) Bill,
156 The Appropriation 14.12.2022 14.12.2022 21.12.2022
(No.4) Bill, 2022 (LS) (10-53) (07-56)
157 The Appropriation 14.12.2022 14.12.2022 21.12.2022
(No.5) Bill, 2022 (LS) (10-53) (07-56)
158 The Maritime Anti- 09.12.2019 19.12.2022 21.12.2022 The Bill was
Piracy Bill, 2022 (LS) (03-22) 02-31) referred to
Committee on
External Affairs
and report was
presented on
11th February,
159 The Constitution 09.12.2022 15.12.2022 22.12.2022
(Scheduled Tribes) (LS) (02-42) (02-03)
Order (Second
Amendment) Bill,
160 The Constitution 09.12.2022 19.12.2022 22.12.2022
(Scheduled Tribes) (LS) (02-21) (01-16)
Order (Fourth
Amendment) Bill,
161 The Jammu and 21.03.2023 21.03.2023 27.03.2023
Kashmir (LS) (00-15) (00-07)
(No.2) Bill, 2023
162 The Jammu and 21.03.2023 21.03.2023 27.03.2023
Kashmir (LS) (00-15) (00-07)
Appropriation Bill,
163 The Appropriation 21.03.2023 21.03.2023 27.03.2023
(No. 2) Bill, 2023 (LS) (00-15) (00-07)

164 The Appropriation 23.03.2023 23.03.2023 27.03.2023

Bill, 2023 (LS) (00-02) (00-07)
165 The Finance Bill, 01.02.2023 24.03.2023 27.03.2023
2023 (LS) *27.03.2023 (00-01)
166 The Competition 05.08.2022 29.03.2023 03.04.2023 The Bill was
(Amendment) Bill, (LS) (00-22) (00-01) referred to
2023 Department
Committee on
Finance and
report was
presented on
13th December,

*Based on information available in public websites including the websites of Lok Sabha Secretariat
and Rajya Sabha Secretariat.
TABLE – 18

Year Number of sittings Bills passed Year Number of sittings Bills passed
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha by both Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha by both
Houses of Houses of
Parliament Parliament
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1952 103 60 82 1953 137 100 58
1954 137 103 54 1955 139 111 60
1956 151 113 106 1957 104 78 68
1958 125 91 59 1959 123 87 63
1960 121 87 67 1961 102 75 63
1962 116 91 68 1963 122 100 58
1964 122 97 56 1965 113 96 51
1966 119 109 57 1967 110 91 38
1968 120 103 67 1969 120 102 58
1970 119 107 53 1971 102 89 87
1972 111 99 82 1973 120 105 70
1974 119 109 68 1975 63 58 57
1976 98 84 118 1977 86 70 48
1978 115 97 50 1979 66 54 32
1980 96 90 72 1981 105 89 62
1982 92 82 73 1983 93 77 49
1984 77 63 73 1985 109 89 92
1986 98 86 71 1987 102 89 61
1988 102 89 71 1989 83 71 38
1990 81 66 30 1991 90 82 63
1992 98 90 44 1993 89 79 75
1994 77 75 61 1995 78 77 45
1996 70 64 36 1997 65 68 35
1998 64 59 40 1999 51 48 39
2000 85 85 63 2001 81 81 61
2002 84 82 86 2003 74 74 56
2004 48 46 18 2005 85 85 56
2006 77 77 65 2007 66 65 46
2008 46 46 47 2009 64 63 41
2010 81 81 43 2011 73 73 36
2012 73+1 73+1 32 2013 63 63 29
2014 67 64 38 2015 72 69 36
2016 70 72 43 2017 61 61 44
2018 63 65 29 2019 67 65 49
2020 33 33 39 2021 59 58 51
2022 56 56 25 2023 25 25 06

+1 Special Session


The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 1987.


The Tamil Nadu Legislative Council (Repeal) Bill, 2012
The Readjustment of Representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Parliamentary and Assembly
Constituencies (Third) Bill,2013
The Delhi Rent (Repeal) Bill,2013
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2019
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Second Amendment) Bill, 2019


The Allied and Healthcare Professions Bill, 2018
The National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Bill, 2019.
The National Commission for Homoeopathy Bill, 2019.
The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Amendment) Bill, 2019
The Registration of Marriage of Non-Resident Indian Bill, 2019
The International Financial Services Centres Authority Bill, 2019
The Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill, 2019
The National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management Bill, 2019


The Constitution (79th Amendment) Bill, 1992. (small family norms for legislators)
The Delhi Rent (Amendment) Bill, 1997.
The Provisions of the Municipalities (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Bill, 2001.
The Seeds Bill, 2004.
The Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy Pharmacy Bill, 2005.
The Private Detective Agencies (Regulation) Bill, 2007.
The Pesticides Management Bill, 2008.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Amendment) Bill, 2008
The Mines (Amendment) Bill, 2011.
The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Amendment Bill, 2011.
The National Commission for Human Resources for Health Bill, 2011.
The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Amendment Bill, 2012.
The Building and Other Construction Workers Related Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2013.
The Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Bill, 2013.
The Rajasthan Legislative Council Bill,2013.
The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2013.
The Assam Legislative Council Bill, 2013.
The Registration (Amendment) Bill, 2013.
The Waqf Properties (Eviction of Un-authorized Occupants) Bill, 2014.



The Constitutional (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Third Amendment) Bill, 2019


The High Courts (Alteration of Names) Bill, 2016.
The Constitution (Schedule Castes and Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2016.
The Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Amendment Bill, 2017.
The Dentists (Amendment) Bill, 2017
The Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India (Amendment) Bill, 2018
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Bill, 2018
The Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Bill, 2018
The Dam Safety Bill, 2018
The Central Universities (Amendment) Bill, 2018
The National Institute of Design (Amendment) Bill, 2018
The Trade Union (Amendment) Bill, 2019
The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2019


The Factories (Amendment) Bill, 2014.
The Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2014.
The Lokpal and Lokayuktas and Other Related Law (Amendment) Bill, 2014.
The Merchant Shipping Bill, 2016
The Major Port Authorities Bill, 2016.
The Inter-State River Water Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 2017.
The National Medical Commission Bill, 2017.
The Chit Fund (Amendment) Bill, 2018.
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (Amendment) Bill, 2018
The Codes of Wages, 2017
The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Second
Bill, 2015.
The Whistle Blowers Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2015.
The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Bill,
The Factories (Amendment) Bill, 2016.
The Central Road Fund (Amendment) Bill, 2017.
The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2017
The Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2018
The Representation of People (Amendment) Bill, 2018
The Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Bill, 2018
The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2018
The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2018
The Consumer Protection Bill, 2018
The Muslim Women (Protection on Marriage) Bill, 2018
The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2018
The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2019
The Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019
The New Delhi International Arbitration Centre Bill, 2019
The DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill, 2019
The Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Bill, 2018
The Jallianwala Bagh National Memorial (Amendment) Bill, 2018


The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2017.
The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment) Bill, 2017.

The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019.
TABLE – 20


Year Number of Ordinances promulgated Year Number of Ordinances promulgated

1952 09 1953 07
1954 09 1955 07
1956 09 1957 06
1958 07 1959 03
1960 01 1961 03
1962 08 1963 —
1964 03 1965 07
1966 13 1967 09
1968 13 1969 10
1970 05 1971 23
1972 09 1973 04
1974 15 1975 29
1976 16 1977 16
1978 06 1979 10
1980 10 1981 12
1982 01 1983 11
1984 15 1985 08
1986 08 1987 10
1988 07 1989 02
1990 10 1991 09
1992 21 1993 34
1994 14 1995 15
1996 32 1997 31
1998 20 1999 10
2000 05 2001 12
2002 07 2003 08
2004 08 2005 04
2006 03 2007 08
2008 08 2009 09
2010 04 2011 03
2012 01 2013 11
2014 09 2015 09
2016 10 2017 07
2018 09 2019 16
2020 15 2021 11
2022 - 2023 01
TABLE – 21

Sessions of Date of delivery Names of mover and seconder on Dates of

Lok of the President’s Motion of Thanks discussion
Sabha Address
1st Session May 16, 1952 Shri Anil K. Chanda (Mover) May 19,20,21 & 22, 1952
Shri R. Venkataraman (Seconder)
3rd Session February 11,1953 Shri Shriman Narayan (Mover) February 13,14,16,17
Shri K. Raghu Ramaiah (Seconder) &18, 1953
6th Session February 15,1954 Shri G.H. Deshpande (Mover) February, 17,18 & 22,
Shri V.D. Tripathi (Seconder) 1954
9th Session February 21,1955 Shri T.N. Singh (Mover) February, 23,24 & 25
Shri C.P. Mathew (Seconder) 1955
12th Session February 15,1956 Shri Bhagwat Jha Azad (Mover) February 20,21,22 & 23
Shri S.V. Ramaswamy (Seconder) 1956
15th Session March 18,1957 Shri V.B. Gandhi (Mover) March 20 &21, 1957
Smt. Tarkeshwari Sinha (Seconder)
1st Session May 13, 1957 Shri M. Thirmula Rao (Mover) May 14, 15, 16 & 17,
Shri Mathura Prasad Mishra (Seconder) 1957
4th Session February 10, 1958 Shri Jagannath Rao (Mover) February 13, 14, 17 & 18,
Shri M.L. Dwivedi (Seconder) 1958
7th Session February 9,1959 Shri N.C. Kasliwal (Mover) February 13, 16,17, 18 &
Shri Joachim Alva (Seconder) 19, 1959
10th Session February 8, 1960 Shri T.N. Vishwanatha Reddy (Mover) February 15, 16, 17, 18,
Shri Ansar Harvani (Seconder) 19, & 22, 1960
13th Session February 14, 1961 Shri Bhakat Darshan (Mover) February, 20, 21, 22 &
Shri C.R. Pattabhirama (Seconder) 23, 1961
16th Session March 12, 1962 Dr. Sushila Nayar (Mover) March, 15, 16 & 19, 1962
Shri Ramanand Tirtha (Seconder)
1st Session April 18, 1962 Shri H.C. Mathur (Mover) April 26, 27, 30 and May
Shri Bhagwat Jha Azad (Seconder) 1& 2, 1962
4th Session February 18, 1963 Shri R. S. Pandey (Mover) February 20, 21, 22, 25 &
Dr. K.L. Rao (Seconder) 27, 1963
7th Session February 10, 1964 Shri Sachindra Chaudhury (Mover) February 13, 14, 17, 18 &
Smt. Subhadra Joshi (Seconder) 19, 1964
11th Session February 17, 1965 Shri H.C. Heda (Mover) February 19, 22, 23, 24 &
Lt. Col. Meharaj Kumar Dr. Vijay Ananda of 25, 1965
Vizianagram (Seconder)
14th Session February 14, 1966 Shri Shivajirao S. Deshmukh (Mover) February 21, 22, 23, 24,
Pt. Jawala Prasad Jyotishi (Seconder) 25, 28 and March 1, 1966
1st Session March 18, 1967 Shri K. Hanumanthaiya (Mover) March 21, 31 & April 3, 5
Shri V.N. Pandey (Seconder) 1967
4th Session February 12, 1968 Shri Chandrajeet Yadav (Mover) February 14, 15, 16, 19,
Shri M.N. Naghnnor (Seconder) 21, 22 & 23, 1968
7th Session February 17, 1969 Smt. Sushila Rohtagi (Mover) February, 20, 21, 24, 25
Shri R. Dasaratha Rama Reddy (Seconder) & 26, 1969
10th Session February 20, 1970 Shri K. Hanumanthaiya (Mover) February, 25, 26, 27 and
Smt. Savitri Shyam (Seconder) March 2, 3 & 4, 1970
1st Session March 23, 1971 Shri B.R. Bhagat (Mover) March 30,31 and April 1
Shri A.C. George (Seconder) & 2, 1971
4th Session March 13, 1972 Shri O.V. Alagesan (Mover) March 14, 16, 29, 30 and
Shri H.K.L. Bhagat (Seconder) April 3 & 4, 1972
7th Session February 19, 1973 Shri R.K. Sinha (Mover) February 21,22,23, 26 &
Shri K.P. Unikrishnan (Seconder) 27, 1973
10th Session February 18, 1974 Shri B.K. Das Chowdhury (Mover) February 25, 26, 27, 28
Shri Amrit Nahata (Seconder) and March 1, 1974
13th Session February 17, 1975 Shri C.M. Stephen (Mover) February 20,21, 24, 25,
Shri Satpal Kapur (Seconder) 26 & 27, 1975
16th Session January 05, 1976 Shri D.C. Goswami (Mover) January 6, 7, 8 & 9, 1976
Shri S.D. Singh (Seconder)
1st Session March 28, 1977 Shri Karpoori Thakur (Mover) March 31 and April 1, 4
Shri K.S. Hegde (Seconder) & 5, 1977
4th Session February 20, 1978 Shri Gauri Shankar Rai (Mover) February 24, 27, 28 and
Dr. Sushila Nayar (Seconder) March 1, 2, 3 & 6, 1978
7th Session February 19, 1979 Shri Yagya Datt Sharma (Mover) February 22, 23, 26, 27 &
Shri Asoke Krishna Dutt (Seconder) 28, 1979
1st Session January 23, 1980 Shri S.M. Krishna (Mover) January 25,28,29 & 30,
Smt. Mohsina Kidwai (Seconder) 1980
5th Session February 16, 1981 Shri V.N. Gadgil (Mover) February 19, 20, 23, 24
Shri Nawal Kishore (Seconder) 25 & 26, 1981
8th Session February 18, 1982 Prof. N.G. Ranga (Mover) February 23, 24, 26, 27
Shri H.K.L. Bhagat (Seconder) and March 1, 1982
11th Session February 18, 1983 Shri K. Brahmanand Reddy (Mover) February 22, 23, 24, 25,
Prof. K.K. Tewari (Seconder) 28 and March 1, 1983
14th Session February 23, 1984 Shri B.R. Bhagat (Mover) February 27, 28 and
Shri Xavier Arakal (Seconder) March 1, 1984
1st Session January 17, 1985 Prof. N.G. Ranga (Mover) January 18, 21 & 22,
Shri B.R.Bhagat (Seconder) 1985
5th Session February 20, 1986 Shri Eduardo Faleiro (Mover) February 25, 26 & 27,
Shri Zainul Basheer (Seconder) 1986
8th Session February 23, 1987 Shri Jagan Nath Kaushal (Mover) February 25, 26 and
Shri Bhagwat Jha Azad (Seconder) March 2, 3, 1987
10th Session February 22, 1988 Shri B. R. Bhagat (Mover) February 24, 25, 26, 29
Shri Naresh Chandra Chaturvedi (Seconder) and March 1, 2, 1988
13th Session February 21, 1989 Shri V. N. Gadgil (Mover) February 23, 24, 27, 28
Shri R. L. Bhatia (Seconder) and March 1, 2 & 3, 1989
1st Session December 20, 1989 Shri Satyapal Malik (Mover) December 27 & 28, 1989
Shri S. Kundu (Seconder)
2nd Session March 12, 1990 Shri Hari Kishore Singh (Mover) March 14, 15 & 16, 1990
Shri Brij Bhushan Tiwari (Seconder)
7th Session February 21, 1991 Shri Kapil Dev Shastri (Mover) February 27 and March 4,
Shri Brij Bhushan Tiwari (Seconder) 5 & 6, 1991
1st Session July 11, 1991 Shri Buta Singh (Mover) July 16, 17, 18 & 19,
Shri Ramesh Chennithala (Seconder) 1991
3rd Session February 24, 1992 Shri P.M. Sayeed (Mover) March 3, 4, 5, 6 & 9,
Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal (Seconder) 1992
6th Session February 22, 1993 Shri Digvijay Singh (Mover) March 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 &
Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar (Seconder) 11, 1993
9th Session February 21, 1994 Shri Shiv Charan Mathur (Mover) February 28 and March 1,
Prof. K. V. Thomas (Seconder) 3, 7 & 8, 1994
13th Session February 13, 1995 Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar (Mover) April 25, 26 & 28, 1995
Shri Rajnath Sonkar Shastri (Seconder)
16th Session February 26, 1996 Shri P.C. Chacko (Mover) March 12, 1996
Dr. Girija Vyas (Seconder)
1st Session May 24, 1996 The Speaker had admitted vide Lok Sabha Part-II
Bulletin No. 70 dated 27.05.1996, the “Motion of
Thanks” on the President’s Address to be moved by
Shri Krishan Lal Sharma and Seconded by Smt. Rita
Verma. However, due to resignation of Govt. headed by
Sh. A.B. Vajpayee on 28.05.1996, the discussion on
President’s Address was not taken up as per decision
taken by the new Govt. which took over office on
4th Session February 20, 1997 Shri Sharad Yadav (Mover) February 24,25,26,27,28
Shri N.S.V. Chithan (Seconder) and March 3 & 4, 1997
1st Session March 25, 1998 Shri Shanta Kumar (Mover) March 30 & 31, 1998
Shri Vaiko (Seconder)
4th Session February 22, 1999 Smt. Sushma Swaraj (Mover) March 11, 12 & 15, 1999
Shri Ajit Kumar Panja (Seconder)


1st Session October 25, 1999 Shri Vijay Kumar Malhotra (Mover) October 25, 26 & 27,
Shri Vaiko (Seconder) 1999
3rd Session February 23, 2000 Shri Madan Lal Khurana (Mover) March 16, April 17, 18 &
Dr. Nitish Sengupta (Seconder) 25, 2000
6th Session February 19, 2001 Shri Vijay Kumar Malhotra (Mover) March 7, 8 & 12, 2001
Dr. S. Venugopal (Seconder)
9th Session February 25, 2002 Shri Vijay Kumar Malhotra (Mover) March 15 & 16, 2002
Shri Anant Gangaram Geete (Seconder)
12th Session February 17, 2003 Shri Vijay Kumar Malhotra (Mover) February 24, 25 &
Shri Suresh Prabhu (Seconder) March 3, 2003
Fourteenth Lok Sabha
1st Session June 7, 2004 Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal (Mover) June 8-10, 2004*
Shri Jyotiraditya Madhavarao Scindia (Seconder)
Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal (Mover) March 2, 9 & 10,
4th Session February 25, 2005 Shri Ajay Makan (Seconder) 2005
Shri Madhusudan Mistry (Mover) Feb. 20, 21, 22 &
7th Session February 16, 2006 Shri Jyotiraditya Madhavarao Scindia (Seconder) 23, 2006
Shri Madhusudan Mistry (Mover) March 1, 7 & 8,
10th Session February 23, 2007 Shri Sandeep Dikshit (Seconder) 2007
Shri Ajit Jogi (Mover) March 3, 4, & 5, 2008
13th Session February 25, 2008 Shri Krishna Tirath (Seconder)
Shri V. Kishore Chandra S. Deo (Mover) February 17 & 18, 2009
15th Session February 12, 2009 Shri Madhusudan Mistry (Seconder)
Dr. Girija Vyas (Mover)
1st Session June 4, 2009 Shri P.C. Chacko (Seconder) June 5, 8 & 9, 2009
Shri Inderjit Singh Rao (Mover)
4th Session February 22, 2010 Km. Meenakshi Natarajan (Seconder) March 3, 4 & 5, 2010
Shri P.C. Chacko (Mover) February 22, 23, & 24,
7th Session February 21, 2011 Shri Manish Tewari (Seconder) 2011
Dr. (Smt.) Girija Vyas (Mover) March 13, 14, 15 & 19,
10th Session March 12, 2012 Dr. Shashi Tharoor (Seconder) 2012
Dr. P.C. Chacko (Mover) February 27 &
13th Session February 21, 2013 Dr. (Smt.) Girija Vyas (Seconder) March 6, 2013
1st Session June 9, 2014 Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy (Mover) June 10 & 11, 2014
Shri Ramvilas Paswan (Seconder)
4th Session February 23, 2015 Shri Anurag Singh Thakur (Mover) February 24, 25, 26 and
ShriNishikant Dubey (Seconder) 27, 2015
7th Session February 23, 2016 Shrimati Meenakshi Lekhi (Mover) February 24, 25, 26 and
Shrimati Harsimrat Kaur Badal (Seconder) March 2 and 3, 2016
11th Session January 31, 2017 Dr. Mahesh Sharma (Mover) February 3, 6 and 7, 2017.
ShriVirendra Singh (Seconder)
14th Session January 29, 2018 ShriRakesh Singh (Mover) February 6 and 7, 2018.
ShriVenkatesh Joshi (Seconder)
17th Session January 31, 2019 Shri Hukmdev Narayan Yadav (Mover) February 5 and 7, 2019.
Shri Jagdambika Pal (Seconder)
1st Session June 20, 2019 Shri Pratap Chandra Sarangi (Mover) June 24 and 25, 2019.
Dr. Heena Gavit (Seconder)
3rd Session January 31, 2020 Shri Parvesh Sahib Singh Verma (Mover) February, 6, 10 and 11,
Shri Ram Kripal Yadav (Seconder) 2020
5th Session 29th January, 2021 Shrimati Locket Chatterjee (Mover) February, 2, 8, 9 and 10,
Dr. Virendra Kumar (Seconder) 2021
8th Session 31st January, 2022 Shri Harish Dwivedi (Mover) February, 2,3,4 and 7,
Shri Kamlesh Paswan (Seconder) 2022
11th Session 31st January, 2023 Shri Chandra Prakash Joshi (Mover) February 7 and 8, 2023
Dr Uday Pratap Singh (Seconder)
* Adopted without reply by the Prime Minister or any other Minister on his behalf.
Session of Date of delivery Names of mover and seconder on Dates of
the Rajya of the President’s Motion of Thanks Discussion
Sabha Address
1st Session May 16, 1952 Diwan Chaman Lal (Mover) May 19, 20 & 21, 1952
Begam Aizaz Rasul (Seconder)
3rd Session February 11, 1953 Shri K. Rama Rao (Mover) February 13,14,16 & 17, 1953
Shri R.D. Sinha Dinkar (Seconder)
6th Session February 15, 1954 Shri R.M. Deshmukh (Mover) February 17, 18 & 19, 1954
Shri A. Satyanarayana Raju (Seconder)
9th Session February 21, 1955 Dr. P. Subbarayan (Mover) February 23, 24 & 25, 1955
Dr. Raghuvira (Seconder)
12th Session February 15, 1956 Shri Indra Vidya Vachaspathi (Mover) February 21, 22 & 23, 1956
Shri Govinda Reddy (Seconder)
16th Session March 18, 1957 Shri P.M. Sapru (Mover) March 19 & 20, 1957
Shri Humayun Kabir (Seconder)
17th Session May 13, 1957 Shri Algurai Shastri (Mover) May 16, 17 & 20, 1957
Shri Anup Singh (Seconder)
20th Session February 10, 1958 Shri Jai Narain Vyas (Mover) February 12,13 & 17, 1958
Smt. Pushpa Lata Das (Seconder)
24th Session February 9, 1959 Shri T.S. Pattabiraman (Mover) February 11,12,16 & 17, 1959
Smt. S.D. Nigam (Seconder)
28th Session February 8, 1960 Shri Jaspat Roy Kapoor (Mover) February 10,11 & 12, 1960
Shri Lavji Lakhamshi (Seconder)
32nd Session February 14, 1961 Dr. Nihar Ranjan Ray (Mover) February 16, 17 & 20, 1961
Smt. Seeta Ydhvir (Seconder)
37th Session March 12, 1962 Shri M.P. Bhargava (Mover) March 13, 14 & 15, 1962
Shri Pir Mohd. Khan (Seconder)
38th Session April 18, 1962 Shri Ram Dhari Sinha Dinkar (Mover) April 30 and May 1, 2 & 3, 1962
Shri T.S. Avinashlingam Chettiar (Seconder)
42nd Session February 18, 1963 Shri Akbar Ali Khan (Mover) February 20,21,22 & 25, 1963
Smt. Maya Devi Chettry (Seconder)
46th Session February 10, 1964 Shri Deokinandan Narayan (Mover) February 12, 13, 17,18,19 & 20, 1964
Km. Shanta Vasisht (Seconder)
51st Session February 17, 1965 Smt. Shyam Kumari Khan (Mover) March 2,3,4,8 & 9, 1965
Shri D.P. Karmarkar (Seconder)
55th Session February 14, 1966 Shri M. Satyanarayana (Mover) February 22,23,24,28 and March 1 &
Shri Nafisul Hasan (Seconder) 2, 1966
59th Session March 18, 1967 Shri Debabrata Mookerjee (Mover) March 20,21,22,23 & 27, 1967
Shri B.P. Tiwary (Seconder)
63rd Session February 12, 1968 Shri R.N.Mirdha (Mover) February 15, 19, 20,21 & 22, 1968
Shri R.T. Parathasarthy (Seconder)
67th Session February 17, 1969 Shri R.T. Parthsarthy (Mover) February 19,20,24 & 25, 1969
Dr. (Mrs.) Mangladevi Talwar (Seconder)
71st Session February 20, 1970 Shri Arjun Arora (Mover) February 23, 25, 26 and March 2,
Smt. Lalitha Rajagopalan (Seconder) 1970
75th Session March 23, 1971 Smt. Purabi Mukhopadhyay (Mover) March 24 and April 1 & 5, 1971
Shri Sawai Singh Sisodia (Seconder)
79th Session March 13, 1972 Shri Bipinpal Das (Mover) March 14,15,16 & 20, 1972
Shri Triloki Singh (Seconder)
83rd Session February 19, 1973 Shri Vithal Gadgil (Mover) February 21,22,23,26,27 &28, 1973
Shri Harsh Deo Malaviya (Seconder)
87th Session February 18, 1974 Shri V.B. Raju (Mover) February 25,26,27 & 28, 1974
Shri Syed Hussain (Seconder)
91st Session February 17, 1975 Shri Mulka Govinda Reddy (Mover) February 19,20,24,25 & 26, 1975
Shri Jagdish Joshi (Seconder)
94th Session January 5, 1976 Dr. V.P. Dutt (Mover) January 6,7 & 8, 1976
Smt. Lakshmi Kumari Chundawat (Seconder)
100th Session March 28, 1977 Shri B.S. Shekhawat (Mover) April 4,5,6 & 7, 1977
Shri Bhanu Pratap Singh (Seconder)
104th Session February 20, 1978 Shri S.S. Bhandari (Mover) February 22,23 & 27, 1978
Prof. Ram Lal Parikh (Seconder)
108th Session February 19, 1979 Shri Surenda Mohan (Mover) February 21,22,26,27 & 28, 1979
Shri Manubhai Patel (Seconder)
112th Session $January 23, 1980 Shri A.R. Antulay (Mover) January 28,29 & 30, 1980
Shri Kalp Nath Rai (Seconder)
117th Session February 16, 1981 Shri Shrikant Verma (Mover) February 19,23,24 & 25, 1981
Shri M.C. Bhandare (Seconder)
121st Session February 18, 1982 Dr. Rafiq Zakeria (Mover) February 24,25,27 and March 1, 1982
Shri N.N. Pandey (Seconder)
125th Session February 18, 1983 Shri B.P. Maurya (Mover) February 22,23,24,25,28 and March
Smt. Margaret Alva (Seconder) 1, 1983
129th Session February 23, 1984 Shri Hansraj Bhardwaj (Mover) February 27,28 and March 1 & 2,
Shri Syed Rahmet Ali (Seconder) 1984
132nd Session January 17, 1985 Shri Darbara Singh (Mover) January 21,22 & 23, 1985
Shri M.M. Jacob (Seconder)
137th Session February 20, 1986 Shri N.K.P. Salve (Mover) February 26,27 and March 4 & 5,
Shri Sukhdev Prasad (Seconder) 1986
141st Session February 23, 1987 Shri Bhuvnish Chaturvedi (Mover) February 25 and March 2,3 & 4, 1987
Shri H. Hanumanthappa (Seconder)
145th Session February 22, 1988 Shri A.G. Kulkarni (Mover) February 24,25,26,29 and March 1 &
Mirza Irshad Baig (Seconder) 2, 1988
149th Session February 21, 1989 Shri P.N. Sukul (Mover) February 23,24,27,28 and March 1,2
Shri Deba Prasad Ray (Seconder) & 3, 1989
152nd Session December 20, 1989 Shri Yashwant Sinha (Mover) December 26,27,28 & 29, 1989
Shri B. Satyanarayan Reddy (Seconder)
153rd Session March 12, 1990 Shri Virendra Varma (Mover) March 15,16,19,20,23 & 26, 1990
Shri N.E. Balaram (Seconder)
157th Session February 21, 1991 Shri Vishwas Rao Ramrao Patil (Mover) February 26,27 and March 5, 1991
Shri Mohinder Singh Lather (Seconder)
159th Session July 11, 1991 Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan (Mover) July 17,18,19 & 20, 1991
Shri Syed Sibtey Razi (Seconder)
162nd Session February 24, 1992 Shri Ram Naresh Yadav (Mover) March 3,4,5,6,9 & 10, 1992
Shri H. Hanumanthappa (Seconder)
166th Session February 22, 1993 Shri V. Narayanasamy (Mover) March 1,2,3,4,10 & 11, 1993
Shri Madan Bhatia (Seconder)
170th Session February 21, 1994 Shri S.S. Ahluwalia (Mover) February 23 and March 1,2,3,4 & 8,
Shri Shamim Hashmi (Seconder) 1994
173rd Session February 13, 1995 Shri Suresh Panchouri (Mover) April 25,26,27 &28, 1995
Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan (Seconder)
176th Session February 26, 1996 Shri Jagesh Desai (Mover) February 28,29 and March 1, 1996
Shri Ajit P.K. Jogi (Seconder)
177th Session May 24, 1996 The Govt. headed by Sh. A.B. Vajpayee resigned
on 28.05.1996 (A Motion of Thanks given notice
of by Shri S.S. Bhandari and seconded by Shri
Bangaru Laxman was not admitted in the Rajya
Sabha and the House was adjourned sine-die on
180th Session February 20, 1997 Smt. Kamla Sinha (Mover) February 24,25,26,27 and March
Shri Solipeta Ramachandra Reddy (Seconder) 3,4,5 & 6, 1997
183rd Session March 25, 1998 Shri Sunder Singh Bhandari (Mover) March 30,31 and April 1 & 2, 1998
Shri G. Swaminathan (Seconder)
186th Session February 22,1999 Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra (Mover) February 24,25,26 and March 8,9, &
Sardar Balwinder Singh Bhundar (Seconder) 10, 1999
187th Session October 25, 1999 Shri Arun Shourie (Mover) October 25, 26,27 & 28, 1999
Shri S. Viduthalai Virumbi (Seconder)
189th Session February 23, 2000 Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu (Mover) April 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 & 27, 2000
Shri Satish Pradhan (Seconder)
192nd Session February 19, 2001 Shri T.N. Chaturvedi (Mover) March 1, 7, 8 & 12, 2001
Shri Sharif-Ud-Din Shariq (Seconder)
195th Session February 25, 2002 Dr. Mahesh Chandra Sharma (Mover) March 13, 14, 15 & 18, 2002
Shri B.J. Panda (Seconder)
198th Session February 17, 2003 Dr. L.M. Singhvi (Mover) February 20, 24, 25 & March 4, 2003
Shri Satish Pradhan (Seconder)
201st Session June 7, 2004 Dr. Karan Singh (Mover) June 8-10, 2004*
Shri Vayalar Ravi (Seconder)
204th Session Feb. 25, 2005 Dr. Karan Singh (Mover) March 3, 9 & 10,
Shri Vayalar Ravi (Seconder) 2005
207th Session Feb. 16, 2006 Dr. Karan Singh (Mover) Feb. 20, 21 & 22,2006
Shri Rashid Alvi (Seconder)
210th Session Feb. 23, 2007 Dr. Karan Singh (Mover) March 1, 6, 7 & 8, 2007
Shri Rashid Alvi (Seconder)
213th Session Feb. 25, 2008 Shri Janardan Dwivedi (Mover) Feb. 28
Dr. Abhishek Singhvi (Seconder) March 3, 4 & 5, 2008
215th Session Feb. 12, 2009 Shri Jai Prakash Aggarwal (Mover) Feb 17 & 18, 2009
Shri Shantaram Laxman Nair (Seconder)
216th Session June 4, 2009 Shri Satyavrat Chaturvedi (Mover) June 5, 8 & 9, 2009
Shri Keshava Rao (Seconder)
219th Session Feb. 22, 2010 Prof. P.J. Kurien (Mover) March 3, 4 & 5, 2010
Shri Santosh Bagrodia (Seconder)
222th Session February 21, 2011 Shri Janardan Dwivedi (Mover) February 22, 23 & 24, 2011
Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan (Seconder)
225th Session March 12, 2012 Shri Satyavrat Chaturvedi (Mover) March 14, 15, 19 & 20, 2012
Dr. E. M. Sudarsana Natchiappan (Seconder)
228th Session February 21, 2013 Smt. Renuka Chowdhary (Mover) March 6, 7 & 8, 2013
Shri Praveen Rashtrapal (Seconder)
231st Session June 9, 2014 Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi (Mover) June 10, 11, 2014
Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda (Seconder)
234th Session February 23, 2015 Shri Bhupendra Yadav (Mover) February 25, 26, 27 and March 2 and
Dr.ChandanMitra (Seconder) 3, 2015
238th Session February 23, 2016 ShriJagatPrakashNadda (Mover) March 2, 3, 8 and 9, 2016
Shri M. J. Akbar (Seconder)
242nd Session January 31, 2017 Shri Ravishankar Prasad (Mover) February 2, 6, 7 and 8, 2017
Dr. Vinay P. Sahasrabuddhe (Seconder)
245th Session January 29, 2018 Shri Amit Anil Chandra Shah (Mover) February 5, 6 and 7, 2017
Dr. Vinay P. Sahasrabuddhe (Seconder)
248th Session January 31, 2019 Shri Bhupendra Yadav (Mover) February, 6, 7 and 13, 2019*
Shri Vijay Goel (Seconder)
249th Session June 20, 2019 Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda (Mover) June 24, 25 and 26, 2019
Shri Sampatiya Uikey (Seconder)
251st Session January 31, 2020 Shri Bhupender Yadav (Mover) February, 10 and 11, 2020
Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi (Seconder)
253rd Session January 29, 2021 Shri Bhubaneswar Kalita (Mover) February 3, 4, 5 and 8, 2021
Shri Vijay Pal Tomar (Seconder)
256th Session January 31, 2022 Smt Geeta alias Chandraprabha (Mover) February, 2,3,4,7 and 8, 2022
Sh. Shwait Malik (Seconder)
259th Session January 31, 2023 Dr. K. Laxman (Mover) February 7,8 and 9, 2023
Shri Prakash Javadekar (Seconder)

* Adopted without reply by the Prime Minister or any other Minister on his behalf.
$ Adopted with amendments.
TABLE – 22

Year Date of Reply By Whom Time Allotted Time taken

Lok Rajya Lok Rajya Lok Rajya Lok Rajya
Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha
1952 22.5.52 21.5.52 PM PM 14 hrs 27 mts -
1953 18.2.53 17.2.53 PM %LOC 19 hrs 27 mts -
1954 22.2.54 19.2.54 PM PM 9 hrs 39 mts -
1955 25.2.55 25.2.55 PM @H.M. 12 hrs 11 mts 11 hrs 10 mts
1956 23.2.56 23.2.56 PM @H.M. 20 hrs 32 mts 12 hrs 40 mts
1957 21.3.57 20.3.57 PM PM 6 hrs 58 mts 9 hrs 15 mts
1957 17.5.57 20.5.57 @H.M. @H.M. 16 hrs 41 mts 10 hrs 20 mts
1958 18.2.58 17.2.58 PM &LOH 13 hrs 30 mts 9 hrs 45 mts
1959 19.2.59 17.2.59 PM @H.M. 17 hrs 30 mts 14 hrs 30 mts
1960 22.2.60 12.2.60 PM PM 20 hrs 35 mts 10 hrs 50 mts
1961 23.2.61 20.2.61 PM PM 17 hrs 15 mts 12 hrs 25 mts
1962 19.3.62 15.3.62 PM PM 10 hrs 40 mts 10 hrs 25 mts
1962 2.5.62 3.5.62 PM PM 17 hrs 20 mts 14 hrs 20 mts
1963 27.2.63 25.2.63 PM PM 23 hrs 10 mts 19 hrs 30 mts
1964 19.2.64 20.2.64 @@H.M. @@H.M. 21 hrs 21 hrs 10 mts
1965 2.3.65 9.3.65 PM PM 21 hrs 30 mts 15 hrs 50 mts
1966 1.3.66 2.3.66 PM PM 21 hrs 45 mts 18 hrs 20 mts
1967 5.4.67 25.3.67 PM PM 15 hrs 50 mts 13 hrs 35 mts
1968 23.2.68 22.2.68 PM PM 20 hrs 55 mts 17 hrs 21 mts
1969 26.2.69 25.2.69 PM PM 15 hrs 35 mts 13 hrs 10 mts
1970 4.3.70 2.3.70 PM PM 17 hrs 10 mts 16 hrs 03 mts
1971 2.4.71 5.4.71 PM PM 12 hrs 50 mts 12 hrs 45 mts
1972 4.4.72 20.3.72 PM PM 15 hrs 50 mts 12 hrs 45 mts
1973 27.2.73 28.2.73 PM PM 15 hrs 35 mts 15 hrs 05 mts
1974 1.3.74 28.2.74 PM PM 14 hrs 10 mts 13 hrs 30 mts
1975 27.2.75 26.2.75 PM PM 15 hrs 30 mts 13 hrs 10 mts
1976 9.1.76 8.1.76 PM PM 15 hrs 30 mts 13 hrs 31 mts
Date of Reply By Whom Time Alloted Time Taken
Year Lok Rajya Lok Rajya Lok Rajya Lok Rajya
Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha
!!1977 5.4.77 7.4.77 PM PM 16 hrs 15 mts 16 hrs 24 mts
1978 6.3.78 27.2.78 PM PM 16 hrs 12 hrs
1979 28.2.79 28.2.79 PM PM 13 hrs 50 mts 12 hrs 46 mts
1980 30.1.80 30.1.80 PM PM 10 hrs 08 mts 13 hrs 13 mts
1981 26.2.81 25.2.81 PM PM 13 hrs 15 mts 10 hrs 19 mts
1982 1.3.82 1.3.82 PM PM 12 hrs 22 mts 16 hrs 23 mts
1983 1.3.83 1.3.83 PM PM 14 hrs 02 mts 13 hrs 15 mts
1984 1.3.84 2.3.84 PM PM 11 hrs 05 mts 12 hrs 35 mts
9 hrs 28 9 hrs 37
1985 22.1.85 23.1.85 PM PM
mts mts
1986 27.2.86 5.3.86 PM PM 13 hrs 20 mts 14 hrs 45 mts
1987 3.3.87 4.3.87 PM PM 13 hrs 28 mts 16 hrs 21 mts
1988 2.3.88 2.3.88 PM PM 16 hrs 55 mts 17 hrs 15 mts
1989 3.3.89 3.3.89 PM PM 24 hrs 05 mts 20 hrs 15 mts
1989 28.12.89 29.12.89 PM PM 18 hrs 30 mts 18 hrs 21 mts
1990 16.3.90 26.3.90 PM PM 11 hrs 30 mts 16 hrs 38 mts
1991 6.3.91 5.3.91 PM PM 06 hrs 20 mts 4 hrs 32 mts
1991 19.7.91 20.7.91 PM PM 16 hrs 35 mts 18 hrs
1992 9.3.92 10.3.92 PM PM 16 hrs 36 mtd 15 hrs 50 mts
1993 11.3.93 11.3.93 PM PM 18 hrs 03 mts 16 hrs 49 mts
1994 8.3.94 8.3.94 PM PM 12 hrs 12 hrs 20 hrs 14 hrs
31 mts 20 mts
1995 28.4.95 28.4.95 PM PM 10 hrs 8 hrs 12 hrs 11 hrs
38 mts 15 mts
1996 12.3.96 1.3.96 PM PM - 6 hrs 28 mts 8 hrs
17 mts
1997 4.3.97 6.3.97 PM PM - 16 hrs 16 hrs 16 hrs
30 mts 58 mts
1998 31.3.98 2.4.98 PM PM - 16 hrs 12 hrs 17 hrs
32 mts 56 mts
1999 15.3.99 10.3.99 PM PM 8 hrs 16 hrs 12 hrs 18 hrs
13 mts 59 mts
1999 29.10.99 28.10.99 * LOH** 8 hrs 8 hrs 13 hrs 11 hrs
36 mts 45 mts
Date of Reply By Whom Time Allotted Time taken
Year Lok Rajya Lok Rajya Lok Rajya Lok Rajya
Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha
2000 25.04.00 27.04.00 PM LOH** 8 hrs 14 hrs 11 hrs 12 hrs
21 mts 28 mts
2001 12.03.01 12.3.2001 PM PM 10 hrs 16 hrs 13 hrs 18 hrs
32 mts 22 mts
2002 16.3.02 18.3.02 PM PM 12 hrs 8 hrs 12 hrs 10 hrs
24 mts
2003 3.3.03 4.3.03 PM PM 10 hrs 12 hrs 13 hrs 13 hrs
7 mts 32 mts
+2004 - - - - 10 hrs 12 hrs 20 mts 9 mts
2005 10.3.05 10.3.05 PM PM 12 hrs 8 hrs 11 hrs 9 hrs
22 mts 32 mts
2006 23.3.06 22.2.06 PM PM 12 hrs 12 hrs 14 hrs 13 hrs
34 mts 10 mts
2007 8.3.07 8.3.07 PM PM 10 hrs 12 hrs 12 hrs 13 hrs
43 mts 58 mts
2008 5.3.08 5.3.08 PM PM 12 hrs 16 hrs 12 hrs 16 hrs
33 mts 33 mts
2009 18.2.09 18.2.09 $ $$ 8 hrs 8 hrs 8 hrs 9 hrs
36 mts 51 mts
2009 9.6.09 9.6.09 PM PM 13 hrs 12 hrs 16 hrs 15 hrs
18 mts 52 mts
2010 5.3.10 5.3.10 PM PM 12 hrs 12 hrs 12 hrs 13 hrs
31 mts 23 mts
10 hrs 12 hrs
2011 24.2.2011 24.2.11 PM PM 10 hrs 12 hrs
7 mts 53 mts
14 hrs 13 hrs
2012 19.3.2012 20.3.12 PM PM 12 hrs 12 hrs
37 mts 37 mts
2013 6.3.2013 8.3.13 PM PM 12 hrs 12 hrs 11 hrs 47 mts 10 hrs 54 mts
14 hrs
2014 11.6.2014 11.6.14 PM PM 10 hrs 10 hrs 12 hrs 38 mts
7 mts
14 hrs 17 hrs
2015 27.2.2015 3.3.15 PM PM 10 hrs 10 hrs
5 mts 8 mts
11 hrs
2016 3.3.2016 9.3.16 PM PM 10 hrs 10 hrs 12 hrs 50 mts
44 mts
2017 07.02.2017 08.02.17 PM PM 8 hrs 12 hrs 10 hrs 38 mts 14 hrs 03 mts
2018 07.02.2018 07.02.18 PM PM 10 hrs 12 hrs 10 hrs 43 mts 14 hrs 19 mts
2019 07.02.2019 #13.02.19 PM - 8 hrs 10 hrs 11 hrs 16 mts -
2019 25.06.2019 26.06.19 PM PM 10 hrs 12 hrs 13 hrs 47 mts 14 hrs
2020 06.02.2020 06.02.20 PM PM 12 hrs 12 hrs 15 hrs 21 mts 14 hrs 33 mts
2021 10.02.2021 08.02.21 PM PM 10 hrs 10 hrs 16 hrs 58 mts 15 hrs 41 mts
2022 07.02.2022 08.02.22 PM PM 12 hrs 12 hrs 15 hrs 13 mts 13 hrs 17 mts
Date of Reply By Whom Time Allotted Time taken
Year Lok Rajya Lok Rajya Lok Rajya Lok Rajya
Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha Sabha

2023 8.2.23 9.2.23 PM PM 12 hrs 12 hrs 13 hrs 44 mts 12 hrs 42 mts

*Replied by Minister of Home Affairs, Shri L.K. Advani

** Shri Jaswant Singh, Minister of External Affairs and Leader of the House in the Rajya Sabha
In 2004, the Motions of Thanks were adopted by the two Houses on same day i.e. 10 June, 2004, without reply by the PM or
any Minister on his behalf.

$ Replied by Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Leader of the House and Minister of External Affairs and Minister of Finance.

$$ Replied by Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Minister of External Affairs and Minister of Finance.

#Motion was adopted without discussion.

% Replied by Leader of the Council, Shri C.C. Biswas.

!! The President’s Address was delivered by Vice President Shri B.D. Jatti acting as President.

@Replied by Minister of Home Affairs Pandit G.B. Pant.

@@ Replied by Minister of Home Affairs Shri Gulzarilal Nanda

& Replied by Leader of the House, Shri G.B. Pant.

TABLE – 23
1. Saturday The 27th February, 1954
2. Saturday The 27th February, 1955
3. Saturday The 28th February, 1981
4. Saturday The 27th February, 1982
5. Saturday The 28th February, 1983
6. Wednesday (Shivratri) The 29th February, 1984 (Holiday for Parliament)
7. Saturday The 28th February, 1987
8. Saturday The 29th February, 1992
9. Saturday The 27th February, 1999
10. Saturday The 28th February, 2015
11. Saturday The 1st February, 2020
TABLE – 24


Year Date and Day of Time of Whether Business transacted after

Presentation Presentation Presentation/Laying of Budget
in two Houses
1952 (Provisional Parliament) -- Houses were adjourned after presentation/laying
February 29, (Friday) of Budget, without transacting any further business.

1952 May 23, (Friday) 05:00 P.M. -do-

1953 February 27, (Friday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1954 February 27, (Saturday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1955 February 28, (Monday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1956 February 29, (Wednesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1957 March 19, (Tuesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1957 May 15, (Wednesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1958 February 28, (Friday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1959 February 28, (Saturday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1960 February 29, (Monday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1961 February 28, (Tuesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1962 March 14, (Wednesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1962 April 23, (Friday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1963 February 28, (Thursday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1964 February 29, (Saturday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1965 February 27, (Saturday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1966 February 28, (Monday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1967 March 20, (Monday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1967 May 25, (Thursday) 05:20 P.M. -do-
1968 February 29, (Thursday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1969 February 28, (Friday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1970 February 28, (Saturday) 05:18 P.M. -do-
1971 March 24, (Wednesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1971 May 28, (Friday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1972 March 16, (Thursday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1973 February 28, (Wednesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1974 February 28, (Thursday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1975 February 28, (Friday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1976 March 15, (Monday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1977 March 28, (Monday) 12:55 P.M. -do-
1977 June 22, (Monday) 12:20 P.M. -do-
1978 February 28, (Tuesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1979 February 28, (Wednesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1980 March 11, (Tuesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1980 June 18, (Wednesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1981 February 28, (Saturday) 05:00 P.M. -do-

1982 February 27, (Saturday) 05:00 P.M. -do-

1983 February 28, (Monday) 05:00 P.M. -do-

1984 February 29, (Wednesday) 11:00 A.M. -do-

1985 March 21, (Saturday) 12:50 P.M. -do-
1986 February 28, (Friday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1987 February 28, (Saturday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1988 February 29, (Monday) 05:00 P.M. -do-

1989 February 28, (Tuesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-

1990 March 19, (Monday) 05:05 P.M. -do-
1991 (Interim Budget) 12:34 P.M. -do-
March 4, (Monday)
1991 July 24, (Wednesday) 05:01 P.M. -do-
1992 February 29, (Saturday) 05:20 P.M. -do-
1993 February 27, (Saturday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1994 February 28, (Monday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1995 March 15, (Wednesday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1996 (Interim Budget) 05:00 P.M. -do-
February 28, (Wednesday)
1996 July 22, (Monday) 05:00 P.M. -do-
1997 February 28, (Friday) 05:01 P.M. -do-
1998 (Interim Budget) 01:38 P.M. -do-
March 25, (Wednesday)
1998 June 1, (Monday) 05:01 P.M. -do-
1999 February 27 (Saturday) 11.00 a.m. -do-

2000 February 29 (Tuesday) 2.00 p.m. -do-

2001 February 28 (Wednesday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
2002 February 28 (Thursday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
2003 February 28 (Friday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
2004 July 8 (Thursday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
2005 February 28 (Monday) 11.05 a.m. -do-
2006 February 28 (Tuesday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
2007 February 28 (Wednesday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
2008 February 29 (Friday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
2009 February 16 (Monday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
(Interim Budget)
2009 July 6 (Monday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
2010 February 26 (Thursday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
2011 February 28 (Monday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
2012 March 16 (Friday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
2013 February 28 (Thursday) 11.00 a.m. -do-
2014 July 10 (Thursday) 11:00 a.m. -do-
2015 February 28 (Saturday) 11:00 a.m. -do-
2016 February 29 (Monday) 11:00 a.m. -do-
2017 February 01 (Wednesday) 11:08 a.m. -do-
2018 February 01 (Thursday) 11:03 a.m. -do-
2019 February 01 (Friday) 11:00 a.m. -do-
(Interim Budget)
2019 July 5 (Friday) 11:00 a.m. -do-
2020 February 1 (Saturday) 11:01 a.m. -do-
2021 February 1 (Monday) 11:00 a.m. -do-
2022 February 1 (Tuesday) 11:00 a.m. -do-
2023 February 1 (Wednesday) 11:00 a.m. -do-
TABLE – 25


Year Presentation General Discussion on Consideration Presentation General Discussion on
discussion Demands for of Finance Bill discussion Demands for
(Time Taken) Grants (Time Taken) (Time Taken) Grants
(Time Taken) (Time Taken)
1952 Feb. 29 March 3 March 4* March 5 Feb. 22 Feb. 25 Feb. 26*
(Provisional (5-41) (4-16) (3-00) (2-27) (2-34)
May 23 May 30 & June 10-13, No second May 22 May 26, 27 June 5, 6 & 9
June 2-4 16-20, 23, Finance Bill & 29 (11-24)
(13-48) 25-28, 30 was (11-00)
July 1-3 introduced

1953 Feb. 27 March 4, 5, March 16-21, April 14-16 Feb. 18 Feb. 23-26 Feb. 26-27
9-12 24-28 30 & & 18 (13-17) and March 2
(19-18) 31, April 1, 2, (16-28) (9-48)
4, 6 & 7

1954 Feb. 27 March 15-18, March 23-27, April 19-22 Feb. 19 March 1-2, March 6, 8
22 and 23 29-31 (16-26) 4&5 and 9
(17-02) April 1-2, 5-9, (10-55) (10-54)
12, 14, 15 &

1955 Feb. 28 March 16-19 March 22-25 April 18-20 & Feb. 22 March 2-4 March 4, 7 &
& 21 28-31 22 (12-01) 10
(19-45) April 2, 4-7, (16-47) (9-40)

1956 Feb. 29 March 13-16 March 21-23 April 17, 18, Feb. 23 March 5-7 March 7, 8, 9
(19-27) 28, 29 & 31 20 & 21 (14-54) & 12
April 2-6, (14-15) (13-26)
9-12, 14,
16 & 17

Indicates the date on which the Demands on Account were voted by Lok Sabha in election year.
Year Presentation General Discussion on Consideration Presentation General Discussion on
discussion Demands for of Finance Bill discussion Demands for
(Time Taken) Grants (Time Taken) (Time Taken) Grants
(Time Taken) (Time Taken)
1957 March 19 March 21-23 March 26* March 26 March 19 March 26 & 27 March 27*
(10-08) (2-09) (0-08) (3-07) (2-01)
May 15 May 28-31 July 23-27, Aug. 26-28 May 14 May 21-23 July 17-19 &
(21-14) 29-31 (15-18) (16-54) 22
Aug. 1-3, 6, 8, (11-53)
9, 12-14, 17 &
1958 Feb. 28 March 11-14, March 19-21, April 18, 22 & Feb. 17 Feb. 26, 28 & March 4, 7, 8
17 & 18 24-28, 31 23 March 3 & 10
(21-00) April 1-3, 5, (12-30) (15-00) (12-00)
7-11, 14-17
1959 Feb. 28 March 9-12 March 16-20, April 20-22 Feb. 18 Feb. 25-27 & March 3-5
(20-45) 23, 26, 28, 30 (15-00) March 2 & 3 (12-20)
& 31 (18-55)
April 1, 4, 6-9,
11, 14, 15, 16,
18 & 20
1960 Feb. 29 March 7-10 March 13-18, April 20 & 21 Feb. 17 Feb. 25, 26 & March 1-3
(20-00) 21-25, 28, 30 (12-00) 29 and (9-45)
& 31 March 1
April 2, 4, 6-9, (15-05)
11-14, 16 &18
1961 Feb. 28 March 14-17 March 20-24, April 19-22 Feb. 15 Feb. 28 & March 9, 10 &
(20-00) 27-30 and (15-00) March 1, 2, 4 13
April 1, 3-7, and 6 (10-20)
10-15, 17-19 (14-15)
1962 March 14 March 20, 23 March 24* March 24 & March 13 March 26 & 27 March 27*
& 24 26 (4-45) (2-00)
(9-50) (1-45)
April 23 May 7-10 May 11, 12, 14, June 12, 13, April 19 April 21, 23-26 May 2-4
(20-00) 16-18, 21-26, 15 & 16 (17-50) (10-30)
28-31 and (13-40)
June 1, 4, 5-8,
11 & 12

Demands on Account were voted by Lok Sabha (Time taken in LS on 24.3.62 not available).
Year Presentation General Discussion on Consideration Presentation General Discussion on
discussion Demands for of Finance Bill discussion Demands for
(Time Taken) Grants (Time Taken) (Time Taken) Grants
(Time Taken) (Time Taken)
1963 Feb. 28 March 12-16 March 18-23, April 18-20 Feb. 19 March 2, 4-6 March 6-8
(23-00) 25-29 (14-10) (16-30) (11-00)
April 1, 3, 8-11,
13, 15-17
1964 Feb. 29 March 3-6, 9 March 11-13, April 18 & 21 Feb. 11 Feb. 20, 21 Feb.26, 27 &
& 10 16-21, 23-26, (16-10) 24-26 29
(21-30) 28, 30 & 31 & (16-30) (8-40)
April 1-4, 6-11,
1965 Feb. 27 March 22-25 March 29-31 May 3-5 Feb. 18 March 3-5, March 9-11
(20-00) and April 1, 2, (16-30) 8&9 (9-00)
5-9, 12, 14, (15-35)
15, 19-23, 26,
27, 29 & 30
May 1
1966 Feb. 28 March 10, 11, March 24, 25, April 29, 30 Feb. 15 March 1-4, March 21-24
14-17 28-30, April 1, and May 8&9 (12-15)
(23-15) 4-6, 11, 12, 3&5 (15-15)
14-15, 18, (17-25)
19-22, 25-29
1967 March 20 March 23 & March 27* April 8 March 20 March 28 March 28*
27 (Discussed (2-20) (3-20) (Discussed
(5-20) along with along with Rly
Gen. Budget) Budget)
May 25 June 5-9, June 26-30 July 24-28 May 22 May 26, June 20-22
12-14 and July 3-7, (16-45) 29-31, June 1, (7-50)
(21-20) 10-15, 17-22 2 and 5
(73-50) (14-45)
1968 Feb. 29 March 8, March 27-29, April 29, 30 Feb. 19 Feb. 28, 29 & March 19 & 20
11-14 April 1-5, 8, and May 1 March 1, 4 & 5 (7-20)
(19-35) 10, 11, 15-17, (12-30) (11-55)
19, 22-25
1969 Feb. 28 March 6, 7, March 26, 28, April 29, 30 Feb. 19 Feb. 26, 27 & March 17 & 18
10-14 31 and April and May 1& 6 March 3 & 5 (7-08)
(21-30) 1-3, 7-11, (17-45) (11-45)
14-18, 21-25
and 28

Indicates the date on which the Demands on Account were voted by Lok Sabha in election year.
Year Presentation General Discussion on Consideration Presentation General Discussion on
discussion Demands for of Finance Bill discussion Demands for
(Time Taken) Grants (Time Taken) (Time Taken) Grants
(Time Taken) (Time Taken)
1970 Feb. 28 March 10-13, March 31 & May 1, 4-6 Feb. 23 March 4, 5, 9 March 25, 26
16 & 17 April 1-3, (16-00) and 10 and 28
(19-20) 7-10, 13-14, (11-15) (7-25)
16, 17, 20-24,
1971 March 24 March 25-27 March 27* March 27 March 23 March 24-25 March 25*
(5-45) (Discussed (1-25) (4-55) (Discussed
with interim with interim
Budget) Rly Budget)
May 28 June 2-4 and June 22 to July 26, 28 & May 24 May 26-28, 31 June 14-15
7-10 July 21 31 & June 1 (4-55)
(23-10) (94-49) (13-02) (13-20)
1972 March 16 March 20-22, April 11-14, May 15-18 March 14 March 17, 18 May 18, 19
24-25 17-21, 24-28 (12-25) & 20 and 22
(17-25) May 2-5, 9-12 (9-40) (5-48)
1973 Feb. 28 March 12-14 March 28-30 April 30 Feb. 20 March 1, 2, March 20 &
(15-35) April 2-6, May 2 & 3 6-9 & 12 21
9-10, 12, (13-20) (10-55) (7-10)
16-19, 23-27
1974 Feb. 28 March 13-15, March 26-29 April 30 Feb. 27 March 5-7, 12 March 19, 20
18 & 19 April 2, 5, May 2-4 & 13 & 23
(17-10) 8-11 15-18, (11-00) (13-25) (7-35)
22-26, 29
1975 Feb. 28 March 10, April 7-11, April 30 Feb. 20 March 5-6, 7 March 17-19
12-14 15-18, 21, 22, May 2-5 & 10 (8-00)
(17-13) 25, 28, 29 (11-45) (12-55)
1976 March 15 March 18, 19, March 31, May 12, 14 & March 10 March 12, 15, March 23
22 & 23 April 1, 2, 5-8, 17 17-18 (5-22)
(16-20) 14, 15, 26-30 (11-35) (12-18)**
May 3-7, 10 &
1977 March 28 March 29 & March 30* March 31 March 28 March 29 March 29*
30 (Discussed (Without (2-30) (Discussed
(5-15) with interim discussion) with interim
Budget) Rly Budget)
June 17 June 20-23 June 25, July 15, 16, 18 June 11 June 13-15 June 16-17
(20-30) 27-30 July 1, Aug. 2 (14-50) (8-20)
2, 4-9, 11-14 (19-20)
* Date on which the Demands on Account were voted in election year.
Discussed with Sy. Demands for Grants (Railways) for 1975-76.
Year Presentation General Discussion on Consideration Presentation General Discussion on
discussion Demands for of Finance Bill discussion Demands for
(Time Taken) Grants (Time Taken) (Time Taken) Grants
(Time Taken) (Time Taken)
1978 Feb. 28 March 13-16 March 27-31 April 27-29 Feb. 21 March 6, 8-10 March 17 & 20
(15-45) April 3-7, May 11 (14-00) (3-15)
10-14, 17-20, (13-10)
1979 Feb. 28 March 12, 13, March 26-28, April 24-26 Feb. 20 March 5-8 March 16 & 19
15, & 16 30 April 2-4, (17-25) (12-05) (5-15) *
(17-45) 6, 9, 11, 12,
16, 20, 23
1980 March 11 March 12-14 March 14 March 14 March 11 March 12 March 12
(7-58) (Discussed (1-38) (3-40) (Discussed
along with along with Rly
Gen. Budget) Budget)
June 18 June 26, 27, July 5, 7-11, July 24-25, June 16 June 17-20 July 2
30 July 1 15-19, 21-23 29-31 (12-40) (5-20)
(16-30) (63-23) (22-00)
1981 Feb. 28 March 9-13 March 23-27, April 22-24, Feb. 19 Feb. 26-28, March 16-17
(20-07) 30, 31 April 27-29 March 2, 3 & 5 (6-05)
1-3, 6-10, 15, (14-15) (13-35)
16, 20 & 21
1982 Feb. 27 March 8, 9, March 22-26, April 22, 23, Feb. 23 March 1-3 (11- March 16 & 17
11-12, 15-16 29-31 April 1, 26-27 27) (5-20)
(18-58) 5, 7, 8, 12, 15, (12-43)
16, 19-21
1983 Feb. 28 March 14-18 March 23, 24, April 27-29 Feb. 24 March 1-4 March 19-21
(19-47) 30 & 31 April May 2 (12-50) (6-40)
4-8, 11-13, 15, (16-05)
18-20, 22 &
26 (82-
1984 Feb. 29 March 9, March 20-23, April 18-19, Feb. 24 March 5-7 March 15
(1-28) 12-14 26-30 April 21 & 23 (1-15) (10-42) (5-20)
(15-47) 2-5, 7, 9, 11, (15-04)
12, 16
1985 March 16 March 21-23 April 1, 2, May 8-10 March 14 March 18-20 March 20
(1-48) & 25 8-12, 15-19, (11-15) (0-40) (10-05) (3-55)
(19-45) 22-26, 29 & 30
May 2, 3 & 7

Discussed together with the Supplementary Demands (Railways) for 1978-79 and the Resolution regarding Railway
Convention Committee.
Year Presentation General Discussion on Consideration Presentation General Discussion on
discussion Demands for of Finance Bill discussion Demands for
(Time Taken) Grants (Time Taken) (Time Taken) Grants
(Time Taken) (Time Taken)
1986 Feb. 28 March 7, March 19-21, April 24, 25 Feb. 26 March 4-6 March 13
(2-09) 10-13 24 & 31 and 28 (0-40) (14-07) (4-38)
(19-37) April 1-4, (13-24)
7-11, 15-17,
21 & 23
1987 Feb. 28 March 9, 10, March 23-27, April 29, 30 & Feb. 25 March 3-5 March 18
(1-32) 12 & 13 30, 31 May 4 (0-57) and 9 (14-53) (2-01)
(15-58) April 1-3, 6, (12-00)
8-10, 20-24,
27 & 28
1988 Feb. 29 March 14-18 March 29 & April 27-29 Feb. 24 March 8-11 March 21
(2-05) (21-35) 30 April 4-8, May 2 (0-55) and 14 (2-40)
11, 12, 18-22, (14-15) (16-45)
25 & 26
1989 Feb. 28 March 13, April 5-7, April 27 & 28 Feb. 23 March 3, March 17
(1-35) 15-17 10, 12, 19-21 May 2 (1-00) 7-10 (1-30)
(16-30) & 26 (13-30) (21-57)
1990 March 19 March 26-28 April 4, 5, May 16 & 17 March 14 March 21-23 Discussed
(2-14) (16-01) 9-12, 16-20, (5-32) (1-05) & 26 Alongwith
23-25 (12-55) General
May 7, 8, 10, discussion on
11, 14-16 Rly. Budget
(73-33) on 26
March, 90
1991 March 4 March 11 March 11 March 11 Feb. 25 March 11 Demands on
(Interim (listed but not (Without (Without (Interim (listed but not Account,
Budget) discussed) discussion) discussion) Budget) discussed) Supplementary
(0-20) (0-55) Demands and
Demands for
Grants voted
discussion on
July 24 July 29-31 Aug. 20 to Sept. 11-14 July 16 July 20, 24 & Discussed
(2-12) Aug. 1, 2, 5 September 5 (15-56) (0-44) 25 Alongwith
&6 (46-08) (13-52) General
(23-01) discussion on
Rly Budget &
Appro. (Rly)
No.3 Bill
1991, passed
on 25.7.1991
Year Presentation General Discussion on Consideration Presentation General Discussion on
discussion Demands for of Finance Bill discussion Demands for
(Time Taken) Grants (Time Taken) (Time Taken) Grants
(Time Taken) (Time Taken)
1992 Feb. 29 March 23, 25 March 31, April 30 Feb. 25 March 11-13, Discussed
(2-00) & 26 April 2, 3, May 4-6 (0-45) 16 & 17 alongwith
(17-45) 6-10, 20-24, (11-28) (17-00) General
27-29 discussion on
(40-56) Railway
Budget and
Appro. Bill
passed on
1993 Feb. 27 April 20-23 & April 27 to May 4 & 5 Feb. 24 March 30 & 31 Discussed
(1-39) 26 May 4 (10-18) (0-55) (17-27) alongwith
(20-56) (22-32) General
discussion on
Budget &
Appr. Bills
passed on
1994 Feb. 28 March 18 &19 April 28 to May 4-6 Feb. 24 March 4, 8 April 26, 27
(1-44) and April 25 May 3 (14-22) (1-00) &9 (8-58)
(17-35) (15-41) (15-26)

1995 March 15 March 27* May 5-17 May 18, 19, March 14 May 2-4 Discussed
(1-34) (5-31) (19-34) 22 & 23 (1-27) (18-58) alongwith
(14-25) General
discussion on
Rly Budget
and the
reg. Railway
and Appron.
Bill, 1995
passed on

Discussion inconclusive. Demands for Grants on Account and Supplementary Demands for 1994-95 were voted without
discussion on 30.3.1995.
Year Presentation General Discussion on Consideration Presentation General Discussion on
discussion Demands for of Finance Bill discussion Demands for
(Time Taken) Grants (Time Taken) (Time Taken) Grants
(Time Taken) (Time Taken)
1996 Feb. 28 March 11 March 11 March 11 Feb. 27 March 11 March 11
(Interim (3-45) (Discussed (Interim Rly (2-40) (Discussed
Budget) alongwith Budget) alongwith
(1-02) Interim (0-55) Interim Rly
General Budget)
July 22 Aug. 26, 27, Sept. 9 Sept. 11 & 12 July 16 July 24, Discussed
(1-30) 29, 30 and (3-22) (2-50) (1-30) 25 & 30 alongwith
Sept. 6 (25-16) General
(13-39) discussion on
Budget and
Appron. Bill
passed on
1997 Feb. 28 March 14, May 5 & 6 May 7-9 Feb. 26 March 6, April 30 &
(1-27) 17-20 (10-12) (11-56) (1-25) 10-13 May 2
(17-56) (26-14) (7-45)
1998 March 25 March 26 March 26 March 26 March 25 March 26 March 26
(Interim (3-15) (Discussed (Without (Interim Rly (3-45) (Discussed
Budget) alongwith discussion) Budget) alongwith
(0-12) Interim (0-26) Interim
General Railway
Budget) Budget)
June 1 June 10-12 July 10 & 14 July 15-17 May 29 **June 4, 5, 8 July 7
(1-55) (14-14) (1-02) (11-04) (0-56) (upto 6.04 (5-15)
9.6.98) & 9
1999 Feb. 27 March 15 & All the April 22 Feb.25 March 13 April 22
(1-52) 16 upto Demands (Without (1-02) (10-56) (Without
17.3.99 were voted in discussion) discussion)
(9-08) full on 22.4.99
2000 Feb. 29 March 15 April 25 & 26 May 3 & 4 Feb. 25 March 14 April 19
(1-56) (11-49) May 2 (10-20) (1-27) (11-17) (4-54)

Discussed along with Status paper on Railways

Year Presentation General Discussion on Consideration Presentation General Discussion on
discussion Demands for of Finance Bill discussion Demands for
(Time Taken) Grants (Time Taken) (Time Taken) Grants
(Time Taken) (Time Taken)
2001 Feb. 28 March 20 April 24 April 25 Feb. 26 March 20 March 20
(1-52) (0-07) (6-47) (6-15) (1-15) (Without (0-01)
(Without discussion) (Without
discussion) discussion)
2002 Feb. 28 March 19* April 24 April 26 & 29 Feb. 26 +March 21 April 23
(1-46) & 20 (5-40) (10-26) (1-00) (8-24) (4-43)
2003 Feb. 28 March 6, 7, April 22, 23 April 25, Feb. 26 March 4-6 April 21
(2-14) 10 & 11 & 25 28-30 (1-04) (10-58) (4-56)
(14-45) (12-56) (12-48)
2004 Feb. 3 Feb. 4 Feb.4 Feb. 4 Jan. 30 Feb. 3 Feb. 3
(Interim [Discussed [Discussed (0-01) (Interim [Discussed [Discussed
Budget) with Vote on with interim (Without Budget) with Vote on with interim
(0-49) Account, Sy. budget, Vote discussion) (0-40) Account and budget, Vote
Demands & on Account & Demands for on Account
Demands for Sy. Demands Grants (Rly)]) (Rly)]
Grants)] (Gen)] (4-19)
2004 July 8 July 14, 16, Aug. 25 Aug. 26 July 6 July 7, 9, 13 Aug. 23
(1-48) 20 and 21 (Without (Without (1-49) & 14 (Without
[Discussed discussion) discussion) [Discussed discussion)
with Vote on with Vote on
A/c and A/c (Rly)]
Excess (11-30)
2005 Feb. 28 March 15, 16, April 21, 25 April 28, 29 & Feb.26 March 10, 11, April 20
(1-49) & 17$ & 27 May 2 (1-55) 14 & 15 (3-36)
(17-35) (14-24) (10-21) (14-32)
2006 Feb. 28 March 12, 13, March 13, 14, March 18 & Feb. 24 March 1, 2 March 11
(1-36) 14 & 16 & 17 20 (1-35) &3 (0-06)
(13-07) (19-02) (8-02) (14-57)
2007 Feb. 28 March 12, 13, April 26, 27 April 30, Feb. 26 March 8 & 9 April 26
(1-42) 14 & 16 & 28 May 3 (1-02) (12-49) (0-5)
(17-30) (15-32) (8-51) (without
2008 Feb. 29 March 12, 13 April 21, 22, April 25, 28 Feb. 26 March 5, 10 April 16 & 17
(1-50) & 14$ 23, & 24 & 29 (1-56) & 11 (4-27)
(3 sittings) (4 sitting) (9-05) (14-45)
(16-17) (24-53)

Discussed alongwith Demands (Vote on Account), Supplementary Demands for 2001-02 and Excess Demands,
Discussed alongwith Railway (Vote on Account) and Railway Supplementary Demands for 2001-02.
Demands for Grants on Account and Supplementary Demands for Grants were also discussed on these days.
Year Presentation General Discussion on Consideration Presentation General Discussion on
discussion Demands for of Finance Bill discussion Demands for
(Time Taken) Grants (Time Taken) (Time Taken) Grants
(Time Taken) (Time Taken)
2009 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 & 24 Feb. 20 & 24 Feb. 24 Feb 13 Feb. 18 & 19 Feb. 18 & 19
(Interim (7-20) (0-20) (Interim (5-30)
Budget) Discussed Budget) (Discussed
(0-49 mts.) alongwith (0-42) alongwith
Demands for Demands for
Grants on Grants on
Account Account
(Genl.) (Railways),
2009-10 & 2009-10
Supplemen- Supplemen-
tary Demands tary Demands
for Grants for Grants
(Genl.) (Railways),
2008-09 2008-09 and
Demands for
Excess Grants
2009 July 6 July 9, 10, 13 Finance (No. July 3 July 7, 8, 9 July 9
(1-39) & 14 (17-12) 2) Bill, 2009 (1-05) (17-57) (Without
(Discussed considered discussion
along with and passed
th th
Demands for on 24 & 27
Grants) July, 2009
2010 Feb. 26 March 11 & April 20, 22, April 28 & 29 Feb. 24 ** March 8 & 9 April 19
(1-46) 12 (10-01) 23 & 27 (9-22) (1-57) (0-20) (5-32)
(Discussed (4 sittings) (Discussed
with Vote on (17-27) along with
Account, Sy. Vote on
Demands) Account,
2011 Feb. 28 March 9 & 11 March 14, 15, March 22 Feb. 25 March 4 & 7 April 25 & 26
(1-51) (11-10) 16 & 17 (4-15) (1-33) (9-58) (4-36)
(14-40) (Discussed
along with
Demands for

** Written speeches laid on the Table and reply of Railway Minister also laid on the Table of Lok Sabha N.B.:
Time taken in hour(s) - minutes indicated within bracket under each column.
Year Presentation General Discussion on Consideration Presentation General Discussion on
discussion Demands for of Finance Bill discussion Demands for
(Time Taken) Grants (Time Taken) (Time Taken) Grants
(Time Taken) (Time Taken)
2012 March 16 March 22, 26 April 26, 27, May 7 & 8 March 14 March 20, 21 April 25 & 26
(1-50) & 27 30 & May (8-43) (1-45) & 22 (4-36)
(9-10) 2&3 (16-11)
(21-02) (Discussed
(5 sittings) along with
(21-02) Vote on
Account, Sy.
2013 Feb. 28 March 13, 14 April 30 Feb. 26 March 7, 8, 11, 12, & 13
(1-45) (11-55) (0-56) (1-22) (14-40)
Discussed together with (Discussed along with
Demands for Grants Demands for Grants, Spl.
Demands, Excess Demands)
2014 17.02.2014 19.02.2014 19.02.2014 12.02.2014 17.02.2014
(Interim Budget) Discussed along (00-06) (00-15) (00-23)
(0-56) with Demands for Without (Interim Budget) Without
Grants of discussion discussion)
Account (Gen.)
2014 -15 &
Demands for
Grants (Gen.)
2014 10.07.2014 16.07.2014 24.07.2014 08.07.2014 11.07.2014
17.07.2014 25.07.2014 14.07.2014
18.07.2014 (06-00) 15.07.2014
(15 hrs 13 mts) (13 hrs 16 mts)
(discussed together with demands
for grants)
2015 28.02.2015 13.03.2015 30.04.2015 26.02.2015 11.03.2015 21.04.2015
16.03.2015 (05-23) 12.03.2015 (4 hrs 12 mts)
17.03.2015 (13hrs 18 mts)
(13hrs 03 mts)
(discussed together with demands
for grants)
Year Presentation General Disscussion on Consideration Presentation General Discussion on
Discussion Demands for of Finance Bill Dissucussion Demands for
(Time-Taken) Grants (Time-Taken) (Time-Taken) Grants
(Time-Taken) (Time-Taken)
2016 29.02.2016 10.03.2016 04.05.2016 25.02.2016 03.03.2016
11.03.2016 05.05.2016 08.03.2016
14.03.2016 (07-23) 09.03.2016
(12 hrs 43 mts) (14 -22)
(Discussed together with Demands
for Grants)
*2017 01.02.2017 08.02.2017 20.03.2017 21.03.2017 _
09.02.2017 (without 22.03.2017
(09 - 58) discussion) (08-41)
2018 01.02.2018 07.02.2018 14.03.2018 14.03.2018 -
08.02.2018 (Without (00 – 18)
(12-13) discussion)
2019 01.02.2019 08.02.2019 12.02.2019 _
(Interim 11.02.2019 (03-59)
Budget) (07 - 32)
Discussed along with Demands of
Grants on Account 2019-2020 &
Supplementary Demands of Grants
2018-19 (Third Batch)
2019 05.07.2019 08.07.2019 11.07.2019 18.07.2019 -
09.07.2019 12.07.2019 (04-48)
10.07.2019 15.07.2019
(17-23) 17.07.2019
2020 01.02.2020 06.02.2020 12.03.2020 23.03.2020 -
10.02.2020 13.03.2020 (00-29)
11.02.2020 16.03.2020
2021 01.02.2021 10.02.2021 10.03.2021 23.03.2021 -
11.02.2021 15.03.2021 (06-08)
13.02.2021 16.03.2021
(14-42) (21-43)
2022 01.02.2022 07.02.2022 15.03.2022 25.03.2022
08.02.2022 16.03.2022
09.02.2022 21.03.2022
10.02.2022 22.03.2022 (04-37)
(15-35) 24.03.2022
2023 01.02.2023 08.02.2023 23.03.2023 24.03.2023
09.02.2023 (Without #27.03.2023
10.02.2023 discussion) (00-36)
*From 2017 Railway Budget has been merged with the Union Budget.
# Amendment made by Rajya Sabha was agreed to
TABLE – 26


Year General discussion Consideration of Consideration of General discussion Appropriation Bill
(Time Taken) Appropriation Bill Finance Bill relating to Demands for
relating to Demands for Grants
*1952 May 26-28 July 15 & 17 ** May 29-31 July 14

*1953 March 2-5 April 10, 15 & 16 April 21-23 Feb. 20, 21 & 23 March 7

*1954 March 2, 4, 6 and 8 April 20-22 & 24 April 24 & 26 Feb. 23-25 & March 1 March 15

1955 March 3, 7 &10 April 23 & 25 April 25 & 26 Feb. 28 and March 14 & 15
(16-50) (9-45) (9-30) March 1 & 2 (3-00)

1956 March 5-8 April 24-26 April 26-27 Feb. 29 and March 15 & 16
(19-25) (7-35) (7-20) March 1 & 2 (3-05)

1957 March 25 & 26 March 28 – Vote on March 28 March 21 & 25 March 29 – Vote on
(7-15) Account) (1-30) (4-05) Account
(1-00) (1-25)
May 20-23 Aug. 27-30 Sept. 2 & 3 May 27 & 28 Aug. 20-22
(20-50) (17-15) (11-05) (11-10) (8-15)

1958 March 3, 4, 7, 10 & 11 April 23, 24, 29 & 30 April 26 & 28 Feb. 19, 20, 25 & 26 March 13 & 14
(20-00) (13-25) (9-30) (14-00) (6-00)

1959 March 3, 4, 9 & 10 April 22-24 April 24, 27 & 28 Feb. 23-25 March 11-13
(19-20) (9-10) (7-45) (13-35) (4-20)

1960 March 3, 4 & 7 April 20 & 21 April 25-27 Feb. 22-24 March 8-10
(15-00) (8-20) (8-25) (12-40) (5-30)

1961 March 6, 8, 9 & 13 April 24-26 April 26-28 Feb. 21-23 & 27 March 16
(17-25) (9-20) (9-30) (11-45) (3-50)

1962 March 26-28 March 29 – Vote on March 29 March 19 & 26 March 30 – Vote on
(4-25) Account (0-30) (2-55) Account
(0-15) (1-15)
May 3, 7-9 June 15, 16 & 18 June 19-21 April 23-26 May 10
(16-40) (11-10) (12-50) (14-25) (4-10)

1963 March 4-7 April 23-24 April 25-26 Feb. 27, 28 & March 2 March 18
(19-30) (8-40) (9-30) (15-10) (3-45)

Time taken on various items not available.

Finance Bill was passed by Provisional Parliament on 5 March, 1952 when the Rajya Sabha had not yet been constituted.
Year General discussion Consideration of Consideration of General discussion Appropriation Bill
(Time Taken) Appropriation Bill Finance Bill relating to Demands for
relating to Demands for Grants
1964 March 10-13 & 16 April 22, 27-29 April 24, 25 & 27 Feb. 27, 29 March 5 & 9
(23-20) (10-15) (12-25) March 2 & 3 (6-48)
1965 March 10, 11 15, May 4-6 May 8 & 10 Feb. 22-25 March 23-24
16 & 22 (11-15) (7-30) (10-35) (4-30)

1966 March 16, 17, 21-23 May 5, 7 & 9 May 10-12 March 8-10 & 14 March 29
(16-00) (9-30) (8-20) (10-35) (3-25)

1967 March 28 March 30 – Vote on April 10 & 11 March 29 March 30 – Vote on

(5-50) Account (5-45) (3-45) Account
(3-00) (1-15)
June 15, 17, 19-22 July 25-27 Aug. 1-3 June 12-15 June 24
(18-15) (12-25) (10-45) (12-00) (4-20)

1968 March 14, 18-21 April 30 and May 1&2 May 6 & 7 March 4, 7, 8 & 11 March 23 & 25
(13-56) (11-45) (7-35) (10-13) (3-07)

1969 March 15, 17-20 May 6-8 May 10 &12 March 11-13 March 20 & 24
(16-02) (11-35) (9-00) (9-35) (3-10)

1970 March 16-18 and May 4-6 May 11&12 March 10-12 March 31
24 & 25 (11-52) (8-20) (10-27) (1-05)

1971 March 27& 29 March 29 March 31 March 25 *March 27

(3-15) (0-40) (0-30) (2-15) (2-15)
June 8-10 & 14 July 28-30 Aug. 4 & 5 June 1-3 June 17
(13-45) (9-10) (8-30) (9-35) (3-50)

1972 March 22, 28 & 29 May 16-18 May 22 & 23 March 20 & 21 May 24 & 25
(10-00) (10-20) (8-35) (7-20) (7-13)

1973 March 12-15 May 2 & 3 May 7-8 March 5-7 March 27
(14-52) (4-35) (7-10) (10-10) (3-35)

1974 March 12-14 & 18 May 2 & 7 May 8 & 9 March 4-6 March 25
(12-20) (7-10) (10-35) (7-10) (3-45)

1975 March 17-20 May 5-6 May 7 & 8 March 4-6 March 22
(14-45) (6-32) (6-47) (8-46) (4-05)

1976 March 23-25 May 17 & 18 May 19 & 20 March 17, 18 & 22 March 29
(9-05) (7-26) (7-45) (8-09) (1-30)

Discussed along with Appropriation (Railway) Bill

Year General discussion Consideration of Consideration of General discussion Appropriation Bill
(Time Taken) Appropriation Bill Finance Bill relating to Demands for
relating to Demands for Grants
1977 March 30-31 March 31 April 4 March 30 *March 31
(3-20) (0-16) (0-40) (2-53) (0-24)
June 21-23, 27 July 19-21 July 26-28 June 14-16 June 20
(15-10) (6-53) (12-25) (8-29) (2-55)

1978 March 14-16 & 20 May 2-3 May 4, 8 & 9 March 8, 9 & 13 March 22
(14-45) (7-55) (10-25) (9-42) (1-45)

1979 March 12, 13 15, April 25, 26 & 30 May 2, 3 & 7 March 6-8 &12 March 27
19 & 20 (7-00) (9-32) (13-55) (4-05)

1980 March 13 & 17 March 17 March 18 March 12 March 18

(8-24) (0-25) (1-27) (4-35) (3-15)
July 1-4 & 7 July 28-30 Aug. 4, 5 & 7 June 18, 19, 26 & 30 July 7
(17-40) (6-32) (10-03) (8-36) (3-12)

1981 March 9-12 & 16 April 28 & 29 May 4-7 Feb. 28, March 2, March 24
(13-06) (4-32) (7-15) 3&5 (4-38)

1982 March 11, 15-17 April 29 and May 3 May 4 & 5 March 3, 4 & 8 March 24
(16-39) (5-06) (7-16) (10-50) (4-44)

1983 March 16, 17 21 & 22 April 28 and May 2 May 5 & 9 March 2, 3, 14 & 15 March 23
(15-40) (4-33) (8-17) (13-55) (3-09)

1984 March 12-15 April 25 May 2 & 3 March 6-8 March 20

(16-45) (4-20) (8-13) (13-00) (3-35)

1985 March 21, 25-27 May 9, 13 & 14 May 14-17 March 18-21 March 28
(15-15) (5-00) (10-22) (11-35) (3-05)

1986 March 12-14 17 & 18 April 28 May 5 & 6 March 5, 6, 10 & 11 March 19
(18-50) (6-15) (10-44) (11-00) (4-46)

1987 March 9-13 March 17 May 6 & 7 March 18 & 19 March 19 (Discussed
(19-51) (2-39) (8-22) (7-39) with the Railway

1988 March 21-24 May 4 May 5, 9 & 10 March 10, 15-17 & 21 March 29
(19-58) (2-55) (8-16) (10-02) (2-05)

1989 March 15-17 27 & 28 May 3 May 8 & 9 March 8-10, 13 & 14 March 29
(18-18) (4-17) (8-25) (11-44) (2-31)

1990 March 27-29 May 22 (Without May 22 (Without March 22, 23 & 26 March 27 (Without
(11-51) discussion) discussion) (12-00) discussion)
Discussed along with Appropriation (Railway) Bill
Year General discussion Consideration of Consideration of General discussion Appropriation Bill
(Time Taken) Appropriation Bill Finance Bill relating to Demands for
relating to Demands for Grants
1991 March 11 (Interim March 11 (Without March 11 (Without March 11 (Interim March 11 (Without
Budget) discussion) discussion) Rly. Budget) discussion)
(0-40) (0-09)

1991 July 29-31 Sept. 9 & 10 Sept. 17 & 18 July 20, 24 & 26 July 26 (Without
(14-35) (2-37) (6-47) (7-25) discussion)

1992 March 24, 26 & 27 May 6 & 7 May 11 (5- March 11-13, 16-18 March 23
(14-40) (1-43) 43) (13-18) (0-47)

1993 April 29 May 5 May 10 March 22, 23 & 31 March 31

May 4 & 5 (1-12) (2-46) (9-55) (1-12)

1994 March 15-17 May 9 (Discussed May 9 May 3-5 May 3-5 (Discussed
(14-24) alongwith Finance Bill) (4-56) (10-12) alongwith Railway

1995 May 10, 16-18, May 24 (Without May 25 May 3, 4, 8 & 9 May 9
24 & 25 discussion) (3-15) (10-22) (0-24)

1996 General discussion on *Appron. Bills relating *Finance Bill, 1996 General discussion on *Appropriation bills
Interim Budget was to Demands for Grants was not considered Interim Rly Budget relating to Demands
not held were not considered. Was not held for Grants were not

1996 Aug. 26, .27 29 and Sept. 12 (Without Sept. 13 July 25, 26 & 31 July 31
Sept. 2 & 9 discussion) (2-04) (10-34) (0-08)

1997 March 17-19 May 12 & 13 May 12 & 13 March 14, 15 & 17 May 7 & 8
(10-51) (Discussed alongwith (6-33) (10-52) (4-42)
Finance Bill)

1998 Interim Budget March 27 March 27 (without March 27 March 27

(Discussion not held) without discussion) discussion) (Interim Budget) (Discussed with
(3-07) Interim Rly Budget)

1998 June 8-11 July 20 July 23 June 3 & 4 July 13

(15-06) (3-29) (5-48) (Discussed with status (3-00)
paper on Rlys)

1999 Discussion not held April 23 without April 23 (without Discussion not held April 23 (without
discussion) discussion) discussion)
These were deemed to have been passed by both Houses of Parliament in terms of article 109(5) of the Constitution .
Year General discussion Consideration of Consideration of General discussion Appropriation Bill
(Time Taken) Appropriation Bill Finance Bill relating to Demands for
relating to Demands for Grants
2000 March 16 (Discussed May 8 May 9 March 16 May 3
alongwith the (3-45) (6-22) (4-16) (5-03)
Appropriation (Vote
on Account) Bill, 2000
& the Appropriation
Bill, 2000

2001 Discussion not held April 26 April 26 (Discussed Discussion not held April 25
(4-32) with Demands for (6-38)
Grants (Gen)

2002 #March 18, 19 & 22 April 30 May 6 March 22 April 24

(6-44) (1.05) (3-40) (1-21) (3-31)

2003 March 11-13 May 5 & 6 May 5 & 6 (Discussed March 3-5 & 7 (9-52) April 23
(11-48) (6-06) with Appr Bill rel. to (2-30)
Demands for Grants)

2004 Feb. 5 $ Feb. 5 (Without Feb. 5 (Without # Feb. 3 & 4 Feb. 4 (Without
(Interim Budget) discussion) discussion) discussion)

2004 July 19 & 20 August 26 (Without August 26 (Without July 7, 12-14 August 25 (Without
(9-34) discussion) discussion) (11-42) discussion)

2005 March 17-18 April 29 May 5 March 14 & 16 April 27

(10-00) (0-39) (4-12) (8-18) (2-16)

2006 March 10 & 13 March 20 March 21 March 6, 7 & 9 March 18

(9-39) (2-15) (19-6) (1-42)
(Time allotted 8 hrs) (Time allotted 1 hour) (Time allotted 4 hrs.) (Time allotted 8 hrs.) (Time allotted 1 hour)

2007 March 14 & 19 May 4 March 12, 13 & 14 May 3

(1-46) (3-45) (13-32) (0-7)
(Time allotted 12 hrs.) (Time allotted 2 hrs.) (Time allotted 12 hrs.) (without discussion)

2008 March 13, 14 & 17 April 30 March 10, 11, & 12 April 22
(13-46) (5-07) (11-34) (3-39)
(Time allotted 12 hrs) (Time allotted 4 hrs) (Time allotted 12 hrs) (Time allotted 4 hrs)
(Discussed alongwith
Finance Bill)

2009 Feb. 25$ Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 19 & 20 Feb. 20

(interim Budget) (Time allotted 6 hrs) (without discussion) (5-41) (without
(0-57) (Time allotted 4 hrs) discussion)

Discussed alongwith the Appropriation relating to Vote on Accounts, Supplementary Demands (General).
Discussed alongwith Appr. Bills relating to Demands for Grants on Accounts, Supplementary Demands and Excess Demands (Railways)
Year General discussion Consideration of Consideration of General discussion Appropriation Bill
(Time Taken) Appropriation Bill Finance Bill relating to Demands for
relating to Demands for Grants
2009 July 13, 14 & 15 July 27 Finance (No. 2) Bill, July 7, 8 & 9 July 10
(13-27) 2009 considered and (12-36) (without
(Time allotted 12 hrs) returned on July 29, (Time allotted 12 hrs.) discussion)
2010 March 12, 15 & 16 April 29 May 4 March 10 & 11 April 20
(9-16) (3-19) (8-13)
2011 March 9, 10, 11 & 14 May 14 (Without March 24 March 3, 4 & 8 March 8
(12-34) discussion) (1-58) (7-03)
(Time allotted 12 hrs.)
2012 March 26, 27 & 28 May 15 & 16 May 15 & 16 March 20, 21 & 22 May, 9, 10
(12-02) (alongwith Finance (11-42)
(Time allotted 12 hrs.) Bill) (Time allotted 12 hrs.)
2013 May 18 & 21 May 2 May 2 & 5 March 12, 13, 14 & 15 March 15
(0-44) (along with Finance (1-55) (10-03)
(Time allotted 12 hrs.) Bill) Discussed alongwith Time allotted 12 hrs.
Discussed alongwith Appropriation Bills
Appropriation Bills – relating Railways.
Speeches Laid
2014 21.02.2014 21.02.2014 21.02.2014 18.02.2014 18.02.2014
(1 hr 55 mts) (00-01)
Appropriation Bill and
Finance Bill were
discussed together.
2014 23.07.2014 10.07.2014 30.07.2014 08.07.2014 21.07.2014
24.07.2014 (4 – 30) 22.07.2014
(15 – 22) (08 -09)
(discussed together with
demands for grants)
2015 18.03.2015 28.02.2015 07.05.2015 26.02.2015 16.03.2015
19.03.2015 # (4 – 37) 17.03.2015
(11 -01) 27.04.2015
2016 15.03.2016 14.03.2016 09.05.2016 10.03.2016 02.05.2016
16.03.2016 11.05.2016 (02 – 12)
(6 – 53) *(04- 22)
@2017 09.02.2017 - 27.03.2017 -
16.03.2017 29.03.2017
20.03.2017 (06 – 54)
(14- 47)
2018 08.02.2018 -- Passed without -
09.02.2018 discussion
(9 -35)
2019 Discussion not held. 13.02.2019 13.02.2019 -
(Interim Budget)

2019 10.07.2019 $23.07.2019 &23.07.2019 -

11.07.2019 (02-52) (02-52)
2020 10.02.2020 - Passed without -
11.02.2020 Discussion

2021 10.02.2021 23.03.2021 24.03.2021 -

11.02.2021 (03-05) (06-21)
2022 08.02.2022 28.03.2022 28.03.2022
09.02.2022 29.03.2022 29.03.2022
10.02.2022 -
$(06-04) $(06-04)

2023 08.02.2023 27.03.2023 27.03.2023
10.02.2023 (00-07) (00-01)

N.B. Time taken in hour(s) – minutes, is indicated within bracket under each column.
# The Appropriation (No. 2) Bill, 2015, and the Finance Bill, 2015 were discussed together.
* The Appropriation (No. 2) Bill, 2016, and the Finance Bill, 2016 were discussed together.
@From 2017 The Railway Budget was merged with The Union Budget.
&The Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2019 and the Appropriation (No. 2) Bill, 2019 were discussed together.
$ The Appropriation Bill, 2022 and the Finance Bill, 2022 were discussed together.
TABLE – 27
SINCE 1993
Sl. Subject/Motion Minister who moved Date(s) of Time Taken Remarks
No. the Motion discussion Hrs:Mts

1. “That this House do consider the Shri Eduardo Faleiro, 19.8.93 4:14 The MOS replied
background note on Review of Minister 21.8.93 & discussion
Drug Policy, 1986, laid on the of State for concluded.
Table of the House on the 12th Chemicals & Fertilizers
August, 1992.

2. “That this House do consider the Shri Pranab Mukherjee, 6.12.93 11:55 Minister Replied
implications of the Dunkel Draft Minister of Commerce 7.12.93 &
text on the trade negotiations with 9.12.93 discussion
special reference to its effect on 10.12.93 concluded.
India’s interests.”

3. “That this House do consider the Shri K.V. Thangka 23.8.94 11:14 The MOS replied
Twenty-eighth and the Twenty- Balu, MOS for Welfare 24.8.94 & discussion
ninth Reports of the erstwhile (Eleventh concluded.
Commissioner for Scheduled Session)
Castes and Scheduled Tribes for 7.12.94
the years 1986-87 and 1987-89, 8.12.94
laid on the Table of the House on 9.12.94
9th May, 1989 and 29th August, (Twelfth
1990, respectively and the Fifth, Session)
Sixth, Seventh and the Eighth
Reports of the National
Commission for Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes for the years
1982-83, 1983-84, 1984-85 and
1985-86 laid on the Table of the
House on
5th March, 1986, 26th August,
1987, 4th May, 1988 and 21st

4. “That this House do consider the Shri Balram 7.8.95 12:15 Minister replied
Draft Agriculture Policy Jakhar, Minister of 8.8.95 and discussion
Resolution (as modified) laid on Agriculture 9.8.95 concluded.
the Table of the House on the 14th
May, 1993.”
Sl. Subject/Motion Minister who moved Date(s) of Time Taken Remarks
No. the Motion discussion Hrs:Mts

5. “That this House do consider the Shri Yogendra K.Alagh, 12.5.97 5:39 Discussion not
Approach Paper to the Ninth Five Minister 13.5.97 concluded.
Year Plan (1997- 2002) laid on the of State Independent
Table of the House on the 26th Charge) for Planning
February, 1997.”

6. “That the ‘Status Paper on Shri Nitish Kumar, 4.6.98 21:09 Discussed
Railways’ some issues and Minister of Railways 5.6.98 alongwith Budget
Options’, laid on the Table of the 8.6.98 Railways
House be taken into 9.6.98

7. “That this House do consider the Shri Madan Lal Khurana, 5.8.98 14:28 Minister of Home
Final Report of the Jain Minister of Parliamentary 6.8.98 Affairs replied and
Commission and Memorandum of Affairs and Tourism discussion
Action Taken on the Report, laid moved the motion on concluded.
on the Table of the House on the behalf of Minister of
31st July, 1998.” Home Affairs

8. “That this House do consider the Smt. Maneka Gandhi, 8.12.98 2:35 Discussion not
Thirtieth Report of the erstwhile Minister of State 10.12.98 concluded.
Commissioner for Scheduled (Independent Charge) for
Castes and Scheduled Tribes for Social Justice &
the year Empowerment
1989-91, laid on the Table of the
Lok Sabha on the 28th July, 1998.”

9. “That this House do consider the Shri Kashiram Rana, 24.7.2003 9:12 Minister replied
progress of implementation of Minister of Rural 25.7.2003 and discussion
Part-IX and Part-IX-A of the Development concluded.
Constitution dealing with
Panchayats and Municipalities as
institutions of self- government
during the last ten years.”

10 “Issue of Population Stabilization Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad, 4.8.2010 5.53 Minister replied
in the Country” Minister of and discussion
Health & Family Welfare concluded
Sl. Subject/Motion Minister who moved Date(s) of Time Taken Remarks
No. the Motion discussion Hrs:Mts

1. “That the background note on Shri Eduardo Faleiro, 18.8.93 5:39 The MOS replied
Review of Drug Policy, 1986, Minister of State for 19.8.93 & discussion
which was laid on the Table of the Chemicals & Fertilizers 23.8.93 concluded.
Rajya Sabha on the 12th August,
1992, be taken into

2. “That this House do consider the Shri Pranab Mukherjee, 6.12.93 6:13 Minister Replied
implications of the Dunkel Draft Minister of Commerce 7.12.93 & discussion
text on the trade negotiations with concluded.
reference to its effect on India’s

3. “That Twenty-eighth and the Shri K.V. Thangka 27.7.94 7:01 The MOS replied
Twenty-ninth Reports of the Balu, MOS for Welfare 2.8.94 & discussion
erstwhile Commissioner for 3.8.94 concluded.
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled 4.8.94
Tribes for the years
1986-87 and 1987-90 laid on the
Table of the Rajya Sabha on 9th
May, 1989 and 31st August, 1990,
respectively, and the Fifth, Sixth,
Seventh and the Eighth Reports of
the Commission (now National
Commission) for Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes for
the years 1982-83, 1983-84, 1984-
85 and 1985-86 laid on the Table
of the Rajya Sabha on 7th March,
1986, 28th August, 1987, 6th May,
1988 and 18th November, 1988
respectively, be taken into

4. “That this House do consider the Shri Balram 1.8.95 6:30 Minister replied
Draft Agriculture Policy Jakhar, Minister of 2.8.95 and discussion
Resolution (as modified) laid on Agriculture 3.8.95 concluded.
the Table of the House on the 14th
May, 1993.”
5. “That the ‘Status Paper on Shri Nitish 3.6.98 — Discussed
Railways: Some issues and Kumar, Minister of 4.6.98 alongwith
Options’, laid on the Table of the Railways Budget
House on 28th May, 1998, (Railways),
be taken into consideration.” 1998-99.
Sl. Subject/Motion Minister who moved Date(s) of Time Taken Remarks
No. the Motion discussion Hrs:Mts

6. “That this House do consider the Shri L.K. Advani, 3.8.98 8:40 Minister replied
Final Report of the Jain Minister 4.8.98 and discussion
Commission and Memorandum of of Home Affairs concluded.
Action Taken on the Report, laid
on the Table of the House
on the 31st July, 1998.”

7. “That this House do consider the Smt. Maneka Gandhi, 1.12.98 5:46 The MOS replied
Thirtieth Report of the erstwhile Minister 2.12.98 and discussion
Commissioner for Scheduled of State (Independent 3.12.98 concluded.
Castes and Scheduled Tribes for Charge) for Social 7.12.98
the year Justice &
1989-91 laid on the Table of the Empowerment
Rajya Sabha on the 27th July,

8. “That this House do consider the Shri Jaswant Singh, 23.11.2000 5:21 Minister replied
International situation.” Minister of External 24.11.2000 and discussion
Affairs concluded.

9. “That this House do consider the Shri Annasaheb M.K. 24.7.2003 5:35 MOS replied and
progress of implementation of Part Patil, MOS for Rural 25.7.2003 discussion
IX and Part-IX-A of the Development concluded
Constitution dealing with
Panchayats and Municipalities as
institutions of self- government
during the last ten years.”

10. “That this House do consider the Dr. Murli Manohar 13.8.2003 2:58 Minister replied
Science and Technology Policy- Joshi, Minister and discussion
2003, laid on the Table of Rajya of Human Resource concluded.
Sabha on the 7th March, 2003.” Development,
Science & Technology
and Ocean

11. “That this House do consider the Dr. Murli Manohar 9.12.2003 6:00 Minister replied
National Charter for Children, Joshi, Minister of and and discussion
2003, laid on the Table of the Human Resource 10.12.2003 concluded.
Rajya Sabha on the 5th December, Development, Science
2003”. & Technology and
Ocean Development
TABLE – 28
Sl. Mover Prime Date of Date of Time Taken Result
No. Minister Discussion Voting Hrs – Mts Ayes Noes


1. Sh. J.B. Kripalani Sh. J.L. Nehru 19.8.63 22.8.63 21 – 33 62 347
20.8.63 (Negatived)
2. Sh. N.C. Chatterjee Sh. L.B. Shastri 11.9.64 18.9.94 24 – 34 50 307
14.9.64 (Negatived)
3. Sh. S.N. Dwivedy Sh. L.B. Shastri 15.3.65 16.3.65 10 – 50 44 315
16.3.65 (Negatived)
4. Sh. M.R. Masani Sh. L.B. Shastri 23.8.65 26.8.65 15 – 48 66 318
24.8.65 (Negatived)
5. H.N. Mukherjee *Smt. Indira Gandhi 1.8.66 4.8.66 15 – 25 61 270
2.8.66 (Negatived)
6. Sh. U.M. Trivedi *Smt. Indira Gandhi 2.11.66 7.11.66 13 – 27 36 235
3.11.66 (Negatived)
7. Sh. A.B. Vajpayee-I Smt. Indira Gandhi 18.3.67 20.3.67 8 – 13 162 257
20.3.67 (Negatived)
Sl. Mover Prime Date of Date of Time Taken Result
No. Minister Discussion Voting Hrs – Mts Ayes Noes

8. Sh. Madhu Limaye-I Smt. Indira Gandhi 22.11.67 24.11.67 11-25 88 215
23.11.67 (Negatived)
9. Sh. Balraj Madhok Smt. Indira Gandhi 27.2.68 28.2.68 6 – 27 75 205
28.2.68 (Negatived)
10. Sh. Kanwar Lal Gupta Smt. Indira Gandhi 11.11.68 13.11.68 11 – 25 90 222
12.11.68 (Negatived)
11. Sh. P. Ramamurthy Smt. Indira Gandhi 18.2.69 20.2.69 10 – 06 86 215
19.2.69 (Negatived)
12. Sh. Madhu Limaye-II Smt. Indira Gandhi 28.7.70 29.7.70 9 – 20 137 243
29.7.70 (Negatived)
13. Sh. Jyotirmoy Bosu-I Smt. Indira Gandhi 21.11.73 22.11.73 11 – 21 54 251
22.11.73 (Negatived)
14. Sh. Jyotirmoy Bosu-II Smt. Indira Gandhi 9.5.74 10.5.74 11 – 16 By (Negatived)
10.5.74 voice
(2) vote
15. Sh. Jyotirmoy Bosu-III Smt. Indira Gandhi 23.7.74 25.7.74 14 – 01 63 297
24.7.74 (Negatived)
16. Sh. Jyotirmoy Bosu-IV Smt. Indira Gandhi 9.5.75 9.5.75 6 – 06 By (Negatived)
(1) voice


17. Sh. C.M. Stephen Sh. Morarji Desai 10.5.78 11.5.78 10 – 19 By voice (Negatived)
11.5.78 vote

18. Sh. Y.B. Chavan Sh. Morarji Desai 11.7.79 12.7.79 9 – 13 In concl- P.M.
12.7.79 usive resigned
(2) dis-
Sl. Mover Prime Date of Date of Time Taken Result
No. Minister Discussion Voting Hrs – Mts Ayes Noes


19. Sh. George Fernandes Smt. Indira Gandhi 8.5.81 9.5.81 10 – 40 92 278
9.5.81 (Negatived)

20. Sh. Samar Mukherjee Smt. Indira Gandhi 17.9.81 17.9.81 9 – 47 86 297
(1) (Negatived)

21. Sh. H.N. Bahuguna Smt. Indira Gandhi 16.8.82 16.8.82 10 -03 112 333
(1) (Negatived)


22. Sh. C. Madhav Reddy Sh. Rajiv Gandhi 10.12.87 11.12.87 12 – 45 By voice (Negatived)
11.12.87 vote


23. Sh. Jaswant Singh Sh. P.V. Narasimha Rao 15.7.92 17.7.92 14 – 00 225 271
16.7.92 (Negatived)

24. Sh. A.B. Vajpayee – II Sh. P.V. Narasimha Rao 17.12.92 21.12.92 21 – 44 111 336
18.12.92 (Negatived)

25. Sh. Ajoy Sh. P.V. Narasimha Rao 26.7.93 28.7.93 18 – 20 251 265
Mukhopadhyay 27.7.93 (Negatived)


26. Smt. Sonia Gandhi Sh. A.B. Vajpayee 18.8.2003 19.8.2003 21 – 07 189 314
19.8.2003 (Negatived)

27 Shri Srinivas Kesineni Sh. Narendra Modi 20.07.2018 20.07.2018 11-46 135 330
(1) (Negatived)

*She was a member of the Rajya Sabha at that time.

TABLE – 29
Sl. Lok Sabha Form of the Motion and Date(s) of Date of Result Time Taken
No. moved by discussion voting (Hrs-Mts)
1 6th Lok Sabha ‘That this House expresses Listed for - - -
its confidence in the Council of 20.8.79 but
Ministers’ by Shri Charan not moved as
Singh, Prime Minister PM tendered
(9th Session)
2 9th Lok Sabha ‘That this House expresses its 21.12.89 21.12.89 Adopted 5 – 20
confidence in the Council of (1st Session) By voice
Ministers’ moved by Shri V.P. (1 day) vote
Singh, Prime Minister.
3 9th Lok Sabha ‘That this House expresses its 7.11.90 7.11.90 Negatived 11 – 12
confidence in the Council of 4th Session Ayes-152
Ministers’ moved by Shri V.P. (1 day) Noes-356
Singh, Prime Minister.
4 9th Lok Sabha ‘That this House expresses its 16.11.90 16.11.90 Adopted 6 – 21
confidence in the Council of (5th Session) Ayes-280
Ministers’ moved by Shri (1 days) Noes-214
Chandra Shekhar, Prime
5 10th Lok Sabha ‘That this House expresses its 12.7.91 15.7.91 Adopted 7 – 35
confidence in the Council of 15.7.91 Ayes-240
Ministers’ by Shri P.V. (1st Session) Noes 109
Narasimha Rao, (2 days)
Prime Minister.
6 11th Lok Sabha ‘That this House expresses its 27.5.96 Motion not PM announced 10 – 43
confidence in the Council of 28.5.96 put to vote his intention to
Ministers’ by Shri Atal Bihari 1st Session resign.
Vajpayee, Prime Minister. (2 days)
7 11th Lok Sabha ‘That this House expresses its 11.6.96 12.6.96 Adopted 12 – 28
confidence in the Council of 12.6.96 By voice vote
Ministers’ by Shri H.D. Deve (1st Session)
Gowda (2 days)
8 11th Lok Sabha ‘That this House expresses its 11.4.97 11.4.97 Negatived 11 – 45
confidence in the Council of (4th Session) Ayes-190
Ministers’ by Shri H.D. Deve (1 day) Noes-338
Gowda, Prime Minister
9 11 Lok Sabha ‘That this House expresses its
th 22.4.97 22.4.97 Adopted 9 – 03
Confidence in the Council of 4th Session By voice vote
Ministers’ by Shri I.K. Gujral, (1 day)
Prime Minister
10 12th Lok Sabha ‘That this House expresses its 27.3.98 28.3.98 Adopted 17 – 56
confidence in the Council of 28.3.98 Ayes-275
Ministers’ by Shri Atal Bihari (1st Session) Noes 260
Vajpayee, Prime Minister (2 days)
Sl. Lok Sabha Form of the Motion and Date(s) of Date of Result Time Taken
No. moved by discussion voting (Hrs-Mts)

11 12th Lok Sabha ‘That this House expresses its 15.4.99 17.4.99 Negatived 24 – 58
confidence in the Council of 16.4.99 Ayes-269
Ministers’ by Shri Atal Bihari 17.4.99 Noes-270
Vajpayee, Prime Minister (4th Session)
(3 days)
12 14th Lok Sabha ‘That this House expresses its 21.7.08 22.7.08 Adopted 15-11
confidence in the Council of 22.7.08 Ayes-275
Ministers’ by Dr. Manmohan (14th Session) Noes-256
Singh, Prime Minister (2 days)
(Government headed by Dr. Manmohan Singh)
Session/Duration/Sittings Total time available (Hrs.) Time Lost Reasons
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
(11.00 a.m. (11.00 a.m. Hrs. – Mts Hrs. – Mts
to to (percentage) (percentage)
6.00 p.m.) 5.00 p.m.)
201st 42 25 16 -57 11 – 23 On the issue of charge
(4.06.04 (38%) (46 %) sheeted Ministers
to to
10.06.04) 10.06.04)
Sittings Sittings
7 5
202nd 144 120 54 – 43 54 – 47 On the issue of charge
(5.07.04 (38%) 45.65%) sheeted Ministers, Veer
to Savarkar, non-bailable
26.08.04) warrant against former
Sittings CM of Madhya Pradesh
24 and a union Minister etc.
203rd 102 85 5 – 53 1 – 16 On the issue of levelling
(1.12.04 (5%) (1.5%) of charges against each
to other by two Cabinet
23.12.04) Ministers/Train accidents in
Sittings Punjab/alleged directions to
17 CBI by the PMO to re-open
the case of Shri L.K. Advani,
Leader of Opposition in Lok
204th 228 190 29 – 43 43 – 02 Due to political situation in
(25.02.05 (13%) (23%) Goa & Jharkhand, Not laying
to the report of the Nanavati
13.05.05) Commission
Sittings and Justice Phukan
38 Commission/Charge
sheet filed against
Railway Minister on
Fodder Scam and
Investigations conducted by
CBI against the Leader of
Bahujan Samaj Party
Session/Duration/Sittings Total time available (Hrs.) Time Lost Reasons

Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
(11.00 a.m. (11.00 a.m. Hrs. – Mts Hrs. – Mts
to to (percentage) (percentage)
6.00 p.m.) 5.00 p.m.)

5th 205th 144 120 10 – 35 14 – 56 On the issue of bomb

(25.7.05 (25.07.05 (7.3%) (12.4%) blasts in the Shramjeevi
to to Express near Hazrat Ganj
31.8.05) 30.8.05) Railway Station/Nanavati
Siittings Sittings Commission Report/
24 24 Interference by the
Governor of Bihar in the
working of Ministry of
Railways/appearance of the
wife of the Finance Minister
on behalf of the Income Tax
Department in a tax related
case/ question of privilege
against ‘the Pioneer’
newspaper for derogatory
article on the Speaker.

6th 206th 138 115 26 – 17 24 – 02 On the issue of Volker

(23.11.2005 (23.11.2005 (19.4%) (20.89%) I report, decision of the
to to Govt. to shift the proposed
23.12.2005) 23.12.2005) National Institute of Science
Sittings Sittings from Bhubneswar to
23 23 Kolkata/
interview given by Indian
Ambassador to Croatia to a
news magazine on Volker
Report/Dharna by
students on the minority
character of Aligarh
Muslim University/ killing
of five persons in the East
Champaran district of Bihar
on 12.12.05.

7th 207th 210 175 37 – 59 23 – 42 Due to communal

(16.2.2006 (16.2.2006 (18.8%) (13.54%) headcounting in Armed
to to Forces/Defreezing of
23.5.2006) 23.5.2006) account of Ottaovio
Sittings Sittings Quattrochi/protest against
35 35 USA’s President visit to
India/demolition carried out
in Delhi/Motion moved by
the Leader of House
regarding third report of
Committee on Privileges.
Session/Duration/Sittings Total time available (Hrs.) Time Lost Reasons

Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
(11.00 a.m. (11.00 a.m. Hrs. – Mts Hrs. – Mts
to to (percentage) (percentage)
6.00 p.m.) 5.00 p.m.)
8th 208th 132 110 32 – 37 25 – 19 Due to rise in prices/suicide
(24.7.2006 (24.7.2006 (24.7%) (23.0%) by farmers/leakage of report
to to of Justice Pathak
25.8.2006) 25.8.2006) Inquiry Authority/letter
Sittings Sittings allegedly containing some
22 22 objectionable remarks, written
by Shri Vajjpayee to
Speaker/Vande Matram/
insult of sikh student/
release of Maulana Masood

9th 209th 120 100 24 – 03 29 – 26 On the issue reg. punishment

(22.11.2006 (22.11.2006 (20.04%) (29.43%) of perpetrator of attack on
to to Parliament/controversial
19.12.2006) 19.12.2006) statement of the Chinese
Sittings Sittings Ambassador
20 20 over Arunachal Pradsesh
arrest of a Member of the
Union Council of Minister for
his involvlement in a murder
of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s
statue in Kanpur/demolition
of Babri Mosque/Statement
of Hon’ble Prime Minister on
minorities etc.

10th 1st Part 210th 1st Part 102 90 40 – 18 38 – 39 Due to andemonium

(23.2.2007 (23.2.2007 90 65 (39.51%) (42.94%) created over the issue of
to to 26 – 08 28 – 19 arrest of Mr. Quattrocchi,
20.3.2007) 21.3.2007) (29.03%) (43.56%) prime accused in Bofors case
Sittings Sittings by Interpol in Argentina,
17 18 alleged conspiracy by the
2nd Part 2nd Part Central Government against
(26.4.07 (26.4.07 the Chief Minister of UP,
to to Police
17.5.07) 17.5.07) firing in Nandigram, West
Sittings Sittings Bengal/fake encounter in
15 13 Gujarat Babgaki Barrage on
river of Godavari
Session/Duration/Sittings Total time available (Hrs.) Time Lost Reasons
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
(11.00 a.m. (11.00 a.m. Hrs. – Mts Hrs. – Mts
to to (percentage) (percentage)
6.00 p.m.) 5.00 p.m.)
11th 211th 102 85 40 – 43 41 – 51 Due to pandemonium
(10.8.07 (10.8.07 (39.91%) (49.23%) created over the issue
to to regarding Civil Nuclear
10.9.07) 10.9.07) Energy Cooperation with
Sittings Sittings United States, submission
17 17 made by HMPA on certain
remarks made by the Shri
George Fernandes, MP
outside the House against the
Prime Minister
12th 212th 102 85 19 – 43 18 – 08 On the issue of Nandigram,
(15.11.2007 (15.11.2007 (19.33%) (21.33%) West Bengal, Violence by
to to All Advasi Students
7.12.2007) 7.12.2007) Association of Assam and
Sittings Sittings demolition of Babri Mosque
17 17
13th 213th 168 150 33 – 21 31 – 39 On the issue of the
(25.2.2008 (25.2.2008 (19.85%) (21.1%) alleged plight of farmers
to to across the country, attack on
5.5.2008) 6.5.2008) CPI(M) offices in different
Sittings Sittings parts of the country, violence
28 30 in Kannur in Kerala, price
rise, intervention of PMO on
allocaotion of Gas to a Power
Corporation Ltd. Owned by
14th 1st Part — 12 — — — —
14th 2nd Part 214th 96 80 18 – 06 12 – 46 Issue of Batla House
(17.10.08 (17.10.08 (16.75%) (15.95%) Encounter in Delhi, recent
to to attack on North Indians in
23.12.08) 23.12.08) Maharashtra, violence against
Sittings Sittings the Tamil People in Sri
16 16 Lanka, non-reduction in
prices of diesel and cooking
gas commensurate with fall in
crude oil prices in
international market,
statement of a Cabinet
Minister in respect of
martyrdom of Mumbai ATS
Session/Duration/Sittings Total time available (Hrs.) Time Lost Reasons

Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
(11.00 a.m. (11.00 a.m. Hrs. – Mts Hrs. – Mts
to to (percentage) (percentage)
6.00 p.m.) 5.00 p.m.)

15th 215th Session 60 50 1-20 0-13 Issue of certain provision of

(12.02.09 (12.02.09 (2.22%) (0.43%) the Scheduled Castes and
to to Scheduled Tribes
26.02.09) 26.02.09) (Reservation in posts and
Sittings Sittings Services) Bill, 2008 and issue
10 10 of plight of Tamils in Sri
Total 416 – 26 398 – 28
(329) 1992 1645
(323) (20.90%) (24.22%)

Time of sitting of Lok Sabha has been taken as 11.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Time of sitting of Rajya Sabha has been taken as 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

one hour for lunch break has been excluded where the adjournment of the House coincided with normal
lunch break timing i.e. from 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.
(Government headed by Dr. Manmohan Singh)
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Reasons
(11.00 a.m. (11.00 a.m. Hrs. – Mts Hrs. – Mts
to to (percentage) (percentage)
6.00 p.m.) 5.00 p.m.)

1st 216th 42 20 Nil Nil

(1.06.09 (4.06.09
to to
9.06.09) 9.06.09)
Sittings Sittings
7 4
2nd 217th 156 130 23-19 8-56 Increase in price of
(2.7.09 (2.7.09 (14.94%) (6.87%) petrol and diesel,
to to security review of BSP
7.8.09) 7.8.09) Chief and the Chief
Sittings Sittings Minister of UP/setting
26 26 up of Development
Board for Bundelkhand
region/Mumbair 26/11
Terrorist attack.
3rd 218th 126 115 31-47 13-21 On the issue of sugar
(19.11.09 (19.11.09 (25.24%) (11.60%) cane prices, leakage of
to to Librahan Commission
18.12.09) 22.12.09) Report, shortage of
Sittings Sittings fertilizers and seeds/
21 23 Corruption charges against
ex-Chief Minister of
Jharkhand/Violence in
West Bengal, Telangana
and Bodo land issue etc.
4th 219th 192 160 69 – 51 44 – 55 Over the issue of price
(22.2.10 (22.2.10 (36.38%) (28.07%) rise of essential
to to commodities/price rise
7.5.10) 7.5.10) in petroleum and diesel/
Sittings Sittings Women’s reservation Bill/
32 32 Civil Liability for Nuclear
Damage Bill,
2010/reported show of
money-garland presented
to Chief Minister of UP in
the rally organized by
BSP/IPL controversy/
irregularities in allocation
of 2G telephone spectrum.
Session/Duration/Sittings Total time available (Hrs.) Time Lost Reasons

Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
(11.00 a.m. (11.00 a.m. Hrs. – Mts Hrs. – Mts
to to (percentage) (percentage)
6.00 p.m.) 5.00 p.m.)
5th 220th 156 130 44-15 34-49 Over the issue of price rise
(26.7.10 (26.7.10 (28.36%) (26.78%) of essential commodities/
to to diversion of funds from the
31.8.2010) 31.8.2010) Scheduled Castes sub plan
Sittings Sittings of Delhi to Commonwealth
26 26 Games Project/ atrocities of
police on farmers for their
land acquired for Yamuna
Express Way/Salary,
Allowances and Pensions of
MPs/exploitation of Sikh
community in the valley of
J&K etc.
6th 221st 138 115 124-01 99-03 Over the issue of various
(9.11.2010 (9.11.2010 (93.24%) (88.43%) corruptions i.e. CWG, 2G
to to Spectrum, Adarsh Housing
13.12.2010) 13.12.2010) Society-Demand on
Sittings Sittings constitution of JPC to
23 23 inquire into 2G Spectrum
scam-alleged land scam by
CM of Karnataka.
7th 222nd 138 115 24-43 23-50 Over the issue of
(21.2.2011 (21.2.2011 (17.09%) (20.56%) Telangana/Law and order
to to situation in Uttar Pradesh/
25.3.2011) 25.3.2011) alleged irregularities in
Sittings Sittings allotment of booths in
23 23 Chandigarh/ Over the issue
relating to payment of cash
for vote to some MPs in
Confidence Motion of UPA-I
Government in 2008,
published in ‘the Hindu’ etc.
8th 223rd *140 – 42 122 – 40 55 – 31 53 – 57 Over the issue of price rise,
(1.8.2011 (1.8.2011 (39.45%) (43.98%) scam in Commonwealth
to to Games, 2010 agitation by Shri
8.9.2011) 8.9.2011) Anna Hazare, a social activist
Sittings Sittings against the Lokpal Bill,
26 26 appointment of Lokayukt in
Gujrat and
arrest of two former MPs in
cash for vote etc.
Session/Duration/Sittings Total time available (Hrs.) Time Lost Reasons
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
(11.00 a.m. (11.00 a.m. Hrs. – Mts Hrs. – Mts
to to (percentage) (percentage)
6.00 p.m.) 5.00 p.m.)
9th 224th 140 *115 73-30 56-13 Over the issue of price-
(22.11.2011 (22.11.2011 (52.5%) (48-88%) rise, hassles faced by the
to to Chief Minister of Tamil
29.12.2011) 29.12.2011) Nadu at the border of
Sittings Sittings Karnataka, Telanganaa
24 24 issue, Black money,
cororuption, FDI policy in
Single Brand Retain
Trading Sector, Mulla
Pariyar Dam in Kerala
and constitutional wrangele
on the introduction of the
Lokpal and Lokayuktas Bill.
225th 194-09 155-26 48-03 17-06 Over the issue of new
10th (24.79%) (11.08%) formulae for coal price,
(12.03.2012 (12.03.2012
to Telangana issue, Sethu
to Samundram, Bofors issue,
22.05.2012) 22.05.2012)
Sittings Corruption in purchase of
Sittings Tetra trucks for Indian Army,
34 34
Shortage of storage of food
grains, Aircel maxis deal, Air
India pilot strikes etc.
11th 226th 100 – 55 77 – 51 85 -38 61 – 17 Over the issue of illegal
(8.8.2012 (8.8.2012 (77.14%) (71.56%) infiltration into Assam,
to to reservation in promotion in
7.9.2012) 7.9.2012) Government job, black
Sittings Sittings money and fast undertaken by
19 19 Baba and Report of the CAG
on allocation of coal block.
12th 227th 111-39 59-07 93-46 46-54 Over the issue of FDI,
(22.11.12 (22.11.12 (52.9%) (50.02%) Atrocities on muslim youth in
to to jails, Reservation in
20.12.12) 20.12.12) promotion in Govt. jobs to
Sittings Sittings SCs/STs, Wallmart
20 20 Lobbying of disclosure
report and gang rape of
victim in a moving bus in
13th 228th 163-10 92-40 146.54 80-36 Price hike in petrol, Plight of
(21.02.13 (21.02.13 (56.79%) (54.87%) Tamils in Sri Lanka, Terrorist
to to attack in Srinagar, Killing of
08.05.13) 08.05.13) Tamil fishermen by Srilankan
Sittings Sittings Navy, Interference in the
32 32 functioning of the CBI.
Coalgate Scam, Incursion by
Chinese in Ladhak, Bribery
for promotion in Railway
Board, Law and
order situation in UP.
Session/Duration/Sittings Total time available (Hrs.) Time Lost Reasons
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
(11.00 a.m. (11.00 a.m. Hrs. – Mts Hrs. – Mts
to to (percentage) (percentage)
6.00 p.m.) 5.00 p.m.)
14th 229th 120-00 73-28 105.00 37-19 Chinese incursion in
(05.08.13 (05.08.13 (61.22%) (35.53%) Indian Border, Defence
to to Minister on ambush
06.09.13) 07.09.13) incident by Pakistan
Sittings Sittings Army/reservation policy of
21 21 SCs/STs/OBCs,
Allocation of coal blocks.
Parikarma in Ayodhya,
devaluation of rupee, missing
files of Coal blockHike in
prices of Petroleum Products.

15th 1st Part 230th 1st Part 42.00 35.02 35-00 25-50 Telangana, death of
(5.12.13 (5.12.13 72-00 56-38 (83.41%) (73.8%) children in Muzaffarnagar,
to to 60-00 44-54 price rise, OBCs lists SCs
18.12.13) 18.12.13) (Total- 114-00) (Total- 91-40) (78.65%) (74.83%) in UP/Sexual harassment
Sittings Sittings affair/Tamil- Nadu fishermen.
10 10 Total- 95-00 Total - 70-04
nd nd
2 Part 2 Part Total Time Total Time
(5.02.14 (5.02.14 Lost in % - Lost in % -
to to (80.40%) (74.45%)
21.02.14) 21.02.14)
Sittings Sittings
12 12
Total (355) 2031-55 1572-12 1021-18 649-00
(50.26%) (41.28%)

This excludes the time on which day the House(s) was adjourned for the day to pay homage to the passing away of sitting
Time of sitting of Lok Sabha has been taken as 11.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Time of sitting of Rajya Sabha has been taken as 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
One hour for lunch break has been excluded where the adjournment of the House coincided with normal lunch break timing i.e.
from 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.
(Government headed by Shri Narendra Modi)
Session/Duration/Sitting Total time available Time Lost Reasons
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Rajya Lok Sabha Rajya
Sabha Sabha Hrs. – Mts. Sabha
(11:00 (11:00 a.m. (percentage (11:00 a.m.
a.m. to to 6:00 ) to 6:00
6:00 p.m.) p.m.)
1st Session 231st (i) Publishing of names of
(04.06.14 to (09.06.14 to members of BSP in the Session I
11.06.14) 11.06.14) 36 18 00-16 00-52 Bulletin of Rajya Sabha for
Sittings Sittings (0.74%) (4.81%) violation of rules and etiquettes of
6 3 Rajya Sabha by entering the well
of the House and wilfully
obstructing the proceedings of the
(ii) Law and Order situation in UP
2nd Session 232nd (i) Price Rise and Inflation
(07.07.14 to (07.07.14 to (ii) Leakage of Railway Budget to
14.08.14) 14.08.14) 162 162 13-37 25-27 Media
Sittings Sittings (8.40%) (15.70%) (iii) Use of regional language in
27 27 CSAT exam
(iv) Tapping of Telephones of
Cabinet Minister
(v) Government Decision to allow
FDI in Railway and Defence.
(vi) Forceful break of Roza by
Shiv Sena activists
(vii) Rising incidents of communal
violence in the Country
3rd Session 233rd (i) Continuing steep fall in prices
(24.11.14 to (24.11.14 to of cotton.
23.12.14) 23.12.14) 132 132 2-10 46-45 (ii) Controversial remarks made by
Sittings Sittings (1.64%) (35.41%) MOS Food, Processing Industry.
22 22 (iii) Celebration of Nathuram
Godse’s death anniversary as
‘Shourya Diwas’.
(iv) Issue objectionable question in
Railway Recruitment Board
(Southern Region) examination.
(v) Forceful conversion of
(vi) Issue of Black Money
4th Session 234th (i) Documentary on the accused of
(23.02.15 to (23.02.15 to the Nirbhaya Case.
13.05.15) 20.03.15 114 4-21 (ii) Tamil Nadu fishermen
Sittings Sittings (3.81%) threatening statement of Shri
35 19 Lankan President.
210 6-54 (iii) Farmers Suicide at Jantar
(3.28%) Mantar
(iv) Atrocities on Dalits
(v) Demand for separate High
Court for Telangana
235th (i) Land acquisition ordinance.
(23.04.15 to (ii) Discussion on Prime Minister’s
13.05.15) 78 14-07 speech.
Sittings (18.09%) (iii) Molestation of a girl in a bus
13 in district of Moga in Punjab.
(iv) Irregularities found by C& AG
in the audit report Purti Sakhar
Karkhana Ltd.
5th Session 236th Issue of involved of one Cabinet
(21.07.15 to (21.07.15 to Minister in the issue of Lalit Modi
13.08.15) 13.08.15) 102 102 34-32 72-07 case.
Sittings Sittings (33.85%) (70.70%) Vyapam Scam of Madhya Pradesh.
17 17
6th Session 237th Discrimination meted out to an MP
(26.11.15 to (26.11.15 to in Dwarka Temple in Gujrat.
23.12.15) 23.12.15) 120 120 8-38 51-33 Interference of Governor of
Sittings Sittings (7.19%) (42.95%) Arunachal Pradesh with the
20 20 intention to topple the Government
of Arunachal Pradesh.
Increase in Petrol Prices
Growing incident of intolerance in
the country.
7th Session 238th Issue of Suicide by Dalit Student
(23.02.16 to (23.02.16 to of Hyderabad Central University.
16.03.16) 16.03.16) 96 96 5-52 12-55 (ii) Raids on the Offices of Shri P.
Sittings Sittings (6.11%) (13.45%) Chidambaram’s Son.
16 16 Gujrat Land deals involving CM’s
daughter Anar Patel.
(iv) Aircel Maxis Scam.

8th Session 239th 78 90 01-31 19-06 (i) Due to lack of quorum in Lok
(25.04.16 to (25.04.16 to (1.98%) (21.22%) Sabha.
11.05.16) (13.05.16) (ii) Agusta Wasteland Chopper
Sittings Sittings Scam.
13 15 Imposition of President’s Rule in
the State of Uttarakhand.
(iv) Disciplinary action taken
against students of JNU.
Issue of Water carrying train sent
to UP.
(vi) Issue of speech made by
Hon’ble PM in the State of Tamil
9th Session 240th 120 120 7-56 20-34 Issue of dalits.
(18.07.16 to (18.07.16 to (6.61%) (17.13%) Issue of assault on dalit youths in
12.08.16) 12.08.16) Gujrat Una district.
Sittings Sittings Issue of uploading of the video of
20 20 Parliament on social media by Shri
Bhagwant Man.
Issue of situation arising out of
price rise in the country.
Issue of linkage of Government
benefits with Aadhar Card for
various schemes.
Issue of growing unemployment in
the country.
Issue of discrimination by the
Centre in releasing fund for Uttar

10th Session 241st 126 126 92-09 90-06 Issue of Demonetization.

(16.11.16 to (16.11.16 to (73.13%) (71.50%) Issue of statement made by the
16.12.16) 16.12.16) Prime Minister on the opposition
Sittings Sittings saying that they were in favour of
21 21 black money.
Issue of demise of people due to
Issue of reduction in import duty
on wheat.
Issue of Augusta Westland scam.
11th Session 242nd 174 174 08-07 18-29 Issue of remarks made by the
(31.01.17 to (31.01.17 to (4.65%) (10.62%) Prime Minister about the former
12.04.17) 12.04.17) Prime Minster.
Sittings Sittings Issue of formation of Government
29 29 in Goa and Manipur and alleged
violation of constitution in
formation of Government.
Issue of reservation policy for
Issue of vacant posts in Minority
Commission/SC & ST
Issue of EVM Machines incidents
occurred in Madhya Pradesh.
Issue of victimization of Congress
CM and ex. CMs of various states
by the Government through the
Constitutional machinery.
12th Session 243rd 114 114 31-17 28-09 (i) issue of atrocities against dalits
(17.07.17 to (17.07.17 to (27.44%) (24.69%) occurred in Sabbirpur UP and mob
11.08.17) 11.08.17) lynching.
Sittings Sittings (ii) issue of influencing of MLAs
19 19 of INC party in Gujrat to create
issue of ED and IT raids on on a
Congress Minister in Karnataka
and the resort where Gujrat MLAs
of Congress were stayed.
Issue of change of name of Mugal
Sarai railway station.
(v0 Issue of printing of dual size of
currency note of same
13th Session 244th 78 78 13-45 35-05 (i) issue of remarks made by Prime
(15.12.17 to (15.12.17 to (17.62%) (44.97) Minister on the meeting of former
05.01.18) 05.01.18) Prime Minister along with former
Sittings Sittings Bureaucrats and Diplomats with
13 13 Pakistani Diplomats.
(ii) issue of winning of ruling party
in General Election 2014 by
blaming opposition in the name of
2G scam and subsequent acquittal
of all of the accused in 2G Scam
by CBI court.
(iii) issue of castist clash in
14th Session 245th 174 180 123-12 124-37 (i) issue regarding the Andhra
(29.01.18 to (29.01.18 to (70.80%) (69.23%) Pradesh Reorganization act.
06.04.18) 06.04.18) (ii)issue of Punjab National Bank
Sittings Sittings scam and Cauvery water issue.
29 30 (iii) issue of Supreme Court
verdict regarding Scheduled Caste
and Scheduled Tribes.
15th Session 246th Session 102 102 02-36 30-19 (i) issue of National Register of
(18.07.18 to (18.07.18 to (2.54%) (29.72%) Citizens in respect of Assam.
10.08.18) 10.08.18) (ii) issue of Minimum Support
Sittings Sittings Price.
17 17 (iii) issue of Constituting Joint
Parliamentary Committee on
Rafale deal.
16th Session 247th Session 102 108 58-27 79-34 Issue of flood situation in Kerala.
(11.12.18 to (11.12.18 to (57.30%) (73.67%) issue of Constituting of Joint
08.01.19) 09.01.19) Parliamentary Committee on
Sittings Sittings Rafale deal.
17 18 Sand mining cases in Uttar
Incidents of violence in North-
eastern states.
Issue of construction of Temple in
Issue regarding special status to
Andhra Pradesh.
17th Session 248th Session 60 60 11-51 41-18 (i) Issue of CBI and Kolkata Police
(31.01.19 to (31.01.19 to (19.75%) (68.83%) conflict.
13.02.19) 13.02.19) (ii) 13 points roster for
Sittings Sittings appointments in Universities.
10 10 (iii) issue of Constitution of Joint
Parliamentary Committee on
Rafale deal.

Total (329) 1986 1974 422-50 715-24

(331) (21.29%) (36.02%)
(Government headed by Shri Narendra Modi)
Session/Duration/Sitting Total time available Time Lost Reasons
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Lok Rajya Lok Sabha Rajya
Sabha Sabha Hrs. – Mts. Sabha
(11:00 (11:00 a.m. (percentage (11:00 a.m.
a.m. to 6:00 ) to 6:00
to p.m.) p.m.)
1st Session 249th Session (i) Issue of recent crisis of
(17.06.19 to (20.06.19 to Karnataka Government and the
06.08.19) 07.08.19) 222 210 Nil 19-34 opposition party in Karnataka
Sittings Sittings (9.31%) behind the conspiracy.
37 35 (ii) Issue of recent Government
Examination relating to the
Postal Services.
Issue of recent killings in
Sonbhadra in UP.
(iv) issue of statement made by
US President regarding the
arbitration in the matter of
(v)Issue of accident of the Unnao
rape case victim.

2nd Session 250th Session 120 120 10-38 11-52 (i) Issue of withdrawal of SPG
(18.11.19 to 18.11.19 to (8.86%) (9.88%) security cover of Gandhi family
13.12.19) 13.12.19) and Ex-PM Sh. Manmohan
Sittings Sittings Singh.
20 20 (ii) Issue of fee rise in JNU.
Issue of Electoral bonds and
privatisation of PSUs.
Issue of formation of
Government in Maharashtra.
Issue of non-release of GST dues
to the States.
3rd Session 251st Session 138 138 27-33 32-51 (i) issue of NPR, NRC and CAA.
31.01.20 to 31.01.20 to (19.96%) (23.80%) (ii) Firing incident at Jamia and
23.03.20) 23.03.20) Shaheen Bagh.
Sittings Sittings (iii) Issue of Delhi riots.
23 23
4th Session 252nd Session 40 40 03-03 03-15 Issue of portest against the
(14.09.20 to 14.09.20 to (7.62%) (8.12%) contentious farm bills.
23.09.20) 23.09.20) Issue of division on the motion
Sittings Sittings
of suspension of the Indian
10 10
Institutes of Information
Technology Laws (Amendment)
Bill, 2020.
5th Session 253rd Session 131 126 33-09 22-24 Issue of farmers’ protest in
(29.01.21 to (29.01.21 to (25.30% (17.77%) Delhi.
25.03.21) 25.03.21) Issue of huge and frequent
Sittings Sittings
increase in prices of Petrol,
24 23
Diesel and LPG.

6th Session 254th Session 96 101 78-14 73-06 Issue of Pegasus Spyware
(19.07.21 to (19.07.21 to (81.49%) (72.37%) Issue of farmers’ protest in
11.08.2021) 11.08.2021)
Sittings 17 Delhi.
Sittings 17
Issue of huge and frequent
increase in prices of Petrol,
Diesel and LPG.

7th Session 255th Session 108 108 36-45 50-02 Issue of Farmers.
(29.11.2021 to (29.11.2021 to (34.02%) (46.32%) Issue related to suspension of
22.12.2021) 22.12.2021)
Sittings 18 members from the Rajya Sabha.
Sittings 18
Issue related to incident of
Lakhimpur Kheri.

8th Session 256th Session 162 162 01-46 09-23 Prices of cooking gas, petroleum
(31.01.2022 to (31.01.2022 to (1.09%) (5.79%) and diesel.
07.04.2022) 07.04.2022) General strike call given by trade
Sittings 27 Sittings 27
Atrocities on dalits in Rajasthan.

9th Session 257th Session 96 96 47-49 50-52 Misuse of Government

(18.07.2022 to (18.07.2022 to (49.80%) (52.98%) Autonomous Agencies.
08.08.2022) 08.08.2022) Agnipath Scheme
Sittings 16 Sittings 16
Increase of GST on some
essential commodities.
Issue of price rise.

10th Session 258th Session 78 78 02-11 01-31 Chinese Army’s transgression on

(07.12.2022 to (07.12.2022 to (2.79%) (1.94%) the line of Actual Control.
23.12.2022) 23.12.2022) Misuse of CBI, ED and other
Sittings 13 Sittings 13
Government gencies.
Rising unemployment.
11th Session 259th Session 133-42 132-33 98-28 105-24 Issue of research report of
(31.01.2023 to (31.01.2023 to (73.64%) (79.51%) Hindenburg related to an Indian
06.04.2023) 06.04.2023) Corporate House.
Sittings 25 Sittings 25
Issue regarding remarks made by
a member of INC in London on
Indian Democracy.
Issue related to LOP’s remarks
expunged from Rajya Sabha
record and suspension of Smt
Rajni Ashokrao Patil.
Total (227) 1324- 1310-33 339-36 280-14
(230) 42 (25.63%) (21.38%)
TABLE – 31

Year Ministries Selected for Ministries discussed Date(s) of Time Taken

discussion Discussion Hrs – Mts
1993 1. Defence 1. Defence April 27 & 28 6 – 27
2. External Affairs
3. Home Affairs 2. Home Affairs April 28 & 29 10 – 36
4. Agriculture
5. Industry 3. Agriculture April 30 and 5 – 29
6. Commerce May 4
1994 1. External Affairs 1. Water Resources April 28 & 29 7 – 26
2. Water Resources
3. Human Resource 2. Human Resource April 29 and 8 – 15
Development Development May 2 & 3
4. Defence
5. Agriculture
6. Industry
1995 1. Defence 1. Defence May 4, 5, 8, 9, 14 – 49
2. External Affairs 10 & 16
3. Communications 2. Communications May 16 &17 4 – 45
4. Energy
5. Home Affairs
6. Petroleum and Natural Gas
7. Water Resources
8. Agriculture
1996 1. Agriculture 1. Rural Areas and September 9 3 – 22
2. Rural Development Employment
3. Home Affairs
4. Defence 2. Agriculture
5. Power
6. Human Resource
1997 1. Human Resource 1. Human Resource May 5 5 – 40
Development Development
2. Defence 2. Coal
3. External Affairs 3. Non-Conventional Energy May 6 5 – 09
4. Welfare Sources {Items (2) to (5)
5. Power 4. Power Discussed together}
6. Non-Conventional Energy 5. Atomic Energy
7. Atomic Energy
1998 1. External Affairs Agriculture July 10 & 14 1 – 27
2. Home Affairs
3. Agriculture
4. Defence
Year Ministries Selected for Ministries discussed Date(s) of Time Taken
discussion Discussion Hrs – Mts
1999 1. Home Affairs No Ministry was discussed - — —
2. External Affairs Demands for Grants in
3. Social Justice & respect of Budget (General)
Empowerment for 1999-2000 were submitted
4. Human Resource to the vote of the House and
Development voted in full without discussion.
5. Defence
2000 1. Communications 1. Communications April 25 5 – 51
2. Home Affairs 2. Home Affairs April 26 6 – 50
3. Human Resource 3. Human Resource May 2 3 – 34
Development Development
4. External Affairs
2001 1. Rural Development 1. Rural Development April 24 3 – 33
2. Disinvestment 2. Disinvestment April 24 3 – 14
2002 1. Agriculture Agriculture April 24 5 – 41
2. Defence
3. Home Affairs
2003 1. Labour 1. Labour April 22 6 – 45
2. External Affairs 2. External Affairs April 23 6 – 04
3. Defence
4. Youth Affairs & Sports
2004 1. Agriculture No Ministry was discussed - — —
2. Rural Development Demands for Grants in
3. Defence respect of Budget (General)
4. Human Resource for 2004-05 were submitted to
Development the vote of the House and
5. Home Affairs voted in full without discussion
6. Science & Technology
2005 1. Agriculture 1. Agriculture April 21 & 25 5-37
2. Rural Development
3. Human Resource 2. Rural Development April 25 3-40
4. Home Affairs 3. Home Affairs April 27 4-18
5. Science & Technology
6. Labour 4. Science & Technology April 27 0-44
2006 1. Home Affairs 1. Home Affairs March 13 7-09
2. Agriculture 2. Agriculture March 14 5-57
3. Rural Development 3. Rural Development March 17 5-50
2007 1. Labour & Employment 1. Labour & Employment April 26 4-20
2. Science & Technology 2. Science & Technology April 27 4-38
3. Home Affairs 3. Home Affairs April 28 6-34
Year Ministries Selected for Ministries discussed Date(s) of Time Taken
discussion Discussion Hrs – Mts
2008 1. Consumer Affairs, Food 1. Home Affairs April 21 6-28
and Public Distribution 2. Defence April 22 5-36
2. Home Affairs 3. Rural Development April 23 8-26
3. Defence 4. Information & Broadcasting April 24 4-05
4. Rural Development
5. Information & Broadcasting
6. Youth Affairs & Sports
2009 1. Human Resource 1. Human Resource July 15 5-12
Development Development
2. Agriculture 2. Agriculture July 17 & 8-33
3. Consumer Affairs, Food & 3. Consumer Affairs, Food & July 20
Public Distribution Public Distribution
4. Power 4. Power July 21 6-26
5. Home Affairs 5. Home Affairs July 22 7-17
6. Women and Child 6. Women and Child July 23 3-50
Development Development
2010 1. External Affairs 1. External Affairs April 20 5-08
2. Rural Development 2. Rural Development April 22 6-50
3. Tribal Affairs 3. Tribal Affairs April 23 5-29
4. Road Transport and
5. Water Resources
2011 1. Mines 1. Rural Development 14.3.2011 4 – 56
2. External Affairs 2. External Affairs 15.3.2011 6 – 48
3. Rural Development 16.3.2011
4. Road Transport and 3. Mines 16.3.2011 2 – 49
Highways 17.3.2011
2012 1. Health and Family Welfare 1. Health and Family Welfare 26.04.2012 6-29
2. Urban Development 2. Urban Development 30.042012 4-28
3. Home Affairs 3. Home Affairs 2.05.2012 6-05
4. Commerce and Industries 4. Commerce and Industries 3.05.2012 3-50
2013 1. Coal No Ministry was discussed -
2. New and Renewable Demands for Grants in respect
Energy of Budget (General) for
3. Agriculture 2013-14 were submitted to the
4. Textile vote of the House and voted
in full without discussion
Ministries Selected for Ministries discussed Date (s) of Time Taken
discussion Discussion Hrs – Mts.
2014 Road Transport and Highways Water Resources 21.07.2014 04-42

Environment and Forest 22.07.2014 04-23

Environment and Forest
Water Resources

Road Transport and

Social Justice and Empowerment Highways 23.07.2014 02-57

Social Justice and 00-54

Empowerment 23.07.2014
2015 Drinking Water and Sanitation Drinking Water and 22.04.2015 03-55
Home Affairs
Chemical and Fertilizers 23.04.2015 04-22

Human Resource and Human Resource and

Development Development 24.04.2015 04-30
Environment, Forest and Climate Home Affairs
Change 27.04.2015 05-16
Environment, Forest and 28.04.2015
Chemical and Fertilizers Climate Change
28.04.2015 04-02
Health and Family Welfare Health and Family Welfare

29.04.2015 03-01

2016 Development of North Eastern Development of North 27.04.2016 4-17

Region Eastern Region

Housing and Urban Poverty Skill Development and 28.04.2016 5-18

Alleviation Entrepreneurship 29.04.2016

Skill Development and Social Justice and 02.05.2016 4-38

Entrepreneurship Empowerment

Social Justice and Empowerment Housing and Urban Poverty 03.05.2016 2-40
Civil Aviation

Tourism Civil Aviation 03.05.2016 5-06

2017 Home Affairs Agriculture and Farmers 15.03.2017 08-06
Welfare 16.03.2017
Defence 16.03.2017 04-27
Defence 03-42
Home Affairs 17.03.2017
Coal Railways 14.03.2017
Agriculture and Farmers’
Year Ministries Selected for Ministries discussed Date (s) of Time Taken
discussion Discussion Hrs – Mts.
2018 Railways No Ministry was discussed – -- --
Demand for Grants in respect
Agriculture and Farmers’ of Budget (General) for 2018-
Welfare 19 were submitted to the vote
of the House and voted in full
Social Justice and without discussion.

Health and Family Welfare

Youth Affairs and Sports

Road Transport and Highways

2019 Railways Railways 11.07.2019 (13-06)

Road Transport and Highways Road Transport and 15.07.2019 (7-44)

Highways 16.07.2019
Rural Development; and
Agriculture and Farmers’ Rural Development; and
Welfare Agriculture and Farmers’ 16.07.2019 (10-36)
Welfare 17.07.2019

Youth Affairs and Sports 17.07.2019 (04-14)

Youth Affairs and Sports
2020 Railways Railways 12.03.2020 (12-31)

Social Justice and Social Justice and 13.03.2020 (05-21)

Empowerment Empowerment 16.03.2020

Tourism Tourism 16.03.2020 (04-01)

Health and Family Welfare

External Affairs

Housing and Urban Affairs

2021 Railways Railways 10.03.2021 09-21

Education Education 16.03.2021 07-26

Health and Family Welfare Health and Family Welfare 17.03.2021 04-56

Road Transport and Highways

Housing and Urban Affairs

2022 Railways Railways 15.03.2022 (12-59)

Road Transport and Highways Road Transport and 16.03.2022 (11-28)

Highways 21.03.2022
Civil Aviation
Civil Aviation 22.03.2022 (07-53)
Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Commerce and Industry
23.03.2022 (06-10)
Commerce and Industry 24.03.2022
Ports, Shipping and
Fisheries, Animal Husbandry 24.03.2022 (04-41)
and Dairying
2023 Railways No Ministry was discussed – - -
Rural Development Demand for Grants in respect
Panchayati Raj of Budget (General) for 2023-
Tribal Affairs 24 were submitted to the vote
Tourism of the House and voted in full
Culture without discussion.
Health & Family Welfare
TABLE – 32


Year Ministries Selected for Ministries discussed Date(s) of Time Taken

discussion Discussion Hrs – Mts
1993 1. Environment & Forests 1. Commerce May 11 4 – 20
2. External Affairs 2. Industry May 13 4 – 23
3. Industry
4. Commerce
5. Urban Development
1994 1. Labour 1. Labour April 25 & 26 5 – 21
2. Defence 2. Defence April 26, 27 & May 3 5 – 35
3. Information & Broadcasting 3. Information & Broadcasting April 27 & 28 6 – 31
4. Rural Development 4. Rural Development April 28 & May 2 4 – 34
5. Health & Family Welfare 5. Health & Family Welfare May 12 & June 15 2 – 32
1995 1. Agriculture and Rural Working of Ministries not — —
Areas and Employment discussed in 1995
2. Law, Justice & Company
3. Human Resource
4. Communications
5. External Affairs
1996 1. Power 1. Power September 9 & 10 4 – 36
2. Urban Affairs &
Employment 2. Steel & Mines September 11 2 – 15
3. Steel & Mines
4. Commerce
5. Chemicals & Fertilizers
1997 1. Planning and Programme 1. Planning and Programme May 5 & 6 5 – 57
Implementation Implementation
2. Welfare 2. Welfare May 8, 9 & 14 4 – 14
3. External Affairs 3. External Affairs May 15 4 – 20
4. Science &Technology
1998 1. External Affairs 1. External Affairs July 9 & 10 6 – 24
2. Human Resource 2. Human Resource July 13,14 & 15 6 – 37
Development Development
3. Environment & Forests 3. Environment & Forests July 21 & 22 6 – 16
4. Industry
1999 No Ministry could be discussed because of dissolution of Lok Sabha
2000 1. Agriculture 1. Agriculture April 27 4 – 49
2. Health & Family Welfare 2. Health & Family Welfare May 4 4 – 42
3. Defence 3. Defence May 15 6 – 29
4. External Affairs
Year Ministries Selected for Ministries discussed Date(s) of Time Taken
discussion Discussion Hrs – Mts
2001 1. Agriculture Working of Ministries not — —
2. Defence discussed in 2001
3. Labour
4. Human Resource
2002 1. Labour 1. Labour April 29 & 30 4 – 55
2. External Affairs 2. External Affairs May 7 4 – 40
3. Human Resource
4. Agriculture
2003 1. Agriculture 1. Agriculture April 21 & 22 5 – 23
2. Home Affairs 2. Home Affairs April 22 & 23 5 –37
3. Communication & 3. Communication & April 24 & 25 5 – 08
Information Technology Information Technology
4. Human Resource 4. Human Resource April 28 & 29 6 – 05
Development Development
2004 1. Water Resources Working of Ministries/ — —
2. Deptt. of Commerce Department not discussed
3. Statistics and Programme in 2004.
4. Rural Development
5. Civil Aviation
6. Power
2005 1. Water Resources 1. Water Resources April 20, 21, 3- 49
2. Social Justice and 25 and 26
Empowerment and 2. Social Justice and April 26 4 – 28
Tribal Affairs Empowerment {Items (2) & (3)
3. Power and Non- 3. Tribal Affairs April 26 Discussed together}
Conventional Energy 4. Defence April 27 & 28 2 – 50
Sources 5. Power April 28 3 – 26
4. Consumer Affairs, Food 6. Non-Conventional Energy April 28 {Items (5) & (6)
and Public Distributions Sources Discussed together}
5. Defence 7. Environment and Forests May 2 4 – 37
6. Environment and Forests 8. Consumer Affairs, Food May 3 3 – 52
and Public Distribution
Year Ministries Selected for Ministries discussed Date(s) of Time Taken
discussion Discussion Hrs – Mts
2006 1. External Affairs 1. Information and March 13 & 3-40
2. Information and Broadcasting May 16 Discussion was
Broadcasting 2. External Affairs March 14 concluded and the
3. Labour & Employment 3. Labour & Employment March 17, 18 Minister replied on
4. Panchayati Raj and Rural 4. Panchayati Raj and March 18, 20, 21 May 16,2006
Development Rural Development & May 12 4-31
Shri Raghuvansh
Prasad Singh,
Minister of Rural
replied to the
debate on matters
concerning Ministry
of Rural
Development on
March 21,2006.
The Minister of
Panchayati Raj &
Youth Affairs and
Sports replied to
the debate on
May 12,2006
2007 1. Agriculture 1. Health & Family Welfare May 9 6- 37
2. Health & Family Welfare
3. Human Resopurce
4. Rural Development
2008 1. Commerce & Industry 1. Rural Development April 21 5-15
2. Agriculture 2. Labour & Employment April 23 4-35
3. Human Resource 3. Human Resource April 24 0-26
Development Development (Inconclusive)
4. Rural Development 4. Agriculture April 28 5-39
5. Labour & Employment 5. Commerce & Industry April 29 3-57
Year Ministries Selected for Ministries discussed Date(s) of Time Taken
discussion Discussion Hrs – Mts
2009 1. Health & Family Welfare 1. Health & Family Welfare July 21 & 22 5-47
2. Social Justice & 2. Social Justice & July 22 & 23 5-43
Empowerment Empowerment
3. Communications and 3. Communications and July 23 & 27 5-01
Information Technology Information Technology
4. Road Transport and 4. Road Transport and July 28 & 29 4-10
Highways Highways
5. External Affairs 5. External Affairs July 30 & 31 6-25
6. Environment and Forests 6. Environment and Forests August 3 & 4 5-29
2010 1. Power 1. Power April 19 4-09
2. Yourth Affairs & Sports 2. Youth Affairs & Sports April 22 4-18
3. Housing & Urban Poverty 3. Housing & Urbbn Poverty April 28 3-44
Alleviation Alleviaion
4. Consurmer Affairs, Food & 4. Consumer Affairs, Food & April 30 & May 3 3-58
Public Distribition Public Distribution
5. Home Affairs 5. Home Affairs May 3 & 6 5-48
2011 1. Minority Affairs Minority Affairs 14.3.2011 5-04
2. Tribal Affairs 15.3.2011
3. Defence
4. Civil Aviation
2012 1. Labour and Employment 1. Labour and Employment 26.04.2012 4-20
2. Coal 2. Coal 2.05.2012 3-04
3. Defence 3. Defence 7.05.2012 7-24
4. Civil Aviation 8.05.2012
2013 1. Law & Justice Working of Ministries not — —
2. Home Affairs discussed in 2013
3. External Affairs
4. Power
2014 Power Power 05.08.2014 06-11

Women and Child Development Home Affairs 07.08.2014 10-14

Home Affairs
Women and Child Development 12.08.2014 05-41
Year Ministries Selected for Ministries discussed Date (s) of Time Taken
discussion Discussion Hrs – Mts.
2015 Law and Justice Law and Justice 29.04.2015 04-51
Petroleum and Natural Gas Social Justice and
Empowerment 05.05.2015 01-49
Social Justice and

Micro, Small and Medium


Home Affairs
2016 Health and Family Welfare Health and Family 03.05.2016 4-39
Human Resource Development
Human Resource
Finance Development 05.05.2016 5-29

Micro, Small and Medium


External Affairs
2017 Railways Railways 23.03.2017 5-08
Personnel, Public Grievances 30.03.2017
and Pensions

Micro, Small and Medium


Information and Broadcasting

2018 Drinking Water and Sanitation Working of Ministries -- --
was not discussed in
Culture 2018.

Food Processing and Industries

Home Affairs
2019 Ayurveda, Yoga & Ayurveda, Yoga & 15.07.2019 (03-23)
Naturopathy, Unani, Naturopathy, Unani,
Siddha and Homoeopathy Siddha and
(AYUSH) Homoeopathy
Micro, Small and Medium

External Affairs

Home Affairs
2020 Rural Development; and Railways 16.03.2020 (05-33)
Agriculture and Farmers’ 17.03.2020
Micro, Small and Medium Micro, Small and 18.03.2020 (03-47)
Enterprises Medium Enterprises 19.03.2020

Law and Justice

Law and Justice 19.03.2020 (01-05)
2021 Jal Shakti Jal Shakti 15.03.2021 (03-51)

Railways Railways 17.03.2021 (03-23)

Tourism Tourism 19.03.2021 (03-15)

Food Process Industry

Agriculture and Farmers’

Welfare and Rural Development

Tribal Affairs

2022 Development of North Eastern Development of North 14.03.2022 (05-16)

Region Eastern Region 15.03.2022

Tribal Affairs
Culture 15.03.2022 (04-20)
Tribal Affairs 16.03.2022 (06-42)
Labour and
Railways Employment 30.03.2022 (04-12)
Labour and Employment

Agriculture and Farmer Welfare

2023 Skill Development and Working of Ministries - -
Entrepreneurship was not discussed.
Fisheries, Animal Husbandry
and Dairying
Rural Development
New and Renewable Energy
TABLE - 33



Sl. Short Title of the Bill Act No./

No. Date of Assent
1. The Muslim Wakfs Bill, 1952, by Shri Syed Mohammed Ahmed 29 of 1954
Kasmi 21.05.1954
2. The Indian Registration (Amendment) Bill, 1955, by Shri S.C. 17 of 1956
Samanta 06.04.1956
3. The Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of Publication) Bill, 24 of 1956
1956, by Shri Feroze Gandhi 26.05.1956
4. The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 1953, by 39 of 1956
Shri Raghunath Singh 01.09.1956
5. The Women’s and Children’s Institutions (Licensing) Bill, 1954, 105 of 1956
by Rajmata Kamledu Mati Shah. 30.12.1956
6. The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 1957, by 56 of 1960
Smt. Subhadra Joshi 26.12.1960
7. The Salary and Allowances of Members of Parliament 26 of 1964
(Amendment) Bill, 1964, by Shri Raghunath Singh 29.09. 1964
8. The Hindu Marriage (Amendment) Bill, 1963, by Shri Diwan 44 of 1964
Chand Sharma 20.12.1964
9. The Supreme Court (Enlargement of Criminal Appellate 28 of 1970
Jurisdiction) Bill, 1968, by Shri Anand Narian Mullah 09.08.1970


10. The Ancient and Historical Monuments and Archeological Sites 70 of 1956
and Remains (Declaration of National Importance) Bill, 1954, by 15.12.1956
Dr. Raghubir Singh
11. The Hindu Marriage (Amendment) Bill, 1956 by Dr. (Smt.) 73 of 1956
Seeta Parmanand 20.12.1956
12. The Orphanages and Other Charitable Homes (Supervision and 10 of 1960
Control) Bill, 1960, by Shri Kailash Bihari Lall. 09.04.1960
13. The Marine Insurance Bill, 1959, by Shri M.P. Bhargava 11 of 1963
14. The Indian Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, 1963, by Shri Diwan 36 of 1969
Chaman Lall 07.09.1969
S. Ministry/ Department 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total

1 Agriculture and Farmers - - - - - - - - - - - 10 10


2 AYUSH - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1

3 Chemical & Fertilizer - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3

4 Civil Aviation - - - - - - - - - - - 6 6

5 Coal -- - - - - - - - - - - - 0

6 Commerce & Industry - - - - - - - - - - - 7 7

7 Communication - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1

8 Con. Affairs, Food & P.D. - - - - - - - - - - - 2 2

9 Co-operation - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1

10 Corporate Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11 Culture - - - - - - - - - - 1 5 6

12 Defence - - - - - - - - - - - 10 10

13 Develop. of N.E. Region - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1

14 Earth Science - - - - - - - - - - - - -

15 Education - - - - - - - - - 1 5 14 20

16 Electronic & I.T. 1 - - - 1 - - - - 1 - 3 6

17 Environment, Forest and - - - - - - - - - - - 10 10

Climate Change

18 External Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - -

19 Finance - - - - - - - - - - 1 9 10

20 Fisheries, Dairying And - - - - - - - 1 - - 2 2 5

Animal Husbandry

21 Food Processing Industries - - - - - - - - - - - - -

22 Health & Family Welfare - - - - - - - 1 - 2 1 18 22

23 Heavy Industries & P.E. - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1

24 Home Affairs - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 15 18

25 Housing and Urban Aff. - - - - - - - - - 1 - 4 5

26 Information & Broadcast. - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1

27 Jal Shakti - - - - - - - - - - - 12 12
28 Labour and Employment - - - - - - - - - - - 6 6

29 Law & Justice - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3

30 Micro Small & Med. Ent. - - - - - - - - - - - 2 2

31 Mines - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 1

32 Minority Affairs - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 1

33 New and Ren. Energy - - - - - - - - - - - - -

34 Panchayati Raj - - - - - - - - - - - - -

35 Parliamentary Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - -

36 Personnel, Public G & P - - - - - - - - - 1 - 2 3

37 Petroleum & N. Gas - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1

38 Planning (NitiAyog) - - - - - - - - - - - - -

39 Power - - - - - - - - - - - 2 2

40 Railways - - - - - - - - - 1 4 48 53

41 Road Transport & High. - - - - - - - - - 3 11 31 45

42 Rural Development - - - - - - - - - 1 - 7 8

43 Science & Technology - - - - - - - - - - - - -

44 Ports,Shipping and - - - - - - - - - - - - -

45 Skill Development - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 2

46 Social Justice & Empower. - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 2 4

47 Statistic & Pro, Imp. - - - - - - - - - - - - -

48 Steel - - - - - - - - - - - - -

49 Textile - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3

50 Tourism - - - - - - - - - - - 8 8

51 Tribal Affairs - - - - - - - - - 1 2 4 7

52 Woman & Child Develop. - - - - - - - - - - - 2 2

53 Youth Affairs & Sports - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3

54 Atomic Energy - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

55 Space - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

56 Cabinet Sectt - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

57 President Secretariat - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

58 Prime Minister’s Office - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

TOTAL 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 15 31 260 312

S.No. Ministry/Department 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total
227 228 232 236 237 238 240 242 243 244 245 246 247
Agriculture & Famers - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - 2
Ayush - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Chemicals & Fertilizers 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 2
Civil Aviation - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Coal - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Commerce & Industry - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Communications - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Consumer Affairs, - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Food & P.D.
Cooperation - - - - - - - - - - 0
Corporate Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Culture - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Defence - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Development of N.E. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Earth Sciences - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Education 1 - 1 - 1 - - 4 2 1 - 2 - 12
Electronics & - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Environment, Forest & - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Climate Change
External Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Finance - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Fisheries, Animal - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - 2
Husbandry &Dairying
Food Processing - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Health & Family - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Heavy Industries - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Home Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Housing & Urban - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Information & - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Jal Shakti - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Labour and - - - - - - - - 1 1 - 1 - 3
Law & Justice - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Micro Small & Medium - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Mines - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Minority Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
New and Renewable - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Panchayati Raj - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Parliamentary Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Personnel, P. G. & - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Petroleum & Natural - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Planning - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1

Ports, Shipping & - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Power - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Railways - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Road Transport & - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Rural Development - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Science & Technology - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Skill Development & - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Social Justice & - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 2
Statistics & Programme - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Steel - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Textiles - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Tourism - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Tribal Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Women & Child - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1

Youth Affairs & Sports - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Atomic Energy - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Space - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Cabinet Secretariat - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

President Secretariat - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

Prime Minister’s Office - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

TOTAL 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 1 4 1 25
December, 2022
S.No. Ministry/Department 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
249 250 251 252 253 255 256 257 258
1 Agriculture & Famers Welfare - - - - - - 1 - 10 11
2 Ayush - - - - - - - 1 1 2
3 Chemicals & Fertilizers - - - - - - 1 - 3 4
4 Civil Aviation - - - - - - - - 2 3
5 Coal - - - - - - - - 1 1
6 Commerce & Industry - - - - - - - - 4 4
7 Communications - - - - - - - 1 2 3
8 Consumer Affairs, Food & P.D. - - - - - - - - - 0
9 Cooperation - - - - 0
10 Corporate Affairs - - 1 - - - - - 1 2
11 Culture - - - - - - - 2 2 4
12 Defence - - - - - - - - 4 4
13 Development of N.E. Region - - - - - - - - - 0
14 Earth Sciences - - - - - - - - - 0
15 Education 1 1 2 2 1 - 2 4 7 21
16 Electronics & Information - - - - - - - 1 3 4
17 Environment, Forest & Climate - - - - - - 1 - 10 11
18 External Affairs - - - - - - - - 1 1
19 Finance - - - - - - - - 8 8
20 Fisheries, Animal Husbandry - - - - - - 1 - 1 2
21 Food Processing Industries - - - - - - - - - 0
22 Health & Family Welfare - - - - - - 1 - 24 27
23 Heavy Industries - - - - - - - - 2 2
24 Home Affairs - - - - - 2 2 2 11 17
25 Housing & Urban Affairs - - - - - - 1 - 3 4
26 Information & Broadcasting - - - - - - - - 3 4
27 Jal Shakti - - - - - - - - 6 7
28 Labour and Employment 1 - - - - - - - 2 3
29 Law & Justice - - - - - - - - 7 7
30 Micro Small & Medium Enterprises - - - - - - 1 - 2 3
31 Mines - - - - - - - - 1 1
32 Minority Affairs - - - - - - - - - 0
33 New and Renewable Energy - - - - - - - - - 0
34 Panchayati Raj - - - - - - - - - 0
35 Parliamentary Affairs - - - - - - - - - 0
36 Personnel, P. G. & Pensions - - - - - - - - 3 4
37 Petroleum & Natural Gas - - - - - - - - - 0
38 Planning - - - - - - - - - 0
39 Ports, Shipping & waterways - - - - - - - - 2 3
40 Power - - - - - - - - 1 1
41 Railways - - - - - - 1 - 20 21
42 Road Transport & Highways - - - - - 1 1 - 5 7
43 Rural Development - - - - - - - - 1 1
44 Science & Technology - - - - - - - - - 0
45 Skill Development & - - - - - - - - - 0
46 Social Justice & Empowerment - - - 2 1 - - - 4 7
47 Statistics & Programme Imp. - - - - - - - - 1 1
48 Steel - - - - - - - - - 1
49 Textiles - - - - - - - 1 3 4
50 Tourism - - - - - - - - 2 2
51 Tribal Affairs - - - - - - - - 3 3
52 Women & Child Development - - 1 - - - - - 4 6
53 Youth Affairs & Sports - - - - - - 1 - 1 3
54 Atomic Energy - - - - - - - - - 0
55 Space - - - - - - - - - 0
56 Cabinet Secretariat - - - - - - - - - 0
57 President Secretariat - - - - - - - - - 0
58 Prime Minister’s Office - - - - - - - - - 0
TOTAL 2 1 4 4 2 3 14 12 171 213

Total Pending Special Mention from Session 2012 to 2022 is 238 (25+213).
TABLE – 35

Sl. No. Duration of Course No. of officers who Designation of the Officers
participated in the
1st 25th to 26th April, 1985 31 SOs/Assistants
nd th th
2 16 & 17 January, 1986 29 Desk Officers/SOs/Assistants
3rd 22nd,23rd& 24th October, 1986 23 SOs/Equivalent ranks
4th 14th,15th& 16th January,1987 18 SOs/Equivalent ranks
5th 24th to 26th June, 1987 19 USs/Sos
6th 14th to 17th June, 1988 10 USs/Desk Officers
7th 10th to 13th October, 1988 13 SOs/Assistants
8th 7th to 10th February, 1989 20 USs/DOs/Sos
9th 20th to 23rd June, 1989 10 USs/DOs/Sos
10th 3rdto 6th October,1989 28 Parl. Assistants/Assistants
11th 27th to 30th November,1989 12 SOs/Assistants
12th 20th to 23rd February, 1990 18 USs/DOs/Sos
13th 26th to 29th June, 1990 15 SOs/Assistants
14th 9 th to 12th October, 1990 12 USs/DOs/Sos
15th 5th to 8th February, 1991 14 SOs/Assistants
16th 24th to 27th September, 1991 17 USs/Sos
17th 28th to 31st January, 1992 32 SOs/Assistants
18th 16th to 19th June,1992 12 USs/DOs/Sos
19th 21st to 24th September, 1992 22 SOs/Assistants
20th 8th to 12th February, 1993 14 USs/DOs/Sos
21st 7th to 11th June, 1993 26 SOs/Assistants
22nd 18th to 22nd October, 1993 19 USs/DOs/SOs
23rd 6th to 10th June, 1994 27 SOs/Parl.Assistants/Assistants
24th 3rd to 7th October, 1994 14 USs/DOs/Sos
25th 6th to 10th February, 1995 17 SOs/Parl.Assistants/Assistants
26th 17th to 21st July, 1995 13 USs/DOs/Sos
27th 8th to 10th November,1995 22 SOs/Parl. Assistants/Assistants
28th 30th September to 1st October, 1996 19 USs/DOs/SOs
29th 6th to 8th October, 1997 28 SOs/Parl Assistants/Assistants
30th 11th to 13th February, 1998 13 USs/SOs
31st 9th to 11th September, 1998 30 SOs/Assistants
32nd 18th to 20th August, 1999 18 USs/DOs/SOs
33rd 15th to 17th October, 2001 23 SOs/Parl. Assistants/Assistants
34th 3 rd to 5th March, 2004 22 Chief Engineers/Deputy Secretary etc.
35th 7th to 9th February, 2007 20 Assistants/Parl. Assistants/Section Officers
36th 19th to 21st January, 2015 13 Exec. Director/Directors/Jt. Directors/ SOs
in M/o Railways
37th 11th March, 2019 172 ASOs/SOs/Under Secretaries/ Deputy
Secretaries/Directors/Joint Secretaries
38th 17th July, 2019 169 Assistant Secretaries
(IAS 2017 Batch)
39th 4th October 2019 20 (Approx) Officers of Department of Atomic Energy
(Mumbai) on their request
TABLE – 36
Sl.No. Duration of Course No. of officers who States/Union Territories whose officers
participated in the attended the course
1. 21st December to 5 Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana, Delhi,
27th December, 1994. Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan
2. 24th April to 2nd May, 1995 6 Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and
3. 4th December to 12th 5 Mizoram, Gujarat, Assam, Tripura and
December, 1995 Sikkim
4. 11th September to 7 Tamil Nadu, Goa, Andhra Pradesh and
19th September, 1996 Orissa.
5. 5th May to13th May, 1997 9 Kerala, Manipur, Maharashtra, Karnataka
and Madhya Pradesh
6. 24th November to2nd 2 Uttar Pradesh
December, 1998
7. 12th May to20th May, 1999 5 Delhi, Sikkim, West Bengal and Haryana.
8. 15th May to24th May, 2000 7 Mizoram, Nagaland, Assam, Manipur and
9. 9th April to18th April, 2001 9 Puducherry, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Sikkim,
Madhya Pradesh and Tripura.
10. 9th April to17th April, 2002 5 Orissa, Karnataka and Haryana.
11. 15th March to19th March, 2004 8 Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil
Nadu and Uttarakhand
12. 15th April to21st April, 2005 6 Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and
Uttar Pradesh
13. 31st July to 5th August, 2006 5 Kerala, Punjab and Maharashtra.
14. 4th April to 8th April,2016 8 Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Jharkhand,
Karnataka, Arunachal Pradesh
TABLE – 37



Sl.No. Duration of Course No. of officers who Designation of the Officers

participated in the
1. 28 October, 2003 56 Joint Secretaries/Directors/Deputy Secretaries
2. 15 February, 2005 47 Joint Secretaries/Senior Officers
TABLE – 38



S. No. Name of the Consultative Committee

1. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
2. Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
3. Ministry of Civil Aviation
4. Ministry of Coal and Mines
5. Ministry of Commerce and Industry
6. Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
7. Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Tourism
8. Ministry of Defence
9. Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region
10. Ministry of Education
11. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and Ministry of
12. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
13. Ministry of External Affairs
14. Ministry of Finance
15. Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
16. Ministry of Food Processing Industries
17. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
18. Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises
19. Ministry of Home Affairs
20. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
21. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
22. Ministry of Jal Shakti
23. Ministry of Labour and Employment
24. Ministry of Law and Justice
25. Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
26. Ministry of Minority Affairs
27. Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
28. Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
29. Ministry of Power and Ministry of New Renewable Energy
30. Ministry of Railways
31. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
32. Ministry of Rural Development; and Ministry of Panchayati Raj
33. Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
34. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
35. Ministry of Steel
36. Ministry of Textiles
37. Ministry of Tribal Affairs
38. Ministry of Women and Child Development
39. Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
TABLE - 39



S. No. Name of the Ministry

1. Corporate Affairs

2. Science & Technology and Ministry of Earth Sciences

3. Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH)

4. Co-operation
TABLE – 40
HELD DURING THE PERIOD FROM 01.01.2022 TO 31.12.2022

Dates of Meetings held (with number of Members of Parliament who attended)

Sl. Name of the Present Dates of meetings & number of Members who
No. Consultative Strength of attended
Committee attached to Consultative
the Ministry of Committee Inter Session Session Period
(including Date of No. of Date of No. of
Permanent meeting Members meeting Members
Special attended attended

1. Agriculture and Farmers 20 23.03.2022 10

Welfare 27.07.2022 09
23.12.2022 04
2. Chemicals & Fertilizers 15 01.04.2022 03

3. Civil Aviation 12 11.04.2022 05 18.07.2022 08

08.12.2022 05
4. Coal & Mines 24 #09.11.2022 07 23.02.2022 08

5. Commerce & Industry 14 23.11.2022 06 24.03.2022 07

04.08.2022 07
6. Consumer Affairs, Food 23+4*=27 08.03.2022 01
& Public Distribution
7. Culture and Tourism 23 29.09.2022 12

8. Defence 20 11.07.2022 14 05.04.2022 17

#02.12.2022 13
9. Development of North 11 29.09.2022 09
Eastern Region
10. Education 19 ---- ----

11. Electronics and 10 04.04.2022 03

Information Technology
& Ministry of
12. Environment, Forest and 17 21.03.2022 11
Climate Change 07.04.2022 08
08.08.2022 07
23.12.2022 07
13. External Affairs 17+2*=19 18.06.2022 07 03.03.2022 09

14. Finance 26 06.04.2022 15

05.08.2022 14
23.12.2022 16
15. Fisheries Animal 11 30.06.2022 5 08.03.2022 04
Husbandry, and Dairying #04.11.2022 3
16 Food Processing 10 ---- ----
17. Health & Family Welfare 20 31.03.2022 10
04.08.2022 11
21.12.2022 11
18. Heavy Industries and 11 #15.04.2022 02
Public Enterprises
19. Home Affairs 23+2*=25 #25- 13 06.04.2022 16

20. Housing and Urban 19 04.08.2022 04

21. Information & 12 05.08.2022 08
Broadcasting 07.12.2022 06
22. Jal Shakti 24 #30.06.2022 12 15.03.2022 14
23. Labour & Employment 12+2*=14 01.04.2022 08
03.08.2022 07
22.12.2022 09
24. Law & Justice 13+3*=16 02.08.2022 11

25. Micro, Small and 11 05.08.2022 08

Medium Enterprises 17.12.2022 06
26. Minority Affairs 11+5*=16 ---- ----

27. Petroleum & Natural Gas 29+5*=34 #16.09.2022 15

28. Ports, Shipping and 10+1*=11

Waterways ---- ----

29. Power and Ministry of 20+3*=23 #26.05.2022 04 17.02.2022 04

New Renewable Energy 11.10.2022 10 04.08.2022 12
21.12.2022 10
30. Railways 28+2*=30 03.03.2022 15

31. Road Transport & 24 24.03.2022 20

32. Rural Development and 19 28.062022 06 10.02.2022 08
Ministry of Panchayati
33. Skill Development and 12 #24.09.2022 06
34. Social Justice & 14 02.11.2022 07 23.12.2022 10
35. Steel 11 #06.05.2022 08 10.02.2022 07
#01.07.2022 06 08.12.2022 09
36. Textiles 11 22.11.2022 05 06.04.2022 10
19.12.2022 07
37. Tribal Affairs 17 20.07.2022 05

38. Women & Child 14 06.04.2022 07

Development 27.07.2022 08
22.12.2022 07
39. Youth Affairs & Sports 18 07.04.2022 06

Total Meetings held 22 51

Total number of meetings held during the period from 01.01.22 to 31.12.2022 = 73 (22+51)

# Meetings held outside Delhi

* Permanent Special Invitees
TABLE – 41
S. No. Name of the Member House CC on which CC on which serving as
serving as regular Permanent Special
Member Invitees (PSI)
1 Shri Ram Nath Thakur Rajya Sabha Ministry of Civil Ministry of Consumer
Aviation Affairs, Food and Public
2 Shri V. Balashowry Lok Sabha Ministry of Ministry of Consumer
Petroleum & Natural Affairs, Food and Public
Gas Distribution
3 Shri Raghu Ramakrishna Lok Sabha Ministry of Health & Ministry of Consumer
Raju Kanumuru Family Welfare Affairs, Food and Public
4 Shri Bhubhneshwar Kalita Rajya Sabha Ministry of Home Ministry of Consumer
Affairs Affairs, Food and Public
5 Shri Bhola Singh Lok Sabha Ministry of Health & Ministry of External Affairs
Family Welfare
6 Shri Vikramjit Singh Rajya Sabha Ministry of Finance Ministry of External Affairs

7 Shri Shambhu Sharan Patel Rajya Sabha Ministry of Finance Ministry of Home Affairs
8 Dr. D. P. Vats Rajya Sabha Ministry of Health & Ministry of Home Affairs
Family Welfare
9 Shri Bhagirath Choudhary Lok Sabha Ministry of Ministry of Labour and
Consumer Affairs, Employment
Food and Public
10 Shri Sunil Kumar Soni Lok Sabha Ministry of Ministry of Labour and
Environment, Forest Employment
and Climate Change
11 Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma Lok Sabha Ministry of Micro, Ministry of Law & Justice
Small and Medium
12 Shri Ahmad Ashfaque Rajya Sabha Ministry of Labour & Ministry of Law & Justice
Karim Employment

13 Shri G. K. Vasan Rajya Sabha Ministry of Ports, Ministry of Law & Justice
Shipping and
14 Shri Jasbir Singh Gill Lok Sabha Ministry of Ministry of Minority
Petroleum and Affairs
Natural Gas
15 Mohammad Sadique Lok Sabha Ministry of Social Ministry of Minority
Justice and Affairs
16 Shri Abdul Khaleque Lok Sabha Ministry of Ministry of Minority
Development and Affairs
North Eastern
17 Dr. Mohammad Jawed Lok Sabha Ministry of Health Ministry of Minority
and Family Welfare Affairs
18 Dr. Fauzia Khan Rajya Sabha Ministry of Law & Ministry of Minority
Justice Affairs
19 Shri Jugalsinh Mathurji Rajya Sabha Ministry of Culture Ministry of Petroleum &
Lokhandwala & Tourism Natural Gas
20 Smt. Veena Devi Lok Sabha Ministry of Ministry of Petroleum &
Commerce and Natural Gas
21 Shri Prataprao Chikhlikar Lok Sabha Ministry of Steel Ministry of Petroleum &
Natural Gas
22 Shri Subrat Pathak Lok Sabha Ministry of Finance Ministry of Petroleum &
Natural Gas
23 Shri Ajit Kumar Bhuyan Rajya Sabha Ministry of Ministry of Petroleum &
Development and Natural Gas
North Eastern
24 Smt. Geetha Lok Sabha Ministry of Ministry of Ports, Shipping
VishwanathVanga Petroleum & Natural and Waterways
25 Shri Khagen Murmu Lok Sabha Ministry of Jal Shakti Ministry of Power and
Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy
26 Shri Ravindra Lok Sabha Ministry of Ministry of Power and
Shyamnarayan alias Ravi Petroleum & Natural Ministry of New and
Kishan Shukla Gas Renewable Energy
27 Shri Ravindra Kushwaha Lok Sabha Ministry of Coal and Ministry of Power and
Mines Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy
28 Shri Rahul Kaswan Lok Sabha Ministry of Youth Ministry of Railways
Affairs and Sports

29 Shri Jayant Chaudhary Rajya Sabha Ministry of Youth Ministry of Railways

Affairs and Sports
Government Sponsored Goodwill Delegations of Parliamentarians sent abroad by the Ministry of
Parliamentary Affairs
Delegations sent abroad
S. Countries No. of Leader of the Date Whether Hospitality
No. MPs & Delegation extended (Boarding, Lodging
Officers &Transportation)
1. Mauritius 13 3 Dr. U. Jan. Hospitality extended by host
Venkateswarlu, 8-12, 1997 country
2. (i) China 12 3 Sh. Ramakant D. Jan. 28- Feb. (i) Hospitality extended
(ii) Hong Khalap, MOS, Law 6, 1997 (ii) Hospitality extended
3. (i) Thailand 10 3 Sh. Madan Lal Sept. 20-29, All the expenditure met by the
(ii) Indonesia Khurana, MPA 1998 Government of Indian
(iv) Malaysia
4. Russia 12 2 Sh. Santosh Kr. April Hospitality extended to 12
Gangwar, MOS 4-11, 1999 delegates
Parl. affairs
5. (i) Australia 17 3 Sh. Pramod May All the expenditure met by the
(ii) New Mahajan, MPA 18-28, 2001 Government of India
(ii) Singapore
6. (i) Egypt 17 3 Sh. Pramod Jan. All the expenditure met by the
(ii) South Mahajan, MPA 10-21, 2003 Government of India
7. (i) Hungary 22 4 Smt. Sushma Jun. (i) Hospitality extended
(ii) Bulgaria Swaraj, MPA 5-13, 2003 partially
(iii)Romania (ii) Hospitality extended
(iii) Hospitality extended
8. (i) Guyana 9 3 Shri Ghulam Nabi May 31 – All the expenditure met by the
(ii) Azad, MPA Jun. 8, 2005 Government of India
(iii) Chile
9. (i) 5 2 Sh. B.K. Handique, July (i) Hospitality extended
Bangladesh MOS Parl.Affairs 10-16, 2005 (ii) Hospitality extended
(ii) Thailand (iii) Hospitality extended
(iii) Bhutan
10. Portugal 16 3 Shri Priyaranjan Das Nov, All the expenditure met by the
Spain Munshi, MPA 6-11, 2006 Government of India
11. Singapore 4 2 Shri Bijoy Krishna January 21- All the expenditure met by the
Handique, MOS 25, 2008 Government of India
12. USA 14 4 Shri Vayalar Ravi, 13-21 Sept. Expenditure met by the
MPA 2008 Government of Indian

13. (i) Egypt 9 4 Shri Pawan Kumar 14-23 All the expenditure met by the
(ii) Greece Bansal, Minister of January, Government of Indian
Turkey Parliamentary 10
Affairs and Water
14. France and 17 4 Shri Pawan Kumar 28 March, All the expenditure met by the
Switzerland Bansal, Minister of 2010 Government of India
Parliamentary to 4th April,
Affairs and Water 2010

15. Japan 11 4 Pawan Kumar 26th January All the expenditure met by the
Bansal, Minister of to 2nd Government of India
Parliamentary February,
Affairs, Science & 2011
Technology and
Earth Sciences
16. Russia and 8 4 Shri Ashwani 1-10 May, All the expenditure met by the
Hungary Kumar, Minister of 2011 Government of India
State for
Affairs, Planning,
Science &
Technology and
Earth Sciences
17. Iceland , 9 3 Shri Pawan Kumar 23-30 June, All the expenditure met by the
Finland and Bansal, Minister of 2011 Government of India
Estonia Parliamentary
Affairs, Science &
Technology and
Earth Sciences
18. South Africa 6 3 Shri Pawan Kumar 9-16 October, All the expenditure met by the
Bansal, Minister of 2012 Government of India
Affairs and Water
19. Australia 12 3 Shri Rajiv Shukla, 7-16 All the expenditure met by the
Minister of State for February, Government of India
Parliamentary 2013
Affairs and Planning
20. Indonesia 11 4 Shri Kamal Nath, 10-16, April, All the expenditure met by the
Minister of 2013 Government of India
Affairs and Urban
21. Turkmenistan 8 4 Shri Paban Singh 26th October, All the expenditure met by the
and Armenia Ghatowar, Minister 2013 to 2nd Government of India
of State November,
(Independent 2013
Charge) of the
Ministry of
Development of
North Eastern
Region and
Minister of State in
the Ministry of
22. Mexico City, 7 3 Shri Santosh 26th Oct., All the expenditure met by the
Argentina Kumar Gangwar, 2014 to 7th Government of India
and Chile Minister of State November,
for Parliamentary 2014
23. Australia and 9 4 Shri Rajiv Pratap 24th May, All the expenditure met by the
New Zealand Rudy, Minister of 2015 to 4th Government of India
State for June, 2015
Affairs and Skill
24. Singapore, *9 4 Shri Mukhtar 10th April to All the expenditure met by the
Indonesia and Abbas Naqvi, MoS 20th April, Government of India
Malaysia for Parliamentary 2016
Affairs and
Minority Affairs

25. Portugal and *1 5 Shri AnanthKumar, 16th October, All the expenditure met by the
Spain 1 Minister of 2016 to 23rd Government of India
Parliamentary October,
Affairs and 2016
Chemicals &
26. Sweden, 10 5 Shri S.S. 29th May, All the expenditure met by the
Norway and Ahluwalia, 2017 to 6th Government of India
Israel Minister of State June, 2017
for Parliamentary
Affairs and
Farmers and
27. Italy and 7 3 Shri Arjun Ram 15th October, All the expenditure met by the
Germany Meghwal, Minister 2018 to 19th Government of India.
of State for October,
Parliamentary 2018
Affairs and
Minister of State in
the Ministry of
Water Resources,
River Development
and Ganga

Table -43
Foreign Delegations Received by Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs
Delegations received from abroad
S. Countries No. of Leaders Date Whether Hospitality Expenditur
No. Deleg extended (Boarding, e incurred
ates Lodging &
1. Russia 9 Sh. Andri V. Sept. 12- Local hospitality
Selivanov, Dy. 17, 1996
uma Committee,
Women, Family
& Youth Affairs
2. Hungary 9 Sh. Gyorgy Csoti, Jan. 20-27, Local hospitality
Vice President, 1997
Committee on
Foreign Affairs
3. Bulgaria 2 Sh. George Feb. 21- Local hospitality and
Ganchev, 26, 1999 International passage.
Group for
Friendship with
4. Italy 1 Senator Vincenzo March 11- - Partial Local
Mungari, 19, 1999 Hospitality extended
President, Indo- (Transportation, food &
Italian Friendship accommodation in Delhi
Association only)
5. Poland 6 Sh. Stanislaw March 8- Local hospitality
Grozonkkowski, 14, 2000
Member of Sejm
6. Russia 7 Sh. S.V. Kara- Dec. 17- Local hospitality
ool, Deputy 19, 2000
Committee of the
Council of
7. Hungary 4 Sh. Istvan Ivanyi, April 25- Local hospitality
Chairman, 30, 2001
Foreign Affairs
8. Romania 4 Sh. Ghiorighi Nov. 26- Local hospitality
Prasacaru, 30, 2001
Committee on
Foreign Policy
9. China 19 Mr. He Guoqiang, Feb. 18- Local hospitality
Member of 21, 2004 extended to 5 delegates
Politburo of
Communist Party
10. Hungary 6 Mr. Lazslo Jan. 17-22, Local hospitality
Mandur, Ist 2006
Deputy Speaker
of National
Assembly of

11. Spain 8 Mr. Joseph 12-16 Partial hospitality

Antoni Dural I December, extended
Lleida, Chairman 2006
of the Spanish
Committee of the
Foreign Affairs of
the Congress
12. Malta 5 Dr. Jason 12-16 Local hospitality
Azzopardi, MP & March,
Chairman, 2007
Committee on
Foreign and
European Affairs,
House of
13. Algeria 3 Mr. Fourali 18-22 Partial hospitality
Hamid, Head of November extended
the Division of , 2007
Cooperation and

S. Date & Venue Subject Presided by Ministry Remarks
No. concerned
1. 22.05.1998 Electoral Minister of Ministry of
Committee Room 'Main', Reforms Home Affairs Law, Justice &
Parliament House Company
Annexe Affairs
2. 10.07.1998 Reservation of Prime Ministry of
62, Parliament House Women in Minister Law, Justice &
Parliament and Company
Legislative Affairs
Assemblies in
3. 9.12.1998 Women's Prime Minister Ministry of
Committee Room 'B' Reservation Law, Justice &
Parliament House Bill Company
Annexe Affairs
4. 29.05.1999 Situation Prime Minister Ministry of
Committee Room 'D' arising out of Defence
Parliament House the illegal
Annexe presence of
infiltrators in
the Kargil
Sector of J&K
5. 28.06.1999 Developments Prime Minister Ministry of
Committee Room 'Main', in Kargil Defence
Parliament House
6. 13.12.1999 Constitution Minister of Ministry of
62, Parliament House 79th Parliamentary Health &
Amendment Affairs Family
Bill, 1952 Welfare
(Two Children
norm for
7. 22.12.1998 Women's Prime Minister Ministry of
63, Parliament House Reservation in Law, Justice
Parliament and and Company
Legislative Affairs
Assembly in
8. 25.04.2000 Drought Prime Minister Ministry of
53, Parliament House situation in the Agriculture
9. 08.05.2000 Prevailing Prime Minister Ministry of
53, P. House situation in Sri External
Lanka Affairs
10. 13.05.2000 Further Minister of Ministry of
62, Parliament House extension of Law, Justice Law, Justice &
the freeze on and Company Company
Delimitation of Affairs Affairs
11. 03.02.2001 Situation Prime Minister Ministry of
53, Parliament House arising out of Agriculture
earthquake in
12. 18.02.2001 First meeting Prime Minister Ministry of
of the National Agriculture
Committee on
13. 21.02.2001 Situation in Prime Minister Ministry of
53, Parliament House Jammu & Home Affairs
declared by
Government of
14. 14.04.2001 Normal Prime Minister Ministry of
53, Parliament House functioning of Parliamentary
Parliament Affairs
15. 19.05.2001 The Prime Minister Ministry of
53, Parliament House Constitution Rural
(87th Development
Bill, 1999
16. 09.07.2001 Discussion on Prime Minister Ministry of
7, Race Course Road the visit of External
Shri Parvez Affairs
President of
Pakistan (Agra
17. 19.07.2001 Outcome of Prime Minister Ministry of
53, Parliament House Agra Summit External
18. 13.09.2001 Electoral Minister of Ministry of
62, Parliament House Reforms Law, Justice Law, Justice &
and Company Company
Affairs Affairs
19. 15.09.2001 Terrorist Prime Minister Ministry of
53, Parliament House Attack in External
America Affairs

20. 30.10.2001 American Prime Minister Ministry of

53, Parliament House Military External
Action in Affairs
21. 04.12.2001 Prevention of Prime Minister Ministry of
53, Parliament House Terrorism Home Affairs
2001 (POTO)
22. 30.12.2001 Present status Prime Minister Ministry of
7, Race Course Road on Indo-Pak External
relations Affairs

23. 26.02.2002 Ayodhya Issue Prime Minister Ministry of

53, Parliament House Home Affairs
24. 08.07.2002 Electoral Minister of Ministry of
53, Parliament House Reforms in the Law & Justice Law & Justice
light of recent
passed by the
Supreme Court
of India
25. 02.08.2002 Electoral Minister of Ministry of
Reforms in the Home Affairs Law & Justice
light of recent
passed by the
Supreme Court
of India
26. 07.03.2003 Women's Prime Minister Ministry of
53, Parliament House Reservation Law & Justice
27. 10.03.2003 Evolving Prime Minister Ministry of
53, Parliament House situation with External
regard to Iraq Affairs
military action
on Iraq)
28. 13.03.2003 Delimitation of Minister of Ministry of
53, Parliament House Electoral Parliamentary Law & Justice
Constituencies Affairs
29. 22.03.2003 Current Prime Minister Ministry of
53, Parliament House Situation in External
Iraq Affairs

30. 25.07.2003 Public Prime Minister Ministry of

53, Parliament House Distribution Consumer
System Affairs, Food
and Public
31. 29.10.2003 Electoral Minister of Ministry of
53, Parliament House Reforms Law & Justice Law & Justice
(System of
Open Ballot
for elections to
the Council of
States and
other issues)
32. 09.01.2005 Panchavati 7, Situation Prime Minister Ministry of
Race Course Road arising out of Home Affairs
Tsunami (Disaster
disaster on Management)
southern part
33. 23.11.2009 Situatuion Finance Ministry of
PDR rising prices Minister Agriculture
Parliament House of
Annexe, New Delhi essential
in India

34. 15.9.2010 Situation Prime Minister Ministry of Home Minister

Panchaviati 7,Race arising out of Home Affairs led the
Course Road State of Delegation of
Jammu & All Party
Kashmir Leaders during
20-22 Sept.
2010 in Jammu
& Kashmir
35. 8.2.2011 Smoothly Finance Ministry of
PDR, Parliament House Running of Minister Parliamentary
Annexe, New Delhi Parliament Affairs
36. 3.7.2011 Lokpal Bill Prime Minister Ministry of Ministry of
7, Race Course Road, Personnel, Parliamentary
New Delhi Public Affairs has
Grievances coordinated
and Pensions with the Prime
Office for
conducting the
all Party
37. 24.8.2011 Lokpal Bill Prime Minister Ministry of Ministry of
7, Race Course Road, Personnel, Parliamentary
New Delhi Public Affairs has
Grievances coordinated
and Pensions with the Prime
Office for
conducting the
all Party
38. 29.11.2011 Smoothly Finance Ministry of
9, Parliament House, Running of Minister Parliamentary
New Delhi Parliament Affairs
39. 07.12.2011 Smoothly Finance Ministry of
9, Parliament House, Running of Minister Parliamentary
New Delhi Parliament Affairs
40. 14.12.2011 Lokpal Bill Prime Minister Ministry of Ministry of
7, Race Course Road, Personnel, Parliamentary
New Delhi Public Affairs has
Grievances coordinated
and Pensions with the Prime
Office for
conducting the
all Party
41. 23.3.2012 Lokpal Bill Prime Minister Ministry of Ministry of
7, Race Course Road, Personnel, Parliamentary
New Delhi Public Affairs has
Grievances coordinated
and Pensions with the Prime
Office for
conducting the
all Party
42 21.8.2012 Reservation in Prime Minister Ministry of Ministry of
7, Race Course Road, Promotions Social Justice Parliamentary
New Delhi SCs & STs in and Affairs has
the Posts and Empowerment coordinated
Services with the Prime
Office for
conducting the
all Party
43. 26.11.2012 Smoothly Finance Ministry of
63, Parliament House, Running of Minister Parliamentary
New Delhi Parliament Affairs
44. 9.4.2013 and 18.4.2013 Land Home Minister Minister of
53, Parliament House, Acquisition Rural
New Delhi Bill Development
45. 01.08.2013 Smooth Home Minister Ministry of
G 074, Parliament functioning of Parliamentary
Library Building, New the Monsoon Affairs
Delhi Session

46. 13.08.2013 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of

Room No.62, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
House New Delhi the Monsoon Minister Affairs
47. 02.12.2013 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G 074, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Library Building, New the Winter Minister Affairs
Delhi Session
48. 03.02.2014 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G 074, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Library Building, New the Winter Minister Affairs
Delhi Session
49. 07.07.2014 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G 074, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Library Building, New the Budget Minister Affairs
Delhi Session
50. 23.11.2014 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G 074, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Library Building, New the Winter Minister Affairs
Delhi Session
51. 22.02.2015 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G 074, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Library Building, New the Budget Minister Affairs
Delhi Session
52. 20.07.2015 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
63, Parliament House, functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
New Delhi the Monsoon Minister Affairs
53. 3.08.2015 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G-074 Parliament Library functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Building, New Delhi the Monsoon Minister Affairs
54. 25.11.2015 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G-074 Parliament Library functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Building, New Delhi the Winter Minister Affairs
55. 22.02.2016 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G-074 Parliament Library functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Building, New Delhi the Budget Minister Affairs
56. 17.07.2016 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G-074 Parliament Library functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Building, New Delhi the Monsoon Minister Affairs
57. 3.9.2016 Situation Parliamentary Ministry of
G-074 Parliament Library arising out of Affairs Home Affairs
Building, New Delhi State of Minister
Jammu &
58. 15.11.2016 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G-074, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Library Building, the Monsoon Minister Affairs
New Delhi Session
59. 30.01.2017 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G-074, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Library Building N.D the Budget Minister Affairs
60. 16.07.2017 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G-074 Parliament Library functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Building, New Delhi the Monsoon Minister Affairs
61. 14.12.2017 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G-074, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Library Building the Winter Minister Affairs
New Delhi Session
62. 28.01.2018 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G- 074, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Library Building the Budget Minister Affairs
New Delhi Session
63 17.07.2018 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G- 074, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Library Building the Monsoon Minister Affairs
New Delhi Session
64. 10.12.2018 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G- 074, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Library Building the Winter Minister Affairs
New Delhi Session
65. 31.01.2019 Smooth Parliamentary Ministry of
G- 074, Parliament functioning of Affairs Parliamentary
Library Building the Interim Minister Affairs
New Delhi Budget
66. 16.02.2019 Poolwama Home Minister Ministry of
G- 074, Parliament Parliamentary
Library Building Affairs
New Delhi
67. 16.06.2019 Smooth Minister of Ministry of
G- 074, Parliament functioning Parliamentary Parliamentary
Library Building Parliament Affairs Affairs
New Delhi Session
68. 19.06.2019 1.Ways to Prime Minister Ministry of
G- 074, Parliament improve the Parliamentary
Library Building Productivity of Affairs
New Delhi the Parliament
2. One country
One election
3.Building of a
New India in
the 75th year of
to celebrate
Gandhi’s 150th
of the
69. 17.11.2019 Smooth Minister of Ministry of
G- 074, Parliament functioning of Parliamentary Parliamentary
Library Building the Winter Affairs Affairs
New Delhi Session
70. 30.01.2020 Smooth Minister of Ministry of
G- 074, Parliament functioning of Parliamentary Parliamentary
Library Building the Budget Affairs Affairs
New Delhi Session
71. 04.12.2020 Covid -19 Hon’ble Prime Ministry of Virtual
situation/ Minister Parliamentary Meeting
vaccine Affairs
72. 30.1.2021 Smooth Prime Minister Ministry of Virtual
Minister of Defence, functioning of Parliamentary Meeting
Residence Budget Affairs
17 Akbar Road, ND Session
73. 18.07.2021 Smooth Minister of Ministry of
Main Committee Room functioning of Parliamentary Parliamentary
PHA Monsoon Affairs Affairs

74. 20.07.2021 Presentation Prime Minister Ministry of

Main Committee Room on COVID and Health and
PHA Vaccination’ Family
given by Welfare
Deptt. Of
Health and
75. 26.08.2021 Situation in Minister of Ministry of
Main Committee Room Afghanistan External External
PHA Affairs Affairs
76. 28.11.2021 Smooth Minister of Ministry of
Main Committee Room functioning of Parliamentary Parliamentary
PHA Winter Session Affairs Affairs
77. 31.1.2022 Smooth Minister of Ministry of Virtual
14,Parliament House functioning of Parliamentary Parliamentary Meeting
Budget Affairs Affairs
78. 17.07.2022 Smooth Minister of Ministry of
Main Committee Room functioning of Parliamentary Parliamentary
PHA Monsoon Affairs Affairs
79. 19.07.2022 Situation in Minister of Ministry of
Main Committee Room Sri Lanka External External
PHA Affairs/ Affairs
Minister of
80. 05.12.2022 Briefing Hon’ble Prime Ministry of
RBCC meeting on G- Minister External
Rashtrapati Bhawan 20 Presidency Affairs
Cultural Centre, New
81. 06.12.2022 Smooth Minister of Ministry of
G- 074, Parliament functioning of Parliamentary Parliamentary
Library Building the Winter Affairs Affairs
New Delhi Session
TABLE – 45




1. Shri Jawaharlal Nehru 02.04.1952 04.04.1957*
2. Shri Jawaharlal Nehru 05.04.1957 31.03.1962*
3. Shri Jawaharlal Nehru 02.04.1962 27.05.1964**
4. Shri Gulzari Lal Nanda 27.05.1964 09.06.1964
5. Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri 09.06.1964 11.01.1966**
6. Shri Gulzari Lal Nanda 11.01.1966 24.01.1966
7. Shri Satya Narain Sinha 24.01.1966 03.03.1967*
8. Smt. Indira Gandhi 04.03.1967 27.12.1970*
9. Smt. Indira Gandhi 15.03.1971 18.01.1977*
10. Shri Moraji Desai 24.03.1977 28.07.1979
11. Shri Charan Singh 28.07.1979 22.08.1979*
12. Smt. Indra Gandhi 14.01.1980 31.10.1984**
13. Shri Rajiv Gandhi 31.10.1984 31.12.1984*
14. Shri Rajiv Gandhi 31.12.1984 27.11.1989
15. Shri V.P. Singh 02.12.1989 09.11.1990
16. Shri Chandra Sekhar 10.11.1990 13.03.1991*
17. Shri Arjun Singh 09.07.1991 05.12.1991
18. Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao 06.12.1991 10.05.1996*
19. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee 16.05.1996 31.05.1996
20. Shri Ram Vilas Paswan 04.06.1996 04.12.1997*
21. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee 19.03.1998 26.04.1999*
22. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee 13.10.1999 06.02.2004*
23. Shri Pranab Mukherjee 25.05.2004 26.6.2012
24. Sh. Sushil Kumar Shinde 03.08.2012 18.5.2014*
25. Sh. Narendra Modi 26.05.2014 -----

* Date of dissolution of Lok Sabha

** Date of demise
NB: In Lok Sabha, the Prime Minister who is the Leader of the majority party in Lok Sabha, usually
functions as Leader of the House. However, in 1966-67, 1991, 1996, 2004 and 2009 when the Prime
Minister was not a Member of the Lok Sabha, Shri Satyanarayan Sinha, Shri Arjun Singh, Shri Ram Vilas
Paswan and Shri Pranab Mukherjee and Shri shushil Kumar Shinde respectively were nominated as the
Leader of the Lok Sabha.



SL. NAME OF THE LEADER Date of appointment

1. Shri N. Gopalswamy Ayyangar May, 1952 to February, 1953
2. Shri C.C. Biswas February, 1953 to November, 1954
3. Shri Lal bahadur Shastri November, 1954 to March, 1955
4. Shri Govind Ballabh Pant March, 1955 to February, 1961
5. Shri Hafiz Mohammed Ibrahim February, 1961 to August, 1963
6. Shri Y.B. Chavan August, 1963 to December, 1963
7. Shri Jaisukh lal Hathi February-March, 1964
8. Shri M.C. Chagla March, 1964 to November, 1967
9. Shri Jaisukh Lal Hathi November, 1967 to November, 1969
10. Shri K.K. Shah November, 1969 to May, 1971
11. Shri U.S. Dixit May, 1971 to December, 1975
12. Shri Kamlapati Tripathi December, 1975 to March, 1977
13. Shri L.K. Advani March, 1977 to August, 1979
14. Shri K.C. Pant August, 1979 to January, 1980
15. Shri Pranab Mukherjee January, 1980 to July, 1981
16 Shri Pranab Mukherjee August, 1981 to December, 1984
17. Shri V.P. Singh December, 1984 to April, 1987
18. Shri N.D. Tiwari 12.04.1987 to 27.06.1988
19. Shri P. Shiv Shankar July, 1988 to December, 1989
20. Shri M. S. Gurupadaswamy December, 1989 to November, 1990
21. Shri Yashwant Sinha December, 1990 to 20 June, 1991
22. Shri S.B. Chavan 02 July, 1991 to April, 1996
23. Shri Sikander Bakht 20.5.1996 to 31.05.1996
24. Shri I.K. Gujral June 1996 to November 1996
25. Shri H.D. Deve Gowda November 1996 to April 1997
26. Shri I.K. Gujral April 1997 to March 1998
27. Shri Sikander Bakht March 1998 to October 1999
28. Shri Jaswant Singh 13.10.1999 to 22.05.2004
29. Dr. Manmohan Singh 01.06.2004 to 18.05.2009
30. Dr. Manmohan Singh 29.05.2009 to 26.05.2014
31. Shri Arun Jaitley 02.06.2014
32 Sh Thaawarchand Gehlot 17.6.2019
33 Sh Piyush Goyal 14.07.2021 onwards.
TABLE – 47



Sl. Name of the Party Period Sl. Name of the Party Period
No. Leader of the No. Leader of the
Opposition in Opposition in
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
1. Sh. Y.B. Cong. 01.11.77 1. Sh. Kamlapati Cong. 01.11.77 to
Chavan to Tripathi 14.02.78
2. Sh. C.M. Cong.(I) 12.4.78 to 2. Sh. Bhola Paswan Cong. 24.02.78 to
Stephen 9.7.79 Shastri (Reddy) 23.03.78
3. Sh. Y.B. Cong. 10.7.78 to 3. Sh. Kamlapati Cong. (I) 23.03.78 to
Chavan 27.7.79 Tripathi 02.4.78
4. Sh. Jagjivan Janta 28.7.79 to 4. Sh. Kamlapati Cong. (I) 18.04.78 to
Ram Party 22.8.79 Tripathi 07.01.80
5. Sh. Rajiv Cong.(I) 18.12.89 5. Sh. L.K. Advani Janata 21.01.80 to
Gandhi to Party 06.04.80
6. Sh. L.K. BJP 24.12.90 6. Sh. P. Shiv Shankar Cong. (I) 18.12.89 to
Advani to 13.3.91 02.01.91
7. Sh. L.K. BJP 21.6.91 to 7. Sh. M.S. Janata Dal 28.06.91 to
Advani 26.7.93 Gurupandswamy 21.07.91
8. Sh. A.B. BJP 26.7.93 to 8. Sh. S. Jaipal Reddy Janata Dal 22.07.91 to
Vajpayee 10.5.96 28.06.92
9. Sh. P.V. Cong(I) 16.5.96 to 9. Sh. Sikander Bakht BJP 07.07.92 to
Narasimha Rao 31.5.96 15.5.96

10. Sh. A.B. BJP 1.6.96 to 10. Sh. S.B. Chavan Cong. (I) 23.05.96 to
Vajpayee 4.12.97 31.05.96
11. Sh. Sharad Cong(I) 19.3.98 to 11. Sh. Sikander Bakht BJP 01.06.96 to
Pawar 26.4.99 19.03.98
12. Smt. Sonia Cong(I) 13.10.99 12. Dr. Manmohan Cong. (I) 21.03.98 to
Gandhi to 6.2.04 Singh 22.5.2004
13. Sh. L.K. BJP 22.5.04 to 13. Sh. Jaswant Singh BJP 3.6.2004 to
Advani 18.5.09 5.7.2004
14. Sh. L.K. BJP 22.5.09 to 14. Sh. Jaswant Singh BJP 5.7.2004 to
Advani 21.12.09 16.5.2009
15. Sh. Sushma BJP 21.12.09 15. Sh. Arun Jaitely BJP 3.6.2009 to
Swaraj to 2.4.2012
18.05.14 and
3.4.2012 to

16 Sh. Ghulam Nabi Cong(I) 08.06.2014 to

Azad 10.2.2015
16.2.2015 to

17 Shri Mallikarjun Cong(I) 16.02.2021

Kharge Onwards.
TABLE – 48



SL. No. of Place where held Date & Year of Remarks

No. AIWC Conference
1 First Indore 13th Sept, 1952 Held under the auspices of the congress
Party in Parliament.
th th
2 Second Mysore 15 & 16 Inaugurated by Shri K. Hanumanthayya,
January, 1955 Chief Minister of Mysore.
th th
3 Third Sher-i-Kashmir 24 & 25 Inaugurated by Shri G.M. Bakshi, Prime
International September, 1956 Minister of Kashmir.
Centre, Srinagar
4 Fourth The Council Hall, 24th & 25th Inaugurated by Shri Y.B. Chavan, Chief
Bombay October, 1962 Minister of Maharashtra.
th th
5 Fifth Karnataka 4 & 6 January, Inaugurated by Shri N. Nijalingappa, Chief
Vidhan Sabha, 1966 Minister of Mysore.
6 Sixth Himachal 4th to 6th October, Inaugurated by Dr. Y.S. Parmar, Chief
Bhavan, Shimla 1967 Minister of Himachal Pradesh.
st rd
7 Seventh Rajaji Hall, 21 to 23 Inaugurated by Shri M. Karunanidhi.
Madras September, 1969
8 Eighth Madhya Pradesh 3rd and 4th Inaugurated by Shri S. N. Sinha Governor,
Vidhan Sabha November, 1972 Madhya Pradesh.
Bhavan, Bhopal
9 Ninth Himachal 27th & 28th Inaugurated by Shri Vir Bhadra Singh,
Legislative October,1983 Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh.
Assembly Hall,
10 Tenth Main Committee 26th Inaugurated by Dr. M. Thambi Durai,
Room Parliament November,1988 Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha.
House Annexe,
New Delhi.
11 Eleventh Banquet Hall, 17th to 19th Inaugurated by Shri M. Veerappa Moily,
Vidhan Soudha, January, 1994 Chief Minister of Kanataka.
12 Twelfth Sher-I-Kashmir 21st & 22nd Inaugurated by Dr. Farooq Abdulla, Chief
International August, 1997 Minister of Jammu & Kashmir.
Centre, Srinagar
13 Thirteenth Dr. Marri Channa 4th & 5th Inaugurated by Shri Bhairon Singh
Reddy Human February, 2005 Shekhawat, Hon’ble Vice-President of
Resource India.
14 Fourteenth Central Hall, 4th & 5th Inaugurated by Shri Mohammad Hamid
Vidhan Bhavan, February, 2008 Ansari, Hon’ble Vice-President of India.
15 Fifteenth Hotel Mountview 10th & 11th Inaugurated by Shri Shivraj V. Patil,
Sector-10, February, 2010 Hon’ble Governor of Punjab & UT,
Chandigarh Chandigarh.
th th
16 Sixteenth Hotel Radisson 13 & 14 Inaugurated by Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu,
Blue, Cavelossim October, 2014 Minister of Parliamentary Affairs.
Beach, Goa.
17 Seventeen Hotel Novotel, 29th & 30th Inaugurated by Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu,
th Varun Beach, September,2015 Minister of Parliamentary Affairs.
18 Eighteenth Hotel Radisson 8-9 January, 2018 Inaugurated by Smt. Vasundhara Raje,
Blue, Udaipur, Chief Minister of Rajasthan and Shri
Rajasthan Ananth Kumar, Union Minister for
Parliamentary Affairs.
TABLE – 49



S.No Item Salary, Allowances and other facilities

1. Salary Rs. 1,00,000/- per month w.e.f 01/04/2018.

2. Daily Rs. 2,000/- w.e.f 01/10/2010. The MPs have to sign the register,
Allowances maintained for this purpose by the Secretariats of the Lok Sabha/Rajya
Sabha, on all the days (except intervening holidays for which no such
signing is required) of the session of the House for which the
allowance is claimed.

3. Other W.e.f. 01/04/2018 Constituency Allowances @ Rs. 70,000/- per month

Allowances and Office Expense Allowance @ Rs.60,000/- per month out of which
Rs. 20,000/- shall be for meeting expenses on stationery item etc. and
postage; and Lok/Rajya Sabha Secretariat may pay upto Rs.40,000/-
per month to the person(s) as may be engaged by a Member for
obtaining secretarial assistance and one person shall be a computer
literate duly certified by the Member.

4. Telephones 1,50,000 free calls per annum on all the three telephones at Delhi
residence, constituency residence and for Internet connectivity
purposes pooled together. Trunk call bills adjusted within the monetary
ceiling of 1,50,000 local calls per annum. Excess calls made over and
above the quota allowed to be adjusted in the next year's quota.

Where a Member does not utilize total free local calls available to him,
the balance unutilized telephone calls shall be carried forward till his
seat becomes vacant.

A Member is entitled to use any number of telephones for utilizing

total free local calls available to him at his residences in Delhi and
constituency provided that the telephones should be in his name and
installation and rental charges for telephones other than the three
telephones provided to him will be borne by him.
A Member may avail two Mobile phones (one in Delhi and another in
constituency) with national roaming facility from MTNL and BSNL or
any other Private Operator where services of MTNL or BSNL are not
available for utilizing total free local calls provided that registration
and rental charges for private mobile phone will be borne by him.

A Member is also entitled to avail broadband facility from

MTNL/BSNL on any one of the above-cited three telephones against
ten thousand surrendered call units per annum. In addition to that a
member may also avail high speed FTTH with wifi services at Delhi
residence subject to the condition that only upto Rs. 2,200/- per
month are paid by the Government towards the charges of this
facility directly to MTNL.
The 3G facility as offered by MTNL/BSNL is optional for Members.
The charges towards the 3G package as well as additional usage of
facility will be adjustable within the aforesaid 1, 50,000 free calls
available to the Member. However, the 3G compatible handset is to
be purchased by the Member himself/herself.

5. Housing Rent-free flats only (including hostel accommodation). If a Member is

allotted bungalow at his request, he shall pay full normal rent, if he is
entitled to such accommodation.

Newly elected Member of Parliament reaching Delhi prior to

publication of notification of his election by Election Commission, is
entitled to transit accommodation.

Rent-free furniture upto the monetary ceiling of Rs.80,000/- for

durable furniture and Rs.20,000/- for non-durable furniture and rental
for additional items of furniture based on depreciated value.

Free washing of sofa covers and curtains every three months. Tiles in
bathroom, kitchen as demanded by MP.

6. Water and 50,000 units of electricity per annum, (25,000 units each Light/Power
Electricity meters or pooled together) and 4,000 kiloliters of water per annum
beginning January every year. Members who have no power meters
installed are allowed 50,000 units per annum on light meter.

Unutilized units of electricity and water shall be carried over to the

subsequent years. Excess units consumed shall be adjusted against the
next year's quota.

Joint entitlement for free consumption of electricity and water units if

both husband and wife happen to be Members of Parliament and reside
in the same accommodation
On retirement/resignation/death, a Member or his family may be
allowed to consume the balance units of electricity and water for that
year within one month

7. Medical As available to Grade-I Officers of the Central Government under


8. Conveyance w.e.f 01/10/2010, Rs.4,00,000/- on interest @ as applicable to the

Advance Central Government employees, recoverable within a maximum
period of 5 years not extending beyond the tenure of MP.
9. Pension to Ex- (i) w.e.f. 01/04/2018, minimum pension of Rs. 25,000/- per month to
MPs every person who has served for any period, as Member of Provisional
Parliament or either House of Parliament and additional pension of Rs.
2,000/- per month for every year of membership of Parliament in
excess of five year.

(ii) A period of nine months or more is reckoned equivalent to

complete one year for the purpose of payment of additional pension.

(iii) Ex-MPs pension allowed irrespective of any other pension.

10. Pension to the Family pension, equivalent to one half of the pension which a Member
spouse/dependent of Parliament would have received to spouse/dependent of deceased
of an MP dying member/ex-Member - to the spouse for life (except when the spouse is
in harness ex-MP) or to the dependent till the person continues to be a dependent.

11. Travelling Air- One air fare in any airline. Also air fare for one companion in
allowance case of a blind/physically incapacitated MP.

Steamer- One fare for the highest class (without diet).

Road- (i) Rs. 16/- per km. (w.e.f 01/10/2010) (ii) Minimum Rs. 120/-
to/fro from Delhi airport and residence at Delhi. (iii) TA by road
when the places are not connected by mail, express and superfast
trains; (iv) TA for air journey(s) during the short interval between two
sittings of a Department related Standing Committee during budget
session recess, limited to one air fare + DA for the days of absence; (v)
road mileage for travel by spouse when not accompanying the
Member to and fro railway station/airport in respect of journeys as
permissible in a year; (vi) Member who is residing within 300 km
distance from Delhi may travel by road and claim road mileage @ Rs.
16/- per km; (vii) Member/Spouse from North-Eastern States of
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland,
Sikkim and Tripura may travel by road from residence in the
constituency/State to the nearest airport; (vii) physically incapacitated
member allowed to travel by road in lieu of rail/air journeys.

12. Travelling (i)Railway pass for MP for travelling in AC-I Class or Executive Class
Facility of any Indian Railways. Spouse can also travel with MP in the same
class. (ii) Companion can also travel with MP in AC-II tier. (iii)
Member having no spouse can take one person with him/her in AC-
I/Executive class in addition to the companion allowed in AC-II tier.
(iv) air travel to and fro Delhi for the MP from Ladakh - for the
Member and the spouse or one companion; (v) to and fro air travel
facility for the Member from the Andaman & Nicobar Islands and
Lakshadweep and spouse or one companion between the Island and
the mainland; (vi) blind or physically incapacitated Member can take
an attendant in the air/rail journeys in which he himself travels in lieu
of the companion in AC-II tier. (vii) Thirty four single air journeys in
a year from any place to any other place in India either alone or along
with spouse or any number of companions or relatives within this
ceiling. (viii) adjustment of 8 excess air journeys against the next
year's entitlement; (ix) carry forward of unutilized air journeys to
subsequent years; (x) spouse or companion of a Member may travel
alone to join the Member 8 times in a year against 34 air journeys
available to the Member in a year; (xi) steamer passes for highest class
of steamer for MPs from Andaman and Nicobar Islands and
Lakshadweep and Spouse/Companion (without diet); (xii) to and fro
air travel when the usual place of residence is inaccessible by rail, road
or steamer, between the nearest place having rail service, (xiii)
Members may travel by any Airlines for availing the air journeys
available to them as Member of Parliament.

13. Travelling (1) Ex-MP alongwith a companion are entitled to free AC-II tier rail
facility to Ex- travel facility from one place to any other place in India, on the basis
MPs of an authorization issued for this purpose by concerned Secretariat of
Parliament as the case may be.
(2) Entitled to travel alone in any train by any railway by AC-I.
(3) Steamer facility to Members belonging to Andaman & Nicobar
Island and Lakshadweep between the island and the mainland of India.

14. Facilities to the Family of a deceased Member may retain:

family of (a) Government accommodation for a period of 6 months from the
deceased MP date of death of such Member.
(b) Telephone facilities for a period not exceeding two months from
the date of death of the Member.

15. Medical facilities CGH Scheme is applicable to former members of Parliament residing
for Ex-MPs in cities covered by CGH Scheme on payment of contribution at the
same rate as they were paying as Member of Parliament. This facility
can be obtained direct from Director General (CGHS), Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.

16. Facilities to (a) With effect from 26.04.1999, the Members of prematurely
Members of dissolved Lok Sabha are allowed to utilize the balance of unutilized (i)
prematurely free 1,50,000 telephone calls, (ii) 50,000 units of electricity, and (iii)
dissolved Lok 4,000 Kilolitres of water during the period from dissolution of the Lok
Sabha Sabha till constitution of the new Lok Sabha. In case of excess
consumption of such units, the same will be allowed to be adjusted in
case the Member is elected to the new Lok Sabha against the quota that
will be available to him, in the first year.
17. Travelling W.e.f. 01/10/2010, the spouse of a Member has been allowed to travel
facility to the any number of times, by railway in first class air-conditioned or
spouse of executive class in any train from the usual place of residence of the
Member Member to Delhi and back; and when Parliament is in session, by air
or partly by air and partly by rail, from the usual place of residence of
the Member to Delhi or back, subject to the condition that the total
number of such air journeys shall not exceed eight in a year. When
Parliament is in session, and the spouse of a Member performs such
journey or part thereof by road, a road mileage @ Rs.16/- per K.M. is
allowed. When Parliament is in session, and such journey or part
thereof is performed from some other place than the usual place of
residence of the Member, then the spouse is entitled to an amount
equal to actual air-fare or the air-fare from the usual place of residence
to Delhi or back, whichever is less.

18. Facilities to the Family of a deceased Member may retain:-

family of (a) Government accommodation for a period of 6 months from the date
deceased MP of death of such Member.
(b) Telephone facilities for a period not exceeding two months from
the date of death of the Member.

S.No. Item Admissibility

1. Pension (i) w.e.f. 01/04/2018, minimum pension of Rs. 25,000/- per month to
every person who has served for any period, as Member of
Provisional Parliament or either House of Parliament and additional
pension of Rs. 2,000/- per month for every year of membership of
Parliament in excess of five years without any maximum ceiling.
(ii) A period of nine months or more is reckoned equivalent to
complete one year for the purpose of payment of additional pension.
(iii) Ex-MPs pension allowed irrespective of any other pension
without any upper limit on the aggregate.
2. Family Pension Family pension, equivalent to one half of the pension which a
Member of Parliament would have received, to spouse/dependent of
deceased member/ex-Member - to the spouse for life (except when
the spouse as ex-MP) and to the dependent till the person continues to
be a dependent.
3. Traveling facility (i) Ex-MPs alongwith a companion are entitled to free AC-II tier rail
travel facility from one place to any other place in India, on the basis
of an authorization issued for this purpose by concerned Secretariat
of Parliament as the case may be.
(ii) Entitled to travel alone in any train by any railway by AC-I.
(iii) Steamer facility to Members belonging to Andaman & Nicobar
Island and Lakshadweep between the island and the mainland of
4. Medical Facilities CGH Scheme is applicable to former members of Parliament residing
in cities covered by CGH Scheme on payment of contribution at the
same rate as they were paying as Member of Parliament. This facility
can be obtained direct from Director General (CGHS), Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
5. Facilities to (a) With effect from 26.04.1999, the Members of prematurely
Members of dissolved Lok Sabha are allowed to utilize the balance of unutilized
prematurely (i) free 1,50,000 telephone calls, (ii) 50,000 units of electricity, and
dissolved Lok (iii) 4,000 kls. of water during the period from dissolution of the Lok
Sabha Sabha till constitution of the new Lok Sabha. In case of excess
consumption of such units, the same will be allowed to be adjusted in
case the member is elected to the new Lok Sabha against the quota
that will be available to him, in the first year.
S.No. Year Competition No. of Name of the School standing first
1 1966-67 First 16 Lady Irwin Hr. Sec. School, Canning Road,
New Delhi.
2 1967-68 Second 25 Govt. Girls Hr. Sec. School, Rajouri
Garden, Delhi
3 1968-69 Third 43 Lady Irwin Hr. Sec. School, Canning Road,
New Delhi
4 1969-70 Fourth 42 Lady Irwin Hr. Sec. School,
Canning Road, New Delhi
5 1970-71 Fifth 41 Lady Irwin Hr. Sec. School,
Canning Road, New Delhi
6 1971-72 Sixth 50 Govt. Girls Hr. Sec. School, Sarojini
Nagar, New Delhi
7 1972-73 Seventh 43 Andhra Education Society Hr. Sec.
School, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi

8 1973-74 Eighth 50 Lady Irwin Hr. Sec. School, Canning Road,

New Delhi
9 1974-75 Ninth 49 DTEA Hr. Sec. School, Laxmibai
Nagar, New Delhi.
10. 1975-76 Tenth 52 DTEA Hr. Sec. School, Pusa
Road, New Delhi
11 1976-77 Eleventh 52 Nav Hind Girls’ Hr. Sec. School, Rohtak
Road, New Delhi
12 1977-78 Twelfth 48 Govt. Girls’ Sr. Sec. School No.1,
Rajouri Garden, New Delhi.
13 1978-79 Thirteenth 52(including 8 DTEA Hr. Sec. School,
*KV) Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi

14 1979-80 Fourteenth 52(including 10 Govt. Girls’ Sr. Sec. School, Adarsh

*KV) Nagar, New Delhi
15 1980-81 Fifteenth 54(including 15 K.V. No.1, Sector-IV,
*KV) Faridabad, Haryana.
16 1981-82 Sixteenth 52 (including Shri S.D. Girls’ Sr. Sec. School, East
5 *KV) Patel Nagar, New Delhi
17 1982-83 Seventeenth 62(including K.V. Andrews Ganj, New Delhi
25 *KV)
18 1983-84 Eighteenth 38 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School, Ramesh
Nagar, New Delhi
19 1984-85 Ninteenth 20 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School, Moti
Nagar, New Delhi
20 1985-86 Twentieth 29 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School,
Jungpura, New Delhi
21 1986-87 Twenty-first 26 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School, Krishna
Nagar, Delhi
22 1987-88 Twenty- 27 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School, Vivek
second Vihar, Delhi
23 1988-89 Twenty-third 31 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School No.1, Lodhi
Road, New Delhi
24 1989-90 Twenty-fourth 53 MB DAV Sr. Sec. School, Yusuf
Sarai, New Delhi
25 1990-91 Twenty-fifth 29 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School,
Palam Enclave, New Delhi
26 1991-92 Twenty-sixth 35 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School, GT
Road, Shahdara, Delhi
27 1992-93 Twenty 48 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec.School,
- Adarsh Nagar, New Delhi
28 1993-94 seventh
Twenty-eighth 41 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School No.1,
Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi
29 1994-95 Twenty-ninth 50 Maharaja Agarsain Public School,
Ashok Vihar, Phase-IV, New Delhi
30 1995-96 Thirtieth 43 Maharaja Agarsain Public School,
Ashok Vihar, Phase-IV, New Delhi
31 1996-97 Thirty-first 54 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School,
Andrews Ganj, New Delhi
32 1997-98 Thirty-second 53 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School No.1,
Kalkaji, New Delhi
33 1998-99 Thirty-third 53 Manav Sthali School, R-Block, New
Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi.
34 1999-2000 Thirty-fourth 65 Doon Public School, Paschim
Vihar, New Delhi
35 2000-2001 Thirty-fifth 69 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School,
Chhatarpur, New Delhi
36 2001-2002 Thirty-sixth 38 Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya,
Shadi Khampur, New Delhi
37 2002-2003 Thirty-seventh 39 Govt. Girls Sr.Sec. School No.3,
Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi.
38 2003-2004 Thirty 67 Satbhrawan Arya Girls Sr. Sec. School,
– Arya Samaj Road, KarolBagh, New Delhi
39 2004-2005 eighth – Ninth
Thirty 49 Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya, Rajouri
Garden(Main), New Delhi
40 2005-2006 Fortieth 46 Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya,
Pandara Road, New Delhi
41 2006-2007 Forty-first 31 Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya,
Moti Nagar,New Delhi
42 2007-2008 Forty-Second 33 R.N. Thakur Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya,
East Vinod Nagar, Delhi
43. 2008-2009 Forty-Third 33 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School, Vivek Vihar,
44. 2009-2010 Forty-Fourth 32 Green Fields School, A-2, Safadurjung
Enclave, New Delhi
45. 2010-11 Forty-Fifth 33 N.C. Jindal Public School, Punjabi Bagh,
New Delhi.
46. 2011-12 Forty-Sixth 33 SSLT Gujrat Sr. Secondary School, Raj
Niwas Marg, Delhi-54
47. 2012-13 Forty-seventh 33 Delhi International Public Schhol, Rohini,
New Delhi.
48. 2013-14 Forty-eighth 33 Presentation Convent Sr. Sec. School, Delhi

49. 2014-15 Forty-Nine 34 Happy School, DaryaGanj, New Delhi

50. 2015-16 Fiftieth 35 Greenfields Public School, Dilshad Garden,

51 2016-17 Fifty -First 34 Rukmini Devi Public School, CD, Pitampura

52 2017-18 Fifty Second 33 Bharati Public School, SwasthyaVihar

53 2018-19 Fifty Third 33 Govt. Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya, Gulabi

Bagh, New Delhi
54 2019-20 Fifty Fourth 33 Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, Jaffarpur Kalan, New

* Kendriya Vidyalaya

TABLE – 52
Sl. No. Year No. of participating schools Name of the Kendriya Vidyalaya
Standing first

1 1983-84 20 K.V. No.1, AFS, Agra

2 1984-85 20 K.V., INA Colony, New Delhi

3 1985-86 26 K.V., KCC, Khetri Nagar, Rajasthan

4 1986-87 26 K.V. No.1, Gwalior (M.P.)

5 1987-88 31 K.V., JNU Campus, New Delhi

S.No. Year Competition Number of Kendriya Vidyalaya which stood first at
participating National Level
1 1988-89 First 71 K.V. No.1, AFS, Agra
2 1989-90 Second 113 K.V. No.1, Imphal
3 1990-91 Third 108 K.V., Kankar Bagh, Patna
4 1991-92 Fourth 108 K.V. No.2, Srivijayanagar, Visakhapatnam,
5 1992-93 Fifth 194 K.V.No.1,Ramnagar Area, Tirupati, (A.P.)
6 1993-94 Sixth 103 K.V. Koliwada, Mumbai
7 1994-95 Seventh 132 K.V. Sector-J, Aliganj, Lucknow, U.P.
8 1995-96 Eighth 131 K.V. No.2, R.S. Colaba, New Navy Nagar,
9 1996-97 Ninth 176 K.V., Dogra Lines, Meerut Cantt., U.P.
10 1997-98 Tenth 172 K.V., Pithoragarh, U.P.
11 1998-99 Eleventh 192 K.V. No.1, Gwalior, M.P.
12 1999-2000 Twelfth 194 K.V., Sector-J, Aliganj, Lucknow U.P.
13 2000-2001 Thirteenth 163 K.V., Keltron Nagar, Kannur (Kerala).
14 2001-2002 Fourteenth 88 K.V., Cooch Behar, West Bengal.
15 2002-2003 Fifteenth 88 K.V. No.1, Colaba, New Navy Nagar,
Mumbai, Maharashtra.
16 2003-2004 Sixteenth 90 K.V. No.1, GCF Estate, Jabalpur, M.P.
17 2004-2005 Seventeenth 90 K.V. No.1,T.P.Block, Pitampura,Delhi.
18 2005-2006 Eighteenth 90 K.V. Gangtok, Sikkim.
19 2006-2007 Nineteenth 90 IIT,Kharagpur.
20 2007-2008 Twentieth 90 K.V. V.V. Nagar, Anand, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

21 2008-2009 Twenty-first 90 K.V. CLRI, Chennai

22 2009-2010 Twenty- Second 90 K.V. Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

23 2010-2011 Twenty- Third 90 K.V. No.2, Group Centre, CRPF Campus,

24 2011-2012 Twenty- Fourth 90 KV. Pangode, Trivandrum (Kerala)
25 2012-13 Twenty-Fifth 125 KV. Pangode, Trivandrum (Kerala)
26 2013-14 Twenty-Sixth 125 National Winner Not declared
27. 2014-15 Twenty-Seventh 125 Kendriya Vidyalaya, IIT, Kharagpur, West
28.. 2015-16 Twenty -Eighth 125 Kendriya Vidyalaya, CRPF, Guwahati, Assam

29 2016-17 Twenty- Ninth 125 Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, GCF, Jabalpur

30 2017-18 Thirtieth 125 Kendriya Vidyalaya, AFS, Manauri, Allahabad
31 2018-19 Thirty First 125 Kendriya Vidyalaya Nda Khadakwasala, Pune

32 2019-20 Thirty Second 125 Kendriya Vidyalaya, S.E.C.L, Nowrozabad,

Umaria, Madhya Pradesh
S.No. Year Competition Number of Participating Vidyalaya which stood first at
Vidyalayas National Level
1. 1997-98 First 34 JNV, Kulamavu, Distt. Idukki,
2. 1998-99 Second 61 JNV, Maseetan, Distt. Kapurthala,
3. 1999-2000 Third 62 JNV, Vrindavan, Distt. West
Champaran, Bihar
4. 2000-2001 Fourth 55 JNV, Mugeshpur, New Delhi

5. 2001-2002 Fifth 88 JNV, Ranti, Distt. Madhubani,

6. 2002-2003 Sixth 75 JNV, Paleru, Distt. Khammam,
Andhra Pradesh

7. 2003-2004 Seventh 101 JNV, Dhansura, Sabarkantha,

8. 2004-2005 Eighth 87 JNV, Gyanpur,Sant Ravidas Nagar,
Distt. Bhadohi, Uttar Pradesh

9. 2005-2006 Ninth 96 JNV, Veleru, Distt. Krishna,

Andhra Pradesh
10. 2006-2007 Tenth 78 JNV, Sukhasan, Distt.Madhepura,
11. 2007-2008 Eleventh 64 JNV, Periya, Distt. Kasaragod,
12. 2008-2009 Twelfth 64 JNV, Kollam, Kerala
13. 2009-2010 Thirteenth 64 JNV, Pipersand, Lucknow
14. 2010-2011 Fourteenth 64 JNV, Mysore, Karnataka
15. 2011-2012 Fifteenth 64 JNV, Vaishali (Bihar)
16. 2012-2013 Sixteenth 64 JNV, Jamui, Bihar
17. 2013-2014 Seventeenth 64 JNV, Meerut, U.P.
18. 2014-2015 Eighteenth 64 JNV, Churachandpur, Manipur
19. 2015-2016 Nineteenth 64 JNV, Leh ( J & K)
20 2016-2017 Twentieth 64 JNV, Sonitpur (Assam)
21 2017-2018 Twenty First 64 JNV, Kaimur (Bihar)
22 2018-19 Twenty 64 JNV, Pathanamthitta (Kerala)
23 2019-20 64 JNV, Alleppey(Kerala)
Twenty Third
TABLE - 55
S.No. Year Competition Number of Participating University/College which stood
Universities/Colleges First at National Level

1. 1997-98 First 13 Maharishi Dayanand University,

Rohtak, Haryana
2. 1998-99 Second 30 Dayalbagh Educational Institute
(Deemed University, Dayalbagh,
Agra, Uttar Pradesh

3. 1999-2000 Third 34 Mangalore University, Mangalore,

4. 2000-2001 Fourth 40 Punjab Agricultural University,
Ludhiana, Punjab
5. 2001-2002 Fifth 37 Lucknow University, Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh
6. 2002-2003 Sixth 41 Dayalbagh Educational Institute,
Dayalbagh, Agra (U.P)

7. 2004-2005 Seventh 32 Madurai Kamaraj University,

Palkalai Nagar, Madurai
8. 2005-2006 Eighth 36 Maharana Pratap University of
Agriculture & Technology,
Udaipur, Rajasthan

9. 2007-2008 Ninth 30 Madurai Kamaraj University,

Palkalai Nagar, Madurai
10. 2010-2011 Tenth 22 DAV College, Jalandhar (Punjab)

11. 2012-13 Eleventh 34 DAV College, Jalandhar (Punjab)

12. 2014-15 Twelfth 36 Jadavpur University, Kolkata

13. 2016-17 Thirteenth 55 Jadavpur University, Kolkata

14. 2017-18 Fourteenth 74 DAV College, Jalandhar (Punjab)

15. 2018-19 Fifteenth 45 Central University of Punjab,

S.No. Competition Duration Venue
1 Twenty-Third - New Delhi
2 Twenty-Fourth - New Delhi
3 Twenty-Fifth 20th July, 1990 Parliament House, New Delhi
4 Twenty-Sixth 19th August, 1991 Parliament House, New Delhi
5 Twenty-Seventh 17th July, 1992 Parliament House, New Delhi
6 Twenty-Eighth 26th July, 1993 Parliament House, New Delhi

7 Twenty-Ninth 5th August, 1994 Parliament House, New Delhi

8 Thirtieth 7th and 8th August, Parliament House, New Delhi

9 Thirty-First 1995
30th July, 1996 Parliament House, New Delhi

10 Thirty-Second 21st July, 1997 Parliament House, New Delhi

11 Thirty-Third 31st July, 1998 Parliament House, New Delhi

12 Thirty-Fourth 26th July, 1999 Parliament House, New Delhi

13 Thirty-Fifth 24th July, 2000 Parliament House, New Delhi
14 Thirty-Sixth 18th July, 2001 Parliament House, New Delhi
15 Thirty-Seventh 4th July, 2002 Deputy Chairman Hall, Constitution Club,
V.P. House, New Delhi
16 Thirty-Eighth 9th July, 2003 Parliament House, New Delhi

17 Thirty-Ninth 27th July, 2004 Deputy Chairman Hall, Constitution Club,

V.P. House, New Delhi
18 Fortieth 1st August, 2005 Deputy Chairman Hall, Constitution Club,
V.P. House, New Delhi
19 Forty-First 6th July, 2006 Committee Room “B”, Parliament House, New
20 Forty-Second 19th July, 2007 Auditorium, Navyug School, Sarojini Nagar,
New Delhi
21 Forty-Third 22nd May, 2008 Committee Room “B”, Vigyan Bhawan Annexe,
New Delhi
22 Forty-Fourth 13th June, 2009 Committee Room F(G074), Parliament Library
Building, New Delhi
23 Forty-Fifth 6th May, 2010 Dy. Chairman Hall, Constitution Club,
V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi
24 Forty-Sixth 27th May, 2011 Dy. Chairman Hall, Constitution Club,
V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi
25 Forty-Seventh 25th May, 2012 Dy. Chairman Hall, Constitution Club,
V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi
26 Forty-Eighth 17th May, 2013 Dy. Chairman Hall, Constitution Club,
V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi
27 Forty-Ninth 28-29th April, 2014 Dy. Chairman Hall, Constitution Club,
V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi
28. Fiftieth 21-22 April, 2015 Dy. Chairman Hall, Constitution Club,
V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi
29 Fifty First 21– 22 April, 2016 Constitution Club, V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New
30 Fifty Second 8- 9 May, 2017 Constitution Club, V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New
31 Fifty Third 10-11 May, 2018 Constitution Club, V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New
32 Fifty Fourth 1-2 August, 2019 Constitution Club, V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New
33 Fifty-Fifth 7th July, 2022 Virtual Mode
TABLE – 57
S. No. Competition Duration Venue
1 First 25.4.88 to 28.4.88 (4 days) New Delhi
2 Second 3.7.89 to 5.7.89 (3 days) KV, Andrews Ganj, New Delhi.
3 Third 5th & 6th July, 90 (2 days) KV, Gole Market, New Delhi.
4 Fourth 15th & 14th July, 91 (2 days) KV, Andrews Ganj, New Delhi.
th th
5 Fifth 6 & 7 July, 92 (2 days) KV, Sadiq Nagar, New Delhi.
6 Sixth 5th & 6th July, 93 (i) KV, MEG Centre, Bangalore.
(ii) 12th & 13th July, 93 (ii) KV, INA Colony, New Delhi.
7 Seventh 1st & 2nd July, 94 (i) KV, Picket, Hyderabad.
5th & 6th July, 94 (ii) KV, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
11th & 12th July, 94 (iii)KV, Salt Lake, Calcutta, WB
8 Eighth 4th & 5th July, 95 (i) KV, IOC, Noonmati, Guwahati.
10th & 11th July, 95 (ii) KV, KK Nagar, Madras, T.N.
14th & 15th July, 95 (iii)KV, FRI, Dehradun, UP
9 Ninth 2nd & 3rd July, 96 (i) KV, Gangtok, Sikkim.
15th & 16th July, 96 (ii) KV, Ernakulam, Cochin, Kerala
19th & 20th July, 96 (iii)KV, Sector-31, Chandigarh.
13th & 14th August, 96 (iv) KV, Mhow, Indore, MP
10 Tenth (i) 25th & 26th June, 97 (i) KV, AFS, Borzhar, Guwahati
(ii) 1st & 2nd July, 97 (ii) KV, AMC, Lucknow,UP
4th & 5th July, 97 (iii) KV No.1, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
(iv) 11th & 12th July, 97 (iv) KV No.2, CRPF, Bhubaneswar
11 Eleventh (i) 23rd & 24th June, 98 (i) KV, Oil India Ltd., Duliajan,
(ii) 29th & 30th June, 98 Dibrugarh Distt., Assam.
6th & 7th July, 98 (ii) KV, Holta Camp, Palampur, HP
(iv) 9th & 10th July, 98 (iii)KV, Ootacamund, Indunagar, Nilgris,
Tamil Nadu.
(iv) KV, BEG & Centre, Yerawada, Pune,
12 Twelfth 7th & 8th May, 99 (i) KV No.2, Jammu Cantt, Jammu
12th & 13th July, 99 (ii) KV, EAC, Upper Shillong, Meghalaya.
iii) 16th & 17th July, 99 (iii) KV, Jipmer Campus, Pondicherry.
(iv) 23rd & 24th July, 99 (iv) KV, SAC, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad,
13 Thirteenth 29th & 30th June, 2000 (i) KV, Khaprail, Distt. Darjeeling, West
4th & 5th July, 2000 Bengal.
10th & 11th July, 2000 (ii) KV, Jakhu Hills, Shimla, H.P.
(iv) 17th & 18th July, 2000 (iii) KV, Ernakulam, Cochin, Kerala
(iv) KV No.1, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
14 Fourteenth 27th & 28th June, 2001 (i) KV, SAC, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad,
30th June & 1st July, 2001 Gujarat.
4th & 5th July, 2001 (ii) KV, Laitkor Peak, Shillong,
(iii)KV, Ashok Nagar, Chennai, Tamil
15 Fifteenth 11th & 12th April, 2002 (i) KV, IIT, Kharagpur, W.B.
19th & 20th April, 2002 (ii) KV, Bhandup, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
(iii) 28th & 29th April, 2002 (iii)KV, Gole Market, New Delhi.
16 Sixteenth 21st & 22nd May, 2003 (i) KV, AFS, Begumpet, Hyderabad,
(ii) 26th & 27th June, 2003 Andhra Pradesh.
(ii) KV No.2, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.
17. Seventeenth 5th & 6th August, 2004. (i) K.V.No.1, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
(ii) 17th & 18th August,2004 (ii) K.V. Bhandup, Mumbai
18. Eighteenth 26th & 27th August, 2005 (i) KV No.1, Salt Lake City, EB Block,
(ii) 5th & 6th Sept., 2005 Kolkota.
(ii) KV, Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala
19. Ninteenth 7th & 8th Sept., 2006 (i) K.V.No.1, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
(ii) 18th & 19th Sept., 2006 (ii) K.V.,Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu
20. Twentieth 7th & 8th Sept., 2007 (i) KV No.1, Bajaj Nagar, Jaipur,
(ii) 17th & 18th Sept., 2007 Rajasthan.
(ii) KV, Picket, Secunderabad, A.P.
21. Twenty First 1st & 2nd Sept., 2008 (i) KV No.1, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad,
(ii) 8th & 9th Sept., 2008 Gujarat
(ii) KV, Talabania, Puri, Orissa
22. Twenty 3rd & 4th July, 2009 (i) KV No. 2, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Second (ii) 9th & 10th July, 2009 (ii) K.V. Picket, Secundrabad, A.P.

23. Twenty 5th and 6th July, 2010 (i) K.V. ONGC Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Third 15th and 16th July, 2010 (ii) K.V. Begumpet, Hyderabad
(iii) 22nd and 23rd July, 2010 (iii)K.V. Gomtinagar, Lucknow
24. Twenty 22nd and 23rd April, 2011 (i) K.V. Mount Abu, Rajasthan
Fourth 29th and 30th April, 2011 (ii) K.V. IIT Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
(iii) 4th and 5th May, 2011 (ii) K.V. No. 1, Indore (Madhya Pradesh)

25. Twenty-Fifth 1-2 May,2012 (i) K.V. Lonavala

7-8 May, 2012 (ii) K.V. pachmarhi
11-12 May,2102 (iii)K.V. Mussorie
4-5 July, 2012 (iv) K.V. Puri, Odisha
26. Twenty-Sixth 17-18 Apr, 2013 (i) K.V. Hebbal, Bangalore
22-23 Apr, 2013 (ii) K.V. Puri, Odisha
29-30 Apr, 2013 (iii)K.V. No.5, Jaipur
2-3 May, 2013 (iv) K.V. Jutogh Cantt. Shimla
27. Twenty- 3-4 Apr, 2014 (i) K.V. Kankarbaagh, Patna
Seventh 15-16 Apr, 2014 (ii) K.V. No.1, Ernakulam
21-22 Apr, 2014 (iii)K.V. ONGC, Dehradun
(iv) 1-2 May, 2014 (iv) K.V. Maligaon, Guwahati
5-6 May, 2014 (v) K.V. ZIET, Mumbai

28. Twenty (i) 10-11 Apr, 2015 (i) KV No.2 Uppal, Hyderabad
Eighth (ii) 16-17 Apr, 2015 (ii) KV Shahibaug, Ahmedabad
(iii) 1-2 May, 2015 (iii)KV No.1, Tezpur
(iv) 5-6 May, 2015 (iv) KV, New Cantt., Allahabad
(v) 8-9 May 2015 (v) KV, Jakoo Hills, Shimla

29. Twenty 1-2 April, 2016 (i) KV, , Yelhanka, Bangalore

Ninth 4-5 April, 2016 (ii) KV, No.1, Jaipur
4-5 April, 2016 (iii)KV DanapurCantt, Patna
7-8 April, 2016 (iv) KV No.6, Bhubaneswar
(v)10-11 April, 2016 (v) KV Palampur
30. Thirtieth (i) 17-18 April, 2017 (i) KV LucknowCantt
(ii) 20-21 April, 2017 (ii) KV Maligaon, Guwahati
(iii) 24-25 April, 2017 (iii)KV Picket, Secunderabad
(iv) 1- 2 May, 2017 (iv) KV Bhandup
(v) 4-5 May, 2017 (v) KV Dharamshala

31. Thirty First (i) 16-17 April, 2018 (i) KV Ballygunge

(ii) 20-21April, 2018 (ii) KV No.1 Jaipur
(iii) 3-4 May, 2018 (iii)KV Anna Nagar, Chennai
(iv) 7-8 May, 2018 (iv) KV No.3 Bhopal
(v) 10-11 May, 2018 (v) KV IMA Dehradun

32. Thirty Two (i) 8-9 May, 2019 (i) KV AFS Kasauli, Solan
(ii) 14-15 May, 2019 (ii) KV No.1, Calicut
(iii) 21-22 May, 2019 (iii)KV Guwahati
(iv) 28-29 May, 2019 (iv) KV Bambolim, Goa
(v) 11-12 June, 2019 (v) KV No.2, ASC Centre, Gaya

33. Thirty Three 13th,14th & 15th July, 2022 Virtual Mode
TABLE – 58


S. Competition Duration Venue
1 First 28th & 29th August, 1997 JNV, Mothuka, Distt. Faridabad, Haryana.

2 Second 23rd & 24th July, 1998 (i) NCERT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi.
(ii) 3rd & 4th August, 1998 (ii) JNV, Gachhibowli, Hyderabad,
Andhra Pradesh.
3 Third 2nd & 3rd August, 1999 (i) JNV, Chandigarh.
5th & 6th August, 1999 (ii) JNV, Doddaballapuram, Distt.
Bangalore Rural, Karnataka.
4 Fourth 27th & 28th July, 2000 (i) JNV, Doddaballapuram, Distt.
(ii) 5th & 6th August, 2000 Bangalore Rural, Karnataka.
(ii) JNV, Wafapur, Distt Vaishali,
5 Fifth 6th & 7th July, 2001 (i) JNV, Kulamavu, Distt. Idukki,
(ii) 12th & 13th July, 2001 Kerala.
(ii) Vidya Bhawan Teachers Training
College, IASE, Udaipur,
6 Sixth 12th & 13th July, 2002 (i) JNV, Roshanabad, Distt.
19th & 20th July, 2002 Haridwar, Uttaranchal.
(ii) JNV, Koimmadi, Distt.
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
7 Seventh 7th & 8th November, 2003 (i) JNV, Morigaon, Assam.
16th & 17th Nov., 2003 (ii) JNV, Kherli, Distt. Dausa,
21st & 22nd Nov., 2003 Rajasthan.
(iii) JNV, Bagalur, Distt. Bangalore
Urban, Karnataka.
8 Eighth 9th & 10th August, 2004 (i) Navodaya Leadership Institute,
2nd and 3rd Sept. 2004 Canacona, South Goa.
10th and 11th Sept., 2004 (ii) JNV, Qutabgarh, Mungeshpur,
(iv) 24th and 25th Sept., 2004 Delhi
(iii) JNV, Periye, Kasargod, Kerala
(iv) JNV, Morigaon, Assam
9 Ninth 29th &30th August, 2005. (i) JNV,Rothak, P.O.Naya
(ii) 22nd & 23rd Sept., 2005. Bazar,Distt.West Sikkim
(ii) JNV, Gachibowli, Huderabad
University Campus, Hyderabad.
10 Tenth 4th & 5th August,2006 (i) JNV, Mothuka, Distt. Faridabad,
(ii) 1st & 2nd Sept., 2006. Haryana.
(ii) JNV, Periyakalapet, Distt.
11 Eleventh 14th and 15th July, 2007 (i) JNV, Kalandri, Distt. Sirohi,
(ii) 4th and 5th August, 2007 Rajasthan
(ii) JNV, Bansu Jakhadhar, Distt.
Rudraprayag, Uttrakhand
12 Twelfth 30th and 31st July, 2008 (i) JNV, Dmghhalli, Mysore,
(ii) 5th and 6th Sept., 2008 Karnataka
(ii) JNV, Mundali, Cuttack, Orissa

13 Thirteen 15th & 16th Sept., 2009 (i) JNV, Tarikhet, Almora,
(ii) 20th & 21st Oct., 2009 Uttarakhand
(ii) JNV, HCU Campus, NLI,
Rangareddy, A.P.
14. Fourteen 10th & 11th Sept., 2010 (i) JNV, Chaudi, Canacona, South
(ii) 16th & 17th Sept., 2010 Goa
(ii) JNV, Konark, Puri

15. Fifteen 4th & 5th April, 2011 (i) JNV, Suyalbari, Nainital (UK)
(ii) 17th & 18th April, 2011 (ii) JNV, Vadavathoor, Kottayam
16. Sixteenth 4th & 5th April, 2012 (i) JNV, Suyalbari, Nanital
(ii) 17th & 18th April, 2012 (ii) JNV, Bangalore (Rural)

17. Seventeenth 12th & 13th April, 2013 (i) JNV, Lucknow
(ii) 26th & 27th April, 2013 (ii) JNV, Konark

18. Eighteenth 2nd & 3rd April, 2014 (i) JNV, Chandigarh
(ii) 21st & 22nd April, 2014 (ii) JNV, Nadia

19. Nineteenth (i) 24-25 Apr, 2015 (i) JNV, South Goa
(ii) 27-28 Apr, 2015 (ii) JNV, Cuttack ( Odisha)

20. Twentieth 18- 19 April, 2016 (i) Navodya Vidyalays Samiti

Headquarters, Noida
25- 26 April, 2016 (ii) JNV, Pune
21. Twenty First 6-7 April, 2017 (i) NavodyaVidyalaysSamiti
Headquarters, Noida
27-28 April, 2017 (ii) National Leadership Institute,
22. Twenty Two 10-11 May, 2018 (i) NLI Goa, New Campus,
Canacona, South Goa
16-17 May, 2018 (ii) NLI Udaipur Mavali, Dist.
23. Twenty Three 8-9 July, 2019 (i) NLI, Puri
15-16 July, 2019 (ii) JNV, Nadia
24. Twenty Four 21st & 22nd July, 2022 Virtual Mode
TABLE – 59
S.No. Competition Duration Venue
th th
1. First 14 to 17 July, 1997 Auditorium, Parliament House Annexe,
New Delhi and CPDHE Hall, Delhi
University, Delhi
2. Second 5th & 6th November, 1998 Parliament House, New Delhi and
CPDHE Hall, Delhi University, Delhi
3. Third 24th, 25th & 26th September, 1999 Mumbai University, Mumbai,
4. Fourth 11th, 12th & 13th September, 2000 Goa University, Goa
5. Fifth 11th, 12th & 13th September, 2001 Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai,
Tamil Nadu
6. Sixth 17th , 18th & 19th August, 2002 Maharashtra.N.G. Ranga Agricultural
University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
7. Seventh 17th & 18th May, 2004 Kodaikanal Christian College,
Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu
8. Eighth 12th & 13th September, 2005 Madurai Kamaraj University,
Madurai, Tamil Nadu
9. Ninth 11th & 13 December, 2007 University of Kalyani, Distt. Nadia,
West Bengal
10. Tenth 17th and 18th February, 2010 Kalinga Industrial Institute
Technology University,
11. Eleventh 23rd & 24th June, 2012 KIIT University,
Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar

12. Twelfth 29-30 September, 2014 Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar

13 Thirteenth 4-5 January, 2016 Shillong

14 Fourteenth 12 – 13 January, 2017 Puducherry

15 Fifteenth 9-10 April, 2018 Mahabaleswar

16 Sixteenth 19-20 February, 2020 Mangalore

कक – 60


कक कक गई।
ककर . कक
1 4.8.1984
2 30.9.1985
3 23.12.1985
4 1.5.1986
5 15.7.1986
6 28.10.1986
7 28.3.1987
कक कक गई।
8 11.9.1987
9 23.12.1987
10 9.5.1988
11 30.6.1988
12 13.9.1988
13 27.12.1988
14 29.3.1989
15 7.7.1989
कक कक गई।
16 18.9.1990
17 18.12.1990
18 2.4.1991
19 14.6.1991
20 28.10.1991
21 22.1.1992
22 25.9.1992
23 7.1.1993
कक गकक।
24 22.9.1994
25 23.1.1995
26 28.6.1995
27 15.9.1995
28 15.2.1996
29 28.10.1996 ककत कक गई।
30 31.3.1997
31 15.7.1997
32 14.8.1997
ककर ककभ कक गई।
ककत नककक कक कक सकक।
ककत नककक कक ककई।
33 4.1.2000
34 21.7.2000
35 1.11.2000
36 4.6.2001
37 4.3.2002
38 9.5.2002
39 2.7.2002
कक कक गई।
40 9.10.2003
कक गकक।
कक गकक।
41 29.4.2005
42 29.3.2006
43 30.11.2006
44 20.3.2007
45 2.7.2007
46 25.3.2008
कक गकक।
47 12.2.2009
कक कक गई।
48 11.1.2010
49 19.10.2010
50 18.3.2011
कक गकक।
51 18.12.2012
52 21.3.2013
53 11.12.2013
54 21.3.2014

कक गकक।
55 24.7.2015
56 30.3.2016
57 17.5.2017
58 6.12.2017
कक गकक।
59 12.01.2021
60 24.06.2021
61 07.04.2022


कक व ककख कक व ककख
र कक र कक
. ष . ष
कक कक
. .
1 1 16.1.1984 2 1 30.3.1990
9 5 9
8 9
4 0
2 18.5.1984 2 28.6.1990
3 18.7.1984 2 *16.10.1990
4 29.10.1984 2 31.12.1990
5 1 4.2.1885 2 1 26.3.1991
9 9 9
8 9
5 1
6 30.5.1985 3 27.6.1991
7 9.9.1985 3 20.9.1991
8 8.11.1985 3 30.12.1991
9 1 14.2.1986 3 1 30.3.1992
9 3 9
8 9
6 2
1 20.6.1986 3 30.6.1992
0 4
1 17.9.1986 3 28.9.1992
1 5
1 30.12.1986 3 28.12.1992
2 6
1 1 27.3.1987 3 1 19.3.1993
3 9 7 9
8 9
7 3
1 15.6.1987 3 15.6.1993
4 8
1 25.9.1987 3 24.9.1993
5 9
1 28.12.1987 4 29.12.1993
6 0
1 1 25.3.1988 4 1 25.3.1994
7 9 1 9
8 9
8 4
1 20.6.1988 4 10.6.1994
8 2
1 30.9.1988 4 12.9.1994
9 3
2 30.12.1988 4 29.12.1994
0 4
2 1 20.3.1989 4 1 31.3.1995
1 9 5 9
8 9
9 5
2 29.6.1989 4 20.6.1995
2 6
2 27.9.1989 4 12.9.1995
3 7
2 27.12.1989 4 27.12.1995
4 8
* 26.9.1990 कक ककठक ककथककत कककर 16.10.90 कक ककई।

कक व ककख कक व ककख
र कक र कक
. ष . ष
कक कक
. .
4 1 22.3.1996 8 2 22.2.2005
9 9 5 0
9 0
6 5
5 28.6.1996 8 4.7.2005
0 6
5 3.9.1996 8 2.9.2005
1 7
5 27.12.1996 8 7.11.2005
2 8
5 1 20.3.1997 8 2 30.3.2006
3 9 9 0
9 0
7 6
5 27.6.1997 9 27.6.2006
4 0
5 5.9.1997 9 11.9.2006
5 1
5 26.12.1997 9 21.12.2006
6 2
5 1 30.3.1998 9 2 28.3.2007
7 9 3 0
9 0
8 7
5 18.6.1998 9 31.5.2007
8 4
5 7.9.1998 9 3.9.2007
9 5
6 28.12.1998 9 18.12.2007
0 6
6 1 23.3.1999 9 2 27.3.2008
1 9 7 0
9 0
9 8
6 30.6.1999 9 28.5.2008
2 8
6 15.9.1999 9 12.9.2008
3 9
6 28.12.1999 1 30.12.2008
4 0
6 2 24.3.2000 1 2 12.3.2009
5 0 0 0
0 1 0
0 9
6 20.6.2000 1 17.6.2009
6 0
6 13.9.2000 1 11.9.2009
7 0
6 27.12.2000 1 14.12.2009
8 0
6 2 29.3.2001 1 2 25.3.2010
9 0 0 0
0 5 1
1 0
7 29.6.2001 1 16.6.2010
0 0
7 13.9.2001 1 24.9.2010
1 0
7 24.12.2001 1 30.12.2011
2 0
7 2 17.3.2002 1 2 29.3.2011
3 0 0 0
0 9 1
2 1
7 25.6.2002 1 30.6.2011
4 1
7 10.9.2002 1 24.8.2011
5 1
7 13.12.2002 1 26.12.2011
6 1
7 2 20.3.2003 1 2 1.3.2012
7 0 1 0
0 3 1
3 2
7 26.5.2003 1 8.6.2012
8 1
7 29.8.2003 1 19.9.2012
9 1
8 19.11.2003 1 13.12.2012
0 1
8 2 11.2.2004 1 2 15.3.2013
1 0 1 0
0 7 1
4 3
8 31.5.2004 1 20.6.2013
2 1
8 26.7.2004 1 11.9.2013
3 1
8 8.11.2004 1 19.12.2013
4 2

कक व ककख कक व ककख
र कक र कक
. ष . ष
कक कक
. .
1 2 19.3.2014
2 0
1 1
1 23.6.2014
1 11.9.2014
1 19.12.2014
1 2 18.3.2015
2 0
5 1
1 16.6.2015
1 4.9.2015
1 21.12.2015
1 2 31.3.2016
2 0
9 1
1 24.6.2016
1 26.9.2016
1 23.12.2016
1 2 28.3.2017
3 0
3 1
1 23.6.2017
1 28.9.2017
1 22.12.2017
1 2 26.03.2018
3 0
7 1
1 29.06.2018
1 26.09.2018
1 26.12.2018
1 2 19.03.2019
4 0
1 1
1 13.06.2019
1 12.09.2019
1 16.12.2019
1 2 24.06.2020
4 0
5 2
1 07.09.2020
1 18.12.2020
1 2 12.03.2021
4 0
8 2
1 28.06.2021
1 07.09.2021
1 17.12.2021
1 2 10.03.2022
5 0
2 2
1 23.06.2022
1 09.09.2022
1 29.11.2022

1956 TO 31ST DECEMBER, 2022

Year Total Number of Assurances Total Balance % Implementation

number of Implemented
Assurances Fulfilled Dropped
1 2 3 4 5(3+4) 6(2-5) 7
1956 1543 1543 - 1543 - 100.00
1957 893 893 - 893 - 100.00
1958 1324 1324 - 1324 - 100.00
1959 1138 1138 - 1138 - 100.00
1960 1000 1000 - 1000 - 100.00
1961 1244 1244 - 1244 - 100.00
1962 1333 1333 - 1333 - 100.00
1963 781 781 - 781 - 100.00
1964 883 883 - 883 - 100.00
1965 1073 1073 - 1073 - 100.00
1966 1542 1542 - 1542 - 100.00
1967 2116 2116 - 2116 - 100.00
1968 4174 4174 - 4174 - 100.00
1969 4260 4260 - 4260 - 100.00
1970 3331 3331 - 3331 - 100.00
1971 1824 1824 - 1824 - 100.00
1972 1577 1577 - 1577 - 100.00
1973 1757 1757 - 1757 - 100.00
1974 1789 1789 - 1789 - 100.00
1975 925 925 - 925 - 100.00
1976 521 521 - 521 - 100.00
1977 889 889 - 889 - 100.00
1978 1655 1655 - 1655 - 100.00
1979 1069 1069 - 1069 - 100.00
1980 1105 1105 - 1105 - 100.00
1981 1587 1587 - 1587 - 100.00
1982 1541 1541 - 1541 - 100.00
1983 1726 1726 - 1726 - 100.00
1984 1284 1284 - 1284 - 100.00
1985 783 783 - 783 - 100.00
1986 1098 1098 - 1098 - 100.00
1987 2616 2616 - 2616 - 100.00
1988 1171 1171 - 1171 - 100.00
1989 1867 1867 - 1867 - 100.00
1990 2396 2396 - 2396 - 100.00
1991 1674 1674 - 1674 - 100.00
1992 2195 2195 - 2195 - 100.00
1993 1759 1759 - 1759 - 100.00
1994 2524 2524 - 2524 - 100.00
1995 1465 1465 - 1465 - 100.00
1996 700 700 - 700 - 100.00
1997 2093 2093 - 2093 - 100.00
1998 1127 1127 - 1127 - 100.00
1999 748 748 - 748 - 100.00
2000 1721 1721 - 1721 - 100.00
2001 1528 1527 - 1527 1 99.93
2002 1505 1505 - 1505 - 100.00
2003 1407 1407 - 1407 - 100.00
2004 905 905 - 905 - 100.00
2005 1734 1733 - 1733 1 99.94
2006 1073 1073 - 1073 - 100.00
2007 1281 1281 - 1281 - 100.00
2008 1106 1009 97 1106 - 100.00
2009 1297 1124 167 1291 6 99.54
2010 1592 1508 78 1586 6 99.62
2011 1856 1712 135 1847 9 99.52
2012 1890 1730 148 1878 12 99.37
2013 1108 979 116 1095 13 98.83
2014 1455 1298 145 1443 12 99.18
2015 1303 1186 93 1279 24 98.16
2016 1260 1135 88 1223 37 97.06
2017 826 730 58 788 38 95.40
2018 651 564 44 608 43 93.39
2019 1037 856 72 928 109 89.49
2020 353 280 17 297 56 84.14
2021 721 491 29 520 201 72.12
2022 371 135 1 136 235 36.66
98080 95989 1288 97277 803 99.18

Year Total Number of Assurances Total Balance % Implementation

number of Implemented
Fulfilled Dropped
1. 2. 3. 4. 5(3+4) 6(2-5) 7.
1956 373 373 - 373 - 100.00
1957 238 238 - 238 - 100.00
1958 287 287 - 287 - 100.00
1959 235 235 - 235 - 100.00
1960 233 233 - 233 - 100.00
1961 257 257 - 257 - 100.00
1962 479 479 - 479 - 100.00
1963 218 218 - 218 - 100.00
1964 349 349 - 349 - 100.00
1965 1342 1342 - 1342 - 100.00
1966 436 436 - 436 - 100.00
1967 495 495 - 495 - 100.00
1968 827 827 - 827 - 100.00
1969 1104 1104 - 1104 - 100.00
1970 591 591 - 591 - 100.00
1971 447 447 - 447 - 100.00
1972 832 832 - 832 - 100.00
1973 1009 1009 - 1009 - 100.00
1974 724 724 - 724 - 100.00
1975 384 384 - 384 - 100.00
1976 781 781 - 781 - 100.00
1977 1117 1117 - 1117 - 100.00
1978 1655 1655 - 1655 - 100.00
1979 748 748 - 748 - 100.00
1980 1391 1391 - 1391 - 100.00
1981 1688 1688 - 1688 - 100.00
1982 1466 1466 - 1466 - 100.00
1983 1472 1472 - 1472 - 100.00
1984 1082 1082 - 1082 - 100.00
1985 1315 1315 - 1315 - 100.00
1986 1295 1295 - 1295 - 100.00
1987 1810 1810 - 1810 - 100.00
1988 1705 1705 - 1705 - 100.00
1989 1420 1420 - 1420 - 100.00
1990 1642 1642 - 1642 - 100.00
1991 1678 1678 - 1678 - 100.00
1992 2052 2052 - 2052 - 100.00
1993 1544 1544 - 1544 - 100.00
1994 1261 1261 - 1261 - 100.00
1995 740 740 - 740 - 100.00
1996 672 672 - 672 - 100.00
1997 906 906 - 906 - 100.00
1998 232 232 - 232 - 100.00
1999 262 262 - 262 - 100.00
2000 706 706 - 706 - 100.00
2001 382 382 - 382 - 100.00
2002 677 677 - 677 - 100.00
2003 840 840 - 840 - 100.00
2004 545 544 - 544 - 99.82
2005 1153 1151 - 1151 2 99.83
2006 858 858 - 858 - 100.00
2007 974 973 - 973 1 99.90
2008 610 564 45 609 1 99.84
2009 933 860 72 932 1 99.89
2010 1020 935 73 1008 12 98.82
2011 912 828 78 906 6 99.34
2012 1080 923 149 1072 8 99.26
2013 669 586 80 666 3 99.55
2014 1171 998 154 1152 19 98.38
2015 794 675 92 766 28 96.47
2016 688 599 39 638 50 92.73
2017 341 305 10 315 26 92.38
2018 328 272 13 285 43 86.89
2019 334 275 6 281 53 84.13
2020 165 113 7 120 45 72.73
2021 237 148 2 150 87 63.29
2022 290 95 3 98 192 33.79
56501 55101 823 55923 577 98.98


NeVA is a Mission Mode Project under the Digital India Programme. It aims to make the
legislatures of all the States/UTs paper less, streamline all the processes for information exchange
with the different State Government Departments and to publish the allowed contents on the public
portal in real time. The NeVA works on both web-based and application based (both Android and
IOS) platform, in a format consistent across National and State legislatures. As per the Scheme,
financial assistance is given to the states to transform their legislative houses into “Digital House”
so as to enable them to transact entire Government Business on digital platform including exchange
of information with the State Government Departments in paperless mode.

Various States have adopted the NeVA, a project for digital legislatures and have started
working on it. With the sole objective of knowledge transfer for capacity building of the officials of
the legislatures, CPMU, NeVA has started in house training/workshop in association with the
concerned Assembly/Council/State NIC.
To strengthen the implementation of project, two days training workshops are also being
conducted at various state assemblies to train and familiarise the officials of their secretariats, NIC
as well as the Nodal officers of various departments with this application. So far, following
successful trainings have been organized by the CPMU, NeVA:


Sl. Workshop Date Location

1. Orientation workshop for Punjab 17-18th October, Punjab Legislative
Legislative Assembly 2018 Assembly,
2. Orientation workshop for Telangana 23-24th October, Telangana
Legislative Assembly & Council 2018 Legislative
3. Orientation workshop for Sikkim 2-3rd November, Sikkim Legislative
Assembly 2018 Assembly, Gangtok
4. Orientation workshop for Karnataka 2-3rd November, Karnataka
Legislative Assembly & Council 2018 Legislative
Assembly, Bangalore
5. Orientation workshop for Bihar 5-6thNovember, 2018 Bihar Legislative
Legislative Assembly & Council Assembly and
Council, Patna
6. Orientation workshop for Manipur 19-20thNovember, Manipur Legislative
Legislative Assembly 2018 Assembly, Imphal
7. Orientation workshop for Nagaland 19-20thNovember, Nagaland Legislative
Legislative Assembly 2018 Assembly, Kohima
8. Orientation workshop for Arunachal 26-27th November, Arunachal Pradesh
Pradesh Legislative Assembly 2018 Legislative
Assembly, Itanagar
9. Orientation workshop for Gujarat 26-27th Gujarat Legislative
Legislative Assembly November, 2018 Assembly,
10. Orientation workshop for West 3-4th December, 2018 West Bengal
Bengal Legislative Assembly Legislative
Assembly, Kolkata
11. Orientation workshop for Assam 17-18th December, Assam Legislative
Legislative Assembly 2018 Assembly, Guwahati

12. Orientation workshop for Jammu & 12-13th March, 2019 Jammu & Kashmir
Kashmir Legislative Assembly & Legislative
Council Assembly, Jammu
13. Orientation workshop for Jharkhand 26-27th March, 2019 Jharkhand
Legislative Assembly Legislative
Assembly, Ranchi
14. Orientation workshop for Meghalaya 24-25th April, 2019 Meghalaya
Legislative Assembly Legislative
Assembly, Shillong
15. Orientation workshop for Puducherry 4-5th July, 2019 Puducherry
Legislative Assembly Legislative
16. Orientation workshop for Mizoram 23-24th July, 2019 Mizoram Legislative
Legislative Assembly Assembly, Aizwal

17. Orientation workshop for Tamil Nadu 25-26th November, Tamil Nadu
Legislative Assembly 2019 Legislative
Assembly, Chennai
18. Orientation Course For Assistant 17th July, 2019 Committee Room
Secretaries Main, Parliament
House Annexe, New
19. Interactive Session on “National e- 9th April, 2019 Committee Room
Vidhan Application (NeVA)” for No. 4, Parliament
Rajya Sabha Secretariat Annexe, New Delhi
20. Odisha legislative Assembly 15-16th Feb, 2021 Bhubaneswar,

21. Bihar Legislative Council 16-18th November, Bihar Legislative

2021 Council, Patna

22. 9-10th Feb. 2022 Haryana Vidhan Sabha,

Legislative Assembly Chandigarh

23. Uttar Pradesh Assembly 27-28th April, 2022 UP Assembly,

24. Uttar Pradesh Council 9-11th May, 2022 UP Council, Lucknow

25. Uttar Pradesh Assembly 19-27th May, 2022 UP Assembly,


26. Haryana Legislative Assembly 21-22nd July, 2022 Haryana Vidhan Sabha

27. Orientation workshop for Members & 8-16th September,2022 Shillong

in-house digitalisation support
programme for Meghalaya Assembly
28. Orientation workshop for UP Council 15-16th Lucknow

29. In-house Digitalisation support to UP 19-23th Lucknow

Council September,2022
In continuation to the earlier capacity building measures, the above mentioned trainings
were augmented with the conduction of the three day Phase - II extensive training workshops
for various Legislative Houses at CPMU NeVA, Annexe Delhi wherein a team of Nodal officers
and the staff from the different states, which have already undergone Phase I training were
subjected to rigorous hands on training cum practical session. The schedule of the workshops
conducted is tabulated as under:-


Sl. Legislature Date Location

No. (Phase-II Workshop)
1. Punjab Legislative Assembly 11th-13th March, 2019 CPMU NeVA, Annexe
2. Karnataka Legislative 18th-20th March, 2019
Assembly CPMU NeVA, Annexe
th th
3. Karnataka Legislative 25 -27 March, 2019 Delhi
4. Telangana Legislative 25th-27th March, 2019 CPMU NeVA, Annexe
Assembly & Council Delhi
5. Gujarat Legislative Assembly 3rd-5th April, 2019 CPMU NeVA, Annexe
6. Bihar Legislative Assembly 10th -12th April, 2019 CPMU NeVA, Annexe
Council Delhi
7. Manipur Legislative 22nd -24th April, 2019 CPMU NeVA, Annexe
Assembly Delhi
8. Nagaland Legislative 29th April -1st May, 2019 CPMU NeVA, Annexe
Assembly Delhi
9. Meghalaya Legislative 13th-15th May, 2019 CPMU NeVA, Annexe
Assembly Delhi
10. Arunachal Legislative 16th-18th May, 2019 CPMU NeVA, Annexe
Assembly Delhi
11. West Bengal Legislative 27th-29th May, 2019 CPMU NeVA, Annexe
Assembly Delhi
12. Assam Legislative Assembly 27th-29th May, 2019 CPMU NeVA, Annexe
13. Chhattisgarh Legislative 8th -10th January, 2020 CPMU NeVA, Annexe
Assembly Delhi
14. Training cum Workshop for 15-17th June, 2022 CPMU NeVA, PHA,
Meghalaya Legislative Delhi
15. Training cum Workshop on 25th -27th November, 2022 CPMU NeVA, PHA,
Reporter Module for Haryana Delhi
Legislative Assembly
16. Training cum Workshop on 5-7th December,2022 CPMU NeVA, PHA,
Reporter Module for Delhi
Meghalaya Legislative

The two-day programme was jointly organized by the Bureau of Parliamentary Studies and
Training, Lok Sabha Secretariat, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and the Arunachal Pradesh
Legislative Assembly Secretariat on 5th-6th September, 2019 at Arunachal Legislative Assembly,
Itanagar for the MLAs which featured discussions on ways, means and procedures of Legislative
Assembly as well as on the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) to equip themselves to serve the
people better.

Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) organized a workshop for the Members,
Government Departments & Secretariat Officials of the Bihar Legislative Council on 3rdJune, 2019
at Bihar Legislative Council, Patna. Sh. Harun Rashid, Executive Chairman of the Legislative
Council, while addressing the honourable members of the Council, said that this software would
greatly facilitate the members in discharging their parliamentary duties.

Central Project Management Unit organized an Orientation Workshop for Bihar Legislative
Council Hon’ble Members & Officers. Bihar Legislative Council installed all related hardware for
NeVA implementation and a hands-on experience of e-Book and various modules of NeVA were
demonstrated to them on 16-17th November 2021, Patna.

Similarly, Uttar Pradesh Assembly also held the members training on NeVA during 19-27th
May, 2022 with the support of CPMU. Hon'ble Speaker of Lok Sabha Sh Om Birla launched the
NeVA on 20.05.22 for Digitisation of Uttar Pradesh Assembly in auspicious presence of Yogi
Adityanath, Chief Minister UP, Sh Satish Mahana, Speaker UP & Sh. Akhilesh Yadav, Leader of
Opposition. The first live Budget session of Uttar Pradesh Assembly was also conducted digitally.

Moreover, Sh. Manohar Lal, Hon’ble CM, Haryana inaugurated the two- day Orientation
workshop on NeVA for the Members of Haryana Legislative Assembly on 21 July,2022 . The
CPMU provided training to the members for using the e-book to transact House Business. The
Assembly then conducted its first live monsoon session successfully through paperless mode during
5th-10th August, 2022.

Meghalaya Assembly also went live through NeVA during 8th-16th September, 2022 by
conducting their first monsoon session digitally. Meghalaya Chief Minister, Mr. Conrad Kongkal
Sangma and Hon' ble Members also accessed NeVA e-Book during the session in the House on 9-9-
2022 to 16-9-2022.

Then, Uttar Pradesh Council also provided training to their members with the help of CPMU
during the Monsoon session from 17-18th September, 2022, wherein the House made a historic
achievement by conducting its first session through digital platform NeVA.

Further, the Houses like Uttar Pradesh Legislature, Haryana, Meghalaya have also
conducted their winter sessions, 2022 through NeVA platform successfully and are continuing to
use this platform for ensuing sessions, achieving the vision of One Nation One Application.

Sl. Legislatures Date Location

1. Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly 5-6th September, 2019 Itanagar
2. Bihar Legislative Council 3rd June, 2019 Patna

3. Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly 5-6th September, 2019 Itanagar

4. Uttar Pradesh Assembly 19-27th May, 2022 UP Assembly

5. Haryana Assembly 21-22nd July, 2022 HR Assembly

6. Haryana Assembly 5-10th August, 2022 HR Assembly

7. Meghalaya Legislative Assembly 8-16th September, Shillong

8. Uttar Pradesh Council 17-18th Lucknow
9. Uttar Pradesh Assembly 5-7th December 2022 Lucknow

10. Haryana Vidhan Sabha 23-28th December Chandigarh

Secretary, MPA along with the CPMU NeVA team, has been imparting training to the Nodal
Officers of State Legislatures, through video conferencing to familiarise them with the core
operation of the NeVA application besides addressing various issues regarding the same. So far, 37
VCs have been conducted for the training of various stakeholders comprising Nodal officers of
State/UT Assemblies, NIC officials as well as the concerned officers of various departments of
State Govt.



Sl. Session Date

1. Video Conference 10-07-2018
2. Video Conference 27-07-2018
3. Video Conference 03-08-2018
4. Video Conference 10-08-2018
5. Video Conference 24-08-2018
6. Video Conference 07-09-2018
7. Video Conference 14-09-2018
8. Video Conference 05-10-2018
9. Video Conference 02-11-2018
10. Video Conference 25-02-2019
11. Video Conference 06-12-2019
12. Video Conference with Odisha 2 and 16th March 2021

13. Video Conference with Himachal Pradesh 23-03-2021

14. Video Conference with Tamil Nadu 24-03-2021
15. Video Conference with Maharashtra 29-05-2021
16. Video Conference with Sikkim 22nd – 25th June, 2021
17. Video Conference with Karnataka Legislative 06th -07th July 2021
18. 3 Days online demonstration cum training to 4-6th August 2021
Karnataka Assembly
19. 3 Days online demonstration cum training to Lok 17-19th August 2021
Sabha Secretariat
20. 4 Days online demonstration cum training to Lok 23-26th August 2021
Sabha Secretariat
21. Refresher virtual workshop to Punjab Assembly 13-14th September 2021
(Part of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava)
22. One day online training programme to Maharashtra 30-09-2021
Legislative Assembly
23. Refresher virtual workshop to Odisha Assembly 26-27th Oct- 2021
(Part of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava)
24. One day online training programme for Karnataka 30th Nov- 2021
Legislative Assembly
25. Two day virtual refresher NeVA workshop for Bihar 7-8th Dec- 2021
Legislative Assembly

26. Two day virtual refresher NeVA workshop for 9-10th Dec- 2021
Nagaland Legislative Assembly
27. Two day NeVA workshop for Haryana Legislative 6-7th Jan, 2022
28. Two day workshop cum training programme for Tripura 15-16th Feb. 2022
Legislative Assembly
29. Two day workshop cum online training programme for 21-22nd April, 2022
Sikkim Legislative Assembly
30. Two day workshop cum online training programme for 20th & 25th April, 2022
Haryana Legislative Assembly
31. 4 day (17th -20th May 2022) online training workshop 17-20th May, 2022
for Sikkim Legislative Assembly
32. Two day workshop cum online training programme for 2-3rd June, 2022
Gujarat Legislative Assembly
33. One day workshop cum online training programme for 14th July, 2022
Gujarat Legislative Assembly
34. Three Day workshop cum online training programme 24-26th August,2022
for Mizoram Legislative Assembly
35. One day Online Workshop for Tamil Nadu Legislative 20th October,2022
36. Video Conference for Uttar Pradesh Legislative 14th November 2022
Assembly (QR)
37. Online workshop for Bihar Legislative Council (QR) 28th November 2022

Till now 21 legislative Assemblies/councils have signed memorandum of understanding
(MoUs) with Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs (MoPA) for implementation of NeVA in their
respective states- Also, 18 Legislatures have submitted Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) to MoPA
and 1st instalment has already been disbursed to 17 houses of these 18 houses (Please see the Tables

S. No. State Date of signing

1. Bihar Legislative Council 27-02-2020
2. Punjab Legislative Assembly 18-03-2020
3. Bihar Legislative Assembly 23-03-2020
4. Meghalaya Legislative Assembly 30-03-2020
5. Gujarat Legislative Assembly 04-07-2020
6. Odisha Legislative Assembly 17-08-2020
7. Manipur Legislative Assembly 02-09-2020
8. Puducherry Legislative Assembly 13-09-2020
9. Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly 14-09-2020
10. Nagaland Legislative Assembly 15-10-2020
11. Tripura Legislative Assembly 24-11-2020
12. Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly 13-01-2021
13. Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly 27-01-2021
14. Sikkim Legislative Assembly 10-02-2021
15. Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly 19-02-2021
16. Haryana Legislative Assembly 25-02-2021
17. Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly 08-04-2021
18. Mizoram Legislative Assembly 08-07-2021
19. Uttar Pradesh Legislative Council 27-09-2021
20. Jharkhand Legislative Assembly 06-10-2021
21. Jammu & Kashmir Legislative Assembly 25-05-2022

S. No. State Date of submitting Demand as per Sanctioned
DPR state amount
1. Punjab 23-03-2020 18,30,35,637/- 12,31,05,100/-
2. Odisha 23-06-2020 12,51,61,556.04/- 8,58,03,400/-
3. Bihar Legislative 17-09-2020 21,25,49,504/- 15,97,00,100/-
4. Bihar Legislative 19-10-2020 9,17,36,550/- 8,21,46,550/-
5. Nagaland 26-10-2020 16,99,59,757/- 8,72,29,700/-
6. Manipur 30-11-2020 11,97,66,150/- 9,57,91,050/-
7. Tamil Nadu 09-03-2021 16,49,85,766/- 15,55,50,750/-
8. Sikkim 18-02-2021 25,07,73,646/- 8,48,23,450/-
9. Arunachal Pradesh 29-01-2021 27,37,15,000/- DPR returned
10. Meghalaya 15-04-2021 11,75,11,463/- 10,42,82,900/-
11. Haryana 26-07-2021 13,95,87,739/- 8,53,53,390/-
12. Tripura 11-09-2021 9,53,61,423/- 8,95,32,950/-
13. Mizoram 27-10-2021 13,60,85,279/- 8,70,84,750/-
14. Uttar Pradesh Council 25-10-2021 11,23,86,960/- 8,91,52,800/-
15. UP Assembly 15-11-2021 28,17,34,115/- 17,81,31,300/-
16. Gujarat 16-04-2022 29,12,16,012.90/- 13,06,13,200/-
17. Jharkhand 06-05-2022 12,82,99,965/- 8,02,48,250/-
18. Puducherry 22-06-2022 11,39,96,934/- 8,50,28,250/-


S. No. State/Legislative House Total sanctioned Amount of 1st

amount instalment

1. Punjab 12,31,05,100/- 1,47,72,612/-

2. Odisha 8,58,03,400/- 1,02,96,408/-
3. Bihar Legislative Assembly 15,97,00,100/- 1,91,64,012/-
4. Bihar Legislative Council 8,21,46,550/- 98,57,586/-
5. Manipur 9,57,91,050/- 1,72,42,389/-
6. Nagaland 8,72,29,700/- 1,57,01,346/-
7. Sikkim 8,48,23,450/- 1,52,68,221/-
8. Tamil Nadu 15,55,50,750/- 1,86,66,090/-
9. Meghalaya 10,42,82,900/- 1,87,70,922/-
10. Haryana 8,53,53,390/- 1,02,42,407/-
11. Tripura 8,95,32,950/- 1,61,15,931/-
12. Mizoram 8,70,84,750/- 1,56,75,255/-
13. UP Assembly 17,81,31,300/- 2,13,75,756/-

14. UP Council 8,91,52,800/- 1,06,98,336/-

15. Gujarat 13,06,13,200/- 1,56,73,584/-

16. Jharkhand 8,02,48,250/- 96,29,790/-

17. Puducherry 8,50,28,250/- 1,70,11,650/-

List of Telephone Nos. of Ministers & Officers in the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs
S.No. Name and Office telephone Residence Office Residence
Designation Telephone Address Address
Shri Pralhad 11, Akbar
1. 01123017798 01123014097
Venkatesh Joshi, 15, P.H. Road, New
23792341(Fax) 01123094098
Hon'ble Minister Delhi-110001
2. Shri Narayan
Gambhir, OSD to 14, P.H.
3. Shri Prithviraj Nath, 01123017780
14, P.H.
1st PA to Minister 01123017798
01123010895 5 - A, K.
4. Shri Arjun Ram 01123011771
01123034638 56, P.H. Kamraj Marg,
Meghwal, MOS(LS) 01123011772
01123011824(Fax) New Delhi
(Tele Fax)
5. 01123010895
Shri Anshu Bhardwaj,
01123034638 56, P.H.
6. Shri V. 01123017651 1, Sunehri
Muraleedharan, 01123034642 01123794261 64, P.H. Bagh, New
MOS(RS) 01123013495(Fax) Delhi-110001
7. 01123017651 C-74, Type-3,
Shri H Wilson, Addl.
01123034642 64, P.H. Vasant Vihar,
01123013495(Fax) New Delhi
8. 01123017663 C-1/1, Pandra
Shri G. Srinivas,
01123034644 40, P.H. Park, New
01123017726(Fax) Delhi.
9. House No.
1779, Ward
No.3, Gali
01123017663 No.4, Surat
Shri Jagendra Nath
01123034644 40, P.H. Nagar, Line
Naik, PS to Secretary
01123017726(Fax) Paar,
10. 01123017893 D-1/81,
Dr. Satya Prakash,
01123034734 87, P.H. Bharti Nagar,
Additional Secretary
01123792067(Fax) New Delhi
11. 51C, DDA
01123017893 Flats,
Smt. Rekha Bharti,
01123034734 87, P.H. M.S.Road,
PA to JS
01123792067(Fax) New Delhi-
12. RZ-26, P/88,
Smt. Suman Suchita
Indra Park,
Bara, Director(Leg-I, 01123034844 01175030177 86-B, P.H. Palam
Leg-II, A&P, Admn., 01123017557
Colony, New
Gen., & NeVA Cell)
13. Shri A. K. Jha, DS 92, P.H.
(Assurance(LS), 01123071758 B-I/164, Gali-
Assurance(RS), C & 6, New
Research) Ashok Nagar
14. Shri A. B. Acharya,
01123034732 94, P.H. Sarojini
and Public Grievances
Nagar, Delhi.
and Hindi)
15. X-305,
Shri P. K. Halder,
102-B, Sarojini
US(Assurance(LS & 01123035650
P.H. Nagar, New
16. WZ-1297,
Shri Mukesh Kumar, 01123011774 Nangal Rai,
94, P.H.
US(A&P & Gen) 01123034899 New Delhi-
17. A-160,
Shri S. S. Patra, US 01123034274 90, P.H. Pandara,
(Leg-I, NeVA Cell) Road, New
18. D-10, Sector
Shri Anil Kumar, US 01123034728 90, P.H. Omicron 1A,
(C and Research) Greater
Noida, UP
19. Flat No.4005,
Shri P. K. Tripathy, Pocket-4,
01123034792 94, P.H.
US (Admn.) Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi-
20. 41/F-2,
Shri Sharad Dwivedi,
US(YP,P&W&RTI 01123034763 8527401829 92, P.H.
and Public Grievances
21. E-10, Tower-
4, Type-4,
Shri Rajesh Kr Singh,
01123034773 87-A,PH Kidwari
US(Leg-II & Hindi)
Nagar East,
New Delhi
22. 850,
Shri Manish Gupta, 01123034945 14, P.H. Laxmibai
US (ME and MPS) Nagar, New
23. 15 J & K
Shri Kiran Kumar, SO Extension,
01123034467 93, P.H.
(Admin.) Laxmi Nagar,
New Delhi.

24. 1/7330, East
Shri Sunil Kumar Gorakh Park,
Jain, SO (Leg-I & 01123034757 86-A, P.H. Shahdara
Gen.) Delhi-
25. C/o Syed
Khan, 11-
10A, Abul
Shri Md Asadullah,
01123034759 97, P.H. Fazal
SO (YP & P&W)
Jamia Nagar-
26. Shri Chandan Kumar, 01123034750 97, P.H. 39/2B, DIZ
SO (ME) Area, Sector
2, Gole
Market, New
27. Shri Virender Kumar, 01123034743 88,PH H.No.295,
Asstt. Director Village
(Hindi) Mundhela
Kalan, New
28. Flat no. A
Shri Navneet Bharti,
01123034757 86-A, P.H. Shakti
Parliament Assistant-I
29. Shri Jagvendra 01123034757 86-A, P.H. A 10, Type 2,
Niranjan, Parliament Tower-6,
Assistant-II Kidwai
Nagar, New
30. Shri Nandan Kumar, 01123034753 87-B, 102-M,
Cashier Parliament Sector 4, DIZ
House Area, BKS
Marg, New
31. Shri Sanjeev, Senior 01123794461 109,
Technical Director 01123035102 P.H.A
32. Shri Akhil Namdeo, Room No.
Director Press 308,
Information Officer NMC,
New Delhi



Sl. Period Remarks

No Name of the Secretary From To
1. Shri.S.L. Shakdher 16.05.1949 26.11.1952 The post was equivalent to an
Under Secretary to the
Government of India
2. Shri.Prem Chand 27.11.1952 09.02.1954 The post was equivalent to a
Deputy Secretary to the
Government of India
3. Shri.N.K.Bhojwani 09.02.54 04.09.1955 -do-
(AN) 31.12.1958
4. Shri S.P.Advani 05.09.1955 09.11.1958 -do-

5. Shri Kailash Chandra 01.01.1959 16.03.1967 The post was equivalent to a

Deputy Secretary upto
28.11.63and upgraded to the
status of Joint Secretary to the
Government of India w.e.f
6. Shri H.N. Trivedi 28.03.1967 31.12.1975 The post was equivalent to a joint
Secretary to the Government of
7. Shri K.N. Krishnan 25.03.1976 05.02.1982 The post was equivalent to a Joint
Secretary up to 2.6.80 and
upgraded to the status of
Additional Secretary to the
Government of India w.e.f. 3.6.80
8. Shri Iswari Prasad 05.02.1982 29.02.1988 The post was equivalent to an
(AN) Additional Secretary up to
18.2.84 and upgraded to the status
of Secretary to the Government of
India w.e.f 18.2.84. It was
personal to the incumbent.
9. Shri B.N. Dhoundiyal 11.04.1988 28.02.1991 The post of Secretary MPA, is of
the status of Secretary to the
Government of India
10. Shri R.Srinivasan 28.02.91 31.08.1992 -do-
11. Shri. M.M Rajendran 16.09.1992 20.05.1993 -do-

12. Shri P.C. Hota 20.05.1993 30.08.1995 -do-

13. Shri R.C. Tripathi 01.09.1995 31.08.1997 -do-

14. Shri S.A.T. Rizvi 01.09.1997 24.02.1999 -do-

15. Shri L.D. Mishra 25.02.1999 15.03.1999 -do-

(Addl charge)
16. Shri S.A.T. Rizvi 16.03.1999 01.08.2000 -do-
17. Shri R.D. Kapoor 17.08.2000 02.11.2000 -do-

18. Dr.M.Rehman 02.11.2000 31.07.2002 -do-

19. Shri L.M. Goyal 26.08.2002 31.05.2003 -do-

20. Shri V.Lakshmi Ratan 03.06.2003 24.06.2003 -do-

21. Dr.V.K. Agnihotri 24.06.2003 31.08.2005 -do-

22. Shri A.K. Mohapatra 01.09.2005 01.01.2006 -do-

23. Shri Champak Chatterjee 02.01.2006 30.04.2006 -do-

24. Shri R.S. Pandey 01.05.2006 25.07.2006 -do-

25. Dr (Mrs) C.T. Misra 26.07.2006 30.10.2006 -do-

26. Shri P.K. Mishra 31.10.2006 30.06.2007 -do-

27. Smt Asha Swarup (Addl. 02.07.2007 08.07.2007 -do-

28. Dr (Smt.) Rekha Bhargava 09.07.2007 31.12.2008 -do-

29. Shri K. Mohandas 01.01.2009 22.01.2009 -do-

30. Shri P.J. Thomas 23.01.2009 30.9.2009 -do-

31. Shri U.N. Panjiar 01.10.2009 18.10.2009 -do-

(Addl. charge)

32. Shri Anil Kumar 19.10.2009 31.08.2010 -do-

33. Shri U.N. Panjiar 01.09.2010 20.09.2010 -do-

(Addl. charge)

34. Smt. Usha Mathur 20.09.2010 31.05.2011 -do-

35. Dr. T. Ramasami 06.06.2011 20.09.2011 -do-

(Addl. charge)

36. Shri S. Chandrasekaran 20.9.2011 30.06.2012 -do-

37. Shri Desh Deepak Verma 02.07.2012 30.06.2013 -do-

38. Shri Afzal Amanullah 01.07.2013 31.05.2016 -do-

39. Shri Prabhas Kumar Jha 01.06.2016 28.11.2016 -do-
40. Shri Rajiv Yadav 29.11.2016 31.01.2018 -do-
41. Shri Prabhas Kumar Jha 01.02.2018 28.02.2018 -do-
(Addl. Charge)
42. Shri Surendra Nath Tripathi 01.03.2018 31.07.2019 -do-
43. Sh. R.S. Shukla 01.08.2019 30.04.2021 -do-
44. Sh. Gyanesh Kumar 30.04.2021 26.09.2022 -do-
45. Shri G. Srinivas 26.09.2022 Continuing -do-


1. Sh. G. Srinivas Secretary to the Govt. of Secretary, M/o Parliamentary

India Affairs
2. Dr. Satya Prakash Additional Secretary Additional Secretary, M/o
Parliamentary Affairs
3. Smt. Suman S. Bara Director Dir. (Leg.-I, Leg-II, Hindi)
4. Shri Dhirendra Choubey Deputy Secretary DS (Gen, NeVA, A&P, Admn.)
5. Shri A. K. Jha Deputy Secretary DS ((Assurance (LS),
Assurance (RS), Comm. And
6. Shri A.B. Acharya Deputy Secretary DS (YP, ME, P&W with RTI
and PG)
7. Shri. P. K. Halder Under Secretary US (Assurance (RS))
8. Shri. Mukesh Kumar Under Secretary US (Gen., A&P, NeVA,
9. Shri S. S. Patra Under Secretary US (Legislative-I)
10. Shri Anil Kumar Under Secretary US (Comm., Research)
11. Sh. Manish Gupta Under Secretary US (MPS and ME)
12. Shri P. K. Tripathi Under Secretary US (Assurance (LS))
13. Shri Sharad Dwivedi Under Secretary US (YP and P&W with RTI &
14. Shri Rajesh Kumar Singh Under Secretary US (Leg-II and Hindi)
15. Sh. Virender Kumar Assistant Director (Hindi) Hindi Section

16. Shri Kiran Kumar Section Officer Administration Section

17. Shri Sunil Kumar Jain Section Officer Legislative -I Section
18. Md. Asadullah Section Officer YP and P&W Sections
19. Sh. Chandan Kumar Section Officer ME Section
20. Shri J.N. Naik Private Secretary Secretary’s Office

21. Smt Vandana Dhingra Assistant Section Officer Accounts & Purchase Section
22. Shri Arpit Tyagi Assistant Section Officer NeVA Cell
23. Shri Rahul Kumar Assistant Section Officer Accounts and Purchase Section
24. Shri Sanjit Kumar Das Assistant Section Officer Youth Parliament Section
25. Shri Jagvendra Niranjan Parliament Assistant Legislative-I Section
26. Shri Naveen Bhardwaj Assistant Section Officer Administration Section
27. Smt. Priyanka Barthwal Assistant Section Officer NeVA Cell
28. Shri Navneet Bharti Parliament Assistant Legislative-I Section
29. Smt. Malik Bulbul Singh Assistant Section Officer On Deputation
30. Shri Birender Kumar Assistant Section Officer Assurance (RS) Section
31. Shri Yash Pal Assistant Section Officer Protocol & Welfare Section

32. Shri Baij Nath Mahto Assistant Section Officer General Section
33. Shri Avinash Kumar Assistant Section Officer Legislative-I Section
34. Shri Pankaj Kumar Assistant Section Officer Legislative-II Section
35. Shri Sandeep Kumar Assistant Section Officer NeVA Cell
36. Ms. Akanksha Agarwal Assistant Section Officer Research Cell
37. Shri Vivek Ranjan Assistant Section Officer Youth Parliament Section
38. Ms. Ritu Assistant Section Officer Legislative-II Section
39. Shri Ankit Mudgal Assistant Section Officer NeVA Cell
40. Shri Manjesh Kumar Assistant Section Officer Committee Section
41. Shri Anupam Yadav Assistant Section Officer O/o Secretary
42. Sh. Lalit Kumar Assistant Section Officer Administration Section
43. Sh. Anuj Kumar Assistant Section Officer Assurance (LS) Section
44. Sh. Arun Kumar Sharma Assistant Section Officer Assurance (RS) Section
45. Sh. Ajit Kumar Assistant Section Officer Administration Section
46. Sh. Prakhar Purwar Assistant Section Officer Legislative – I Section
47. Smt Rekha Bharti Personal Assistant O/o Additional Secretary

48. Smt. Sakshi Agrawal Personal Assistant O/o DS (Gen, NeVA, A&P and
Admn.) and O/o DS (Assurance
(LS), Assurance (RS), Comm.
& Research)
49. Shri Kamal Kishore Personal Assistant O/o Director (Leg.-I, Leg-II,
Sharma Hindi)
50. Shri Pawan Kumar Senior Translation Officer Hindi Section
51. Shri Pranav Bhardwaj Senior Translation Officer Hindi Section
52. Ms Aparna Yadav Junior Translation Officer Hindi Section
53. Shri Uday Kumar Bihari Stenographer D O/o DS (YP, ME, P&W with
RTI and PG)
54. Shri Irfan Ali Stenographer D O/o US (Legislative-I) and US
(Comm. & Research)
55. Shri. Akash Kumar Sinha Stenographer D MPS Section
56. Shri Mrityunjay Singh Stenographer D MPS Section
57. Sh. Hemant Stenographer D O/o Secretary
58. Sh. Vivek Yadav Stenographer D O/o Additional Secretary
59. Shri Jai Narain Senior Secretariat Assistant Accounts & Purchase Section
60. Shri Sadhu Ram Senior Secretariat Assistant Protocol & Welfare Section
61. Shri Nandan Kumar Senior Secretariat Assistant Cashier (Accounts & Purchase
62. Shri Parvinder Khatri Senior Secretariat Assistant Assurance (RS) Section
63. Shri Narender Kumar Senior Secretariat Assistant Assurance (LS) Section
64. Shri Bhawan Singh Junior Secretariat Assistant General Section
65. Ms Anju Junior Secretariat Assistant Assurance (RS) Section
66. Sh. Parveen Junior Secretariat Assistant ME Section

67. Sh. Sunil Junior Secretariat Assistant Committee Section
68. Shri Surya Prakash Staff Car Driver, Grade I General Section
69. Shri Manoj Kumar Staff Car Driver, Grade I General Section
70. Shri Vijender Singh Staff Car Driver, Grade II General Section
71. Shri Bhuwan Chander Staff Car Driver, Grade II General Section
72. Shri Ranjeet Singh Staff Car Driver, Ordinary General Section
73. Shri Desh Ratan Rathee Staff Car Driver, Ordinary O/o Additional Secretary
Grade Office
74. Shri Sulekh Singh Staff Car Driver, Ordinary O/o Secretary
75. Shri Rajinder Dispatch Rider General Section
76. Shri Gajraj Singh MTS /Peon General Section
77. Shri Ramesh Chander MTS /Peon O/o Secretary
78. Shri Om Prakash MTS /Peon General Section
79. Shri Brahm Kumar MTS /Peon O/o Director
80. Shri Nand Kishore MTS /Peon MPS Section
81. Shri Raj Kumar Paswan MTS /Peon US (Gen., A&P, NeVA)
82. Shri Kamal Kishore MTS /Peon Legislative-II Section
83. Shri Naresh Kumar MTS /Peon O/o Additional Secretary
84. Smt Bishno Devi MTS /Peon Committee Section
85. Shri Mahesh MTS /Peon O/o Additional Secretary
86. Smt. N. Thangeo MTS /Peon On medical leave
87. Shri Raj Kumar MTS/Peon O/o Secretary
88. Shri Mukesh Kumar MTS/Farash Administration Section
89. Shri Om Prakash MTS/Sweeper Administration Section
90. Shri Pawan Kumar MTS General Section
91. Shri Sudhanshu MTS Administration Section
92. Smt. Anamika Singh MTS Assurance (LS) and (RS)
93. Rajesh Kumar Meena MTS O/o US (Legislative-I)


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