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File 12B

Objetivo: En esta e-class harás una revisión de todos los tiempos verbales estudiados hasta este
momento durante el semestre, para aplicarlos en los textos escritos y orales que produzcas de
manera combinada. Además, tendrás la oportunidad de revisar los verbos más comunes que has
aprendido en estas semanas.

A. Vocabulary:

¿Recuerdas la traducción al español de los siguientes verbos?

do go leave play
get have make take

Al unir estos verbos con otras palabras, sustantivos o preposiciones, podemos crear nuevas
acciones. Con la ayuda de tu libro y un diccionario, une cada verbo en el recuadro con sus posibles

1. Take 2. 3. 4.

a photo home housework the guitar

a shower running homework tennis
a break shopping X-box

5. 6. 7. 8.

up lunch a photo work

a text message a coffee a shower the keys at home
a present kids a break
B. Grammar: past, present and future.

En esta e-class harás una revisión de todos los tiempos verbales estudiados en el curso. La guía irá
indicando los contenidos que revisarás y tú deberás ir completándola con la información

1. Verb “be” in the simple present and simple past

Como ya sabes, el verbo “be” es distinto a otros verbos del inglés, pues no necesita de auxiliares
para funcionar en el presente simple y pasado simple. Además, el verbo “be” cambia de forma
según el sujeto de la oración, lo que no ocurre de igual manera con la gran mayoría de los verbos
que has estudiado. Es por ese motivo que comenzarás esta revisión con el presente simple y
pasado simple de “be” que traducido al español, tiene dos significados: __________ y

Para los distintos sujetos, el verbo adoptará las siguientes formas. Completa la tabla:

Subject Simple present Simple past

I am
She, he, it
You, we, they were

En las afirmaciones, la estructura de las oraciones será la siguiente

am / is / are
Subject complement

I am in a hotel. / I was in a hotel.

Lea is in class. / Lea was in class.

They are on a plane. / They were on a plane.

En el caso de las negaciones, la estructura es:

am not / isn't / aren't

Subject complement
wasn't /weren't

I am not in class. / I wasn’t in class.

She isn’t on a bus. / She wasn´t on a bus.

They aren’t classmates. / They weren’t classmates.

En las interrogaciones, la estructura de las oraciones es la siguiente:

Wh- question am, is, are

subject complements
word was/were

Am I in classroom 209? / Was I in classroom 209?

What time is the class? / What time was the class?

Where are Luis and José? / Where were Luis and José?


a. Complete the sentences using the simple present of verb be (affirmative, negative or

Example: I ’m a student.

2. Hi. I __________ Stephanie Webb.

3. ________ you my new teacher?
4. I __________ a teacher. I’m a student.
5. You __________ in room number three.
6. _________ she your sister?
7. Oh, good! You __________ in my class!
8. _______ I in classroom 354?
9. Oh, no! I __________ late!
10. _____ John at school?

b. Underline the correct word to complete the sentences using the simple past of to be
(affirmative, negative or interrogative).

Example: They wasn’t / weren’t famous.

1. Was he / Were he late?

2. Where were you / you were last weekend?
3. Suzanne was / were a waitress a long time ago.
4. Ted and I was / were here at 9:00 this morning.
5. Was / Were you in Canada last summer?
2. Present of can / can’t

El verbo can, que en español se traduce como “poder”, al igual que be funciona sin la ayuda de

Además, este verbo no cambia su forma según el sujeto.

Ejemplos de afirmaciones son: I can dance tango. Lisa can drive very well. You can use internet

Ejemplos de negaciones son: I can’t sing. You can’t park here. Students can’t smoke in the school.

Ejemplos de interrogaciones son: Can I pay by credit card? Where can I exchange money? What
can you do in Santiago?


a. Write can or can’t to complete the dialogues.

Example: A Can I park here?
B No, you can’t.
1 A Can we take photos in the museum?
B No. But we _________ buy postcards.
2 A Can children see that movie?
B Yes. They ______ see that movie with a parent.
3 A You never answer my emails.
B I’m sorry. You always e-mail in the afternoon. I ______ send personal e-mails at work.
4 A Can you use your cell phone at work?
B We can’t talk, but we _____ text.
5 A Can we use the Internet here?
B No, we _________. They don’t have wifi.

*El pasado de can es could en afirmativo y couldn’t en negativo. Por ejemplo:

A: Could you talk to your boss about your vacation?
B: Yes, I could. But the answer wasn’t good. He said I couldn’t take 2 weeks, only one.
3. Simple present
El simple present es un tiempo verbal para expresar eventos o acciones que ocurren usualmente o
verdades constantes, por lo que no se usa para expresar acciones que están ocurriendo en el
momento de hablar necesariamente.
En el presente simple, las oraciones se estructuran de distinta forma dependiendo del sujeto,
existiendo una diferencia entre I, you, we, they y she, he, it.
Completa los recuadros junto a los ejemplos con la estructura de las afirmaciones,
interrogaciones y negaciones.

Subject verb
I, you, we, they

He, she, it

Subject Auxiliary verb

I, you, we,
He, she, it

Auxiliary Subject verb

I, you, we,
He, she, it

a. Complete the dialogues with do or don’t.

Example: A Do you live in the United States?
B No, I don’t.
1 A ________ you live near here?
B Yes, I ________.
2 A _____ you have a big breakfast?
B Yes, we _____. We have eggs, toast, sausage, and coffee.
3 A ________ people in your family drink a lot of tea?
B Yes, they ________.

b. Underline the correct word.

Example: My daughter likes / like her class.
1 Does / Do Kathy work?
2 Jim and Liam like / likes their jobs.
3 What does / do your husband do?
4 They don’t / doesn’t work on Saturday.
5 John finish / finishes work at 4:30.
6 Mario and his wife speak / speaks Spanish and English and Italian.
4. Simple past of verbs

El tiempo verbal simple past nos permite expresar acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado y han

Al usar el simple past en las afirmaciones, debemos utilizar la forma pasada de los verbos. En
inglés, los verbos se dividen en dos categorías: Regulares e irregulares. Completa el cuadro a

Verbos regulares se forman… Verbos irregulares se forman…

“________________________________” “_________________________”

Ejemplos Ejemplos
-play – played -go - went
- -
- -

Las oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas se construyen como en los siguientes

ejemplos. Completa los recuadros junto a los ejemplos.

You Subject Verb in the
He walked
Affirmative She played ______________ form
It went I, you, he, she, it, we,
We bought
they they

You Subject Auxiliary Verb in the
He Walk _____________
Negative She didn’t Play form
It Go I, you, he, she,
We buy it, we, they

You Auxiliary Subject Verb in the
He walk ____________ form
Interrogative Did She play
I, you, she,
It go
he, it, we,
We buy
a. Write the simple past form of the verb in parentheses.
Example: Neil had (have) pizza for lunch today.
1. That movie was so sad. I ________________ (cry)!
2. They __________________ (go) to the museum last weekend.
3. Mike __________________ (get) a birthday card from Cheryl yesterday.
4. Kyle ___________________ (do) his homework before dinner.
5. We _________________ (visit) our grandparents in Florida last month.
6. Tom ________ a coffee and a cake in the café. (buy)
7. Jane ________ to Houston in her new car. (drive)
8. Joe ________ the new James Bond movie last night. (see)
9. Simon ________ a terrible noise. (hear)
10. Rory ________ a lot of pictures on vacation. (take)

b. Use sentences 2, 3, 4 and 5 to make interrogative sentences

Example: Did you cry in the movie?
2. _______________________________________________________________?
3. _______________________________________________________________?
4. _______________________________________________________________?
5. _______________________________________________________________?

c. Use sentences 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 to make negative sentences.

6. ______________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________
10. ______________________________________________________________
5. Future: be going to

La expresión be going to + verb, nos sirve para expresar planes y predicciones acerca del futuro.

Según el sujeto de la oración, el auxiliar be adoptará su forma presente. Completa los ejemplos.


I _____________

She, he, it _____________ going to play, go, study, cook, etc.

You, we, they _____________

En las afirmaciones, be going to se utiliza como en los siguientes ejemplos. Completa con la forma
correcta de BE.

I ________ going to study English this afternoon.

Tori _______ going to start her classes next month.

Louise and Anna _______ going to buy a new car tomorrow.

En las negaciones, se usa BE en negativo: am not, isn’t, aren’t. Completa los ejemplos.

I ___________ going to buy a house. I want an apartment.

Dan __________ going to leave Santiago.

They _________ going to start the course tomorrow. It is next week.

En las interrogaciones, cambiaremos el orden típico de las oraciones, con be + sujeto + going to +
verb. Completa los ejemplos.

_______ I going to see the doctor soon?

_______ Adam going to travel to New York next week?

_______ they going to go running or do yoga?

INPV100 e-class

Exercises for File12B

Nombre estudiante:______________________________________ Sección:_______________

A. Write the correct questions for the following answers.
1. _____________________________________________________?
I usually get up at 7 o’clock, take a shower, have a coffee and go to work.
2. _____________________________________________________?
Lindsey is a nurse. She works at a hospital
3. _____________________________________________________?
No, I am not German. I am from Denmark
4. _____________________________________________________?
With my family, we usually have coffee or tea, bread, butter and avocado.
5. _____________________________________________________?
Yesterday I spent time with my friends at school and then we went for a beer.
6. _____________________________________________________?
I think Sarah was at work at 11 am this morning.
7. _____________________________________________________?
We are going to drive our car from Iquique to Puerto Montt next summer.
8. _____________________________________________________?
Jack is going to play football and then go swimming tomorrow.
B. Answer the following questions about you.
1. What are good things about Santiago?
2. What do you usually do for your birthday?
3. What did you have for breakfast today?
4. Where were you last Sunday in the morning?
5. What are you going to do on your next vacation?

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