OD Survey

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Ngong – Rongai SGR Station Origin – Destination Survey

Please answer the questions below about the trip you were making when you were
handed this card. Your assistance will help identify the transportation need for access
route to Ngong and Rongai SGR stations. Please mark or


1. Where did you start this trip? (Be Specific)

Town, Nearest Intersection or other Specific Description

2. What time did you leave the location in Question #1?

3. What best describes the activity where you started your trip?
Home Shopping/Store Personal Business
Work/School Recreation/Social Other

4. Where did you end this trip? (Be Specific)

Town, Nearest Intersection or other Specific Description

5. What best describes the activity where you ended your trip?
Home Shopping/Store Personal Business
Work/School Recreation/Social Other

6. How many people were in the vehicle for this trip, including yourself?
1 3 5

2 4 More than 5

7. How many times per week do you make this trip?

<1 1 2 3 4 5 or more
8. Would you consider using SGR as an alternative mode of transport if we
improve access to SGR station?
Yes No Undecided

9. (For Matatu SACCOS only) Would you consider adding your matatu to the
route to and from SGR station if we improve access to SGR station?
Yes No Undecided

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