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The Future’s Hope

Youth is indeed the hope of the future. Dr. Jose P. Rizal, the national hero of the
Philippines died believing that youth can change the future for they can make the country
more innovative since their capacity of learning can still be increased while they grow up.
Raymond John Naguit,a mental health advocate and Founder/ National Chairperson of
The Youth for Mental Health Coalition, Inc., composed an essay about youth being the
hope of our future entitled "Youth: The Hope of the Now".

Inspiring the youth to thrive a better and innovative future is the purpose in
composing this essay. The organization of ideas in this essay are useful in showing it's
purpose. First of all is the sentence : "The youth being active catalysts in pushing for
change is not uncommon". This statement makes sense because according to what I've
researched, people are forming team or organization that recruits youth to participate in
their movement. Little by little, youth organizations will eventually take a big place in

Another reason is this sentence; "The youth must act collectively among
themselves while heeding the wisdom of experienced". I agree, because working alone
may be ineffective and difficult. We need someone to help us in order to achieve the
future we are thriving. In another sentence of the essay, the author himself saying that
this cannot be done by single person. Meaning, we need someone to share the hardships
we need to overcome in order to success.

"This I believe, cannot be done by a single person". This statement just proves the
author is being subjective in giving his ideas. It is because he believes thatwe need to be
working as one to increase the chances of succeeding.

The author being objective is proven by making this essay. His objective is to
inspire the youth in thriving for a better future. For this reason, he composed this essay.

The youth in the present are inferior compared to the older generations. That is,
because, the youth in the older generation worked really hard and innovative to get us to
where we are now. For example is the 21st World Congress on Safety and Health at
Work (XXI WCSH) that took place in Singapore in September 2017. Six young people
from our country made a remarkable contribution in raising awareness about
occupational risks and hazards facing youth in the world of work. Not only this
achievement of them is to inspire the youth but also to make them a good model and their
legacy must go on. it is our turn to continue what they started and pass it from generation
to generation. In order to do it, we need to abandon the things that's been keeping us from
reaching our goal. Most of the youth nowadays are getting addicted to social media
platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many more. Some are getting
involved in issues about teenage pregnancy, cyber bullying, rape cases, and early
alcoholism addiction as well as cigarettes. Others are just spending their time at home
playing video games. The youth nowadays are only thinking about selfish interests to
satisfy their feelings. Most of them are just seeking pleasure to please themselves not
knowing that the hope of the future lies within their hands. They are slowly forgetting
that they are known to be "the hope" of the future and live to the expectation of the
society. It is frightening to think that one day, the youth that ought to be the hope for a
better future will be just the opposite of what we are expecting or to be expected.

According to UNFPA (Philippines), our country today has the largest

generation of young people in Philippines' history. Between the ages of 10-24 of young
people, it accounts 30 million for 28% of the Philippines' population. That means,
generation to generation, the number of young people will continue to rise. The point is,
as the population of young people rises, there's a possibility that the number of them
getting involved in malicious activities will also rise. If that continues, we need to worry
now about the future or else we'll regret it.

"They are either the reason why social changes take place or they are the ones
who directly initiate meaningful causes". This is a statement in the essay that he wrote
using the following statement " Examples of the former are the countless wars and fights
stopped for the sake of children" as evidence. This just proves that the author was
presenting evidences to support his ideas. Another reason is he used the study conducted
by the National Youth Commission in 2010 to state the fact that Filipinos are proud to be

In this essay that he created, he asked a question, if the phrase (the youth is the
hope of the future) at all is true, should we wait for the youth to age for them to institute
changes?" he then answered that now is the perfect time for the youth to act. I fully agree,
because, based on experience, the youth are slowly forgetting about considering the
future. They slowly forgetting that they are known to be the hope, because what they're
doing is spending their time on useless matters. We need to act now because if we don't
who will? should we wait for the next generation to do it for us? absolutely no. How can
they do that if we, the present generation cannot do it? that's why we need to act now or
else, we will fall in regrets.

In conclusion, the author composed the essay to inspire the youth to live on the
expectation of society. The organization of ideas made it easier to understand the true
meaning behind the words. The author even became subjective and objective at the same
time in composing the essay. We can see that by doing a careful analysis on his work. He
presented evidences that supported his ideas in delivering his essay.
He ought to inspire the youth to do what they can to make the future better and
innovative. That is the society's expectation to the youth and trusts them to make a better

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