Proposal Plan

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November 04, 2022

This proposal plan contains the following:
I. Evaluation of performance on each officer
of the organization on carrying out their
duties and responsibilities
II. Explanation of problems that could
possibly occur in the future
III. Explanation of the main focus of this
proposal plan
IV. Purpose of the explained topic of this
proposal plan
V. Approval of this proposal plan
I. Evaluation of performance on each officer of the
organization on carrying out their duties and

Months have passed since our organization has started to take action. So far there are no
major problems occurred but sadly some of our members in the organization has decided to part
ways with us. Carrying out the duties and responsibilities of a task force officer requires a lot of
sacrifice especially time. We get up early in the morning just to attend to school earlier than
usual to guard the gates and enduring the hot weather in the middle of the day to conduct
patrolling around the school. But, we’ve noticed that some of the members or the officers of the
day are slacking, laughing, and talking to some nonsense matters when in duty. This affects the
overall performance of the organization because they are not focusing on their duties resulting in
some violators slipping inside the school without being enlisted as violators or so. Not only that,
but also some of the members of the organization are the ones who are violating the rules of the
school. It affects the good reputation of our organization and it could fail the expectations of
many students and teachers to us in maintaining the peace and order of our beloved school.
Thankfully, some of the members are still carrying out their duties and responsibilities carefully
and knowing that there’s still hope on improving our organization for the better.

II. Explanation of problems that could possibly occur in the


Problems are unavoidable but in every problem there’s always solution.

The problems that could possibly occur in the near future could be the following:
 Miscommunications between members of the teams in the absence of
team leaders
 Unorganized lists of violators resulting in confusions
 Possible altercations between team members in the absence of team
 Officers disregarding their task assigned to them
III. Explanation of the main focus of this proposal plan
The main focus of this proposal plan is to conduct an election between members to a
specific position. These specific positions are the Vice leader of the group, Two
secretaries and one treasurer in each group.

Vice Leader – will be in charge in case that the team leader is not present or not yet
present. He/she will manage the team to avoid miscommunications, altercations, etc.
His/her biggest task is to pull the team together.

Secretaries- secretaries will be in charge of listing the violators and arranging them
properly. Student violators will be separated from task force officer violator in order
to know who are the violators in our organization. The purpose of having two
secretaries is because each campus has two gates. Since there is one group assigned
each campus, they will have to guard the two gates in their respective campus post.
Each of the two gates in each campus will have one secretary assigned and they will
submit the list to Senior Record Officers to check and arrange them.

Treasurer- treasurer will be in charge of collection of money in their respective teams.

They will submit the collected moneys to Senior Finance Officers for them to keep as

IV. Purpose of the explained topic of this proposal plan

The purpose of this team modification plan is to avoid or prevent any problems that
could tear the team apart and organized. In order for the teams to carry out their
duties and responsibilities, they need to trust and support each other. Building
teamwork is also important, and respecting everyone is a must. I, the Chief Officer of
the task force organization want to make our organization friendly, free from any
troubles and I want to further improve this organization as proof of my leadership.

V. Approval of this proposal plan

We would like to seek approval from our commandant to

approve this proposal plan. This plan aims to improve
our organization in order to maintain the peace and order
of our school, to make our organization stand with
authority and integrity. We are the Task Force, Officers
of Pain, Catalysts of Change.

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