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‫ ك لمات وعبارة مهمة لكتابة القصة‬-Writing story phrases and words

‫البداية‬ ‫في يوم‬ One day -

The ...‫في يوم كان هناك‬ Once there was -
beginning ..‫في يوم مشمس‬ On a sunny day -
....‫في يوم بارد‬ On a cold day -

On _________________at______________
in ______________in________________
....،‫ من ثالث سنوات مضت‬Three years ago,

‫الزمن‬ .......‫ في الصباح الساعة‬in the morning at _________

time ........‫ في المساء الساعة‬in the evening at __________
........‫ في الليل الساعة‬at night at ___________

‫العام الماضي‬ Last year,

‫الشهر الماضي‬ Last month,
‫األسبوع الماضي‬ Last week,
‫االجازة الماضية‬
Last holiday,
‫إجازة األسبوع الماضية‬
Last weekend,
‫المكان‬ ‫في منزل كبير‬ in a big house
place ‫في غابة كبيرة‬ in a large forest
‫في غرفة صغيرة‬ in a small room
‫في المدرسة‬ at school
‫في البيت‬ at home
‫في المنزل‬ in the house
‫في الحديقة‬ in a garden
‫على الطريق‬ on the way
‫في الشارع‬
in the street
‫في المستشفى‬
in the hospital
‫في المطبخ‬ in the kitchen
‫في الصف‬ in the classroom
‫الطقس‬ ‫كان يوم حار وجاف‬ It was a hot and dry day
weather ‫كان يوم بارد ورطب‬ It was a cold and wet day
‫كانت تمطر‬ It was raining
‫كانت درجة الحرارة‬ The temperature was 40 %
‫المشاعر‬ ‫سعيد‬ She/ he was happy
feelings ‫متحمس‬ She / he was excited
‫خائف‬ She / he was afraid
‫مرعوب‬ She/ he was scared
‫حزين‬ She/ he was sad
‫يبكي‬ She/ he was crying
‫يبتسم‬ She/ he was smiling
‫يضحك‬ She/ he was laughing
She/ he was screaming
She/he was thinking
‫مصدوم‬ She / he was shocked
‫محبط‬ She/ he was disappointed

T. Ghanema Alshamakhi
‫وصف‬ ‫ __________ العينان – الشعر‬had got ________eyes and ________hair.
‫الشخصيات‬ She was __________and__________girl.
: ‫ صفات مثل‬He was __________and__________ boy.
Characters (tall-short-thin-fat-
beautiful- smart – clever
– strong- brave – active – ‫ لوصف األشخاص أو األشياء أو األماكن‬-‫ممكن كتابة صفات أخرى‬
young – old - …………..
‫أدوات الربط‬ ‫ عندما‬when _______ + _______________ ,
‫ بينما‬while ______ was/were________ (ing),

‫لكن‬ ,but
‫أوال‬ First,
‫ثم‬ Then,
‫ثم‬ Next,
‫بعد ذلك‬ After that,
‫أخيرا‬ Finally,

‫للحوار‬ ‫_______ ____قال‬siad, "……………………………………….."

Dialogue ‫______ ____رد‬replied, "…………………………………"

‫______ ____سأل‬asked, "…………………………………."

‫________ _____أجاب‬answered, "……………………………"

‫النهاية‬ 1 -From the story, I learned that I should ………………

The end -I learned a good lesson, that I should…………………..
‫الدرس الذي تعلمته من القصة‬ -The story is teaching us that we should………………….
.......‫هو‬ -I learned an important lesson, which is I should…………….

‫تابع النهاية‬ ‫أكون أكثر حذرا‬- -be more careful

‫ أكون متعاون‬- -be helpful
– ‫العبرة‬ ‫أكون لطيف مع اآلخرين‬- -be kind to others
‫الدرس‬ ‫استمع لنصيحة والداي‬- -listen to my parents advice
‫المستفاد من‬ ‫ أهتم باآلخرين‬--take care of others
‫القصة‬ ‫ أعمل بجد‬- -work hard
‫ أدرس بجد‬- -study hard
The lesson ‫أكون طموح‬- -be ambitious
‫أكون متفائل‬
-be optimistic
‫ ال اؤذي اآلخرين‬-not to hurt others

T. Ghanema Alshamakhi
‫تركيب الجمل‬ Subject + verb (past) + complement
‫ الفاعل‬+ ‫فعل ماضي‬ + ‫التكملة‬

writing the story – ‫نموذج لكتابة القصة‬

......‫أكمل القصة‬
On a sunny day, I went with my family to Salalah. We went on Wednesday morning at 5
o'clock. On the way we stopped to buy ice-cream and chips. In the street I saw a man. He
had got brown eyes and black hair. He was tall and thin. He was a poor man ,so I gave him
5 rials.
He said, "thank you".
I said, " you are welcome, goodbye"
We reached Salalah at 2 o'clock.

T. Ghanema Alshamakhi

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