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Answers to questions about the course:

1. This course is delivered through the teaching platform, and the weekly lecture videos
are uploaded to the platform. You can study at any time during the week, as long as you
complete the study within a week.
Every Monday, I will send a message to the group to inform you of this week's learning

2.The thinking questions on the PPT are not required, they are optional. You can email
me your answer and I will submit it to the teacher if you write.
My email is
There is no homework at present, if there is, I will inform you in advance.

3. Videos that start with Chapter are the teacher's lectures. Each one is not very long. It
is the content of the class. You have to watch them. The following is some knowledge
expansion of the small video, interested in you can watch.

4. Students' questions will be collected by me first, and then teachers will respond as
appropriate. You can send your questions directly to the group or to my email address.

!!!The following is a guide to access the course in the teaching platform:

STEP 1:The website of the online education platform:

STEP2:log in

If you forget your password, we need to collect your student ID, name, and new
passport number, and then give it to the information center to reset. If you need, please
post it in the group.

If you don't know how to use it the first time, please consult your faculty, we are not
responsible for teaching this.
STEP3: search and apply for the course. The course number is 2020100901. Then wait
for teacher's approval.
STEP4: find the learning resource and then you can study.

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