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CASIRJ Volume 11 Issue 5 [Year - 2020] ISSN 2319 – 9202


Kiran Bharti1, Naveen Kumar2, Narendra Kumar3, Neelam Pankaj4

Deptt. of Botany, Kanhaiya Lal DAV PG College, Roorkee,
Haridwar, 247667, Uttarakhand, India
Department of Chemistry, Kanhaiya Lal DAV PG College, Roorkee,
Haridwar, 247667, Uttarakhand, India
Deptt. of Botany, M.B. Govt. PG College, Haldwani, Uttarakhand, India
Deptt. of Plant Physiology, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G. B. Pant University of
Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, U.S. Nagar. 263145, Uttarakhand, India
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Microgreens has emerged as a special category crops and are gaining momentum in
recent years due to their high nutrient value and ease of cultivation. They are enriched in
minerals, vitamins and antioxidants and considered potent to prevent mankind from various
kinds of deficiencies and diseases. The nutritional values of microgreens have been quantitated
more than their mature counterparts. Microgreens has emerged as a new innovative idea required
to meet the nutrient demands of the expanding population. Malnutrition problem has always been
a matter of concern. With the growing population the problem is growing intense. An array of
research is being conducted to make the crops forifified with nutrients to eradicate the problem
of malnutrition especially in poor class. These miniature crops are obtained with minimised
environmental impacts requiring minimum resource demands i.e. water, soil and pot or tray.
Commonly grown microgreens are mustard, spinach, beetroot, lettuce, cilantro, cabbage, radish
and broccoli.
Key words: Microgreens, Nutrition, Antioxidants.
As a matter of fact, micronutrient and vitamin deficiencies are an issue of concern. Since
these are a kind of hidden hunger and hence may pose a serious risk to human health. It has been
affecting billions of people both in developed and developing countries. The deficiency of
micronutrients such as Iron, Iodine, Zinc and Vitamin A have been particularly reported to be
prevalent in human races. Two-thirds of the world’s population is affected by mineral
malnutrition caused by Fe and Zn (Weber, 2017). The different micronutrients are essentially
required by human in varying amounts throughout life to cordinate various physiological
functions in our body and to maintain a sound health. The daily requirement of micronutrients is
generally below 100 mg/day while that of macronutrients is in grams/day. Similarly, vitamins are
organic compounds that are required in micrograms or milligrams. Some minerals can be found

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in low quantities itself in plants. In addition, an insufficient dietary intake can cause several risks
to human. Malnutrition has been found as major problem in all age groups though children
below 5 yrs of age are at more risk and should be taken care off. The present endeavour to
alleviate micronutrient deficiency includes measures of bio-fortification (White et al., 2009),
genetically engineering crops (Grusack, 2002). However, microgreens are the upcoming crops
that are a dense source of nutrients without much of the investment. They can be easily
considered as functional foods. They are not only enriched in several minerals and vitamins but
also antioxidants which have tremendous potential to prevent many diseases.
When the seedlings are harvested at the first true leaf stage they are termed as
microgreens. These are usually harvested between 7 to 14 days from seeding (Turner et al.,
2020). These tiny tender structures may reap us several benefits. Besides being rich in flavour
they have a high nutritional value. Microgreens contains higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and
other phytonutrients than the mature counter parts (Xiao, 2016). Some of the plants popularly
known for their microgreens are provided in the table given below. The table has been adopted
from Bhatt and Sharma, 2018.
Microgreens Crops
Amaranth Fennel
Arugula Spinach
Table beet Mustard
Buckwheat Celery
Radish Cilantro
Red cabbage Broccoli
Lettuce Carrot

The members of Brassicaceae offers some of the most consumed vegetables worldwide
with generally good taste and high nutritional value and hence many of phytochemical studies
revolve around Brassicaceae microgreens. The enhanced nutritional quality of Brassicaceae
microgreens is also reflected in various studies such as Xiao et al. 2012 and Sun et al. 2013
Medium/substratum in which Microgreens can be grown: Microgreens can be easily grown in
medium such as soil (with or without compost), Hydroponics.
Time of Harvesting of microgreens: They can be harvested at the time of appearance of the first
true leaves.
Advantages of Microgreens
Besides having a high nutritional value as the biggest advantage, there are several others.
They are easy to grow. They do not require a large piece of land and can be easily grown in pots,
trays etc. They are obtained in a very short span of time. They can be produced all-round the
year. Not much space is required to grow them. Microgreens are often grown and kept in
greenhouse and other protected areas. Due to their ease of sowing and growing they are also

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grown at homes and kitchens. Since they have several benefits these can be used in farming
Antioxidants/ Phytochemicals found in microgreens
Antioxidants have a reducing capacity and it scavenge free radicals in the body of any
organisms. It is the urgent need of time to take antioxidants through diets and humans have are
becoming proned to diseases with the changing environment. Antioxidants are important and
required in human health for curing and preventing chronic diseases. These are usually
associated with reduced risks of certain serious diseases (Hunter et al, 2002). These antioxidants
which may be taken through diet are vitamin C, vitamin E, β-carotene, polyphenols and other
bioactive components (Prior et al, 2000). Microgreens have been considered as healthy foods
because of their general higher levels of phytochemicals with respect to their mature counterparts
(Hsu et al., 2013).
Following are examples of few important antioxidants/phytochemicals.
a) Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid): Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is among the essential antioxidants
required by the human body. An intake of 90–100 mg/day of ascorbic acid in the diet can
cause optimum reduction in the risks of chronic diseases (Carr and Frei, 1999). Ascorbic
acid was the most abundant class of phytochemicals found in different varieties of
microgreens (Xiao et al., 2012).
b) Carotenoids: β-Carotene, precursor for vitamin A is an important antioxidant which
protect cellular membranes by scavenging free radicals (Singh et al., 2006) Lutein is an
antioxidant (lipid-soluble antioxidant pigment) found richly in green leafy vegetables. It is
said to provide protection against several adverse effects of photochemical reactions.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are xanthophyll carotenoids, since accumulates in the macula of
human eyes hence play a crucial role in the protection against macular degeneration and
cataract that comes with ageing (Ma & Lin, 2010)
c) Polyphenols: Phenolics are again among one of the abundant class of phytochemicals in
the microgreens. The antioxidant activity of polyphenolic compounds has been of special
interest as diets rich in polyphenols are associated with reduced risk of diseases (Pandey
and Rizvi, 2009). The young 7 days seedlings of lettuce, was found to have highest total
phenolic concentration as compared to the older leaves (Oh et al., 2010).
d) Chlorophylls: Chlorophylls are the green colored pigments that provides green color to the
plants and indispensable for the phenomenon of photosynthesis. They are considered as a
group of antioxidants and antimutagens having several health benefits (Ferruzzi et al.,
2002). Chlorophylls present in leafy vegetables have been reported to have
chemoprotective activity against cancers (Harttig and Bailey, 1998). Detoxification of the
liver, and normalizing blood pressure have also been considered as other remedial benefits
of chlorophyll (Yun et al., 1995; Chernomorsky et al., 1988).
e) Tocopherols: α-Tocopherol is the most common and biologically active form of vitamin
E. Vitamin E deficiency causes a gradual damage of the nervous system and muscle. The
recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin E (α-tocopherol) for people about 14
and above years of age is 15 mg per day (Annonymous, 2006).

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Micronutrient status of Microgreens:

Microgreens have not only been found densely packed in phytochemicals but also rich in
mineral nutrients. The macronutrients K, Ca, Mg while micronutrients (Fe, Zn) have been
reported in Brassicaceae microgreens such as broccoli, kale, mustard and radish. Broccoli and
mustard has shown the highest bioaccessible fraction values, for magnesium, while kale was found to
have the highest BF value for calcium (de la Fuente et al., 2019). Microgreen lettuce (Latuca
sativa var. capitata) had higher content of most of mineral elements (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Se, and Mo)
than mature counterparts (Pinto et al. 2015).

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