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Candidate’s Name:

Ports and Maritime Organization

Seafarers' Affairs Directorate
Exam Code: SMSC-1402-01
Subject: Ship construction Date: 1402/02/20
Rank: Second Officer (GT≥500) Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours
(Pass mark: 55)

a) With the aid of suitable sketch/s describe Torsion Stress? 10 Marks
b) State in what type of ship this stress is significant and why? 5 Marks
c) State how these stresses will be minimized? 5 Marks

Q-2 Identify and name at least 20 structural members / parts of attached sketch of a Bulk Carrier
Transvers section in way of cargo hold shown by arrows? 20 Marks

Q-3 Explain why and Where transverse bulkheads are fitted, state the purpose of such bulkhead?

20 Marks

Q-4 Sketch and describe the construction of a cruiser stern frame fitted to a single screw ship and discuss
its advantages? 20 Marks

Q-5 With the aid of suitable sketch describe construction and arrangement of hawse pipes?

20 marks

Good Luck
Question 2 Attachment

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