Unit 12 NG Level 6

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Unit 12 Test Name:

Score: / 30 points

1 Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false). (5 points)

1. Something that’s ordinary is unusual.

2. A successful photographer takes good photos.

3. When you relax, you work very hard.

4. Luxurious hotels are very comfortable and often very expensive.

5. When the sun comes up in the morning, it’s called sunset.

2 Read and complete the wishes. (5 points)

1. Grace wants to go to Buenos Aires in January, but she has to work.

Grace: I wish I to Buenos Aires.

2. Ahmed would like to be at the soccer game.

Ahmed: I wish I at the soccer game.

3. Yuki and Miki would like to visit the moon.

Yuki and Miki: We wish we the moon.

4. Gregor would like to have a better camera.

Gregor: I wish I a better camera.

5. Daniel and Teresa would like to live by the ocean.

Daniel and Teresa: We wish we by the ocean.

3 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from the box. There are two phrasal verbs
you don’t need. (5 points)

get up   go back   hang out   look forward to   look up   watch out   work out

1. I like to and relax with my friends on the weekend.

2. You can a lot of useful information online.

3. I want to get more exercise, so I’m going to at the sports center every day.

4. If you go to the Amazon, you’ll need to for spiders and snakes.

5. I always seeing my grandpa. He’s very kind and funny.

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4 Read the text. Write T (true) or F (false). (5 points)

The Chocolate Hills

The Chocolate Hills are a fascinating group of hills on the island of Bohol in the Philippines. There are
between 1,000 and 2,000 of these hills in a small area. They aren’t very high – in fact, the highest one is
only about 120 meters, but they’re an unusual shape. Each hill is pointed and looks like a small triangle.
There are no trees on the tops of them, only grass. The grass on the hills turns brown in the dry season.
This is why they are called the Chocolate Hills. I’m sorry to say you won’t find any chocolate there! Visitors
aren’t allowed to climb the hills, but they can walk up some steps and admire the view from the top.

Scientist can’t agree on how the Chocolate Hills were formed. Some have said that different types or
rock have come together to make them, but people still think the hills are mysterious.

1. There are over 2,000 chocolate hills.

2. The hills are unusual because of their shape.
3. Grass grows on top of the hills, but trees don’t.
4. They’re called the Chocolate Hills because there’s a lot of chocolate there.
5. Visitors can’t climb the hills.

5 Listen to the podcast about Patagonia. Then read the sentences and check (✓) the
correct place. TR: 13 (5 points)

Torres del Paine Ushuaia Valdes

National Park Peninsula
1. It’s famous for its mountains and climbing routes.
2. You can see penguins there.
3. You can see the Grey Glacier there.
4. You can go whale watching there.
5. Its nickname is “the end of the world”.

6 Read Olga’s notes about her vacation. Imagine you are Olga and write a review. Write
five sentences. (5 points)

Luxurious hotel, comfortable rooms

Delicious food – especially the seafood
A lot to do — swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving

Great place to relax. Very quiet

Only problem – called “Ocean View”, but there isn’t a view of the ocean!

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