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Do women find it easier to deal with people than men?

Many people deem men as better at dealing with people due to their easy going nature. However,
other people argue that women are better at this subject because they are more sensible with
other people’s feelings. Women are mentally guided towards a sensitive way of thinking and that
could make them more inclined to get too involved in other people’s problems (what could be
counterproductive). In addition, women rely more on intuitions so they tend to assume feelings
that a person could have. On the other side, men are practical thinkers and generally speaking
guide their thoughts with only the information that is given to them. Also, them being not
sensitive thinkers benefits them because they don’t try to empathize and so they take care of the
problem more directly.

In clonclusion, it can be said that men find it easier to deal with people beacause of the way that
they think. This is supported by the fact that men will not get involved with the problems that they
are presented to. Furthermore, men are logical inclined so they will focus on the problem and not
on the person.

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