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YOU SHOULD 6A HAVE A BREAK GB GRAMMAR Imperative; should a Complete the text with the words in the box. should go don't use eat should read shouldn't drink g0 don't sit should have shouldn't have get Here are some ideas for those of you who have problems sleeping First of al, “gat plenty of exercise during the day. For example, fora long walk at lunchtime or ater work at home watching TV all evening Secondly, you" dinner lat in the evening 5 dinner atleast four hours before you go to bed. Also, you © coffee after 4 pm — it wil stop you from sleeping. Next,” your laptop or your phone when you're in bed. Instead, you ®. a ‘good book at bedtime — its very relaxing. Also, some people find it hard to sleep if their room isn't dark enough, so you B thick curtains in your bedroom so that the light doesn’t wake you up too early in the morning. Finally, you to bed at the same time every night Doing this tells your body that its time for you to go to sleep, Sweet dreams, everyone! b Correct the sentences. Use should, shouldn't or the imperative. 1 He shouldn't listening to music while he's studying. He shouldn't listen to music while he's studying 2 To eat allot of trut and vegetables every day. 3. Not use your computer for very long in the evenings. 4 You should to try to relax for an hour before you got 5 tink she should getting more exerise during the day. 66 You dont should go swimming immediately after lunch. 7 When you have @ headache, to drink some water. 8 Donit stay you at work after six otlack, ® VOCABULARY Verbs with dependent prepositions @ Match 1-8 with a-h to make sentences. When you called me, | was looking 2 Ly The tain rom Manchester arrived 3 Ey Can you tink 4] He was listening 5 Ey Could you deat 6 Ey He asked nis father 7 Ey Matthew decided to talk 8 CE] My father wants to pay 2 for £50 because he needed a new shit forthe wedding b to his son's teacher about his exam rests € forlunch with his erect car. 4 ofanice preset for your granaather’s birthday? @ at an old photo of when we were in school ' 8 hn with this order for six takeaway pizzas, please? to the football match on the radio. at Euston Staton 25 minutes late b Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Inmy ob, | have to deal about! for with customers all day long 2 Ws hard to concentrate with / on / for my homework when you're listening tothe radio. 3 This bus is crowded! II wait for/to/ from the next one. 4. His gitriend’s gone to Pars fr @ month, so he thinks from about | for her all he time. 5. They don't pay you much do they? You should ask your boss from on fora pay tse, 6 Jackie says she spends about £200 a month at/ on / to clothes! 7 Ifyou want to buy @ new car now, you should borrow some money with /for/ fromm the bank, 8 He's really generous. He paid with / for of my plane ticket to New York! © PRONUNCIATION Sound and spelling: /u:/ and /u/ a OTGHIB Listen to the sentences. Are the vowel sounds im bold long /us! or short /o/? Tick (v7) the correct box for each sentence. Jong /us! sh We took my grandmother tothe theatre. [] ‘The children wanted to goto the zoo. [E] Where did you tase your motile phone? [E] Would you like a cup of coffee? o ‘Who did you invite to the party? oO | don't think you should go to work today. [E] Could | borrow £5, please? oa What did you think ofthe food? o 6B | WAS VERY FRIGHTENED GB VOCABULARY -ed/ -ing adjectives © GRAMMAR Uses of to + infinitive @ Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. a Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. [thought the Tokyo Metro was really confused / confusing, 1 job /1/to/ disappointed / get not / was / the There are too many metro lines! was disappointed not to get the job 2 The football match was very exciting excited. I finished 2 sharks / was earn / interesting /it/to about 4-4, 3 Tracy isn't very interesting interested in video games. 3 ourcars you /tell us park / where / can /to? 4 | was shocked’ shocking when | saw him. He looked very il 4 wears / nat / dangerous / toa seat belt /it 5. She was very annoyed annoying when he asked her for some more money, 5 her/ relax/to/ she /a bath / help / had 6 The fight from London to Mexico City was very tired / ting ee 7 thought the view from the top ofthe Eiffel Tower was 6 the bus station / went /to/ meet / aunt /to/ they / ther ‘amazing / amazed. ee 8 He felt embarrassing / embarrassed when his mum kissed _—7_~her father she / im /to/ some money / ask for called him in front of his fiends, & didn't/ he / what /to the party / know / wear / to b Complete the sentences with adjectives ending in -ed or -ing. 1. The people in the flat above me are so atinoying . They 'b Correct the sentences. play oud music when Im trying to go to sleep 2 He looked really c__ when he woke up. He said, ‘Where am I? thought that documentary about Martin Luther King Jt was relly 4 The exam results were very s___. Nobody got higher than 50%! 5 She was very f____ when she saw the spider, but she calmed down when we told her it was plastic 6 He was very d_____ that his father didn't bring. him a present from Spain 7 They couldn't speak a word when they heard the s___ news that the singer was dead & She felt very e___ when he told her that t ‘were going on holiday to Florida, 1 They wanted buy him a nice birthday present 2 He asked me how getting tothe airport. 3. She was annoyed to not receive an invitation to his wedding 4 They went to the supermarket for buy some food for dinner 5 We couldn't remember which bus catching to the apart. 6 John and Angela decided to have not their wedding in Ireland 7 Ihwas embarrassing fall my driving test again 10k about dinosaurs 8 She went tothe library for borrow for her son 36 6C GB USEFUL LANGUAGE Asking for and giving advice; Showing sympathy Match sentences 1-8 with responses a-h. 1d] I think its @ good idea to book a table, The restaurant might be full 2 [1 Someone stole my handbag when | was atthe beach this aterncon, 1 Fe speak to your boss about it 5 wouldn't worry too much. You can get a new passport at the embassy. Zo you thnk 1 should invite Steve to the surprise party? 5] what do you think | shoud do? 1 didnt get the job in marketing. 1 1 broke my finger on Saturday. Oh, what a pity. 'm sure youl get another job soon. Oh, that’s shame. So that means you can't play tennis today? No, | don think that's @ very good idea. Anna doesnt ike him very much. 4. Yes, | suppase so, Saturday ight can be very busy. ‘© How aul 'm really sory to hear that 1 e | don't think I should do that, he'l be angry with me. Yes, you're right. I can go there one day next week. hI think you should go to the police station b QWHA Listen and check EVERYDAY ENGLISH What do you think I should do? © Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 apply for / which / should / do / job / you /1/ think ? id apply for? 2 colleagues / should /1/ your / you /think/ ask 3. sony really /that/hear 0 / Vm 4 new job /@/ should Fda think you tok Hor? 5 17a think’ /10 / your boss / speak /to/ good idea 6 about [tak / your parents /it/to 7 apply /1/for marketing job / new / the / wouldn't 8 think /1/ you / your / don't / job / leave / shouted d ©LMA Listen and check. ®@ PRONUNCIATION Main stress a QUA Listen to the sentences and tick (Y) the stressed words. 1 You'te from Canada, right? a O Youre b Z| Canada 2 Elena works in the Spanish Embassy. a [1] Spanish b [Embassy 3 Would you lke to workin London? 2 C work b C1 London 4 We're having a surprise party for Anna, 2 Cl party b Cana 5 My Boss wants to speak to me. 2 CL boss b Ome 6D GD READING Read Anthony's email to Marina and Marina's reply. Tick (¥) the correct answer. LJ Anthony i loking fora new job Ey Anthony doesn want Jim to leave his job. c¢ EJ Marin gves Anthony some ideas to he him «Ey Marina works 2s a manager in a bank in Seve Dear Marna, ‘The problem s that 'm feling very stressed about my jo at the ‘moment. You see, sim, one ofthe people on my team, as just et to the other people inthe team, including me, Do you have any advice fr me? ‘Sincerely, Anthony bb Read the emails again, re the sentences true (7) or false (F?, 1 Anthony is doing al of Jim's work 2 C] Marina was the manager of a team of two people atthe bank 3 C1] Marna thinks that Anthony should tlk to his coleagues about the problem. 4] Marina doesn't think Anthony should discuss t preblem with his manager. 5] Marina thinks its good idea for Anthony to relax after werk I WRITING SKILLS Linking: ordering ideas and giving examples Put for example or such as in the correct place in each sentence. Add capital letters and punctuation (.,") and make any other necessary changes. 1 There ae lots of ways to make new fiends joining a sports club, 2 its a good idea to read something in Engis You can read diferent newspapers online. ry day. 3. Why don't you do something a swim after work? laxing this evening going for 4 There are more enjoyable ways of preparing for an exam. You could study witha friend who's in the same clas. 5 You could start a new hobby to help you relax dancing or swimming SKILLS FOR WRITING | often worry about tests and exams ‘They haven't replaced im yt, so my boss has gven alo his work Dear Anthony, ‘Thankyou for your ema 'm very pleased that you have writen to me for advice This kindof station is very common in companies when somebody leaves. remember this happened winen | was working in a bank in ‘evil. One summer, hoof the people in my team lef the bank at the ‘same time, We had to do al oftheir work and took three months to replace them! Anyway, here are some ideas that might hela you Fist of al ry not to get to stressed about the situation. | think you should discuss the problem with your coleagues. Maybe they il have some ideas about how to make the situation a bt easier? Secondly en you've got oo much work todo, think’ @ good idea to try to prioritise your work caefuly, For example, are there some less urgent jobs that you coud do ater? Next, | think you should talk to your bos about tis problem. He might not realise how much work he has given you, and maybe he can find ‘some other people to help you wth it Fnaly, try to do something relaxing after work, such as going tothe gym or going swimming, I's important to relax when you aren't at work and to get pent of sleep, | hope tis helps you and please fel ree to come and tak ta me in ny office. Best wishes, Marina Rodriguez HR Manager © WRITING @ Read Kento’s message to his English teacher, Tina. Use the notes below to write Tina's reply. Dear Ta, Iti tm qute good a reading and writing in nish ba sterngs very Nard forme. realy wot to improve my Intening. Do you have any leas? Thank you, Kerio Notes for message to Ker Paragraph 1: say thanks Z Paragraph 2: me: learning Japanese = listening v. dificil ~ explain why — ideas to help Paragraph 3: 1) impossible to understand every word concentrate on most important words 2) extra practice - study centre — listening exercises, ¢4, listening tracks from Student's Book 3) radio / TVin English, flms (+ subtitles) 4) podcasts - short stories? 5) pop songs + read words - find websites Paragraph 4: ope this helps ~ talk to me after class? 38 GB READING @ Read the magazine article and underline the correct people to match the adjectives. annoyed embarrassed Jade confused 1 Jade! manager! Eva 2 3 4 rightened 6 tomers Eva stomers/ Jade Eva mers / Eva rot aisappointed surprised b Read the magazine article again. Tick (¥) the correct answers. aC] She doesnt lke spending time with customers. bb [Z] Her manager thinks she works too stony. «Ost 2 Whois Toni? a Done of Jade's customers b [Jade's manager ¢ CO) another hairdresser 3. When does Jade get embarrassed? a C1] when her manager gets angry with customers 'b CJ when the customers tak to her cE] when her manager looks at he at surprises Eva? talks to Jade in front of customers. i doesn't understand the customers. © EJ Toni doesn't understand what good customer in front of 5 What advice does Eva give? a C1 She thinks Jade should tell her manager how she feels » [1 She tells Jade not to think about it C1 She thinks that Jade's customers should tak to Ton © Read the magazine article again. Match 1-5 with a-e to make sentences. Jade thinks that 3 Ly Toni thinks that Jade Ly Jade can't concentrate when Toni Ly Jade is contused because she 1 Eva thnks that Ton keep looking athe. shouldn't spend so much tne talking to customers spends alt of money should get good service. thinks she is very good at her job 82 Fis ming after the customers tak to him. stom who Write an email to Jade giving her some advice about her problem. Remember to include: some advice some insti ‘a similar situation from your own ite. Dear Eva, | need fo ask you for some help. lm a haircresser andl | work in a very fashionable saton.t'm, ‘very goad at dealing with the cuslomers and like fo talk fo them when | cut their hair.They pay a lot of money for their haircuts, and | think i's important to spend time with ‘them and make sure theyte happy. But my manager. a man named Toni, gets really annoyed with me and keeps ‘ling me to work faster. He sometimes talks fo me in front of the customers, which makes me realy embarrassed, He looks at me all the time when | talk fo them and now | find itreally diffcutt fo concentrate on what 'm doing, I'm really confused. 'm a really good hairdresser. None of the customers are ever disappointed with my work ‘and | get on well with all my colleagues. I'm frightened of losing my job if say anything, Can you help me? Jade Dear Jade, Youre right. When customers spend a lot of money on a haircut hey should enjoy the experience, fee! relaxed ‘and get excellent service. 'm surprised Toni doesn't Understand this. How many of your customers would ‘come back if you spent less than 16 minutes with them? I think you should ask your customers for help. Ask them 40 falk to oF write an email fo your manager felling him ‘what they like about the service you give them. | think ‘your manager will soon change his mind, Good luck! fa Oo) Review and extension @ GRAMMAR Correct the sentences. 1 You shouldnt to drink coffee before you go to bed. You shouldn't drink coffee before you go to bed. 2 think he should doing some exercise every day. 3 You should read a book for to help you relax. 4 She asked me drive her to the station. 5 6 My father taught me how play the guitar What | should do if can't sleep well? LISTENING 4 QTGA Listen to three friends talking about studying, Tick (/) the people that match the Cae reeaners ae 1 The football match was rally excite. I finished 3 ~3. 3 The football match was really exciting It finished 8 - 3. i fie | ase | owen | 5 [ys trkng nt TV programme Ia esi 1. cant study at home y My uncle pai the tickets and bought pono for us as wel | can't afford to spend alot of money in holiday this year. 2 3 2 study in the library BI 5 My lite sister isn't very interesting in fashion 6 7 8 3. I haven't got a good memory. 4 listen toa recording of myself tohhelp me remember | dirt hear the phone because | was listening some music: | didnt think that horror Tim was frightened. What about you? | didn't have any money, so! had to borrow £20 to my brother. 5 can help someone with their b QTAUA Listen to the three friends talk about studying again. Tick (¥) the correct answers. 1 What is Elie's problem? read sold paid wrote lent Her brother is disturbing her. eee ed ette re ore 'b E She hasn't gota laptop to use for studying. a Complete the sentences with the words in the box. © 1] She doesn't want to go to the library to study 1 She explained the problem to her parents 2 What does Owen sugges Ele do? 2 |______ £200 te Jack so he could buy a phone. a [1 She should go tothe lary to study 3 Hea lotof fod to the party. EJ she must tll someone to stop. 4 Gianni an email tothe school asking for [She should ask her parents to help her with the information about ther language classes. problem. 5 We £500 tothe builder who fixed our roo 3 Whatis Elie goingta do? 6 She the story very quietly to her clas, a [Takk to someone about the problem, closed the book and put it back on the shel, 7 They their arto ther neighbour for £1,500, b F] Go somewhere else to avoid the problem. © F] Takto someone and go somewhere ese 4 Who as a problem with history? a Ellie » Lowen c DO Maya 5 What is Elie embarrassed about? aC] Her poor memory bE] Making a song to help her study. © [Her marks in the physics exam. 6 What is Maya's problem? aC) She is confused by a subject. bE She doesn't want to study a subject. ¢ Cy She has to take a subject again next year. Laura’ her new house in Australia to me. _¥ REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS Look again at Review Your Progress on p. 66 of the Student's Book. How well can you do these things naw? Beverywell 2=well 1 =not sowell for common problems describe extreme experiences ask for and write an email giving advice. © Write to somebody giving advice about how he or she can get better exam results.

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