Bro-Jørgensen (2014) Will Their Armaments Be Their Downfall - Large Horn Size Increases Extinction Risk in Bovids

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Animal Conservation. Print ISSN 1367-9430

Will their armaments be their downfall? Large horn size

increases extinction risk in bovids
J. Bro-Jørgensen
Mammalian Behaviour & Evolution Group, Department of Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour, Institute of Integrative Biology, University of
Liverpool, Leahurst Campus, Neston, UK

Keywords Abstract
extinction risk; ungulates; conservation
management; sexual selection; sexual size Clarifying the emergent fitness associated with sexually selected traits under the
dimorphism; selective harvesting; current, increasingly anthropogenic selection regimes is important to understand
overexploitation; climate change. ongoing evolutionary changes in nature and inform the conservation management
of endangered species. Several reasons exist why sexual selection may affect
Correspondence extinction risk. Increased risk may result either from inherent trade-offs between
Jakob Bro-Jørgensen, Mammalian sexually selected traits and viability traits or from selective hunting of sexually
Behaviour & Evolution Group, Department selected species. Reduced risk is also possible, for instance if the preference for
of Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour, Institute high-performing mates characteristic of sexually selected species has beneficial
of Integrative Biology, University of genetic consequences for the population. Here, I show that the threat level of
Liverpool, Leahurst Campus, Neston bovid species increases with large male horn size. This is the first time, to my
CH64 7TE, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 151 794 6009; knowledge, that sexually selected weaponry has been shown to increase extinction
Fax: +44 (0) 151 794 6107. Email: risk at the interspecific level. However, threat level was unrelated to another trait under sexual selection, sexual body size dimorphism, indicating that the effect of
sexual selection on extinction risk depends on trait-specific interactions with
Editor: Iain Gordon extrinsic factors. The results suggest that the higher threat level of long-horned
Associate Editor: Hervé Fritz species is not primarily due to current trophy hunting practices and rather point to
environmentally induced viability costs as a possible main driver. Still, the fact
Received 12 June 2012; accepted 15 May that long-horned species are known to be preferred by trophy hunters highlights
the importance of continuously monitoring trophy hunting practices to assure
their long-term sustainability.

Introduction controversy has arisen over the role of the antlers in the
extinction of the deer around 7500 BP, at a time when its
Selection favours individuals who maximize their fitness by habitat was shrinking and hunting intensifying following the
striking an optimal balance between investment in repro- last glacial (Moen, Pastor & Cohen, 1999; Gonzalez,
duction and survival (Stearns, 1992). However, awareness is Kitchener & Lister, 2000; Stuart et al., 2004; O’Driscoll
increasing that selection operates at multiple levels, and Worman & Kimbrell, 2008). Speculations on the
traits evolved by individual selection in relatively stable maladaptiveness of such extreme cranial appendages may
natural environments may become disfavoured by selection seem intuitively appealing considering the likely costs
at the species level when selection regimes change involved; however, robust evidence that sexually selected
(Jablonski, 2008; Rabosky & McCune, 2010). In the weaponry can indeed increase extinction risk is lacking.
present, increasingly human-dominated environment, iden- Theoretically, sexual selection can both enhance and
tification of traits associated with elevated extinction risk reduce extinction risk. Higher extinction risk may be pre-
can therefore provide important information on current dicted where environmental changes alter the trade-offs
threat processes and help guide priorities for conservation between natural selection and sexual selection: when the
management. Particular attention has centred on the poten- environment deteriorates, increasing viability costs can
tial impact that sexually selected traits may have on popu- render sexually selected traits maladaptive (Kokko &
lation viability (Morrow & Pitcher, 2003; Candolin & Rankin, 2006). For example, although several intraspecific
Heuschele, 2008). A classical, but largely anecdotal example studies on male bovids have linked large horn size to
is provided by the Irish elk, Megaloceros giganteus, whose increased individual survival in stable environments
palmate antlers, spanning up to 3.6 m, are believed to have (Bergeron et al., 2008; Bonenfant et al., 2009), a study on
evolved primarily through intrasexual selection (Gould, the Soay sheep, Ovis aries, has revealed that the fitness of
1974; Barnosky, 1985). Symptomatic of the wider debate, long-horned rams is above average only under benign

80 Animal Conservation 17 (2014) 80–87 © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

J. Bro-Jørgensen Large horn size increases extinction risk in bovids

environmental conditions: under harsh conditions, reaction increases energy demands, can lead to foraging strategies
norms cross and long-horned rams perform below average that enhance mortality (Hay, Cross & Funston, 2008), and
(Robinson et al., 2008). At the interspecific level, such envi- large male horns may not only impose physical and physi-
ronmentally induced costs may translate into higher extinc- ological constraints (Geist, 1966; Picard, Festa-Bianchet &
tion risk of long-horned species under ecological stress as Thomas, 1996), but also be directly targeted by hunters
even relatively short-horned individuals of long-horned (Johnson et al., 2010; Palazy et al., 2012).
species may be more affected than the most long-horned Using the comparative method (Harvey & Pagel, 1991;
individuals of short-horned species. Fisher & Owens, 2004), I here investigate the effect of sexual
Higher extinction risk of sexually selected species may selection on extinction probability among bovid species by
also be consequential to human exploitation when hunting testing how threat level responds to the expression of the
directly targets specific sexually selected traits, such as two sexually selected traits, male horn length and SSD. If
manes (Whitman et al., 2004), tusks (Milner-Gulland & sexual selection in general increases extinction risk due to
Mace, 1991), elaborate plumage (Metz & Ankney, 1991) or trade-offs with viability selection, I predict that threat level
indeed horns (Johnson et al., 2010). Often, however, such will increase with both male horn length and SSD. Con-
selective harvesting is biased towards males, and since versely, if sexual selection in general reduces extinction risk
females are typically the sex limiting reproductive rates by accelerating adaptive change, I predict that threat level
(Emlen & Oring, 1977), the impact on population viability will decrease with both these traits. If the two traits differ in
may be ameliorated (Caro et al., 2009). Still, in extreme their effect on extinction risk due to trait-specific interac-
cases, both the number and quality of males in the mating tions with extrinsic factors, I predict that they will relate
pool can drop below the critical level at which recruitment is differently to threat level. Specifically, if an association
depressed, potentially leading to reproductive collapse between extinction risk and large male horn size is due to
(Milner, Nilsen & Andreassen, 2007). The impact of male current trophy hunting practices, I predict that (1) trophy
removal may be compounded where hunters specifically species will possess longer horns, (2) long-horned species
target the reproductively most important individuals by will be more exposed to overexploitation, (3) trophy species
selecting those with the most extreme expression of the sexu- will be more threatened, and (4) trophy value will increase
ally selected trait (Annighoefer & Schuetz, 2011). with horn length. Alternatively, if a link between extinction
The very process of sexual selection may as well be intrin- risk and horn size is an indirect consequence of long-horned
sically linked to reduced population viability because the species occupying more open habitats where they may be
associated restrictive mating patterns both promote easier to hunt and more exposed to threats such as habitat
inbreeding and inflict a selection load which slows down the fragmentation, I predict that (1) long-horned species should
rate of adaptation (Kokko & Brooks, 2003; Candolin & predominate in open habitats, and that (2) species in open
Heuschele, 2008). Alternatively, however, it is also possible habitats should be more threatened. Finally, as large-
that selective mating characteristic of sexually selected bodied, slow reproducing species are often at higher extinc-
species has a positive, rather than a negative, impact on tion risk (Cardillo et al., 2005), I also test whether large
population viability: the widespread preference for high per- body size increases extinction risk.
forming mates has the potential to purge populations of
deleterious alleles and accelerate the rate of adaptation Materials and methods
to environmental changes (Candolin & Heschele, 2008;
Jarzebowska & Radwan, 2010).
Given this diversity in theoretical possibilities, there is a
need to establish how sexually selected traits actually relate The data collection focused on all extant bovid species as
to extinction risk under contemporary selection regimes, well as those which have gone extinct within the current
and here the family Bovidae presents an exceptional oppor- extinction crisis (< 400 years). Information was gathered on
tunity. This speciose family is an urgent conservation prior- the following morphological and ecological variables:
ity with 40% of the extant species threatened with extinction, average (avg.) male body mass, avg. female body mass, avg.
the main threats being habitat loss and exploitation for male horn length, avg. male shoulder height and habitat
diverse products such as meat, horns, hides and wool (http:// density. Information was available for 119 out of 140 on 15 October 2012). Bovid species species, including two out of four extinctions, that is the
vary dramatically in their expression of sexually selected auroch Bos primigenius (†1627) and the bluebuck
traits. Thus, the horns of males as well as the often conspicu- Hippotragus leucophaeus (†1800, approx.). Species-specific
ous exaggeration of male body size (reflected in sexual body body mass was calculated as the mean of male and female
size dimorphism, SSD) are generally believed to have body masses, and sexual body size dimorphism was calcu-
evolved under the influence of sexual selection due to their lated as the ratio of male to female body mass. Relative male
function in intrasexual competition for mates (Lundrigan, horn length was calculated by dividing horn length, a linear
1996; Loison et al., 1999; Pérez-Barbería, Gordon & Pagel, measure, by the most readily available linear measure of
2002; Caro et al., 2003; Bro-Jørgensen, 2007). Both these body size, that is, shoulder height (Jarman, 1983). All mor-
traits can incur significant survival costs (Owen-Smith, phological measures were log-transformed prior to analysis
1993; Andersson, 1994): large male body size, which to make them suitable for regression analysis. Following

Animal Conservation 17 (2014) 80–87 © 2013 The Zoological Society of London 81

Large horn size increases extinction risk in bovids J. Bro-Jørgensen

Bro-Jørgensen (2008), habitat density was coded as a binary backward elimination of non-significant variables in multi-
categorical variable where open habitats (0) included ple regressions.
deserts, steppes, mountains, all types of savannas and open Crunch standardizes contrasts between taxa by dividing
woodlands, and closed habitats (1) included thickets, dense them by their expected standard deviation, estimated as the
woodland and forests. The data on the morphological meas- square root of the sum of the branch lengths between each
urements and habitat was copied from Bro-Jørgensen (2007, taxon and their common ancestor. The approach assumes
2008) and supplemented with information on (1) shoulder that the evolution of continuous traits can be modelled as a
height and (2) additional species from the sources listed in random walk process (Felsenstein, 1985), and this assump-
the online Supporting Information. tion was tested by regressing the estimated contrasts against
Extinction risk was coded as a continuous variable based their estimated nodal values (Orme et al., 2011). I also tested
on threat status on the International Union for Conserva- the success of the contrast standardization procedure by
tion of Nature (IUCN) red list (accessed 9 November 2011 regressing the absolute values of the standardized contrasts
on as follows: 1 = ‘least con- against the estimated standard deviation at each node,
cern’, 2 = ‘near threatened’, 3 = ‘vulnerable’, 4 = ‘endan- thereby assessing the heterogeneity of variance in the residu-
gered’, 5 = ‘critically endangered’ and 6 = ‘extinct’ or als and the suitability of the data for regression analysis
‘extinct in the wild’ (Fisher & Owens, 2004). Whether a (Orme et al., 2011). All of these tests were non-significant as
species was listed as threatened by overexploitation on the expected given the assumptions, except in one case where
red list was coded as a binary categorical variable. For SSD was included as the independent variable in a bivariate
overexploited species, the IUCN classification does not regression. Following Møller (2011), I therefore checked the
systematically give information on the exploited animal robustness of the results by (1) repeating the analyses with
product, and I therefore categorized species currently the independent variables expressed as ranks, and (2) using
subjected to trophy hunting (henceforth ‘current trophy the caic.robust command to remove outliers with absolute
species’) based on the comprehensive hunting company studentized residuals exceeding three (Jones & Purvis, 1997).
survey of Palazy et al. (2012). Trophy value (US$) was also Neither of these alternative approaches changed the results
obtained from Palazy et al. (2012); where several subspecies qualitatively.
were listed, the price was averaged. Due to correlations between independent variables, I
assessed the potential effect of collinearity on the results of
the multivariate analyses by calculating tolerance and vari-
Comparative analysis ance inflation factors using the Predictive Analytics
All analyses applied the interspecific comparative method, SoftWare Statistics 17.0.2. In all cases, the variance inflation
including only evolutionarily independent contrasts factors were < 1.25 and thus well below the commonly
between species (Harvey & Pagel, 1991; Fisher & Owens, accepted critical thresholds for significant collinearity of
2004). The comparative analyses were performed in R (R 5–10 (McClave & Sincich, 2003).
Development Core Team, 2011) using the packages caper
(Orme et al., 2011) and ape (Paradis, Claude & Strimmer,
2004). Phylogenetic relatedness was controlled for by
assuming a gradual model of evolution based on the Relative male horn length was found to be a significant pre-
phylogenetic supertree and branch lengths in Fernández & dictor of current extinction risk in bovids (Table 1; Fig. 1a).
Vrba (2005). Contrasts at polytomies were calculated fol- By contrast, sexual body size dimorphism did not show any
lowing the method described by Pagel (1992). Independent demonstrable relationship with extinction risk, whether ana-
contrasts were calculated from the crunch algorithm where lysed in bivariate or multivariate regression models (Table 1;
all traits were continuous, and the brunch algorithm where Fig. 1b). This suggests that increased extinction risk is not a
a categorical trait was included (Orme et al., 2011); general consequence of sexual selection.
phylogenetic generalized least squares analysis gave similar Current trophy species were not characterized by particu-
results. All regressions were done through the origin, with larly long male horns (whether a species was listed as a

Table 1 Phylogenetic correlations between extinction risk in bovids and the test variables

Independent Multivariate analysis Bivariate analyses

variables Coefficient (B) d.f. t P Coefficient (B) d.f. t P
Relative male 2.153 (1.737) 1,93 (1,90) 2.32 (2.30) 0.022 (0.024) (As multivariate analysis)
horn lengtha
Sexual body size −0.566 (−0.662) 2,92 (2,89) −0.58 (−0.84) 0.563 (0.404) −0.873 (−0.791) 1,93 (1,91) −0.96 (−1.02) 0.340 (0.310)
Body mass −0.098 (0.042) 3,91 (3,88) −0.38 (0.20) 0.705 (0.842) 0.048 (0.129) 1,93 (1,91) 0.22 (0.71) 0.823 (0.482)
Horn length/shoulder height.
Numbers in parenthesis refer to the results obtained after removal of outliers, see ‘Materials and methods’.

82 Animal Conservation 17 (2014) 80–87 © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

J. Bro-Jørgensen Large horn size increases extinction risk in bovids

a trophy species as a function of relative male horn length:

2.0 d.f. 1,27, t = 0.63, P = 0.534), nor could any link between
large male horn size and exposure to overexploitation be
demonstrated (whether a species was listed as threatened by
Extinction risk

overexploitation by IUCN as a function of relative male
horn length: d.f. 1,18, t = 0.25, P = 0.808). Thus, in spite of
0.0 including 6 of 20 endangered, and 8 of 20 vulnerable species,
current trophy species were generally less, rather than more,
threatened than other species (threat level as a function of
-1.0 whether a species was listed as a trophy species: d.f. 1,27,
t = −5.24, P < 0.001). Male horn length was, however, posi-
tively linked to trophy value (trophy value as a function of
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 relative male horn length: d.f. 1,61, t = 2.09, P = 0.041), con-
Relative male horn length sistent with an earlier reported preference for species with
large horn size among trophy hunters (Palazy et al., 2012).
Overall, these findings speak against trophy hunting, as
b reflected in current practices, as the main driver of the
2.0 increased threat levels of long-horned bovids.
Although long-horned species showed a weak, non-
significant tendency to inhabit more open environments
Extinction risk

1.0 (relative male horn length as a function of whether a species

occurred in open or closed habitat: d.f. 1,11, t = −1.70,
P = 0.117), open habitat species tended to be less, rather
than more, threatened than closed habitat species (threat
level as a function of whether a species occurred in open or
-1.0 closed habitat: d.f. 1,11, t = 2.10, P = 0.060). This last result
contradicts that increased habitat fragmentation, or facili-
tated hunting, in open habitats should indirectly drive the
-2.0 higher extinction risk of long-horned species. By default, the
-0.25 -0.15 -0.05 0.05 0.15 results are most consistent with environmentally induced
Sexual size dimorphism viability trade-offs of large horn size as the main driver of
the relationship between extinction risk and horn length.
No association was found between body size and the
c extinction risk of bovids (Table 1; Fig. 1c).

Extinction risk

The link between the horn length of male bovids and
0.0 increased extinction risk is a novel discovery suggesting that
sexually selected weaponry can adversely affect species sur-
vival. However, the lack of relationship between sexual
-1.0 body size dimorphism and extinction risk suggests that the
intensity of sexual selection per se is not a reliable predictor
of extinction probability. This conclusion is consistent with
-2.0 previous studies on artiodactyls. Morrow & Fricke (2004)
-0.6 -0.3 0 0.3 0.6
found no association between extinction probability and
Body mass either of the two sexually selected traits (testis size and
SSD), and among Ghanaian ungulate populations,
Figure 1 Predictors of extinction risk in bovids. (a) Contrasts in extinc-
Brashares (2003) found a negative rather than a positive link
tion risk against contrasts in relative male horn length (i.e. horn
between the vulnerability to local extinction and polygyny, a
length/shoulder height). The line shows the significant slope from
key determinant of sexual selection (Pérez-Barbería et al.,
linear regression through the origin; the slope remained significant
after removal of the three outliers denoted by open squares (Table 1).
2002; Shuster & Wade, 2003). The costs and benefits of
(b) Contrasts in extinction risk against contrasts in sexual size dimor- sexually selected traits thus appear to show a significant
phism. (c) Contrasts in extinction risk against body mass contrasts. In degree of trait-specificity; in particular, it is possible that
(b) and (c), no significant slopes were obtained from linear regression SSD provides context-dependent benefits when resources
through the origin. are scarce by allowing the sexes to exploit distinct, size-
dependent ecological niches (Ruckstuhl & Neuhaus, 2000).

Animal Conservation 17 (2014) 80–87 © 2013 The Zoological Society of London 83

Large horn size increases extinction risk in bovids J. Bro-Jørgensen

Why then is extinction risk specifically linked to male

horn size? No evidence was found that bovids currently
Horn size
listed as trophy species by hunting companies are more
exposed to overexploitation at present. This is in agreement
with some recent case studies reporting only limited evi- + (iii)
dence of unsustainability in bovid trophy quotas (e.g. Caro
et al., 2009; Atickem et al., 2011). However, such case + (i) Hunter
studies should not be freely generalized across taxa or preference
regions (Milner et al., 2007; e.g. Annighoefer & Schuetz, (iv)
2011), and in the present study I was unable to take into +
account illegal trophy hunting of threatened species on Increased
suscepƟbility to + (vi) Intensifying
which data are hard to come by. To facilitate future evalu-
ation of the conservation impact of trophy hunting, I there- habitat decline exploitaƟon
fore recommend that the IUCN commence to systematically (ii) +
categorize overexploited species according to the nature of + (v)
the product targeted, in the case of bovids including (1)
horns, and whether these are used (a) as trophies or (b) in
traditional medicine, (2) meat, (3) hides and (4) wool.
Moreover, it cannot be ruled out based on the present study + (vii)
that less conservation-friendly trophy hunting practices in
the past could have contributed to the higher extinction risk
ExƟncƟon risk
associated with large male horn size today.
Still, the absence of current evidence that over-
exploitation links horn size to extinction risk increases the Figure 2 Proposed links between trophy size and extinction risk.
focus on habitat-related factors as the primary cause. No Higher susceptibility to habitat deterioration in species with large
support was found for the specific idea that threats associ- horn size (Robinson et al., 2008) (i) can lead to population declines
ated with open habitats indirectly link long-horned species and hence promote rarity (ii). Hunter preference for large trophy size
to higher extinction risk, and the available evidence thus (Johnson et al., 2010; Palazy et al., 2012; this study) (iii) also makes
leaves as the presently most parsimonious explanation that these species particularly likely to be targeted by exploitation (iv); if
large horn size primarily promotes extinction because of poorly regulated, trophy hunting can therefore drive rarity as well (v).
viability trade-offs that intensify under environmental stress Because hunters also prefer rare species (Johnson et al., 2010;
[Fig. 2 (i–ii)]. The costliness of large horns in adverse envi- Palazy et al., 2012) (vi), positive feedback between rarity and hunter
ronments can be explained by a negative impact on fitness preference can moreover result in ‘vicious circles’ of intensifying
components such as the ability to acquire adequate exploitation (Palazy et al., 2012) (iv,v,vi). As a consequence of these
resources or escape predators (Geist, 1966; Robinson et al., forces, long-horned species are at elevated risk of extinction, as
2008). The higher extinction risk of long-horned species is demonstrated in this study (vii).
possibly a natural phenomenon due to the dynamic nature
of the wild ecosystems inhabited by bovids; yet, the largely
human-caused degradation of bovid habitats at present poorly regulated, this preference may otherwise cause popu-
could affect long-horned species disproportionately. The lation declines in the most vulnerable species [Fig. 2 (iii–iv)].
simultaneous importance of climatic and anthropogenic An independent preference for rare species, especially
drivers has indeed been highlighted by studies of late qua- among experienced hunters (Lindsey et al., 2006; Johnson
ternary extinctions (Stuart et al., 2004; Prescott et al., et al., 2010; Prescott et al., 2012b), has the potential to accel-
2012a), where more recent examples include several long- erate population declines by generating a positive feedback
horned species, such as the long-horned buffalo, Pelorovis cycle between hunter preference and rarity, thereby leading
antiquus and the giant hartebeest, Megalotragus priscus on to an anthropogenic Allee effect [Courchamp et al., 2006;
the African savannah (†11 000 BP; Klein, 2000; Gentry, Palazy et al., 2012; Fig. 2 (iv–vii)]. Moreover, poorly
2011), and the giant bison, Bison latifrons in North America managed trophy hunting can have adverse consequences by
(†20 000 BP; Scott, 2010). promoting unnatural directional selection for shorter horn
Even if no causal link between trophy hunting and the length (Coltman et al., 2003; Mysterud, 2011). On the other
higher extinction risk of long-horned species is suggested by hand, when properly managed, trophy hunting can bring
the present findings, the documented preference for long- significant conservation benefits by translating ecosystem
horned species among trophy hunters (Johnson et al., 2010; services into economic benefits for local communities (Lewis
Palazy et al., 2012) still underscores the importance of & Alpert, 1997; Loveridge, Reynolds & Milner-Gulland,
rigorously monitoring trophy hunting practices in terms 2007; Frost & Bond, 2008; Naidoo et al., 2011), especially
of their long-term sustainability (Bunnefeld, Hoshino & where alternative land use strategies, such as ecotourism,
Milner-Gulland, 2011; see also Harris & Pletscher, 2002; cannot generate sufficient income to ensure preservation
Damm, 2008; Sachedina & Nelson, 2010). Where hunting is (Wilkie & Carpenter, 1999; Lindsey et al., 2006).

84 Animal Conservation 17 (2014) 80–87 © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

J. Bro-Jørgensen Large horn size increases extinction risk in bovids

Long-horned species may also be particularly vulnerable managed populations of the greater kudu (Tragelaphus
to unsustainable use of horns from wild bovids in tradi- strepsiceros, Pallas 1766) in Namibia. Eur. J. Wildl. Res.
tional medicine (e.g. in kouprey Bos sauveli, markhor Capra 57, 895–907.
falconeri, mountain nyala Tragelaphus buxtoni and saiga Atickem, A., Loe, L.E., Langangen, O., Rueness, E.K.,
Saiga tatarica; on 15 October Bekele, A. & Stenseth, N.C. (2011). Estimating popula-
2012). Without evidence that such exploitation can be tion size and habitat suitability for mountain nyala in
managed for a net conservation benefit, and in the absence areas with different protection status. Anim. Conserv. 14,
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No association was found between body size and extinc-
tion risk in bovids. This may seem surprising since large-
Bergeron, P., Festa-Bianchet, M., von Hardenberg, A. &
bodied mammals, with their low reproductive rates, are
Bassano, B. (2008). Heterogeneity in male horn growth
often more extinction prone (Cardillo et al., 2005).
and longevity in a highly sexually dimorphic ungulate.
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Gittleman, 2007; Cardillo et al., 2008). The lack of relation- (2009). Age-dependent relationship between horn growth
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the effect of sexual selection on extinction risk is trait spe- 729–737.
cific. Pinpointing the particular circumstances under which Bunnefeld, N., Hoshino, E. & Milner-Gulland, E.J. (2011).
sexually selected traits are associated with increased extinc- Management strategy evaluation: a powerful tool for
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underscores the importance of monitoring trophy hunting
Trends Ecol. Evol. 23, 446–452.
due to a preference among trophy hunters for long-horned
Cardillo, M., Mace, G.M., Gittleman, J.L., Jones, K.E.,
species. Although the findings suggest that the higher threat
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Evolution Group at Liverpool University, Tim Caro and Caro, T.M., Young, C.R., Cauldwell, A.E. & Brown,
two anonymous reviewers for valuable comments. This D.D.E. (2009). Animal breeding systems and big game
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