Legal and Political Tenets of Article 17 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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Date of Publication: 06/23/2024

Saole Author: Shawn Dexter John

Legal and Political Tenets of Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Legal and Political Tenets of relation are as follows:

(1) Any and all laws of Member States shall protect, [whether] directly or in supplementation
(or without contrast), the right of all individuals to own property freely and without
discrimination (or harm), whether real estate, personal, private, or otherwise,
(2) Property may be owned exclusively (meaning exclusionarily) or jointly with others and
shall not be implied as either based on any [unjustly or unfairly] subjective perspective
(not protected by law), discriminatory bias, or coercion; no private or personal property
shall be considered that of any collective, the respective general public, any
constituency, or any government and no theory of eminent domain or such may deprive
any individual of his or her property under emergency conditions or otherwise,
(3) No non-standard valuation (depriving constitutional law) of any property transferred or
seized per lawful principle and/or conduct may be allowed and there shall be no
mandate demanding impoverishment, subjective resolution depriving law, or unjust or
unfair (or unconstitutional) decision on any related matter or in general,
(4) All properties owned shall be leasable or transferrable (unless honestly intended as
otherwise by owner) and only per the authentic, honest, and intended consent and free
will of the respective owner in addressing specifically any intended recipient, if such a
condition was sought by the owner of respect,
(5) No property or other asset (and no right or freedom of or not of relation) shall be decided
as part of any freedom or happiness standard (or index) accounted to citizens and/or
conventional residents over those of non-citizenship or fixed residency in consideration
of human rights; there shall be no law or principle which shall allow any individual of
natural born citizenship (of the respective country) of any kind to be announced,
declared, mandated, governmentally intended, or promoted as being innately
predisposed, protected, or inherent as happier (or more deserving of this condition) than
any other social [demographic] group, or individual within,
(6) There shall be no right to the seizure of private or personal property, real property or
otherwise, arbitrarily or without mitigation or just resolution protected as immediately
enactable under due procedures denoting timeliness; there shall be no act of
Government or the general public, of any sort, which shall allow for the indefinite,
unwarranted, or unfair seizure of any property and all seizures shall only be conducted in
accordance with laws and procedures addressing criminal or civil breach,
(7) There shall be no law or policy, whether protocol or decree, which shall allow for any
subjugation or abuse of property holders (minimal or wealthy) or those denoted as
lacking property or considerable property,
(8) There shall be no law or policy, whether protocol or order, which defrauds or abuses the
foreign accounts or estates of any foreign national or citizen, conventional domestic
citizen, or person of dual citizenship (or mere or special resident of any political State) in
addressing lawful propert(ies) and representative instrument(s) and document(s) or
which deprives the respective individual or his owned company/estate from such
account(s), properties, and/or estate(s), and
(9) There shall be no law or policy of any country or territory which shall allow for the
arbitrary, unauthorized, or unjust devaluation, diminishment, deprivation, alteration, or
demeaned stature of any intellectual property or other property of conventional or
abstract lawful protection.

CIA-INTERPOL Partnership File Number:


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