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Talk about your feelings and emotions


Talk about your

feelings and emotions
After this class, you'll be able to express how you

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Talk about your feelings and emotions

Let’s talk about feelings

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Talk about your feelings and emotions

Match the items

I feel worried A D

I feel upset.

I feel glad.

I feel angry.

I feel surprised. B E

I feel pleased.

How are you feeling?

I feel pleased that I came to English class today!
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Talk about your feelings and emotions

I feel/I am +adjective

We can use both the verbs to feel and to be followed by an adjective to talk about feelings.

I feel happy. She feels sad. They feel jealous.

I am happy. She is annoyed. They are angry.

Mostly, you can use these two verbs interchangeably, and they’ll mean the same thing.

Common ways to ask someone how they feel:

How are you feeling? Are you ok?

How do you feel? Is everything alright?

The verb to feel has the same meaning when used in the present simple and present
How are you feeling today/How do you feel today? I’m feeling anxious/I feel anxious.

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Talk about your feelings and emotions

Complete the dialogue

A: Hi James, is everything alright?

B: Hey Lizzy. _______ a little tired and _______ to be honest nervous

because work was stressful today.
A: Ah ok. You should get some rest and eat something too.
B: Thanks, I need to! How are you _______ ?

A: I _______ excited because my girlfriend is arriving back from feel

her travels today! I’m also a little _______ too!

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Talk about your feelings and emotions

How are they feeling?

She is… A D
He feels…
They are…
Maybe she is sad because…

● worried
● upset
● angry
● surprised B E
● glad
● pleased

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Talk about your feelings and emotions

Sort the items

positive feelings negative feelings

(+) (–)

excited jealous

proud confident hungry

confused scared content

excited jealous stressed

cheerful nervous thirsty

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Talk about your feelings and emotions

Match the items

…because I’m living alone in my house.

1. I feel nervous…

2. I’m jealous… …because I have a lot of work to do.

3. I feel content… …because I’m on holiday.

4. I’m stressed… …because I have a job interview tomorrow.

5. I’m bored…
…because my brother has a new car.
6. I feel scared…
…because I have nothing to do.

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Talk about your feelings and emotions


Because introduces clauses of cause and reason. It is a subordinating conjunction, which

means it links a subordinate clause to a main clause.

I feel happy because I have a new job.

I’m angry because the shop is closed.

When the subordinate clause comes before the main clause, we use a comma:

Because I’m working long hours, I’m stressed.

Because my friend has a new job, I’m jealous.

In everyday speech, because is used in response to Why questions, and can often be used
without the main clause.

Why are you scared? > Because I’m watching a horror film!
Why are you confused? > Because I can’t find my keys.

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Talk about your feelings and emotions

Complete the sentences

Use your own ideas

1. I feel excited because __________________________________.

2. I’m worried because __________________________________.

3. Because __________________________________, I’m sad.

4. Because __________________________________, I feel hungry.

5. _________________ because my son is top of the class.

6. Because I’m very prepared for the exam, _________________.

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Talk about your feelings and emotions

Ask and answer

Explain your answer using ‘because’

● How do you feel before an exam?

● How do you feel on holiday?

● How do you feel at work?

● How do you feel in the morning?

● How are you feeling now?

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Talk about your feelings and emotions

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Talk about your feelings and emotions

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