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EUEE-grade 11 and 12-2011

1.B ‘Bios’. The Greek word for life is ‘Bios’, which is derived from the Greek language and means “to
live” or “living”.

2. A enzymes posses globular shape

3.C Bacteria are unicellular organisms, meaning they consist of a single cell.

4.A, Non-disjunction is a chromosomal error that occurs when chromosomes fail to separate during cell

5.B,Applied science focuses on using scientific knowledge to solve practical problems related to human

6.D Biologists use centrifuges to separate different components of cells, such as organelles or cellular
debris, through the process of fractionation.

7.D,The function of DNA polymerase (D) It joins two RNA molecules to form DNA

8. D The term “code of life” is often used to refer to DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which is a long
molecule that contains our unique genetic code

9:C Carnivore

10: B Translocation

11 : C Quaternary period

12 : B Reflex action

13: C Null hypothesis

14. : B Isomers

15: D A low temperatureis least likely to denature an enzyme

16 : D Carbon Cycle Catabolic and exergonic Both photosynthesis and respiration are involved in

18. Bacteria play a crucial role in the nitrogen cycle by converting nitrogen into a usable form for plants
called ammonia.

19. The term that best describes the number of different species in the biosphere or a particular area is
Species diversity.

20. The daily cycle of activity that occurs over a 24-hour period is called a Circadian rhythm.

21. The source of the tadpoles within a few weeks after heavy rain is The eggs laid by frogs.

22. An antiretroviral drug helps AIDS patients by stopping the multiplication of HIV.

23. Among the four elements, Sulfur is the least abundant in living things.
24. When a homogenate of eukaryotic cells is spun in a centrifuge, the cellular organelle that settles out
first is Mitochondria.

25.C: The Kreb’s cycle takes place in the matrix of mitochondria.

26. B:The ultimate source of electrons that replace those lost from photosystem II during photosynthesis
is Water.

27 B Sleeping sickness is transmitted through the bite of infected tsetse flies, not through physical

28:C The serological test for anti-HIV antibody is a routine test used to diagnose AIDS.

29:D Decomposition and combustion are processes that release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

30: C Rhizobium bacteria fix nitrogen in the nodules of leguminous plants.

31.C: Growing improved varieties generally has a positive effect on agriculture without negatively
impacting biodiversity.

32. A: Both Lamarck’s and Darwin’s theories agree that evolution results in the production of new

33.C:Habit Explanation: Habituation is a learning process where an animal becomes less responsive to a
repeated, neutral stimulus.

34.B:One of the following is true about a behavior that has a fixed action pattern Correct Answer B It is
always done in the same way.

Explanation: A behavior with a fixed action pattern is always performed in the same manner.

35. The correct answer is (B) Trial and error learning. This is because the chimpanzee is using trial and
error learning by trying different methods (piling up boxes) until it finds one that works to reach the

36. The correct answer is (A) Food production by GMO and genetic engineering. This is because while
there have been significant advancements in genetic engineering and GMOs, their full potential has not
yet been realized, making it more a promise than fully achieved contributions.

37. The correct answer is (D) Oxygen. This is because oxygen is known to be present in less than 10% of
many cells, as it is primarily found in molecules like water and certain organic compounds.

38.D:The correct answer is (D) Collagen. This is because collagen is a protein, not a carbohydrate

39 C: This is because enzyme technology in paper making results in higher CO2 emission savings per ton
compared to traditional methods.

40. The correct answer is (B) The lock-and-key model. This model suggests that enzymes and substrates
have complementary shapes, allowing for specific interactions.
41. The correct answer is (B) 0.007 jum (9×10^-1). To convert meters to micrometers (jum), you multiply
by 1 million (10^6). So, 0.000007 m = 7 micrometers = 0.007 jum.

42. The correct answer is (B) Cell fractionation


44. C main method of transmission of botulism is through eating contaminated food.

45. D The first antibiotics were produced from Gram-positive bacteria.

46. D The protein shell of a virus A capsid is the protein shell of a virus.

47. B Legumes are the general name for crop plants that add nitrogen to the soil due to their symbiotic
association with certain types of bacteria called rhizobia.

48. B 75% If two parents with genotypes ‘Aa’ are cross-bred and there is no codominance in the
inheritance pattern, 75% of their offspring would have genotypes exactly like that of their parents. This
is because each parent has a 50% chance to pass on either allele (A or a) to their offspring.

49. D Sperm cells Sperm cells are an example of cells formed by reduction division (also known as

50. C Genetics provides more direct support to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution than other sources
such as physiology, anatomy, or geographical distribution.

51. A Associative learning The famous Pavlov’s dog illustrates associative learning, where an involuntary
response (salivation) becomes associated with a neutral stimulus (the ringing of a bell).

52. B Centrifuging Blood can be separated into its cellular and fluid parts through centrifuging.

53. A Carbon dioxide ( ) is the most abundant inorganic molecule in the atmosphere that traps heat,
contributing to global warming and climate change.

54. A When glucose molecules are joined by a glycosidic linkage, they form a disaccharide called lactose.

55. C Most enzymes are insensitive to temperature at low pH.

56. A Mitochondria are often referred to as the “powerhouse” of the cell because they are responsible
for producing ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the primary energy currency of cells through
cellular respiration.

57. D Lysosomes primarily function in digestion and autophagy within cells, breaking down waste
materials and foreign substances through hydrolytic enzymes.

58. C Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and terminal oxidation.

59. D Reductive, endergonic and anabolic

60. A decomposition and removal of organic matter.

61. B transgenic When an organism contains a gene that does not naturally belong to it but has been
introduced from another organism through genetic engineering or crossbreeding techniques, it becomes
transgenic or genetically modified organism (GMO).

62. D an RNA virus converts its RNA to DNA.

63. C Tundra. Taiga temperate forest tropical rain forest

64. B High number of endemic wild and domestic plant species.

65. C exponential growth

66. D Half of her sons are colour-blind

67. B transduction

68. C In the struggle for existence, the fittest would survive.

69. C. The occurrence of endemic species in Ethiopia is due to the fact that there is no terrestrial route
to these places.

70. A Skinner box is used for experiments in operant conditioning,

71. B. Low temperature affects enzyme activity without denaturing the enzyme molecule.

72. A. Adding more substrate can reverse or reduce an allosteric enzyme inhibition.

73. C. Retroviruses differ from other RNA viruses in that they copy RNA to DNA.

74. D. As an ecological succession passes from a lower to a higher seral stage, soil nutrient depletion
does not occur.

75. A. The current world population is in the exponential phase of population growth.

76. D. If allowed to self-pollinate, the pea genotype RrYy would produce progeny with a 9:3:3:1
phenotypic ratio.

77. C. To form codons for a protein that is 100 amino acids long, 300 nucleotides are needed because
each amino acid requires three nucleotides to encode it in the genetic code.

78. The common idea held by all creationists is that life was created by a supernatural being.

79. The Neanderthal man had a cranial capacity about the same size as that of Homo sapiens.

80. The behavioral pattern of human babies that is more or less similar to the imprinting of newly
hatched goose is attachment-formation.

81. In the human body, the conditions generally considered optimum for most enzymes are 37°C and

82. Pure liquid water has the highest water potential than all the other options.

83. The link reaction is the stage in the aerobic respiration of glucose that does not produce ATP.

84. A plant that incorporates radioactive carbon first into oxaloacetate is characterized as a C4 plant.
85. A correct statement about the difference between a bacterium and a virus is that the former is
cellular, but the latter is a cellular.

86.D Transgenic organisms are those in which a foreign gene is added to their genome,

87.C The half-life of a substance is the time it takes for half of the substance to decay. In this case, the
initial mass of the radioactive substance was 5600 grams and it decayed to 700 grams. This is a
reduction by a factor of 8, which is 2^3, meaning it underwent 3 half-lives. Given that each half-life is
100 years, the total time is 3*100 = 300 years.

88.B Moving in large groups can provide protection from predators as there are more eyes to spot a
threat and more numbers to confuse a predator.

89.A Succulent plants are commonly found in hot deserts where they have adapted to store water in
their thick leaves to survive the arid conditions.

90. B It is not true that HIV-positive people are forced by law to disclose their HIV status.

91.B Sphingolipids are a type of lipid that contains a backbone of sphingoid bases, a set of aliphatic
amino alcohols that includes sphingosine.

92. A An increase in the concentration of the end-product can lead to a reduced rate of activity in an
enzyme-controlled reaction due to feedback inhibition.

93.C The induced fit model of enzyme activity suggests that the conformation of the active site changes
upon substrate binding, enhancing the enzyme’s catalytic activity. So, option C is correct.

94. D Ribosomal functions will be disrupted if a nucleolus is missing in a cell.

95. A Krebs cycle is first inhibited if a cell contains excess of ATP.

96. B Splitting of the water molecules results in the production of oxygen during photosynthesis.

97. D The viral DNA is inserted into the host DNA during integration of viruses in host cells.

98. A Ecological succession is not a random process.

99.C Prevalence of pesticide resistant insects supports Darwin’s concept of natural selection in organic

100. A It is not based on innate behaviors.

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