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Practices of using plastic bags:

a) Can you describe your typical use of plastic bags in a day or week?

b) In what situations do you most commonly use plastic bags?

c) How often do you reuse plastic bags, and for what purposes?

d) What factors influence your decision to use or not use a plastic bag?

e) Have you ever tried to reduce your plastic bag usage? If so, how?

f) What challenges do you face when trying to avoid using plastic bags?

Understanding of environmental effects:

a) What do you know about the environmental impact of plastic bags?

b) How do you think plastic bags affect the natural environment in Yangon/Myanmar? (P.S - Location is
optional. You can think in general or in specific place)

c) Can you recall any specific incidents or stories about plastic bag pollution in Yangon/Myanmar? (P.S -
Location is optional. You can think in general or in specific place)

d) How would you compare the environmental effects of plastic bags to other types of waste?

e) What do you think happens to plastic bags after they're discarded?

f) How has your knowledge about the environmental effects of plastic bags changed over time?

Factors influencing plastic bag use:

a) How does the low cost of plastic bags affect your decision to use them?

b) In what ways do you find plastic bags convenient or lightweight compared to alternatives?

c) How easily available are plastic bags in your daily life? Where do you typically get them?

d) What alternative materials to plastic bags are you aware of? How accessible are they to you?

e) How important is the durability of plastic bags in your decision to use them?

Attitudes and perceptions:

a) How do you feel about your current plastic bag usage?

b) What are your thoughts on reducing plastic bag use?

c) How do you think your plastic bag usage compares to that of other students or the general public?
Solutions and alternatives:

a) What alternatives to plastic bags have you tried or considered?

b) What do you think would be effective in encouraging people to reduce plastic bag usage?

c) How do you think the government or organizations could address the issue of plastic bag pollution?

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